yuyun yuniati - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by yuyun yuniati

Research paper thumbnail of Ekstraksi Zat Warna Alami dari Kayu Bakau (Rhizophora mucronata) dengan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction

Alchemy: Journal of Chemistry, Mar 30, 2021

Dyes are widely used for various manufacturing processes. However, the high use of synthetic dyes... more Dyes are widely used for various manufacturing processes. However, the high use of synthetic dyes has resulted in pollution and health problems. To overcome this problem, one way that can be done is to return to using natural dyes. Natural dyes can be obtained from various plants, one of which is the Indonesian mangrove plant (Rhizophora mucronata). This research has succeeded in extracting natural dyestuffs from mangrove bark using the microwave-assisted extraction method. Mangrove wood extraction was carried out with solvents, namely distilled water and ethanol 96%, which was optimized based on the ratio of sample mass to volume of solvent and extraction power. The results showed that qualitatively the mangrove extract contained tannins, flavonoids, and quinones as compounds that gave chocolate color. The color resistance of mangrove extracts is very strong in textiles under alkaline conditions. Based on the results of extraction optimization, the optimum conditions were obtained at a ratio of 0.067 g/mL of 96% ethanol at 380 watts of power, with a yield percentage reaching 53.053%.

Research paper thumbnail of Red Pigmented Natural Extract as Potential Organic UV Filter and Its Use in Combination with ZnO as Sunscreen Cream

Sunlight consists of ultraviolet (UV) light and organic Ultraviolet (UV) filters can be found in ... more Sunlight consists of ultraviolet (UV) light and organic Ultraviolet (UV) filters can be found in plants and fruits which have orange-red or pink colors, such as watermelon, tomato, Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), carrot, dragon fruit, faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br), strawberry, papaya, and rosella. Most of these plants contain active compounds such as carotenoids and anthocyanin. Determination of the effectiveness of the extracts as potential sunscreen was carried out by determining the Sun Protecting Factor (SPF) value in vitro by UV spectrophotometry. Maceration technique was used for the extraction process by using ethanol with a ratio of 4:1. Each of dried extract (100 mg) was then mixed well in the ethanol (96%, 50 mL) until all the extract was dissolved and then filtered. The SPF values were determined by the Equation of Mansur. It was observed that all of the red pigmented extracts showed UV protection capabilities, with Secang extract gave the highest SPF value of 18.490. The Secang extract would have good potential to be developed as one of the ingredients in the sunscreen cream. Sunscreen cream combination between Secang extract and ZnO showed good quality and significant SPF value than ZnO and extract Secang sunscreen cream.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Gelombang Ultrasonik Pada Reaksidegradasi Gliserol

Pengaruh kavitasi dalam gelombang ultrasonik dalam reaksi kimia dipelajari dengan mendegradasi se... more Pengaruh kavitasi dalam gelombang ultrasonik dalam reaksi kimia dipelajari dengan mendegradasi senyawa gliserol. Senyawa gliserol banyak dihasilkan sebagai hasil samping pembuatan biodiesel sehingga dengan memanfaatkannya kembali dapat meningkatkan daya jual minyak diesel nabati yang relatif cukup tinggi di pasaran. Pada penelitian ini digunakan peralatan ultrasonik batch jenis S 100 H dengan frekuensi 37 kHz. Parameter proses yang dipelajari antara lain suhu cairan (bulk), yaitu 40, 50, dan 60oC dan waktu sonikasi antara 10-60 menit untuk reaktan gliserol pada perbandingan massa 1:l0 (gliserol-air). Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa gliserol dapat didegrasi menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik. Salahsatu produk degradasi ini adalah metanol yang dikenal sebagai bahan bakar dan pelarut organik.

Research paper thumbnail of Parametric Study and Characterization of Sappan Wood (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn) Natural Red Colorant Extract with Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction Method

ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering, Apr 29, 2023

In this study, the optimization and characterization of the colorant extraction process from sapp... more In this study, the optimization and characterization of the colorant extraction process from sappan wood were carried out using the ultrasound-assisted extraction method. Sappan is proposed as a source of natural material wealth, producing a natural red colorant that is being needed by the community in the food sector. Based on this research, the optimum operating conditions for the extraction of sappan wood were obtained using a frequency of 40 kHz, a temperature of 60 C, a ratio of 0.0050 g mL-1 , an extraction time of 20 min, and the use of 60% ethanol solvent. Sappan wood extract created a yellow to reddish orange color at acidic pH (2-6), red at neutral pH (7) and shifted towards purplish red with increasing pH. The extract was qualitatively positive containing quinone, flavonoid, quinone, and tannin compounds, as well as several phenolic compounds detected in the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy qualitative test.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekstraksi Zat Warna Antosianin Dari Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) Dengan Metode Ekstraksi Berbantuan Ultrasonik dan Aplikasinya Untuk Minuman

Journal of chemical process engineering, Dec 11, 2022

Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian z... more Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian zat pewarna. Hanya saja, informasi akan dampak penggunaan pewarna sintesis menekan penggunaan kembali pewarna natural. Antosianin menjadi salah satu zat warna alami yang layak untuk dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut, khususnya di bidang pangan. Kelopak Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) adalah bahan yang telah diakui menjadi sumber penghasil zat warna antosianin secara alami. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction dipromosikan sebagai prosedur ekstraksi terkini yang mampu mengatasi kelemahan metode ekstraksi konvensional. Penelitian ini telah berupaya mempelajari proses ekstraksi kelopak bunga telang hingga memperoleh ekstrak antosianin serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses ekstraksi dengan metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction, hingga akhirnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai produk minuman. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh capaian optimum untuk ekstraksi zat warna dari kelopak bunga telang adalah pada kondisi F/S 0.02 g/ml, suhu ekstraksi 60°C, dan waktu ekstraksi 90 menit, dengan konsentrasi antosianin di dalam minuman yang didapatkan sebesar 19.57 mg/L.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Gliserol Sebagai Hasil Samping Biodiesel Menjadi Produk Kimia Lain Dalam Media Air Subkritis Hingga Superkritis

