trixie salawati - (original) (raw)

Papers by trixie salawati

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Konten Video Animasi Motion Graphic sebagai Media Promosi Kesehatan Personal Hygiene Menstruasi bagi Remaja Putri

Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes

Background: Menstrual personal hygiene is an effort to maintain personal hygiene and reproductive... more Background: Menstrual personal hygiene is an effort to maintain personal hygiene and reproductive organs during menstruation. If the personal hygiene of menstruation is poor, it may be at risk of infection of the reproductive tract and can cause vaginal discharge. The results of the preliminary study showed that 8 out of 10 adolescents knew little about menstrual hygiene. Purpose: To produce animated video content motion graphics of adolescent girls' about personal hygiene during menstruation. Method: This study using uses the P Process media development model. The expert review was conducted by media experts and materials experts. The pre-test media will conduct on girls adolescents aged 13-18. Results: The expert review results showed that the animation video media motion graphic about menstrual personal menstrual hygiene belonged to an excellent category (81-100%), and the materials in the animated videos motion graphic about menstrual personal hygiene belonged to a good cate...

Research paper thumbnail of Produksi Poster Edukasi Pandemi, Aksi Mahasiswa Berbagi Untuk Negeri


Latar belakang: Edukasi kesehatan bagi masyarakat di saat pandemi Covid-19 sangat diperlukan. P... more Latar belakang: Edukasi kesehatan bagi masyarakat di saat pandemi Covid-19 sangat diperlukan. Pemerintah saja tidak akan mungkin mengatasi pandemi tanpa melibatkan masyarakat. Setiap warga negara memiliki kewajiban untuk ikut andil didasarkan panggilan hati untuk berbakti bagi negeri. Masyarakat dari kalangan terdidik seperti mahasiswa juga perlu mengambil bagian dalam pengabdian pada Negara ini. Salah satu bentuk pengabdian yang dapat dilakukan dengan biaya minimal adalah dengan merancang media edukasi online seputar pandemi Covid-19 bagi masyarakt luas. Tujuan: Menghasilkan berbagai produk desain poster kesehatan untuk kegiatan edukasi masyarakat secara online. Metode: Metode yang dilaksanakan diawali dengan diskusi kelompok, brainstorming gagasan, perancangan desain, review narasi, review desain dan finalisasi desain. Edukasi masyarakat melalui aplikasi perpesanan WhatsApp. Hasil: Dihasilkan desain poster edukasi kesehatan dengan topik seputar pandemi Covid-19 dalam berbaga...

Research paper thumbnail of Intervensi Masalah Kesehatan Di RW.01 dan RW.03 Desa Betahwalang Kecamatan Bonang Kabupaten Demak

Jurnal Inovasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, Jan 29, 2022

Latar belakang: Kegiatan mengidentifikasi berbagai masalah kesehatan yang ada dan merumuskan bebe... more Latar belakang: Kegiatan mengidentifikasi berbagai masalah kesehatan yang ada dan merumuskan beberapa masalah kesehatan utama melalui tahapan penentuan prioritas masalah di suatu wilayah merupakan langkah awal untuk menetapkan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat kegiatan. Data menunjukkkan warga di RW 01 yang terkena penyakit menular yaitu ISPA, demam typhoid dan TB paru 25%, sedangkan RW 03 yang terkena penyakit menular yaitu Diare 42,8%. Sedangkan sebagian besar warga di RW 01 dan RW 03 terkena penyakit tidak menular Hipertensi dengan persentase 35,4% dan 30,8%. Oleh karenanya intervensi dari masalah kesehatan yang telah ditemukan perlu dilakukan untuk peningkatan kesehatan Metode: Kegiatan dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu penentuan prioritas masalah, penentuan akar masalah, prioritas akar masalah, memilih alternatif Intervensi, Penentuan Prioritas Intervensi, kemudian yang terakhir yaitu menyusun Planning of Action (POA) agar kegiatan berjalan secara teratur. Hasil: Hasil penyuluhan pada peserta mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan. Program senam mendapat kesepakatan untuk dilaksanakan setiap hari minggu pagi di Aula Balai Desa. Media KIE hipertensi berupa poster telah diserahkan kepada tokoh masyarakat dan ditempel di tempat pelayanan kesehatan dan tempat strategis berkumpulnya masyarakat, Media KIE hipertensi berupa stiker telah ditempelkan di rumah warga. Kesimpulan: Intervensi yang dilakukan yaitu berupa penyuluhan hipertensi, Senam, media KIE poster, Media KIE stiker.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Manfaat Konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah untuk Pencegahan Anemia pada Remaja Putri di Pondok Pesantren KH Sahlan Rosjidi UNIMUS


Latar belakang: Anemia adalah suatu kondisi dimana kadar hemoglobin dalam darah lebih rendah dari... more Latar belakang: Anemia adalah suatu kondisi dimana kadar hemoglobin dalam darah lebih rendah dari normal. Remaja putri lebih mudah terkena anemia karena mereka memasuki masa pubertas dimana mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat sehingga kebutuhan zat besi juga meningkat. Upaya mengatasi anemia pada remaja putri agar tidak berlanjut ketika hamil, salah satunya dengan mengonsumsi suplemen Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD). Tujuan: meningkatkan pengetahuan dan praktik remaja putri dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah untuk pencegahan anemia. Metode: Edukasi manfaat konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah untuk pencegahan anemia dengan menggunakan media video. Sasaran program adalah remaja putri yang tinggal di pondok pesantren Sahlan Rosjidi Unimus. Evaluasi hasil berupa pertanyaan sebelum dan sesudah pemberian edukasi. Video edukasi dan evaluasi hasil disampaikan melalui google form. Hasil: Sebelum edukasi sebagian besar remaja putri (60,5%) mempunyai pengetahuan dengan kategori cukup, sedangkan sesudah ed...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang KB Pria DI Kabupaten Demak (Studi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Dan Masyarakat Kota DI Kabupaten Demak)

