winci firdaus - (original) (raw)
Papers by winci firdaus
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2020
The lead-free solder materials development served as urgent, due to the implementation of Restric... more The lead-free solder materials development served as urgent, due to the implementation of Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). However, another material for a lead-free solder carry several drawbacks, namely many of intermetallic growth (IMC), which has slightly higher in melting point. One of the methods used to make lead-free solder is by supplementing another alloy substance. Among the expectant alloy substances is by varying Bismuth (Bi) content. Thermal Analyzer, X-ray Diffraction and Potentiodynamic Polarization were used for characterization. The results showed the decrease in melting point. The structure of Bi-doped Sn showed single-phase tetragonal Sn. Different crystal parameters have been obtained. From Potentiodynamic Polarization test, the samples showed different corrosion rate. In conclusion, Sn-Bi lead-free solder is a potential candidate in replacing the Tin-Lead solder materials which is now banned.
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2020
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keingintahuan praktik pemberian nama diri di masyarakat adat... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keingintahuan praktik pemberian nama diri di masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar. Dalam untaian nama itu umumnya menyiratkan keyakinan dan kebijaksanaan (wisdom) serta dapat merefleksikan doa, cita-cita (expectation). Artinya bahwa nama yang diberikan (disandangnya) tersebut akan sesuai dengan tuntutan (harapan) masyarakat pada masa dibuatnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memotret praktik pemberian nama diri dalam masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dan akan mengkaji faktor-faktor dan nilai-nilai apa saja yang melatarbelakangi praktik tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metodologi kualitatif yakni metode deskriptif analitis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dalam tiga generasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi partisipan serta teknik simak dan catat. Teknik analisis data dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, melakukan analisis berdasarkan klasifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa pola pemberian maupun pergantian nama disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan. Pertama, didorong karena alasan psikologis, berupa harapan seperti demi kejayaan, ketenaran, keuntungan dan terhindar dari malapetaka serta kepuasan batiniah. Kedua, yaitu berkaitan dengan nilai sosiokultural yang mempunyai akar ke masa silam. Dari kajian secara diakronis pola pemberian nama masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar telah mengalami pergeseran, walaupun pergeseran atau perubahan itu relatif tidak begitu masif. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar masih pengkuh (kuat) memegang tradisi dan adat istiadat yang sudah diwariskan secara turun-temurun. Kata-kata kunci: nama diri, praktik pemberian nama, masyarakat adat, Kasepuhan Ciptagelar.
This research is motivated by the practice of naming animals (zoonim), especially the garut sheep... more This research is motivated by the practice of naming animals (zoonim), especially the garut sheep in the Priangan region. The purpose of this research is to examine the history of the naming of the sheep and to reconstruct the linguistic name of the garut sheep. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely descriptive analytical method. The data collection techniques used in this study were fishing techniques, all-encompassing techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. Data analysis begins with collecting data, reducing data, analyzing based on classification. The source of the data in this study were the garut sheep that competed in the 2022 Garut League Agility Competition. The results of this study were: 1) the naming of the sheep is inseparable from the culture and history of agility competitions carried out by nobles since ancient times, and in the end this activity became an activity favored by the community and spread to several areas, 2) Based on the rec...