Meningkatnya produksi biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar alternatif berakibat pada meningkatnya jumlah... more Meningkatnya produksi biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar alternatif berakibat pada meningkatnya jumlah hasil sampingnya yang berupa gliserol. Senyawa gliserol seharusnya dimanfaatkan kembali melalui reaksi pemutusan ikatan (degradasi). Pemanfaatan gliserol diharapkan dapat memberikan kompensasi harga biodiesel menjadi lebih murah dan terjangkau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu dan temperatur reaksi terhadap produk-produk kimia yang dihasilkan melalui reaksi degradasi gliserol, antara lain pengaruhnya terhadap distribusi produk, konsentrasi produk, dan yield produk. Percobaan dilakukan dalam sebuah reaktor batch yang dilengkapi dengan pengukur temperatur dan tekanan serta pamanas elektrik. Pereaksi yang berupa campuran gliserol-air dengan perbandingan massa 1:10 dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor untuk diproses pada variabel tertentu. Variabel proses yang dipelajari meliputi waktu reaksi antara 10-60 menit, temperatur reaksi antara 200 sampai 400 o C, dan tekanan operasi dijaga konstan pada 250 kgf/ cm 2. Setelah reaksi selesai dilakukan pendinginan mendadak pada reaktor untuk menghentikan reaksi. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa degradasi gliserol menggunakan media air subkritis dan superkritis menghasilkan produk kimia yaitu etanol, metanol, dan asetaldehid. Produk asetaldehid mendominasi, baik di daerah subkritis maupun superkritis, sedangkan produk etanol dan metanol baru terbentuk ketika temperatur reaksi mendekati titik kritis air. Semakin lama waktu reaksi menyebabkan konsentrasi masing-masing produk meningkat, tetapi pada waktu tertentu akan menurun karena adanya reaksi degradasi lebih lanjut. Semakin tinggi temperatur reaksi di daerah subkritis air menyebabkan konsentrasi produk meningat seiring dengan waktu reaksi, tetapi ketika temperatur telah melampaui titik kritis air konsentrasi produk cenderung menurun saat waktu reaksi mencapai 40 menit.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation of TLC densitometry method for the quantitative determination of alkaloid in fermented endophytic fungi extract Phyllantus niruri Linn

Pharmaciana, May 27, 2019

Endophytic fungi can produce compound that similar with the host, so it can be used as mass produ... more Endophytic fungi can produce compound that similar with the host, so it can be used as mass production of compound. The optimal and valid assay method is needed to obtain the proper culture condition, which one using densitometric Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). This research used 11 samples of endophytic fungi culture extract from Phyllantus niruri within various culture condition. Optimization of mobile phase was done using 3 kinds of mobile phase mixture, chloroform: ethyl acetate: methanol (8:8:4); chloroform: ethyl acetate: methanol: NH 4 OH (8:8:4:0.005); chloroform:ethyl acetate:NH 4 OH (8:8:0.005). Validation method measured using some parameters such as linearity, accuracy, and precision. The result of optimization and validation showed that TLC densitometry method can be used for measuring alkaloid level within the endophytic fungi extract of P. niruri using chloroform: ethyl acetate: NH 4 OH (8:8:0.005), with R value is 0.977, percentage of recovery is between 90-110, and RSD ≤7% on each concentration series. While the proper condition of endophytic fungi culture is using sucrose as carbon source and at pH 6 condition. The content of alkaoid reached 25.9 ± 1.4 mg 100 g-1 fresh weight.

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Penghilangan Senyawa Kimia Krom dari Limbah Kulit Wet Blue melalui Program Pengabdian Masyarakat

JAPI (Jurnal Akses Pengabdian Indonesia)

Industri Kulit di Indonesia masih menjadi prospek bisnis yang dapat memberi dampak positif terhad... more Industri Kulit di Indonesia masih menjadi prospek bisnis yang dapat memberi dampak positif terhadap keutuhan ekonomi nasional masa kini. Produk akhir hasil industri kulit masih sangat dibutuhkan bagi masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sandang dan cinderamata, sehingga sektor ini mendapat soroten positif di tengah pasar internasional. Pada proses industri kulit terdapat proses penyamakkan yang dapat menghasilkan limbah berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Pada PT XXX, Malang, krom (III) adalah salah satu jenis senyawa limbah yang perlu dikurangi kadarnya karena berbahaya dan beracun. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan upaya dalam mengurangi kadar krom ini, mulai dari metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Prosedur kualitatif mencakup proses oksidasi krom (III) menjadi krom (VI) dan presipitasi, sedangkan untuk prosedur kuantitatif dilakukan perhitungan jumlah krom yang telah teroksidasi dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan ini disimpulkan bahwa prosedur kualitatif dan kuant...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kontrol Kualitas Kopi Robusta Coffea Canephora Fermentasi Desa Kucur Dengan Optimasi Level Roasting