Background: Family planning is an attempt to regulate or control the number of births. Male parti... more Background: Family planning is an attempt to regulate or control the number of births. Male participants of Family Planning in Indonesia is still low in comparison with other countries. This study aims to determine perceptions of male family planning in urban community and coastal community. Methods: This type of research is observational research using analytical survey, the independent variable is the coastal areas and urban areas and the dependent variable is the perception of KB Men. The sample used in this study is Moro Villagers and Bintoro Villagers, taken by simple random sampling technique with a number of respondents were 63 respondents. Analysis of the data using two different test mean (t-Independent). Results: Results of Independent T-test revealed that there is a difference in perception between Male Family Planning of coastal communities and urban planning communities. Urban communities have a more positive perception (65.7%) and coastal communities (64.3%). Urban com...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Anak Sekolah Dasar Mengenai Bahaya Rokok (Studi Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar DI Perkotaan Dan Pedesaan DI Kota Demak)

Background : Smokers early ages 10-14 years of age is increasing from year to year. Basedon the c... more Background : Smokers early ages 10-14 years of age is increasing from year to year. Basedon the characteristics of smokers living in rural areas have a higher percentage of urban areas, the prevalence of early age smokers in rural areas has increased each year. This study aims to determine the perceptions of elementary school children about the dangers of smoking in the urban and rural. Method : This type of research is comparative with the independent variable is the urban and ruralareas and the dependent variable is the perception of the dangers of smoking. The samples in this study were primary school children in grade 4 and 5 at SDN Bintoro 1 and SDN Donorojo 2 Demak taken with proportional random sampling technique with a number of respondents was 56 respondents. Analysis of the data using two different test mean (T Independent).Results : Results of Independent T test shows there is a difference between the perceptions of primary school children in urban and rural areas about t...


Mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui metode ceramah dan demontrasi dalam meningkatkan... more Mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui metode ceramah dan demontrasi dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kanker payudara dan ketrampilan praktik SADARI (studi pada siswi SMA Futuhiyyah Mranggen Kabupaten Demak). Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian “one group pre test dan post test. Sampelnya adalah para siswi SMA Futuhiyyah dan diambil dengan teknik cluster sampling sehingga didapat 55 sampel. Data didapat dari kuesioner untuk pengetahuan dan checklist untuk ketrampilan . Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan paired sample t test dan uji wilcoxon dengan α= 0,05. Hasil : Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan pengetahuan siswi tentang kanker payudara antara sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dengan z hitung sebesar 6,456 (p value = 0,000), dan ada perbedaan ketrampilan siswi melakukan ketrampilan SADARI dengan t hitung sebesar 48,252 (p value = 0,000). Kesimpulan : Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bah...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Edukasi Vulva Hygine Berbasis M-Learning Pada Remaja Putri Di Desa Bugel Kabupaten Jepara

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Perilaku Penjual Obat Kuat (Aphrodisiac) di Wilayah Kota Semarang

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Mahasiswa Unimus, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Ketaatan Diet Dan Kebiasaan Olahraga Dengan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Yang Berobat DI Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon Kabupaten Kudus


ABSTRACT Background : Base on the attention of epidemiologi which is applied in Indonesia until n... more ABSTRACT Background : Base on the attention of epidemiologi which is applied in Indonesia until now there are 1,5-2,3 % diabetes frequency in 1994. The estimated DM is about 2,5 million people, while in 2000 about 4 million people, From the paient’s visit result in Ngembal Kulon Public Health Centre District of Kudus 2005 DM patient’s are 2,4 % and 3,2 % in 2006. Purpose : To know the correlation between diet obedient and sport habit with paient’s blood sugar rate of diabetes mellitus who take medicine to Ngembal Kulon Public Health Centre District of Kudus. Research Method : The used research type is explanatory research and the research method is survey with interview technique with approach of cross sectional. Sample in this reseach is all DM patient’s (32 people) from January – April 2007 who visit to Ngembal Kulon Public Health Centre. Independent variable is diet obedient and sport habit, dependent variable is DM patient’s blood sugar rate. The used statistical test is chi square to know the correlation of diet obedient and sport habit with DM patient’s blood sugar rate. Result : From 32 respondent got result that the most respondent are discipline to do diet, 30 people (93,8 %) and respondents not discipline are 2 people (6,2 %). Respondent do sport with bad category are 15 people (46,9 %), respondent having bad blood sugar rate are 24 people (75 %) and respondents having medium blood sugar rate are 8 people (25 %). Conclusion : There is no correlation between diet obedient with DM patient’s blood sugar rate ( p = 1,000 < I± ). There is correlation between sport habit with DM patient’sblood sugar rate ( p = 0,041 < I± ). Keyword : Diet obedient, sport, blood sugar rate of DM patient. ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Diperkirakan jumlah DM pada tahun 1994 sebanyak 2,5 juta orang, sedangkan pada tahun 2000 diperkirakan sebanyak 4 juta orang. Dari hasil rekapitulasi kunjungan pasien di Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon Kabupaten Kudus pada tahun 2005 penderita DM sebesar 2,4 % dan pada tahun 2006 menjadi 3,2 %. Ketaatan bagi penderita diabetes terhadap prinsip gizi, perencanaan makan dan olah raga merupakan komponen utama, keberhasilan pelaksanaan pengobatan bagi penderita diabetes. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan antara ketaatan diit dan kebiasaan olah raga dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM yang berobat di Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon Kabupaten Kudus. Metode penelitian : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dan menggunakan metode survey dengan tekhnik wawancara dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini semua penderita DM mulai bulan Januari-April 2007 yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon sebanyak 32 orang.Variabel bebas adalah ketaatan diit dan kebiasaan olah raga, variabel terikat adalah kadar gula darah pasien DM. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji Chi Square untuk mengetahui hubungan ketaatan diit dan kebiasaan olah raga dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM. Hasil : Dari 32 responden diperoleh hasil bahwa sebagian besar responden taat melakukan diit yaitu 30 orang (93,8 %) dan responden yang tidak taat melakukan diit sebanyak 2 orang (6,2 %), responden yang biasa berolah raga dengan kategori benar sebanyak 17 orang (53,1 %) dan responden yang biasa berolah raga dengan kategori salah sebanyak 15 orang (46,9%), responden yang memiliki kadar gula darah buruk sebanyak 24 orang (75 %) dan yang memiliki kadar gula darah sedang sebanyak 8 orang (25%). Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan antara ketaatan diit dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM (p= 1,000 < I±). Ada hubungan antara kebiasaan olah raga dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM (p= 0,041 < I±). Kata kunci : Ketaatan diit, olah raga, kadar gula darah penderita DM

