tomas ortiz - (original) (raw)
Papers by tomas ortiz
Revista de neurologia
In early stages, dementia is a neurodegenerative process with difficult diagnosis. Although well ... more In early stages, dementia is a neurodegenerative process with difficult diagnosis. Although well defined clinically, its neurophysiological, neuroradiological and metabolic diagnosis is still unsuccessful. A MEG study using a 148 channel whole head magnetometer (Magnes 2500 WH) and evaluation by mini mental state examination (MMSE) was performed in 31 subjects. Statistical analyses was made to correlate number of dipoles of slow waves and neuropsychological variables. The 63.3% (21 patients) show slow waves dipoles in temporal lobes (52.3% were bitemporal). Right temporal lobe has 119.5 23.3 dipoles (averaged value), and left temporal lobe has 126.2 19.8 dipoles (averaged value). The 25% (8 patients) shown slow waves dipoles in parietals lobes, 5 of them biparietal. Correlation between MMSE averaged scores and temporal lobe dipoles was r= 0.84. MEG results show that slow waves dipoles number in temporal lobes is related with low scores in the mini mental state examination. MEG could...
Children with Attention-Deficit Disorder, predominantly inattentive type (ADD-I), have many diffi... more Children with Attention-Deficit Disorder, predominantly inattentive type (ADD-I), have many difficulties in bottom-up pattern processing. Few studies in children with ADD-I have paid attention to early neurobiological components of Event-Related Potential (ERP), like the P100, which is associated with initial bottom-up attentional processing. The aim of the study was to examine the P100 during visual frequent stimuli and evaluated the results once the sensoriomotor bottom-up program, known as HERVAT, was complete. HERVAT stands for hydration, balance, breathing, ocular motility, hearing and touch. The present study utilized an experimental design via pre-test and post-test in three groups (ADD-I with HERVAT, ADD-I without HERVAT and control group). We recorded the results pre-test and post-test for P100, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and attention. We found that ADD-I + HERVAT group have a P100 latency close to the control group, as well as an increased in IQ, attention and parietal ac...
Despite technological and accessibility advances, the performing arts and their cultural offering... more Despite technological and accessibility advances, the performing arts and their cultural offerings remain inaccessible to many people. By using vibrotactile stimulation as an alternative channel, we explored a different way to enhance emotional processes produced while watching audiovisual media and, thus, elicit a greater emotional reaction in hearing-impaired people. We recorded the brain activity of 35 participants with normal hearing and 8 participants with severe and total hearing loss. The results showed activation in the same areas both in participants with normal hearing while watching a video, and in hearing-impaired participants while watching the same video with synchronized soft vibrotactile stimulation in both hands, based on a proprietary stimulation glove. These brain areas (bilateral middle frontal orbitofrontal, bilateral superior frontal gyrus, and left cingulum) have been reported as emotional and attentional areas. We conclude that vibrotactile stimulation can el...
Revista de Neurología, 2008
2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Whenever a natural disaster strikes, IEEE members have wanted to help. To address this commitment... more Whenever a natural disaster strikes, IEEE members have wanted to help. To address this commitment to serve humanity, IEEE designed and built a mobile disaster relief vehicle committed to assisting victims of natural disasters. This unit provides short-term communications, computer, and power solutions. While it has performed admirably during natural disasters, it is too large and too expensive to deploy in hundreds of locations worldwide. Many IEEE volunteers have requested a smaller, perhaps even highly portable, version of the vehicle. This “Modular MOVE” model has the benefit of being replicated hundreds of times for deployment by hundreds of IEEE Sections around the world. This paper provides the requirements and initials designs of such a disaster relief device. A modular approach fits the needs for different disaster events in different parts of the world, for example, Caribbean hurricanes, Indian floods, or California earthquakes. IEEE Sections can store these subsystems locally, and then deploy them quickly when needed.
