tatjana rakar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by tatjana rakar

Research paper thumbnail of Religious education in Slovenia

The present collection of papers by the Kotor Network aims to provide new comparative knowledge a... more The present collection of papers by the Kotor Network aims to provide new comparative knowledge about the the role and repre sentation of religion in the school systems of several Western Balkan countries, to bring out common concerns and shed light on the underlying ideas. The Kotor Network on Religion in Plural Societies is an inter national academic exchange in the field of Balkans-based religious studies (http://kotor-network.info). It was formed in 2004 on an initiative from the Religion and Nationalism in the Western Balkans Project at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Lan guages, University of Oslo. The international research project on religious education was launched at the network's second confer ence in Kotor (Montenegro) on April 22-24, 2005. The papers are written by researchers from the region, who live in the countries studied. They cover the republics of the former Yugoslavia-from northwest to southeast: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and Macedonia. (A planned paper on Albania unfortunately did not arrive in time for inclusion into the present volume.) As originally planned, one re searcher per country would contribute a paper. In the final event, however, we are fortunate to have had teams of authors collaborat ing within each country. We gratefully acknowledge the generous financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, via the above-mentioned University of Oslo project. This allowed us to hold the conference, provide research grants for contributors, and coordinate the effort. The opinions expressed are of course those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions mentioned.

Research paper thumbnail of The 2021 cross-national and comparative classification of in-country awareness and policy responses to ‘young carers’

Journal of Youth Studies, 2022

Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern yo... more Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises care and attention in making items available there are rare occasions when an item has been uploaded in error or has been deemed to be commercially or otherwise sensitive.

Research paper thumbnail of The strength of civil society in Slovenia after three decades of post-communist experience

Routledge eBooks, Feb 6, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Revščina in socialna izključenost: koncepti, socialna politika in pogledi ljudi

Socialna država in revščina, Oct 28, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The role of civil society organisations in the service provision and governance in the framework of the Slovene welfare system

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining differences in the development of denominational schools : the cases of Slovenia, Hungary and Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1 of The awareness, visibility and support for young carers across Europe: a Delphi study

Additional file 1. ME-WE interview guide of round 1 in English, The interview guide that was used... more Additional file 1. ME-WE interview guide of round 1 in English, The interview guide that was used during the first round of the Delphi study.

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 3 of The awareness, visibility and support for young carers across Europe: a Delphi study

Additional file 3. Overview of the interviewers that performed the Delphi studies, The personal c... more Additional file 3. Overview of the interviewers that performed the Delphi studies, The personal characteristics are presented including their names, credentials, occupation, gender, experience and training.

Research paper thumbnail of Religious education in Slovenia

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2 of The awareness, visibility and support for young carers across Europe: a Delphi study

Additional file 2. ME-WE interview guide of round 2 used in the UK, The summary of the results fr... more Additional file 2. ME-WE interview guide of round 2 used in the UK, The summary of the results from the first round; 1. General results first round (per topic), 2. Country specific results, and 3. In-depth results from the country where the interview took place (this case UK). After every section, questions where added for the experts.

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Contemporary Challenges Of Ageing Policy

Selected Contemporary Challenges Of Ageing Policy, 2017

The idea of active ageing has become one of the most influential perspectives in modern gerontolo... more The idea of active ageing has become one of the most influential perspectives in modern gerontology, social work, and social policy. This paper discusses factors that helped to establish active ageing as a successful theoretical concept that has significantly influenced contemporary social representations of ageing and has a practical impact on social work and policy. The perspective of the philosophy of social science is employed to explain what makes the idea of active ageing so attractive despite the remaining confusions concerning what "activity" and "ageing actively" means. The paper aims to answer the following question: What makes the concept of active ageing so successful? It draws upon the work of Murray Davis (1986) and her insight into the key aspects that make sociological theory "seductive." The paper analyzes in what ways the concept of active ageing fulfills the specific features that, according to Davis, determine the success of social theories. Simultaneously, the paper critically evaluates the ways the idea of active ageing is translated into ageing policy. The case of Czech Republic is used to illustrate the problematic aspect

