ufuk çobanoğlu - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by ufuk çobanoğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica: a case report

Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Interestingly Foreign Bodies in Esophageal and Bronchial System: Analysis of 9 Cases

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 2012

Yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yabancı cisim yutma her yaşta görülmekle beraber, daha çok çocukluk ... more Yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yabancı cisim yutma her yaşta görülmekle beraber, daha çok çocukluk yaş grubunda sıktır. Tanıda gecikme olması durumunda önemli komplikasyonlara yol açar. Hava yolunun bir kısmının ya da tamamının tıkanmasına bağlı olarak farklı belirti ve bulgularla seyreder. Acil müdahale edilmezse ölüme neden olabilir. Kliniğimizde yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yutması nedeniyle müdahalede bulunulan 9 ilginç olgu değerlendirilmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda son 2 yıl içinde yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yutma nedeniyle tedavi edilen, ilginç radyolojik ve klinik özellikleri olan 9 olgu incelendi. Olguların yaş dağılımı 9 ay ile 54 yaş arasındaydı. 5'i erkek, 4'ü bayandı. Aspirasyon ve yutma hikayesi ile tedavi arasındaki süre 1.5 saat ile 20 yıl arasında değişmekteydi. Bulgular: Tüm olgulara bronkoskopi veya özofagoskopi yapıldı. 5 olguda rigit bronkoskopi veya özofagoskopi ile yabancı cisim çıkarılamadığı için torakotomi veya VATS uygulandı. Tüm olgularda yabancı cisim çıkartıldı. Mortalite gözlenmedi. Sonuç: Yabancı cisim aspirasyonunun ve yutulmasının kesin tanısı özofagoskopi veya bronkoskopi ile konur. Anamnez, fizik inceleme ve radyoloji, tanıda çok önemlidir. Şüphe duyulduğunda mutlaka ilgili uzmana başvurmalıdır. Aksi halde morbidite ve mortalite kaçınılmaz olabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of A novel screening test for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: sirtuin-3

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2017

OBJECTIVE Human sirtuin-3, a protein involved in the mediation of tumors, has been shown to be pr... more OBJECTIVE Human sirtuin-3, a protein involved in the mediation of tumors, has been shown to be present in malignancies. The goal of this study was to measure serum sirtuin-3 levels in esophageal squamous cancer cells and to determine whether sirtuin-3 may possess predictive value in advanced cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS A total of 130 ESCC patients and 50 healthy control subjects participated to the study. Serum sirtuin-3 levels for all 180 subjects were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS Median sirtuin-3 levels were significantly higher in patients with ESCC than in the control subjects. CONCLUSIONS The presence of considerably elevated levels of sirtuin-3, could be a powerful mediator of advanced ESCC in ESCC patients, suggests that sirtuin-3 may be a useful indicator of the disease.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of lymph node metastases in esophageal carcinoma patients is independent of patient age

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2011

The purpose of the present study was to define the clinicopathological features and prognosis of ... more The purpose of the present study was to define the clinicopathological features and prognosis of esophageal cancer. Between 2004 and 2009, 128 patients with esophageal cancer were enrolled in a retrospective database and divided into two groups on the basis of number positive lymph nodes with the cut-off as four. The findings for 18 patients (14.0%) Group A were compared with those of 110 patients Group B. In the group A, there were significantly more women (12/6 vs. 54/56, P < 0.001). In both groups, the most frequent histological morphology was squamous cell carcinoma (83% and 75%, respectively), although the percentages were significantly different (P < 0.005). In the group A, lesions were more frequently located in the middle one-third of the esophagus than in the group B (61% vs. 28%, P < 0.001). Group A was more likely to be Stage IIa. Survival rates in group A patients at 5 years after resection were 15.8%, similar to those in group B patients (12.1%, difference not ...

