Susanna Iacona Salafia | Independent Researcher (original) (raw)

Papers by Susanna Iacona Salafia

Research paper thumbnail of Unesco: ecco la roadmap per “reinventare l’università” entro dieci anni

Agenda Digitale , 2022

Sei principi per sei sfide di transizione: l’Unesco ha tracciato una tabella decennale di marcia,... more Sei principi per sei sfide di transizione: l’Unesco ha tracciato una tabella decennale di marcia, dal 2022 al 2032, per trasformare l’istruzione universitaria in un diritto per tutti. I dettagli

25 Ott 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Social media a scuola

Mentep-INDIRE , 2012

nostri alunni passano numerose ore a comunicare attraverso i Social Media/network: si tratta dun... more nostri alunni passano numerose ore a comunicare attraverso i Social Media/network: si tratta dunque di canalizzare questa attività verso contenuti e apprendimenti del curricolo scolastico e/o disciplinari.

La docente Susanna Iacona Salafia narra la propria esperienza didattica sul CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) e basata sull’integrazione della piattaforma Etwinning con alcuni noti Social Media.

Research paper thumbnail of Trasformare l’educazione, oltre gli slogan: azioni e obiettivi Unesco

Agenda Digitale, 2022

Il summit “transforming education” delle Nazioni Unite ha lanciato una serie di iniziative global... more Il summit “transforming education” delle Nazioni Unite ha lanciato una serie di iniziative globali e strumenti di finanziamento per rispondere alla crisi educativa in atto. Obiettivo: rendere i giovani protagonisti del cambiamento del sistema

Research paper thumbnail of UNESCO GEM Report

Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il com... more Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il completamento del ciclo di studi dell’obbligo, si è ridotto a solo un punto di percentuale in media nel mondo. La quota di donne alfabetizzate è cresciuta negli ultimi 5 anni: dall’89.4% al 90.8%, per le giovani; dall’81.8% all’83.3% per le adulte. È il risultato di anni di impegno intenso anche nell’ambito delle politiche attive UNESCO. Il GEM Report 2022 , Global Education Monitoring Report dell’Unesco, oltre 70 pagine di dati, analisi e studi di caso, il 6° in questo settore dal 2015, lanciato con un evento online mondiale il 27 Aprile, costituisce quindi un punto di partenza fondamentale per il dibattito su “coloro che sono rimasti ancora indietro”. ” Le disuguaglianze di genere continuano ad essere una questione cruciale.

Research paper thumbnail of UNESCO GEM Report

Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il com... more Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il completamento del ciclo di studi dell’obbligo, si è ridotto a solo un punto di percentuale in media nel mondo. La quota di donne alfabetizzate è cresciuta negli ultimi 5 anni: dall’89.4% al 90.8%, per le giovani; dall’81.8% all’83.3% per le adulte. È il risultato di anni di impegno intenso anche nell’ambito delle politiche attive UNESCO. Il GEM Report 2022 , Global Education Monitoring Report dell’Unesco, oltre 70 pagine di dati, analisi e studi di caso, il 6° in questo settore dal 2015, lanciato con un evento online mondiale il 27 Aprile, costituisce quindi un punto di partenza fondamentale per il dibattito su “coloro che sono rimasti ancora indietro”. ” Le disuguaglianze di genere continuano ad essere una questione cruciale.

Research paper thumbnail of African Nationalism: Two Different Intellectual Perspectives

Journal of English Language and Literature, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of DOI: 10.13189/lls.2014.020503 The Renaissance of the Bantu Languages in Literature: A Comparative Path with the Italian Languages in Their Common Research of an Identity

As you can see from the rough scheme above, the following will be a “horizontal ” presentation ra... more As you can see from the rough scheme above, the following will be a “horizontal ” presentation rather than a “vertical” one. I will not talk extensively of the life and activity of the four mentioned writers, so “distant ” each other either in time or in space but I will make talk, for them, their own mentioned works (a collection of essays, a middle age treatise and two novels). I will try to assume, synthetize and summarize the political and artistic role these four authors played, only through their direct speech and words, extracted from some sample works of theirs. I will also try to understand the social and political context which they belonged to from what they have said or told in the analyzed works.

Research paper thumbnail of Heteroglossia and Diglossia in  Italian contemporary Italian novel


Research paper thumbnail of Program of the  Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI). The conference will be held in Siena (Italy).

