utami dewi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by utami dewi

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Kesehatan DI Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (Rsud) Wonosari Kabupaten Gunungkidul


This research aimed to determine the provision of health services in general hospital region of W... more This research aimed to determine the provision of health services in general hospital region of Wonosari, obstacles encountered in the provision of services and efforts made in overcoming these obstacles. The design of this research was descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the provision of health services in general hospital region Wonosari had not fully fulfilled the overall principles of public service according to the decision of MENPAN No 63 of 2003, namely transparency, accountability, conditionality, participation, equal rights and balance rights and obligations. In the fulfillment of the Conditional Principles of RSUD Wonosari faces problem, such as infrastructure facilities in hospitals Wonosari inadequate, in particular intensive care unit . In the other hand,the obstacles of health service in RSUD Wonosari were lack of information on health and lack of capacity in human resources particulary the specialists. However by impr...

Research paper thumbnail of juga mengajukan model pelembagaan nilai-nilai gerakan local ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi GSA belum berhasil dalam mengurangi kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta karena berbagai kendala yang dihadapi. Kendala tersebut adalah kekurang jelasan indicator keberhasilan GSA, mental masyar

This article aims to analyze the implementation of Gerakan Segoro Amarto, the potential and inhib... more This article aims to analyze the implementation of Gerakan Segoro Amarto, the potential and inhibited factors in implementing it to decrease the number of poverty in Yogyakarta City. Moreover, the writer would propose model in implementing this local program. The research shows that the implementation of Gerakan Segoro Amarto (GSA) has not succeed yet in reducing the number of poverty in Yogyakarta city since there are many hindrances. Those are the unclear indicators of successful GSA’s implementation, the society’s mental who like to be categorized as poor family and think that poverty reduction programs are identical to get money, has resulted on the lack of society’s participation in GSA. The GSA would be succeed if the government and society can work together by employing combination of top down and bottom up approach through community participation and government empowerment. This model would be beneficial to solve implementation’s problems and to utilize their potential facto...

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Social Capital in Implementing Segoro Amarto Movement to Alleviate Poverty in Yogyakarta City

This article aims to examine the efforts of stakeholders to strengthen social capital in implemen... more This article aims to examine the efforts of stakeholders to strengthen social capital in implementing Segoro Amarto Movement to decrease the number of poverty in Yogyakarta City. The research method of this article was descriptive-qualitative. The data were colected through depth interview, focus group discussion, observation and documentation. The research shows that the implementation of Segoro Amarto Movement Gerakan Segoro Amarto (GSA) had not succeed yet in alleviating poverty in Yogyakarta city since all of actors have not employed social capital well. In strengthening social capital, it needs the mixed between top down and bottom up approach in which the government, community and other stakeholders such as private business, universities and non-governmental organization actively involve in building and enhancing trust, norm and networks to implement Segoro Amarto Movement.

Research paper thumbnail of Elderly Healthy Home for Promoting Inclusive Health Services in Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019)

The number of elderly in Indonesia has been increasing each year while the quality of healthy lif... more The number of elderly in Indonesia has been increasing each year while the quality of healthy life was not good enough. This paper aimed to examine the Elderly Healthy Home (Rumah Sehat Lansia/Rusela) implementation in providing health services for elderly in Yogyakarta. The percentage number of elderly was the highest in Yogyakarta and the Rusela has become the pilot project in Indonesia since its emergence in 2013. The research method in this article was descriptive qualitative in which the researchers employed focus group discussion, depth interviews, observation and documentation to gather data. The interactive model of Miles and Huberman was used to analyze the data. The research result showed that the Rusela implementation in Yogyakarta Indonesia has improved the health quality of elderly. This program, based on Mayor Regulation No 61/2013, has been replicated in some regions in Indonesia though in its implementation in Yogyakarta faced some obstacles such as lack of human resources and innovation.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Governance Dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata DI Kawasan Resort Pengelolaan Hutan Mangunan Kabupaten Bantul

Mangunan Forest Management Resort as a tourism area needs dynamic capability of stakeholders to a... more Mangunan Forest Management Resort as a tourism area needs dynamic capability of stakeholders to adjust various future needs, sustainability and improvement of problems. This study aimed to analyze the dynamic capabilities aspects of Dynamic Governance in the development of tourism in RPH Mangunan and its inhibited factors. The research design used descriptive with qualitative approach. The results of this study showed that RPH Mangunan had paid attention to the three aspects dynamic capability of Dynamic Governance, that was Think Ahead, Think Again and Think Across. The inhibited factors of Dynamic Governance were: 1) Low quality of human resources 2) Lack of coordination between stakeholders, especially related to the development of tourism infrastructure 3) limited budget.

