Stephan Zink | Independent Scholar (original) (raw)

Papers by Stephan Zink

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructions of Roman Polychrome Architecture: Evidence, Ideal, and Ideology

D. Borbonus & E. Dumser (eds.), Building the Classical World. Bauforschung as a Contemporary Approach, 2022

First two pages of a 34 pages article on the historiography of Roman architectural polychromy, an... more First two pages of a 34 pages article on the historiography of Roman architectural polychromy, analysed through the use of colour in reconstruction drawings of the 19th and 20th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of Auf dem Weg zur Rekonstruktion eines mittelrepublikanischen Tempels. Die Forschungen von 2020 am Largo Argentina in Rom

e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 2021

Preliminary report on the research carried out at Largo Argentina/Rome in 2020.

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture and Interiors, in: A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity

David Wharton (ed.), A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021

3 pages of a 20 page article entitled "Architecture and Interiors". It is published in the first ... more 3 pages of a 20 page article entitled "Architecture and Interiors". It is published in the first of a six-volume-series entitled "A Cultural History of Color".
Outline of the article:
- The "Archaic Color Triad" and its Greco-Roman Reception
- Variegation and Differentiation: Color Coatings on Exteriors
- Exterior Coloring with Bronze, Gold, and Stone
- The Splendor and Complexity of Interiors

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Research paper thumbnail of How a Temple Survives. Resilience and Architectural Design at Temple A of Largo Argentina in Rome

Römische Mitteilungen, 2020

A comprehensive 40 page article on the long-term architectural development of Temple A at Largo A... more A comprehensive 40 page article on the long-term architectural development of Temple A at Largo Argentina /Rome and its socio-economic/environmental context.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing the colors of Hermogenes' temple of Artemis: architectural surface analysis in the Antikensammlung Berlin

Techné, 2019

Update: the full article now available for download here. The entire volume is also open access.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rom, Italien. Bauforschung am sog. Tempel A, Largo Argentina. Arbeiten und Ergebnisse der Jahre 2018 und 2019 (nach Vorarbeiten 2014, 2016 und 2017)

e-Forschungsberichte des DAI 2019, Faszikel 2, 2019

Preliminary note on a new architectural documentation project at Largo Argentina in Rome (longer ... more Preliminary note on a new architectural documentation project at Largo Argentina in Rome (longer research article forthcoming in Römische Mitteilungen 2019).

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Research paper thumbnail of “Polychromy, architectural, Greek and Roman.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Classics. Oxford University Press. March 2019.

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Classics, 2019

Table of Content: Abstract 1. Materials, Techniques, and Analytical Challenges 2. Greek Archi... more Table of Content:
1. Materials, Techniques, and Analytical Challenges
2. Greek Architectural Polychromy
3. Etrusco-Roman Architectural Polychromy
4. Discussion of the Literature
Links to Digital Materials

! Download free @ during April 2019 !

The first 8 pages of the article can be downloaded here.

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Research paper thumbnail of Das 'Haus der Livia' auf dem Palatin in Rom: Erscheinungsformen und 'epistemische Grundlagen' einer archäologischen Stätte

Contribution to the conference "Langfristperspektiven archäologischer Stätten. Wissensgeschichte ... more Contribution to the conference "Langfristperspektiven archäologischer Stätten. Wissensgeschichte und forschungsgeleitete Konservierung - Archaeological sites in long-term perspectives. The history of archaeology and epistemic conservation," held at the ETH Zurich /Institute of Historical Building Research and Conservation on February 12-13, 2015.

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Research paper thumbnail of Architectural Fragments from Magnesia, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Antikensammlung, 2016, Edition Topoi, (27.04.2016)

E-publication of data from an ongoing pilot-project in the Antikensammlung Berlin: click: http://... more E-publication of data from an ongoing pilot-project in the Antikensammlung Berlin:

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Taschner & S. Zink, Magnesia am Mäander in der Berliner Antikensammlung. Neue Ansätze zur Erforschung antiker Architektur, Antike Welt 2, 2016, 35-37.

A very short, preliminary report on an ongoing project in the Antikensammlung Berlin.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Palatine sanctuary of Apollo: the site and its development, 6th to 1st c. B.C.

