H.Burak Uyaniker | Independent Researcher (original) (raw)
Drafts by H.Burak Uyaniker
Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with ... more Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with its strategic and geopolitical importance throughout the history, have witnessed the protest for ‘Europeanship’ which started together with the Orange Revolution and the Maydan events which are the most critical turning points of its own history. One of the biggest problems of this process was the intervention of Russia to Crimea and the factors behind this development have been discussed in this research. When the current cases which turned into an international crises together with the military support provided to the pro-Russia separatists in Donbas conflicts and the annexation of Crimea by Russia are considered, it is possible to see the chaotic dimension more strongly. However, it is necessary not to ignore the fact that the tensions in the Moscow-Kiev line began with the disintegration of the USSR and the subsequent decision of independence of the Ukrainian Parliament on 24 August 1991. It is important to reveal the urgency of questioning the concept of ‘‘Law and Sovereignty’’, the annexation of Crimea by Russia, its failure to fulfill at least four separate obligations, and the fact that Western powers are only in partial economic sanctions. To have Ukraine deliver its nuclear weapons and derivatives by relying on the principle of law and morality for securing sovereignty and to lose its lands for being defenseless is a timely near time due to the questioning of the concepts of ‘‘Power and Law’’. Purpose of the research is to explain the invasion of Ukraine land in contrary form and in accordance with the obligations of international treaties that Russia is party to, the background of the violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the factors leading the change in external policy of Russia which makes the threat vital with the expansion of NATO and the EU and finally the destructive effects of Ukraine becoming a global taciturn between Russia and the West and on a regional vicious circle between Russia and the EU.
Papers by H.Burak Uyaniker
Karadeniz Arastirmalari Merkezi, 2018
Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with ... more Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with its strategic and geopolitical importance throughout the history, have witnessed the protest for ‘Europeanship’ which started together with the Orange Revolution and the Maydan events which are the most critical turning points of its own history. One of the biggest problems of this process was the intervention of Russia to Crimea and the factors behind this development have been discussed in this research. When the current cases which turned into an international crises together with the military support provided to the pro-Russia separatists in Donbas conflicts and the annexation of Crimea by Russia are considered, it is possible to see the chaotic dimension more strongly. However, it is necessary not to ignore the fact that the tensions in the Moscow-Kiev line began with the disintegration of the USSR and the subsequent decision of independence of the Ukrainian Parliament on 24 August 1991. It is important to reveal the urgency of questioning the concept of ‘‘Law and Sovereignty’’, the annexation of Crimea by Russia, its failure to fulfill at least four separate obligations, and the fact that Western powers are only in partial economic sanctions. To have Ukraine deliver its nuclear weapons and derivatives by relying on the principle of law and morality for securing sovereignty and to lose its lands for being defenseless is a timely near time due to the questioning of the concepts of ‘‘Power and Law’’. Purpose of the research is to explain the invasion of Ukraine land in contrary form and in accordance with the obligations of international treaties that Russia is party to, the background of the violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the factors leading the change in external policy of Russia which makes the threat vital with the expansion of NATO and the EU and finally the destructive effects of Ukraine becoming a global taciturn between Russia and the West and on a regional vicious circle between Russia and the EU.