Research paper thumbnail of Career Path Planning for Indonesian Public Servant

Decentralization demands more competent and professional public servants, so that they can perfor... more Decentralization demands more competent and professional public servants, so that they can perform jobs well particularly in delivering services to society and in maximazing local resources. However, several problems surrounding civil service management in Indonesia have hampered this decentralization goal. These obstades come from government regulations, institutional relationship and human resources. There are some regulations on civil service affairs but many of them are incompatible. Ironically, moreover, the important regulation on public servant management- career path- has not been formulated yet. This career path is crucial since it guides the staff to plan their job position in the future. Furthermore, it is beneficial for manager in the public sector to conduct staff positioning and promotion. Therefore, the formulation and implementation of career path is a must to find the best staff in the right job. In doing so, performance measurement that consists of performance appr...

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Collaborative Governance in Participatory Social Service for Elderly Case Study: Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

The objective of this research was developing social service model for elderly according to their... more The objective of this research was developing social service model for elderly according to their needs analysis specifically. The ageing of Indonesia's demographic structure over the past decade had a significant impact on the dependency ratio on the productive age group. This condition also occurs in Yogyakarta Province as the province which has the highest number of elderly and highest life expectancy in Indonesia. The increasing number of elderly people in Yogyakarta Province has not been able to be accompanied by efforts to improve the quality of elderly well-being through inclusive social services due to limited government's capacity in budget support, infrastructure support, skilled human resources support and pro elderly policy support. Moreover, the social services for the elderly have been implemented in top-down policy with the dominant role of government. Therefore, the alternative problem solving is implementing the values of collaborative governance through a p...

Research paper thumbnail of Gerakan Segoro Amarto: Model Pelembagaan Nilai Untuk Mengatasi Kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi gerakan Segoro Amarto, potensi dan tantanga... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi gerakan Segoro Amarto, potensi dan tantangan untuk mengatasi kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta. Penulis juga mengajukan model pelembagaan nilai-nilai gerakan lokal ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi GSA belum berhasil dalam mengurangi kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta karena berbagai kendala yang dihadapi. Kendala tersebut adalah kekurang jelasan indicator keberhasilan GSA, mental masyarakat yang suka dikategorikan sebagai keluarga miskin serta pandangan bahwa program pengentasan kemiskinan identik dengan bantuan uang, berakibat pada kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam GSA. Gerakan Segoro Amarto akan berhasil jika pemerintah dan masyarakat bekerja sama dengan mengkombinasikan pendekatan top down dan bottom up melalui partisipasi masyarakat dan pemberdayaan dari pemerintah. Model ini akan bermanfaat untuk mengatasi permasalahan dalam implementasi GSA dan memanfaatkan potensi masyarakat baik potensi ekonomi, social mau...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Community Based Tourism Sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat DI Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Ku... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam mengembangkan Community Based Tourism (CBT), (2) mengidentifikasi potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi CBT, (3) mendapatkan informasi faktor-faktor penghambat CBT di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, dan (4) merumuskan model pengembangan CBT sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam mengembangkan CBT sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dilakukan melalui: (a) Program pengembangan destinasi wisata, (b) Program pengembangan pemasaran pariwisata, dan (c) Program pengembangan kemitraan. Sementara itu, jenis pariwisata yang potensial untuk dikembangkan menjadi pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Kulon Progo meliputi wisata alam, wisata agro, wisata religi, wisata pendidikan, budaya, kerajinan, dan kuliner. Terdapat beberapa faktor penghambat pengembangan CBT di Kabupaten Kulon Progo yaitu: (...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemenuhan hak transportasi publik warga negara lansia di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan

Prioritas kebutuhan lanjut usia di ranah publik lebih pada fasilitas umum yang aksesibel. Masih ... more Prioritas kebutuhan lanjut usia di ranah publik lebih pada fasilitas umum yang aksesibel. Masih banyak fasilitas publik yang tergolong belum ramah lanjut usia, prioritas kebutuhan lanjut usia di ranah publik lebih pada fasilitas umum yang aksesibel. Masih banyak fasilitas publik yang tergolong belum ramah lanjut usia. Pemenuhan hak yang sudah dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah Yogyakarta dalam pemberian pelayaan inklusif dalam bidang pelayanan publik terhadap orang lanjut usia dalam penyediaan pelayanan publik dibidang transportasi diharapkan memperhatikan aksesibel bagi kaum lansia sudah semakin mendesak untuk dilakukan. Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta telah memberikan aksi nyata dalam upaya penyediaan pelayanan transportasi (terutama darat) yang memadai, adil dan bermartabat bagi seluruh warga DIY termasuk kaum lansia. Meskipun demikian, penyediaan pelayanan transportasi di DIY belum dapat dikatakan ramah kepada lansia sepenuhnya baik secara arsitektural maupun...