Research paper thumbnail of Ali Mazrui

Books by Susanna Iacona Salafia

Research paper thumbnail of Didattica  CLIL e Nuove Tecnologie:ricerca-azioni e studi di caso delle Nuove Tecnologie applicate alla Didattica CLIL nella Scuola

Research paper thumbnail of Edward Said's cultural influences on and of his "ORIENTALISM"-Paper presentation

Amazon-Creative Space, Feb 10, 2014

"""""This presentation wants to overview the cultural influences "on“ and “of” Edward Said‘s work... more """""This presentation wants to overview the cultural influences "on“ and “of” Edward Said‘s work "Orientalism“ “by” and “on” other academicians and scholars till our days. The work, published in 1978, is considered “the Bible” of the post-colonial theories . Said has been influenced by some scholars but has, on his turn, influenced a new generation of thinkers in their approach to the “East” world-
The Michel Foucault’s poststructuralism, the J.P Sartre “non-essentialist theory” and the S. De Beauvoir “contructionist” view are the philosophical theories recognizable in or behind the “Orientalism” critics of the stereotypes and clichés bulit up by Western scholars on Oriental world and people. But should Said be criticized through the same theorethical categories he adopted in criticizing the western Orientalism?"""""

Research paper thumbnail of "The Italian Migrant Literature: a new literary canon?", Feb 9, 2014

This research paper gives a glimpse on the state of art in the Italian language literary producti... more This research paper gives a glimpse on the state of art in the Italian language literary production by immigrants living and set in Italy. The literature of “migrants” is a new cultural phenomenon for Italy, presenting interesting linguistic contaminations and hybridizations between Italian and the original languages of writers coming from every part of the underdeveloped world. An example of Italian and Portuguese hybridization(”The Portulian”), as literary language, will be also quoted. It is supported the idea that migration towards a new language is not necessarily a loss but a creative expression and a new literary-linguistic code. The Italian migrant literature is also compared to the post-colonial discourse, underlying the different/analogous aspects of the emerging Italophone migrant literature in relation to the conventional Anglophone and Francophone post-colonial literatures. The migrant literature in Italian has also socio-economic implications and is a positive consequence of the mass migration that Italy had to face in the last thirty-forty years. This new narrative production, which is also giving life and oxygen to the asphyxiated Italian publishing industry, is being focussed on by more and more Italian academics and scholars. The paper also analyzes and monitors some examples of Italian migrant literature narrations and its main literary topoi and themes in relation to the socio-economic context of these writers.

Academic Publications by Susanna Iacona Salafia

Research paper thumbnail of The Renaissance of the Bantu Languages in Literature: A Comparative Path with the Italian Languages in Their Common Research of an Identity

Linguistics & Literature-Horizon Research

Decolonizing the mind: the politics of language in African Literature,1986, Kenia (NgugiWa’ Thion... more Decolonizing the mind: the politics of language in African Literature,1986, Kenia (NgugiWa’ Thiong’O); De Vulgari Eloquentia(“About Eloquence in the Vulgar”), 1303-05, Tuscany-Italy (Dante Alighieri); Half of a yellow sun, 2007, Nigeria (Chimanda Ngozie Adichie); Canale Mussolini(“Mussolini Canal”), 2010, Italy (Antonio Pennacchi). As you can see from the rough scheme above, the following will be a “horizontal” presentation rather than a “vertical” one. I will not talk extensively of the life and activity of the four mentioned writers, so “distant” each other either in time or in space but I will make talk, for them, their own mentioned works (a collection of essays, a middle age treatise and two novels). I will try to assume, synthetize and summarize the political and artistic role these four authors played, only through their direct speech and words, extracted from some sample works of theirs. I will also try to understand the social and political context which they belonged to from what they have said or told in the analyzed works.

Bantu, African Literature, Italian Literature, Comparative literature, Ngugi Wa Thiong’O, Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, Antonio Pennacchi, Dante Alighieri

Research paper thumbnail of The “Bigmanism” or the “Big Man Syndrome”  As an Optical Lens to Understand African “Democracies” - A “Case Study” in Zimbabwe-

INTCESS14-International Conference on Education and Social Sciences: Abstracts & Proceedings

: This research analyzes the so called “Big man syndrome”, discovering the origin and etymologi... more : This research analyzes the so called “Big man syndrome”, discovering the origin and
etymological meaning of this definition. But “big man syndrome” is not only a journalistic
definition but a precise socio-anthropological phenomenon in Africa. The paper describes its
development and different stages from an initial “nationalism” to “neopatrimonialism” system as
model of “democratic” government in “a one party system” in some African countries. Even if in
contrast with the essence of Africanism of the Ubuntu philosophy, the Big man syndrome still
influences most of the complex African politics. The phenomenon had been largely anticipated by
Frantz Fanon, the inspirer “muse” of the anti-colonial wars and also “prophet” of the post-colonial
African politics. To better understand the Big man syndrome from a sociological and political
point view, Zimbabwe case study is reported, a country where the “Big Man” Robert Mugabe has
been uninterruptedly ruling since 1980, for almost forty years.The hidden “facts and sheet” behind
the first and second Chimurenga, the Zimbabwe civil war who brought Mugabe to power, are
narrated in “We are all Zimbabweans” novel. The paper concludes highlighting the importance
of the African novels in understanding the dilanating African wars and the Big man syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of "Memed, My Hawk (Ince Memed) in Relation to the Epic Tradition"-INTCESS14-Abstracts & Proceedings