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Anak Sekolah Dasar Mengenai Bahaya Rokok (Studi Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar DI Perkotaan Dan Pedesaan DI Kota Demak) Perception of Child Primary Hazards of Cigarettes (Studies in Primary School Children in Urban and Rural Areas in Demak)

ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Perokok usia dini usia 10-14 tahun semakin meningkat dari tahun ketahun.... more ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Perokok usia dini usia 10-14 tahun semakin meningkat dari tahun ketahun. Berdasarkan karakteristik tempat tinggal perokok di daerah pedesaan memiliki presentase lebih tinggi dari daerah perkotaan, prevalensi perokok usia dini di pedesaan mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi anak sekolah dasar mengenai bahaya rokok di perkotaan dan pedesaan. Metode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif dengan variabel bebas adalah daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan dan variabel terikat adalah persepsi bahaya rokok. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah anak sekolah dasar kelas 4 dan 5 di SDN Bintoro 1 dan SDN Donorojo 2 Demak diambil dengan teknik proporsional random sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 56 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji beda dua mean (T Independent). Hasil : Hasil ujiT Independentmenunjukkan terdapat perbedaan persepsi antara anak sekolah dasardi perkotaan dan pedesaan mengenai bahaya r...

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Adaptation of New Norms during The Early Phase of The Pandemic Against COVID-19

Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 2021

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has spread dramatically since March 2020. At the end of May 202... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has spread dramatically since March 2020. At the end of May 2020, the Indonesian government stated that Indonesia would soon enter a new phase facing COVID-19. This phase forced people to adopt new living norms to suppress the spread of COVID-19. This study attempted to analyze how the society in Indonesia adapted to new norms and their relation with perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, and barriers experienced using the Health Belief Model theory.Method: This cross-sectional study voluntarily involved 948 participants across the island of Java through an online survey conducted between June 30 to July 9 2020, with Google Forms. The indicators measured in the study were: healthy living practices, changes in healthy behaviour, perceptions of susceptibility, severity, benefits, and barriers to the COVID-19 pandemic.Results: The study found that more than half of the respondents practised a healthy lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Program Pelatihan Pengolahan Sampah Padat Organik Menggunakan Metode Composting Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Ketrampilan Ibu-Ibu PKK Di RW III Kelurahan Boja Kabupaten Kendal

Background : Garbage is discard materials as a result of human life. The amount of garbage yielde... more Background : Garbage is discard materials as a result of human life. The amount of garbage yielded by human being is increased progressively that require to be handled to prevent from one way to handled garbage especially organic garbage is by processing them to become compost.. Composting is process decomposition of garbage biologically either in aerobic or anaerobic condition. Many people do not understand how to process solid waste becomes compost. This study aims to know the effects of training in composting garbage at PKK’s member at Kendal District. Method : The study is action research using Pre Test Post Test Design. 30 women were selected purposively using certain criteria. The data analyzed using Paired t-test and Wilcoxon test to compare the result before and after training. Result : The study shows that there were significant differences between level of knowledge of women before and after training. However the significant differences between before and after training in...

