Jan Červenka | Independent Scholar (original) (raw)

Papers by Jan Červenka

Research paper thumbnail of Dialogy ztracené v labyrintu literatury 16. století

Studia Commeniana et Historica, 2024

Doposud byly literární dialogy v českém prostředí studovány pouze jako součást výzkumu různých té... more Doposud byly literární dialogy v českém prostředí studovány pouze jako součást výzkumu různých témat nebo žánrů. Tyto studie opomíjejí otázku, proč byly dialogy v 16. století tak populární a jakou funkci v komunikaci zastávaly. Článek představuje jednotlivé znaky dialogů, které autoři používali k obhajobě a propagaci tohoto žánru. Dialogy byly oceňované pro svou jasnost, přístupnost a potěšení, které čtenářstvu přinášely. Další chválenou vlastností byla jejich účinnost; byly přesvědčivé a mohly vést k sebereflexi a ideologické transformaci čtenáře.
So far, the literary dialogues in Bohemia have been studied only as part of research on various topics or genres. These studies omit the question of why dialogues were so popular in the 16th century and how they functioned in communication. The article presents various characteristics of dialogue used by authors to defend and promote this genre. Dialogues are praised for their clarity, accessibility, and the delight they bring to readers. Another praised quality is their performative effectiveness; they are persuasive and can lead to the readers’ self-reflexivity and ideological transformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Reaction to Conversion. The Case of Jiří Sovka of Chrudim

Historica Olomucensia

For best overall survey of religious life of the Jagellonian era see Macek, Josef: Víra a zbožnos... more For best overall survey of religious life of the Jagellonian era see Macek, Josef: Víra a zbožnost jagellonského věku (now on Víra a zbožnost). Praha 2001. One of the most important and curious cases is conversion of sons of the hussite king George of Poděbrady who converted relatively soon aft er their father's death.

Research paper thumbnail of Religious Toleration and Literary Dialogues in the  Bohemian Reformation (1436–1517)

Searching for Compromise?, 2022

Literary dialogues can be counted amongst one of the most important genres for the discourse of i... more Literary dialogues can be counted amongst one of the most important genres for the discourse of irenicism. In this essay, I focus on the writings of three authors of tolerant dialogues from the early period of the Bohemian Reformation (1436–1516): Dialogus by Jan of Rabštejn, the Bolognian Dispute by Václav Písecký, and two dialogues by Mikuláš Konáč of Hodíškov.

Humanism has a major impact both on the irenicism and on the form and use of the dialogues in Bohemia. The degree of humanistic influence is very different among the three above-mentioned authors. Jan of Rabštejn shaped his Dialogus carefully according to the rules of Ciceronian sermo. However, Rabštejn sometimes consciously broke the rules of the genre to point out to two different interpretational levels—the level of practical politics and theoretical debate. Václav Písecký chose a different path. He decided to emulate a rarely used Socratic dialogue. He considered this form more suitable for defending the communion sub utraque. Irenicism is not the main theme of his work; he describes his attitude only in a short passage, but his tolerance is remarkable. Moreover, Řehoř Hrubý, translator of his work, tried to stress this tolerant passage by emphasizing the dialogue form, placing this short passage as the main message of the text in accompanying paratexts. The most complex treatment of the issue of religious coexistence is presented in dialogues by Mikuláš Konáč. In older, more “idealistic” Rozmluvanie, Konáč speaks strictly against the use of force in religious issues. His second dialogue is simpler and uses the domestic Hussite tradition to a greater extent, including some polemical strategies. However, his critical remarks concerning the Bohemian Brethren are, quite paradoxically, aimed to support the coexistence of Utraquists and Romans based on Basel Compacts.

The main innovation of these authors was not in the ideas and arguments used in the texts but in the reshaping of the form and purpose of literary dialogues by applying them in the defense of tolerance and introduction of elements of the humanistic sermo. The dialogues present a wide range of motives, ideas, and influences. The abhorrence of forceful conversion is probably the most important element of the tolerant dialogues. But there are other common links between the authors, especially their endeavor for the common good (even though this term denoted different things for different authors), emphasis on the natural reason and law, and the notion of faith as the “free gift of God.”