translated by third parties, books by H.Burak Uyaniker
Lap Lambert Academic , 2021
Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with ... more Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with its strategic and geopolitical importance throughout the history, have witnessed the protest for "Europeanness" which started together with the Orange Revolution and the Maidan events which are the most critical turning points of its own history. One of the biggest problems of this process was the intervention of Russia to
Crimea and the factors behind this development have been discussed in this research. When the current cases which turned into an international crisis together with the military support provided to the pro-Russia separatists in Donbas conflicts and the annexation of Crimea by Russia are considered, it is possible to see the chaotic dimension more strongly. However, it is necessary not to ignore the fact that the tensions in the Moscow-Kiev line began with the disintegration of the USSR and the
subsequent decision of independence of the Ukrainian Parliament on 24 August 1991. It is important to reveal the urgency of questioning the concept of ‘‘Law and Sovereignty’’, the annexation of Crimea by Russia, its failure to fulfil at least four separate obligations, and the fact that Western powers are only in partial economic sanctions. To have Ukraine deliver its nuclear weapons and derivatives by relying on the principle of law and morality for securing sovereignty and to lose its lands for being
defenceless is a timely near time due to the questioning of the concepts of ‘‘Power and Law’’. Purpose of the research is to explain the invasion of Ukraine land in contrary form and in accordance with the obligations of international treaties that Russia is party to, the background of the violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the factors
leading the change in external policy of Russia which makes the threat vital with the expansion of NATO and the EU and finally the destructive effects of Ukraine becoming a global taciturn between Russia and the West and on a regional vicious circle between Russia and the EU.
Sciencia Scripts, 2021
Las tierras de Ucrania, que han estado a la vanguardia de las geografías más importantes de Euras... more Las tierras de Ucrania, que han estado a la vanguardia de las geografías más importantes de Eurasia con su importancia estratégica y geopolítica a lo largo de la historia, han sido testigos de la protesta por la "europeidad" que comenzó junto con la Revolución Naranja y los acontecimientos del Maidan, que son los puntos de inflexión más críticos de su propia historia. Uno de los mayores problemas de este proceso fue la intervención de Rusia en Crimea, y en esta investigación se han analizado los factores que subyacen a este hecho. Cuando se consideran los casos actuales que se convirtieron en una crisis internacional junto con el apoyo militar prestado a los separatistas prorrusos en los conflictos del Donbás y la anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia, es posible ver la dimensión caótica con más fuerza. Sin embargo, es necesario no ignorar el hecho de que las tensiones en la línea Moscú-Kiev comenzaron con la desintegración de la URSS y la posterior decisión de independencia del Parlamento ucraniano el 24 de agosto de 1991. La anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia, su incumplimiento de al menos cuatro obligaciones distintas, y el hecho de que las potencias occidentales sólo apliquen sanciones económicas parciales, ponen de manifiesto la urgencia de cuestionar el concepto de ''Derecho y Soberanía''. Que Ucrania entregue sus armas nucleares y derivadas basándose en el principio de la ley y la moral para asegurar la soberanía y que pierda sus tierras por estar indefensa es un momento cercano debido al cuestionamiento de los conceptos de ''Poder y Ley''. El propósito de la investigación es explicar la invasión de tierras de Ucrania en forma contraria y de acuerdo con las obligaciones de los tratados internacionales que Rusia es parte, los antecedentes de la violación de la soberanía y la integridad territorial, los factores que conducen al cambio en la política exterior de Rusia que hace que la amenaza vital con la expansión de la OTAN y la UE y, finalmente, los efectos destructivos de Ucrania convertirse en un taciturno global entre Rusia y Occidente y en un círculo vicioso regional entre Rusia y la UE.
Palabras clave: Conflicto ruso-ucraniano, Revolución Naranja, sucesos del Maidán, problema de Crimea, conflicto del Donbás.
Sciencia Scripts, 2021
Das Land Ukraine, das mit seiner strategischen und geopolitischen Bedeutung im Laufe der Geschich... more Das Land Ukraine, das mit seiner strategischen und geopolitischen Bedeutung im Laufe der Geschichte an der Spitze der wichtigsten Geografien Eurasiens stand, wurde Zeuge des Protests für "Europäizität", der zusammen mit der Orangenen Revolution und den Maidan-Ereignissen begann, die die kritischsten Wendepunkte der eigenen Geschichte darstellen. Eines der größten Probleme dieses Prozesses war die
Intervention Russlands auf der Krim und die Faktoren, die hinter dieser Entwicklung stehen, wurden in dieser Untersuchung diskutiert. Wenn man die aktuellen Fälle betrachtet, die zusammen mit der militärischen Unterstützung der pro-russischen Separatisten in den Donbas-Konflikten und der Annexion der Krim durch Russland zu einer internationalen Krise wurden, kann man die chaotische Dimension stärker sehen.