Research paper thumbnail of Perception of Girl Adolescents in the North Coast Region Toward Unwanted Pregnancy

Adolescence is identical to puberty which includes pre-marital sex behavior. The impact is the pr... more Adolescence is identical to puberty which includes pre-marital sex behavior. The impact is the problem of unwanted pyregnancy. Semarang City Health Office data about the incidence of unwanted pregnancy shows an increasing trend from 2014 as many as 104 cases to 248 cases in 2017. Unwanted pregnancy became a serious problem in adolescents in coastal areas. The work of their parents is mostly fishermen who spend a lot of time at sea. They grow up experiencing puberty without intensive mentoring / monitoring from parents. This study aims to determine the perceptions of girl adolescent in coastal areas on unwanted pregnancies, as well as inventory other influencing factors. This study uses a qualitative research method. Collecting data by indepth interviews with informants and observations on the north coast region. The research location is in Bandarhajo Village and Tanjung Mas Village, Semarang City. Girl adolescent in coastal areas have a perception of the usual unwanted pregnancy in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Tahap Analisis Untuk Pengembangan "Asetaro" Komik Pendidikan Kesehatan Untuk Anak Tentang Bahaya Merokok

Smoking is harmful especially for children. Children must be protected from the effect of tobacco... more Smoking is harmful especially for children. Children must be protected from the effect of tobacco use. Comic story book is one of the children’s favorite media. Comic can serve health education purpose. The purpose of this study was to develop “Asetaro”, a Comic Story Book for primary school aged children, to help children learn about the effect of tobacco use for health. This study based on the steps of the media development model by Sadiman. The first step was analyze the characteristic and the need of the target group through FGD, interviews and literature review. Results of analysis studies showed that most students liked science fiction comics. Analysis study also revealed that the students still need information about the harm of cigarettes, why smoking can cause addiction and disease, as well as the impact of smoking on active and passive smokers. Analysis study also found that some students still believe that smoking is an adult’s behavior. Children are not allowed t...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Kecacingan Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An Nur Kelurahan Pedurungan Kidul Kota Semarang

Latar belakang : Anak usia SD sangat rentan terkena kecacingan. Hasil studi pendahuluan diMadrasa... more Latar belakang : Anak usia SD sangat rentan terkena kecacingan. Hasil studi pendahuluan diMadrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) An Nur di Kelurahan Penggaron Kidul, Kecamatan Pedurungan,Kota Semarang menunjukkan adanya faktor risiko yang memungkinkan siswa-siswa tersebutterinfeksi kecacingan. Selanjutnya banyak dari siswa yang tidak mengetahui tentang penyakitkecacingan. Untuk membantu mencegah terjadinya infeksi kecacingan di MI tersebut, makadiperlukan penyuluhan kesehatan dengan media yang tepat agar mudah dipahami sehinggaberpengaruh pada pengetahuan dan sikap siswa. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui pengaruhpenyuluhan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap tentang kecacingan. Metode : jenispenelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu, dengan menggunakan rancangan pre test post test design.Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa MI An Nur Kelurahan Penggaron Kidul. Sampel diambilsecara purposive pada siswa kelas IV, V, VI yaitu berjumlah 44 siswa, kemudina dibagi menjadi2 kelompok secara random. Kelompo...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Proses Penyampaian KIE Pencegahan HIV/AIDS Yang Dilakukan ASA PKBI Jawa Tengah Bagi Remaja Di Kota Semarang

Background : The ASA IPPA Central Java has been conducting a series of IEC activities of HIV prev... more Background : The ASA IPPA Central Java has been conducting a series of IEC activities of HIV prevention programmes for young people regularly. These activities are conducted by ASA volunteers by providing a lecture to middle and high school students. Unfortunately, these activities have never been evaluated in terms of the methods, the materials and the outputs of the lecture. This study observes the IEC process of HIV prevention for young people conducted by ASA volunteers. Method : An observation technique using check lists has been used to observe the process of the IEC activities which were conducted by the ASA volunteers. The performance of the communicators, the curriculum provided, the responses of the target group and the media used, were observed directly during the IEC activities. Focus group discussions with students and indepth interviews with coordinators of IEC activities in each school, were also conducted to obtain more detail information. Two middle schools and thre...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Proses Penyampaian Kiepencegahan Hiv/Aids Yang Dilakukanasa Pkbi Jateng Bagi Remajadi Kota Semarang

Research paper thumbnail of Beberapa Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Praktik Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri (Apd) Pada Radiografer DI Instalasi Radiologi 4 Rumah Sakit DI Kota Semarang

Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of PENGGUNAAN NATRIUM SIKLAMAT PADA ES LILIN BERDASARKAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP PRODUSEN DI KELURAHAN SRONDOL WETAN DAN PEDALANGAN KOTA SEMARANG (Natrium Cyclamate on the Ice Candle Based on the Producer’s Knowledge in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan, Semarang)

Jurnal Pangan Dan Gizi, 2010

Sodium Cyclamate is an artificial sweetener that is often used. Sodium cyclamate could be carcino... more Sodium Cyclamate is an artificial sweetener that is often used. Sodium cyclamate could be carcinogenic. The use of sodium cyclamate in Indonesia regulated in a No 722/MenKes/Per/IX/88 Permenkes RI and RI Permenkes no.208/MenKes/Per/IV/85 about usage limits for each food product. The data of BBPOM Semarang in 2007 found sodium cyclamate in food snacks (student of primary school) including ice candle. The purpose of this study is to measure the use of sodium cyclamate at ice candle producers based on knowledge and attitudes about the content of sodium cyclamate.. This research is explanatory with the survey method. The population is all the ice candle producers in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan, as many as 25 producers. Samples were tested in the laboratory ice candle BB POM Semarang. Data analysis using Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed the level of knowledge of respondents 'good' by 16.0%, the category of "enough" of 52.0% and "less" of 32.0%. Respondents who have the attitude of "support" of 64.0% and 36.0% "no support". The content of sodium cyclamate in 17 samples (68.0%) positive and 8 samples (32.0%) negative. Positive samples containing sodium cyclamate, there were 14 samples (82.35%) that concentration is still below the maximum limit and 3 samples (17.65%) which exceeds the maximum limit. There is a relationship between knowledge and attitude of the ice candle producers with the use of sodium cyclamate in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan of Semarang.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Konten Video Animasi Motion Graphic sebagai Media Promosi Kesehatan Personal Hygiene Menstruasi bagi Remaja Putri

Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes

Background: Menstrual personal hygiene is an effort to maintain personal hygiene and reproductive... more Background: Menstrual personal hygiene is an effort to maintain personal hygiene and reproductive organs during menstruation. If the personal hygiene of menstruation is poor, it may be at risk of infection of the reproductive tract and can cause vaginal discharge. The results of the preliminary study showed that 8 out of 10 adolescents knew little about menstrual hygiene. Purpose: To produce animated video content motion graphics of adolescent girls' about personal hygiene during menstruation. Method: This study using uses the P Process media development model. The expert review was conducted by media experts and materials experts. The pre-test media will conduct on girls adolescents aged 13-18. Results: The expert review results showed that the animation video media motion graphic about menstrual personal menstrual hygiene belonged to an excellent category (81-100%), and the materials in the animated videos motion graphic about menstrual personal hygiene belonged to a good cate...

Research paper thumbnail of Produksi Poster Edukasi Pandemi, Aksi Mahasiswa Berbagi Untuk Negeri


Latar belakang: Edukasi kesehatan bagi masyarakat di saat pandemi Covid-19 sangat diperlukan. P... more Latar belakang: Edukasi kesehatan bagi masyarakat di saat pandemi Covid-19 sangat diperlukan. Pemerintah saja tidak akan mungkin mengatasi pandemi tanpa melibatkan masyarakat. Setiap warga negara memiliki kewajiban untuk ikut andil didasarkan panggilan hati untuk berbakti bagi negeri. Masyarakat dari kalangan terdidik seperti mahasiswa juga perlu mengambil bagian dalam pengabdian pada Negara ini. Salah satu bentuk pengabdian yang dapat dilakukan dengan biaya minimal adalah dengan merancang media edukasi online seputar pandemi Covid-19 bagi masyarakt luas. Tujuan: Menghasilkan berbagai produk desain poster kesehatan untuk kegiatan edukasi masyarakat secara online. Metode: Metode yang dilaksanakan diawali dengan diskusi kelompok, brainstorming gagasan, perancangan desain, review narasi, review desain dan finalisasi desain. Edukasi masyarakat melalui aplikasi perpesanan WhatsApp. Hasil: Dihasilkan desain poster edukasi kesehatan dengan topik seputar pandemi Covid-19 dalam berbaga...

Research paper thumbnail of Intervensi Masalah Kesehatan Di RW.01 dan RW.03 Desa Betahwalang Kecamatan Bonang Kabupaten Demak

Jurnal Inovasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, Jan 29, 2022

Latar belakang: Kegiatan mengidentifikasi berbagai masalah kesehatan yang ada dan merumuskan bebe... more Latar belakang: Kegiatan mengidentifikasi berbagai masalah kesehatan yang ada dan merumuskan beberapa masalah kesehatan utama melalui tahapan penentuan prioritas masalah di suatu wilayah merupakan langkah awal untuk menetapkan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat kegiatan. Data menunjukkkan warga di RW 01 yang terkena penyakit menular yaitu ISPA, demam typhoid dan TB paru 25%, sedangkan RW 03 yang terkena penyakit menular yaitu Diare 42,8%. Sedangkan sebagian besar warga di RW 01 dan RW 03 terkena penyakit tidak menular Hipertensi dengan persentase 35,4% dan 30,8%. Oleh karenanya intervensi dari masalah kesehatan yang telah ditemukan perlu dilakukan untuk peningkatan kesehatan Metode: Kegiatan dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu penentuan prioritas masalah, penentuan akar masalah, prioritas akar masalah, memilih alternatif Intervensi, Penentuan Prioritas Intervensi, kemudian yang terakhir yaitu menyusun Planning of Action (POA) agar kegiatan berjalan secara teratur. Hasil: Hasil penyuluhan pada peserta mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan. Program senam mendapat kesepakatan untuk dilaksanakan setiap hari minggu pagi di Aula Balai Desa. Media KIE hipertensi berupa poster telah diserahkan kepada tokoh masyarakat dan ditempel di tempat pelayanan kesehatan dan tempat strategis berkumpulnya masyarakat, Media KIE hipertensi berupa stiker telah ditempelkan di rumah warga. Kesimpulan: Intervensi yang dilakukan yaitu berupa penyuluhan hipertensi, Senam, media KIE poster, Media KIE stiker.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Manfaat Konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah untuk Pencegahan Anemia pada Remaja Putri di Pondok Pesantren KH Sahlan Rosjidi UNIMUS


Latar belakang: Anemia adalah suatu kondisi dimana kadar hemoglobin dalam darah lebih rendah dari... more Latar belakang: Anemia adalah suatu kondisi dimana kadar hemoglobin dalam darah lebih rendah dari normal. Remaja putri lebih mudah terkena anemia karena mereka memasuki masa pubertas dimana mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat sehingga kebutuhan zat besi juga meningkat. Upaya mengatasi anemia pada remaja putri agar tidak berlanjut ketika hamil, salah satunya dengan mengonsumsi suplemen Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD). Tujuan: meningkatkan pengetahuan dan praktik remaja putri dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah untuk pencegahan anemia. Metode: Edukasi manfaat konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah untuk pencegahan anemia dengan menggunakan media video. Sasaran program adalah remaja putri yang tinggal di pondok pesantren Sahlan Rosjidi Unimus. Evaluasi hasil berupa pertanyaan sebelum dan sesudah pemberian edukasi. Video edukasi dan evaluasi hasil disampaikan melalui google form. Hasil: Sebelum edukasi sebagian besar remaja putri (60,5%) mempunyai pengetahuan dengan kategori cukup, sedangkan sesudah ed...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang KB Pria DI Kabupaten Demak (Studi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Dan Masyarakat Kota DI Kabupaten Demak)

