Darijana Antonić - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Darijana Antonić
International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Jun 14, 2021
BackgroundThe literature on the functioning of public health facilities in health systems with si... more BackgroundThe literature on the functioning of public health facilities in health systems with significant arrears is limited. The growing liabilities of health facilities and the accumulating arrears have been a challenge in the Republic of Srpska. Most public primary healthcare (PHC) centres generated a gross loss in 2018.MethodGuided by the ‘positive deviance’ approach, we used an exploratory case study design to identify strategies used by managers to achieve financial sustainability in eight top‐performing PHC centres. Qualitative data were collected through face‐to‐face in‐depth semistructured interviews with key informants from the PHC centres that reported positive financial results in 2018.ResultsSeven organisational goals, comprising 34 financial sustainability strategies, were recognised during the data analysis and were used to build an organisational‐level model for a PHC centre.ConclusionManagers concurrently used multiple strategies to ensure financial sustainability. Each centre tailored its range of strategies to the organisational context, local context, and wider environment of the health system. The strategies were conceived and implemented by managers operating at different organisational levels under the leadership of top‐level managers. Managers of indebted health facilities can learn from the positively deviant peers who manage facilities that achieved satisfactory financial performance.
Quality of life, Dec 15, 2011
Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of... more Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of body weight. It is the most important ingredient in the tissue of plants and animals. In addition, water is one of the most important raw materials in industry. Due to irresponsible use of water in the past, there is great danger that humanity will have serious problems in the future, both in terms of water quantity and in terms of water quality. It is still not too late that from this point forward, all of humanity take austerity measures and water conservation as a strategic raw material in the future. Every individual and every community, both individual and joint efforts can at least mitigate this problem. Quality and hygiene of drinking water and water as raw materials in the food industry today are the parameters of quality of life, of which each local community must take more into account. The paper analyzes the situation in water abstraction from the wells that supplied Srbac drinking water, and chemical and microbiological quality of water in the aquifer, the water supply network and the reach of water consumption in the period from 2005-2009. The results obtained in this paper suggest that the appreciation of the applicable regulations in this area and conscientious work of all participants in the supply chain can affect the water today for the needs of the population can provide a satisfactory water quality, and at the same time can preserve water reserves for future generations.
Sestrinski žurnal, Nov 28, 2018
Uvod: U Republici Srpskoj rak grlića materice, rak tijela materice i jajnika zajedno sa rakom doj... more Uvod: U Republici Srpskoj rak grlića materice, rak tijela materice i jajnika zajedno sa rakom dojke ukupnoj incidenci učestvuje sa više od 1/3 slučajeva raka kod žena. Rak grlića materice, tijela materice i jajnika je odogovran za 13,82% smrtnih ishoda kod žena od raka, od čega je najveći procenat umrlih žena od raka jajnika (5,62%) Materijal i metode rada: U ovom radu su korišteni podaci Registra malignih neoplazmi Republike Srpske i podaci iz baze malignih neoplazmi (svijet), GLOBOCAN 2008, Međunarodne agencije za istraživanje raka (IACR). Rezultati rada: U Republici Srpskoj medijana starosti obolijevanja od raka glića materice je 47 godina, dok je medijana starosti obolijevanja od raka tijela materice i jajnika u 60-tim godinama koliko iznosi i medijana starosti umiranja od raka grlića materice, tijela materice i jajnika. Odnos između starosno standardizovane stope (svijet) prevalence i incidence na 100 000 žena raka grlića materice, tijela materice i jajnika potvrđuje da visina incidence određuje visinu prevalence, korelacija je pozitivna (R=0,9775), a veza statistički značajna (p<0,01). Relativan petogodišnja stopa preživljavanja od raka grlića materice i tijela materice je iznad 80%, dok rak jajnika ima gotovo 2,5 puta nižu relativnu petogodišnju (iznad 36%) stopu preživljavanja. KLJUČNE REČI rak grlića materice, rak tijela materice, rak jajnika, incidenca, mortalitet, prevalenca, relativna stopa preživljavanja.