Research paper thumbnail of Needs of modern families and a state perspective of family centers in Slovenia

V članku smo starševsko percepcijo potreb družin z mlajšimi otroki povezali s ponudbo družinskih ... more V članku smo starševsko percepcijo potreb družin z mlajšimi otroki povezali s ponudbo družinskih centrov kot podpornih institucij za pomoč družinam pri zadovoljevanju potreb. Ponudba družinskih centrov je opredeljena z vidika države in se kaže v razpisnih pogojih za sofinanciranje teh institucij. Potrebe družin so bile analizirane v okviru dveh raziskav, raziskave o potrebah družin po različnih oblikah storitev (2010) in raziskave o potrebah staršev s predadolescentnimi otroki v Sloveniji (2010). Analiza kaže na precejšnjo ujemanje med državno konceptualizacijo družinskih centrov in potrebami družin. Še posebej je to pomembno za najpomembnejši potrebi družin - potrebi po druženju, povezovanju in potrebi po občasnem varstvu otrok. Nekatere dejavnosti družinskih centrov pa bi bilo smotrno v prihodnosti okrepiti, še zlasti na področju informiranja. Poleg tega predlagamo, da se konceptualizacija družinskih centrov osredotoči na potrebe družin (ne hkrati tudi na pare, ki še nimajo otrok)...

Research paper thumbnail of Family centres in different welfare systems

Družinski centri kot oblika programov pomoči družini sodijo med pomembne ukrepe države blaginje p... more Družinski centri kot oblika programov pomoči družini sodijo med pomembne ukrepe države blaginje pri spodbujanju družini prijaznega okolja za usklajevanje poklicnega in zasebnega življenja ter uresničevanju politike enakih možnosti. Obstoječi blaginjski sistemi, to so konservativno- korporativistični, socialno-demokratski, liberalni, katoliški in nekdanji državno-socialistični, temeljijo na različnih hierarhijah sfer (trg, država, civilna družba in skupnost), iz katerih posamezniki pridobivamo sredstva za zagotavljanje socialne varnosti in blaginje. Razlike v hierarhiji sfer vplivajo na različno stopnjo dekomodifikacije in defamiliarizacije v družbi. Zato se tudi značilnosti, razvoj in vloga družinskih centrov med sistemi blaginje razlikujejo. V članku na podlagi primerjalne analize osnovnih značilnosti družinskih centrov v izbranih državah pokažemo, da sistem blaginje in torej stopnja defamiliarizacije vplivata na prevladujočo smer razvoja družinskih centrov in na njihovo vlogo v po...

Research paper thumbnail of CIVICUS CIVIL SOCIETY INDEX SLOVENIA Analytical Country Report 2010 Towards maturity: challenges for Slovenian civil society

Research paper thumbnail of What and whom are family policies for? Unpacking the meaning of citizens’ support for family policy across Europe

Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy

The paper provides a comparative investigation into public attitudes to family policies. It shows... more The paper provides a comparative investigation into public attitudes to family policies. It shows that citizens’ support for family policies is diverse across different welfare regimes with respect to four countries belonging to distinct regimes: the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway and Slovenia. Using qualitative data, we unpack the ways individuals view the need for family policies, the rationale they use to explain their support for family policies and for imposing restrictions on access to family policies – ie. why, for whom and under which conditions. We find that social rights narratives are common in Norway; a social investment logic is prevalent in Germany and Slovenia; while in the United Kingdom, the dominant view is closer to the work-central individualised responsibility narrative of neoliberalism. In addition, we find differences across regimes in which family policies should target. In the United Kingdom and Germany, the focus is much more on providing support to activa...