In this study we examine the theoretical and practical effects of Supermat, a neuropsychologicall... more In this study we examine the theoretical and practical effects of Supermat, a neuropsychologically-based multimedia software program treating cognitive intervention, whose primary objectives with regard to capabilities development can be abridged as the following: development of spatial orientation, perception, memory and attention. To measure the results of our project, we utilized a sample group consisting of 56 informants from the initial two levels of primary education. Of these, 27 formed our control group while the remaining 29 comprised the test set. The latter were exposed to our focus multimedia program on a daily basis over a two-year span. In line with current studies of this type, the role of the educator as mediator was crucial to the program’s progress. One of the upshots of our research is that we are able to evaluate the multimedia program’s efficacy with specific regard to capability development from not only a psychopedagogical and didactic framework, but from a ne...
Actas espanolas de psiquiatria
Actas españolas de …, 2009
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Scientific Reports
Investment decisions rely on perceptions from external stimuli along with the integration of inne... more Investment decisions rely on perceptions from external stimuli along with the integration of inner brain-body signals, all of which are shaped by experience. As experience is capable of molding both the structure and function of the human brain, we have used a novel neuroimaging connectomic-genetic approach to investigate the influence of investment work experience on brain anatomy. We found that senior investors display higher gray matter volume and increased structural brain connectivity in dopamine-related pathways, as well as a set of genes functionally associated with adrenaline and noradrenaline biosynthesis (SLC6A3, TH and SLC18A2), which is seemingly involved in reward processing and bodily stress responses during financial trading. These results suggest the key role of catecholamines in the way senior investors harness their emotions while raising bodily awareness as they grow in investment maturity.
Actas espanolas de psiquiatria, 2009
INTRODUCTION To study the relationship between the objective variables of functionality and degre... more INTRODUCTION To study the relationship between the objective variables of functionality and degree of life satisfaction in elderly people with an active lifestyle. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study took place using a sample of 340 elderly people, aged 60-85, who were all leading an active life. The tests applied were: Satisfaction with Life Scale, Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test, Memory Failures Everyday, Geriatric Depression Scale, OARS social support subscale, COOP-WONCA physical dimension subscale and Siu and Reuben hierarchical scale for self-sufficiency. RESULTS Statistical analyses were made using Pearson's correlations, with a significance level of p < 0.05 and p < 0.001 between the objective variables and satisfaction with life level. The overall results show a negative correlation, that is, a paradox of well-being between the objective criteria of level of studies, memory level and self-sufficiency and the objective criterion of the level of life satisfaction. CONCL...
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
BACKGROUND We previously demonstrated that using a sensory substitution device (SSD) for one week... more BACKGROUND We previously demonstrated that using a sensory substitution device (SSD) for one week, tactile stimulation results in faster activation of lateral occipital complex in blind children than in seeing controls. OBJECTIVE We used long-term haptic tactile stimulation training with an SSD to test if it results in stable cross-modal reassignment of visual pathways after six months, to provide high level processing of tactile semantic content. METHODS We enrolled 12 blind and 12 sighted children. The SSD transforms images to a stimulation matrix in contact with the dominant hand. Subjects underwent twice-daily training sessions, 5 days/week for six months. Children were asked to describe line orientation, name letters, and read words. ERP sessions were performed at baseline and 6 months to analyze the N400 ERP component and reaction times (RT). N400 sources were estimated with Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). SPM8 was used to make population-level inferences. RESULTS We found no group differences in RTs, accuracy of identifications, N400 latencies or distributions with the line task at 1 week or at 6 months. RTs on the letter recognition task were also similar. After 6 months, behavioral training increased accurate letter identification in both seeing and blind children (Chi 2 = 11906.934, p = 0.000), but the increase was larger in blind children (Chi 2 = 8.272, p = 0.004). Behavioral training shifted peak N400 amplitude to left occipital and bilateral parietal cortices in blind children, but to left precentral and postcentral and bilateral occipital cortices in sighted controls. CONCLUSIONS Blind children learn to recognize SSD-delivered letters better than seeing controls and had greater N400 amplitude in the occipital region. To the best of our knowledge, our results provide the first published example of standard letter recognition (not Braille) by children with blindness using a tactile delivery system.