Research paper thumbnail of Utrakvismus jako překážka pro humanismus? Pokus o nový náhled na komplikovaný vztah

Bohemiae Occidentalis Historica , 2018

The article tries to apply the concept of humanism formulated by Peter F. Grendel on several Utra... more The article tries to apply the concept of humanism formulated by Peter F. Grendel on several Utraquist authors from the end of 15th and beginning of 16th century. One of the most important innovations of Grendler is his emphasis on the institutionalization of humanism which might and answer the question whether the Utraquist confession was the main reason behind the slow reception of humanist ideas in Bohemian lands.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Reaction to Conversion. The Case of Jiří Sovka of Chrudim

Historica Olomucensia 62, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of One Church or Two Churches? Role of the Compacts in Reunification Efforts between Catholics and Utraquists

‘Church’ at the Time of the Reformation.Invisible Community, Visible Parish, Confession, Building …? , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Mikuláš Kusánský a islám. Komplikovaná cesta k dialogu (Nicolaus of Cusa and Islam. A Complicated Journey to Dialogue)

Marginalia historica

Studie je pokusem metodou intelektuální historie přiblížit cestu Mikuláše Kusánského k jeho speci... more Studie je pokusem metodou intelektuální historie přiblížit cestu Mikuláše Kusánského k jeho specifi ckému náhledu na vztah křesťanství s islámem. Toto bádání je vedeno třemi hlavními liniemi: popsáním širšího historického kontextu Kusánského tvorby, představením některých spisů a autorit, z nichž ve svém díle čerpal, a nakonec zkoumáním vlivu jeho metafyzického a gnozeologického systému na jeho chápání mezináboženského dialogu.

Research paper thumbnail of Mikuláš Kusánský, Václav Budovec z Budova a Islám. Otázka vlivu Kusánského polemiky s islámem v českém reformačním prostředí

Folia Historica Bohemica, 2017

The essay is concerned with reception of the publication Cribratio Alkorani by Nichol... more The essay is concerned with reception of the publication Cribratio Alkorani by
Nicholas Cusanus in the work of Antialkorán by Václav Budovec of Budov. as the
primary source of information on the teaching of islam, Václav Budovec used
Bibliander’s edition of the Quran, which was supplemented with further publications. these were to help the reader correctly grasp the Quran and included also Cribratio Alkorani by Cusanus. The analysis of both works indicates that Václav Budovec paid little attention to the work of the Catholic cardinal if he ever read it at all. this fact can be documented by the minimum of common motifs, a different concept and approach to the teaching of Quran as well as several factual contradictions. Budovec definitely did not apply any of Cusanus’ specific interpretative procedures. the common areas of both publications are some of the most frequently used motifs in the polemics on islam. In addition, they are often formulated in a different context so we can hardly claim for sure that Budovec adopted them from Cribratio Alkorani. the appearance of common motifs can be easily explained by the fact that both authors used the same
original materials such as the writings of the Toledo collection or Confutatio by Montecroce. there may be several reasons why Budovec ignored Cusanus’ work.
Cribratio Alkorani was not a typical polemic on Islam and Cusanus’ effort to find
common features in both religions went against the fundamental idea of Antialkorán.
Both Budovec and Cusanus also pursued a relatively different theological philosophical approach. if we follow the two main trains of thought of the early Modern think-
ing according to rejchrtová, then Budovec will be the representative of a pessimistic reformation culture and Cusanus will embody its optimistic, humanist counterpart.
another possible explanation is the opinion of John Tolan who has noticed that the
authors of the polemics often created the image of Muslims not according to authenticity of their sources but they carefully selected facts that best corresponded to the intention of their works from all of their familiar sources. Antialkorán would then fall under Tolan's type of defensive polemic, which seeks to dissuade the reader from
apostasy, while Cribratio Alkorani, though with certain specific features, would cor-
respond to Tolan's scholarly, theoretical polemic.