Research paper thumbnail of Care Policy in Slovenia: Divergent Trends and Convergent Attitudes

Revija za socijalnu politiku

Slovenia makes a compelling case for care policy analysis since it is marked by extreme dichotomy... more Slovenia makes a compelling case for care policy analysis since it is marked by extreme dichotomy in care. Therefore, placing Slovenia on a continuum of care regimes ranging from defamilialised to familialised with respect to care is difficult, with care for children being highly defamilialised, and care for older people highly familialised. The country’s childcare policies build on a historically well-developed system of public childcare provision and generous leave policies, together with a well-developed social protection system targeting families. These have been retained and, in some cases, were expanded, still following the 2009 economic crisis, certain austerity measures were introduced. On the other hand, care policies for older people started to develop later and after the initial growth they relatively stagnated (especially the social homecare system). A comprehensive long-term care system has yet to be developed and become a subject of ongoing political debates. Further, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Redistributivna pravičnost v slovenskem sistemu socialne varnosti: od zaslužnosti k preverjeni potrebi?

POVZETEK: Spremenjen družbenoekonomski kontekst, predvsem spremenjena struktura trga delovne sile... more POVZETEK: Spremenjen družbenoekonomski kontekst, predvsem spremenjena struktura trga delovne sile, procesi globalizacije, demografske spremembe in spremembe v neformalni sferi, vodijo k zaostrovanju odnosa med trgom delovne sile in sistemi socialne varnosti ter k iskanju novega ravnovesja, ki bi zagotavljalo ekonomsko ucinkovitost in socialno varnost. V clanku avtorici analizirata spremembe slovenske socialne politike na podrocju zagotavljanja socialne varnosti brezposelnim osebam v zadnjih dveh desetletjih in njene ucinke v praksi. Pri tem se osredotocata na vprasanje implementirane redistributivne pravicnosti. Vpeljana nacela redistributivne pravicnosti namrec dolocajo temeljne cilje redistribucije, njene mehanizme in institucionalne spremenljivke ter tako opredeljujejo naravo socialne politike in posledicno tudi njene blaginjske izide (npr. stopnjo revscine, socialne izkljucenosti, socialne neenakosti). KLJUCNE BESEDE: socialna varnost, brezposelne osebe, nacela redistributivne p...

Research paper thumbnail of Nestrpnost in sistemi blaginje

Research paper thumbnail of Restructuring the Slovenian welfare system

Research paper thumbnail of State policies toward confessional schools in Slovenia and their development

Research paper thumbnail of Religious education in Slovenia

The present collection of papers by the Kotor Network aims to provide new comparative knowledge a... more The present collection of papers by the Kotor Network aims to provide new comparative knowledge about the the role and repre sentation of religion in the school systems of several Western Balkan countries, to bring out common concerns and shed light on the underlying ideas. The Kotor Network on Religion in Plural Societies is an inter national academic exchange in the field of Balkans-based religious studies (http://kotor-network.info). It was formed in 2004 on an initiative from the Religion and Nationalism in the Western Balkans Project at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Lan guages, University of Oslo. The international research project on religious education was launched at the network's second confer ence in Kotor (Montenegro) on April 22-24, 2005. The papers are written by researchers from the region, who live in the countries studied. They cover the republics of the former Yugoslavia-from northwest to southeast: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and Macedonia. (A planned paper on Albania unfortunately did not arrive in time for inclusion into the present volume.) As originally planned, one re searcher per country would contribute a paper. In the final event, however, we are fortunate to have had teams of authors collaborat ing within each country. We gratefully acknowledge the generous financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, via the above-mentioned University of Oslo project. This allowed us to hold the conference, provide research grants for contributors, and coordinate the effort. The opinions expressed are of course those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions mentioned.

Research paper thumbnail of The 2021 cross-national and comparative classification of in-country awareness and policy responses to ‘young carers’

Journal of Youth Studies, 2022

Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern yo... more Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises care and attention in making items available there are rare occasions when an item has been uploaded in error or has been deemed to be commercially or otherwise sensitive.

Research paper thumbnail of The strength of civil society in Slovenia after three decades of post-communist experience

Routledge eBooks, Feb 6, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Revščina in socialna izključenost: koncepti, socialna politika in pogledi ljudi

Socialna država in revščina, Oct 28, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The role of civil society organisations in the service provision and governance in the framework of the Slovene welfare system

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining differences in the development of denominational schools : the cases of Slovenia, Hungary and Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 1 of The awareness, visibility and support for young carers across Europe: a Delphi study

Additional file 1. ME-WE interview guide of round 1 in English, The interview guide that was used... more Additional file 1. ME-WE interview guide of round 1 in English, The interview guide that was used during the first round of the Delphi study.

