tri siswati - (original) (raw)
Papers by tri siswati
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip)
Stunting is global malnutrition problem. The adequate consumption is essential determinants of ch... more Stunting is global malnutrition problem. The adequate consumption is essential determinants of children malnourish. Women's empowerment is an important strategy to improve nutritional status of underfive children. This research was to determine the effectiveness of empowering mothers to increase knowledge, attitude, and skill of providing healthy food. This was an experimental study with pre-post test design. The located was in rural locus stunting areas in Kulon Progo on 2019. Women empowerment was provided by three days training about stunting and providing healthy food for stunting children. The dependent variable were knowledge, attitude and practise were observed by a structure questionnaire pre and post-intervention and check list. Subjects were 30 mothers who consenting to be participant. Data pre-post test of knowledge and attitude were analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Result showed that knowledge and attitudes increased by 9.7 and 14.3 point respectively and statistically ...
Iranian Journal of Public Health
Indian Journal of Community Medicine
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia
Nutrition education using booklet media with and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount... more Nutrition education using booklet media with and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits of preschool children in urban areasBackground: Consumption of vegetables and fruit in preschool children in Indonesia is still less than recommended. Nutrition education through booklets and counseling media will clarify information and understanding of parents about the importance of consuming vegetables and fruit in preschool children, resulting in parental feeding behavior to increase the amount and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits in preschool children. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition education using booklet media with counseling and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount, and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits of preschool children in urban areas. Methods: This type of research was a quasi-experimental research design with pre and post-test with the control...
Balai Litbang GAKI Depkes., 2009
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Kalurahan Argodadi merupakan salah satu lokasi fokus stunting. Balita adalah kelompok rentan, pad... more Kalurahan Argodadi merupakan salah satu lokasi fokus stunting. Balita adalah kelompok rentan, pada masa pandemic Covid-19 risiko balita menderita malnutrisi dengan derajat berat bertambah, selain itu pandemi juga potensial melahirkan kasus malnutrisi baru. Mina horti merupakan integrasi pertanian (tanaman hortikultura) dan budidaya ikan dalam satu tempat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan bahan pangan berupa ikan/lauk hewani dan sayuran/vitamin mineral bagi balita dalam jangka panjang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam rangka pengabdian kepada masyarakat Program Pengembangan Desa Sehat (PPDS) dengan dana Kementerian Kesehatan di Kalurahan Argodadi, Kapanewon Sedayu, Kab. Bantul DI Yogyakarta pada tahun 2021. Pelatihan dilakukan pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2021 dengan peserta sebanyak 25 orang kader Kalurahan Argodadi. Pada pelatihan ini diberikan stimulan berupa satu paket mina horti (bibit lele dan tanaman) diharapkan setelah mengikuti pelatihan kader dapat melatih masyarakat lain. Pelatihan diberikan dengan metode teori dan praktik. Monitoring evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengobservasi keberlanjutan program kegiatan. Hasil pelatihan dapat dilihat pada minggu ketiga. Sayuran sudah dapat dipanen untuk dikonsumsi sedangkan kompos dapat digunakan untuk penggunaan terbatas keluarga atau dibuat dalam volume yang lebih banyak. Keberlanjutan kegiatan dapat mengajarkan materi pelatihan yang didapatkan dengan keluarga lain yang juga memiliki balita stunting sedangkan kompos dapat diperjualbelikan untuk menambah pemasukan keluarga.
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta, 2015
FKM-Universitas Sriwijaya, 2019
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Kader has an important role for community-based health efforts. During the Covid-19 pandemic some... more Kader has an important role for community-based health efforts. During the Covid-19 pandemic some indicators of stunting were affected, so monitoring of growth and stunting convergent action could not be implemented. This refreshing cadre community service activity aims to increase the knowledge/capacity of cadres, providing strengthening of cadre function to reduce stunting integrated with the prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic. Refreshing of cadres was held 2 days on August 14 th and 28 th 2021 in Kalurahan Argodadi, Kapanewon Sedayu, Kab Bantul, DI Yogyakarta. Curriculum include the growth and development of toddlers, stimulation of growth and development, and strengthening of Posyandu functions during the Covid-19 pandemic, feeding of infants and children guide, growth cards filling, breastfeeding and complementary breastfeeding, pregnant women's health and cooking class. This activity was carried out by theoretical, simulations and practices methods. Participants of 25 people included human development cadres, posyandu cadres, communities and stake holders. The results showed that refreshing cadres increased
Background: Stunting has been a public health problem in several developing countries including I... more Background: Stunting has been a public health problem in several developing countries including Indonesia. One of the strategies to reduce stunting was family assistance. This study was aimed to estimate the effect of family assistance by using an integrative nutrition package through home visits on the growth and development of stunted children. Method: This was an experimental study using pre-test post-test with control group design, conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on March to May 2022. The intervention group was provided an integrative nutrition package (INP) including maternal education, behavioral change through home visit, as well as monitoring children’s outcome, while the control group was asked to read and follow child care procedure in the maternal and child health (MCH) book as a standard procedure. Both groups were visited by trained health volunteers and had a complementary feeding (CF) package weekly for four weeks. The outcomes of this study were the maternal outc...