Zdravstvena zaštita, 2017
Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља ... more Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља водећи јавноздравствени про блем. Сваке године региструје се око 700 нових случајева, а од укупног броја умрлих од рака, од рака плућа и душника умре свака четврта особа. Настанак рака плућа и душника доводи се у директну везу са пу шењем, а према резултатима истра жи вања свакодневно и повремено пуши око 1/3 одраслог становништва Републике Српске. Материјал и методе рада: У овом раду су коришћени подаци Регистра малигних нео плазми Републике Српске, показатељи ве зани за преваленцију пушења из извје штаја о резултатима истраживања "Истра жи вање здравља становништва Репу блике Српске", као и подаци из базе мали гних нео плазми GLOBOCAN 2008, Међу народне аге нције за истра живање рака (IARC). Резултати рада: У Републици Српској рак плућа и душника код оба пола има веома високу инциденцију и морталитет, али веома ниску преваленцију. Око 70% новооткривених и умрлих случајева рака плућа и душника је у добној скупини 50-74 године живота. Највећи број сталних пушача је у добној скупини 35-44 године живота, а просјечна дужина пушачког стажа је око 20 година. Рак плућа и душника је више заступљен међу мушкарцима, као и навика пушења. Укупна релативна пето годишња стопа преживљавања за оба пола је око 15%.
Sportske Nauke i Zdravlje, Jun 29, 2014
Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnost... more Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnosti, je bitna potreba savremanog čovjeka. Značajan broj ljudi, povremeno ili stalno, koristi u te svrhe bazene. Međutim, rekreativne aktivnosti na bazenima, ali i korištenje bazena u svrhu liječenja ili oporavka, mogu da ugroze zdravlje, tako da je neophodno odgovarajuće upravljanje bazenima kako bi se taj uticaj sveo na što manju mjeru. Korisnici bazena izloženi su različitim opasnostima od kojih je rizik obolijevanja prouzrokovan mikrobiološkom kontaminacijom vode bazena najveći. Rizik bolesti ili infekcija zbog korištenja bazena povezan je, u prvom redu, sa fekalnom kontaminacijom vode zbog fecesa kupača ili fekalnom kontaminacijom vode sa kojom se puni bazen. Patogeni mikroorganizmi predstavljaju najčešći i najrašireniji zdravstveni rizik vezan za vodu kao sredinu zbog pojava infektivnih bolesti izazvanih bakterijama, virusima i parazitskim protozoama. Prećišćavanje vode smanjuje dijelom taj rizik, ali se najveća mjera sigurnosti korisnika može ostvariti tek dezinfekcijom vode u bazenu. Kulatura i samodisciplina kupača su doprinosni činioci njenoj bezbijednosti. Razmatranje problema upravljanja mikrobiološkim kvalitetom vode u bazenima, izloženo u ovom radu, bazira se najvećim dijelom na odgovarajućim Preporukama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO, 2000).
Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Person-Centered Healthcare
The objective of this chapter is to provide conceptual understandings of evaluation methods for h... more The objective of this chapter is to provide conceptual understandings of evaluation methods for healthcare and concrete illustrations in order to take stock of the advancements and applications on the subject. The chapter is divided in four sections: the first one sets the stage at a European level by evaluating healthcare system performance; the second goes back to the fundamental principles of methods of evaluation for healthcare; the third one follows with illustrations of patient-centred and person-centred methods of evaluation; and the last part moves forward with a reflection on intangibles and a proposition for a method of observation.
Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Person-Centered Healthcare, 2022
Person-centred care (PCC) is an increasing international priority and a shift in health systems o... more Person-centred care (PCC) is an increasing international priority and a shift in health systems orientation and development. Innovative models are required across Europe to prototype healthcare based on health promotion and PCC to improve healthcare quality and costs containment. Regardless of the type of intervention, investments will be required, and it will be essential to demonstrate the value created, comparing consequences and the associated costs. Independent of PCC intervention, we must consider different decision levels and stakeholders in the process. This work aims to focus on a broader perspective of health governance on PCC implementations, considering the need and importance of measurement systems (outcomes and costs) to support and evaluate innovative health service delivery models. It is necessary to have a global view of the entire system considering, from a health governance perspective, the different decision-making levels, the multiple stakeholders and the alignm...