Dialogue and polemic are important sources documenting confessional strives between Catholics and... more Dialogue and polemic are important sources documenting confessional strives between Catholics and Utraquists in the 15th century, widely used by historians. Unfortunately, they have not been theoretically reected. By adopting some notions by Thomas Nail, this study aims to provide a few basic observations on the nature of the border between polemical and dialogical mode of speaking: the border cannot be easily deined by literary genre alone, the border is unstable and can shift even in a relatively short period of time; and nally border is not impenetrable, some elements can be used by both polemical and dialogical mode of speaking and both modes can coexist in one literary work, as is shown on example of Dialogus by Jan of Rabštejn.

Research paper thumbnail of Mikuláš Kusánský a Islám. Komplikovaná cesta k dialogu

. Abstract the paper tries to view the journey of Nicolaus of Cusa towards his specific approach ... more . Abstract the paper tries to view the journey of Nicolaus of Cusa towards his specific approach to the relationship between Christianity and Islam using the method of the intellectual history. e research follows three basic lines: the description of the broader historical context of Nicolaus´s work; the presentation of some of the writings and authorities which he used in his work and last but not least the infl uence of his metaphysical and gnoseological system on his understanding of the interreligious dialogue.


The article is concerned with important question of continuity of ideas on interreligious relatio... more The article is concerned with important question of continuity of ideas on interreligious relationships in works De Pace Fidei and Cribratio Alkorani by Nicholas Cusanus. I am arguing that Cusanus thinking on this problem was coherent and without any major shifts in time between both these works. It is possible to find continuity in argumentation, especially in maintaining his basic hermeneutical principles – pia interpretation and manuductio. This notion is also proven by the
study of marginal notes in codices he used. The study also tries to explain away main differences between both works in order to stress the need of careful study of both writings for right understanding of Cusanus thought.

Book Reviews by Jan Červenka

Research paper thumbnail of Recenze Jan Čížek: Komenský a Bacon. Dvě raně novověké cesty k obnově vědění.

Studia Commeniana et Historica, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Husité a překračování hranic

Dějiny a současnost, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Polemic language as violence review

The polemic is one of the most important sources for intellectual history, so there is no wonder ... more The polemic is one of the most important sources for intellectual history, so there is no wonder that genres (or maybe more exactly " mode of speech " as editors and authors reminds us) it receives attention by various scholars across many historical disciplines. This volume is follow up to previous collection from editors from 2010 which was aimed on medieval polemics. Both volumes are outcome of the long term interdisciplinary collaboration at Sommerville college in Oxford.

Books by Jan Červenka

Research paper thumbnail of Searching for Compromise? Interreligious Dialogue, Agreements, and Toleration in 16th–18th Century Eastern Europe, (Series: Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, vol. 235), ed. Maciej Ptaszynski and Kazimierz Bem, Brill, Leiden 2022

Brill, 2022

Searching for Compromise? is a collection of articles researching the issues of toleration, inter... more Searching for Compromise? is a collection of articles researching the issues of toleration, interreligious peace, and models of living together in a religiously diverse Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Modern period. By studying theologians, legal cases, literature, individuals, and congregations this volume uncovers the particular local dynamics at play in Central and Eastern Europe. These issues are explored from the perspectives of diverse groups of Christians, such as Catholics, Hussites, Bohemian Brethren, Old Believers, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Calvinists, Moravians, and Unitarians. The volume is a much-needed addition to the scholarly books written on religious conflict, toleration, and peace from the Western European perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Literární dialogy a tolerance v české reformaci

Kniha chce představit svět českého tolerančního myšlení sklonku středověku. Ačkoliv náboženská to... more Kniha chce představit svět českého tolerančního myšlení sklonku středověku. Ačkoliv náboženská tolerance fungovala jinak než dnes, už tehdejší myslitelé řešili, co si počít s narůstající náboženskou diverzitou. S Basilejskými kompaktáty se tato otázka stala zásadní i pro české země. Dialogy světoznámého filosofa Mikuláše Kusánského, “prvního” českého humanisty Jana z Rabštejna, průkopníka knihtisku Mikuláše Konáče z Hodíškova a utrakvistického humanisty Václava Píseckého představují celý konglomerát vlivů, argumentů a idejí, které dovolí čtenáři nahlédnout toleranční myšlení přelomu středověku a novověku a roli literárních dialogů v jeho obhajobě.