-INTCESS14-International Conference on Educationa and Social Science:Abstracts & Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of "We Are all Zimbabweans"(Book review), African  Studies Quarterly,Volume 14, Issues 1 & 2 | November 2013, pp.141-43

African Studies Quarterly

Research paper thumbnail of Social Media a scuola

Research paper thumbnail of Recipes online

Research paper thumbnail of Il giornale online della scuola:Vittorini webzine

Research paper thumbnail of Unesco: ecco la roadmap per “reinventare l’università” entro dieci anni

Agenda Digitale , 2022

Sei principi per sei sfide di transizione: l’Unesco ha tracciato una tabella decennale di marcia,... more Sei principi per sei sfide di transizione: l’Unesco ha tracciato una tabella decennale di marcia, dal 2022 al 2032, per trasformare l’istruzione universitaria in un diritto per tutti. I dettagli

25 Ott 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Social media a scuola

Mentep-INDIRE , 2012

nostri alunni passano numerose ore a comunicare attraverso i Social Media/network: si tratta dun... more nostri alunni passano numerose ore a comunicare attraverso i Social Media/network: si tratta dunque di canalizzare questa attività verso contenuti e apprendimenti del curricolo scolastico e/o disciplinari.

La docente Susanna Iacona Salafia narra la propria esperienza didattica sul CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) e basata sull’integrazione della piattaforma Etwinning con alcuni noti Social Media.

Research paper thumbnail of Trasformare l’educazione, oltre gli slogan: azioni e obiettivi Unesco

Agenda Digitale, 2022

Il summit “transforming education” delle Nazioni Unite ha lanciato una serie di iniziative global... more Il summit “transforming education” delle Nazioni Unite ha lanciato una serie di iniziative globali e strumenti di finanziamento per rispondere alla crisi educativa in atto. Obiettivo: rendere i giovani protagonisti del cambiamento del sistema

Research paper thumbnail of UNESCO GEM Report

Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il com... more Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il completamento del ciclo di studi dell’obbligo, si è ridotto a solo un punto di percentuale in media nel mondo. La quota di donne alfabetizzate è cresciuta negli ultimi 5 anni: dall’89.4% al 90.8%, per le giovani; dall’81.8% all’83.3% per le adulte. È il risultato di anni di impegno intenso anche nell’ambito delle politiche attive UNESCO. Il GEM Report 2022 , Global Education Monitoring Report dell’Unesco, oltre 70 pagine di dati, analisi e studi di caso, il 6° in questo settore dal 2015, lanciato con un evento online mondiale il 27 Aprile, costituisce quindi un punto di partenza fondamentale per il dibattito su “coloro che sono rimasti ancora indietro”. ” Le disuguaglianze di genere continuano ad essere una questione cruciale.

Research paper thumbnail of UNESCO GEM Report

Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il com... more Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il completamento del ciclo di studi dell’obbligo, si è ridotto a solo un punto di percentuale in media nel mondo. La quota di donne alfabetizzate è cresciuta negli ultimi 5 anni: dall’89.4% al 90.8%, per le giovani; dall’81.8% all’83.3% per le adulte. È il risultato di anni di impegno intenso anche nell’ambito delle politiche attive UNESCO. Il GEM Report 2022 , Global Education Monitoring Report dell’Unesco, oltre 70 pagine di dati, analisi e studi di caso, il 6° in questo settore dal 2015, lanciato con un evento online mondiale il 27 Aprile, costituisce quindi un punto di partenza fondamentale per il dibattito su “coloro che sono rimasti ancora indietro”. ” Le disuguaglianze di genere continuano ad essere una questione cruciale.