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 2014
Cancer of large bowel (colorectal cancer) is a common form of malignancy in developed countries b... more Cancer of large bowel (colorectal cancer) is a common form of malignancy in developed countries but occurs much less frequently in the developing world. About 500 new cases are diagnosed each year in Republic of Srpska. This is third common cancer for both sex after cancer of lungs and breast. Each year 300 people are dying from colorectal cancer in Republic of Srpska and this cancer is second common cause of death after lung cancer. Numerous dietary factors play important role in colorectal cancer etiology. Daily consuming of red and processed meat (over 120 g), excessive intake of fats of animals and alcohol are directly connected with the development of colorectal cancer. In this study were used the data from Cancer Registry in Republic of Srpska and those information were compared with data in the world from GLOBOCAN 2008 database. For calculating the age standardized incidence, mortality and prevalence have been used method of direct standardization. Relative survival rates wer...
Health Science Reports, 2021
BackgroundIncreasing healthcare costs need to be contained in order to maintain equality of acces... more BackgroundIncreasing healthcare costs need to be contained in order to maintain equality of access to care for all EU citizens. A cross‐disciplinary consortium of experts was supported by the EU FP7 research programme, to produce a roadmap on cost containment, while maintaining or improving the quality of healthcare. The roadmap comprises two drivers: person‐centred care and health promotion; five critical enablers also need to be addressed: information technology, quality measures, infrastructure, incentive systems, and contracting strategies.MethodIn order to develop and test the roadmap, a COST Action project was initiated: COST−CARES, with 28 participating countries. This paper provides an overview of evidence about the effects of each of the identified enablers. Intersections between the drivers and the enablers are identified as critical for the success of future cost containment, in tandem with maintained or improved quality in healthcare. This will require further exploratio...
Zdravstvena zastita, 2017
Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља ... more Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља водећи јавноздравствени про блем. Сваке године региструје се око 700 нових случајева, а од укупног броја умрлих од рака, од рака плућа и душника умре свака четврта особа. Настанак рака плућа и душника доводи се у директну везу са пу шењем, а према резултатима истра жи вања свакодневно и повремено пуши око 1/3 одраслог становништва Републике Српске. Материјал и методе рада: У овом раду су коришћени подаци Регистра малигних нео плазми Републике Српске, показатељи ве зани за преваленцију пушења из извје штаја о резултатима истраживања "Истра жи вање здравља становништва Репу блике Српске", као и подаци из базе мали гних нео плазми GLOBOCAN 2008, Међу народне аге нције за истра живање рака (IARC). Резултати рада: У Републици Српској рак плућа и душника код оба пола има веома високу инциденцију и морталитет, али веома ниску преваленцију. Око 70% новооткривених и умрлих случајева рака плућа и душника је у добној скупини 50-74 године живота. Највећи број сталних пушача је у добној скупини 35-44 године живота, а просјечна дужина пушачког стажа је око 20 година. Рак плућа и душника је више заступљен међу мушкарцима, као и навика пушења. Укупна релативна пето годишња стопа преживљавања за оба пола је око 15%.
Quality of Life Apeiron, Apr 15, 2010
Mortality is one of the important indicators of health status of the population, especially the k... more Mortality is one of the important indicators of health status of the population, especially the knowledge of causes of death that give the full picture in the analysis of certain diseases. Assessment of health status of the population is not only new ideas but also a new concept in health care. In other words, the assessment of health status should be the first step and a prerequisite for continued systematic and planned work to improve both their health and overall health care system, or work on their reform. Given these facts, this article through the data on mortality as an indicator of the health status of the population indicated the state of his health and efficiency through the use of prevention programs potential years of life lost due to premature death. The five-year period of observation in the Republic of Srpska largest number of potential years of life lost due to diseases of the circulatory system, malignant diseases, then injuries, poisoning and the influence of external factors, diseases of the digestive systems and diseases of glands with internal secretion, nutrition and metabolism.