Revista de Neurología
... Sin embargo, otros aspectos de la función atencional (atención selectiva, sostenida, etc.), l... more ... Sin embargo, otros aspectos de la función atencional (atención selectiva, sostenida, etc.), la memoria, las funciones ... El trabajo próximo y cercano en una misma línea y el intercambio dialécti-co ... Los mecanismos celulares implicados en estos cambios se conocen poco a poco. ...
Revista de Neurología
Hace mas de un siglo que se describio la dislexia y, en esee tiempo, han sido muchas las teorias ... more Hace mas de un siglo que se describio la dislexia y, en esee tiempo, han sido muchas las teorias que se han escrito, sin que tengamos todavia una teoria unica y unificada sobra la misma. Por otro lado, a lo largo de este tiempo tambien han sido muchos los trabajos de investigacion que han relacionado la dislexia con alteraciones en diferentes estructuras cerebrales, sin que, hasta el momento, tengamos tampoco una idea clara de cuales son los mecanismos neurofisiologicos implicados en la misma, aunque se apuntan como causa deficit especificos frontotemporales izquierdos o con asimetrias atipicas en las regiones perisilvianas izquierdas. Por ultimo, las tecnicas de neuroimagen, como la resonancia magnetica funcional o la cartografia de la actividad electrica cerebral, han contribuido en la ultima decada a profundizar en el estudio de la dislexia. Recientemente, la introduccion de la magnetoencefalografia en el estudio del cerebro abre un panorama inedito para la resolucion empirica de buena parte de las controversias suscitadas por la investigacion con las tecnicas de neuroimagen en la dislexia
Revista de Neurología
Introduccion y desarrollo. Los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) se caracterizan por la alter... more Introduccion y desarrollo. Los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) se caracterizan por la alteracion de tres areas de la conducta, la alteracion cualitativa en la interaccion social reciproca, la alteracion cualitativa en la comunicacion y patrones de conducta, y actividades e intereses restrictivos, repetitivos y estereotipados. El trastorno especifico del lenguaje (TEL) es un trastorno del lenguaje lento y retrasado respecto a su edad cronologica, que no tiene relacion con un deficit sensorioauditivo, deficit motor ni trastorno generalizado del desarrollo. En ambos trastornos, la epilepsia tiene un papel importante. Las investigaciones del Dr. Munoz Yunta se centraron en estudiar los TEA y los TEL mediante magnetoencefalografia, con el fin de encontrar actividad epileptiforme en areas cerebrales precisas. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con TEA presentaban actividad epileptiforme especifica predominantemente distribuida en las areas perisilvianas. En los pacientes con sindrome de Asperger, la actividad epileptiforme se encontro principalmente en el hemisferio derecho. En los pacientes con autismo, no se observo actividad epileptiforme lateralizada, aunque habia actividad predominante en el hemisferio izquierdo. En los pacientes con TEA, se encontro actividad epileptiforme subclinica en las areas perisilvianas. Los pacientes con TEL presentaban actividad epileptiforme en las regiones frontales y temporal media de ambos hemisferios. La magnetoencefalografia permite distinguir entre pacientes con TEA y pacientes con TEL.
Revista de Neurología
Introduccion. Los trastornos del espectro autista abarcan un continuo de trastornos que van desde... more Introduccion. Los trastornos del espectro autista abarcan un continuo de trastornos que van desde el autismo grave hasta el autismo leve y sindrome de Asperger. Se consideran un subgrupo de los trastornos generalizados del desarrollo, y se caracterizan por la alteracion de tres areas de la conducta, la alteracion cualitativa en la interaccion social reciproca, la alteracion cualitativa en la comunicacion y patrones de conducta, intereses y actividades restrictivos, repetitivos y estereotipados. Estas alteraciones se expresan en mayor o menor medida dependiendo del nivel de gravedad del trastorno y pueden ser detectadas y cuantificadas por instrumentos clinicos como el ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised) y el CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale). Objetivo. Establecer una relacion entre las caracteristicas conductuales especificas del autismo (valoradas mediante el ADI-R y el CARS) y las estructuras y funciones cerebrales. Pacientes y metodos. La muestra esta formada por 10 sujetos (9 ninos y 1 nina) diagnosticados de trastorno generalizado del desarrollo. Resultados. Obtuvimos correlaciones de Spearman estadisticamente significativas entre el item patrones de comportamiento restringidos, repetitivos y estereotipados del ADI-R y el area de la circunvolucion precentral inferior derecha, asi como el item anormalidad o desvio en el desarrollo evidente antes de los 36 meses de edad correlaciono positivamente con el area de la circunvolucion supramarginal derecha y negativamente con el area de la circunvolucion postcentral izquierda. Tambien correlaciono significativamente la cantidad de areas perisilvianas con actividad epileptiforme y la incapacidad cualitativa en la comunicacion del ADI-R, y algunos items del CARS con areas de la zona perisilviana. Conclusion. Nuestros resultados confirman que las alteraciones funcionales de las distintas areas que conforman la zona perisilviana estan relacionadas con los diversos rasgos conductuales que definen y caracterizan al autismo.