Research paper thumbnail of African Nationalism: Two Different Intellectual Perspectives

Journal of English Language and Literature, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of DOI: 10.13189/lls.2014.020503 The Renaissance of the Bantu Languages in Literature: A Comparative Path with the Italian Languages in Their Common Research of an Identity

As you can see from the rough scheme above, the following will be a “horizontal ” presentation ra... more As you can see from the rough scheme above, the following will be a “horizontal ” presentation rather than a “vertical” one. I will not talk extensively of the life and activity of the four mentioned writers, so “distant ” each other either in time or in space but I will make talk, for them, their own mentioned works (a collection of essays, a middle age treatise and two novels). I will try to assume, synthetize and summarize the political and artistic role these four authors played, only through their direct speech and words, extracted from some sample works of theirs. I will also try to understand the social and political context which they belonged to from what they have said or told in the analyzed works.

Research paper thumbnail of Heteroglossia and Diglossia in  Italian contemporary Italian novel


Research paper thumbnail of Program of the  Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI). The conference will be held in Siena (Italy).

Research paper thumbnail of Ali Mazrui

Research paper thumbnail of Didattica  CLIL e Nuove Tecnologie:ricerca-azioni e studi di caso delle Nuove Tecnologie applicate alla Didattica CLIL nella Scuola

Research paper thumbnail of Edward Said's cultural influences on and of his "ORIENTALISM"-Paper presentation

Amazon-Creative Space, Feb 10, 2014

"""""This presentation wants to overview the cultural influences "on“ and “of” Edward Said‘s work... more """""This presentation wants to overview the cultural influences "on“ and “of” Edward Said‘s work "Orientalism“ “by” and “on” other academicians and scholars till our days. The work, published in 1978, is considered “the Bible” of the post-colonial theories . Said has been influenced by some scholars but has, on his turn, influenced a new generation of thinkers in their approach to the “East” world-
The Michel Foucault’s poststructuralism, the J.P Sartre “non-essentialist theory” and the S. De Beauvoir “contructionist” view are the philosophical theories recognizable in or behind the “Orientalism” critics of the stereotypes and clichés bulit up by Western scholars on Oriental world and people. But should Said be criticized through the same theorethical categories he adopted in criticizing the western Orientalism?"""""

Research paper thumbnail of "The Italian Migrant Literature: a new literary canon?", Feb 9, 2014

This research paper gives a glimpse on the state of art in the Italian language literary producti... more This research paper gives a glimpse on the state of art in the Italian language literary production by immigrants living and set in Italy. The literature of “migrants” is a new cultural phenomenon for Italy, presenting interesting linguistic contaminations and hybridizations between Italian and the original languages of writers coming from every part of the underdeveloped world. An example of Italian and Portuguese hybridization(”The Portulian”), as literary language, will be also quoted. It is supported the idea that migration towards a new language is not necessarily a loss but a creative expression and a new literary-linguistic code. The Italian migrant literature is also compared to the post-colonial discourse, underlying the different/analogous aspects of the emerging Italophone migrant literature in relation to the conventional Anglophone and Francophone post-colonial literatures. The migrant literature in Italian has also socio-economic implications and is a positive consequence of the mass migration that Italy had to face in the last thirty-forty years. This new narrative production, which is also giving life and oxygen to the asphyxiated Italian publishing industry, is being focussed on by more and more Italian academics and scholars. The paper also analyzes and monitors some examples of Italian migrant literature narrations and its main literary topoi and themes in relation to the socio-economic context of these writers.

Research paper thumbnail of The Renaissance of the Bantu Languages in Literature: A Comparative Path with the Italian Languages in Their Common Research of an Identity

Linguistics & Literature-Horizon Research

Decolonizing the mind: the politics of language in African Literature,1986, Kenia (NgugiWa’ Thion... more Decolonizing the mind: the politics of language in African Literature,1986, Kenia (NgugiWa’ Thiong’O); De Vulgari Eloquentia(“About Eloquence in the Vulgar”), 1303-05, Tuscany-Italy (Dante Alighieri); Half of a yellow sun, 2007, Nigeria (Chimanda Ngozie Adichie); Canale Mussolini(“Mussolini Canal”), 2010, Italy (Antonio Pennacchi). As you can see from the rough scheme above, the following will be a “horizontal” presentation rather than a “vertical” one. I will not talk extensively of the life and activity of the four mentioned writers, so “distant” each other either in time or in space but I will make talk, for them, their own mentioned works (a collection of essays, a middle age treatise and two novels). I will try to assume, synthetize and summarize the political and artistic role these four authors played, only through their direct speech and words, extracted from some sample works of theirs. I will also try to understand the social and political context which they belonged to from what they have said or told in the analyzed works.

