Bonnie Langford: All I did in Doctor Who was say 'but Doctor...' and scream (original) (raw)

When Bonnie Langford was 35, an advert appeared in industry newspaper The Stage with a racy picture of her and the promise: “No more ringlets, no more squeaky brat… just pure talent.”

Some people assumed that Langford was struggling to transition from child stardom – she was best known for playing lisping Violet Elizabeth Bott in TV series Just William – to more adult roles, and had placed it there herself.

But Langford is eager to put the record straight. It was her agent who did it. “I did not take out that ad, and I am not with that agent anymore,” she chuckles.

“It got completely misconstrued. In those days you didn’t have emails, so people would put an ad in to say: ‘If you want to book this person, contact me.’ But the agent decided to put a photograph of me with it. That was all his idea.”

It was August, a slow news week, and the Daily Mail then spun it into a big story about how she didn’t have any work, recalls Langford.

“What I wasn’t prepared to tell them was that I was actually pregnant. My agent was thrilled – he said, ‘I’ve got £45,000 worth of publicity out of this.’ I said, ‘Yeah, thanks a lot! I’m the person in the middle of it all.’”

It’s a particularly bizarre piece of fake news since Langford, now 57, has an enviable track record, working constantly since she won talent show Opportunity Knocks aged just six singing “The Good Ship Lollipop”.

She went on to make her West End debut as Scarlett O’Hara’s daughter in the doomed Gone with the Wind musical (Noël Coward infamously quipped “Two things should be cut: the second act and the child’s throat”), then joined Angela Lansbury in Gypsy and played Rumpleteazer in the original cast of Cats. She’s popped up on TV, too, as a Doctor Who companion and, more recently, in EastEnders.

30th September 1976: 14 year old Adrian Dannatt as 'William' blocks his ears when 12 year old Bonnie Langford as 'Violet Elizabeth Bott' threatens to 'Thream and thream until I'm sick'. They are to play characters from 'Just William' the book by Richmal Crompton when it is televised by London Weekend TV. (Photo by Dennis Oulds/Central Press/Getty Images)

A 12-year-old Bonnie Langford as Violet in Just William, alongside her co-star Adrian Dannatt, in 1976 (Photo: Dennis Oulds/Central Press/Getty)

This year, as she celebrates 50 years on stage, Langford has been touring the UK with the award-winning revival of the musical Anything Goes. Set aboard a 1930s luxury ocean liner, it’s packed with irresistible Cole Porter tunes and tap-dancing sailors. When we speak, she’s up in Manchester for the final leg before the show comes to London’s Barbican Centre for the summer.

The production was a mammoth hit for the Barbican in 2021. For this run, Langford takes over from Felicity Kendal as Evangeline Harcourt, a class-conscious American widow pressuring her debutante daughter to marry a wealthy English aristocrat.

“It’s what I call a blue-sky show,” enthuses Langford. “It literally doesn’t rain. It’s just joyous.”

Oddly, Evangeline doesn’t employ Langford’s singing or dancing talents. Was she tempted to sneak in a few steps? “No no, not at all. I just do a tiny tap routine with everyone else at the end – a little 16 bars.”

Langford believes it’s that hopeful note that makes Anything Goes such a hit with post-pandemic audiences, just as it was with those during the Great Depression.

“It gives you permission to laugh. People are going absolutely bonkers for it. We’ve had standing ovations at the beginning of the second act – I’ve never known British audiences do that before. Covid has made theatre special again.”

Anything Goes 2022 Simon Callow - Kerry Ellis - Denis Lawson - Bonnie Langford. Photographer credit - Hugo Glendinning Provided by Provided by

Simon Callow, Kerry Ellis, Denis Lawson and Bonnie Langford in Anything Goes (Photo: Hugo Glendinning)

Astonishingly, this will be Langford’s first time performing at the Barbican, but she knows the area well: she trained at the Arts Educational School just around the corner. Showbiz was in the blood, with her mother Babette running a dance school, but Langford says firmly that the emphasis was always about learning your craft, not fame.