Man darf jedoch nicht außer Acht lassen, dass die Spannungen auf der Linie MoskauKiew mit dem Zerfall der UdSSR und dem darauf folgenden Beschluss der Unabhängigkeit des ukrainischen Parlaments am 24. August 1991 begannen. Es ist wichtig, die Dringlichkeit der Infragestellung des Konzepts "Recht und Souveränität", die Annexion der Krim durch Russland, die Nichterfüllung von mindestens vier separaten Verpflichtungen und die Tatsache, dass die westlichen Mächte nur teilweise wirtschaftliche Sanktionen verhängen, aufzuzeigen. Dass die Ukraine unter Berufung auf das Prinzip von Recht und Moral zur Sicherung der Souveränität ihre Atomwaffen und Derivate ausliefert und ihre Ländereien verliert, weil sie wehrlos ist, ist aufgrund der Infragestellung der Konzepte von ''Macht und Recht'' zeitlich nahe. Ziel der Forschung ist es, die Invasion der Ukraine Land in konträrer Form und in Übereinstimmung mit den Verpflichtungen der internationalen Verträge, die Russland
ist Partei zu erklären, den Hintergrund der Verletzung der Souveränität und territoriale Integrität, die Faktoren, die die Änderung in der Außenpolitik Russlands, die die Bedrohung lebenswichtig mit der Erweiterung der NATO und der EU und schließlich die zerstörerischen Auswirkungen der Ukraine zu einem globalen taciturn zwischen Russland und dem Westen und auf eine regionale Teufelskreis zwischen Russland und der EU.
Schlüsselwörter: Russland-Ukraine-Konflikt, Orange Revolution, Maidan-Ereignisse, Krim-Problem, Donbas-Konflikt.
Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with ... more Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with its strategic and geopolitical importance throughout the history, have witnessed the protest for ‘Europeanship’ which started together with the Orange Revolution and the Maydan events which are the most critical turning points of its own history. One of the biggest problems of this process was the intervention of Russia to Crimea and the factors behind this development have been discussed in this research. When the current cases which turned into an international crises together with the military support provided to the pro-Russia separatists in Donbas conflicts and the annexation of Crimea by Russia are considered, it is possible to see the chaotic dimension more strongly. However, it is necessary not to ignore the fact that the tensions in the Moscow-Kiev line began with the disintegration of the USSR and the subsequent decision of independence of the Ukrainian Parliament on 24 August 1991. It is important to reveal the urgency of questioning the concept of ‘‘Law and Sovereignty’’, the annexation of Crimea by Russia, its failure to fulfill at least four separate obligations, and the fact that Western powers are only in partial economic sanctions. To have Ukraine deliver its nuclear weapons and derivatives by relying on the principle of law and morality for securing sovereignty and to lose its lands for being defenseless is a timely near time due to the questioning of the concepts of ‘‘Power and Law’’. Purpose of the research is to explain the invasion of Ukraine land in contrary form and in accordance with the obligations of international treaties that Russia is party to, the background of the violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the factors leading the change in external policy of Russia which makes the threat vital with the expansion of NATO and the EU and finally the destructive effects of Ukraine becoming a global taciturn between Russia and the West and on a regional vicious circle between Russia and the EU.