Sainsbertek Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, Mar 31, 2023


Katalog Buku Karya Dosen ITATS, Dec 10, 2020

Segala aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia secara perlahan terhenti ... more Segala aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia secara perlahan terhenti sejak memasuki awal bulan maret 2020. Sebuah insiden yang mengejutkan terjadi melalui ancaman pandemi akibat virus yang teridentifikasi sebagai novel corona virus 2019, yang mana menyebakan adanya penyakit SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2) atau disederhanakan sebagai Covid-2019 (corona virus desease-2019) [1]. Virus ini telah merenggut ribuan nyawa, bahkan saat ini berbagai negara sudah distatuskan terancam memiliki tingkat wabah tertinggi, salah satunya Indonesia [2]. Berfokus pada negara Indonesia yang cukup menanggapi serius akan adanya wabah ini, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan terkait wabah Covid-19. Kebijakan utama yang dinyatakan adalah larangan orang berkumpul dan melakukan aktivitas di luar rumah dan menganjurkan masyarakat untuk tetap diam di rumah atau PSBB (pembatasan sosial berskala besar). Segala kegiatan pertemuan, pekerjaan, studi, hingga peribadahan yang dilakukan di luar rumah menjadi terhenti untuk menghindari adanya pertemuan antar manusia [3].

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization using Box Behnken design for ultrasound assisted extraction natural dyes from Indigofera tinctoria L

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Encapsulation, Properties, and Thermal Study of Red Biocolorant from Selected Plants Obtained Through Physical Extraction

International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 2017

The human perception on food is closely associated with its color. Since the standard manufacturi... more The human perception on food is closely associated with its color. Since the standard manufacturing procedure often causes partial even total degradation of natural pigments, resulting in color fading, the addition of colorants becomes necessary. Natural colorant, produced from plants or animals, has health promoting effects, better safety, and need not any specific toxicity evaluation. However, the extraction method will be crucial in determining the properties of this biocolorant. In the present study, red biocolorant was prepared from selected local plants i.e., red spinach, red cabbage, beetroot, and dragon fruit, through physical extraction in order to avoid the using of organic solvents. Then, we applied the encapsulation technique and evaluated its coloring and antioxidant properties, as well as its stability against thermal treatment. The results showed that the encapsulated biocolorant of red spinach and beetroot exhibited red hue at pH range 2-11, whereas those of red cabbage and dragon fruit indicated color alteration at different pH. The prominent red hue intensity was found at pH 4 for encapsulated beetroot extract, which endured up to 10 days at aqueous buffered solution when stored in the dark at 20 0 C. In addition, it underwent merely low degradation (∼30%) during incubation at 60 0 C for 30 minutes. The antioxidant activity of encapsulated biocolorant of beetroot was comparable to that of red cabbage, being higher than the others.

Research paper thumbnail of Isolation of antibacterial compounds from endophyte fungal of fusarium sp. In phyllanthus niruri linn. Leaves

Endophyte fungal was alternative source of antibacterial metabolites derived from plant. Diethyl ... more Endophyte fungal was alternative source of antibacterial metabolites derived from plant. Diethyl ether fraction of ethyl acetate extract of endophyte fungal genus Fusarium sp. of meniran leaves (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) proved have antibacterial activity. This study aims to explore the active antibacterial compounds. IR, LC-MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, DEPT, and HMQC spectra showed 1.1 and 2.2 are aliphatic carbonyl substituted compounds. Isolate 1.1 has antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Salmonella typhi with IC50 values of 1.45 each; 2.19; 2.33; 0.98; 0.56; 1.34 μg/mL and MBC values of each 20.00; 20.00; 40.00; 40.00; 10.00; 10.00 μg/mL. Isolate 2.2 has antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Salmonella typhi with IC50 values of 3.38; 2.45; 2.98; 1.33; 2.88; 2.62 μg/mL and MBC values ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ekstraksi Zat Warna Antosianin Dari Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) Dengan Metode Ekstraksi Berbantuan Ultrasonik dan Aplikasinya Untuk Minuman

Journal of Chemical Process Engineering

Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian z... more Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian zat pewarna. Hanya saja, informasi akan dampak penggunaan pewarna sintesis menekan penggunaan kembali pewarna natural. Antosianin menjadi salah satu zat warna alami yang layak untuk dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut, khususnya di bidang pangan. Kelopak Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) adalah bahan yang telah diakui menjadi sumber penghasil zat warna antosianin secara alami. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction dipromosikan sebagai prosedur ekstraksi terkini yang mampu mengatasi kelemahan metode ekstraksi konvensional. Penelitian ini telah berupaya mempelajari proses ekstraksi kelopak bunga telang hingga memperoleh ekstrak antosianin serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses ekstraksi dengan metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction, hingga akhirnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai produk minuman. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh capaian optimum untuk ekstraksi zat warna dari kelopak bunga telang adalah pada kondisi F/S 0.02 g/ml, suhu ekstraksi 60°C, dan waktu ekstraksi 90 menit, dengan konsentrasi antosianin di dalam minuman yang didapatkan sebesar 19.57 mg/L.

Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of essential oil extraction from the leaves of lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus L.) using two microwave-assisted methods

Journal of Applied Engineering Science

The extraction of essential oils from Lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon nardus L.) has become more pr... more The extraction of essential oils from Lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon nardus L.) has become more promising than ever before due to the oils' increasing demand in the market in addition to the dynamic breakthrough in its technology advancement. This study presents a comparison of two different methods of microwave-assisted essential oil extraction, namely Microwave Hydrodistillation (MHD) and Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction (SFME), both of which exhibit a better quality in terms of essential oil recovery compared to the conventional extraction methods. This study investigated the effect of extraction time, microwave power, as well as feed-to-distiller volume ratio (F/D). Experimental results suggest that although there is a tendency to increase yield along with the increasing power, the yield turns out to decrease at higher power, with the optimum power for the MHD method being 420 W and that of the SFME method being 560 W. Smaller F/D ratios appear to give higher yields for both...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode Sonikasi terhadap Adsorpsi Fe(III) pada Zeolit Alam Teraktivasi


Iron (III) (Fe (III)) is widely used in the industry such us water treatment, the sugar cane, the... more Iron (III) (Fe (III)) is widely used in the industry such us water treatment, the sugar cane, the concrete industry and coal mining. Industrial activity using Fe(III) has potential impact to environmental pollution problems due to that industry produces Fe waste that one of hazardous waste. Fe content excess might toxic effect to human health and the environment. Zeolite as adsorbent has been evaluated extensively for Fe and other heavy metal. Sonication method has been widely developed in polymer preparation. The method is more effective in operation time because the reaction rate increased and also more efficient on the usage of chemical reagens. The optimization of reaction time, the ratio of Fe(III) with activated zeolite, the influence of pH, and temperature has been assessed for Fe(III) adsorption with an activated zeolite by sonication technique. The formation of Fe(III)-SCN complex assay was used for determination of Fe(III) adsorbed by the activated zeolite with using spect...

Research paper thumbnail of Alchemy : Journal of Chemistry

To date, essential oils still play an important role in various aspects of human life. Flowers ar... more To date, essential oils still play an important role in various aspects of human life. Flowers are essential oil-producing plants that still need to be further explored, of which rose petals (Rosa hybrda L.) are an option for types of flowers that have the potential to produce economical essential oils. In this study, solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME) was used as an essential oil extraction method, which is considered safe because it does not use heat energy and chemical solvents which can be considered to trigger a decrease in the quality of the oil extract. The optimum microwave power in this study is 560 Watt with a yield of 0.0124%. The difference in the value of the feed intake ratio to the volume of the distiller (F/D) influences yield, where the F/D value of 0.15 g/mL gives the highest yield value of 0.0145%. The result of the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) analysis shows rose flower essential oil extract provided a profile of 12 compounds, of which three dominant compounds are β-phenylethyl acetate, 2isopropyl-5-methyl-9-methylene-bicyclo-1-decene, and nonadecane.

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Conformational Study of Isoflavon Derivatives in Soybean Using Semi empirical Methods

Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 2018

Isoflavon was falconoid group which was a polifenolic compound. As a member of flavonoid groups, ... more Isoflavon was falconoid group which was a polifenolic compound. As a member of flavonoid groups, isoflavon was a bioactive compound that contains phenolic group reported to have an ability as antioxidant and prevent free radical damage through two mechanism. The mechanism are donating hydrogen ions and directly acting as a free radical scavenger. One of the seed plants which contain isoflavon was soybean. Isoflavon derivatives in soybean are biochanin a, genistein, daidzein, equol, formononetin, dan glycitein. The compounds can be applied in medical and pharmaceutical. Generally the is of lavon derivatives in soy bean have been conducted to anti-allergic, antioxidant, dan anti cholesterol. These studies based on optimization and structural conformational to support QSAR and Molecular docking studies. In this study, semiempirical AM1 method was used for optimization all the structure. The distance of two nearby atoms affect the structure stability and the strain energy because the l...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Tatajer

Permasalahan lingkungan yang seringkali terjadi adalah penumpukan sampah-sampah rumah tangga. Sem... more Permasalahan lingkungan yang seringkali terjadi adalah penumpukan sampah-sampah rumah tangga. Semua rumah tangga menghasilkan sampah, baik organik dan anorganik yang berpotensi untuk mencemari lingkungan. Kelurahan Sawojajar, Kotamadya Malang merupakan target dalam implementasi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertema lingkungan hidup. Adanya permasalahan bagaimana mengolah sampah organik dan pemanfataan lahan terbatas dijawab dengan menerapkan metode keranjang Takakura dan tanaman jejer. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah/ diskusi, workshop, praktek, dan observasi. Metode diskusi dan workshop digunakan sebagai media untuk menyampaikan materi dan memahami pentingnya menjaga lingkungan hidup, mengolah sampah organik dan bertanam sayuran. Praktek dan observasi digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan materi yang sudah diperoleh sekaligus mengamati kemampuan masyarakat sebagai evaluasi dan kegiatan berkesinambungan. Hasil yang sudah diperoleh melalui kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat melalui Usaha Keripik Pisang di Desa Tegalweru, Kecamatan Dau, Malang

Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan daya saing daerah adalah melalui peningkatan nilai ekonomi pro... more Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan daya saing daerah adalah melalui peningkatan nilai ekonomi produk lokal. Pemanfaatan potensi berupa sumber daya alam secara optimal akan memberikan dampak dalam memacu roda perekonomian di daerah tersebut. Desa Tegalweru yang terletak di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur kaya akan sumber alam seperti cabe, buah tomat, jeruk, dan pisang. Saat panen raya tiba, masyarakat telah memiliki tradisi untuk memanfaatkan dan mengolah hasil buminya sehingga bernilai jual lebih tinggi. Salah satu usaha yang saat ini dikembangkan adalah keripik pisang. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan pendanaan Ma Chung Abdimas Grant (MAG), tim pengabdi memilih kelompok pembuat keripik pisang ini sebagai mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat skim IbDM (Ipteks Bagi Desa Mitra). Dalam waktu delapan bulan tim bekerja untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk hasil keripik pisang melalui perbaikan kualitas produk, pengurusan ijin Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT), dan stra...

