Liza Candidi | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (original) (raw)

Books by Liza Candidi

Research paper thumbnail of A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture, edited by Carmen Belmonte, Studi della Bibliotheca Hertziana, Silvana Editoriale,

Many of the urban projects realized during the Fascist regime have remained part of the Italian l... more Many of the urban projects realized during the Fascist regime have remained part of the Italian landscape. Together with monuments and works of art, they are the surviving traces of Fascist imagery in contemporary Italy. Protected by preservation laws as part of the national cultural patrimony, these remnants have become the focus of a politically charged public debate. In this book, scholars and curators from different disciplines critically explore the afterlives of Fascist-era artifacts. Spanning from the iconoclasm that followed the fall of the regime on July 25, 1943 to the present day, and moving from mural paintings and mosaics to buildings, decorative arts, monuments, and sculpture, the essays explore Italy's transition from Fascism to the Republic and the dynamics of postwar de-Fascisization, revealing ruptures and continuities throughout the twentieth century. Applying the notion of "difficult heritage" to the Italian context, the volume addresses issues of restoration, display, and critical preservation of artifacts in public and institutional spaces, drawing comparisons with practices in other countries including Germany and the United States.

Research paper thumbnail of Orte und Worte. Gedächtnisräume im postsozialistischen Berlin

Zambon Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 400, 2021

Dreißig Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung stellt das Erbe der Deut- schen Demokratischen Republik ... more Dreißig Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung stellt das Erbe der Deut- schen Demokratischen Republik immer noch ungelöste identitäts- politische Fragen, die sich in den Widersprüchen des neuen Berlins paradigmatisch widerspiegeln.
Diese Studie untersucht die verschiedenen Formen und Ausdrucks- weisen des Gedächtnisses in Bezug auf die DDR in der deutschen Hauptstadt. Dabei werden auch deren Entwicklungen und Wechsel- verhältnisse in den Blick genommen. Die Dynamiken des öffentli- chen institutionellen Gedächtnisses werden mit individuellen Erinne- rungsstrategien verglichen, wobei zerbrechliche Mechanismen der Vergangenheitskonstruktion ans Licht kommen.
Die Studie verfolgt mit einem originellen multidisziplinären Ansatz die Stadtspuren, die musealen und medialen Repräsentationen, die historiographischen und privaten DDR-Bilder innerhalb einer Stadt, die sich in kontinuierlicher Gärung befindet. Dieses Buch ist eine Reise in das vernarbte Herz des vereinigten Berlins, das durch die Augen seiner Protagonisten betrachtet wird.

Mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Kaschuba

Research paper thumbnail of Governance Beyond the Law: The Immoral, The Illegal, The Criminal

This volume explores the continuous line from informal and unrecorded practices all the way up to... more This volume explores the continuous line from informal and unrecorded practices all the way up to illegal and criminal practices, performed and reproduced by both individuals and organisations. The authors classify them as alternative, subversive forms of governance performed by marginal (and often invisible) peripheral actors. The volume studies how the informal and the extra-legal unfold transnationally and, in particular, how and why they have been/are being progressively criminalized and integrated into the construction of global and local dangerhoods; how the above-mentioned phenomena are embedded into a post-liberal security order; and whether they shape new states of exception and generate moral panic whose ultimate function is regulatory, disciplinary and one of crafting practices of political ordering.

[Research paper thumbnail of New updated edition of the monograph: "Spazi di memoria nella Berlino post-socialista", 2019 [memory spaces in post-socialist Berlin]](

Nuova edizione aggiornata e ampliata. Con prefazione di Stefano Boni e di Anna Chiarloni

Research paper thumbnail of Edition of "Max Hoelz, Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne", 2017

"Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne" Mit ›Anklagerede gegen die bürgerliche Gesellschaft‹, 2017

[“From White cross to red flag” with Hoelz's Prosecution Speech against Bourgeois Society] Max... more [“From White cross to red flag” with Hoelz's Prosecution Speech against Bourgeois Society]

Max Hoelz, "Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne"
Mit ›Anklagerede gegen die bürgerliche Gesellschaft‹
Mimesis Verlag, 2017
mit einem Vorwort von Horst Groschopp
Herausgegeben von / edited by Liza Candidi TC

Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne ist die 1929 erschienene Autobiographie des Rätekommunisten Max Hoelz, eine faszinierende Figur der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Lange sah man in ihm einen neuen Robin Hood und unwiderstehlichen Frauenheld. Dass er weit mehr als das war, zeigen diese außergewöhnlichen Memoiren.
Das Buch schildert die Lebensstationen des charismatischen Revolutionärs. Der Leser taucht in Hoelz‘ Jugendjahre ein, nimmt teil an den Kriegstraumata und seinen atemberaubenden Aktionen. Als Führer der Kampftruppen erbeutet er Geld von Banken und Industriellen, das er an hungernde Arbeiter verteilt. Jedoch werden nicht nur seine Existenz zwischen Untergrund und offener Revolte, sondern auch die acht Jahre im Zuchthaus werden offengelegt. Fesselnd beschreibt der Autor die unmenschlichen Gefängnisbedingungen, den täglichen Überlebenskampf und die Hungerstreiks.
Diese Autobiographie lässt die Atmosphäre des Proletariats in der Weimarer Zeit wieder aufleben, die den Leser erschüttert und überrascht.
Im Anhang: die Anklagerede gegen die bürgerliche Gesellschaft, gehalten vor dem Moabiter Sondergericht am 22. Juni 1921 in Berlin: die Verteidigungsrede, in der die Ankläger zu den eigentlichen Angeklagten werden.

Max Hoelz (1889-1933), Arbeiterführer und Politiker. Hoelz war Protagonist der Arbeiterräte und Agitator in den Aufständen der frühen 1920er Jahre. Berühmt waren seine Enteignungsaktionen mit der Roten Garde. Er wurde steckbrieflich gesucht und lebte im Untergrund, bis er 1921 unschuldig zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe verurteilt wird. Nach acht Jahren Gefängnis lässt man ihn frei dank einer groß angelegten Kampagne und dem Aufruf führender Intellektueller (unter ihnen Bertolt Brecht, Martin Buber, Albert Einstein, Otto Dix und Thomas Mann). Als eigensinniger Kommunist ist Hoelz, den die KPD-Führung zeitlebens beargwöhnte, zum Mythos geworden.

Publisher's website:

[Research paper thumbnail of Monograph: Spazi di memoria nella Berlino post-socialista, 1st edition, 2012, p. 348 [memory space in post-socialist Berlin]](

"Spaces of memory in post-socialist Berlin" A quarter-century after the fall of the Wall the her... more "Spaces of memory in post-socialist Berlin"
A quarter-century after the fall of the Wall the heritage of the German Democratic Republic still raises unsolved identity and political problems, which are paradigmatically reflected in the contradictions of the new Berlin. This study explores the different expressions of memory of the GDR in the capital city, their changes and reciprocal relationships. The dynamics of the public institutional memory have been compared with the individual strategies of remembering, bringing fragile mechanisms of the construction of the past to light.
Investigations, conducted with an original multidisciplinary approach, examine the urban traces, the museal and mediatic representations, the historiographical and private images of the GDR within a city, which is continuously fermenting. A journey in the cicatrized heart of the united Berlin through the eyes of its protagonists.

Research paper thumbnail of Catalogue: New Berlin. Traces of urban memories / Forum, 2009

Bilingual Catalogue with photographs by Gerd Danigel, Robert Conrad, Jordis Schlößer, Jacopo de M... more Bilingual Catalogue with photographs by Gerd Danigel, Robert Conrad, Jordis Schlößer, Jacopo de Marco, Martina Rosso / text and edition by Liza Candidi
(English/Italian edition)

Book Chapters by Liza Candidi

Research paper thumbnail of Erased, Engraved, Emerging. Nazi Heritage, Architecture and Public Memory

«A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture», 2023

Book chapter in «A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture», edi... more Book chapter in
«A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture», edited by Carmen Belmonte, Studi della Bibliotheca Hertziana, Silvana Editoriale, 2023, pp. 85-100.
To be released: autumn 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of «Dove dobbiamo andare?»

Prefazione al libro di Deirdre Mask, «Le vie che orientano. Storia, identità e potere dietro ai nomi delle strade», Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2020, pp. 7-20, 2020

Prefazione al libro di Deirdre Mask «Le vie che orientano. Storia, identità e potere dietro ai no... more Prefazione al libro di Deirdre Mask «Le vie che orientano. Storia, identità e potere dietro ai nomi delle strade», Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2020, pp. 7-20.