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
IJoLE (International Journal of Language Education), Dec 31, 2022
Indonesian Language Education and Literature
berisi tentang kumpulan artikel penelitian ilmiah kebahasaan Judul artikel yang ada dalam Jurnal ... more berisi tentang kumpulan artikel penelitian ilmiah kebahasaan Judul artikel yang ada dalam Jurnal ini yaitu: 1. Proses pengafiksasian yang terjadi dalam dialek yang digunakan pada daerah lereng Merapi 2. Reduplikasi Resiprokal Bahasa Indonesia 3. Nosi Fonologis dalam penyerapan kata asing 4. Gaya dan Bahasa iklan di televisi 5. Beberapa kesalahan dalam tata bahasa: studi kasus pada mahasiswa hukum semester III 6. Kesantunan berbahasa pengguna Facebook: penelitian analisis isi terhadap penggunaan bahasa Indonesia pada jaringan Facebook 7. Variasi Fonologis preposisi "Neng" pada bahasa Jawa Ngoko dan hubungannya dengan kondisi geografis dan iklim di lereng Merapi: sebuah kajian dialektologis dan mengarah ke Etnolinguistik 8. Kata serapan dalam bidang hukum Indonesia: analisis Morfofonemis 9. Bentuk-bentuk Morfemis kata prokem dalam karya sastra bergenre Teenlit 10. Konflik Palestina-Israel dalam pemberitaan harian Republika: kajian analisis wacana kritis model Norman Faircloug
TEM Journal, Aug 29, 2022
The fuzzy logic Mamdani model is a fuzzy reasoning system that can be used to calculate values ba... more The fuzzy logic Mamdani model is a fuzzy reasoning system that can be used to calculate values based on various criteria for evaluating teacher performance. In this study, three fuzzy sets were used to determine the level of success of teachers in teaching through online media in one of the vocational schools in North Sumatra: the teacher set, the value set, and the success rate set. The teacher set is divided into three criteria: bad, sufficient, and good teachers. The set of values is also divided into three categories: bad, sufficient, and good. Furthermore, the set of success rates is divided into three categories: low, medium, and high success rates. The goal of this study is to use the mamdani fuzzy logic method to assess the level of success in teaching teachers using online media. According to the study's findings, the mamdani method could be used in this situation.
İlköğretim Online
Understanding the vocabulary contained in a book is the door to a complete understanding of the b... more Understanding the vocabulary contained in a book is the door to a complete understanding of the book. The percentage of vocabulary that is understood will be a marker of whether the material in the book is understood by students or not. With this background, research on students' vocabulary understanding of Indonesian textbooks is important. This research is the first step in the research on vocabulary enrichment book development. The approach taken is quantitative with descriptive methods. The data collection technique used a survey with an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Respondents in this study were 7 th grade, 8 th grade, and 9 th grade students in the junior high school. The results of the study were in the form of a vocabulary profile and students' vocabulary understanding. Seventh grade textbooks have a vocabulary type of 6,220 with a token of 50,051, eighth grade textbooks have a vocabulary type of 6,301 with a token of 46,904 and ninth grade textbooks have a type of vocabulary of 5,018 with a token of 33,926. In 7 th grade there are 2,746 or 44% of the vocabulary with the frequency of using it only once written. Meanwhile, in 8 th grade there are 2,901 or a total of 46% vocabulary and in 9 th grade there are 2,897 or 58% vocabulary with a frequency of written usage only once. From the research results it was also known that a number of 88% percent of students had experienced difficulty understanding vocabulary. In addition, from 200 randomly selected vocabularies, it is known that the percentage of vocabulary commonly used by students is only 28% in 7 th grade, 31% in 8 th grade, and 39% in 9 th grade. These results indicate that further research is needed on the development of enrichment books that can improve students' understanding of vocabulary.
Linguistik Indonesia
Markers of the identity of a group can be seen from the language and culture. A group that lives ... more Markers of the identity of a group can be seen from the language and culture. A group that lives in an area usually names its territory using their language and cultural characteristics of the place. However, heterogeneity in Indonesia society makes the naming of regions experience changes and shifts over time. This can be seen from the naming of the administrative area in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province. As a border area between Indonesia and Malaysia, the naming of administrative areas becomes necessary and important to be preserved as an identity marker. In this regard, this study explores the naming of administrative areas in Sanggau Regency. This study aims to describe the pattern of naming administrative areas as language documentation, explore identity markers in naming administrative areas, and preserve language and cultural characteristics in naming administrative areas. The research method is based on toponymy research with descriptive qualitative analysis. Data ...