Research paper thumbnail of Ekstraksi Zat Warna Alami dari Kayu Bakau (Rhizophora mucronata) dengan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction

Alchemy: Journal of Chemistry, Mar 30, 2021

Dyes are widely used for various manufacturing processes. However, the high use of synthetic dyes... more Dyes are widely used for various manufacturing processes. However, the high use of synthetic dyes has resulted in pollution and health problems. To overcome this problem, one way that can be done is to return to using natural dyes. Natural dyes can be obtained from various plants, one of which is the Indonesian mangrove plant (Rhizophora mucronata). This research has succeeded in extracting natural dyestuffs from mangrove bark using the microwave-assisted extraction method. Mangrove wood extraction was carried out with solvents, namely distilled water and ethanol 96%, which was optimized based on the ratio of sample mass to volume of solvent and extraction power. The results showed that qualitatively the mangrove extract contained tannins, flavonoids, and quinones as compounds that gave chocolate color. The color resistance of mangrove extracts is very strong in textiles under alkaline conditions. Based on the results of extraction optimization, the optimum conditions were obtained at a ratio of 0.067 g/mL of 96% ethanol at 380 watts of power, with a yield percentage reaching 53.053%.

Research paper thumbnail of Red Pigmented Natural Extract as Potential Organic UV Filter and Its Use in Combination with ZnO as Sunscreen Cream

Sunlight consists of ultraviolet (UV) light and organic Ultraviolet (UV) filters can be found in ... more Sunlight consists of ultraviolet (UV) light and organic Ultraviolet (UV) filters can be found in plants and fruits which have orange-red or pink colors, such as watermelon, tomato, Secang (Caesalpinia sappan), carrot, dragon fruit, faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br), strawberry, papaya, and rosella. Most of these plants contain active compounds such as carotenoids and anthocyanin. Determination of the effectiveness of the extracts as potential sunscreen was carried out by determining the Sun Protecting Factor (SPF) value in vitro by UV spectrophotometry. Maceration technique was used for the extraction process by using ethanol with a ratio of 4:1. Each of dried extract (100 mg) was then mixed well in the ethanol (96%, 50 mL) until all the extract was dissolved and then filtered. The SPF values were determined by the Equation of Mansur. It was observed that all of the red pigmented extracts showed UV protection capabilities, with Secang extract gave the highest SPF value of 18.490. The Secang extract would have good potential to be developed as one of the ingredients in the sunscreen cream. Sunscreen cream combination between Secang extract and ZnO showed good quality and significant SPF value than ZnO and extract Secang sunscreen cream.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Gelombang Ultrasonik Pada Reaksidegradasi Gliserol

Pengaruh kavitasi dalam gelombang ultrasonik dalam reaksi kimia dipelajari dengan mendegradasi se... more Pengaruh kavitasi dalam gelombang ultrasonik dalam reaksi kimia dipelajari dengan mendegradasi senyawa gliserol. Senyawa gliserol banyak dihasilkan sebagai hasil samping pembuatan biodiesel sehingga dengan memanfaatkannya kembali dapat meningkatkan daya jual minyak diesel nabati yang relatif cukup tinggi di pasaran. Pada penelitian ini digunakan peralatan ultrasonik batch jenis S 100 H dengan frekuensi 37 kHz. Parameter proses yang dipelajari antara lain suhu cairan (bulk), yaitu 40, 50, dan 60oC dan waktu sonikasi antara 10-60 menit untuk reaktan gliserol pada perbandingan massa 1:l0 (gliserol-air). Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa gliserol dapat didegrasi menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik. Salahsatu produk degradasi ini adalah metanol yang dikenal sebagai bahan bakar dan pelarut organik.

Research paper thumbnail of Parametric Study and Characterization of Sappan Wood (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn) Natural Red Colorant Extract with Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction Method

ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering, Apr 29, 2023

In this study, the optimization and characterization of the colorant extraction process from sapp... more In this study, the optimization and characterization of the colorant extraction process from sappan wood were carried out using the ultrasound-assisted extraction method. Sappan is proposed as a source of natural material wealth, producing a natural red colorant that is being needed by the community in the food sector. Based on this research, the optimum operating conditions for the extraction of sappan wood were obtained using a frequency of 40 kHz, a temperature of 60 C, a ratio of 0.0050 g mL-1 , an extraction time of 20 min, and the use of 60% ethanol solvent. Sappan wood extract created a yellow to reddish orange color at acidic pH (2-6), red at neutral pH (7) and shifted towards purplish red with increasing pH. The extract was qualitatively positive containing quinone, flavonoid, quinone, and tannin compounds, as well as several phenolic compounds detected in the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy qualitative test.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekstraksi Zat Warna Antosianin Dari Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) Dengan Metode Ekstraksi Berbantuan Ultrasonik dan Aplikasinya Untuk Minuman

Journal of chemical process engineering, Dec 11, 2022

Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian z... more Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian zat pewarna. Hanya saja, informasi akan dampak penggunaan pewarna sintesis menekan penggunaan kembali pewarna natural. Antosianin menjadi salah satu zat warna alami yang layak untuk dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut, khususnya di bidang pangan. Kelopak Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) adalah bahan yang telah diakui menjadi sumber penghasil zat warna antosianin secara alami. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction dipromosikan sebagai prosedur ekstraksi terkini yang mampu mengatasi kelemahan metode ekstraksi konvensional. Penelitian ini telah berupaya mempelajari proses ekstraksi kelopak bunga telang hingga memperoleh ekstrak antosianin serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses ekstraksi dengan metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction, hingga akhirnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai produk minuman. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh capaian optimum untuk ekstraksi zat warna dari kelopak bunga telang adalah pada kondisi F/S 0.02 g/ml, suhu ekstraksi 60°C, dan waktu ekstraksi 90 menit, dengan konsentrasi antosianin di dalam minuman yang didapatkan sebesar 19.57 mg/L.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Gliserol Sebagai Hasil Samping Biodiesel Menjadi Produk Kimia Lain Dalam Media Air Subkritis Hingga Superkritis

