Donate (original) (raw)

Reader support makes all our work possible. Every little bit makes a difference. Whatever you can give — 27,27, 27,50, 100,100, 100,250, 500,500, 500,1,000 or more — it all makes a big difference. You can also become a monthly sustainer for as little as $5 per month.

Click the Donate button at the top of the page to give on Paypal. The Indy is also on Patreon, Substack and Venmo (mobile only).

OR you can simply dig out the checkbook and send your support to:

The Indypendent
388 Atlantic Ave, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11217-3651

Want a free Indy tote bag? Give 50orbecomearecurringmonthlydonorofatleast50 or become a recurring monthly donor of at least 50orbecomearecurringmonthlydonorofatleast5/month!

For complications email or call 917-426-4856.