Effect of 3-week supplementation with beetroot juice during aerobic exercise programme on blood p... more Effect of 3-week supplementation with beetroot juice during aerobic exercise programme on blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy overweight postmenopausal women: a preliminary study …………………………………………………………. The impact of the Tinutuan eating habits on community in the Manado City ……………..
IJEPRH, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research
Introduction: Indonesia is undergoing an epidemiological transition, changing from a public healt... more Introduction: Indonesia is undergoing an epidemiological transition, changing from a public health problem with the prevalence of a dominant infectious disease to a non-communicable disease. Some of the causes of this transition include technological advances, economy, modern transportation, lifestyle, changes in food consumption and others Objective: This paper aims to describe epidemiological transition and its prevention in Indonesia. Methods: A narrative review was conducted by searching in databases including Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar search engine from 2001 to 2020 with the following search terms: nutrition transition, dietary transition, shifting epidemiology, epidemiological transition. Results: Indonesia has experienced the epidemiological transition from infections to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). All types of NCDs have increased in the last three decades. NCDs also occur among the younger population despite preventability. The promotion of hea...
Journal of Nutrition College
Latar belakang: Konsumsi makanan dan aktivitas fisik merupakan faktor langsung yang mempengaruhi ... more Latar belakang: Konsumsi makanan dan aktivitas fisik merupakan faktor langsung yang mempengaruhi status gizi. Pemenuhan kebutuhan sarapan dapat mencegah terjadinya obesitas, sebaliknya makan malam yang terlambat cenderung meningkatkan risiko obesitas.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan sarapan, aktivitas fisik dan makan malam dengan status gizi.Metode: Studi observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional, pada bulan Januari-Februari 2017, di SMAN 11 Yogyakarta. Sampel sebanyak 121 orang, yang ditentukan dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu usia 15-18 tahun, tidak menjalani diet tertentu, tidak sedang puasa dan bersedia menjadi responden. Variabel bebas adalah sarapan, aktivitas fisik dan makan malam, masing-masing diukur dengan kuesioner kebiasaan sarapan selama 1 minggu, IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) selama 1 minggu, food recall questionnaire 3 x 24 jam. Sarapan dikategorikan menjadi sering (≥ 4 hari) dan jarang (< 4 hari); aktivitas fisik dikategorikan menjadi kur...
Journal of Nutrition College
Background: The prevalence of obesity has increased worldwide. Indonesia has also experienced a s... more Background: The prevalence of obesity has increased worldwide. Indonesia has also experienced a similar rising trend in obesity, especially in adolescents. The current phenomena is shifting mode of transportation from active to passive.Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the correlation between transportation mode and obesity in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Methods: A cross-sectional study was created and a total of 238 adolescent girls in class XI from all high schools/equivalents in Bantul, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia was recruited. Data were collected in February-May 2017. Data characteristics, duration and mode of transportation were collected using a structured questionnaire. In addition, body mass index measured to determine obesity. A logistic regression analysis was performed using SPSS version 20.0.Results: Subjects who used passive transportation mode had a risk of having obesity (OR 5.63, 95% CI: 1.71-8.52). Furthermore, passive ...