Research paper thumbnail of Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019), 2020

People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining prop... more People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining proper jobs and salaries. This paper aims to examine employment governance in Indonesia and Malaysia in comparative perspective. Descriptive qualitative research method was employed to gather and analyze the data. To gather data, the researcher used focus groups discussions, depth interview, observation and documentation while interactive model of Miles and Hubermas was employed in analyzing the data. The informants in this research were the Indonesian Ministry of Social agency staff, the Ministry of Labour agency staff, Rehabilitation Center Manager, Yayasan Saujana staff and disability community. Meanwhile, data of employment governance in Malaysia were obtained by documentations and literature reviews. The research result shown that both Indonesian and Malaysian government have implemented several policies and program to increase the equal participation of people with disabilities in job market. Indonesia have launched Law No 8/2016 and People with Disabilities Act 2008 in Malaysia, as the basic guidance for providing inclusive employment. However, the lack of law enforcement and negative assumptions among employer toward disabled workers were becoming the main hindrances. Malaysia stakeholders were leading in providing Job Coach and placement for PWDs in comparison to their Indonesia's counterparts.

Research paper thumbnail of Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Atlantis Press, 2020

People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining prop... more People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining proper jobs and salaries. This paper aims to examine employment governance in Indonesia and Malaysia in comparative perspective. Descriptive qualitative research method was employed to gather and analyze the data. To gather data, the researcher used focus groups discussions, depth interview, observation and documentation while interactive model of Miles and Hubermas was employed in analyzing the data. The informants in this research were the Indonesian Ministry of Social agency staff, the Ministry of Labour agency staff, Rehabilitation Center Manager, Yayasan Saujana staff and disability community. Meanwhile, data of employment governance in Malaysia were obtained by documentations and literature reviews. The research result shown that both Indonesian and Malaysian government have implemented several policies and program to increase the equal participation of people with disabilities in job ...

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative Governance dalam Pembudayaan Etika Berlalu-Lintas Pelajar SMA di Kota Yogyakarta

SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial

Kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Yogyakarta terus mengalami kenaikan setiap tahun. Kecelakan ini di... more Kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Yogyakarta terus mengalami kenaikan setiap tahun. Kecelakan ini disebabkan salah satunya karena factor manusia yang tidak mematuhi etika berlalu lintas. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kolaborasi tata kelola pemerintahan yang terjalin antar pemangku kepentingan dalam pembudayaan etika berlalu lintas pelajar SMA di Kota Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data melalui Focus Group Discussion, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Dinas Perhubungan, Direktorat Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Satuan Polisi Lalu Lintas Resort Kota Yogyakarta, Sekolah (SMA Muhammadiyah 3 dan SMA 4 Yogyakarta), keluarga dan peserta didik. Temuan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa collaborative governance telah berjalan sesuai dengan teori Ansell dan Gash (2007). Antar actor sudah saling berkomunika...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bidang Transportasi bagi Difabel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penyediaan pelayanan publik khususnya bidang transportasi b... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penyediaan pelayanan publik khususnya bidang transportasi bagi kaum difabel dan mengidentifikasi alternatif solusi yang dapat diterapkan dalam pemberian pelayanan bidang transportasi yang adil dan pro difabel. Penelitian kualitatif dengan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Wawancara kepada dinas terkait yaitu Dinas Sosial, Dinas Perhubungan, dan Dinas Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah serta lembaga-lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang mempunyai perhatian terhadap kaum difabel seperti SIGAB dan SABDA. Data sekunder berasal dari dokumentasi pada dinas-dinas terkait dan media massa serta sumber kepustakaan lain seperti buku dan jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyediaan layanan perhubungan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kaum difabel belum optimal. Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta menyediakan fasilitas perhubungan ramah difabel, Sleman menyediakan trotoar ramah difabel khususnya di sekitar kompleks perkantoran pemerintah daerah. 3 kabupaten lain...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation Management of Traffic Ethics Education Policy Among High School Students in Indonesia

The Journal of Social Sciences Research

Number of students as road accident victims due to human factors has been significantly increased... more Number of students as road accident victims due to human factors has been significantly increased every year. This research aims to examine the implementation management of traffic ethics education policy among high school students. This study employed mixed method, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research method. The population and sample are SMA students who ride motorcycles for their daily mobility. The sampling technique used is Multi-stage proportionate random sampling. By using Isaac and Michael formula, a minimum sample of 291 respondents was obtained. Data were collected through questionnaire, interviews, observation, focus group discussion (FGD) and documentation, while analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative method. The research result showed that the traffic ethics education policies have been implemented well in Yogyakarta by applying well communication, disposition and bureaucratic. However, the lack of resources such as the absent of national...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bagi Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Disabilitas DI Kota Yogyakarta


This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. Th... more This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. This research is important and interesting because of lack of government’s attention in fulfilling the rights of people with disability.This qualitative descriptive research shows that Yogyakarta City Government has made serious effort to give friendly public service to people with disability. Education Office has launched inclusive education program to give them opportunity to access equal and indiscriminative education. Furthermore, the presence of Blind Corner in Arpusda shows City Government’s effort to equalize them. In term of health, there is Jamkesmas special for people with disability, even though in its practice it is still rarely used by the group. In term of social, Social, Labor, and Transmigration Office has given some aids and capital mentoring every month to families with disability and employed them. The presence of Transjogja and special vehicle for them is effort to equa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelembagaan Reformasi Birokrasi Dalam Konteks Pelaksanaan Uu Aparatur Sipil Negara DI Kabupaten Sleman


