Valentyn Stetsyuk | Independent Researcher (original) (raw)
Papers by Valentyn Stetsyuk
The article examines the origin of the word Bulgar and the transformation of its meaning based on... more The article examines the origin of the word Bulgar and the transformation of its meaning based on an analysis of the place names of Volga Bulgaria. Initially used as an ethnonym, the word became a definition of the Anglo-Saxon tribal elite.
Статья является дальнейшей разработкой теории формирования финно-угорских языков в Восточной Евро... more Статья является дальнейшей разработкой теории формирования финно-угорских языков в Восточной Европе основанной на локализации прародины ностратических языков в Малой Азии при применении графоаналитического метода. Этот же метод был использован для построения графической модели родства финно-угорских языков. Таким образом были определены ареалы формирования финно-угорских языков на пространстве ограниченном реками Волгой и Доном. В подтверждение приводятся известные и новые примеры лексических соответствий между финно-угорскими языками с одной стороны и индоевропейскими и тюркскими с другой, а также древняя топонимия оставленная финно-уграми на своей прародине. Также приводится Гипотетическая картина миграции финно-угорских племен. Текст иллюстрирован несколькими картами.
The broad problem of liberеy cannot be limited to the topics of the four essays considered in the... more The broad problem of liberеy cannot be limited to the topics of the four essays considered in the book by the famous British philosopher
Висновки навіяні ситуацією у світі.
The Byzantine John Tzetzes wrote the poem "Theogony" and at the beginning of the epilogue, Tzetze... more The Byzantine John Tzetzes wrote the poem "Theogony" and at the beginning of the epilogue, Tzetzes designated some words as "Alanic". The Hungarian Byzantine scholar I. Moravcsik discovered the full text of the epilogue and, in 1930 published the part of the work. According to the author, among them were phrases in the Alanian language. They can be translated using Old English.
Cреди всех скифских племен выделялись "царские скифы". Определение "царский" относится к господст... more Cреди всех скифских племен выделялись "царские скифы". Определение "царский" относится к господствующему племени в племенном союзе. Аргументы в пользу того, что таким племенем были англосаксы, приведены в статье Аланы-англы-саксы. Соответственно, территорию, находившуюся под властью англосаксов, условно можно назвать Царской Скифией. Состав населения Скифии-Сарматии определется по топонимам, которые можно расшифровать с помощью разных языков. Земли скифов, которые Иордан называл Ойум, связываются с окрестностями города Кадиевки. Главенствующее положение англосаксов в племенном союзе объясняется тем, что часть из них заняла на Донбассе территорию, богатую месторождениями медной руды, освоила их эксплоатацию, наладив добычу и переработку меди, и это обусловило их дальнейшую судьбу, в чем их дальнейшая судьба. Новые археологические материалы позволяют с уверенностью говорить о том, что на Донбассе неподалеку от Кадиевки по крайней мере в эпоху поздней бронзы существовал большой горнометаллургический центр, где не только добывали руды, плавили медь, но и поставляли изготовленные орудия, металл и руду. Локализация медных месторождений позволила разрабатывавшим их племенам получить новый мощный источник обогащения, и благодаря собственному металлу горно-металлургические центры подчинили своему влиянию огромные территории.
The ancestral homeland of the Indo-European languages, as well as other Nostratic languages, was ... more The ancestral homeland of the Indo-European languages, as well as other Nostratic languages, was in Transcaucasia in the region of three lakes Van, Sevan, Urmia around Mount Ararat. At the end of the 6th millennium BC, the Indo-European tribes migrated to Eastern Europe, where their common proto-language was divided into languages of a new level, which we will call primary and from which all modern and dead languages related to Indo-European developed. The localization of the territory where the formation of individual Indo-European languages took place was determined in the basin of the middle and upper Dnieper by the placement of the graphic model of their relationship in the ethno-forming areas formed here by a branched river network. Additionally, information on the mutual proximity of individual languages according to authoritative linguists was used.
The article presents my own reflections on a mixed form of political system, combining authoritar... more The article presents my own reflections on a mixed form of political system, combining authoritarian and democratic components, based on the results of ethnogenetic research.
