tri kartika yudha - (original) (raw)
Papers by tri kartika yudha
Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen
This research aims to explain the Job Stress, Achievement Motivation, Work Discipline and Emotion... more This research aims to explain the Job Stress, Achievement Motivation, Work Discipline and Emotional Intelligence on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk. Diponegoro Center. A quantitative study using a saturation sample methodology was conducted on 56 employees, and multiple linear regression analysis and SEM PLS were used for data analysis. The results indicated that both emotional intelligence and job stress have an effect on job satisfaction, partially showing the same results, i.e., emotional intelligence partially has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction and job stress has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Using SEM-PLS produces the same result: emotional intelligence has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Research results can be a company's input to improve performance with variables in research. Research only at PT. MayBank Indonesia Therefore, the data collected is limited to only o...
Jurnal SOLMA
Background: Daya penggerak dalam diri seseorang untuk melakukan aktivitas berwirausaha demi tujua... more Background: Daya penggerak dalam diri seseorang untuk melakukan aktivitas berwirausaha demi tujuan wirausaha merupakan definisi dari motivasi berwirausaha. Wirausaha bukan hanya dunianya orang dewasa, tapi juga menjadi bagian dari dunia anak remaja. Remaja yang mengenal dunia wirausaha sejak dini, akan memperoleh manfaat untuk bekal masa depan kelak. Di usia yang masih remaja, belajar menumbuhkan jiwa wirausaha menjadi pribadi yang kreatif. Kreativitas yang terlatih menjadi modal utama produktivitas dan kemandirian anak setelah dewasa. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan sebagai peluang bisnis bagi generasi milenial yang mandiri dan mampu menciptakan kreativitas dan inovasi. Metode: Pengabdian dilakukan dengan cara Penyuluhan dan Diskusi atau Tanya jawab. Hasil: Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah siswa memiliki motivasi berwirausaha, mulai dari merencanakan sebuah bisnis atau usaha, peluang dan tantanga...
JRAM (Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Multiparadigma), 2017
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is the use of statistical methods to improve a production proce... more Statistical Process Control (SPC) is the use of statistical methods to improve a production process in measuring production performance so that the process remains statistically controlled. This Statistic is based on the understanding that will never the same production and production costs obtained each year, then the automatic acquisition cost of goods sold will never be the same. Therefore, in this research will focus the Statistical Process Control on the cost of goods sold supervision process which during this time management may not be able to directly supervise the use of cost until the determination of the cost of goods sold. Moreover, the existence of Statistical Process Control will assist management in overseeing the price stable CPO sales stakes and are in statistical control. This research was conducted at PT. Sumber Sawit Makmur which is a private plantation company oriented to the field of oil palm plantation equipped with its management plant. The purpose of this study is to (1) analyze and evaluate how the implementation of Statistical Process Control acts as a supervisory tool on CPO selling price, (2) reexamination of cost of goods sold outside statistical control, (3) to know how to apply Statistical Process Control at the Oil Palm Plantation Company. This research was conducted at Palm Oil Company in Medan City. The method of analyst technique was done by using descriptive method by using Statistical Process Control. Data obtained and collected will be analyzed using Statistical Process Control Methods on Individual X and MR control charts. The results of research showed that the use of statistical control process at PT.
SIASAT, 2022
In fact, the work performance of employees does not match the expectations of an agency, and they... more In fact, the work performance of employees does not match the expectations of an agency, and they still encounter low employee performance. As a result of low employee performance, the impact on agency productivity decreases and cannot meet the targets set by the agency, so that the agency suffers losses and experiences obstacles in its development. Meanwhile, for employees who have low work performance, it will hinder the career development and income of the employee.Descriptive analysis is a research method that provides an overview regarding situations and events so that this method intends to Base data accumulation applies.From the results of the analysis with the number of respondents as many as 63 people, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance in Simalungun Regency Agriculture Office. 2) Leaders are expected to improve the promotion appraisal system based on performance and work results. 3) Maintai...