Background: Family planning is an attempt to regulate or control the number of births. Male parti... more Background: Family planning is an attempt to regulate or control the number of births. Male participants of Family Planning in Indonesia is still low in comparison with other countries. This study aims to determine perceptions of male family planning in urban community and coastal community. Methods: This type of research is observational research using analytical survey, the independent variable is the coastal areas and urban areas and the dependent variable is the perception of KB Men. The sample used in this study is Moro Villagers and Bintoro Villagers, taken by simple random sampling technique with a number of respondents were 63 respondents. Analysis of the data using two different test mean (t-Independent). Results: Results of Independent T-test revealed that there is a difference in perception between Male Family Planning of coastal communities and urban planning communities. Urban communities have a more positive perception (65.7%) and coastal communities (64.3%). Urban com...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Anak Sekolah Dasar Mengenai Bahaya Rokok (Studi Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar DI Perkotaan Dan Pedesaan DI Kota Demak)

Background : Smokers early ages 10-14 years of age is increasing from year to year. Basedon the c... more Background : Smokers early ages 10-14 years of age is increasing from year to year. Basedon the characteristics of smokers living in rural areas have a higher percentage of urban areas, the prevalence of early age smokers in rural areas has increased each year. This study aims to determine the perceptions of elementary school children about the dangers of smoking in the urban and rural. Method : This type of research is comparative with the independent variable is the urban and ruralareas and the dependent variable is the perception of the dangers of smoking. The samples in this study were primary school children in grade 4 and 5 at SDN Bintoro 1 and SDN Donorojo 2 Demak taken with proportional random sampling technique with a number of respondents was 56 respondents. Analysis of the data using two different test mean (T Independent).Results : Results of Independent T test shows there is a difference between the perceptions of primary school children in urban and rural areas about t...


Mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui metode ceramah dan demontrasi dalam meningkatkan... more Mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui metode ceramah dan demontrasi dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kanker payudara dan ketrampilan praktik SADARI (studi pada siswi SMA Futuhiyyah Mranggen Kabupaten Demak). Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian “one group pre test dan post test. Sampelnya adalah para siswi SMA Futuhiyyah dan diambil dengan teknik cluster sampling sehingga didapat 55 sampel. Data didapat dari kuesioner untuk pengetahuan dan checklist untuk ketrampilan . Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan paired sample t test dan uji wilcoxon dengan α= 0,05. Hasil : Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan pengetahuan siswi tentang kanker payudara antara sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dengan z hitung sebesar 6,456 (p value = 0,000), dan ada perbedaan ketrampilan siswi melakukan ketrampilan SADARI dengan t hitung sebesar 48,252 (p value = 0,000). Kesimpulan : Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bah...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Edukasi Vulva Hygine Berbasis M-Learning Pada Remaja Putri Di Desa Bugel Kabupaten Jepara

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Perilaku Penjual Obat Kuat (Aphrodisiac) di Wilayah Kota Semarang

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Mahasiswa Unimus, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Ketaatan Diet Dan Kebiasaan Olahraga Dengan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Yang Berobat DI Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon Kabupaten Kudus


ABSTRACT Background : Base on the attention of epidemiologi which is applied in Indonesia until n... more ABSTRACT Background : Base on the attention of epidemiologi which is applied in Indonesia until now there are 1,5-2,3 % diabetes frequency in 1994. The estimated DM is about 2,5 million people, while in 2000 about 4 million people, From the paient’s visit result in Ngembal Kulon Public Health Centre District of Kudus 2005 DM patient’s are 2,4 % and 3,2 % in 2006. Purpose : To know the correlation between diet obedient and sport habit with paient’s blood sugar rate of diabetes mellitus who take medicine to Ngembal Kulon Public Health Centre District of Kudus. Research Method : The used research type is explanatory research and the research method is survey with interview technique with approach of cross sectional. Sample in this reseach is all DM patient’s (32 people) from January – April 2007 who visit to Ngembal Kulon Public Health Centre. Independent variable is diet obedient and sport habit, dependent variable is DM patient’s blood sugar rate. The used statistical test is chi square to know the correlation of diet obedient and sport habit with DM patient’s blood sugar rate. Result : From 32 respondent got result that the most respondent are discipline to do diet, 30 people (93,8 %) and respondents not discipline are 2 people (6,2 %). Respondent do sport with bad category are 15 people (46,9 %), respondent having bad blood sugar rate are 24 people (75 %) and respondents having medium blood sugar rate are 8 people (25 %). Conclusion : There is no correlation between diet obedient with DM patient’s blood sugar rate ( p = 1,000 < I± ). There is correlation between sport habit with DM patient’sblood sugar rate ( p = 0,041 < I± ). Keyword : Diet obedient, sport, blood sugar rate of DM patient. ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Diperkirakan jumlah DM pada tahun 1994 sebanyak 2,5 juta orang, sedangkan pada tahun 2000 diperkirakan sebanyak 4 juta orang. Dari hasil rekapitulasi kunjungan pasien di Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon Kabupaten Kudus pada tahun 2005 penderita DM sebesar 2,4 % dan pada tahun 2006 menjadi 3,2 %. Ketaatan bagi penderita diabetes terhadap prinsip gizi, perencanaan makan dan olah raga merupakan komponen utama, keberhasilan pelaksanaan pengobatan bagi penderita diabetes. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan antara ketaatan diit dan kebiasaan olah raga dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM yang berobat di Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon Kabupaten Kudus. Metode penelitian : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dan menggunakan metode survey dengan tekhnik wawancara dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini semua penderita DM mulai bulan Januari-April 2007 yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Ngembal Kulon sebanyak 32 orang.Variabel bebas adalah ketaatan diit dan kebiasaan olah raga, variabel terikat adalah kadar gula darah pasien DM. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji Chi Square untuk mengetahui hubungan ketaatan diit dan kebiasaan olah raga dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM. Hasil : Dari 32 responden diperoleh hasil bahwa sebagian besar responden taat melakukan diit yaitu 30 orang (93,8 %) dan responden yang tidak taat melakukan diit sebanyak 2 orang (6,2 %), responden yang biasa berolah raga dengan kategori benar sebanyak 17 orang (53,1 %) dan responden yang biasa berolah raga dengan kategori salah sebanyak 15 orang (46,9%), responden yang memiliki kadar gula darah buruk sebanyak 24 orang (75 %) dan yang memiliki kadar gula darah sedang sebanyak 8 orang (25%). Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan antara ketaatan diit dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM (p= 1,000 < I±). Ada hubungan antara kebiasaan olah raga dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM (p= 0,041 < I±). Kata kunci : Ketaatan diit, olah raga, kadar gula darah penderita DM