У статті подаються власні міркування про змішану форму політичного устрою, що поєднує в собі авто... more У статті подаються власні міркування про змішану форму політичного устрою, що поєднує в собі авторитарну та демократичну складові, що базуються на результатах етногенетичних досліджень.
The Uralic languages belong to the Nostratic macrofamily. The ancestral homeland of the Ural peop... more The Uralic languages belong to the Nostratic macrofamily. The ancestral homeland of the Ural peoples and their settlement in Eastern Europe are studied using the graphic-analytical method and verified by other means. The whole Finno-Ugric territory is clearly limited by the Volga and Don River, playing the role of natural boundaries, as powerful water obstacles. Only Mordovians moved to the right bank of the Upper Don that is where it is easy to be crossed, came close to the Indo-European settlements separated from them by the Oka River. As the Indo-European space, the Finno-Ugric territory also has "empty" habitats. They are at least two – to the south of the Oka River and on the right bank of the Volga. You can assume that the Finno-Ugric tribe known as "Meshchera" populated the first "empty" area in the neighborhood with Finns, Mordvinians, and Cheremisses.
Based on historical documents and toponymy data, the Western European origin of the Rus people is... more Based on historical documents and toponymy data, the Western European origin of the Rus people is substantiated.
The struggle for a new presence of the mind of faith, it seems to me, is an urgent mission of the... more The struggle for a new presence of the mind of faith, it seems to me, is an urgent mission of the Church in our century (Benedict XVI, Pope of Rome) A person needs knowledge for his spiritual comfort and it does not necessarily knowledge correspond to the truth. It is important to believe in the truth of knowledge. Therefore, a lie can be useful if somebody believes in it. The erroneous theories that people believe in act as placebos, just as in medicine diseases are treated with substances that do not have medicinal properties.
The following interpretation is proposed for the name of the fortress city - “Temple of the Sacre... more The following interpretation is proposed for the name of the fortress city - “Temple of the Sacred Fire”.
Предлагается такое толкование для навания города-крепости - "Храм Священного огня".
It is impossible to localize the ancestral homelands of the speakers of proto-languages whose dau... more It is impossible to localize the ancestral homelands of the speakers of proto-languages whose daughter languages form language families using only linguistic methods involving archaeological data unless additional information is used. In particular, such additional information is graphical models of the relationship of languages of one family, built based on lexical and statistical data. The article presents material indicating the cultural and linguistic contacts of the population of Eastern Europe in the Bronze Age, taking into account the spatial and temporal localization of the ancestral homelands of the speakers of the ancestral languages, determined using the graphic-analytical method. The direction of the search for such contacts was suggested by the proximity of the areas of languages belonging to different families. Examples of contacts confirm the location of the territory of distribution of Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, and Turkic languages, provide topics for other purely linguistic studies, and sometimes explain phenomena that seem “obscure”.
This work is designed to change the current situation in researching the history of Turkic langua... more This work is designed to change the current situation in researching the history of Turkic languages. The article Chuvash-German language correspondences pursue a similar goal. Both works are based on the presence of ancient Turks in Europe in prehistoric times. The text contains 77 Slavic-Turkic lexical correspondences. Two-thirds of them are in the Chuvash language alone
Ця робота є однією з покликаних змінити існуюче становище в історії тюркських мов. Подібну мету п... more Ця робота є однією з покликаних змінити існуюче становище в історії тюркських мов. Подібну мету переслідує стаття Чувасько-германськыькі мовні відповідності. В основі обох робіт лежить факт присутності стародавніх тюрків у Європі в доісторичні часи. У тексті наводиться 77 слов'янсько-тюркських лексичних відповідностей. З них дві третини припадає лише чуваською мовою
The article gives a brief outline of the migration of ancient Iranians from their historical ance... more The article gives a brief outline of the migration of ancient Iranians from their historical ancestral homeland, localized by graphic-analytical method, to places of modern habitat. There were three migration routes - along the Caspian Sea, through the Caucasus and the Balkans. The complexity of the topic determines numerous references to other publications of the author.