The objective of this study is to cluster and classify data using a combination of the k-means an... more The objective of this study is to cluster and classify data using a combination of the k-means and C4.5 methods. The process involves clustering and subsequent classification. The classification process uses k-folds = 10 and samples = stratified sampling. In this study, analphabets in Indonesia of a minimum age of 15 years (15+) were evaluated. The data are the percentage of analogs between 2017 and 2019. The dataset was obtained from and is accessible at In this study, the Davies Bouldin index (DBI) was used to determine the number of clusters with an optimal DBI value of k = 2, namely, 0,121. The results of the cluster maps in Indonesian territories demonstrate low clustering (C 0 = 22 provinces) and high clustering (C 1 = 11 provinces) for children with k = 2 analphabets. Then, the clustering results were classified, and an accuracy of 97.50 was realized, along with a recall of 90.91%, a precision of 100.00%, and an AUC (optimistic) of 0.95 (excellent classification).
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Dec 16, 2020
This paper discussed various aspects of marketing communication in the digital era. It began with... more This paper discussed various aspects of marketing communication in the digital era. It began with an explanation of the perceptual model of marketing communication activities, followed by an explanation of the actors of marketing communication, both communicators and communicants. The next section discussed some of the Internet technology-based media used to communicate, the uniqueness of the marketing communication in it, and its effects on behavior. Various uniqueness of Internet-based marketing communication media that affect marketing communication factors, the final part contains several things that need to be considered in communicating with the Internet. Marketing communication is carried out by one party to convey messages to the other party. Marketing communication is the transfer of one's understanding of another or the transfer of data from one source to another by using natural or artificial media. Explicitly, The data transferred in marketing communication is in the form of information so that an understanding can be reached between one person and another.
Proceedings of the 1st Konferensi Internasional Berbahasa Indonesia Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, KIBAR 2020, 28 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2022
During the rapid development of information technology, the existence of a digital-based literatu... more During the rapid development of information technology, the existence of a digital-based literature learning page was very much needed. This page can increase students' reading interest. On the literature page, students learn aesthetics, language enrichment, character education, imagination, and creation. For this reason, the Vista Sastra page was created as the final product of the feasibility study of students' literary reading material. This page was a digital-based literary learning enrichment. The goal was to find a way to increase interest in reading literature for high school students. Research and development method were used in this research. The steps taken include selecting literary reading, testing, selecting selected literature recommendations, creating page, and testing page. This literature learning platform was prepared to assist high school students in getting to know the richness of Indonesian literature, author's bio and creative process, guidelines, discussion forums, and evaluation. Vista Sastra can help students learn literature effectively and efficiently and independently build their imagination and creativity.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
The use of language has differences depending on geographical conditions and the surrounding envi... more The use of language has differences depending on geographical conditions and the surrounding environment. This is due to the use of language like waves so that language changes or variations are unavoidable. What's more, the presence of different language contacts makes changes or variations of the language also different. One example of an interesting language in terms of language use is the Minangkabau language. In this case, the Minangkabau language in West Sumatra Province has a wide area of language usage and many borders with other provinces. In addition, the differences in the results of the Minangkabau language research in West Sumatra Province also add to the attractiveness of further research efforts as verification of the various findings. In connection with that matter, verification of Minangkabau language mapping in West Sumatra Province is important. It aims to see the limits of the use of the Minangkabau language in the form of maps and to compare the data according to the closest distance between the observation areas. This study uses a dialectological approach with quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method is based on dialectometric calculations, while the qualitative method is based on the analysis of the dialectometry calculations. The data compared in this study is the result of language mapping from the Language Center of West Sumatra Province with 400 vocabularies as a list of questions. The observation area chosen in this study is the area of the use of the Minangkabau language which has a both different dialects and new areas that have not been compared from previous studies. The addition of new observation areas for comparison in this study is the Lunang isolect in Pesisir Selatan Regency and the Sungai Limau isolect in Dharmasraya Regency. As a result, the Minangkabau language only has two dialects, namely the Agam-Tanah Datar dialect and Pancung Soal dialect with the percentage of dialectometry calculation results of 51-80%. The Agam-Tanah Datar dialect consists of the Payakumbuh, Limapuluh Kota, Pangkalan Koto Baru, Pasaman, and Tarung-Tarung Rao sub-dialects, while the Pancung Soal dialect consists of the Koto Baru, Dharmasraya, and Lunang sub-dialects. The sub-dialect classification can be seen from the results of the 31-50% dialectometry calculation.