Bantu, African Literature, Italian Literature, Comparative literature, Ngugi Wa Thiong’O, Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, Antonio Pennacchi, Dante Alighieri

Research paper thumbnail of The “Bigmanism” or the “Big Man Syndrome”  As an Optical Lens to Understand African “Democracies” - A “Case Study” in Zimbabwe-

INTCESS14-International Conference on Education and Social Sciences: Abstracts & Proceedings

: This research analyzes the so called “Big man syndrome”, discovering the origin and etymologi... more : This research analyzes the so called “Big man syndrome”, discovering the origin and
etymological meaning of this definition. But “big man syndrome” is not only a journalistic
definition but a precise socio-anthropological phenomenon in Africa. The paper describes its
development and different stages from an initial “nationalism” to “neopatrimonialism” system as
model of “democratic” government in “a one party system” in some African countries. Even if in
contrast with the essence of Africanism of the Ubuntu philosophy, the Big man syndrome still
influences most of the complex African politics. The phenomenon had been largely anticipated by
Frantz Fanon, the inspirer “muse” of the anti-colonial wars and also “prophet” of the post-colonial
African politics. To better understand the Big man syndrome from a sociological and political
point view, Zimbabwe case study is reported, a country where the “Big Man” Robert Mugabe has
been uninterruptedly ruling since 1980, for almost forty years.The hidden “facts and sheet” behind
the first and second Chimurenga, the Zimbabwe civil war who brought Mugabe to power, are
narrated in “We are all Zimbabweans” novel. The paper concludes highlighting the importance
of the African novels in understanding the dilanating African wars and the Big man syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of "Memed, My Hawk (Ince Memed) in Relation to the Epic Tradition"-INTCESS14-Abstracts & Proceedings

-INTCESS14-International Conference on Educationa and Social Science:Abstracts & Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of "We Are all Zimbabweans"(Book review), African  Studies Quarterly,Volume 14, Issues 1 & 2 | November 2013, pp.141-43

African Studies Quarterly

Research paper thumbnail of Social Media a scuola

Research paper thumbnail of Recipes online

Research paper thumbnail of Il giornale online della scuola:Vittorini webzine

Research paper thumbnail of UNESCO GEM Report

Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il com... more Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il completamento del ciclo di studi dell’obbligo, si è ridotto a solo un punto di percentuale in media nel mondo. La quota di donne alfabetizzate è cresciuta negli ultimi 5 anni: dall’89.4% al 90.8%, per le giovani; dall’81.8% all’83.3% per le adulte. È il risultato di anni di impegno intenso anche nell’ambito delle politiche attive UNESCO. Il GEM Report 2022 , Global Education Monitoring Report dell’Unesco, oltre 70 pagine di dati, analisi e studi di caso, il 6° in questo settore dal 2015, lanciato con un evento online mondiale il 27 Aprile, costituisce quindi un punto di partenza fondamentale per il dibattito su “coloro che sono rimasti ancora indietro”. ” Le disuguaglianze di genere continuano ad essere una questione cruciale.

Research paper thumbnail of UNESCO GEM report

Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il com... more Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il completamento del ciclo di studi dell’obbligo, si è ridotto a solo un punto di percentuale in media nel mondo. La quota di donne alfabetizzate è cresciuta negli ultimi 5 anni: dall’89.4% al 90.8%, per le giovani; dall’81.8% all’83.3% per le adulte. È il risultato di anni di impegno intenso anche nell’ambito delle politiche attive UNESCO. Il GEM Report 2022 , Global Education Monitoring Report dell’Unesco, oltre 70 pagine di dati, analisi e studi di caso, il 6° in questo settore dal 2015, lanciato con un evento online mondiale il 27 Aprile, costituisce quindi un punto di partenza fondamentale per il dibattito su “coloro che sono rimasti ancora indietro”. ” Le disuguaglianze di genere continuano ad essere una questione cruciale.

Research paper thumbnail of GEMREPORT2022rivisto (1)

Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il com... more Negli ultimi vent’anni il divario di genere, o “gender gap”, nell’accesso all’istruzione e il completamento del ciclo di studi dell’obbligo, si è ridotto a solo un punto di percentuale in media nel mondo. La quota di donne alfabetizzate è cresciuta negli ultimi 5 anni: dall’89.4% al 90.8%, per le giovani; dall’81.8% all’83.3% per le adulte. È il risultato di anni di impegno intenso anche nell’ambito delle politiche attive UNESCO. Il GEM Report 2022 , Global Education Monitoring Report dell’Unesco, oltre 70 pagine di dati, analisi e studi di caso, il 6° in questo settore dal 2015, lanciato con un evento online mondiale il 27 Aprile, costituisce quindi un punto di partenza fondamentale per il dibattito su “coloro che sono rimasti ancora indietro”. ” Le disuguaglianze di genere continuano ad essere una questione cruciale.