Research paper thumbnail of Dialogy ztracené v labyrintu literatury 16. století

Studia Commeniana et Historica, 2024

Doposud byly literární dialogy v českém prostředí studovány pouze jako součást výzkumu různých té... more Doposud byly literární dialogy v českém prostředí studovány pouze jako součást výzkumu různých témat nebo žánrů. Tyto studie opomíjejí otázku, proč byly dialogy v 16. století tak populární a jakou funkci v komunikaci zastávaly. Článek představuje jednotlivé znaky dialogů, které autoři používali k obhajobě a propagaci tohoto žánru. Dialogy byly oceňované pro svou jasnost, přístupnost a potěšení, které čtenářstvu přinášely. Další chválenou vlastností byla jejich účinnost; byly přesvědčivé a mohly vést k sebereflexi a ideologické transformaci čtenáře.
So far, the literary dialogues in Bohemia have been studied only as part of research on various topics or genres. These studies omit the question of why dialogues were so popular in the 16th century and how they functioned in communication. The article presents various characteristics of dialogue used by authors to defend and promote this genre. Dialogues are praised for their clarity, accessibility, and the delight they bring to readers. Another praised quality is their performative effectiveness; they are persuasive and can lead to the readers’ self-reflexivity and ideological transformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Reaction to Conversion. The Case of Jiří Sovka of Chrudim

Historica Olomucensia

For best overall survey of religious life of the Jagellonian era see Macek, Josef: Víra a zbožnos... more For best overall survey of religious life of the Jagellonian era see Macek, Josef: Víra a zbožnost jagellonského věku (now on Víra a zbožnost). Praha 2001. One of the most important and curious cases is conversion of sons of the hussite king George of Poděbrady who converted relatively soon aft er their father's death.

Research paper thumbnail of Religious Toleration and Literary Dialogues in the  Bohemian Reformation (1436–1517)

Searching for Compromise?, 2022

Literary dialogues can be counted amongst one of the most important genres for the discourse of i... more Literary dialogues can be counted amongst one of the most important genres for the discourse of irenicism. In this essay, I focus on the writings of three authors of tolerant dialogues from the early period of the Bohemian Reformation (1436–1516): Dialogus by Jan of Rabštejn, the Bolognian Dispute by Václav Písecký, and two dialogues by Mikuláš Konáč of Hodíškov.

Humanism has a major impact both on the irenicism and on the form and use of the dialogues in Bohemia. The degree of humanistic influence is very different among the three above-mentioned authors. Jan of Rabštejn shaped his Dialogus carefully according to the rules of Ciceronian sermo. However, Rabštejn sometimes consciously broke the rules of the genre to point out to two different interpretational levels—the level of practical politics and theoretical debate. Václav Písecký chose a different path. He decided to emulate a rarely used Socratic dialogue. He considered this form more suitable for defending the communion sub utraque. Irenicism is not the main theme of his work; he describes his attitude only in a short passage, but his tolerance is remarkable. Moreover, Řehoř Hrubý, translator of his work, tried to stress this tolerant passage by emphasizing the dialogue form, placing this short passage as the main message of the text in accompanying paratexts. The most complex treatment of the issue of religious coexistence is presented in dialogues by Mikuláš Konáč. In older, more “idealistic” Rozmluvanie, Konáč speaks strictly against the use of force in religious issues. His second dialogue is simpler and uses the domestic Hussite tradition to a greater extent, including some polemical strategies. However, his critical remarks concerning the Bohemian Brethren are, quite paradoxically, aimed to support the coexistence of Utraquists and Romans based on Basel Compacts.

The main innovation of these authors was not in the ideas and arguments used in the texts but in the reshaping of the form and purpose of literary dialogues by applying them in the defense of tolerance and introduction of elements of the humanistic sermo. The dialogues present a wide range of motives, ideas, and influences. The abhorrence of forceful conversion is probably the most important element of the tolerant dialogues. But there are other common links between the authors, especially their endeavor for the common good (even though this term denoted different things for different authors), emphasis on the natural reason and law, and the notion of faith as the “free gift of God.”