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Research paper thumbnail of Polychromy in Roman Architecture: Colours, Materials, and Techniques

in: J. Stubbe-Ostergaard (ed.), Transformations – Classical Sculpture in Colour, Exhibition Catalogue Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek Copenhagen, 208-227., 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Marmor sammeln und ordnen: die Sammlung römischer Dekorationsgesteine der ETH Zürich

in: U. Hassler, T. Meyer (eds.), Kategorien des Wissens. Die Sammlung als epistemisches Objekt, 209-227., 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Old and new archaeological evidence for the plan of the Palatine temple of Apollo (a debate with T.P. Wiseman)

Journal of Roman Archaeology 25, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Haec aurea templa: The Palatine temple of Apollo and its polychromy

Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the Palatine temple of Apollo: a case study in early Augustan temple design

Journal of Roman Archaeology 21, 2008

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Teaching Documents by Stephan Zink


3 weeks summer course taught in 2014 and 2016 at the site of Largo Argentina in Rome. It offered ... more 3 weeks summer course taught in 2014 and 2016 at the site of Largo Argentina in Rome. It offered an intensive introduction to the documentation, analysis, and interpretation of ancient architecture.

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Select presentations by Stephan Zink

Research paper thumbnail of Hermogenes’ temple of Artemis and its polychromy: current research in the Antikensammlung Berlin

Conference: 8th International Roundtable on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture; Par... more Conference:
8th International Roundtable on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture; Paris, Centre de Récherche et de Restauration des Musées de France, 15th – 16th November, 2016
Stephan Zink (Research Fellow, Berliner Antike Kolleg/Swiss National Science Foundation); Moritz Taschner, Wolfgang Massmann, Birgit Neuhaus, Anne Ristau, (Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin); Ina Reiche, Cristina Aibeo, Ellen Egel (Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin); Matthias Alfeld, Katharina Müller (LAMS, Laboratoire d’Archéologie Molécuaire et Structurale, Paris)
The temple of Artemis in Magnesia on the Maeander (Western Turkey) is a milestone of Hellenistic architecture. Already in Antiquity, its architect Hermogenes was famously praised for his innovative designs and intricate visual effects (Vitruvius 3.3.8-9). A new project in the Antikensammlung Berlin currently investigates three large marble fragments of the temple’s exterior façade for remains of coloring and other surface treatments. Musealized in Berlin immediately after their excavation in 1891-93, their original surfaces show minimal post-excavation loss. Using multiple methods of optical and physico-chemical analysis, it was possible to detect significant remains of surface coatings, which open up several points of debate: the differentiation between geo-archaeological deposits and ancient color accentuations; the reconstruction of original color schemes and painting techniques; and the role of spatial contexts and specific light conditions for architectural surface rendering. Not at last, this paper introduces the Magnesian temple of Artemis as a new reference point for research on ancient architectural polychromy.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Farbe, Material und Oberfläche in der römischen Architektur: das Beispiel des Dioskurentempels auf dem Forum Romanum’, ETH Zurich (IDB) Colloquium ‘Aus Archäologie und Bauforschung’ May 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Reconsidering Roman architectural polychromy – the case of the temple of Castor and Pollux’, Kolb Society Senior Fellows Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructions of Roman Polychrome Architecture: Evidence, Ideal, and Ideology

D. Borbonus & E. Dumser (eds.), Building the Classical World. Bauforschung as a Contemporary Approach, 2022

First two pages of a 34 pages article on the historiography of Roman architectural polychromy, an... more First two pages of a 34 pages article on the historiography of Roman architectural polychromy, analysed through the use of colour in reconstruction drawings of the 19th and 20th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of Auf dem Weg zur Rekonstruktion eines mittelrepublikanischen Tempels. Die Forschungen von 2020 am Largo Argentina in Rom

e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 2021

Preliminary report on the research carried out at Largo Argentina/Rome in 2020.

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Research paper thumbnail of Architecture and Interiors, in: A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity

David Wharton (ed.), A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021

3 pages of a 20 page article entitled "Architecture and Interiors". It is published in the first ... more 3 pages of a 20 page article entitled "Architecture and Interiors". It is published in the first of a six-volume-series entitled "A Cultural History of Color".
Outline of the article:
- The "Archaic Color Triad" and its Greco-Roman Reception
- Variegation and Differentiation: Color Coatings on Exteriors
- Exterior Coloring with Bronze, Gold, and Stone
- The Splendor and Complexity of Interiors

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Research paper thumbnail of How a Temple Survives. Resilience and Architectural Design at Temple A of Largo Argentina in Rome