Quality of Life Apeiron, Dec 15, 2011
Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of... more Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of body weight. It is the most important ingredient in the tissue of plants and animals. In addition, water is one of the most important raw materials in industry. Due to irresponsible use of water in the past, there is great danger that humanity will have serious problems in the future, both in terms of water quantity and in terms of water quality. It is still not too late that from this point forward, all of humanity take austerity measures and water conservation as a strategic raw material in the future. Every individual and every community, both individual and joint efforts can at least mitigate this problem. Quality and hygiene of drinking water and water as raw materials in the food industry today are the parameters of quality of life, of which each local community must take more into account. The paper analyzes the situation in water abstraction from the wells that supplied Srbac drinking water, and chemical and microbiological quality of water in the aquifer, the water supply network and the reach of water consumption in the period from 2005-2009. The results obtained in this paper suggest that the appreciation of the applicable regulations in this area and conscientious work of all participants in the supply chain can affect the water today for the needs of the population can provide a satisfactory water quality, and at the same time can preserve water reserves for future generations.
Спортске Науке И Здравље Апеирон, Jun 29, 2014
Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnost... more Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnosti, je bitna potreba savremanog čovjeka. Značajan broj ljudi, povremeno ili stalno, koristi u te svrhe bazene. Međutim, rekreativne aktivnosti na bazenima, ali i korištenje bazena u svrhu liječenja ili oporavka, mogu da ugroze zdravlje, tako da je neophodno odgovarajuće upravljanje bazenima kako bi se taj uticaj sveo na što manju mjeru. Korisnici bazena izloženi su različitim opasnostima od kojih je rizik obolijevanja prouzrokovan mikrobiološkom kontaminacijom vode bazena najveći. Rizik bolesti ili infekcija zbog korištenja bazena povezan je, u prvom redu, sa fekalnom kontaminacijom vode zbog fecesa kupača ili fekalnom kontaminacijom vode sa kojom se puni bazen. Patogeni mikroorganizmi predstavljaju najčešći i najrašireniji zdravstveni rizik vezan za vodu kao sredinu zbog pojava infektivnih bolesti izazvanih bakterijama, virusima i parazitskim protozoama. Prećišćavanje vode smanjuje dijelom taj rizik, ali se najveća mjera sigurnosti korisnika može ostvariti tek dezinfekcijom vode u bazenu. Kulatura i samodisciplina kupača su doprinosni činioci njenoj bezbijednosti. Razmatranje problema upravljanja mikrobiološkim kvalitetom vode u bazenima, izloženo u ovom radu, bazira se najvećim dijelom na odgovarajućim Preporukama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO, 2000).
Abstract Malignant diseases are constantly increasing both in the world and in Republika Srpska. ... more Abstract Malignant diseases are constantly increasing both in the world and in Republika Srpska. The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence and mortality rates due to malignant diseases in Republika Srpska and to compare it to those in European Region and neighboring countries. Data on incidence and mortality from malignant diseases were collected from the registers of all medical facilities by unique methodology and processed with Can Reg 4 software program. IACR was used for comparison of acquired data. As a cause of death in Republika Srpska, malignant diseases come to the second place. The population of Republika Srpska dies from malignant diseases in over 50% of cases at the age of 55 to 74 years. Higher rate of death cases as well as of newly detected cases were found in male population. In Republika Srpska five most frequently occurring cancers were lung (15.1%), colorectal(11.6), breast (9.2%), stomach (4.4%) and prostate (4.1 %). The incidence and mortality risk from...
Introduction: Cancer of the cervix, uterine body and ovary together with cancer of the breast acc... more Introduction: Cancer of the cervix, uterine body and ovary together with cancer of the breast account more the 1/3 female’s cancer cases in the Republic of Srpska. Cancer of the cervix, uterine body and ovary are responsible for 13.82% cancer death females, and the leading cause of cancer death females is cancer of the ovary (5.62%). Sources and methods: Mediana age diagnosed new cases of the cervix cancer is 47 years and uterin body and ovary the median age is in sixties. Relationship beetwen age-standardized rate prevalence (world) and age-standardized rate incidence cancer of the cervix, uterin body and ovary and confirm that high rate of incidence determines high rate of prevalence, this correlation is positive and relationship statistical significant (p<0.01). Relative five years survival rates of the cervix and uterin body cancer are over 80% and cancer of the ovary have almost 2.5 times lower relative five years survival rate.