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2021
: Writing scientific papers requires the practice of using correct language by KBBI rules. Howeve... more : Writing scientific papers requires the practice of using correct language by KBBI rules. However, in the preparation of scientific documents such as papers, articles, and undergraduate thes i s still found incorrect language practices. This of course has an impact on ignoring the correct grammar following KBBI. The purpose of writing this article is to examine various kinds of language mistakes that have been considered as truth by students. This is based on their nescience of the correct language in KBBI, so the words used often ignore the correct rules. This research belongs to the type of descriptive qualitative research by describing research findings using detailed text. Researchers used a content analysis approach to analyze student scientific papers. Then, the error is classified based on the type of error, such as nonstandard words, prepositions, and derivative forms that are often wrong in their writing practice. Based on the research conducted it was concluded that in sc...
Referring to its substance, Indonesian mass media tends to assume that the economic failure ofInd... more Referring to its substance, Indonesian mass media tends to assume that the economic failure ofIndonesia is only considered from one side, it is due to the influx of imported goods from China. While, other sides such as the Indonesian government's readiness of it, the potential of Indonesian human resources, and even maximization the existing natural resources seem untouched by the media. For the unequal news release, it can be presumed that the media has channeled a certain ideology to its readers. The ideology triggers negative attitudes towards Chinese products. Each language choice raises certain associations referred to reality. Thus, every language applied in the text is criticized by applying Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) theory, it will reflect the ideological role in creating a group identity through language use Abstrak Dilihat dari sisi berita media di Indonesia cenderung beranggapan bahwa kegagalan perekonomian di Indonesia hanya dilihat dari satu sudut saja yaitu...
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, 2021
The problem in this study examines the form of performance or reflection of the language system t... more The problem in this study examines the form of performance or reflection of the language system that is on the mind of the speaker in Pinto Anugrah's novel Jemput Terbawa. Performance in a novel deserves to be researched with the aim of knowing the form of the use of speaker language or Pinto Anugrah as an author to convey the intent into a work. Therefore, the purpose of this analysis is to see how the form of performance of pinto anugrah minangkabau language that is influenced by psychology and culture that affects it. The theory used in this study is Simanjuntak (2015). The research method used is the method of listening to or listening to the text and marking the content of the text with a note technique. The data analysis uses the padan method and agih method. All of these forms are based on the opinion of Sudaryanto (1993). The results of this study found that the form of performance in the novel Jemput Terbawa can be seen in several forms, namely the form of dendang, rab...
Abstract--- Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a Business Model nowadays it is considered important t... more Abstract--- Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a Business Model nowadays it is considered important to be mastered by students in entrepreneurship courses as a starting point to plunge into the world of entrepreneurship because in BMC a framework is explained in a simple way to present the elements contained in a business model. Although considered important, it is very difficult to find an assessment instrument for this aspect. Even if there is, it is not a valid and reliable instrument. This article discusses the design of assessment instruments for BMCs at the College Level. There are 9 aspects of assessment used by the author according to Alexander Osterwalder in his book entitled Bussiness Model Generation which consists of 9 blocks of activity areas to map strategies to build strong businesses, consisting of Customers Segment, Value proposition, Customer Relationship, Channel, Revenue Stream, Key Resource, Key Activities, Key Partnership, and Cost Structure. To produce a quality a...