The content of the article consists of a generalization of the results of multidisciplinary resea... more The content of the article consists of a generalization of the results of multidisciplinary research conducted using the graphic analytical method and the study of ancient anthroponymy and toponymy of Eurasia. To confirm the conclusions drawn during the research process, historical information, and data from archeology, anthropology, ethnography, geography, and other disciplines were used. The narration of this article begins with the substantiation of the Urheimat of the Proto-Turks in Transcaucasia in the area of Mount Ararat. The further history of the Turks continues in the steppes of the Azov and Black Sea regions, which ends with their expansion as carriers of Corded Ware cultures and the migration of most of them east towards Altai. The return of former CWC carriers to the steppes heralds the beginning of the Scythian period in history. The article contains links to 82 authors from different countries in Europe and Asia, as well as 11 illustrations, mainly maps.
The article examines the origin of the word Bulgar and the transformation of its meaning based on... more The article examines the origin of the word Bulgar and the transformation of its meaning based on an analysis of the place names of Volga Bulgaria. Initially used as an ethnonym, the word became a definition of the Anglo-Saxon tribal elite.
Статья является дальнейшей разработкой теории формирования финно-угорских языков в Восточной Евро... more Статья является дальнейшей разработкой теории формирования финно-угорских языков в Восточной Европе основанной на локализации прародины ностратических языков в Малой Азии при применении графоаналитического метода. Этот же метод был использован для построения графической модели родства финно-угорских языков. Таким образом были определены ареалы формирования финно-угорских языков на пространстве ограниченном реками Волгой и Доном. В подтверждение приводятся известные и новые примеры лексических соответствий между финно-угорскими языками с одной стороны и индоевропейскими и тюркскими с другой, а также древняя топонимия оставленная финно-уграми на своей прародине. Также приводится Гипотетическая картина миграции финно-угорских племен. Текст иллюстрирован несколькими картами.
The broad problem of liberеy cannot be limited to the topics of the four essays considered in the... more The broad problem of liberеy cannot be limited to the topics of the four essays considered in the book by the famous British philosopher
Висновки навіяні ситуацією у світі.
The Byzantine John Tzetzes wrote the poem "Theogony" and at the beginning of the epilogue, Tzetze... more The Byzantine John Tzetzes wrote the poem "Theogony" and at the beginning of the epilogue, Tzetzes designated some words as "Alanic". The Hungarian Byzantine scholar I. Moravcsik discovered the full text of the epilogue and, in 1930 published the part of the work. According to the author, among them were phrases in the Alanian language. They can be translated using Old English.
Cреди всех скифских племен выделялись "царские скифы". Определение "царский" относится к господст... more Cреди всех скифских племен выделялись "царские скифы". Определение "царский" относится к господствующему племени в племенном союзе. Аргументы в пользу того, что таким племенем были англосаксы, приведены в статье Аланы-англы-саксы. Соответственно, территорию, находившуюся под властью англосаксов, условно можно назвать Царской Скифией. Состав населения Скифии-Сарматии определется по топонимам, которые можно расшифровать с помощью разных языков. Земли скифов, которые Иордан называл Ойум, связываются с окрестностями города Кадиевки. Главенствующее положение англосаксов в племенном союзе объясняется тем, что часть из них заняла на Донбассе территорию, богатую месторождениями медной руды, освоила их эксплоатацию, наладив добычу и переработку меди, и это обусловило их дальнейшую судьбу, в чем их дальнейшая судьба. Новые археологические материалы позволяют с уверенностью говорить о том, что на Донбассе неподалеку от Кадиевки по крайней мере в эпоху поздней бронзы существовал большой горнометаллургический центр, где не только добывали руды, плавили медь, но и поставляли изготовленные орудия, металл и руду. Локализация медных месторождений позволила разрабатывавшим их племенам получить новый мощный источник обогащения, и благодаря собственному металлу горно-металлургические центры подчинили своему влиянию огромные территории.