International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Jun 14, 2021
BackgroundThe literature on the functioning of public health facilities in health systems with si... more BackgroundThe literature on the functioning of public health facilities in health systems with significant arrears is limited. The growing liabilities of health facilities and the accumulating arrears have been a challenge in the Republic of Srpska. Most public primary healthcare (PHC) centres generated a gross loss in 2018.MethodGuided by the ‘positive deviance’ approach, we used an exploratory case study design to identify strategies used by managers to achieve financial sustainability in eight top‐performing PHC centres. Qualitative data were collected through face‐to‐face in‐depth semistructured interviews with key informants from the PHC centres that reported positive financial results in 2018.ResultsSeven organisational goals, comprising 34 financial sustainability strategies, were recognised during the data analysis and were used to build an organisational‐level model for a PHC centre.ConclusionManagers concurrently used multiple strategies to ensure financial sustainability. Each centre tailored its range of strategies to the organisational context, local context, and wider environment of the health system. The strategies were conceived and implemented by managers operating at different organisational levels under the leadership of top‐level managers. Managers of indebted health facilities can learn from the positively deviant peers who manage facilities that achieved satisfactory financial performance.
Quality of life, Dec 15, 2011
Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of... more Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of body weight. It is the most important ingredient in the tissue of plants and animals. In addition, water is one of the most important raw materials in industry. Due to irresponsible use of water in the past, there is great danger that humanity will have serious problems in the future, both in terms of water quantity and in terms of water quality. It is still not too late that from this point forward, all of humanity take austerity measures and water conservation as a strategic raw material in the future. Every individual and every community, both individual and joint efforts can at least mitigate this problem. Quality and hygiene of drinking water and water as raw materials in the food industry today are the parameters of quality of life, of which each local community must take more into account. The paper analyzes the situation in water abstraction from the wells that supplied Srbac drinking water, and chemical and microbiological quality of water in the aquifer, the water supply network and the reach of water consumption in the period from 2005-2009. The results obtained in this paper suggest that the appreciation of the applicable regulations in this area and conscientious work of all participants in the supply chain can affect the water today for the needs of the population can provide a satisfactory water quality, and at the same time can preserve water reserves for future generations.
Sestrinski žurnal, Nov 28, 2018
Uvod: U Republici Srpskoj rak grlića materice, rak tijela materice i jajnika zajedno sa rakom doj... more Uvod: U Republici Srpskoj rak grlića materice, rak tijela materice i jajnika zajedno sa rakom dojke ukupnoj incidenci učestvuje sa više od 1/3 slučajeva raka kod žena. Rak grlića materice, tijela materice i jajnika je odogovran za 13,82% smrtnih ishoda kod žena od raka, od čega je najveći procenat umrlih žena od raka jajnika (5,62%) Materijal i metode rada: U ovom radu su korišteni podaci Registra malignih neoplazmi Republike Srpske i podaci iz baze malignih neoplazmi (svijet), GLOBOCAN 2008, Međunarodne agencije za istraživanje raka (IACR). Rezultati rada: U Republici Srpskoj medijana starosti obolijevanja od raka glića materice je 47 godina, dok je medijana starosti obolijevanja od raka tijela materice i jajnika u 60-tim godinama koliko iznosi i medijana starosti umiranja od raka grlića materice, tijela materice i jajnika. Odnos između starosno standardizovane stope (svijet) prevalence i incidence na 100 000 žena raka grlića materice, tijela materice i jajnika potvrđuje da visina incidence određuje visinu prevalence, korelacija je pozitivna (R=0,9775), a veza statistički značajna (p<0,01). Relativan petogodišnja stopa preživljavanja od raka grlića materice i tijela materice je iznad 80%, dok rak jajnika ima gotovo 2,5 puta nižu relativnu petogodišnju (iznad 36%) stopu preživljavanja. KLJUČNE REČI rak grlića materice, rak tijela materice, rak jajnika, incidenca, mortalitet, prevalenca, relativna stopa preživljavanja.