Meningkatnya produksi biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar alternatif berakibat pada meningkatnya jumlah... more Meningkatnya produksi biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar alternatif berakibat pada meningkatnya jumlah hasil sampingnya yang berupa gliserol. Senyawa gliserol seharusnya dimanfaatkan kembali melalui reaksi pemutusan ikatan (degradasi). Pemanfaatan gliserol diharapkan dapat memberikan kompensasi harga biodiesel menjadi lebih murah dan terjangkau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu dan temperatur reaksi terhadap produk-produk kimia yang dihasilkan melalui reaksi degradasi gliserol, antara lain pengaruhnya terhadap distribusi produk, konsentrasi produk, dan yield produk. Percobaan dilakukan dalam sebuah reaktor batch yang dilengkapi dengan pengukur temperatur dan tekanan serta pamanas elektrik. Pereaksi yang berupa campuran gliserol-air dengan perbandingan massa 1:10 dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor untuk diproses pada variabel tertentu. Variabel proses yang dipelajari meliputi waktu reaksi antara 10-60 menit, temperatur reaksi antara 200 sampai 400 o C, dan tekanan operasi dijaga konstan pada 250 kgf/ cm 2. Setelah reaksi selesai dilakukan pendinginan mendadak pada reaktor untuk menghentikan reaksi. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa degradasi gliserol menggunakan media air subkritis dan superkritis menghasilkan produk kimia yaitu etanol, metanol, dan asetaldehid. Produk asetaldehid mendominasi, baik di daerah subkritis maupun superkritis, sedangkan produk etanol dan metanol baru terbentuk ketika temperatur reaksi mendekati titik kritis air. Semakin lama waktu reaksi menyebabkan konsentrasi masing-masing produk meningkat, tetapi pada waktu tertentu akan menurun karena adanya reaksi degradasi lebih lanjut. Semakin tinggi temperatur reaksi di daerah subkritis air menyebabkan konsentrasi produk meningat seiring dengan waktu reaksi, tetapi ketika temperatur telah melampaui titik kritis air konsentrasi produk cenderung menurun saat waktu reaksi mencapai 40 menit.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation of TLC densitometry method for the quantitative determination of alkaloid in fermented endophytic fungi extract Phyllantus niruri Linn

Pharmaciana, May 27, 2019

Endophytic fungi can produce compound that similar with the host, so it can be used as mass produ... more Endophytic fungi can produce compound that similar with the host, so it can be used as mass production of compound. The optimal and valid assay method is needed to obtain the proper culture condition, which one using densitometric Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). This research used 11 samples of endophytic fungi culture extract from Phyllantus niruri within various culture condition. Optimization of mobile phase was done using 3 kinds of mobile phase mixture, chloroform: ethyl acetate: methanol (8:8:4); chloroform: ethyl acetate: methanol: NH 4 OH (8:8:4:0.005); chloroform:ethyl acetate:NH 4 OH (8:8:0.005). Validation method measured using some parameters such as linearity, accuracy, and precision. The result of optimization and validation showed that TLC densitometry method can be used for measuring alkaloid level within the endophytic fungi extract of P. niruri using chloroform: ethyl acetate: NH 4 OH (8:8:0.005), with R value is 0.977, percentage of recovery is between 90-110, and RSD ≤7% on each concentration series. While the proper condition of endophytic fungi culture is using sucrose as carbon source and at pH 6 condition. The content of alkaoid reached 25.9 ± 1.4 mg 100 g-1 fresh weight.

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Penghilangan Senyawa Kimia Krom dari Limbah Kulit Wet Blue melalui Program Pengabdian Masyarakat

JAPI (Jurnal Akses Pengabdian Indonesia)

Industri Kulit di Indonesia masih menjadi prospek bisnis yang dapat memberi dampak positif terhad... more Industri Kulit di Indonesia masih menjadi prospek bisnis yang dapat memberi dampak positif terhadap keutuhan ekonomi nasional masa kini. Produk akhir hasil industri kulit masih sangat dibutuhkan bagi masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sandang dan cinderamata, sehingga sektor ini mendapat soroten positif di tengah pasar internasional. Pada proses industri kulit terdapat proses penyamakkan yang dapat menghasilkan limbah berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Pada PT XXX, Malang, krom (III) adalah salah satu jenis senyawa limbah yang perlu dikurangi kadarnya karena berbahaya dan beracun. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan upaya dalam mengurangi kadar krom ini, mulai dari metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Prosedur kualitatif mencakup proses oksidasi krom (III) menjadi krom (VI) dan presipitasi, sedangkan untuk prosedur kuantitatif dilakukan perhitungan jumlah krom yang telah teroksidasi dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan ini disimpulkan bahwa prosedur kualitatif dan kuant...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kontrol Kualitas Kopi Robusta Coffea Canephora Fermentasi Desa Kucur Dengan Optimasi Level Roasting