Materi ini merupakan salah satu dari kegiatan Parade Doktor di rangkaian International Conference... more Materi ini merupakan salah satu dari kegiatan Parade Doktor di rangkaian International Conference on Health Science ke 9 yang diselenggarakan oleh Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta dan PUINOVAKESMAS
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip)
Stunting is global malnutrition problem. The adequate consumption is essential determinants of ch... more Stunting is global malnutrition problem. The adequate consumption is essential determinants of children malnourish. Women's empowerment is an important strategy to improve nutritional status of underfive children. This research was to determine the effectiveness of empowering mothers to increase knowledge, attitude, and skill of providing healthy food. This was an experimental study with pre-post test design. The located was in rural locus stunting areas in Kulon Progo on 2019. Women empowerment was provided by three days training about stunting and providing healthy food for stunting children. The dependent variable were knowledge, attitude and practise were observed by a structure questionnaire pre and post-intervention and check list. Subjects were 30 mothers who consenting to be participant. Data pre-post test of knowledge and attitude were analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Result showed that knowledge and attitudes increased by 9.7 and 14.3 point respectively and statistically ...
Iranian Journal of Public Health
Indian Journal of Community Medicine
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia
Nutrition education using booklet media with and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount... more Nutrition education using booklet media with and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits of preschool children in urban areasBackground: Consumption of vegetables and fruit in preschool children in Indonesia is still less than recommended. Nutrition education through booklets and counseling media will clarify information and understanding of parents about the importance of consuming vegetables and fruit in preschool children, resulting in parental feeding behavior to increase the amount and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits in preschool children. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition education using booklet media with counseling and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount, and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits of preschool children in urban areas. Methods: This type of research was a quasi-experimental research design with pre and post-test with the control...
Balai Litbang GAKI Depkes., 2009
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Kalurahan Argodadi merupakan salah satu lokasi fokus stunting. Balita adalah kelompok rentan, pad... more Kalurahan Argodadi merupakan salah satu lokasi fokus stunting. Balita adalah kelompok rentan, pada masa pandemic Covid-19 risiko balita menderita malnutrisi dengan derajat berat bertambah, selain itu pandemi juga potensial melahirkan kasus malnutrisi baru. Mina horti merupakan integrasi pertanian (tanaman hortikultura) dan budidaya ikan dalam satu tempat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan bahan pangan berupa ikan/lauk hewani dan sayuran/vitamin mineral bagi balita dalam jangka panjang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam rangka pengabdian kepada masyarakat Program Pengembangan Desa Sehat (PPDS) dengan dana Kementerian Kesehatan di Kalurahan Argodadi, Kapanewon Sedayu, Kab. Bantul DI Yogyakarta pada tahun 2021. Pelatihan dilakukan pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2021 dengan peserta sebanyak 25 orang kader Kalurahan Argodadi. Pada pelatihan ini diberikan stimulan berupa satu paket mina horti (bibit lele dan tanaman) diharapkan setelah mengikuti pelatihan kader dapat melatih masyarakat lain. Pelatihan diberikan dengan metode teori dan praktik. Monitoring evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengobservasi keberlanjutan program kegiatan. Hasil pelatihan dapat dilihat pada minggu ketiga. Sayuran sudah dapat dipanen untuk dikonsumsi sedangkan kompos dapat digunakan untuk penggunaan terbatas keluarga atau dibuat dalam volume yang lebih banyak. Keberlanjutan kegiatan dapat mengajarkan materi pelatihan yang didapatkan dengan keluarga lain yang juga memiliki balita stunting sedangkan kompos dapat diperjualbelikan untuk menambah pemasukan keluarga.
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta, 2015
FKM-Universitas Sriwijaya, 2019
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Kader has an important role for community-based health efforts. During the Covid-19 pandemic some... more Kader has an important role for community-based health efforts. During the Covid-19 pandemic some indicators of stunting were affected, so monitoring of growth and stunting convergent action could not be implemented. This refreshing cadre community service activity aims to increase the knowledge/capacity of cadres, providing strengthening of cadre function to reduce stunting integrated with the prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic. Refreshing of cadres was held 2 days on August 14 th and 28 th 2021 in Kalurahan Argodadi, Kapanewon Sedayu, Kab Bantul, DI Yogyakarta. Curriculum include the growth and development of toddlers, stimulation of growth and development, and strengthening of Posyandu functions during the Covid-19 pandemic, feeding of infants and children guide, growth cards filling, breastfeeding and complementary breastfeeding, pregnant women's health and cooking class. This activity was carried out by theoretical, simulations and practices methods. Participants of 25 people included human development cadres, posyandu cadres, communities and stake holders. The results showed that refreshing cadres increased
Background: Stunting has been a public health problem in several developing countries including I... more Background: Stunting has been a public health problem in several developing countries including Indonesia. One of the strategies to reduce stunting was family assistance. This study was aimed to estimate the effect of family assistance by using an integrative nutrition package through home visits on the growth and development of stunted children. Method: This was an experimental study using pre-test post-test with control group design, conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on March to May 2022. The intervention group was provided an integrative nutrition package (INP) including maternal education, behavioral change through home visit, as well as monitoring children’s outcome, while the control group was asked to read and follow child care procedure in the maternal and child health (MCH) book as a standard procedure. Both groups were visited by trained health volunteers and had a complementary feeding (CF) package weekly for four weeks. The outcomes of this study were the maternal outc...