Zdravstvena zaštita, 2017
Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља ... more Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља водећи јавноздравствени про блем. Сваке године региструје се око 700 нових случајева, а од укупног броја умрлих од рака, од рака плућа и душника умре свака четврта особа. Настанак рака плућа и душника доводи се у директну везу са пу шењем, а према резултатима истра жи вања свакодневно и повремено пуши око 1/3 одраслог становништва Републике Српске. Материјал и методе рада: У овом раду су коришћени подаци Регистра малигних нео плазми Републике Српске, показатељи ве зани за преваленцију пушења из извје штаја о резултатима истраживања "Истра жи вање здравља становништва Репу блике Српске", као и подаци из базе мали гних нео плазми GLOBOCAN 2008, Међу народне аге нције за истра живање рака (IARC). Резултати рада: У Републици Српској рак плућа и душника код оба пола има веома високу инциденцију и морталитет, али веома ниску преваленцију. Око 70% новооткривених и умрлих случајева рака плућа и душника је у добној скупини 50-74 године живота. Највећи број сталних пушача је у добној скупини 35-44 године живота, а просјечна дужина пушачког стажа је око 20 година. Рак плућа и душника је више заступљен међу мушкарцима, као и навика пушења. Укупна релативна пето годишња стопа преживљавања за оба пола је око 15%.
Sportske Nauke i Zdravlje, Jun 29, 2014
Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnost... more Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnosti, je bitna potreba savremanog čovjeka. Značajan broj ljudi, povremeno ili stalno, koristi u te svrhe bazene. Međutim, rekreativne aktivnosti na bazenima, ali i korištenje bazena u svrhu liječenja ili oporavka, mogu da ugroze zdravlje, tako da je neophodno odgovarajuće upravljanje bazenima kako bi se taj uticaj sveo na što manju mjeru. Korisnici bazena izloženi su različitim opasnostima od kojih je rizik obolijevanja prouzrokovan mikrobiološkom kontaminacijom vode bazena najveći. Rizik bolesti ili infekcija zbog korištenja bazena povezan je, u prvom redu, sa fekalnom kontaminacijom vode zbog fecesa kupača ili fekalnom kontaminacijom vode sa kojom se puni bazen. Patogeni mikroorganizmi predstavljaju najčešći i najrašireniji zdravstveni rizik vezan za vodu kao sredinu zbog pojava infektivnih bolesti izazvanih bakterijama, virusima i parazitskim protozoama. Prećišćavanje vode smanjuje dijelom taj rizik, ali se najveća mjera sigurnosti korisnika može ostvariti tek dezinfekcijom vode u bazenu. Kulatura i samodisciplina kupača su doprinosni činioci njenoj bezbijednosti. Razmatranje problema upravljanja mikrobiološkim kvalitetom vode u bazenima, izloženo u ovom radu, bazira se najvećim dijelom na odgovarajućim Preporukama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO, 2000).
Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Person-Centered Healthcare
The objective of this chapter is to provide conceptual understandings of evaluation methods for h... more The objective of this chapter is to provide conceptual understandings of evaluation methods for healthcare and concrete illustrations in order to take stock of the advancements and applications on the subject. The chapter is divided in four sections: the first one sets the stage at a European level by evaluating healthcare system performance; the second goes back to the fundamental principles of methods of evaluation for healthcare; the third one follows with illustrations of patient-centred and person-centred methods of evaluation; and the last part moves forward with a reflection on intangibles and a proposition for a method of observation.
Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Person-Centered Healthcare, 2022
Person-centred care (PCC) is an increasing international priority and a shift in health systems o... more Person-centred care (PCC) is an increasing international priority and a shift in health systems orientation and development. Innovative models are required across Europe to prototype healthcare based on health promotion and PCC to improve healthcare quality and costs containment. Regardless of the type of intervention, investments will be required, and it will be essential to demonstrate the value created, comparing consequences and the associated costs. Independent of PCC intervention, we must consider different decision levels and stakeholders in the process. This work aims to focus on a broader perspective of health governance on PCC implementations, considering the need and importance of measurement systems (outcomes and costs) to support and evaluate innovative health service delivery models. It is necessary to have a global view of the entire system considering, from a health governance perspective, the different decision-making levels, the multiple stakeholders and the alignm...