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 3 of The awareness, visibility and support for young carers across Europe: a Delphi study

Additional file 3. Overview of the interviewers that performed the Delphi studies, The personal c... more Additional file 3. Overview of the interviewers that performed the Delphi studies, The personal characteristics are presented including their names, credentials, occupation, gender, experience and training.

Research paper thumbnail of Religious education in Slovenia

Research paper thumbnail of Additional file 2 of The awareness, visibility and support for young carers across Europe: a Delphi study

Additional file 2. ME-WE interview guide of round 2 used in the UK, The summary of the results fr... more Additional file 2. ME-WE interview guide of round 2 used in the UK, The summary of the results from the first round; 1. General results first round (per topic), 2. Country specific results, and 3. In-depth results from the country where the interview took place (this case UK). After every section, questions where added for the experts.

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Contemporary Challenges Of Ageing Policy

Selected Contemporary Challenges Of Ageing Policy, 2017

The idea of active ageing has become one of the most influential perspectives in modern gerontolo... more The idea of active ageing has become one of the most influential perspectives in modern gerontology, social work, and social policy. This paper discusses factors that helped to establish active ageing as a successful theoretical concept that has significantly influenced contemporary social representations of ageing and has a practical impact on social work and policy. The perspective of the philosophy of social science is employed to explain what makes the idea of active ageing so attractive despite the remaining confusions concerning what "activity" and "ageing actively" means. The paper aims to answer the following question: What makes the concept of active ageing so successful? It draws upon the work of Murray Davis (1986) and her insight into the key aspects that make sociological theory "seductive." The paper analyzes in what ways the concept of active ageing fulfills the specific features that, according to Davis, determine the success of social theories. Simultaneously, the paper critically evaluates the ways the idea of active ageing is translated into ageing policy. The case of Czech Republic is used to illustrate the problematic aspect

Research paper thumbnail of Needs of modern families and a state perspective of family centers in Slovenia

V članku smo starševsko percepcijo potreb družin z mlajšimi otroki povezali s ponudbo družinskih ... more V članku smo starševsko percepcijo potreb družin z mlajšimi otroki povezali s ponudbo družinskih centrov kot podpornih institucij za pomoč družinam pri zadovoljevanju potreb. Ponudba družinskih centrov je opredeljena z vidika države in se kaže v razpisnih pogojih za sofinanciranje teh institucij. Potrebe družin so bile analizirane v okviru dveh raziskav, raziskave o potrebah družin po različnih oblikah storitev (2010) in raziskave o potrebah staršev s predadolescentnimi otroki v Sloveniji (2010). Analiza kaže na precejšnjo ujemanje med državno konceptualizacijo družinskih centrov in potrebami družin. Še posebej je to pomembno za najpomembnejši potrebi družin - potrebi po druženju, povezovanju in potrebi po občasnem varstvu otrok. Nekatere dejavnosti družinskih centrov pa bi bilo smotrno v prihodnosti okrepiti, še zlasti na področju informiranja. Poleg tega predlagamo, da se konceptualizacija družinskih centrov osredotoči na potrebe družin (ne hkrati tudi na pare, ki še nimajo otrok)...

Research paper thumbnail of Family centres in different welfare systems

Družinski centri kot oblika programov pomoči družini sodijo med pomembne ukrepe države blaginje p... more Družinski centri kot oblika programov pomoči družini sodijo med pomembne ukrepe države blaginje pri spodbujanju družini prijaznega okolja za usklajevanje poklicnega in zasebnega življenja ter uresničevanju politike enakih možnosti. Obstoječi blaginjski sistemi, to so konservativno- korporativistični, socialno-demokratski, liberalni, katoliški in nekdanji državno-socialistični, temeljijo na različnih hierarhijah sfer (trg, država, civilna družba in skupnost), iz katerih posamezniki pridobivamo sredstva za zagotavljanje socialne varnosti in blaginje. Razlike v hierarhiji sfer vplivajo na različno stopnjo dekomodifikacije in defamiliarizacije v družbi. Zato se tudi značilnosti, razvoj in vloga družinskih centrov med sistemi blaginje razlikujejo. V članku na podlagi primerjalne analize osnovnih značilnosti družinskih centrov v izbranih državah pokažemo, da sistem blaginje in torej stopnja defamiliarizacije vplivata na prevladujočo smer razvoja družinskih centrov in na njihovo vlogo v po...