The ancestral homeland of the Indo-European languages, as well as other Nostratic languages, was ... more The ancestral homeland of the Indo-European languages, as well as other Nostratic languages, was in Transcaucasia in the region of three lakes Van, Sevan, Urmia around Mount Ararat. At the end of the 6th millennium BC, the Indo-European tribes migrated to Eastern Europe, where their common proto-language was divided into languages of a new level, which we will call primary and from which all modern and dead languages related to Indo-European developed. The localization of the territory where the formation of individual Indo-European languages took place was determined in the basin of the middle and upper Dnieper by the placement of the graphic model of their relationship in the ethno-forming areas formed here by a branched river network. Additionally, information on the mutual proximity of individual languages according to authoritative linguists was used.
The article presents my own reflections on a mixed form of political system, combining authoritar... more The article presents my own reflections on a mixed form of political system, combining authoritarian and democratic components, based on the results of ethnogenetic research.
У статті подаються власні міркування про змішану форму політичного устрою, що поєднує в собі авто... more У статті подаються власні міркування про змішану форму політичного устрою, що поєднує в собі авторитарну та демократичну складові, що базуються на результатах етногенетичних досліджень.
The Uralic languages belong to the Nostratic macrofamily. The ancestral homeland of the Ural peop... more The Uralic languages belong to the Nostratic macrofamily. The ancestral homeland of the Ural peoples and their settlement in Eastern Europe are studied using the graphic-analytical method and verified by other means. The whole Finno-Ugric territory is clearly limited by the Volga and Don River, playing the role of natural boundaries, as powerful water obstacles. Only Mordovians moved to the right bank of the Upper Don that is where it is easy to be crossed, came close to the Indo-European settlements separated from them by the Oka River. As the Indo-European space, the Finno-Ugric territory also has "empty" habitats. They are at least two – to the south of the Oka River and on the right bank of the Volga. You can assume that the Finno-Ugric tribe known as "Meshchera" populated the first "empty" area in the neighborhood with Finns, Mordvinians, and Cheremisses.
Based on historical documents and toponymy data, the Western European origin of the Rus people is... more Based on historical documents and toponymy data, the Western European origin of the Rus people is substantiated.
The struggle for a new presence of the mind of faith, it seems to me, is an urgent mission of the... more The struggle for a new presence of the mind of faith, it seems to me, is an urgent mission of the Church in our century (Benedict XVI, Pope of Rome) A person needs knowledge for his spiritual comfort and it does not necessarily knowledge correspond to the truth. It is important to believe in the truth of knowledge. Therefore, a lie can be useful if somebody believes in it. The erroneous theories that people believe in act as placebos, just as in medicine diseases are treated with substances that do not have medicinal properties.
The following interpretation is proposed for the name of the fortress city - “Temple of the Sacre... more The following interpretation is proposed for the name of the fortress city - “Temple of the Sacred Fire”.
Предлагается такое толкование для навания города-крепости - "Храм Священного огня".
It is impossible to localize the ancestral homelands of the speakers of proto-languages whose dau... more It is impossible to localize the ancestral homelands of the speakers of proto-languages whose daughter languages form language families using only linguistic methods involving archaeological data unless additional information is used. In particular, such additional information is graphical models of the relationship of languages of one family, built based on lexical and statistical data. The article presents material indicating the cultural and linguistic contacts of the population of Eastern Europe in the Bronze Age, taking into account the spatial and temporal localization of the ancestral homelands of the speakers of the ancestral languages, determined using the graphic-analytical method. The direction of the search for such contacts was suggested by the proximity of the areas of languages belonging to different families. Examples of contacts confirm the location of the territory of distribution of Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, and Turkic languages, provide topics for other purely linguistic studies, and sometimes explain phenomena that seem “obscure”.