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2020
The lead-free solder materials development served as urgent, due to the implementation of Restric... more The lead-free solder materials development served as urgent, due to the implementation of Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). However, another material for a lead-free solder carry several drawbacks, namely many of intermetallic growth (IMC), which has slightly higher in melting point. One of the methods used to make lead-free solder is by supplementing another alloy substance. Among the expectant alloy substances is by varying Bismuth (Bi) content. Thermal Analyzer, X-ray Diffraction and Potentiodynamic Polarization were used for characterization. The results showed the decrease in melting point. The structure of Bi-doped Sn showed single-phase tetragonal Sn. Different crystal parameters have been obtained. From Potentiodynamic Polarization test, the samples showed different corrosion rate. In conclusion, Sn-Bi lead-free solder is a potential candidate in replacing the Tin-Lead solder materials which is now banned.
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2020
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keingintahuan praktik pemberian nama diri di masyarakat adat... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keingintahuan praktik pemberian nama diri di masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar. Dalam untaian nama itu umumnya menyiratkan keyakinan dan kebijaksanaan (wisdom) serta dapat merefleksikan doa, cita-cita (expectation). Artinya bahwa nama yang diberikan (disandangnya) tersebut akan sesuai dengan tuntutan (harapan) masyarakat pada masa dibuatnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memotret praktik pemberian nama diri dalam masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dan akan mengkaji faktor-faktor dan nilai-nilai apa saja yang melatarbelakangi praktik tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metodologi kualitatif yakni metode deskriptif analitis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dalam tiga generasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi partisipan serta teknik simak dan catat. Teknik analisis data dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, melakukan analisis berdasarkan klasifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa pola pemberian maupun pergantian nama disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan. Pertama, didorong karena alasan psikologis, berupa harapan seperti demi kejayaan, ketenaran, keuntungan dan terhindar dari malapetaka serta kepuasan batiniah. Kedua, yaitu berkaitan dengan nilai sosiokultural yang mempunyai akar ke masa silam. Dari kajian secara diakronis pola pemberian nama masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar telah mengalami pergeseran, walaupun pergeseran atau perubahan itu relatif tidak begitu masif. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar masih pengkuh (kuat) memegang tradisi dan adat istiadat yang sudah diwariskan secara turun-temurun. Kata-kata kunci: nama diri, praktik pemberian nama, masyarakat adat, Kasepuhan Ciptagelar.
This research is motivated by the practice of naming animals (zoonim), especially the garut sheep... more This research is motivated by the practice of naming animals (zoonim), especially the garut sheep in the Priangan region. The purpose of this research is to examine the history of the naming of the sheep and to reconstruct the linguistic name of the garut sheep. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely descriptive analytical method. The data collection techniques used in this study were fishing techniques, all-encompassing techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. Data analysis begins with collecting data, reducing data, analyzing based on classification. The source of the data in this study were the garut sheep that competed in the 2022 Garut League Agility Competition. The results of this study were: 1) the naming of the sheep is inseparable from the culture and history of agility competitions carried out by nobles since ancient times, and in the end this activity became an activity favored by the community and spread to several areas, 2) Based on the rec...