This research aims to reveal the institutionalization of bureaucratic reformation in Sleman Regen... more This research aims to reveal the institutionalization of bureaucratic reformation in Sleman Regency after the implementation of UU ASN. Moreover, the objective of this study is to identify the potential and inhibited factors of bureaucratic reformation in Sleman Regency. The research method of this research is descriptive by employing qualitative approach. The result of this research show that the institutionalization of bureaucratic reform after the implementation of the Act ASN in Sleman have run, and continued with a change agenda. This is evidenced by the habituation process that has been seen from the implementation of the rules and a new culture in Sleman District Government. The main obstacle was the culture of the old bureaucracy, which asked to be served, causing bureaucratic reform objectives have not been achieved optimally. In addition, the Government of Sleman regency, like other local governments in Indonesia, had to wait for the policy directives from the central gove...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengembangan Community Based Tourism Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat DI Kulon Progo


This article aims to describe the development of CBT in Kulon Progo and obstacles faced. The meth... more This article aims to describe the development of CBT in Kulon Progo and obstacles faced. The method used descriptive qualitative design with Research and Development (R and D) from Borg and Gall (1998). The technique of collecting data used interviews, observation, documentation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data were analyzed using interactive analysis Miles and Huberman. The study found that some strategies may be taken in the development of CBT: to see, to do, to buy, to share, to empower and to sustain of all agriculture, economics and social-cultural potentials in Kulon Progo. Moreover, in implementing CBT, there are steps should be considered as follows: understanding all potentials and resources, establishing CBT’s management, and integrating roles of all stakeholders. However, there are several hindrances in the implementation model that needs to be taken by the manager of CBT in Kulon Progo are: 1). Un-sufficient budget; 2) the lack of human resources; 3) un-readiness o...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bidang Transportasi Bagi Difabel DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jurnal Socia, Feb 18, 2015

Research on transportation services for difabel is very important since currently in Yogyakarta S... more Research on transportation services for difabel is very important since currently in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) they do not obtain good public services so that they have not be independent and prosperous citizen yet. The objectives of this research are to analyze the public transporation service delivery for difable people and to identify the alternative solutions that can be implemented to provide fair and pro-disable transportation. The type of research method in this study is descriptive qualitative. Interview, observation and documentation are the method of gaining valid and reliable data. Data in this study is obtained by interviewing government institution that have responsibilities to provide transportation services such as Bureau of Social; Transportation; and Housing and Regional Equipments and also non-governmental organizations that concern on disability as SIGAB and SABDA. The researchers also employed secondary data gathered from documentation of governmental offices, mass media and other source of literature reviews: books and journals. The research's results show that Transportation; and Housing and Equipment Bureau have not delivered good transportation services to fulfill the need of disability yet. Recently there is only the Government of Yogyakarta City that provides pro-disable facilities. The government of Yogyakarta City has tried to adopt several disabilities' need in providing transportation services such as bus station and Trans Jogja, guiding block pedestrian for disability; and pro-disable traffic signs. However, the quantity and quality of those transportation services are not enough. The number of pro-disable bus stations and city bus are not enough yet. So do the number of pedestrian. The pedestrian are not enough since many of them are used for parking area and informal traders. On the other hand, the government of Bantul, Kulon Progo and Gunung Kidul have not provided equipments that support transportation accessibility for disable people yet. The governments in those regions are on the way of improving the accessibility of disability into buildings and government offices, such as flat way for wheel chair users. Also, the Government of Sleman is better in comparison to other three regions in giving pro-disable pedestrian around government office.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bagi Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Disabilitas DI Kota Yogyakarta

Natapraja, May 1, 2013

This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. Th... more This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. This research is important and interesting because of lack of government's attention in fulfilling the rights of people with disability. This qualitative descriptive research shows that Yogyakarta City Government has made serious effort to give friendly public service to people with disability. Education Office has launched inclusive education program to give them opportunity to access equal and indiscriminative education. Furthermore, the presence of Blind Corner in Arpusda shows City Government's effort to equalize them. In term of health, there is Jamkesmas special for people with disability, even though in its practice it is still rarely used by the group. In term of social, Social, Labor, and Transmigration Office has given some aids and capital mentoring every month to families with disability and employed them. The presence of Transjogja and special vehicle for them is effort to equalize them in society. However, programs to make friendly service have not been optimum because of the obstacles in its implementation. Human resource barrier, budget and people's stigma toward people with disability make fair public service implementation is less effective.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Kesehatan DI Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (Rsud) Wonosari Kabupaten Gunungkidul


