Will NYC Still Be Real Estate Capital of the World After Covid? (original) (raw)


Tom Angotti Sep 26, 2020

While most New Yorkers have been locked in their neighborhoods during the pandemic, the privileged ones left for the…

Michael Bloomberg: How to Break a Union

Steven Wishnia Mar 2, 2020

One of the most telling episodes of Michael Bloomberg’s 12 years as mayor is one of the least known:…

Bloombergisms: He Said What?

Indypendent Staff Mar 2, 2020

Michael Bloomberg has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on carefully crafted messaging that portrays him as a thoughtful…

A Tale of Two Bloombergvilles

John Tarleton Mar 2, 2020

It’s 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning and a row of sleeping bags wraps around the base of the…

Bloomberg’s Public Housing Fiascos

Maria Muentes Feb 29, 2020

I was a housing advocate when Michael Bloomberg took office in 2002. At the time, the New York City…

Bloomberg: Mayor of Luxury City

Tom Angotti Feb 29, 2020

Michael Bloomberg is running a stealth campaign for president, just like his run for New York City mayor in…

Michael Bloomberg’s Disastrous Public Education Legacy

Leonie Haimson Feb 25, 2020

As of mid-February, Michael Bloomberg has spent over $400 million on his presidential campaign, including blanketing the air waves…

Bloomberg Was Wall St.’s ‘Foremost Defender,’ Pushing for Deregulation Even After the Crash

Rico Cleffi Feb 19, 2020

He’s given himself a progressive makeover, but Mike teamed up with Sen. Chuck Schumer and consultants at McKinsey to protect the big banks that wrecked the economy.

SubPrime Mike: How Mayor Bloomberg Fought Efforts To Protect Black Homeowners From Predatory Lenders

Theodore Hamm Feb 12, 2020

Stop-and-Frisk wasn’t the only Bloomberg-era policy that harmed the black community.