Römische Mitteilungen, 2020

A comprehensive 40 page article on the long-term architectural development of Temple A at Largo A... more A comprehensive 40 page article on the long-term architectural development of Temple A at Largo Argentina /Rome and its socio-economic/environmental context.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing the colors of Hermogenes' temple of Artemis: architectural surface analysis in the Antikensammlung Berlin

Techné, 2019

Update: the full article now available for download here. The entire volume is also open access.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rom, Italien. Bauforschung am sog. Tempel A, Largo Argentina. Arbeiten und Ergebnisse der Jahre 2018 und 2019 (nach Vorarbeiten 2014, 2016 und 2017)

e-Forschungsberichte des DAI 2019, Faszikel 2, 2019

Preliminary note on a new architectural documentation project at Largo Argentina in Rome (longer ... more Preliminary note on a new architectural documentation project at Largo Argentina in Rome (longer research article forthcoming in Römische Mitteilungen 2019).

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Research paper thumbnail of “Polychromy, architectural, Greek and Roman.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Classics. Oxford University Press. March 2019.

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Classics, 2019

Table of Content: Abstract 1. Materials, Techniques, and Analytical Challenges 2. Greek Archi... more Table of Content:
1. Materials, Techniques, and Analytical Challenges
2. Greek Architectural Polychromy
3. Etrusco-Roman Architectural Polychromy
4. Discussion of the Literature
Links to Digital Materials

! Download free @ during April 2019 !

The first 8 pages of the article can be downloaded here.

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Research paper thumbnail of Das 'Haus der Livia' auf dem Palatin in Rom: Erscheinungsformen und 'epistemische Grundlagen' einer archäologischen Stätte

Contribution to the conference "Langfristperspektiven archäologischer Stätten. Wissensgeschichte ... more Contribution to the conference "Langfristperspektiven archäologischer Stätten. Wissensgeschichte und forschungsgeleitete Konservierung - Archaeological sites in long-term perspectives. The history of archaeology and epistemic conservation," held at the ETH Zurich /Institute of Historical Building Research and Conservation on February 12-13, 2015.

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Research paper thumbnail of Architectural Fragments from Magnesia, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Antikensammlung, 2016, Edition Topoi, (27.04.2016)

E-publication of data from an ongoing pilot-project in the Antikensammlung Berlin: click: http://... more E-publication of data from an ongoing pilot-project in the Antikensammlung Berlin:

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Taschner & S. Zink, Magnesia am Mäander in der Berliner Antikensammlung. Neue Ansätze zur Erforschung antiker Architektur, Antike Welt 2, 2016, 35-37.

A very short, preliminary report on an ongoing project in the Antikensammlung Berlin.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Palatine sanctuary of Apollo: the site and its development, 6th to 1st c. B.C.

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Research paper thumbnail of Polychromy in Roman Architecture: Colours, Materials, and Techniques

in: J. Stubbe-Ostergaard (ed.), Transformations – Classical Sculpture in Colour, Exhibition Catalogue Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek Copenhagen, 208-227., 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Marmor sammeln und ordnen: die Sammlung römischer Dekorationsgesteine der ETH Zürich

in: U. Hassler, T. Meyer (eds.), Kategorien des Wissens. Die Sammlung als epistemisches Objekt, 209-227., 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Old and new archaeological evidence for the plan of the Palatine temple of Apollo (a debate with T.P. Wiseman)

Journal of Roman Archaeology 25, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Haec aurea templa: The Palatine temple of Apollo and its polychromy

Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the Palatine temple of Apollo: a case study in early Augustan temple design

Journal of Roman Archaeology 21, 2008

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3 weeks summer course taught in 2014 and 2016 at the site of Largo Argentina in Rome. It offered ... more 3 weeks summer course taught in 2014 and 2016 at the site of Largo Argentina in Rome. It offered an intensive introduction to the documentation, analysis, and interpretation of ancient architecture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hermogenes’ temple of Artemis and its polychromy: current research in the Antikensammlung Berlin