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
Financial decision-making is governed by cognitive and emotional processes. However, it is possib... more Financial decision-making is governed by cognitive and emotional processes. However, it is possible to learn how to manage both before making a decision based on experience. Electroencephalography might provide some insight into what is behind these choices by analyzing the slow negativity preceding a risky decision, known as the decision preceding negativity (DPN). The DPN is involved in cognitive processes associated with the elaboration of the planned response as well as the anticipation of the affective motivational stimuli. Using monetary gamble under risk (outcome probabilities are known) and ambiguity (outcome probabilities are unknown), we studied the DPN in a group of investment bankers, to see if individual financial experience influences anticipatory potentials that precede choices. Our results showed that investment bankers are able to shorten their anticipatory decision-making process by having a DPN closer to motor response. As this occurs, the prefrontal and orbitofrontal brain areas under risk were activated due to the role that emotions play in financial decision-making. On the other hand, under the ambiguity condition, activation of the prefrontal areas was caused by cognitive regulation of emotion. Our conclusion is that financial experience also influences risky choices by shortening the decision-making process while balancing cognitive and emotional processes, which depend on the amount of missing information.
Revista de neurologia
In early stages, dementia is a neurodegenerative process with difficult diagnosis. Although well ... more In early stages, dementia is a neurodegenerative process with difficult diagnosis. Although well defined clinically, its neurophysiological, neuroradiological and metabolic diagnosis is still unsuccessful. A MEG study using a 148 channel whole head magnetometer (Magnes 2500 WH) and evaluation by mini mental state examination (MMSE) was performed in 31 subjects. Statistical analyses was made to correlate number of dipoles of slow waves and neuropsychological variables. The 63.3% (21 patients) show slow waves dipoles in temporal lobes (52.3% were bitemporal). Right temporal lobe has 119.5 23.3 dipoles (averaged value), and left temporal lobe has 126.2 19.8 dipoles (averaged value). The 25% (8 patients) shown slow waves dipoles in parietals lobes, 5 of them biparietal. Correlation between MMSE averaged scores and temporal lobe dipoles was r= 0.84. MEG results show that slow waves dipoles number in temporal lobes is related with low scores in the mini mental state examination. MEG could...
Children with Attention-Deficit Disorder, predominantly inattentive type (ADD-I), have many diffi... more Children with Attention-Deficit Disorder, predominantly inattentive type (ADD-I), have many difficulties in bottom-up pattern processing. Few studies in children with ADD-I have paid attention to early neurobiological components of Event-Related Potential (ERP), like the P100, which is associated with initial bottom-up attentional processing. The aim of the study was to examine the P100 during visual frequent stimuli and evaluated the results once the sensoriomotor bottom-up program, known as HERVAT, was complete. HERVAT stands for hydration, balance, breathing, ocular motility, hearing and touch. The present study utilized an experimental design via pre-test and post-test in three groups (ADD-I with HERVAT, ADD-I without HERVAT and control group). We recorded the results pre-test and post-test for P100, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and attention. We found that ADD-I + HERVAT group have a P100 latency close to the control group, as well as an increased in IQ, attention and parietal ac...