Research paper thumbnail of Utrakvismus jako překážka pro humanismus? Pokus o nový náhled na komplikovaný vztah

Bohemiae Occidentalis Historica , 2018

The article tries to apply the concept of humanism formulated by Peter F. Grendel on several Utra... more The article tries to apply the concept of humanism formulated by Peter F. Grendel on several Utraquist authors from the end of 15th and beginning of 16th century. One of the most important innovations of Grendler is his emphasis on the institutionalization of humanism which might and answer the question whether the Utraquist confession was the main reason behind the slow reception of humanist ideas in Bohemian lands.

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Reaction to Conversion. The Case of Jiří Sovka of Chrudim

Historica Olomucensia 62, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of One Church or Two Churches? Role of the Compacts in Reunification Efforts between Catholics and Utraquists

‘Church’ at the Time of the Reformation.Invisible Community, Visible Parish, Confession, Building …? , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Mikuláš Kusánský a islám. Komplikovaná cesta k dialogu (Nicolaus of Cusa and Islam. A Complicated Journey to Dialogue)

Marginalia historica

Studie je pokusem metodou intelektuální historie přiblížit cestu Mikuláše Kusánského k jeho speci... more Studie je pokusem metodou intelektuální historie přiblížit cestu Mikuláše Kusánského k jeho specifi ckému náhledu na vztah křesťanství s islámem. Toto bádání je vedeno třemi hlavními liniemi: popsáním širšího historického kontextu Kusánského tvorby, představením některých spisů a autorit, z nichž ve svém díle čerpal, a nakonec zkoumáním vlivu jeho metafyzického a gnozeologického systému na jeho chápání mezináboženského dialogu.

Research paper thumbnail of Mikuláš Kusánský, Václav Budovec z Budova a Islám. Otázka vlivu Kusánského polemiky s islámem v českém reformačním prostředí

Folia Historica Bohemica, 2017

The essay is concerned with reception of the publication Cribratio Alkorani by Nichol... more The essay is concerned with reception of the publication Cribratio Alkorani by
Nicholas Cusanus in the work of Antialkorán by Václav Budovec of Budov. as the
primary source of information on the teaching of islam, Václav Budovec used
Bibliander’s edition of the Quran, which was supplemented with further publications. these were to help the reader correctly grasp the Quran and included also Cribratio Alkorani by Cusanus. The analysis of both works indicates that Václav Budovec paid little attention to the work of the Catholic cardinal if he ever read it at all. this fact can be documented by the minimum of common motifs, a different concept and approach to the teaching of Quran as well as several factual contradictions. Budovec definitely did not apply any of Cusanus’ specific interpretative procedures. the common areas of both publications are some of the most frequently used motifs in the polemics on islam. In addition, they are often formulated in a different context so we can hardly claim for sure that Budovec adopted them from Cribratio Alkorani. the appearance of common motifs can be easily explained by the fact that both authors used the same
original materials such as the writings of the Toledo collection or Confutatio by Montecroce. there may be several reasons why Budovec ignored Cusanus’ work.
Cribratio Alkorani was not a typical polemic on Islam and Cusanus’ effort to find
common features in both religions went against the fundamental idea of Antialkorán.
Both Budovec and Cusanus also pursued a relatively different theological philosophical approach. if we follow the two main trains of thought of the early Modern think-
ing according to rejchrtová, then Budovec will be the representative of a pessimistic reformation culture and Cusanus will embody its optimistic, humanist counterpart.
another possible explanation is the opinion of John Tolan who has noticed that the
authors of the polemics often created the image of Muslims not according to authenticity of their sources but they carefully selected facts that best corresponded to the intention of their works from all of their familiar sources. Antialkorán would then fall under Tolan's type of defensive polemic, which seeks to dissuade the reader from
apostasy, while Cribratio Alkorani, though with certain specific features, would cor-
respond to Tolan's scholarly, theoretical polemic.