This work is designed to change the current situation in researching the history of Turkic langua... more This work is designed to change the current situation in researching the history of Turkic languages. The article Chuvash-German language correspondences pursue a similar goal. Both works are based on the presence of ancient Turks in Europe in prehistoric times. The text contains 77 Slavic-Turkic lexical correspondences. Two-thirds of them are in the Chuvash language alone
Ця робота є однією з покликаних змінити існуюче становище в історії тюркських мов. Подібну мету п... more Ця робота є однією з покликаних змінити існуюче становище в історії тюркських мов. Подібну мету переслідує стаття Чувасько-германськыькі мовні відповідності. В основі обох робіт лежить факт присутності стародавніх тюрків у Європі в доісторичні часи. У тексті наводиться 77 слов'янсько-тюркських лексичних відповідностей. З них дві третини припадає лише чуваською мовою
The article gives a brief outline of the migration of ancient Iranians from their historical ance... more The article gives a brief outline of the migration of ancient Iranians from their historical ancestral homeland, localized by graphic-analytical method, to places of modern habitat. There were three migration routes - along the Caspian Sea, through the Caucasus and the Balkans. The complexity of the topic determines numerous references to other publications of the author.
The content of the article consists of a generalization of the results of multidisciplinary resea... more The content of the article consists of a generalization of the results of multidisciplinary research conducted using the graphic analytical method and the study of ancient anthroponymy and toponymy of Eurasia. To confirm the conclusions drawn during the research process, historical information, and data from archeology, anthropology, ethnography, geography, and other disciplines were used. The narration of this article begins with the substantiation of the Urheimat of the Proto-Turks in Transcaucasia in the area of Mount Ararat. The further history of the Turks continues in the steppes of the Azov and Black Sea regions, which ends with their expansion as carriers of Corded Ware cultures and the migration of most of them east towards Altai. The return of former CWC carriers to the steppes heralds the beginning of the Scythian period in history. The article contains links to 82 authors from different countries in Europe and Asia, as well as 11 illustrations, mainly maps.
В статье рассматривается генезис скифской культуры на основе предскифских лесостепных культур Укр... more В статье рассматривается генезис скифской культуры на основе предскифских лесостепных культур Украины и приводятся доказательства ее тюркской (булгарской) этнической принадлежности с привлечением археологических, лингвистических и топонимических материалов.
In 1888, on the right bank of Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, a stone stele with an inscription by Greek... more In 1888, on the right bank of Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, a stone stele with an inscription by Greek letters was found 30 km from the village of Nizhniy Arkhyz.
The decoding of the inscription was made by V.F. Miller using the Ossetian language.
Miller believed that there was a Christian city in this area, from which the ruins of churches were preserved, and suggested that it was the center of the Alan diocese (metropolis), which is mentioned in Byzantine literature. However, not all agreed with the decoding of Miller, because he introduced eight additional letters into the text, which were absent on the stele and without which it can not be by means of the Ossetian language. I suggest reading the inscription in English and give an explanation for this phenomenon.
The problem of the future is considered in the assumption of the existence of a general line of h... more The problem of the future is considered in the assumption of the existence of a general line of human development in the direction of its further humanization
Прабатьківщину готів визначено графоаналітичним методом з використанням лінгвістичних даних. Шля... more Прабатьківщину готів визначено графоаналітичним методом з використанням лінгвістичних даних. Шляхи міграції і подальші місця поселення готів збереглися в топонімії і антропогімії, що в цілому відповідає поширенню археологічних культур.
Половцы считаются народом тюркского происхождения, но известные имена их ханов нередко не могут б... more Половцы считаются народом тюркского происхождения, но известные имена их ханов нередко не могут быть истолкованы при помощи тюркских языков. Расшифровки имен известных по летописям половецких ханов с помощью разніх язіков показали, что среди половцев тюрки составляли приболизительно половину. Восемь имен могли принадлежать курдам и четыре – англосаксам. Чеченским, венгерским и литовским языками расшифроно по три имени.
The ancestral home of the Goths was determined by the graphic-analytical method using linguistic ... more The ancestral home of the Goths was determined by the graphic-analytical method using linguistic data. The migration routes of the Goths and further places of settlement of the Goths are preserved in toponymy which generally corresponds to the distribution of archaeological cultures.
В замітці розглядається етнічна належність носіїв майкопської культури та їх міграція на територі... more В замітці розглядається етнічна належність носіїв майкопської культури та їх міграція на територію Китаю і на Далекий Схід. Сліди зв'язків айнської мови з ностратичними дають підстави пов'язувати майкопців з айнами.