Effect of 3-week supplementation with beetroot juice during aerobic exercise programme on blood p... more Effect of 3-week supplementation with beetroot juice during aerobic exercise programme on blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy overweight postmenopausal women: a preliminary study …………………………………………………………. The impact of the Tinutuan eating habits on community in the Manado City ……………..
IJEPRH, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research
Introduction: Indonesia is undergoing an epidemiological transition, changing from a public healt... more Introduction: Indonesia is undergoing an epidemiological transition, changing from a public health problem with the prevalence of a dominant infectious disease to a non-communicable disease. Some of the causes of this transition include technological advances, economy, modern transportation, lifestyle, changes in food consumption and others Objective: This paper aims to describe epidemiological transition and its prevention in Indonesia. Methods: A narrative review was conducted by searching in databases including Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar search engine from 2001 to 2020 with the following search terms: nutrition transition, dietary transition, shifting epidemiology, epidemiological transition. Results: Indonesia has experienced the epidemiological transition from infections to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). All types of NCDs have increased in the last three decades. NCDs also occur among the younger population despite preventability. The promotion of hea...
Journal of Nutrition College
Latar belakang: Konsumsi makanan dan aktivitas fisik merupakan faktor langsung yang mempengaruhi ... more Latar belakang: Konsumsi makanan dan aktivitas fisik merupakan faktor langsung yang mempengaruhi status gizi. Pemenuhan kebutuhan sarapan dapat mencegah terjadinya obesitas, sebaliknya makan malam yang terlambat cenderung meningkatkan risiko obesitas.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan sarapan, aktivitas fisik dan makan malam dengan status gizi.Metode: Studi observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional, pada bulan Januari-Februari 2017, di SMAN 11 Yogyakarta. Sampel sebanyak 121 orang, yang ditentukan dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu usia 15-18 tahun, tidak menjalani diet tertentu, tidak sedang puasa dan bersedia menjadi responden. Variabel bebas adalah sarapan, aktivitas fisik dan makan malam, masing-masing diukur dengan kuesioner kebiasaan sarapan selama 1 minggu, IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) selama 1 minggu, food recall questionnaire 3 x 24 jam. Sarapan dikategorikan menjadi sering (≥ 4 hari) dan jarang (< 4 hari); aktivitas fisik dikategorikan menjadi kur...
Journal of Nutrition College
Background: The prevalence of obesity has increased worldwide. Indonesia has also experienced a s... more Background: The prevalence of obesity has increased worldwide. Indonesia has also experienced a similar rising trend in obesity, especially in adolescents. The current phenomena is shifting mode of transportation from active to passive.Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the correlation between transportation mode and obesity in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Methods: A cross-sectional study was created and a total of 238 adolescent girls in class XI from all high schools/equivalents in Bantul, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia was recruited. Data were collected in February-May 2017. Data characteristics, duration and mode of transportation were collected using a structured questionnaire. In addition, body mass index measured to determine obesity. A logistic regression analysis was performed using SPSS version 20.0.Results: Subjects who used passive transportation mode had a risk of having obesity (OR 5.63, 95% CI: 1.71-8.52). Furthermore, passive ...