Research paper thumbnail of Erythrocyte catalase and carbonic anhydrase activities in acute leukemias

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2010

To determine activity of catalase (CAT) as a antioxidant and carbonic anhydrase (CA) in erythrocy... more To determine activity of catalase (CAT) as a antioxidant and carbonic anhydrase (CA) in erythrocytes from acute leukemia cases. Subjects were recruited from patients attending the outpatient clinics or hospitalised in the ward of the Hematology Department of Yuzuncu Yil University Hospital. Venous blood samples were taken from a total of 67 individuals (31 with acute leukemia and 36 healthy) included in the study. CAT enzyme activity was determined in erythrocytes using Aebi's method and CA by hydration of CO2. CAT activity was found to be significantly decreased (P<0.001) on average in acute leukemia cases as compared to the control group while erythrocyte CA activity was significantly increased (P<0.001). Our findings point to malfunction of the antioxidant system in acute leukemia patients. Hence we need to investigation the cause and also its possible contribution to prognosis. Furthermore, clarification of the relationship between the antioxidant system and CA inhibit...

Research paper thumbnail of Surgical treatment of right middle lobe syndrome in children

Annals of Thoracic Medicine, 2012

OBJECTIVE: Right middle lobe syndrome is a rare entity in children, causing high morbidity. Our e... more OBJECTIVE: Right middle lobe syndrome is a rare entity in children, causing high morbidity. Our experience of these patients including their clinical and laboratory characteristics, indications forsurgical management, postoperative courses, and follow-up results was evaluated. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed involving 20 children with right middle lobe syndrome who were hospitalized and treated with surgical resection of the right middle lobe in Van Training and Research Hospital and Yüzüncüyıl university hospital, Turkey, between January 2002 and January 2011. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 10.5 years (range, 5 to 15 years). Twelve patients were boys and eight were girls. The most frequent symptom was chronic cough (75%). Hemoptysis was present in two (10%) patients. One patient was being treated for asthma. 25% positive cultures were identified among the patients. Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most frequently identified agent in sputum. All patients underwent chest computed tomography. There were bronchiectasis in 11 (55%) patients, atelectasis and bronchiectasis in five (25%) patients, and destroyed lung in four (20%) patients. A narrowed middle lobe bronchus was shown in 15 (75%) patients. Bronchoscopy was performed in 18 (90%) patients. Stenosis due to external compression was seen in 12 (60%) patients, hyperemia and bronchitis in two (10%) patients, granulation tissue in two (10%) patients, and dense secretions in two (10%) patients. A history of doctor-diagnosed tuberculosis was present in two (10%) patients. These patients had completed antituberculous treatment. The patients had been symptomatic for the last 1 to 10 years (mean, 4 years) and had received several medical treatments. All patients (totally 20 patients) underwent right middle lobe resection. In one patient, a bronchial abnormality was found intraoperatively. One patient died on postoperative day 10 due to a brain abscess. Three other patients had postoperative complications (15%). Mean duration of follow-up of the patients was 4.5 years (range, 2 months to 12 years). Seventeen patients were asymptomatic, and two patients had improved. CONCLUSIONS: Children with right middle lobe syndrome unresponsive to medical treatment should undergo early lobe resection to avoid serious complications and the progression of the disease to other segments or lobes.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the Methods of Fibrinolysis by Tube Thoracostomy and Thoracoscopic Decortication in Children with Stage II and III EmpyemA: A Prospective Randomized Study

Pediatric Reports, 2011

Today, in spite of the developments in imaging methods and antibiotherapy, childhood pleural empy... more Today, in spite of the developments in imaging methods and antibiotherapy, childhood pleural empyema is a prominent cause of morbidity and mortality. In recent years, it has been shown that there has been an increase in the frequency of pleural empyema in children, and antibiotic resistance in microorganisms causing pleural empyema has made treatment difficult. Despite the many studies investigating thoracoscopic debridement and fibrinolytic treatment separately in the management of this disease, there is are not enough studies comparing these two treatments. The aim of this study was to prospectively compare the efficacy of two different treatment methods in stage II and III empyema cases and to present a perspective for treatment options. We excluded from the study cases with: i) thoracoscopic intervention and fibrinolytic agent were contraindicated; ii) immunosuppression or additional infection focus; iii) concomitant diseases, those with bronchopleural fistula diagnosed radiolog...