“I realised at a very early age that it’s more important to be valued than to be known.”

It was difficult growing up in the spotlight. “Most people do that privately and I didn’t. But now I’m further away from those days, I can look on them with fondness. And by starting young, I had to change and grow – I couldn’t keep playing a six-year-old! I’m quite small and I do have a youthful energy, but I’m not a child anymore.”

I can certainly attest to the redheaded Langford’s infectious energy; she’s exactly the warm, chirpy person you would expect. But that can work against you. Some still make the tired assumption that musical theatre performers are all jazz-hands and sunshine, and can’t do “serious” acting.

Langford thinks those barriers are gradually breaking down, particularly in America – where, she points out, movie star Hugh Jackman is currently doing Broadway show The Music Man.

She has certainly proved her versatility. In 1986, Langford switched from musicals to sci-fi as Melanie, assistant to both the Sixth (Colin Baker) and Seventh (Sylvester McCoy) Doctors in Doctor Who.

English actresses Bonnie Langford (on left) and Kate O'Mara (1939-2014) pictured with Scottish actor Sylvester McCoy on the set of the 'Time And The Rani', an episode in the BBC science fiction television series 'Doctor Who', 1987. McCoy plays The Doctor, Langford plays Melanie and O'Mara plays The Rani, a renegade Time Lady, in the series. (Photo by Larry Ellis Collection/Getty Images)

Bonnie Langford, left, and Kate O’Mara with Sylvester McCoy on the set of Doctor Who in 1987 (Photo: Larry Ellis Collection/Getty)

However, her character was vilified by many. Langford jumped at the chance to revisit her in the new audio dramas, on two conditions: “No screaming, and please can we build her character a bit… We were at a fan convention, and one of the other companions said to me, ‘But you know the companions are two-dimensional, don’t you?’ I was constantly seeking a more substantial role. [Melanie] just said ‘But Doctor’ and screamed.”

Langford joined another iconic show in 2015, taking on the role of bubbly Essex divorcee Carmel in EastEnders. In a hard-hitting storyline, Carmel’s son Shakil became the victim of knife crime.

“I was really keen that we didn’t just do a week’s worth of episodes and then move on,” recalls Langford.

“We talked a lot to [former EastEnders actor and campaigner] Brooke Kinsella – it was the 10th anniversary of her brother Ben’s death, and nothing much had changed. Where soaps are so clever is that it’s not preachy. They put the information out there and show how it affects the whole community, and they don’t wrap it up in cotton wool.

“I’d seen a surgeon on The One Show, who dealt with knife crime all the time, talking about the mothers’ cry. They let out this horrible noise; they are broken. I managed to get that in there – it wasn’t in the original script. A woman came up to me in the street and said she’d lost her nephew. She heard my scream on EastEnders and she knew immediately what had happened. It’s a privilege to feel you can interpret that and represent people.”

Langford surprised audiences once again as the high-kicking Squirrel on The Masked Dancer. Most people thought she was one of the Pussycat Dolls. “I love that three out of the four finalists were over 50,” she hoots. “It says a lot about how we judge people with age.”

Langford is furious about the Government’s attitude to the arts, pointing out how vital the sector is for mental health, self-expression, and in cold, hard economic terms, too.

“Theatre is a satellite for so many different things. And suddenly to be told we’re not viable… We’re not doing this as an ego trip,” she says.

“People in our industry are unbelievably resourceful. They were the first to say, ‘Where can I volunteer, or drive a delivery van?’”

The pandemic has, she thinks, “made our skin a little thinner. We’ve lost some resilience. It will come back. At the moment we can’t do a lot about certain things, like Ukraine – we can’t run up to Putin and say, ‘Stop it’. So we need some perspective and joy, and to find things that nourish our souls.”

I can’t think of anything better than seeing Langford in Anything Goes to do that.

Anything Goes plays the Barbican Theatre until 3 September