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Anak Sekolah Dasar Mengenai Bahaya Rokok (Studi Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar DI Perkotaan Dan Pedesaan DI Kota Demak) Perception of Child Primary Hazards of Cigarettes (Studies in Primary School Children in Urban and Rural Areas in Demak)

ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Perokok usia dini usia 10-14 tahun semakin meningkat dari tahun ketahun.... more ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Perokok usia dini usia 10-14 tahun semakin meningkat dari tahun ketahun. Berdasarkan karakteristik tempat tinggal perokok di daerah pedesaan memiliki presentase lebih tinggi dari daerah perkotaan, prevalensi perokok usia dini di pedesaan mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi anak sekolah dasar mengenai bahaya rokok di perkotaan dan pedesaan. Metode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif dengan variabel bebas adalah daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan dan variabel terikat adalah persepsi bahaya rokok. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah anak sekolah dasar kelas 4 dan 5 di SDN Bintoro 1 dan SDN Donorojo 2 Demak diambil dengan teknik proporsional random sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 56 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji beda dua mean (T Independent). Hasil : Hasil ujiT Independentmenunjukkan terdapat perbedaan persepsi antara anak sekolah dasardi perkotaan dan pedesaan mengenai bahaya r...

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Adaptation of New Norms during The Early Phase of The Pandemic Against COVID-19

Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 2021

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has spread dramatically since March 2020. At the end of May 202... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has spread dramatically since March 2020. At the end of May 2020, the Indonesian government stated that Indonesia would soon enter a new phase facing COVID-19. This phase forced people to adopt new living norms to suppress the spread of COVID-19. This study attempted to analyze how the society in Indonesia adapted to new norms and their relation with perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, and barriers experienced using the Health Belief Model theory.Method: This cross-sectional study voluntarily involved 948 participants across the island of Java through an online survey conducted between June 30 to July 9 2020, with Google Forms. The indicators measured in the study were: healthy living practices, changes in healthy behaviour, perceptions of susceptibility, severity, benefits, and barriers to the COVID-19 pandemic.Results: The study found that more than half of the respondents practised a healthy lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Program Pelatihan Pengolahan Sampah Padat Organik Menggunakan Metode Composting Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Ketrampilan Ibu-Ibu PKK Di RW III Kelurahan Boja Kabupaten Kendal

Background : Garbage is discard materials as a result of human life. The amount of garbage yielde... more Background : Garbage is discard materials as a result of human life. The amount of garbage yielded by human being is increased progressively that require to be handled to prevent from one way to handled garbage especially organic garbage is by processing them to become compost.. Composting is process decomposition of garbage biologically either in aerobic or anaerobic condition. Many people do not understand how to process solid waste becomes compost. This study aims to know the effects of training in composting garbage at PKK’s member at Kendal District. Method : The study is action research using Pre Test Post Test Design. 30 women were selected purposively using certain criteria. The data analyzed using Paired t-test and Wilcoxon test to compare the result before and after training. Result : The study shows that there were significant differences between level of knowledge of women before and after training. However the significant differences between before and after training in...

Research paper thumbnail of Perception of Girl Adolescents in the North Coast Region Toward Unwanted Pregnancy

Adolescence is identical to puberty which includes pre-marital sex behavior. The impact is the pr... more Adolescence is identical to puberty which includes pre-marital sex behavior. The impact is the problem of unwanted pyregnancy. Semarang City Health Office data about the incidence of unwanted pregnancy shows an increasing trend from 2014 as many as 104 cases to 248 cases in 2017. Unwanted pregnancy became a serious problem in adolescents in coastal areas. The work of their parents is mostly fishermen who spend a lot of time at sea. They grow up experiencing puberty without intensive mentoring / monitoring from parents. This study aims to determine the perceptions of girl adolescent in coastal areas on unwanted pregnancies, as well as inventory other influencing factors. This study uses a qualitative research method. Collecting data by indepth interviews with informants and observations on the north coast region. The research location is in Bandarhajo Village and Tanjung Mas Village, Semarang City. Girl adolescent in coastal areas have a perception of the usual unwanted pregnancy in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Tahap Analisis Untuk Pengembangan "Asetaro" Komik Pendidikan Kesehatan Untuk Anak Tentang Bahaya Merokok