Despite technological and accessibility advances, the performing arts and their cultural offering... more Despite technological and accessibility advances, the performing arts and their cultural offerings remain inaccessible to many people. By using vibrotactile stimulation as an alternative channel, we explored a different way to enhance emotional processes produced while watching audiovisual media and, thus, elicit a greater emotional reaction in hearing-impaired people. We recorded the brain activity of 35 participants with normal hearing and 8 participants with severe and total hearing loss. The results showed activation in the same areas both in participants with normal hearing while watching a video, and in hearing-impaired participants while watching the same video with synchronized soft vibrotactile stimulation in both hands, based on a proprietary stimulation glove. These brain areas (bilateral middle frontal orbitofrontal, bilateral superior frontal gyrus, and left cingulum) have been reported as emotional and attentional areas. We conclude that vibrotactile stimulation can el...
Revista de Neurología, 2008
2017 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)
Whenever a natural disaster strikes, IEEE members have wanted to help. To address this commitment... more Whenever a natural disaster strikes, IEEE members have wanted to help. To address this commitment to serve humanity, IEEE designed and built a mobile disaster relief vehicle committed to assisting victims of natural disasters. This unit provides short-term communications, computer, and power solutions. While it has performed admirably during natural disasters, it is too large and too expensive to deploy in hundreds of locations worldwide. Many IEEE volunteers have requested a smaller, perhaps even highly portable, version of the vehicle. This “Modular MOVE” model has the benefit of being replicated hundreds of times for deployment by hundreds of IEEE Sections around the world. This paper provides the requirements and initials designs of such a disaster relief device. A modular approach fits the needs for different disaster events in different parts of the world, for example, Caribbean hurricanes, Indian floods, or California earthquakes. IEEE Sections can store these subsystems locally, and then deploy them quickly when needed.
In this study we examine the theoretical and practical effects of Supermat, a neuropsychologicall... more In this study we examine the theoretical and practical effects of Supermat, a neuropsychologically-based multimedia software program treating cognitive intervention, whose primary objectives with regard to capabilities development can be abridged as the following: development of spatial orientation, perception, memory and attention. To measure the results of our project, we utilized a sample group consisting of 56 informants from the initial two levels of primary education. Of these, 27 formed our control group while the remaining 29 comprised the test set. The latter were exposed to our focus multimedia program on a daily basis over a two-year span. In line with current studies of this type, the role of the educator as mediator was crucial to the program’s progress. One of the upshots of our research is that we are able to evaluate the multimedia program’s efficacy with specific regard to capability development from not only a psychopedagogical and didactic framework, but from a ne...
Actas espanolas de psiquiatria
Actas españolas de …, 2009
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Scientific Reports
Investment decisions rely on perceptions from external stimuli along with the integration of inne... more Investment decisions rely on perceptions from external stimuli along with the integration of inner brain-body signals, all of which are shaped by experience. As experience is capable of molding both the structure and function of the human brain, we have used a novel neuroimaging connectomic-genetic approach to investigate the influence of investment work experience on brain anatomy. We found that senior investors display higher gray matter volume and increased structural brain connectivity in dopamine-related pathways, as well as a set of genes functionally associated with adrenaline and noradrenaline biosynthesis (SLC6A3, TH and SLC18A2), which is seemingly involved in reward processing and bodily stress responses during financial trading. These results suggest the key role of catecholamines in the way senior investors harness their emotions while raising bodily awareness as they grow in investment maturity.
Actas espanolas de psiquiatria, 2009
INTRODUCTION To study the relationship between the objective variables of functionality and degre... more INTRODUCTION To study the relationship between the objective variables of functionality and degree of life satisfaction in elderly people with an active lifestyle. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study took place using a sample of 340 elderly people, aged 60-85, who were all leading an active life. The tests applied were: Satisfaction with Life Scale, Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test, Memory Failures Everyday, Geriatric Depression Scale, OARS social support subscale, COOP-WONCA physical dimension subscale and Siu and Reuben hierarchical scale for self-sufficiency. RESULTS Statistical analyses were made using Pearson's correlations, with a significance level of p < 0.05 and p < 0.001 between the objective variables and satisfaction with life level. The overall results show a negative correlation, that is, a paradox of well-being between the objective criteria of level of studies, memory level and self-sufficiency and the objective criterion of the level of life satisfaction. CONCL...