Materi ini merupakan salah satu dari kegiatan Parade Doktor di rangkaian International Conference... more Materi ini merupakan salah satu dari kegiatan Parade Doktor di rangkaian International Conference on Health Science ke 9 yang diselenggarakan oleh Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta dan PUINOVAKESMAS
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Oct 23, 2021
Seminar-Orasi Ilmiah, 2019
Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pemerataan pembangunan ekonomi adalah faktor sosial stunting balita, seme... more Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pemerataan pembangunan ekonomi adalah faktor sosial stunting balita, sementara ekonomi, pekerjaan dan pendidikan adafah faktor struktural yang sangat berkaitan dengan stunting balita.
Tinggi badan orang tua dan riwayat BBLR merupakan faktor biologi penyebab sunting balita
Stunting, 2018
Pada tahun 2030 diperkirakan jumlah usia produktif di Indonesia lebih banyak dibanding usia non p... more Pada tahun 2030 diperkirakan jumlah usia produktif di
Indonesia lebih banyak dibanding usia non produktif dan
rasio angka ketergantungan penduduk usia produktif
rendah. Para ahli ekonomi menduga Indonesia akan
mempunyai sumber daya yang melimpah untuk membangun
perekonomian dan berlomba menjadi negara yang maju di
tingkat dunia. Namun, faktanya prevalensi stunting di
Indonesia sangat tinggi. 4 dari 10 balita menderita stunting.
Kejadian stunting balita merupakan cerminan kurang gizi
kronik yang didapatkan sejak dalam kandungan, keadaan
ini akan berlanjut hingga remaja bahkan menjadi dewasa
stunting dengan segala konsekuensinya. Stunting menyebabkan
rendahnya skor kognitif, peluang mengenyam pendidikan
tinggi menjadi berkurang, dan pendapatannya juga rendah.
Stunting menyebabkan tingginya risiko penyakit sindrom
metabolik/penyakit tidak menular.
Husada Mandiri, 2018
Pada tahun 2030 diperkirakan jumlah usia produktif di Indonesia lebih banyak dibanding usia non p... more Pada tahun 2030 diperkirakan jumlah usia produktif di
Indonesia lebih banyak dibanding usia non produktif dan
rasio angka ketergantungan penduduk usia produktif
rendah. Para ahli ekonomi menduga Indonesia akan
mempunyai sumber daya yang melimpah untuk membangun
perekonomian dan berlomba menjadi negara yang maju di
tingkat dunia. Namun, faktanya prevalensi stunting di
Indonesia sangat tinggi. 4 dari 10 balita menderita stunting.
Kejadian stunting balita merupakan cerminan kurang gizi
kronik yang didapatkan sejak dalam kandungan, keadaan
ini akan berlanjut hingga remaja bahkan menjadi dewasa
stunting dengan segala konsekuensinya. Stunting menyebabkan
rendahnya skor kognitif, peluang mengenyam pendidikan
tinggi menjadi berkurang, dan pendapatannya juga rendah.
Stunting menyebabkan tingginya risiko penyakit sindrom
metabolik/penyakit tidak menular.
Pada awal bab, buku ini memuat tentang besarnya
masalah stunting di dunia dan Indonesia. Kemudian dibahas
pula mengenai penyebab, dampak dan penanggulangannya.
Karlina, 2020
Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 ... more Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 there was an increase of 70.06% but in 2018 there was a decrease of 68.75%.One of the factors namely the lack of knowledge of the husbands of women of childbearing age. With the existence of interesting media, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge about IUD contraception.
Method: This research is developing the application of "Smart Contraception" as an educational media for IUD contraception using the ADDIE theory (Analysis, Design, Implementation and Evaluation).. The analysis stage is conducting land interviews. the initial design we madeflowchart, storyboardand made in real application form. Implementing the user. Evaluation to determine quality. The feasibility of this application is carried out by considering 3 tests, namely tested by 3 material experts, 3 media experts and tested on 30 husbands of women of childbearing age. Users are selected with the inclusion criteria of husbands from women of childbearing age who are willing to be respondents, husbands of women of childbearing age who are in the working area of the Depok II Public Health Center, husbands of women of childbearing age who have and can use an Android smartphone. Eligible: if all of the results of the due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have a decent score, Not Feasible: if one or all of the results of due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have an inappropriate score. The research was conducted in the working area of the Depok II Public Health.
Center in 2020
Research purposes:To develop and evaluate an android based application "Smart Contraception" as an educational medium to improveHusband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Result: The results show that the analysis stage requires a variety of media, we make the design stage according to user needs, the development stage is carried out with programmers, product trial implementation, and product quality evaluation. The results of the feasibility test by 3 material experts got a very decent score, the feasibility test by 3 media experts got a very decent score, and it was tested to 30 users getting a decent score.