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
IJoLE (International Journal of Language Education), Dec 31, 2022
Indonesian Language Education and Literature
berisi tentang kumpulan artikel penelitian ilmiah kebahasaan Judul artikel yang ada dalam Jurnal ... more berisi tentang kumpulan artikel penelitian ilmiah kebahasaan Judul artikel yang ada dalam Jurnal ini yaitu: 1. Proses pengafiksasian yang terjadi dalam dialek yang digunakan pada daerah lereng Merapi 2. Reduplikasi Resiprokal Bahasa Indonesia 3. Nosi Fonologis dalam penyerapan kata asing 4. Gaya dan Bahasa iklan di televisi 5. Beberapa kesalahan dalam tata bahasa: studi kasus pada mahasiswa hukum semester III 6. Kesantunan berbahasa pengguna Facebook: penelitian analisis isi terhadap penggunaan bahasa Indonesia pada jaringan Facebook 7. Variasi Fonologis preposisi "Neng" pada bahasa Jawa Ngoko dan hubungannya dengan kondisi geografis dan iklim di lereng Merapi: sebuah kajian dialektologis dan mengarah ke Etnolinguistik 8. Kata serapan dalam bidang hukum Indonesia: analisis Morfofonemis 9. Bentuk-bentuk Morfemis kata prokem dalam karya sastra bergenre Teenlit 10. Konflik Palestina-Israel dalam pemberitaan harian Republika: kajian analisis wacana kritis model Norman Faircloug
TEM Journal, Aug 29, 2022
The fuzzy logic Mamdani model is a fuzzy reasoning system that can be used to calculate values ba... more The fuzzy logic Mamdani model is a fuzzy reasoning system that can be used to calculate values based on various criteria for evaluating teacher performance. In this study, three fuzzy sets were used to determine the level of success of teachers in teaching through online media in one of the vocational schools in North Sumatra: the teacher set, the value set, and the success rate set. The teacher set is divided into three criteria: bad, sufficient, and good teachers. The set of values is also divided into three categories: bad, sufficient, and good. Furthermore, the set of success rates is divided into three categories: low, medium, and high success rates. The goal of this study is to use the mamdani fuzzy logic method to assess the level of success in teaching teachers using online media. According to the study's findings, the mamdani method could be used in this situation.
İlköğretim Online
Understanding the vocabulary contained in a book is the door to a complete understanding of the b... more Understanding the vocabulary contained in a book is the door to a complete understanding of the book. The percentage of vocabulary that is understood will be a marker of whether the material in the book is understood by students or not. With this background, research on students' vocabulary understanding of Indonesian textbooks is important. This research is the first step in the research on vocabulary enrichment book development. The approach taken is quantitative with descriptive methods. The data collection technique used a survey with an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Respondents in this study were 7 th grade, 8 th grade, and 9 th grade students in the junior high school. The results of the study were in the form of a vocabulary profile and students' vocabulary understanding. Seventh grade textbooks have a vocabulary type of 6,220 with a token of 50,051, eighth grade textbooks have a vocabulary type of 6,301 with a token of 46,904 and ninth grade textbooks have a type of vocabulary of 5,018 with a token of 33,926. In 7 th grade there are 2,746 or 44% of the vocabulary with the frequency of using it only once written. Meanwhile, in 8 th grade there are 2,901 or a total of 46% vocabulary and in 9 th grade there are 2,897 or 58% vocabulary with a frequency of written usage only once. From the research results it was also known that a number of 88% percent of students had experienced difficulty understanding vocabulary. In addition, from 200 randomly selected vocabularies, it is known that the percentage of vocabulary commonly used by students is only 28% in 7 th grade, 31% in 8 th grade, and 39% in 9 th grade. These results indicate that further research is needed on the development of enrichment books that can improve students' understanding of vocabulary.
Linguistik Indonesia
Markers of the identity of a group can be seen from the language and culture. A group that lives ... more Markers of the identity of a group can be seen from the language and culture. A group that lives in an area usually names its territory using their language and cultural characteristics of the place. However, heterogeneity in Indonesia society makes the naming of regions experience changes and shifts over time. This can be seen from the naming of the administrative area in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province. As a border area between Indonesia and Malaysia, the naming of administrative areas becomes necessary and important to be preserved as an identity marker. In this regard, this study explores the naming of administrative areas in Sanggau Regency. This study aims to describe the pattern of naming administrative areas as language documentation, explore identity markers in naming administrative areas, and preserve language and cultural characteristics in naming administrative areas. The research method is based on toponymy research with descriptive qualitative analysis. Data ...