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
BACKGROUND We previously demonstrated that using a sensory substitution device (SSD) for one week... more BACKGROUND We previously demonstrated that using a sensory substitution device (SSD) for one week, tactile stimulation results in faster activation of lateral occipital complex in blind children than in seeing controls. OBJECTIVE We used long-term haptic tactile stimulation training with an SSD to test if it results in stable cross-modal reassignment of visual pathways after six months, to provide high level processing of tactile semantic content. METHODS We enrolled 12 blind and 12 sighted children. The SSD transforms images to a stimulation matrix in contact with the dominant hand. Subjects underwent twice-daily training sessions, 5 days/week for six months. Children were asked to describe line orientation, name letters, and read words. ERP sessions were performed at baseline and 6 months to analyze the N400 ERP component and reaction times (RT). N400 sources were estimated with Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). SPM8 was used to make population-level inferences. RESULTS We found no group differences in RTs, accuracy of identifications, N400 latencies or distributions with the line task at 1 week or at 6 months. RTs on the letter recognition task were also similar. After 6 months, behavioral training increased accurate letter identification in both seeing and blind children (Chi 2 = 11906.934, p = 0.000), but the increase was larger in blind children (Chi 2 = 8.272, p = 0.004). Behavioral training shifted peak N400 amplitude to left occipital and bilateral parietal cortices in blind children, but to left precentral and postcentral and bilateral occipital cortices in sighted controls. CONCLUSIONS Blind children learn to recognize SSD-delivered letters better than seeing controls and had greater N400 amplitude in the occipital region. To the best of our knowledge, our results provide the first published example of standard letter recognition (not Braille) by children with blindness using a tactile delivery system.
Revista de Neurología
... Sin embargo, otros aspectos de la función atencional (atención selectiva, sostenida, etc.), l... more ... Sin embargo, otros aspectos de la función atencional (atención selectiva, sostenida, etc.), la memoria, las funciones ... El trabajo próximo y cercano en una misma línea y el intercambio dialécti-co ... Los mecanismos celulares implicados en estos cambios se conocen poco a poco. ...
Revista de Neurología
Hace mas de un siglo que se describio la dislexia y, en esee tiempo, han sido muchas las teorias ... more Hace mas de un siglo que se describio la dislexia y, en esee tiempo, han sido muchas las teorias que se han escrito, sin que tengamos todavia una teoria unica y unificada sobra la misma. Por otro lado, a lo largo de este tiempo tambien han sido muchos los trabajos de investigacion que han relacionado la dislexia con alteraciones en diferentes estructuras cerebrales, sin que, hasta el momento, tengamos tampoco una idea clara de cuales son los mecanismos neurofisiologicos implicados en la misma, aunque se apuntan como causa deficit especificos frontotemporales izquierdos o con asimetrias atipicas en las regiones perisilvianas izquierdas. Por ultimo, las tecnicas de neuroimagen, como la resonancia magnetica funcional o la cartografia de la actividad electrica cerebral, han contribuido en la ultima decada a profundizar en el estudio de la dislexia. Recientemente, la introduccion de la magnetoencefalografia en el estudio del cerebro abre un panorama inedito para la resolucion empirica de buena parte de las controversias suscitadas por la investigacion con las tecnicas de neuroimagen en la dislexia
Revista de Neurología
Introduccion y desarrollo. Los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) se caracterizan por la alter... more Introduccion y desarrollo. Los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) se caracterizan por la alteracion de tres areas de la conducta, la alteracion cualitativa en la interaccion social reciproca, la alteracion cualitativa en la comunicacion y patrones de conducta, y actividades e intereses restrictivos, repetitivos y estereotipados. El trastorno especifico del lenguaje (TEL) es un trastorno del lenguaje lento y retrasado respecto a su edad cronologica, que no tiene relacion con un deficit sensorioauditivo, deficit motor ni trastorno generalizado del desarrollo. En ambos trastornos, la epilepsia tiene un papel importante. Las investigaciones del Dr. Munoz Yunta se centraron en estudiar los TEA y los TEL mediante magnetoencefalografia, con el fin de encontrar actividad epileptiforme en areas cerebrales precisas. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con TEA presentaban actividad epileptiforme especifica predominantemente distribuida en las areas perisilvianas. En los pacientes con sindrome de Asperger, la actividad epileptiforme se encontro principalmente en el hemisferio derecho. En los pacientes con autismo, no se observo actividad epileptiforme lateralizada, aunque habia actividad predominante en el hemisferio izquierdo. En los pacientes con TEA, se encontro actividad epileptiforme subclinica en las areas perisilvianas. Los pacientes con TEL presentaban actividad epileptiforme en las regiones frontales y temporal media de ambos hemisferios. La magnetoencefalografia permite distinguir entre pacientes con TEA y pacientes con TEL.