Conclusion: Application “Smart Contraception" worth it as an educational medium. To increase husband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Keywords:Development, android application, Knowledge, husband support, IUD contraception
Karlina, 2020
Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 ... more Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 there was an increase of 70.06% but in 2018 there was a decrease of 68.75%.One of the factors namely the lack of knowledge of the husbands of women of childbearing age. With the existence of interesting media, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge about IUD contraception.
Method: This research is developing the application of "Smart Contraception" as an educational media for IUD contraception using the ADDIE theory (Analysis, Design, Implementation and Evaluation).. The analysis stage is conducting land interviews. the initial design we madeflowchart, storyboardand made in real application form. Implementing the user. Evaluation to determine quality. The feasibility of this application is carried out by considering 3 tests, namely tested by 3 material experts, 3 media experts and tested on 30 husbands of women of childbearing age. Users are selected with the inclusion criteria of husbands from women of childbearing age who are willing to be respondents, husbands of women of childbearing age who are in the working area of the Depok II Public Health Center, husbands of women of childbearing age who have and can use an Android smartphone. Eligible: if all of the results of the due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have a decent score, Not Feasible: if one or all of the results of due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have an inappropriate score. The research was conducted in the working area of the Depok II Public Health.
Center in 2020
Research purposes:To develop and evaluate an android based application "Smart Contraception" as an educational medium to improveHusband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Result: The results show that the analysis stage requires a variety of media, we make the design stage according to user needs, the development stage is carried out with programmers, product trial implementation, and product quality evaluation. The results of the feasibility test by 3 material experts got a very decent score, the feasibility test by 3 media experts got a very decent score, and it was tested to 30 users getting a decent score.
Conclusion: Application “Smart Contraception" worth it as an educational medium. To increase husband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Keywords:Development, android application, Knowledge, husband support, IUD contraception
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan kontrasepsi IUD di indonesia telah terjadi penurunan dari tahun 2016 sebesar 68,24%, pada tahun 2017 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 70,06% namun pada tahun 2018 terjadi penurunan sebesar 68,75%. Salah satu faktor yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan suami dari wanita usia subur. Dengan adanya media yang menarik diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kontrasepsi IUD.
Metode: Penelitian ini pengembangan aplikasi ”Smart Contraception” sebagai media edukasi kontrasepsi IUD dengan menggunakan teori ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Implementation dan Evaluation). Tahap analisis yaitu melakukan wawancara lahan. desain awal kita membuat flowchart, storyboard dan dibuat secara nyata bentuk aplikasi. Melakukan implementasi kepada user. Evaluasi untuk mengetahui kualitas. Kelayakan aplikasi ini dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan 3 pengujian yaitu diuji oleh 3 ahli materi, 3 ahli media dan diujikan kepada 30 suami dari wanita usia subur. User dipilih dengan kriteria inklusi suami dari wanita usia subur yang bersedia menjadi responden, suami dari wanita usia subur yang berasa di wilayah kerja puskesmas depok II, suami dari wanita usia subur yang mempunyai dan bisa menggunakan smartphone android. Layak : apabila keseluruhan dari hasil uji kelayakan pada ahli materi, ahli media dan user memiliki skor layak, Tidak Layak : apabila salah satu atau keseluruhan dari hasil uji kelayakan pada ahli materi, ahli media dan user memiliki skor tidak layak. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Depok II Tahun 2020
Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi aplikasi berbasis android “Smart Contraception” sebagai media edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan dukungan suami tentang kontrasepsi IUD
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pada tahap analisis memerlukan media yang bervariasi, tahap desain kita buat sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, tahap pengembangan dilakukan dengan programer, implementasi uji coba produk, dan evaluasi kualitas produk. Hasil uji kelayakan oleh 3 ahli materi mendapatkan skor sangat layak, uji kelayakan oleh 3 ahli media mendapatkan skor sangat layak, dan diuji coba ke 30 user mendapatkan skor layak.
Kesimpulan: Aplikasi “Smart Contraception” layak sebagai media edukasi. Untuk meningkatan pengetahuan dan dukungan suami tentang kontrasepsi IUD
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, aplikasi android, Pengetahuan, dukungan suami, kontrasepsi IUD