This research aimed to determine the provision of health services in general hospital region of W... more This research aimed to determine the provision of health services in general hospital region of Wonosari, obstacles encountered in the provision of services and efforts made in overcoming these obstacles. The design of this research was descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the provision of health services in general hospital region Wonosari had not fully fulfilled the overall principles of public service according to the decision of MENPAN No 63 of 2003, namely transparency, accountability, conditionality, participation, equal rights and balance rights and obligations. In the fulfillment of the Conditional Principles of RSUD Wonosari faces problem, such as infrastructure facilities in hospitals Wonosari inadequate, in particular intensive care unit . In the other hand,the obstacles of health service in RSUD Wonosari were lack of information on health and lack of capacity in human resources particulary the specialists. However by impr...

Research paper thumbnail of juga mengajukan model pelembagaan nilai-nilai gerakan local ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi GSA belum berhasil dalam mengurangi kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta karena berbagai kendala yang dihadapi. Kendala tersebut adalah kekurang jelasan indicator keberhasilan GSA, mental masyar

This article aims to analyze the implementation of Gerakan Segoro Amarto, the potential and inhib... more This article aims to analyze the implementation of Gerakan Segoro Amarto, the potential and inhibited factors in implementing it to decrease the number of poverty in Yogyakarta City. Moreover, the writer would propose model in implementing this local program. The research shows that the implementation of Gerakan Segoro Amarto (GSA) has not succeed yet in reducing the number of poverty in Yogyakarta city since there are many hindrances. Those are the unclear indicators of successful GSA’s implementation, the society’s mental who like to be categorized as poor family and think that poverty reduction programs are identical to get money, has resulted on the lack of society’s participation in GSA. The GSA would be succeed if the government and society can work together by employing combination of top down and bottom up approach through community participation and government empowerment. This model would be beneficial to solve implementation’s problems and to utilize their potential facto...

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Social Capital in Implementing Segoro Amarto Movement to Alleviate Poverty in Yogyakarta City

This article aims to examine the efforts of stakeholders to strengthen social capital in implemen... more This article aims to examine the efforts of stakeholders to strengthen social capital in implementing Segoro Amarto Movement to decrease the number of poverty in Yogyakarta City. The research method of this article was descriptive-qualitative. The data were colected through depth interview, focus group discussion, observation and documentation. The research shows that the implementation of Segoro Amarto Movement Gerakan Segoro Amarto (GSA) had not succeed yet in alleviating poverty in Yogyakarta city since all of actors have not employed social capital well. In strengthening social capital, it needs the mixed between top down and bottom up approach in which the government, community and other stakeholders such as private business, universities and non-governmental organization actively involve in building and enhancing trust, norm and networks to implement Segoro Amarto Movement.

Research paper thumbnail of Elderly Healthy Home for Promoting Inclusive Health Services in Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019)

The number of elderly in Indonesia has been increasing each year while the quality of healthy lif... more The number of elderly in Indonesia has been increasing each year while the quality of healthy life was not good enough. This paper aimed to examine the Elderly Healthy Home (Rumah Sehat Lansia/Rusela) implementation in providing health services for elderly in Yogyakarta. The percentage number of elderly was the highest in Yogyakarta and the Rusela has become the pilot project in Indonesia since its emergence in 2013. The research method in this article was descriptive qualitative in which the researchers employed focus group discussion, depth interviews, observation and documentation to gather data. The interactive model of Miles and Huberman was used to analyze the data. The research result showed that the Rusela implementation in Yogyakarta Indonesia has improved the health quality of elderly. This program, based on Mayor Regulation No 61/2013, has been replicated in some regions in Indonesia though in its implementation in Yogyakarta faced some obstacles such as lack of human resources and innovation.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Governance Dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata DI Kawasan Resort Pengelolaan Hutan Mangunan Kabupaten Bantul

Mangunan Forest Management Resort as a tourism area needs dynamic capability of stakeholders to a... more Mangunan Forest Management Resort as a tourism area needs dynamic capability of stakeholders to adjust various future needs, sustainability and improvement of problems. This study aimed to analyze the dynamic capabilities aspects of Dynamic Governance in the development of tourism in RPH Mangunan and its inhibited factors. The research design used descriptive with qualitative approach. The results of this study showed that RPH Mangunan had paid attention to the three aspects dynamic capability of Dynamic Governance, that was Think Ahead, Think Again and Think Across. The inhibited factors of Dynamic Governance were: 1) Low quality of human resources 2) Lack of coordination between stakeholders, especially related to the development of tourism infrastructure 3) limited budget.