Revista de Neurología
Introduccion. Los trastornos del espectro autista abarcan un continuo de trastornos que van desde... more Introduccion. Los trastornos del espectro autista abarcan un continuo de trastornos que van desde el autismo grave hasta el autismo leve y sindrome de Asperger. Se consideran un subgrupo de los trastornos generalizados del desarrollo, y se caracterizan por la alteracion de tres areas de la conducta, la alteracion cualitativa en la interaccion social reciproca, la alteracion cualitativa en la comunicacion y patrones de conducta, intereses y actividades restrictivos, repetitivos y estereotipados. Estas alteraciones se expresan en mayor o menor medida dependiendo del nivel de gravedad del trastorno y pueden ser detectadas y cuantificadas por instrumentos clinicos como el ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised) y el CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale). Objetivo. Establecer una relacion entre las caracteristicas conductuales especificas del autismo (valoradas mediante el ADI-R y el CARS) y las estructuras y funciones cerebrales. Pacientes y metodos. La muestra esta formada por 10 sujetos (9 ninos y 1 nina) diagnosticados de trastorno generalizado del desarrollo. Resultados. Obtuvimos correlaciones de Spearman estadisticamente significativas entre el item patrones de comportamiento restringidos, repetitivos y estereotipados del ADI-R y el area de la circunvolucion precentral inferior derecha, asi como el item anormalidad o desvio en el desarrollo evidente antes de los 36 meses de edad correlaciono positivamente con el area de la circunvolucion supramarginal derecha y negativamente con el area de la circunvolucion postcentral izquierda. Tambien correlaciono significativamente la cantidad de areas perisilvianas con actividad epileptiforme y la incapacidad cualitativa en la comunicacion del ADI-R, y algunos items del CARS con areas de la zona perisilviana. Conclusion. Nuestros resultados confirman que las alteraciones funcionales de las distintas areas que conforman la zona perisilviana estan relacionadas con los diversos rasgos conductuales que definen y caracterizan al autismo.
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
Financial decision-making is governed by cognitive and emotional processes. However, it is possib... more Financial decision-making is governed by cognitive and emotional processes. However, it is possible to learn how to manage both before making a decision based on experience. Electroencephalography might provide some insight into what is behind these choices by analyzing the slow negativity preceding a risky decision, known as the decision preceding negativity (DPN). The DPN is involved in cognitive processes associated with the elaboration of the planned response as well as the anticipation of the affective motivational stimuli. Using monetary gamble under risk (outcome probabilities are known) and ambiguity (outcome probabilities are unknown), we studied the DPN in a group of investment bankers, to see if individual financial experience influences anticipatory potentials that precede choices. Our results showed that investment bankers are able to shorten their anticipatory decision-making process by having a DPN closer to motor response. As this occurs, the prefrontal and orbitofrontal brain areas under risk were activated due to the role that emotions play in financial decision-making. On the other hand, under the ambiguity condition, activation of the prefrontal areas was caused by cognitive regulation of emotion. Our conclusion is that financial experience also influences risky choices by shortening the decision-making process while balancing cognitive and emotional processes, which depend on the amount of missing information.