Working capital is an important factor for the company because without sufficient capital, the co... more Working capital is an important factor for the company because without sufficient capital, the company's operational activities cannot be held. High working capital shows the greater ability of the company to gain profit and will affect the high level of profability as well. The more funds used as working capital are increasing in profit, so it can be said that working capital becomes an element needed by a company because working capital is influential in raising Profit growth. This research was conducted at PT. Plantation Nusantara IV Medan for the period 2013-2017. The purpose of writing this thesis is to know and analyze working capital to increase net profit growth. The data used in this research is the secondary data acquired from the company, and the data analysis method used is a descriptive method and comparative method of methods that attempt to collect data according to the circumstances The truth, presenting and analyding it so that it can give a fairly clear compari...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahu ipengaruh pendidikan terhadap peningkatan produktivi... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahu ipengaruh pendidikan terhadap peningkatan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan. Untuk mengetahuai pengaruh pelatihan terhadap peningkatan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan. Perumusan masalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan. Teknik analisis yang penulis gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskripti fmetode kuantitatif, regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji f dan koefisien determinan yang diolah dengan SPSS versi 20. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahuai bahwa pendidikan mempunyai pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT.Bank SUMUT Medan. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil uji t yang memperoleh nilait hitung X 1 = 1,525 diterima pada taraf signifikan ...
In the observation that researchers do at the Medan Forestry Service office is not yet effective ... more In the observation that researchers do at the Medan Forestry Service office is not yet effective and efficient in the application of occupational safety and Health at the Medan Forestry Service office, not fully meet the quality and the quantity set in the application of job satisfaction at the Medan Forestry Service office, not optimal in the application of occupational safety The purpose of this research is to know the effect of occupational safety and health to employee productivity, the effect of job satisfaction on employee productivity, the effect of occupational safety and Health and work satisfaction on employee productivity. This research uses quantitative analysis methods. The population in this weaver is the number of employees of Medan Forestry Service office as many as 30 people as samples of research. As for the technical analysis of data used is multiple linear regression using SPSS 21. The result of this research is occupational safety and health towards employee pro...
Non-governmental group enterprises amounting to 152 business actors under the Medan Pemko buildin... more Non-governmental group enterprises amounting to 152 business actors under the Medan Pemko building, and still need to increase the competitiveness of product quality caused by SMES have not had a high commitment in improving the business that must compete with the product A kind and low commitment business people to business in the building from scratch by not replacing the original product that they managed to have the competitiveness of the target company BDC. Which is the direction of this study to know the competitiveness of SME products with the method of survey and direct observation of SMES in the city of Medan consist of 21 districts and what factors cause the ability to compete low SME actors in the city of Medan By linking to SMB capability variables and commitment to its business. Analysis of the techniques used by using some linear regression analysis result test results obtained. Ability to influence but if the SME's commitment is improved, it will make the competit...
The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) whether there is an influence of emotional ... more The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) whether there is an influence of emotional intelligence on improving employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (2) whether there is an influence of motivation on improving employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (3) whether there is an influence between emotional intelligence and motivation on employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. The purpose of this study is (1) to find out whether there is an influence of emotional intelligence on the performance of employees at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (2) to find out whether there is an influence of motivation on employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (3) to find out whether there is an influence between emotional intelligence and motivation on employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. The sample in this study were 31 people with data analysis techniques in this study using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study explain that ...