Результаты исследований, проведенных графоаналитическим методом, позволяют отнести культурно-язык... more Результаты исследований, проведенных графоаналитическим методом, позволяют отнести культурно-языковые соответствия между тюркскими и индоевропейскими языками к бронзовому веку. Предлагаемая здесь работа является первой попыткой отыскать лексические соответствия между тюркскими и индоевропейскими языками, которые можно отнести к тому времени.
The war between Ukraine and Russia makes us better understand the difference between Ukrainians a... more The war between Ukraine and Russia makes us better understand the difference between Ukrainians and Russians. Such an opportunity is provided by the study of the folklore of both peoples, which reflect their national character. In this work, an attempt is made to compare individual features of the psychology of Ukrainians and Russians based on the collections of proverbs and sayings collected by Dahl and Nomis. In both collections, paremias are grouped into categories corresponding to various psychological characteristics of people. All categories were divided into 9 groups, which are based on the sensual, rational, and irrational components of mass consciousness. The calculation of folklore units showed that the sensual component prevails in the national character of Russians, the rational component characterizes Ukrainians more, and the irrational component, which is generally insignificant, noticeably distinguishes them from Russians.
В статье рассматривается этническая принадлежность хазар по данным исторических докуменов и онома... more В статье рассматривается этническая принадлежность хазар по данным исторических докуменов и ономастики. В заключение был сделан вывод, что такого народа никогда не существовало и хазарский язык являетя выдумкой лингвистов. Слово хазар является титулом правителя Хазарии.
Геродот писав, що серед усіх скіфських племен були "царські скіфи". Поряд із племенами язигів, ур... more Геродот писав, що серед усіх скіфських племен були "царські скіфи". Поряд із племенами язигів, ургів, роксоланів, аорсів, сираків та інших Страбон виділяв також "царських сарматів". Очевидно, що визначення "царський" відноситься до панівного племені у племінному союзі. Аргументи на користь того, що таким племенем були англосакси, наведені у статті Алани-англи-сакси і таке становще відповідає загальній парадигмі Anglo-Saxon Superiority. Відповідно, територію, яка була під владою англосаксів, умовно можна назвати Царською Скіфією. Загалом склад населення Скіфії-Сарматії можна визначити за топонімами, які можна розшифрувати за допомогою різних мов. Вони наводяться на Google My Maps (скрин див. на Мал. 2). Панівне становище англосаксів у племінному союзі пояснюється тим, що частина з них зайняла на Донбасі територію, багату на родовища мідної руди, освоїла їхню експлоатацію, налагодивши видобуток і переробку міді, і це зумовило їх подальшу долю, в чому проглядається певна історична закономірність. Нові археологічні матеріали дозволяють з упевненістю говорити про те, що в Донбасі принаймні в епоху пізньої бронзи існував великий гірничометалургійний центр, де не лише добували руди, плавили мідь, а й постачали виготовлені знаряддя, метал і руду у сусідні території. Як слушно зазначав Є.Н. Черних, локалізація мідних родовищ дозволила племенам, які їх розробляли, отримати нове потужне джерело збагачення, і завдяки власному металу гірничо-металургійні центри підпорядкували своєму впливу величезні території (Татаринов С.И. 1977, 206).
When the main mass of the Indo-Europeans left their original habitats, the Germanic, Iranian, Bal... more When the main mass of the Indo-Europeans left their original habitats, the Germanic, Iranian, Baltic, and Slavic tribes only expanded their territories. The size of these territories determined the degree of the split of their parent languages. The use of the graphic-analytical method made it possible to determine the areas of formation of their daughter languages. The place names that have been preserved since then confirm their localization and also mark the paths of their later migrations. This makes it possible to associate toponymic with archeological data, that is, to determine ethnicity with specific archaeological cultures. In particular, the Germans were the creators of the Trzciniec culture. The assignment of the Zrubna culture to the Iranians is beyond doubt.