Dialogue and polemic are important sources documenting confessional strives between Catholics and... more Dialogue and polemic are important sources documenting confessional strives between Catholics and Utraquists in the 15th century, widely used by historians. Unfortunately, they have not been theoretically reected. By adopting some notions by Thomas Nail, this study aims to provide a few basic observations on the nature of the border between polemical and dialogical mode of speaking: the border cannot be easily deined by literary genre alone, the border is unstable and can shift even in a relatively short period of time; and nally border is not impenetrable, some elements can be used by both polemical and dialogical mode of speaking and both modes can coexist in one literary work, as is shown on example of Dialogus by Jan of Rabštejn.

Research paper thumbnail of Mikuláš Kusánský a Islám. Komplikovaná cesta k dialogu

. Abstract the paper tries to view the journey of Nicolaus of Cusa towards his specific approach ... more . Abstract the paper tries to view the journey of Nicolaus of Cusa towards his specific approach to the relationship between Christianity and Islam using the method of the intellectual history. e research follows three basic lines: the description of the broader historical context of Nicolaus´s work; the presentation of some of the writings and authorities which he used in his work and last but not least the infl uence of his metaphysical and gnoseological system on his understanding of the interreligious dialogue.


The article is concerned with important question of continuity of ideas on interreligious relatio... more The article is concerned with important question of continuity of ideas on interreligious relationships in works De Pace Fidei and Cribratio Alkorani by Nicholas Cusanus. I am arguing that Cusanus thinking on this problem was coherent and without any major shifts in time between both these works. It is possible to find continuity in argumentation, especially in maintaining his basic hermeneutical principles – pia interpretation and manuductio. This notion is also proven by the
study of marginal notes in codices he used. The study also tries to explain away main differences between both works in order to stress the need of careful study of both writings for right understanding of Cusanus thought.

Research paper thumbnail of Recenze Jan Čížek: Komenský a Bacon. Dvě raně novověké cesty k obnově vědění.

Studia Commeniana et Historica, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Husité a překračování hranic

Dějiny a současnost, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Polemic language as violence review

The polemic is one of the most important sources for intellectual history, so there is no wonder ... more The polemic is one of the most important sources for intellectual history, so there is no wonder that genres (or maybe more exactly " mode of speech " as editors and authors reminds us) it receives attention by various scholars across many historical disciplines. This volume is follow up to previous collection from editors from 2010 which was aimed on medieval polemics. Both volumes are outcome of the long term interdisciplinary collaboration at Sommerville college in Oxford.

Research paper thumbnail of Searching for Compromise? Interreligious Dialogue, Agreements, and Toleration in 16th–18th Century Eastern Europe, (Series: Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, vol. 235), ed. Maciej Ptaszynski and Kazimierz Bem, Brill, Leiden 2022

Brill, 2022

Searching for Compromise? is a collection of articles researching the issues of toleration, inter... more Searching for Compromise? is a collection of articles researching the issues of toleration, interreligious peace, and models of living together in a religiously diverse Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Modern period. By studying theologians, legal cases, literature, individuals, and congregations this volume uncovers the particular local dynamics at play in Central and Eastern Europe. These issues are explored from the perspectives of diverse groups of Christians, such as Catholics, Hussites, Bohemian Brethren, Old Believers, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Calvinists, Moravians, and Unitarians. The volume is a much-needed addition to the scholarly books written on religious conflict, toleration, and peace from the Western European perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Literární dialogy a tolerance v české reformaci

Kniha chce představit svět českého tolerančního myšlení sklonku středověku. Ačkoliv náboženská to... more Kniha chce představit svět českého tolerančního myšlení sklonku středověku. Ačkoliv náboženská tolerance fungovala jinak než dnes, už tehdejší myslitelé řešili, co si počít s narůstající náboženskou diverzitou. S Basilejskými kompaktáty se tato otázka stala zásadní i pro české země. Dialogy světoznámého filosofa Mikuláše Kusánského, “prvního” českého humanisty Jana z Rabštejna, průkopníka knihtisku Mikuláše Konáče z Hodíškova a utrakvistického humanisty Václava Píseckého představují celý konglomerát vlivů, argumentů a idejí, které dovolí čtenáři nahlédnout toleranční myšlení přelomu středověku a novověku a roli literárních dialogů v jeho obhajobě.