zulfikar fikar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
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Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta
Papers by zulfikar fikar
Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat
This study features the da'wah movement of the Acehnese dayah ulama during the quarantine per... more This study features the da'wah movement of the Acehnese dayah ulama during the quarantine period. Tasauf Tauhid and Fiqh (Tastafi) is a da'wah movement for Acehnese dayah clerics in the midst of limited movement during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a phenomenological study with a descriptive-analytical approach to the Tastafi da'wah movement during the Covid-19 pandemic in Aceh. The data collection techniques were carried out through observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique is descriptive-qualitative, which aims to explain the strategy of the Acehnese dayah ulama movement in Tastafi da'wah during the quarantine period. This study found that during the pandemic, the Tastafi da'wah movement conducts the preaching through limited offline meetings, and take social media and live streaming to reach the widest possible audience, hence all levels of Acehnese society could access it anywhere. The purpose of the Tatstafi d...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Formosa
The purpose of this service is to provide an understanding of the importance of inculcating and p... more The purpose of this service is to provide an understanding of the importance of inculcating and practicing Pancasila values among the younger generation in facing the threat of radicalism in the era of globalization. This service activity is carried out in the form of an interactive dialogue where the resource person explains a certain theme then a discussion occurs from the presentation that has been delivered. The findings in the service carried out, that the precepts contained in Pancasila are only limited to memorization without concrete values. Through this service activity, students are expected to be able to understand well that Pancasila is a Weltanschauung (view of life), Philosofische Gronslag (the foundation of the nation's philosophy), and as the basis of the state and be able to internalize the values of Pancasila in family, community, nation and state life.
Suami atau istri yang telah melakukan perkawinan mempunyai harta yang diperoleh selama perkawinan... more Suami atau istri yang telah melakukan perkawinan mempunyai harta yang diperoleh selama perkawinan disebut harta bersama dan harta bawaan. Dalam pernikahan poligami maka akan timbul suatu sengketa mengenai harta bersama, sehingga diperlukan suatu aturan yang jelas mengenai penetapan dan pembagian harta tersebut. Lembaga peradilan akan menjadi media bagi suami istri yang bersengketa untuk menuangkan semua argumentasi dan masalah mereka. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Bagaimana proses Proses Izin Poligami dalam Putusan Pengadilan Agama Padang Nomor 1073/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Pdg 2) Akibat Hukum yang Timbul dengan Penetapan Harta Bersama dalam Perkawinan Poligami dalam Putusan Pengadilan Agama Padang Nomor 1073/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Pdg. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normaitf, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder sebagai bahan dasar untuk diteliti dengan mengadakan penelusuran terhadap peraturan-peraturan dan literature yang b...
Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat
This study features the da'wah movement of the Acehnese dayah ulama during the quarantine per... more This study features the da'wah movement of the Acehnese dayah ulama during the quarantine period. Tasauf Tauhid and Fiqh (Tastafi) is a da'wah movement for Acehnese dayah clerics in the midst of limited movement during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a phenomenological study with a descriptive-analytical approach to the Tastafi da'wah movement during the Covid-19 pandemic in Aceh. The data collection techniques were carried out through observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique is descriptive-qualitative, which aims to explain the strategy of the Acehnese dayah ulama movement in Tastafi da'wah during the quarantine period. This study found that during the pandemic, the Tastafi da'wah movement conducts the preaching through limited offline meetings, and take social media and live streaming to reach the widest possible audience, hence all levels of Acehnese society could access it anywhere. The purpose of the Tatstafi d...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Formosa
The purpose of this service is to provide an understanding of the importance of inculcating and p... more The purpose of this service is to provide an understanding of the importance of inculcating and practicing Pancasila values among the younger generation in facing the threat of radicalism in the era of globalization. This service activity is carried out in the form of an interactive dialogue where the resource person explains a certain theme then a discussion occurs from the presentation that has been delivered. The findings in the service carried out, that the precepts contained in Pancasila are only limited to memorization without concrete values. Through this service activity, students are expected to be able to understand well that Pancasila is a Weltanschauung (view of life), Philosofische Gronslag (the foundation of the nation's philosophy), and as the basis of the state and be able to internalize the values of Pancasila in family, community, nation and state life.
Suami atau istri yang telah melakukan perkawinan mempunyai harta yang diperoleh selama perkawinan... more Suami atau istri yang telah melakukan perkawinan mempunyai harta yang diperoleh selama perkawinan disebut harta bersama dan harta bawaan. Dalam pernikahan poligami maka akan timbul suatu sengketa mengenai harta bersama, sehingga diperlukan suatu aturan yang jelas mengenai penetapan dan pembagian harta tersebut. Lembaga peradilan akan menjadi media bagi suami istri yang bersengketa untuk menuangkan semua argumentasi dan masalah mereka. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Bagaimana proses Proses Izin Poligami dalam Putusan Pengadilan Agama Padang Nomor 1073/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Pdg 2) Akibat Hukum yang Timbul dengan Penetapan Harta Bersama dalam Perkawinan Poligami dalam Putusan Pengadilan Agama Padang Nomor 1073/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Pdg. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normaitf, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder sebagai bahan dasar untuk diteliti dengan mengadakan penelusuran terhadap peraturan-peraturan dan literature yang b...