The objective of this study is to cluster and classify data using a combination of the k-means an... more The objective of this study is to cluster and classify data using a combination of the k-means and C4.5 methods. The process involves clustering and subsequent classification. The classification process uses k-folds = 10 and samples = stratified sampling. In this study, analphabets in Indonesia of a minimum age of 15 years (15+) were evaluated. The data are the percentage of analogs between 2017 and 2019. The dataset was obtained from and is accessible at In this study, the Davies Bouldin index (DBI) was used to determine the number of clusters with an optimal DBI value of k = 2, namely, 0,121. The results of the cluster maps in Indonesian territories demonstrate low clustering (C 0 = 22 provinces) and high clustering (C 1 = 11 provinces) for children with k = 2 analphabets. Then, the clustering results were classified, and an accuracy of 97.50 was realized, along with a recall of 90.91%, a precision of 100.00%, and an AUC (optimistic) of 0.95 (excellent classification).
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Dec 16, 2020
This paper discussed various aspects of marketing communication in the digital era. It began with... more This paper discussed various aspects of marketing communication in the digital era. It began with an explanation of the perceptual model of marketing communication activities, followed by an explanation of the actors of marketing communication, both communicators and communicants. The next section discussed some of the Internet technology-based media used to communicate, the uniqueness of the marketing communication in it, and its effects on behavior. Various uniqueness of Internet-based marketing communication media that affect marketing communication factors, the final part contains several things that need to be considered in communicating with the Internet. Marketing communication is carried out by one party to convey messages to the other party. Marketing communication is the transfer of one's understanding of another or the transfer of data from one source to another by using natural or artificial media. Explicitly, The data transferred in marketing communication is in the form of information so that an understanding can be reached between one person and another.
Proceedings of the 1st Konferensi Internasional Berbahasa Indonesia Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, KIBAR 2020, 28 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2022
During the rapid development of information technology, the existence of a digital-based literatu... more During the rapid development of information technology, the existence of a digital-based literature learning page was very much needed. This page can increase students' reading interest. On the literature page, students learn aesthetics, language enrichment, character education, imagination, and creation. For this reason, the Vista Sastra page was created as the final product of the feasibility study of students' literary reading material. This page was a digital-based literary learning enrichment. The goal was to find a way to increase interest in reading literature for high school students. Research and development method were used in this research. The steps taken include selecting literary reading, testing, selecting selected literature recommendations, creating page, and testing page. This literature learning platform was prepared to assist high school students in getting to know the richness of Indonesian literature, author's bio and creative process, guidelines, discussion forums, and evaluation. Vista Sastra can help students learn literature effectively and efficiently and independently build their imagination and creativity.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
The use of language has differences depending on geographical conditions and the surrounding envi... more The use of language has differences depending on geographical conditions and the surrounding environment. This is due to the use of language like waves so that language changes or variations are unavoidable. What's more, the presence of different language contacts makes changes or variations of the language also different. One example of an interesting language in terms of language use is the Minangkabau language. In this case, the Minangkabau language in West Sumatra Province has a wide area of language usage and many borders with other provinces. In addition, the differences in the results of the Minangkabau language research in West Sumatra Province also add to the attractiveness of further research efforts as verification of the various findings. In connection with that matter, verification of Minangkabau language mapping in West Sumatra Province is important. It aims to see the limits of the use of the Minangkabau language in the form of maps and to compare the data according to the closest distance between the observation areas. This study uses a dialectological approach with quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method is based on dialectometric calculations, while the qualitative method is based on the analysis of the dialectometry calculations. The data compared in this study is the result of language mapping from the Language Center of West Sumatra Province with 400 vocabularies as a list of questions. The observation area chosen in this study is the area of the use of the Minangkabau language which has a both different dialects and new areas that have not been compared from previous studies. The addition of new observation areas for comparison in this study is the Lunang isolect in Pesisir Selatan Regency and the Sungai Limau isolect in Dharmasraya Regency. As a result, the Minangkabau language only has two dialects, namely the Agam-Tanah Datar dialect and Pancung Soal dialect with the percentage of dialectometry calculation results of 51-80%. The Agam-Tanah Datar dialect consists of the Payakumbuh, Limapuluh Kota, Pangkalan Koto Baru, Pasaman, and Tarung-Tarung Rao sub-dialects, while the Pancung Soal dialect consists of the Koto Baru, Dharmasraya, and Lunang sub-dialects. The sub-dialect classification can be seen from the results of the 31-50% dialectometry calculation.