This study examines the framework of the basic research model for Self-Congruity formed based on ... more This study examines the framework of the basic research model for Self-Congruity formed based on the dimensions of Actual-Self Congruity, Ideal-Self Congruity, Social-Self Congruity, Ideal-Social Self Congruity, Avoidance Similarty and Consumption Status. The framework of the research model refers to self-theoy and social identity theory because this research model was studied to see how much influence self-congruity has on hedonistic users and utilitarian users
Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen
This research aims to explain the Job Stress, Achievement Motivation, Work Discipline and Emotion... more This research aims to explain the Job Stress, Achievement Motivation, Work Discipline and Emotional Intelligence on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk. Diponegoro Center. A quantitative study using a saturation sample methodology was conducted on 56 employees, and multiple linear regression analysis and SEM PLS were used for data analysis. The results indicated that both emotional intelligence and job stress have an effect on job satisfaction, partially showing the same results, i.e., emotional intelligence partially has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction and job stress has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Using SEM-PLS produces the same result: emotional intelligence has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Research results can be a company's input to improve performance with variables in research. Research only at PT. MayBank Indonesia Therefore, the data collected is limited to only o...
Jurnal SOLMA
Background: Daya penggerak dalam diri seseorang untuk melakukan aktivitas berwirausaha demi tujua... more Background: Daya penggerak dalam diri seseorang untuk melakukan aktivitas berwirausaha demi tujuan wirausaha merupakan definisi dari motivasi berwirausaha. Wirausaha bukan hanya dunianya orang dewasa, tapi juga menjadi bagian dari dunia anak remaja. Remaja yang mengenal dunia wirausaha sejak dini, akan memperoleh manfaat untuk bekal masa depan kelak. Di usia yang masih remaja, belajar menumbuhkan jiwa wirausaha menjadi pribadi yang kreatif. Kreativitas yang terlatih menjadi modal utama produktivitas dan kemandirian anak setelah dewasa. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan sebagai peluang bisnis bagi generasi milenial yang mandiri dan mampu menciptakan kreativitas dan inovasi. Metode: Pengabdian dilakukan dengan cara Penyuluhan dan Diskusi atau Tanya jawab. Hasil: Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah siswa memiliki motivasi berwirausaha, mulai dari merencanakan sebuah bisnis atau usaha, peluang dan tantanga...
JRAM (Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Multiparadigma), 2017
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is the use of statistical methods to improve a production proce... more Statistical Process Control (SPC) is the use of statistical methods to improve a production process in measuring production performance so that the process remains statistically controlled. This Statistic is based on the understanding that will never the same production and production costs obtained each year, then the automatic acquisition cost of goods sold will never be the same. Therefore, in this research will focus the Statistical Process Control on the cost of goods sold supervision process which during this time management may not be able to directly supervise the use of cost until the determination of the cost of goods sold. Moreover, the existence of Statistical Process Control will assist management in overseeing the price stable CPO sales stakes and are in statistical control. This research was conducted at PT. Sumber Sawit Makmur which is a private plantation company oriented to the field of oil palm plantation equipped with its management plant. The purpose of this study is to (1) analyze and evaluate how the implementation of Statistical Process Control acts as a supervisory tool on CPO selling price, (2) reexamination of cost of goods sold outside statistical control, (3) to know how to apply Statistical Process Control at the Oil Palm Plantation Company. This research was conducted at Palm Oil Company in Medan City. The method of analyst technique was done by using descriptive method by using Statistical Process Control. Data obtained and collected will be analyzed using Statistical Process Control Methods on Individual X and MR control charts. The results of research showed that the use of statistical control process at PT.
SIASAT, 2022
In fact, the work performance of employees does not match the expectations of an agency, and they... more In fact, the work performance of employees does not match the expectations of an agency, and they still encounter low employee performance. As a result of low employee performance, the impact on agency productivity decreases and cannot meet the targets set by the agency, so that the agency suffers losses and experiences obstacles in its development. Meanwhile, for employees who have low work performance, it will hinder the career development and income of the employee.Descriptive analysis is a research method that provides an overview regarding situations and events so that this method intends to Base data accumulation applies.From the results of the analysis with the number of respondents as many as 63 people, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance in Simalungun Regency Agriculture Office. 2) Leaders are expected to improve the promotion appraisal system based on performance and work results. 3) Maintai...