Research paper thumbnail of Career Path Planning for Indonesian Public Servant

Decentralization demands more competent and professional public servants, so that they can perfor... more Decentralization demands more competent and professional public servants, so that they can perform jobs well particularly in delivering services to society and in maximazing local resources. However, several problems surrounding civil service management in Indonesia have hampered this decentralization goal. These obstades come from government regulations, institutional relationship and human resources. There are some regulations on civil service affairs but many of them are incompatible. Ironically, moreover, the important regulation on public servant management- career path- has not been formulated yet. This career path is crucial since it guides the staff to plan their job position in the future. Furthermore, it is beneficial for manager in the public sector to conduct staff positioning and promotion. Therefore, the formulation and implementation of career path is a must to find the best staff in the right job. In doing so, performance measurement that consists of performance appr...

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening Collaborative Governance in Participatory Social Service for Elderly Case Study: Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

The objective of this research was developing social service model for elderly according to their... more The objective of this research was developing social service model for elderly according to their needs analysis specifically. The ageing of Indonesia's demographic structure over the past decade had a significant impact on the dependency ratio on the productive age group. This condition also occurs in Yogyakarta Province as the province which has the highest number of elderly and highest life expectancy in Indonesia. The increasing number of elderly people in Yogyakarta Province has not been able to be accompanied by efforts to improve the quality of elderly well-being through inclusive social services due to limited government's capacity in budget support, infrastructure support, skilled human resources support and pro elderly policy support. Moreover, the social services for the elderly have been implemented in top-down policy with the dominant role of government. Therefore, the alternative problem solving is implementing the values of collaborative governance through a p...

Research paper thumbnail of Gerakan Segoro Amarto: Model Pelembagaan Nilai Untuk Mengatasi Kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi gerakan Segoro Amarto, potensi dan tantanga... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi gerakan Segoro Amarto, potensi dan tantangan untuk mengatasi kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta. Penulis juga mengajukan model pelembagaan nilai-nilai gerakan lokal ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi GSA belum berhasil dalam mengurangi kemiskinan di Kota Yogyakarta karena berbagai kendala yang dihadapi. Kendala tersebut adalah kekurang jelasan indicator keberhasilan GSA, mental masyarakat yang suka dikategorikan sebagai keluarga miskin serta pandangan bahwa program pengentasan kemiskinan identik dengan bantuan uang, berakibat pada kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam GSA. Gerakan Segoro Amarto akan berhasil jika pemerintah dan masyarakat bekerja sama dengan mengkombinasikan pendekatan top down dan bottom up melalui partisipasi masyarakat dan pemberdayaan dari pemerintah. Model ini akan bermanfaat untuk mengatasi permasalahan dalam implementasi GSA dan memanfaatkan potensi masyarakat baik potensi ekonomi, social mau...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Community Based Tourism Sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat DI Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Ku... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam mengembangkan Community Based Tourism (CBT), (2) mengidentifikasi potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi CBT, (3) mendapatkan informasi faktor-faktor penghambat CBT di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, dan (4) merumuskan model pengembangan CBT sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam mengembangkan CBT sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dilakukan melalui: (a) Program pengembangan destinasi wisata, (b) Program pengembangan pemasaran pariwisata, dan (c) Program pengembangan kemitraan. Sementara itu, jenis pariwisata yang potensial untuk dikembangkan menjadi pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Kulon Progo meliputi wisata alam, wisata agro, wisata religi, wisata pendidikan, budaya, kerajinan, dan kuliner. Terdapat beberapa faktor penghambat pengembangan CBT di Kabupaten Kulon Progo yaitu: (...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemenuhan hak transportasi publik warga negara lansia di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan

Prioritas kebutuhan lanjut usia di ranah publik lebih pada fasilitas umum yang aksesibel. Masih ... more Prioritas kebutuhan lanjut usia di ranah publik lebih pada fasilitas umum yang aksesibel. Masih banyak fasilitas publik yang tergolong belum ramah lanjut usia, prioritas kebutuhan lanjut usia di ranah publik lebih pada fasilitas umum yang aksesibel. Masih banyak fasilitas publik yang tergolong belum ramah lanjut usia. Pemenuhan hak yang sudah dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah Yogyakarta dalam pemberian pelayaan inklusif dalam bidang pelayanan publik terhadap orang lanjut usia dalam penyediaan pelayanan publik dibidang transportasi diharapkan memperhatikan aksesibel bagi kaum lansia sudah semakin mendesak untuk dilakukan. Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta telah memberikan aksi nyata dalam upaya penyediaan pelayanan transportasi (terutama darat) yang memadai, adil dan bermartabat bagi seluruh warga DIY termasuk kaum lansia. Meskipun demikian, penyediaan pelayanan transportasi di DIY belum dapat dikatakan ramah kepada lansia sepenuhnya baik secara arsitektural maupun...