Smoking is harmful especially for children. Children must be protected from the effect of tobacco... more Smoking is harmful especially for children. Children must be protected from the effect of tobacco use. Comic story book is one of the children’s favorite media. Comic can serve health education purpose. The purpose of this study was to develop “Asetaro”, a Comic Story Book for primary school aged children, to help children learn about the effect of tobacco use for health. This study based on the steps of the media development model by Sadiman. The first step was analyze the characteristic and the need of the target group through FGD, interviews and literature review. Results of analysis studies showed that most students liked science fiction comics. Analysis study also revealed that the students still need information about the harm of cigarettes, why smoking can cause addiction and disease, as well as the impact of smoking on active and passive smokers. Analysis study also found that some students still believe that smoking is an adult’s behavior. Children are not allowed t...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Kecacingan Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An Nur Kelurahan Pedurungan Kidul Kota Semarang

Latar belakang : Anak usia SD sangat rentan terkena kecacingan. Hasil studi pendahuluan diMadrasa... more Latar belakang : Anak usia SD sangat rentan terkena kecacingan. Hasil studi pendahuluan diMadrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) An Nur di Kelurahan Penggaron Kidul, Kecamatan Pedurungan,Kota Semarang menunjukkan adanya faktor risiko yang memungkinkan siswa-siswa tersebutterinfeksi kecacingan. Selanjutnya banyak dari siswa yang tidak mengetahui tentang penyakitkecacingan. Untuk membantu mencegah terjadinya infeksi kecacingan di MI tersebut, makadiperlukan penyuluhan kesehatan dengan media yang tepat agar mudah dipahami sehinggaberpengaruh pada pengetahuan dan sikap siswa. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui pengaruhpenyuluhan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap tentang kecacingan. Metode : jenispenelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu, dengan menggunakan rancangan pre test post test design.Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa MI An Nur Kelurahan Penggaron Kidul. Sampel diambilsecara purposive pada siswa kelas IV, V, VI yaitu berjumlah 44 siswa, kemudina dibagi menjadi2 kelompok secara random. Kelompo...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Proses Penyampaian KIE Pencegahan HIV/AIDS Yang Dilakukan ASA PKBI Jawa Tengah Bagi Remaja Di Kota Semarang

Background : The ASA IPPA Central Java has been conducting a series of IEC activities of HIV prev... more Background : The ASA IPPA Central Java has been conducting a series of IEC activities of HIV prevention programmes for young people regularly. These activities are conducted by ASA volunteers by providing a lecture to middle and high school students. Unfortunately, these activities have never been evaluated in terms of the methods, the materials and the outputs of the lecture. This study observes the IEC process of HIV prevention for young people conducted by ASA volunteers. Method : An observation technique using check lists has been used to observe the process of the IEC activities which were conducted by the ASA volunteers. The performance of the communicators, the curriculum provided, the responses of the target group and the media used, were observed directly during the IEC activities. Focus group discussions with students and indepth interviews with coordinators of IEC activities in each school, were also conducted to obtain more detail information. Two middle schools and thre...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Proses Penyampaian Kiepencegahan Hiv/Aids Yang Dilakukanasa Pkbi Jateng Bagi Remajadi Kota Semarang

Research paper thumbnail of Beberapa Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Praktik Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri (Apd) Pada Radiografer DI Instalasi Radiologi 4 Rumah Sakit DI Kota Semarang

Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of PENGGUNAAN NATRIUM SIKLAMAT PADA ES LILIN BERDASARKAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP PRODUSEN DI KELURAHAN SRONDOL WETAN DAN PEDALANGAN KOTA SEMARANG (Natrium Cyclamate on the Ice Candle Based on the Producer’s Knowledge in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan, Semarang)

Jurnal Pangan Dan Gizi, 2010

Sodium Cyclamate is an artificial sweetener that is often used. Sodium cyclamate could be carcino... more Sodium Cyclamate is an artificial sweetener that is often used. Sodium cyclamate could be carcinogenic. The use of sodium cyclamate in Indonesia regulated in a No 722/MenKes/Per/IX/88 Permenkes RI and RI Permenkes no.208/MenKes/Per/IV/85 about usage limits for each food product. The data of BBPOM Semarang in 2007 found sodium cyclamate in food snacks (student of primary school) including ice candle. The purpose of this study is to measure the use of sodium cyclamate at ice candle producers based on knowledge and attitudes about the content of sodium cyclamate.. This research is explanatory with the survey method. The population is all the ice candle producers in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan, as many as 25 producers. Samples were tested in the laboratory ice candle BB POM Semarang. Data analysis using Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed the level of knowledge of respondents 'good' by 16.0%, the category of "enough" of 52.0% and "less" of 32.0%. Respondents who have the attitude of "support" of 64.0% and 36.0% "no support". The content of sodium cyclamate in 17 samples (68.0%) positive and 8 samples (32.0%) negative. Positive samples containing sodium cyclamate, there were 14 samples (82.35%) that concentration is still below the maximum limit and 3 samples (17.65%) which exceeds the maximum limit. There is a relationship between knowledge and attitude of the ice candle producers with the use of sodium cyclamate in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan of Semarang.