Working capital is an important factor for the company because without sufficient capital, the co... more Working capital is an important factor for the company because without sufficient capital, the company's operational activities cannot be held. High working capital shows the greater ability of the company to gain profit and will affect the high level of profability as well. The more funds used as working capital are increasing in profit, so it can be said that working capital becomes an element needed by a company because working capital is influential in raising Profit growth. This research was conducted at PT. Plantation Nusantara IV Medan for the period 2013-2017. The purpose of writing this thesis is to know and analyze working capital to increase net profit growth. The data used in this research is the secondary data acquired from the company, and the data analysis method used is a descriptive method and comparative method of methods that attempt to collect data according to the circumstances The truth, presenting and analyding it so that it can give a fairly clear compari...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahu ipengaruh pendidikan terhadap peningkatan produktivi... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahu ipengaruh pendidikan terhadap peningkatan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan. Untuk mengetahuai pengaruh pelatihan terhadap peningkatan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan. Perumusan masalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Bank SUMUT Medan. Teknik analisis yang penulis gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskripti fmetode kuantitatif, regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji f dan koefisien determinan yang diolah dengan SPSS versi 20. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahuai bahwa pendidikan mempunyai pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT.Bank SUMUT Medan. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil uji t yang memperoleh nilait hitung X 1 = 1,525 diterima pada taraf signifikan ...
In the observation that researchers do at the Medan Forestry Service office is not yet effective ... more In the observation that researchers do at the Medan Forestry Service office is not yet effective and efficient in the application of occupational safety and Health at the Medan Forestry Service office, not fully meet the quality and the quantity set in the application of job satisfaction at the Medan Forestry Service office, not optimal in the application of occupational safety The purpose of this research is to know the effect of occupational safety and health to employee productivity, the effect of job satisfaction on employee productivity, the effect of occupational safety and Health and work satisfaction on employee productivity. This research uses quantitative analysis methods. The population in this weaver is the number of employees of Medan Forestry Service office as many as 30 people as samples of research. As for the technical analysis of data used is multiple linear regression using SPSS 21. The result of this research is occupational safety and health towards employee pro...
Non-governmental group enterprises amounting to 152 business actors under the Medan Pemko buildin... more Non-governmental group enterprises amounting to 152 business actors under the Medan Pemko building, and still need to increase the competitiveness of product quality caused by SMES have not had a high commitment in improving the business that must compete with the product A kind and low commitment business people to business in the building from scratch by not replacing the original product that they managed to have the competitiveness of the target company BDC. Which is the direction of this study to know the competitiveness of SME products with the method of survey and direct observation of SMES in the city of Medan consist of 21 districts and what factors cause the ability to compete low SME actors in the city of Medan By linking to SMB capability variables and commitment to its business. Analysis of the techniques used by using some linear regression analysis result test results obtained. Ability to influence but if the SME's commitment is improved, it will make the competit...
The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) whether there is an influence of emotional ... more The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) whether there is an influence of emotional intelligence on improving employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (2) whether there is an influence of motivation on improving employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (3) whether there is an influence between emotional intelligence and motivation on employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. The purpose of this study is (1) to find out whether there is an influence of emotional intelligence on the performance of employees at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (2) to find out whether there is an influence of motivation on employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. (3) to find out whether there is an influence between emotional intelligence and motivation on employee performance at PT. KAI Belawan Station. The sample in this study were 31 people with data analysis techniques in this study using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study explain that ...
This study examines the framework of the basic research model for Self-Congruity formed based on ... more This study examines the framework of the basic research model for Self-Congruity formed based on the dimensions of Actual-Self Congruity, Ideal-Self Congruity, Social-Self Congruity, Ideal-Social Self Congruity, Avoidance Similarty and Consumption Status. The framework of the research model refers to self-theoy and social identity theory because this research model was studied to see how much influence self-congruity has on hedonistic users and utilitarian users