Research paper thumbnail of Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019), 2020

People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining prop... more People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining proper jobs and salaries. This paper aims to examine employment governance in Indonesia and Malaysia in comparative perspective. Descriptive qualitative research method was employed to gather and analyze the data. To gather data, the researcher used focus groups discussions, depth interview, observation and documentation while interactive model of Miles and Hubermas was employed in analyzing the data. The informants in this research were the Indonesian Ministry of Social agency staff, the Ministry of Labour agency staff, Rehabilitation Center Manager, Yayasan Saujana staff and disability community. Meanwhile, data of employment governance in Malaysia were obtained by documentations and literature reviews. The research result shown that both Indonesian and Malaysian government have implemented several policies and program to increase the equal participation of people with disabilities in job market. Indonesia have launched Law No 8/2016 and People with Disabilities Act 2008 in Malaysia, as the basic guidance for providing inclusive employment. However, the lack of law enforcement and negative assumptions among employer toward disabled workers were becoming the main hindrances. Malaysia stakeholders were leading in providing Job Coach and placement for PWDs in comparison to their Indonesia's counterparts.

Research paper thumbnail of Employment Governance for People with Disabilities: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Atlantis Press, 2020

People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining prop... more People with disabilities in both Indonesia and Malaysia are facing difficulties in attaining proper jobs and salaries. This paper aims to examine employment governance in Indonesia and Malaysia in comparative perspective. Descriptive qualitative research method was employed to gather and analyze the data. To gather data, the researcher used focus groups discussions, depth interview, observation and documentation while interactive model of Miles and Hubermas was employed in analyzing the data. The informants in this research were the Indonesian Ministry of Social agency staff, the Ministry of Labour agency staff, Rehabilitation Center Manager, Yayasan Saujana staff and disability community. Meanwhile, data of employment governance in Malaysia were obtained by documentations and literature reviews. The research result shown that both Indonesian and Malaysian government have implemented several policies and program to increase the equal participation of people with disabilities in job ...

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborative Governance dalam Pembudayaan Etika Berlalu-Lintas Pelajar SMA di Kota Yogyakarta

SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial

Kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Yogyakarta terus mengalami kenaikan setiap tahun. Kecelakan ini di... more Kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Yogyakarta terus mengalami kenaikan setiap tahun. Kecelakan ini disebabkan salah satunya karena factor manusia yang tidak mematuhi etika berlalu lintas. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kolaborasi tata kelola pemerintahan yang terjalin antar pemangku kepentingan dalam pembudayaan etika berlalu lintas pelajar SMA di Kota Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data melalui Focus Group Discussion, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Dinas Perhubungan, Direktorat Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Satuan Polisi Lalu Lintas Resort Kota Yogyakarta, Sekolah (SMA Muhammadiyah 3 dan SMA 4 Yogyakarta), keluarga dan peserta didik. Temuan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa collaborative governance telah berjalan sesuai dengan teori Ansell dan Gash (2007). Antar actor sudah saling berkomunika...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bidang Transportasi bagi Difabel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

SOCIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penyediaan pelayanan publik khususnya bidang transportasi b... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penyediaan pelayanan publik khususnya bidang transportasi bagi kaum difabel dan mengidentifikasi alternatif solusi yang dapat diterapkan dalam pemberian pelayanan bidang transportasi yang adil dan pro difabel. Penelitian kualitatif dengan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Wawancara kepada dinas terkait yaitu Dinas Sosial, Dinas Perhubungan, dan Dinas Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah serta lembaga-lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang mempunyai perhatian terhadap kaum difabel seperti SIGAB dan SABDA. Data sekunder berasal dari dokumentasi pada dinas-dinas terkait dan media massa serta sumber kepustakaan lain seperti buku dan jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyediaan layanan perhubungan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kaum difabel belum optimal. Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta menyediakan fasilitas perhubungan ramah difabel, Sleman menyediakan trotoar ramah difabel khususnya di sekitar kompleks perkantoran pemerintah daerah. 3 kabupaten lain...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation Management of Traffic Ethics Education Policy Among High School Students in Indonesia

The Journal of Social Sciences Research

Number of students as road accident victims due to human factors has been significantly increased... more Number of students as road accident victims due to human factors has been significantly increased every year. This research aims to examine the implementation management of traffic ethics education policy among high school students. This study employed mixed method, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research method. The population and sample are SMA students who ride motorcycles for their daily mobility. The sampling technique used is Multi-stage proportionate random sampling. By using Isaac and Michael formula, a minimum sample of 291 respondents was obtained. Data were collected through questionnaire, interviews, observation, focus group discussion (FGD) and documentation, while analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative method. The research result showed that the traffic ethics education policies have been implemented well in Yogyakarta by applying well communication, disposition and bureaucratic. However, the lack of resources such as the absent of national...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bagi Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Disabilitas DI Kota Yogyakarta


This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. Th... more This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. This research is important and interesting because of lack of government’s attention in fulfilling the rights of people with disability.This qualitative descriptive research shows that Yogyakarta City Government has made serious effort to give friendly public service to people with disability. Education Office has launched inclusive education program to give them opportunity to access equal and indiscriminative education. Furthermore, the presence of Blind Corner in Arpusda shows City Government’s effort to equalize them. In term of health, there is Jamkesmas special for people with disability, even though in its practice it is still rarely used by the group. In term of social, Social, Labor, and Transmigration Office has given some aids and capital mentoring every month to families with disability and employed them. The presence of Transjogja and special vehicle for them is effort to equa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelembagaan Reformasi Birokrasi Dalam Konteks Pelaksanaan Uu Aparatur Sipil Negara DI Kabupaten Sleman