Research paper thumbnail of Hayaller: Pnömoni ve Plevral Efüzyon, Gerçekler: İntratorasik Lenfoma

Research paper thumbnail of Ampiyem Tanısı ile Opere Edilen Olguda Ewing Sarkomu

Research paper thumbnail of Kostaları Tutarak Nüks Eden Osteokondrom Olgusu

Research paper thumbnail of Toraks travması dışı nedenlerle meydana gelen pnömomediastinum olguları

Research paper thumbnail of Eşzamanlı bilateral torakotomi uygulanan iki hemotoraks olgusu

Research paper thumbnail of Small Navies and Border and Immigration Control Frontex Operations in the Mediterranean

Research paper thumbnail of Drug Safety Crises Management in Pharmacovigilance

Research paper thumbnail of Semptomatik Bronşektazili Erkek Hastaların Doğurganlık Çağındaki Eşlerinde Cinsel Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Depresyon Yaygınlığı: Hastalığın Semptomları Eşlerini Ne Kadar Etkiliyor?

ÖZET Giriş: İnsanlarda kronik hastalığa bağlı olarak gelişen cinsel fonk-siyon bozuklukları ve ps... more ÖZET Giriş: İnsanlarda kronik hastalığa bağlı olarak gelişen cinsel fonk-siyon bozuklukları ve psikolojik durumla ilgili çok sayıda çalışma mevcuttur ama bu hastaların eşlerindeki cinsel fonksiyon ve psi-kolojik durumla ilgili veriler yetersizdir. Amaç: Biz bu çalışmada bronşektazili olgularda kronik hastalık ha-line eşlik eden prodüktif öksürük, kötü kokulu balgam çıkarma gibi semptomların bu hastaların eşlerindeki cinsel fonksiyonlarda ve psikolojik durumda meydana getirdiği değişimi incelemeyi amaçladık. Yöntem: Çalışma operasyon endikasyonu konulan 41 bronşektazili erkek hastanın doğurganlık çağındaki eşleri ile yapıldı. Olgular eşleri opere edilmeden önce ve operasyondan bir yıl sonra, cinsel durum için Kadın Cinsel Fonksiyon İndeksi (Female Sexual Function Index: FSFI), depresyon değerlendirmesi için Beck Depres-yon Envanteri (BDI) ile değerlendirildiler. Bulgular: Eşleri opere olmadan önce kadınların %24,4'ünün BDI'ya göre şiddetli depresyon belirtileri gösterdiği ve ...

Research paper thumbnail of RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access The use of Ligasure Vessel Sealing System in Ivor

Background: This study investigated the results of the LigaSure Vessel Sealing System (LVSS), whi... more Background: This study investigated the results of the LigaSure Vessel Sealing System (LVSS), which has been routinely used in esophageal resections in our clinic since 2006. Methods: For this purpose, 60 patients who underwent Ivor Lewis esophagectomy were included in the study. The results were compared with the patients who underwent stomach mobilising procedure and esophagectomy with conventional methods (conventional group) before 2006 and the patients who underwent LVSS (group of LigaSure) in surgical cases after 2006. The cases were compared particularly in terms of intraoperative bleeding, operative time, duration of postoperative hospital stay, intraoperative complications, mortality, and morbidity. Results: Of the patients, 34 ( % 56.6) were female and 26 (43.3%) were male, and the range of the age was between 33 and 78, and the mean age of the patients was 52.73 ± 11,617. While the amount of intraoperative bleeding was 321.864 ± 575.00 ml in the conventional group, this w...