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 2014
Cancer of large bowel (colorectal cancer) is a common form of malignancy in developed countries b... more Cancer of large bowel (colorectal cancer) is a common form of malignancy in developed countries but occurs much less frequently in the developing world. About 500 new cases are diagnosed each year in Republic of Srpska. This is third common cancer for both sex after cancer of lungs and breast. Each year 300 people are dying from colorectal cancer in Republic of Srpska and this cancer is second common cause of death after lung cancer. Numerous dietary factors play important role in colorectal cancer etiology. Daily consuming of red and processed meat (over 120 g), excessive intake of fats of animals and alcohol are directly connected with the development of colorectal cancer. In this study were used the data from Cancer Registry in Republic of Srpska and those information were compared with data in the world from GLOBOCAN 2008 database. For calculating the age standardized incidence, mortality and prevalence have been used method of direct standardization. Relative survival rates wer...
Health Science Reports, 2021
BackgroundIncreasing healthcare costs need to be contained in order to maintain equality of acces... more BackgroundIncreasing healthcare costs need to be contained in order to maintain equality of access to care for all EU citizens. A cross‐disciplinary consortium of experts was supported by the EU FP7 research programme, to produce a roadmap on cost containment, while maintaining or improving the quality of healthcare. The roadmap comprises two drivers: person‐centred care and health promotion; five critical enablers also need to be addressed: information technology, quality measures, infrastructure, incentive systems, and contracting strategies.MethodIn order to develop and test the roadmap, a COST Action project was initiated: COST−CARES, with 28 participating countries. This paper provides an overview of evidence about the effects of each of the identified enablers. Intersections between the drivers and the enablers are identified as critical for the success of future cost containment, in tandem with maintained or improved quality in healthcare. This will require further exploratio...
Zdravstvena zastita, 2017
Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља ... more Сажетак Увод: У Републици Српској, ентитету Босне и Херцеговине, рак плућа и душника пред ставља водећи јавноздравствени про блем. Сваке године региструје се око 700 нових случајева, а од укупног броја умрлих од рака, од рака плућа и душника умре свака четврта особа. Настанак рака плућа и душника доводи се у директну везу са пу шењем, а према резултатима истра жи вања свакодневно и повремено пуши око 1/3 одраслог становништва Републике Српске. Материјал и методе рада: У овом раду су коришћени подаци Регистра малигних нео плазми Републике Српске, показатељи ве зани за преваленцију пушења из извје штаја о резултатима истраживања "Истра жи вање здравља становништва Репу блике Српске", као и подаци из базе мали гних нео плазми GLOBOCAN 2008, Међу народне аге нције за истра живање рака (IARC). Резултати рада: У Републици Српској рак плућа и душника код оба пола има веома високу инциденцију и морталитет, али веома ниску преваленцију. Око 70% новооткривених и умрлих случајева рака плућа и душника је у добној скупини 50-74 године живота. Највећи број сталних пушача је у добној скупини 35-44 године живота, а просјечна дужина пушачког стажа је око 20 година. Рак плућа и душника је више заступљен међу мушкарцима, као и навика пушења. Укупна релативна пето годишња стопа преживљавања за оба пола је око 15%.
Quality of Life Apeiron, Apr 15, 2010
Mortality is one of the important indicators of health status of the population, especially the k... more Mortality is one of the important indicators of health status of the population, especially the knowledge of causes of death that give the full picture in the analysis of certain diseases. Assessment of health status of the population is not only new ideas but also a new concept in health care. In other words, the assessment of health status should be the first step and a prerequisite for continued systematic and planned work to improve both their health and overall health care system, or work on their reform. Given these facts, this article through the data on mortality as an indicator of the health status of the population indicated the state of his health and efficiency through the use of prevention programs potential years of life lost due to premature death. The five-year period of observation in the Republic of Srpska largest number of potential years of life lost due to diseases of the circulatory system, malignant diseases, then injuries, poisoning and the influence of external factors, diseases of the digestive systems and diseases of glands with internal secretion, nutrition and metabolism.