This research aims to reveal the institutionalization of bureaucratic reformation in Sleman Regen... more This research aims to reveal the institutionalization of bureaucratic reformation in Sleman Regency after the implementation of UU ASN. Moreover, the objective of this study is to identify the potential and inhibited factors of bureaucratic reformation in Sleman Regency. The research method of this research is descriptive by employing qualitative approach. The result of this research show that the institutionalization of bureaucratic reform after the implementation of the Act ASN in Sleman have run, and continued with a change agenda. This is evidenced by the habituation process that has been seen from the implementation of the rules and a new culture in Sleman District Government. The main obstacle was the culture of the old bureaucracy, which asked to be served, causing bureaucratic reform objectives have not been achieved optimally. In addition, the Government of Sleman regency, like other local governments in Indonesia, had to wait for the policy directives from the central gove...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengembangan Community Based Tourism Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat DI Kulon Progo


This article aims to describe the development of CBT in Kulon Progo and obstacles faced. The meth... more This article aims to describe the development of CBT in Kulon Progo and obstacles faced. The method used descriptive qualitative design with Research and Development (R and D) from Borg and Gall (1998). The technique of collecting data used interviews, observation, documentation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data were analyzed using interactive analysis Miles and Huberman. The study found that some strategies may be taken in the development of CBT: to see, to do, to buy, to share, to empower and to sustain of all agriculture, economics and social-cultural potentials in Kulon Progo. Moreover, in implementing CBT, there are steps should be considered as follows: understanding all potentials and resources, establishing CBT’s management, and integrating roles of all stakeholders. However, there are several hindrances in the implementation model that needs to be taken by the manager of CBT in Kulon Progo are: 1). Un-sufficient budget; 2) the lack of human resources; 3) un-readiness o...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bidang Transportasi Bagi Difabel DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jurnal Socia, Feb 18, 2015

Research on transportation services for difabel is very important since currently in Yogyakarta S... more Research on transportation services for difabel is very important since currently in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) they do not obtain good public services so that they have not be independent and prosperous citizen yet. The objectives of this research are to analyze the public transporation service delivery for difable people and to identify the alternative solutions that can be implemented to provide fair and pro-disable transportation. The type of research method in this study is descriptive qualitative. Interview, observation and documentation are the method of gaining valid and reliable data. Data in this study is obtained by interviewing government institution that have responsibilities to provide transportation services such as Bureau of Social; Transportation; and Housing and Regional Equipments and also non-governmental organizations that concern on disability as SIGAB and SABDA. The researchers also employed secondary data gathered from documentation of governmental offices, mass media and other source of literature reviews: books and journals. The research's results show that Transportation; and Housing and Equipment Bureau have not delivered good transportation services to fulfill the need of disability yet. Recently there is only the Government of Yogyakarta City that provides pro-disable facilities. The government of Yogyakarta City has tried to adopt several disabilities' need in providing transportation services such as bus station and Trans Jogja, guiding block pedestrian for disability; and pro-disable traffic signs. However, the quantity and quality of those transportation services are not enough. The number of pro-disable bus stations and city bus are not enough yet. So do the number of pedestrian. The pedestrian are not enough since many of them are used for parking area and informal traders. On the other hand, the government of Bantul, Kulon Progo and Gunung Kidul have not provided equipments that support transportation accessibility for disable people yet. The governments in those regions are on the way of improving the accessibility of disability into buildings and government offices, such as flat way for wheel chair users. Also, the Government of Sleman is better in comparison to other three regions in giving pro-disable pedestrian around government office.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelayanan Publik Bagi Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Disabilitas DI Kota Yogyakarta

Natapraja, May 1, 2013

This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. Th... more This research aims to analyze public policy and service implemented to people with disability. This research is important and interesting because of lack of government's attention in fulfilling the rights of people with disability. This qualitative descriptive research shows that Yogyakarta City Government has made serious effort to give friendly public service to people with disability. Education Office has launched inclusive education program to give them opportunity to access equal and indiscriminative education. Furthermore, the presence of Blind Corner in Arpusda shows City Government's effort to equalize them. In term of health, there is Jamkesmas special for people with disability, even though in its practice it is still rarely used by the group. In term of social, Social, Labor, and Transmigration Office has given some aids and capital mentoring every month to families with disability and employed them. The presence of Transjogja and special vehicle for them is effort to equalize them in society. However, programs to make friendly service have not been optimum because of the obstacles in its implementation. Human resource barrier, budget and people's stigma toward people with disability make fair public service implementation is less effective.