Research paper thumbnail of Malignant Pleural Efusions: Diagnosis and Treatment

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluatıon of Chylothorax: Etiology, Clınıcal Symptoms, Diagnosıs and Treatment Methods

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship of platelet lymphocyte ratio with prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Background: The aim of this study is to analyze prognostic biomarkers, and determine the biomarke... more Background: The aim of this study is to analyze prognostic biomarkers, and determine the biomarkers which are more sensitive in the patients that were presented with acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation to the emergency department. Materials and Methods: The data of 243 patients presented with acute COPD exacerbation and 122 COPD patients with stable status as control group were analyzed retrospectively. The patients, whose arterial blood gas (ABG) studied, with Acute COPD exacerbation were identified as Group I. The patients whose venous blood gas (VBG) studied were identified as Group II and stable COPD patients whose ABG studied were identified as Control Group. The prognostic biomarker values were compared in the patients of Group I, Group II and Control Group Results: The mean age of the patients was 68.61 ± 11.02 and the mean age of the control group was 68.25 ± 11.07. It was found that platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) values were very high in both Group I and Group II compared to the control Group (P < 0.001). There was a significant difference related with mean erythrocyte distribution width (RDW) in Group I, mean erythrocyte volume (MCV)' in group II, MPV and platelet count (PLT) in both Group I and Group II (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Especially in acute COPD exacerbation, PLR may be a useful inflammatory biomarker to reflect the severity and activity of inflammation in COPD patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Rendam Kaki dengan Air Garam Hangat terhadap Peningkatan Kualitas Tidur pada Lansia di Panti Jompo

Sleep quality is a person's sleep needs in achieving a level of satisfaction with sleep.Sleep... more Sleep quality is a person's sleep needs in achieving a level of satisfaction with sleep.Sleep disturbances often occur at age> 60 years, with increasing age there will be changes in the function of organs and body system.Then performed foot hydrotherapy, soaking feet using warm salt water has the effect of improving blood circulation and fostering a sense of relaxation and reducing stress.The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of sleep quality in the elderly.This study used a pre-experimental method, the researchers used a one group pre-test and post-test design program.The number of respondents was 20 people. The data collection technique was using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire, which was delivered by the researcher using an interview-based method consisting of 19 questions.The results of the study prove that there is an effect of increasing sleep quality in the elderly(pvalue) = 0.000 (p <0.05) after doing soaking feet using wa...

Research paper thumbnail of Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica: a case report

Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Interestingly Foreign Bodies in Esophageal and Bronchial System: Analysis of 9 Cases

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 2012

Yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yabancı cisim yutma her yaşta görülmekle beraber, daha çok çocukluk ... more Yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yabancı cisim yutma her yaşta görülmekle beraber, daha çok çocukluk yaş grubunda sıktır. Tanıda gecikme olması durumunda önemli komplikasyonlara yol açar. Hava yolunun bir kısmının ya da tamamının tıkanmasına bağlı olarak farklı belirti ve bulgularla seyreder. Acil müdahale edilmezse ölüme neden olabilir. Kliniğimizde yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yutması nedeniyle müdahalede bulunulan 9 ilginç olgu değerlendirilmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda son 2 yıl içinde yabancı cisim aspirasyonu ve yutma nedeniyle tedavi edilen, ilginç radyolojik ve klinik özellikleri olan 9 olgu incelendi. Olguların yaş dağılımı 9 ay ile 54 yaş arasındaydı. 5'i erkek, 4'ü bayandı. Aspirasyon ve yutma hikayesi ile tedavi arasındaki süre 1.5 saat ile 20 yıl arasında değişmekteydi. Bulgular: Tüm olgulara bronkoskopi veya özofagoskopi yapıldı. 5 olguda rigit bronkoskopi veya özofagoskopi ile yabancı cisim çıkarılamadığı için torakotomi veya VATS uygulandı. Tüm olgularda yabancı cisim çıkartıldı. Mortalite gözlenmedi. Sonuç: Yabancı cisim aspirasyonunun ve yutulmasının kesin tanısı özofagoskopi veya bronkoskopi ile konur. Anamnez, fizik inceleme ve radyoloji, tanıda çok önemlidir. Şüphe duyulduğunda mutlaka ilgili uzmana başvurmalıdır. Aksi halde morbidite ve mortalite kaçınılmaz olabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of A novel screening test for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: sirtuin-3