Sainsbertek Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, Mar 31, 2023


Katalog Buku Karya Dosen ITATS, Dec 10, 2020

Segala aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia secara perlahan terhenti ... more Segala aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia secara perlahan terhenti sejak memasuki awal bulan maret 2020. Sebuah insiden yang mengejutkan terjadi melalui ancaman pandemi akibat virus yang teridentifikasi sebagai novel corona virus 2019, yang mana menyebakan adanya penyakit SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2) atau disederhanakan sebagai Covid-2019 (corona virus desease-2019) [1]. Virus ini telah merenggut ribuan nyawa, bahkan saat ini berbagai negara sudah distatuskan terancam memiliki tingkat wabah tertinggi, salah satunya Indonesia [2]. Berfokus pada negara Indonesia yang cukup menanggapi serius akan adanya wabah ini, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan terkait wabah Covid-19. Kebijakan utama yang dinyatakan adalah larangan orang berkumpul dan melakukan aktivitas di luar rumah dan menganjurkan masyarakat untuk tetap diam di rumah atau PSBB (pembatasan sosial berskala besar). Segala kegiatan pertemuan, pekerjaan, studi, hingga peribadahan yang dilakukan di luar rumah menjadi terhenti untuk menghindari adanya pertemuan antar manusia [3].

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization using Box Behnken design for ultrasound assisted extraction natural dyes from Indigofera tinctoria L

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Encapsulation, Properties, and Thermal Study of Red Biocolorant from Selected Plants Obtained Through Physical Extraction

International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 2017

The human perception on food is closely associated with its color. Since the standard manufacturi... more The human perception on food is closely associated with its color. Since the standard manufacturing procedure often causes partial even total degradation of natural pigments, resulting in color fading, the addition of colorants becomes necessary. Natural colorant, produced from plants or animals, has health promoting effects, better safety, and need not any specific toxicity evaluation. However, the extraction method will be crucial in determining the properties of this biocolorant. In the present study, red biocolorant was prepared from selected local plants i.e., red spinach, red cabbage, beetroot, and dragon fruit, through physical extraction in order to avoid the using of organic solvents. Then, we applied the encapsulation technique and evaluated its coloring and antioxidant properties, as well as its stability against thermal treatment. The results showed that the encapsulated biocolorant of red spinach and beetroot exhibited red hue at pH range 2-11, whereas those of red cabbage and dragon fruit indicated color alteration at different pH. The prominent red hue intensity was found at pH 4 for encapsulated beetroot extract, which endured up to 10 days at aqueous buffered solution when stored in the dark at 20 0 C. In addition, it underwent merely low degradation (∼30%) during incubation at 60 0 C for 30 minutes. The antioxidant activity of encapsulated biocolorant of beetroot was comparable to that of red cabbage, being higher than the others.

Research paper thumbnail of Isolation of antibacterial compounds from endophyte fungal of fusarium sp. In phyllanthus niruri linn. Leaves

Endophyte fungal was alternative source of antibacterial metabolites derived from plant. Diethyl ... more Endophyte fungal was alternative source of antibacterial metabolites derived from plant. Diethyl ether fraction of ethyl acetate extract of endophyte fungal genus Fusarium sp. of meniran leaves (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) proved have antibacterial activity. This study aims to explore the active antibacterial compounds. IR, LC-MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, DEPT, and HMQC spectra showed 1.1 and 2.2 are aliphatic carbonyl substituted compounds. Isolate 1.1 has antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Salmonella typhi with IC50 values of 1.45 each; 2.19; 2.33; 0.98; 0.56; 1.34 μg/mL and MBC values of each 20.00; 20.00; 40.00; 40.00; 10.00; 10.00 μg/mL. Isolate 2.2 has antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Salmonella typhi with IC50 values of 3.38; 2.45; 2.98; 1.33; 2.88; 2.62 μg/mL and MBC values ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ekstraksi Zat Warna Antosianin Dari Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) Dengan Metode Ekstraksi Berbantuan Ultrasonik dan Aplikasinya Untuk Minuman

Journal of Chemical Process Engineering

Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian z... more Perkembangan permintaan konsumen akan zat warna mendorong berbagai industri menghasilkan varian zat pewarna. Hanya saja, informasi akan dampak penggunaan pewarna sintesis menekan penggunaan kembali pewarna natural. Antosianin menjadi salah satu zat warna alami yang layak untuk dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut, khususnya di bidang pangan. Kelopak Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) adalah bahan yang telah diakui menjadi sumber penghasil zat warna antosianin secara alami. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction dipromosikan sebagai prosedur ekstraksi terkini yang mampu mengatasi kelemahan metode ekstraksi konvensional. Penelitian ini telah berupaya mempelajari proses ekstraksi kelopak bunga telang hingga memperoleh ekstrak antosianin serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses ekstraksi dengan metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction, hingga akhirnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai produk minuman. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh capaian optimum untuk ekstraksi zat warna dari kelopak bunga telang adalah pada kondisi F/S 0.02 g/ml, suhu ekstraksi 60°C, dan waktu ekstraksi 90 menit, dengan konsentrasi antosianin di dalam minuman yang didapatkan sebesar 19.57 mg/L.

Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of essential oil extraction from the leaves of lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus L.) using two microwave-assisted methods

Journal of Applied Engineering Science

The extraction of essential oils from Lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon nardus L.) has become more pr... more The extraction of essential oils from Lemongrass leaves (Cymbopogon nardus L.) has become more promising than ever before due to the oils' increasing demand in the market in addition to the dynamic breakthrough in its technology advancement. This study presents a comparison of two different methods of microwave-assisted essential oil extraction, namely Microwave Hydrodistillation (MHD) and Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction (SFME), both of which exhibit a better quality in terms of essential oil recovery compared to the conventional extraction methods. This study investigated the effect of extraction time, microwave power, as well as feed-to-distiller volume ratio (F/D). Experimental results suggest that although there is a tendency to increase yield along with the increasing power, the yield turns out to decrease at higher power, with the optimum power for the MHD method being 420 W and that of the SFME method being 560 W. Smaller F/D ratios appear to give higher yields for both...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Metode Sonikasi terhadap Adsorpsi Fe(III) pada Zeolit Alam Teraktivasi


Iron (III) (Fe (III)) is widely used in the industry such us water treatment, the sugar cane, the... more Iron (III) (Fe (III)) is widely used in the industry such us water treatment, the sugar cane, the concrete industry and coal mining. Industrial activity using Fe(III) has potential impact to environmental pollution problems due to that industry produces Fe waste that one of hazardous waste. Fe content excess might toxic effect to human health and the environment. Zeolite as adsorbent has been evaluated extensively for Fe and other heavy metal. Sonication method has been widely developed in polymer preparation. The method is more effective in operation time because the reaction rate increased and also more efficient on the usage of chemical reagens. The optimization of reaction time, the ratio of Fe(III) with activated zeolite, the influence of pH, and temperature has been assessed for Fe(III) adsorption with an activated zeolite by sonication technique. The formation of Fe(III)-SCN complex assay was used for determination of Fe(III) adsorbed by the activated zeolite with using spect...

Research paper thumbnail of Alchemy : Journal of Chemistry

To date, essential oils still play an important role in various aspects of human life. Flowers ar... more To date, essential oils still play an important role in various aspects of human life. Flowers are essential oil-producing plants that still need to be further explored, of which rose petals (Rosa hybrda L.) are an option for types of flowers that have the potential to produce economical essential oils. In this study, solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME) was used as an essential oil extraction method, which is considered safe because it does not use heat energy and chemical solvents which can be considered to trigger a decrease in the quality of the oil extract. The optimum microwave power in this study is 560 Watt with a yield of 0.0124%. The difference in the value of the feed intake ratio to the volume of the distiller (F/D) influences yield, where the F/D value of 0.15 g/mL gives the highest yield value of 0.0145%. The result of the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) analysis shows rose flower essential oil extract provided a profile of 12 compounds, of which three dominant compounds are β-phenylethyl acetate, 2isopropyl-5-methyl-9-methylene-bicyclo-1-decene, and nonadecane.

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Conformational Study of Isoflavon Derivatives in Soybean Using Semi empirical Methods

Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 2018

Isoflavon was falconoid group which was a polifenolic compound. As a member of flavonoid groups, ... more Isoflavon was falconoid group which was a polifenolic compound. As a member of flavonoid groups, isoflavon was a bioactive compound that contains phenolic group reported to have an ability as antioxidant and prevent free radical damage through two mechanism. The mechanism are donating hydrogen ions and directly acting as a free radical scavenger. One of the seed plants which contain isoflavon was soybean. Isoflavon derivatives in soybean are biochanin a, genistein, daidzein, equol, formononetin, dan glycitein. The compounds can be applied in medical and pharmaceutical. Generally the is of lavon derivatives in soy bean have been conducted to anti-allergic, antioxidant, dan anti cholesterol. These studies based on optimization and structural conformational to support QSAR and Molecular docking studies. In this study, semiempirical AM1 method was used for optimization all the structure. The distance of two nearby atoms affect the structure stability and the strain energy because the l...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Tatajer

Permasalahan lingkungan yang seringkali terjadi adalah penumpukan sampah-sampah rumah tangga. Sem... more Permasalahan lingkungan yang seringkali terjadi adalah penumpukan sampah-sampah rumah tangga. Semua rumah tangga menghasilkan sampah, baik organik dan anorganik yang berpotensi untuk mencemari lingkungan. Kelurahan Sawojajar, Kotamadya Malang merupakan target dalam implementasi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertema lingkungan hidup. Adanya permasalahan bagaimana mengolah sampah organik dan pemanfataan lahan terbatas dijawab dengan menerapkan metode keranjang Takakura dan tanaman jejer. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah/ diskusi, workshop, praktek, dan observasi. Metode diskusi dan workshop digunakan sebagai media untuk menyampaikan materi dan memahami pentingnya menjaga lingkungan hidup, mengolah sampah organik dan bertanam sayuran. Praktek dan observasi digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan materi yang sudah diperoleh sekaligus mengamati kemampuan masyarakat sebagai evaluasi dan kegiatan berkesinambungan. Hasil yang sudah diperoleh melalui kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat melalui Usaha Keripik Pisang di Desa Tegalweru, Kecamatan Dau, Malang

Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan daya saing daerah adalah melalui peningkatan nilai ekonomi pro... more Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan daya saing daerah adalah melalui peningkatan nilai ekonomi produk lokal. Pemanfaatan potensi berupa sumber daya alam secara optimal akan memberikan dampak dalam memacu roda perekonomian di daerah tersebut. Desa Tegalweru yang terletak di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur kaya akan sumber alam seperti cabe, buah tomat, jeruk, dan pisang. Saat panen raya tiba, masyarakat telah memiliki tradisi untuk memanfaatkan dan mengolah hasil buminya sehingga bernilai jual lebih tinggi. Salah satu usaha yang saat ini dikembangkan adalah keripik pisang. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan pendanaan Ma Chung Abdimas Grant (MAG), tim pengabdi memilih kelompok pembuat keripik pisang ini sebagai mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat skim IbDM (Ipteks Bagi Desa Mitra). Dalam waktu delapan bulan tim bekerja untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk hasil keripik pisang melalui perbaikan kualitas produk, pengurusan ijin Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT), dan stra...