iwan krisnadi | Universitas Mercubuana (original) (raw)

DR Ir. Iwan Krisnadi MBA possesses a strong management and leadership skill with high integrity, trusted and honesty. He has the principle of respecting other people. People look at him as a person with a pure heart and they know how difficult it must be for him to bear the incomprehension of others and their mocking attitude at his goodness. In fact, Luck is always in his side and gives him a tide of good fortune. The projects he holds at last become a reality, and many more beyond.

He is known as a competent professional, highly motivated and energetic to fulfill the position as Marketing Director, Human Resource Director, or even other key managerial position. His wide human networking with Government Officer and educational community will be benefit for his employer.

In the telecommunication business:

He was involved in the international regulation as the member of Indonesian delegation at the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and the BGPC (Board Governor Planning Committee) of INTELSAT (International Satellite) conferences.

More than nineteen years he served the telecommunication incumbent reputable operator, PT Telkom. He participated mostly in the Palapa Satellite System and actively as the senior marketing manager in the whole telecommunication Service as well. He did also serve PT SATELINDO more than 5 years in the field of the cellular telecommunication system – GSM, Satellite and International traffic business.

He used to be the counterpart for PT Telkom consultant such as Booz Allens in preparing the study Indonesia Telecommunication : Market – Strategy to unlock the potential and the counterpart of Sateil Counceil Consultant in preparing the Palapa B satellite system.

His professional career as the PLC Project Director of PT Indonesia Comnets Plus in promoting the Power Line Communication system. As a Marketing Director of PT Global Telenet Technology, a Korean Multinational company, he has the responsibility to sell the Wireless Local Loop – CDMA Project Plan as well as the Antenna project for the Satellite Telephone system.

He is also supporting as the consultant for the Palapa Ring Project , which will connect the Indoneisa archipelego with Fiber Optic for Broadband communication.

Currently, he is still teaching management telecommunication for the Post Graduate Program at the “Universitas Indonesia”, as well as giving lecture on “ ICT Business management “ and ICT Regulation and Policy “ for the Post Graduate Program at the Universitas Mercu Buana, while previously he was actively act as Director of the Telecom College (STT TELKOM).

He has abundant papers, thesis, and talk. It has been up loaded on https://mercubuana.academia.edu/IwanKrisnadi

In other Business area:

He used to be the Vice President of Service Centre of PT Kao Indonesia Company, a Japanese multinational company.

He succeeds to handle the industrial relation, General Affair and Information system as well. He is mastering the Human Resources Management System, such as the implementation of the salary structure and the salary scale base on the salary market. Establishing the corporate culture, and implementing the profitable growth concept, TCR (Total Creative Renovation or Total Cost Reduction), 5 S, etc.

He is responsible for the delivery of HR projects covering job evaluation, job clarification, compensation and benefits design, performance management systems, and human resource system audits in a merger and acquisition case. His clients are government sectors and multinational companies from a variety of industries, including telecommunication services and products, manufacturing, and chemical in Indonesia
Supervisors: Advisor
Phone: +62812 18 28 465
Address: Aston Rasuna Residence OB 23 D
Jakarta Selatan ,12920
Supervisors: Advisor