Conference: 8th International Roundtable on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture; Par... more Conference:
8th International Roundtable on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture; Paris, Centre de Récherche et de Restauration des Musées de France, 15th – 16th November, 2016
Stephan Zink (Research Fellow, Berliner Antike Kolleg/Swiss National Science Foundation); Moritz Taschner, Wolfgang Massmann, Birgit Neuhaus, Anne Ristau, (Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin); Ina Reiche, Cristina Aibeo, Ellen Egel (Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin); Matthias Alfeld, Katharina Müller (LAMS, Laboratoire d’Archéologie Molécuaire et Structurale, Paris)
The temple of Artemis in Magnesia on the Maeander (Western Turkey) is a milestone of Hellenistic architecture. Already in Antiquity, its architect Hermogenes was famously praised for his innovative designs and intricate visual effects (Vitruvius 3.3.8-9). A new project in the Antikensammlung Berlin currently investigates three large marble fragments of the temple’s exterior façade for remains of coloring and other surface treatments. Musealized in Berlin immediately after their excavation in 1891-93, their original surfaces show minimal post-excavation loss. Using multiple methods of optical and physico-chemical analysis, it was possible to detect significant remains of surface coatings, which open up several points of debate: the differentiation between geo-archaeological deposits and ancient color accentuations; the reconstruction of original color schemes and painting techniques; and the role of spatial contexts and specific light conditions for architectural surface rendering. Not at last, this paper introduces the Magnesian temple of Artemis as a new reference point for research on ancient architectural polychromy.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Farbe, Material und Oberfläche in der römischen Architektur: das Beispiel des Dioskurentempels auf dem Forum Romanum’, ETH Zurich (IDB) Colloquium ‘Aus Archäologie und Bauforschung’ May 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Reconsidering Roman architectural polychromy – the case of the temple of Castor and Pollux’, Kolb Society Senior Fellows Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Il santuario di Apollo Palatinus e la cosiddetta casa di Augusto: frammenti di mille anni d’architettura sul Palatino Sudovest’; seminario di studi ‘Cibele, Vittoria, e Apollo – i culti sul Acropolo del Palatino e la Casa di Augusto‘, Università La Sapienza, Rome, April 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Octavian’s sanctuary of Apollo and the so-called house of Augustus: fragments from a thousand years of architectural history’; invited lecture at Harvard University, Department of the History of Art and Architecture, March 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘A new project on Roman architectural surface treatment: scope, methods, and goals’; Polychromy Round Table, Liebighaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Augustus’ Palatine Sanctuary and the so-Called House of Augustus: New Archaeological Documentation – Changing Historical Perspectives’; Int. Conference ‘Archaeology and the City: A Conference on Ancient Rome in New York‘, Columbia University, New York, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of  ‘Which Alexandria, precisely, did Cleopatra see? The Project Mapping Augustan Alexandria at the University of Pennsylvania’; Int. Symposium ‘Cleopatra and the end of the Hellenistic World‘, Franklin Institute and University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Octavian on the Palatine: new field research and historical topography’; Int. workshop ‘Rome. Textes et Topographie’; Hardt Foundation, Geneva, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘The Polychromy of the Palatine temple of Apollo: evidence and context’; Polychromy Round Table, Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek, Copenhagen, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Mapping Augustan Alexandria – an Interdisciplinary Project at Penn’; Gold Medal Colloquium at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in Anaheim, California, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Oktavians Orakel: Neue Ergebnisse zur Architektur, Funktion und Symbolik des palatinischen Apollontempels’; invited lecture at the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Haec aurea templa: The Palatine temple of Apollo and its polychromy’; International conference ‘I colori di Augusto’ at the Museo dell’ Ara Pacis, Rome, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘The temple of Apollo on the Palatine: New evidence from bottom to top’; International conference on ‘The Temple of Castor and Pollux in the Forum Romanum: Results and Context’, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Academy in Rome, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Augustus’ Temple of Apollo on the Palatine: A New Reconstruction’; Annual Meeting of the Archeological Institute of America in Chicago, 2008 (conference’s Graduate Student Paper Award)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Color & Space. Interfaces of Ancient Architecture and Sculpture" ; Program of the 10th International Roundtable on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture, November 10-13 2020, REMOTE CONFERENCE

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Research paper thumbnail of UMGEBAUT. Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur; 13. Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological Sites in Long-Term Perspectives. The History of Archaeology and Epistemic Conservation

International Conference at the ETH Zurich, Institute of Historic Building Research and Conservat... more International Conference at the ETH Zurich, Institute of Historic Building Research and Conservation (Prof. U. Hassler), Zurich, February 12-13, 2015.

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Research paper thumbnail of Farbe, Material und Licht in den Bauten der klassischen Antike

Paper presented at the "11. Dresnder Farbenforum: Farbe in der Architektur", June 15 and 16 2017,... more Paper presented at the "11. Dresnder Farbenforum: Farbe in der Architektur", June 15 and 16 2017, Technical University of Dresden

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