Eyewitnesses to the birth of Ukrainian Maidans will confirm the picture drawn by the philosopher,... more Eyewitnesses to the birth of Ukrainian Maidans will confirm the picture drawn by the philosopher, although their participants themselves will assure that some specific event brought them together. However, other similar events do not have such consequences, and this is the mystery of the Maidan, as a special case of the movement of the masses. There is a reason for the appearance of Maidans, but it is not obvious, and not even all philosophers see it, but everyone will agree that the Sun has a great influence on our behavior. For example, we do not take an umbrella with us in sunny weather, in the heat we mostly drink beer, but we drink vodka when the sun's rays go out or are completely absent. There are many such examples, but they will not give us a complete picture of how strong the influence of the Sun is on us.
Присутствие разных народов в Крыму дается по исторических документах и расшифрованой топонимии
When considering this issue, the starting points are that the Scythians were not Iranian-speaking... more When considering this issue, the starting points are that the Scythians were not Iranian-speaking people, and the Cimmerians and Cimbri were Kurds.
In the article, using the graphic-analytical method, the space between the Dnieper and the Don is... more In the article, using the graphic-analytical method, the space between the Dnieper and the Don is determined, on which the formation of primary dialects took place, from which all modern Turkic languages developed.
In recent years, interest in the personality of King Arthur has increased significantly in Russia... more In recent years, interest in the personality of King Arthur has increased significantly in Russia, which is largely due to the translation of the book of the British historian H. Reid into Russian [REID HOWARD D. 2001}. The content of this book gives grounds for readers to see in the image of the legendary king a "Russian prince". The basis for such a fantasy is the "Sarmatian trace" considered in the book, which can be found in the legends about this king. The interest in King Arthur in Russia is understandable, but the interpretation of the hypotheses of historians in the spirit of the imperial ideology, which is popular in this country and feeds aggressive moods there, causes concern. This fact shows how responsibly historians should approach their work and not use dubious or outdated theories. In this sense, this article is presented as an alternative to the works mentioned above.
The recalcitrant question of the origin of Scythians seems to be one of the sure keys for the eth... more The recalcitrant question of the origin of Scythians seems to be one of the sure keys for the ethnogenic studies. However, modern scythology has reached a dead end. Still in 1952, at the conference of the Institute of the History of Material Culture on the issues of Scythian-Sarmatian archeology, a "final" conclusion was made about the Iranian belonging of the Scythian language on the basis of the "achievements" of Soviet linguists, among which special merit belongs to V.I. Abaev [MELUKOVA A.I. 1989, 37]. Further studies by archaeologists gave reason to believe that the conclusion was hasty. But with all doubts, they can not refute linguists, and now the scythology is practically tramping in place. The article provides a critical assessment of modern scythology and a general introduction to the consideration of the Turkic ethnicity of the Scythians.
The place names of the Carpathians and Hungary are explained with the help of the Chuvash language.
This work shows that industrialization and the international composition of the population of Don... more This work shows that industrialization and the international composition of the population of Donbas have deep roots, which cannot be traced from historical documents. However, the existence of many place names over the millennia suggests that it was permanently inhabited to such an extent that it predetermined some cultural and economic continuity. Accordingly, the Donbas does not fall under the existing definition of a “wild field”. If there was a permanent population here, then the question arises about its economic activity. There is reason to believe that the capital of the Royal Sсythia was located on the site of the modern city of Kadievka in the Luhansk region, Ukraine, and was originally called Kadievek.
Книга під назвою "Самовияв українців і росіян в приказках і прислів'ях. Україна все ж таки не Рос... more Книга під назвою "Самовияв українців і росіян в приказках і прислів'ях. Україна все ж таки не Росія" була видана у 2005 році видавництвом Ліга-прес у Львові. Тут публікується нова редакція роботи. В текст були внесені незначні доповнення, а також були виправлені помилки і додані нові примітки автора. В кінці робиться спроба визначення психологічного ядра національного характеру українців, яке відрізняє їх від росіян і є джерелом мотивації усієї поведінки і діяльності як своєрідний внутрішній імператив. Аналіз фольклорного матеріалу у вигляді паремій дає підстави говорити про високий рівень агональності українського суспільства