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2017

OBJECTIVE Human sirtuin-3, a protein involved in the mediation of tumors, has been shown to be pr... more OBJECTIVE Human sirtuin-3, a protein involved in the mediation of tumors, has been shown to be present in malignancies. The goal of this study was to measure serum sirtuin-3 levels in esophageal squamous cancer cells and to determine whether sirtuin-3 may possess predictive value in advanced cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS A total of 130 ESCC patients and 50 healthy control subjects participated to the study. Serum sirtuin-3 levels for all 180 subjects were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS Median sirtuin-3 levels were significantly higher in patients with ESCC than in the control subjects. CONCLUSIONS The presence of considerably elevated levels of sirtuin-3, could be a powerful mediator of advanced ESCC in ESCC patients, suggests that sirtuin-3 may be a useful indicator of the disease.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of lymph node metastases in esophageal carcinoma patients is independent of patient age

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2011

The purpose of the present study was to define the clinicopathological features and prognosis of ... more The purpose of the present study was to define the clinicopathological features and prognosis of esophageal cancer. Between 2004 and 2009, 128 patients with esophageal cancer were enrolled in a retrospective database and divided into two groups on the basis of number positive lymph nodes with the cut-off as four. The findings for 18 patients (14.0%) Group A were compared with those of 110 patients Group B. In the group A, there were significantly more women (12/6 vs. 54/56, P < 0.001). In both groups, the most frequent histological morphology was squamous cell carcinoma (83% and 75%, respectively), although the percentages were significantly different (P < 0.005). In the group A, lesions were more frequently located in the middle one-third of the esophagus than in the group B (61% vs. 28%, P < 0.001). Group A was more likely to be Stage IIa. Survival rates in group A patients at 5 years after resection were 15.8%, similar to those in group B patients (12.1%, difference not ...

Research paper thumbnail of Erythrocyte catalase and carbonic anhydrase activities in acute leukemias

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2010

To determine activity of catalase (CAT) as a antioxidant and carbonic anhydrase (CA) in erythrocy... more To determine activity of catalase (CAT) as a antioxidant and carbonic anhydrase (CA) in erythrocytes from acute leukemia cases. Subjects were recruited from patients attending the outpatient clinics or hospitalised in the ward of the Hematology Department of Yuzuncu Yil University Hospital. Venous blood samples were taken from a total of 67 individuals (31 with acute leukemia and 36 healthy) included in the study. CAT enzyme activity was determined in erythrocytes using Aebi's method and CA by hydration of CO2. CAT activity was found to be significantly decreased (P<0.001) on average in acute leukemia cases as compared to the control group while erythrocyte CA activity was significantly increased (P<0.001). Our findings point to malfunction of the antioxidant system in acute leukemia patients. Hence we need to investigation the cause and also its possible contribution to prognosis. Furthermore, clarification of the relationship between the antioxidant system and CA inhibit...

Research paper thumbnail of Surgical treatment of right middle lobe syndrome in children