Karadeniz Arastirmalari Merkezi, 2018
Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with ... more Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with its strategic and geopolitical importance throughout the history, have witnessed the protest for ‘Europeanship’ which started together with the Orange Revolution and the Maydan events which are the most critical turning points of its own history. One of the biggest problems of this process was the intervention of Russia to Crimea and the factors behind this development have been discussed in this research. When the current cases which turned into an international crises together with the military support provided to the pro-Russia separatists in Donbas conflicts and the annexation of Crimea by Russia are considered, it is possible to see the chaotic dimension more strongly. However, it is necessary not to ignore the fact that the tensions in the Moscow-Kiev line began with the disintegration of the USSR and the subsequent decision of independence of the Ukrainian Parliament on 24 August 1991. It is important to reveal the urgency of questioning the concept of ‘‘Law and Sovereignty’’, the annexation of Crimea by Russia, its failure to fulfill at least four separate obligations, and the fact that Western powers are only in partial economic sanctions. To have Ukraine deliver its nuclear weapons and derivatives by relying on the principle of law and morality for securing sovereignty and to lose its lands for being defenseless is a timely near time due to the questioning of the concepts of ‘‘Power and Law’’. Purpose of the research is to explain the invasion of Ukraine land in contrary form and in accordance with the obligations of international treaties that Russia is party to, the background of the violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the factors leading the change in external policy of Russia which makes the threat vital with the expansion of NATO and the EU and finally the destructive effects of Ukraine becoming a global taciturn between Russia and the West and on a regional vicious circle between Russia and the EU.
Lap Lambert Academic , 2021
Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with ... more Ukraine lands which have been at the forefront of the most important geographies of Eurasia with its strategic and geopolitical importance throughout the history, have witnessed the protest for "Europeanness" which started together with the Orange Revolution and the Maidan events which are the most critical turning points of its own history. One of the biggest problems of this process was the intervention of Russia to
Crimea and the factors behind this development have been discussed in this research. When the current cases which turned into an international crisis together with the military support provided to the pro-Russia separatists in Donbas conflicts and the annexation of Crimea by Russia are considered, it is possible to see the chaotic dimension more strongly. However, it is necessary not to ignore the fact that the tensions in the Moscow-Kiev line began with the disintegration of the USSR and the
subsequent decision of independence of the Ukrainian Parliament on 24 August 1991. It is important to reveal the urgency of questioning the concept of ‘‘Law and Sovereignty’’, the annexation of Crimea by Russia, its failure to fulfil at least four separate obligations, and the fact that Western powers are only in partial economic sanctions. To have Ukraine deliver its nuclear weapons and derivatives by relying on the principle of law and morality for securing sovereignty and to lose its lands for being
defenceless is a timely near time due to the questioning of the concepts of ‘‘Power and Law’’. Purpose of the research is to explain the invasion of Ukraine land in contrary form and in accordance with the obligations of international treaties that Russia is party to, the background of the violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the factors
leading the change in external policy of Russia which makes the threat vital with the expansion of NATO and the EU and finally the destructive effects of Ukraine becoming a global taciturn between Russia and the West and on a regional vicious circle between Russia and the EU.
Sciencia Scripts, 2021
Las tierras de Ucrania, que han estado a la vanguardia de las geografías más importantes de Euras... more Las tierras de Ucrania, que han estado a la vanguardia de las geografías más importantes de Eurasia con su importancia estratégica y geopolítica a lo largo de la historia, han sido testigos de la protesta por la "europeidad" que comenzó junto con la Revolución Naranja y los acontecimientos del Maidan, que son los puntos de inflexión más críticos de su propia historia. Uno de los mayores problemas de este proceso fue la intervención de Rusia en Crimea, y en esta investigación se han analizado los factores que subyacen a este hecho. Cuando se consideran los casos actuales que se convirtieron en una crisis internacional junto con el apoyo militar prestado a los separatistas prorrusos en los conflictos del Donbás y la anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia, es posible ver la dimensión caótica con más fuerza. Sin embargo, es necesario no ignorar el hecho de que las tensiones en la línea Moscú-Kiev comenzaron con la desintegración de la URSS y la posterior decisión de independencia del Parlamento ucraniano el 24 de agosto de 1991. La anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia, su incumplimiento de al menos cuatro obligaciones distintas, y el hecho de que las potencias occidentales sólo apliquen sanciones económicas parciales, ponen de manifiesto la urgencia de cuestionar el concepto de ''Derecho y Soberanía''. Que Ucrania entregue sus armas nucleares y derivadas basándose en el principio de la ley y la moral para asegurar la soberanía y que pierda sus tierras por estar indefensa es un momento cercano debido al cuestionamiento de los conceptos de ''Poder y Ley''. El propósito de la investigación es explicar la invasión de tierras de Ucrania en forma contraria y de acuerdo con las obligaciones de los tratados internacionales que Rusia es parte, los antecedentes de la violación de la soberanía y la integridad territorial, los factores que conducen al cambio en la política exterior de Rusia que hace que la amenaza vital con la expansión de la OTAN y la UE y, finalmente, los efectos destructivos de Ucrania convertirse en un taciturno global entre Rusia y Occidente y en un círculo vicioso regional entre Rusia y la UE.