Quality of Life Apeiron, Dec 15, 2011
Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of... more Water is the basic ingredient necessary for the maintenance of life of people and makes 60-70% of body weight. It is the most important ingredient in the tissue of plants and animals. In addition, water is one of the most important raw materials in industry. Due to irresponsible use of water in the past, there is great danger that humanity will have serious problems in the future, both in terms of water quantity and in terms of water quality. It is still not too late that from this point forward, all of humanity take austerity measures and water conservation as a strategic raw material in the future. Every individual and every community, both individual and joint efforts can at least mitigate this problem. Quality and hygiene of drinking water and water as raw materials in the food industry today are the parameters of quality of life, of which each local community must take more into account. The paper analyzes the situation in water abstraction from the wells that supplied Srbac drinking water, and chemical and microbiological quality of water in the aquifer, the water supply network and the reach of water consumption in the period from 2005-2009. The results obtained in this paper suggest that the appreciation of the applicable regulations in this area and conscientious work of all participants in the supply chain can affect the water today for the needs of the population can provide a satisfactory water quality, and at the same time can preserve water reserves for future generations.
Спортске Науке И Здравље Апеирон, Jun 29, 2014
Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnost... more Potreba za rekreacijom kao jednim od načina održavanja psihofi zičkog zdravlja i radne sposobnosti, je bitna potreba savremanog čovjeka. Značajan broj ljudi, povremeno ili stalno, koristi u te svrhe bazene. Međutim, rekreativne aktivnosti na bazenima, ali i korištenje bazena u svrhu liječenja ili oporavka, mogu da ugroze zdravlje, tako da je neophodno odgovarajuće upravljanje bazenima kako bi se taj uticaj sveo na što manju mjeru. Korisnici bazena izloženi su različitim opasnostima od kojih je rizik obolijevanja prouzrokovan mikrobiološkom kontaminacijom vode bazena najveći. Rizik bolesti ili infekcija zbog korištenja bazena povezan je, u prvom redu, sa fekalnom kontaminacijom vode zbog fecesa kupača ili fekalnom kontaminacijom vode sa kojom se puni bazen. Patogeni mikroorganizmi predstavljaju najčešći i najrašireniji zdravstveni rizik vezan za vodu kao sredinu zbog pojava infektivnih bolesti izazvanih bakterijama, virusima i parazitskim protozoama. Prećišćavanje vode smanjuje dijelom taj rizik, ali se najveća mjera sigurnosti korisnika može ostvariti tek dezinfekcijom vode u bazenu. Kulatura i samodisciplina kupača su doprinosni činioci njenoj bezbijednosti. Razmatranje problema upravljanja mikrobiološkim kvalitetom vode u bazenima, izloženo u ovom radu, bazira se najvećim dijelom na odgovarajućim Preporukama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO, 2000).
Abstract Malignant diseases are constantly increasing both in the world and in Republika Srpska. ... more Abstract Malignant diseases are constantly increasing both in the world and in Republika Srpska. The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence and mortality rates due to malignant diseases in Republika Srpska and to compare it to those in European Region and neighboring countries. Data on incidence and mortality from malignant diseases were collected from the registers of all medical facilities by unique methodology and processed with Can Reg 4 software program. IACR was used for comparison of acquired data. As a cause of death in Republika Srpska, malignant diseases come to the second place. The population of Republika Srpska dies from malignant diseases in over 50% of cases at the age of 55 to 74 years. Higher rate of death cases as well as of newly detected cases were found in male population. In Republika Srpska five most frequently occurring cancers were lung (15.1%), colorectal(11.6), breast (9.2%), stomach (4.4%) and prostate (4.1 %). The incidence and mortality risk from...
Introduction: Cancer of the cervix, uterine body and ovary together with cancer of the breast acc... more Introduction: Cancer of the cervix, uterine body and ovary together with cancer of the breast account more the 1/3 female’s cancer cases in the Republic of Srpska. Cancer of the cervix, uterine body and ovary are responsible for 13.82% cancer death females, and the leading cause of cancer death females is cancer of the ovary (5.62%). Sources and methods: Mediana age diagnosed new cases of the cervix cancer is 47 years and uterin body and ovary the median age is in sixties. Relationship beetwen age-standardized rate prevalence (world) and age-standardized rate incidence cancer of the cervix, uterin body and ovary and confirm that high rate of incidence determines high rate of prevalence, this correlation is positive and relationship statistical significant (p<0.01). Relative five years survival rates of the cervix and uterin body cancer are over 80% and cancer of the ovary have almost 2.5 times lower relative five years survival rate.