Annals of Thoracic Medicine, 2012

OBJECTIVE: Right middle lobe syndrome is a rare entity in children, causing high morbidity. Our e... more OBJECTIVE: Right middle lobe syndrome is a rare entity in children, causing high morbidity. Our experience of these patients including their clinical and laboratory characteristics, indications forsurgical management, postoperative courses, and follow-up results was evaluated. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed involving 20 children with right middle lobe syndrome who were hospitalized and treated with surgical resection of the right middle lobe in Van Training and Research Hospital and Yüzüncüyıl university hospital, Turkey, between January 2002 and January 2011. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 10.5 years (range, 5 to 15 years). Twelve patients were boys and eight were girls. The most frequent symptom was chronic cough (75%). Hemoptysis was present in two (10%) patients. One patient was being treated for asthma. 25% positive cultures were identified among the patients. Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most frequently identified agent in sputum. All patients underwent chest computed tomography. There were bronchiectasis in 11 (55%) patients, atelectasis and bronchiectasis in five (25%) patients, and destroyed lung in four (20%) patients. A narrowed middle lobe bronchus was shown in 15 (75%) patients. Bronchoscopy was performed in 18 (90%) patients. Stenosis due to external compression was seen in 12 (60%) patients, hyperemia and bronchitis in two (10%) patients, granulation tissue in two (10%) patients, and dense secretions in two (10%) patients. A history of doctor-diagnosed tuberculosis was present in two (10%) patients. These patients had completed antituberculous treatment. The patients had been symptomatic for the last 1 to 10 years (mean, 4 years) and had received several medical treatments. All patients (totally 20 patients) underwent right middle lobe resection. In one patient, a bronchial abnormality was found intraoperatively. One patient died on postoperative day 10 due to a brain abscess. Three other patients had postoperative complications (15%). Mean duration of follow-up of the patients was 4.5 years (range, 2 months to 12 years). Seventeen patients were asymptomatic, and two patients had improved. CONCLUSIONS: Children with right middle lobe syndrome unresponsive to medical treatment should undergo early lobe resection to avoid serious complications and the progression of the disease to other segments or lobes.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the Methods of Fibrinolysis by Tube Thoracostomy and Thoracoscopic Decortication in Children with Stage II and III EmpyemA: A Prospective Randomized Study

Pediatric Reports, 2011

Today, in spite of the developments in imaging methods and antibiotherapy, childhood pleural empy... more Today, in spite of the developments in imaging methods and antibiotherapy, childhood pleural empyema is a prominent cause of morbidity and mortality. In recent years, it has been shown that there has been an increase in the frequency of pleural empyema in children, and antibiotic resistance in microorganisms causing pleural empyema has made treatment difficult. Despite the many studies investigating thoracoscopic debridement and fibrinolytic treatment separately in the management of this disease, there is are not enough studies comparing these two treatments. The aim of this study was to prospectively compare the efficacy of two different treatment methods in stage II and III empyema cases and to present a perspective for treatment options. We excluded from the study cases with: i) thoracoscopic intervention and fibrinolytic agent were contraindicated; ii) immunosuppression or additional infection focus; iii) concomitant diseases, those with bronchopleural fistula diagnosed radiolog...

Research paper thumbnail of Hayaller: Pnömoni ve Plevral Efüzyon, Gerçekler: İntratorasik Lenfoma

Research paper thumbnail of Ampiyem Tanısı ile Opere Edilen Olguda Ewing Sarkomu

Research paper thumbnail of Kostaları Tutarak Nüks Eden Osteokondrom Olgusu

Research paper thumbnail of Toraks travması dışı nedenlerle meydana gelen pnömomediastinum olguları

Research paper thumbnail of Eşzamanlı bilateral torakotomi uygulanan iki hemotoraks olgusu

Research paper thumbnail of Small Navies and Border and Immigration Control Frontex Operations in the Mediterranean

Research paper thumbnail of Drug Safety Crises Management in Pharmacovigilance

Research paper thumbnail of Semptomatik Bronşektazili Erkek Hastaların Doğurganlık Çağındaki Eşlerinde Cinsel Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Depresyon Yaygınlığı: Hastalığın Semptomları Eşlerini Ne Kadar Etkiliyor?

ÖZET Giriş: İnsanlarda kronik hastalığa bağlı olarak gelişen cinsel fonk-siyon bozuklukları ve ps... more ÖZET Giriş: İnsanlarda kronik hastalığa bağlı olarak gelişen cinsel fonk-siyon bozuklukları ve psikolojik durumla ilgili çok sayıda çalışma mevcuttur ama bu hastaların eşlerindeki cinsel fonksiyon ve psi-kolojik durumla ilgili veriler yetersizdir. Amaç: Biz bu çalışmada bronşektazili olgularda kronik hastalık ha-line eşlik eden prodüktif öksürük, kötü kokulu balgam çıkarma gibi semptomların bu hastaların eşlerindeki cinsel fonksiyonlarda ve psikolojik durumda meydana getirdiği değişimi incelemeyi amaçladık. Yöntem: Çalışma operasyon endikasyonu konulan 41 bronşektazili erkek hastanın doğurganlık çağındaki eşleri ile yapıldı. Olgular eşleri opere edilmeden önce ve operasyondan bir yıl sonra, cinsel durum için Kadın Cinsel Fonksiyon İndeksi (Female Sexual Function Index: FSFI), depresyon değerlendirmesi için Beck Depres-yon Envanteri (BDI) ile değerlendirildiler. Bulgular: Eşleri opere olmadan önce kadınların %24,4'ünün BDI'ya göre şiddetli depresyon belirtileri gösterdiği ve ...