Palabras clave: Conflicto ruso-ucraniano, Revolución Naranja, sucesos del Maidán, problema de Crimea, conflicto del Donbás.
Sciencia Scripts, 2021
Das Land Ukraine, das mit seiner strategischen und geopolitischen Bedeutung im Laufe der Geschich... more Das Land Ukraine, das mit seiner strategischen und geopolitischen Bedeutung im Laufe der Geschichte an der Spitze der wichtigsten Geografien Eurasiens stand, wurde Zeuge des Protests für "Europäizität", der zusammen mit der Orangenen Revolution und den Maidan-Ereignissen begann, die die kritischsten Wendepunkte der eigenen Geschichte darstellen. Eines der größten Probleme dieses Prozesses war die
Intervention Russlands auf der Krim und die Faktoren, die hinter dieser Entwicklung stehen, wurden in dieser Untersuchung diskutiert. Wenn man die aktuellen Fälle betrachtet, die zusammen mit der militärischen Unterstützung der pro-russischen Separatisten in den Donbas-Konflikten und der Annexion der Krim durch Russland zu einer internationalen Krise wurden, kann man die chaotische Dimension stärker sehen.
Man darf jedoch nicht außer Acht lassen, dass die Spannungen auf der Linie MoskauKiew mit dem Zerfall der UdSSR und dem darauf folgenden Beschluss der Unabhängigkeit des ukrainischen Parlaments am 24. August 1991 begannen. Es ist wichtig, die Dringlichkeit der Infragestellung des Konzepts "Recht und Souveränität", die Annexion der Krim durch Russland, die Nichterfüllung von mindestens vier separaten Verpflichtungen und die Tatsache, dass die westlichen Mächte nur teilweise wirtschaftliche Sanktionen verhängen, aufzuzeigen. Dass die Ukraine unter Berufung auf das Prinzip von Recht und Moral zur Sicherung der Souveränität ihre Atomwaffen und Derivate ausliefert und ihre Ländereien verliert, weil sie wehrlos ist, ist aufgrund der Infragestellung der Konzepte von ''Macht und Recht'' zeitlich nahe. Ziel der Forschung ist es, die Invasion der Ukraine Land in konträrer Form und in Übereinstimmung mit den Verpflichtungen der internationalen Verträge, die Russland
ist Partei zu erklären, den Hintergrund der Verletzung der Souveränität und territoriale Integrität, die Faktoren, die die Änderung in der Außenpolitik Russlands, die die Bedrohung lebenswichtig mit der Erweiterung der NATO und der EU und schließlich die zerstörerischen Auswirkungen der Ukraine zu einem globalen taciturn zwischen Russland und dem Westen und auf eine regionale Teufelskreis zwischen Russland und der EU.
Schlüsselwörter: Russland-Ukraine-Konflikt, Orange Revolution, Maidan-Ereignisse, Krim-Problem, Donbas-Konflikt.