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2021
: Writing scientific papers requires the practice of using correct language by KBBI rules. Howeve... more : Writing scientific papers requires the practice of using correct language by KBBI rules. However, in the preparation of scientific documents such as papers, articles, and undergraduate thes i s still found incorrect language practices. This of course has an impact on ignoring the correct grammar following KBBI. The purpose of writing this article is to examine various kinds of language mistakes that have been considered as truth by students. This is based on their nescience of the correct language in KBBI, so the words used often ignore the correct rules. This research belongs to the type of descriptive qualitative research by describing research findings using detailed text. Researchers used a content analysis approach to analyze student scientific papers. Then, the error is classified based on the type of error, such as nonstandard words, prepositions, and derivative forms that are often wrong in their writing practice. Based on the research conducted it was concluded that in sc...
Referring to its substance, Indonesian mass media tends to assume that the economic failure ofInd... more Referring to its substance, Indonesian mass media tends to assume that the economic failure ofIndonesia is only considered from one side, it is due to the influx of imported goods from China. While, other sides such as the Indonesian government's readiness of it, the potential of Indonesian human resources, and even maximization the existing natural resources seem untouched by the media. For the unequal news release, it can be presumed that the media has channeled a certain ideology to its readers. The ideology triggers negative attitudes towards Chinese products. Each language choice raises certain associations referred to reality. Thus, every language applied in the text is criticized by applying Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) theory, it will reflect the ideological role in creating a group identity through language use Abstrak Dilihat dari sisi berita media di Indonesia cenderung beranggapan bahwa kegagalan perekonomian di Indonesia hanya dilihat dari satu sudut saja yaitu...
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, 2021
The problem in this study examines the form of performance or reflection of the language system t... more The problem in this study examines the form of performance or reflection of the language system that is on the mind of the speaker in Pinto Anugrah's novel Jemput Terbawa. Performance in a novel deserves to be researched with the aim of knowing the form of the use of speaker language or Pinto Anugrah as an author to convey the intent into a work. Therefore, the purpose of this analysis is to see how the form of performance of pinto anugrah minangkabau language that is influenced by psychology and culture that affects it. The theory used in this study is Simanjuntak (2015). The research method used is the method of listening to or listening to the text and marking the content of the text with a note technique. The data analysis uses the padan method and agih method. All of these forms are based on the opinion of Sudaryanto (1993). The results of this study found that the form of performance in the novel Jemput Terbawa can be seen in several forms, namely the form of dendang, rab...
Abstract--- Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a Business Model nowadays it is considered important t... more Abstract--- Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a Business Model nowadays it is considered important to be mastered by students in entrepreneurship courses as a starting point to plunge into the world of entrepreneurship because in BMC a framework is explained in a simple way to present the elements contained in a business model. Although considered important, it is very difficult to find an assessment instrument for this aspect. Even if there is, it is not a valid and reliable instrument. This article discusses the design of assessment instruments for BMCs at the College Level. There are 9 aspects of assessment used by the author according to Alexander Osterwalder in his book entitled Bussiness Model Generation which consists of 9 blocks of activity areas to map strategies to build strong businesses, consisting of Customers Segment, Value proposition, Customer Relationship, Channel, Revenue Stream, Key Resource, Key Activities, Key Partnership, and Cost Structure. To produce a quality a...