Research paper thumbnail of RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access The use of Ligasure Vessel Sealing System in Ivor

Background: This study investigated the results of the LigaSure Vessel Sealing System (LVSS), whi... more Background: This study investigated the results of the LigaSure Vessel Sealing System (LVSS), which has been routinely used in esophageal resections in our clinic since 2006. Methods: For this purpose, 60 patients who underwent Ivor Lewis esophagectomy were included in the study. The results were compared with the patients who underwent stomach mobilising procedure and esophagectomy with conventional methods (conventional group) before 2006 and the patients who underwent LVSS (group of LigaSure) in surgical cases after 2006. The cases were compared particularly in terms of intraoperative bleeding, operative time, duration of postoperative hospital stay, intraoperative complications, mortality, and morbidity. Results: Of the patients, 34 ( % 56.6) were female and 26 (43.3%) were male, and the range of the age was between 33 and 78, and the mean age of the patients was 52.73 ± 11,617. While the amount of intraoperative bleeding was 321.864 ± 575.00 ml in the conventional group, this w...

Research paper thumbnail of Malignant Pleural Efusions: Diagnosis and Treatment

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluatıon of Chylothorax: Etiology, Clınıcal Symptoms, Diagnosıs and Treatment Methods

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship of platelet lymphocyte ratio with prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Background: The aim of this study is to analyze prognostic biomarkers, and determine the biomarke... more Background: The aim of this study is to analyze prognostic biomarkers, and determine the biomarkers which are more sensitive in the patients that were presented with acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation to the emergency department. Materials and Methods: The data of 243 patients presented with acute COPD exacerbation and 122 COPD patients with stable status as control group were analyzed retrospectively. The patients, whose arterial blood gas (ABG) studied, with Acute COPD exacerbation were identified as Group I. The patients whose venous blood gas (VBG) studied were identified as Group II and stable COPD patients whose ABG studied were identified as Control Group. The prognostic biomarker values were compared in the patients of Group I, Group II and Control Group Results: The mean age of the patients was 68.61 ± 11.02 and the mean age of the control group was 68.25 ± 11.07. It was found that platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) values were very high in both Group I and Group II compared to the control Group (P < 0.001). There was a significant difference related with mean erythrocyte distribution width (RDW) in Group I, mean erythrocyte volume (MCV)' in group II, MPV and platelet count (PLT) in both Group I and Group II (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Especially in acute COPD exacerbation, PLR may be a useful inflammatory biomarker to reflect the severity and activity of inflammation in COPD patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Rendam Kaki dengan Air Garam Hangat terhadap Peningkatan Kualitas Tidur pada Lansia di Panti Jompo

Sleep quality is a person's sleep needs in achieving a level of satisfaction with sleep.Sleep... more Sleep quality is a person's sleep needs in achieving a level of satisfaction with sleep.Sleep disturbances often occur at age> 60 years, with increasing age there will be changes in the function of organs and body system.Then performed foot hydrotherapy, soaking feet using warm salt water has the effect of improving blood circulation and fostering a sense of relaxation and reducing stress.The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of sleep quality in the elderly.This study used a pre-experimental method, the researchers used a one group pre-test and post-test design program.The number of respondents was 20 people. The data collection technique was using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire, which was delivered by the researcher using an interview-based method consisting of 19 questions.The results of the study prove that there is an effect of increasing sleep quality in the elderly(pvalue) = 0.000 (p <0.05) after doing soaking feet using wa...