Research paper thumbnail of CIVICUS CIVIL SOCIETY INDEX SLOVENIA Analytical Country Report 2010 Towards maturity: challenges for Slovenian civil society

Research paper thumbnail of What and whom are family policies for? Unpacking the meaning of citizens’ support for family policy across Europe

Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy

The paper provides a comparative investigation into public attitudes to family policies. It shows... more The paper provides a comparative investigation into public attitudes to family policies. It shows that citizens’ support for family policies is diverse across different welfare regimes with respect to four countries belonging to distinct regimes: the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway and Slovenia. Using qualitative data, we unpack the ways individuals view the need for family policies, the rationale they use to explain their support for family policies and for imposing restrictions on access to family policies – ie. why, for whom and under which conditions. We find that social rights narratives are common in Norway; a social investment logic is prevalent in Germany and Slovenia; while in the United Kingdom, the dominant view is closer to the work-central individualised responsibility narrative of neoliberalism. In addition, we find differences across regimes in which family policies should target. In the United Kingdom and Germany, the focus is much more on providing support to activa...

Research paper thumbnail of Care Policy in Slovenia: Divergent Trends and Convergent Attitudes

Revija za socijalnu politiku

Slovenia makes a compelling case for care policy analysis since it is marked by extreme dichotomy... more Slovenia makes a compelling case for care policy analysis since it is marked by extreme dichotomy in care. Therefore, placing Slovenia on a continuum of care regimes ranging from defamilialised to familialised with respect to care is difficult, with care for children being highly defamilialised, and care for older people highly familialised. The country’s childcare policies build on a historically well-developed system of public childcare provision and generous leave policies, together with a well-developed social protection system targeting families. These have been retained and, in some cases, were expanded, still following the 2009 economic crisis, certain austerity measures were introduced. On the other hand, care policies for older people started to develop later and after the initial growth they relatively stagnated (especially the social homecare system). A comprehensive long-term care system has yet to be developed and become a subject of ongoing political debates. Further, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Redistributivna pravičnost v slovenskem sistemu socialne varnosti: od zaslužnosti k preverjeni potrebi?

POVZETEK: Spremenjen družbenoekonomski kontekst, predvsem spremenjena struktura trga delovne sile... more POVZETEK: Spremenjen družbenoekonomski kontekst, predvsem spremenjena struktura trga delovne sile, procesi globalizacije, demografske spremembe in spremembe v neformalni sferi, vodijo k zaostrovanju odnosa med trgom delovne sile in sistemi socialne varnosti ter k iskanju novega ravnovesja, ki bi zagotavljalo ekonomsko ucinkovitost in socialno varnost. V clanku avtorici analizirata spremembe slovenske socialne politike na podrocju zagotavljanja socialne varnosti brezposelnim osebam v zadnjih dveh desetletjih in njene ucinke v praksi. Pri tem se osredotocata na vprasanje implementirane redistributivne pravicnosti. Vpeljana nacela redistributivne pravicnosti namrec dolocajo temeljne cilje redistribucije, njene mehanizme in institucionalne spremenljivke ter tako opredeljujejo naravo socialne politike in posledicno tudi njene blaginjske izide (npr. stopnjo revscine, socialne izkljucenosti, socialne neenakosti). KLJUCNE BESEDE: socialna varnost, brezposelne osebe, nacela redistributivne p...

Research paper thumbnail of Nestrpnost in sistemi blaginje

Research paper thumbnail of Restructuring the Slovenian welfare system

Research paper thumbnail of State policies toward confessional schools in Slovenia and their development