I nomi delle strade sono la nostra eredità culturale, ciò che decidiamo di tenere o buttare via del passato. Orientano i cittadini a livello topografi co ma soprattutto identitario, agendo in modo diffuso e inconscio. Potenti dispositivi pubblici, gli odonimi riattualizzano il passato riconosciuto come fondante di una collettività. Al contempo rappresentano un efficace termometro sociale, in grado di riflettere gli umori e le proteste dei cittadini. Fino a che punto la denominazione di una strada rivela le narrazioni storiche che guidano il presente? Chi decide che cosa conta e quali nomi ricordare? E se le piazze intorno a noi commemorano carnefici e re tiranni? Perché ci sono così poche vie dedicate a donne? Può un indirizzo salvare la vita delle persone?
Deirdre Mask, avvocatessa giramondo, ci offre un’affascinante esplorazione nelle memorie urbane, dall’antichità a oggi. Da Roma a Londra, da New York a Calcutta, da Berlino a Soweto: un intreccio di storie nascoste, basate su documenti sorprendenti, interviste e incontri bizzarri, in uno stile narrativo appassionante. Questo saggio ironico e provocatorio, eppure drammaticamente serio, esorta a riflettere sulle strutture più contraddittorie dell’ambiente che ci circonda. Allo stesso tempo indica gli spazi del possibile che si dischiudono quando iniziamo a riappropriarci dei significati delle nostre città.

Research paper thumbnail of “Informal Communities and Cannabis Regulation in the Emerald Triangle”, book chapter Palgrave&MacMillan, 2019

“Informal Communities and Cannabis Regulation in the Emerald Triangle”, chapter for "The Illega... more “Informal Communities and Cannabis Regulation in the Emerald Triangle”, chapter for
"The Illegal, the Immoral and the Criminal: Transnational Perspectives on Informality", edited by Polese A., Russo A., Strazzari F.,
Palgrave&MacMillan, 2018 (in print)

Research paper thumbnail of "¡Patria o muerte, venceremos!" I monumenti di Cuba e l'immaginario della rivoluzione / book chapter, Raffaello Cortina, 2014

"¡Patria o muerte, venceremos!" I monumenti di Cuba e l'immaginario della rivoluzione in Gian Piero Piretto (edited by), Memorie di pietra, Raffaello Cortina Edizione, 2014, pp. 235-264, 2014

"¡Patria o muerte, venceremos!" Cuban Monuments and the Mindscape of the Revolution

Research paper thumbnail of Sedentary Migration in Germany’s New Capital / Viella, 2012

"Sedentary Migration in Germany’s New Capital" in Marco Buttino (ed), Changing Urban Landscape. Eastern European and Post-Soviet Cities since 1989, Viella, 2012, pp. 95-123., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Unterm Riesenrad. Der Kultur- und Vergnügungspark im Berliner Plänterwald / Panama, 2009

Unterm Riesenrad. Der Kultur- und Vergnügungspark im Berliner Plänterwald in Ulrike Häußer, Markus Merkel (ed.), Vergnügen in der DDR, Berlin, Panama Verlag, 2009, pp. 197-214, 2009

Under the giant wheel. The cultural and amusement park in Berlin Plänterwald

Research paper thumbnail of La repubblica contesa. Scontri e confronti di memorie  / Il Mulino, 2010

Martini M., Schaarschmidt T. (ed), Riflessioni sulla DDR. Prospettive internazionali e interdisciplinari vent'anni dopo, Il Mulino, 2010, pp. 309-321

Research paper thumbnail of “Memorie in conflitto: La DDR nei musei della nuova capitale”, in Chiarloni A. (ed.), Oltre il muro: Berlino vent’anni dopo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009, pp. 55-70.

“Memorie in conflitto: La DDR nei musei della nuova capitale”, in Anna Chiarloni (ed.), Oltre il muro: Berlino vent’anni dopo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009, pp. 55-70., 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Topolatria e memoria: Itinerari fra gli spazi ‘sacri’ nella Berlino postsocialista, in Squarcini F. (ed.), Topografie della santità. Terre sante, simbolizzazioni religiose dei confini e geografia politica delle religioni, Florence, Sef, 2007, pp. 155-171.

Conference Presentations by Liza Candidi

Research paper thumbnail of Spazi dell'utopico. Simboli, pratiche, conquiste

Seminari del dottorato Università Sapienza Roma Curriculum antropologico «Apocalissi | Utopie»

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Movements, ISE Intensive 2017, San Francisco, California

"Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Movements", Institut... more "Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Movements", Institute for Social Ecology,
Intensive June 9-16 2017, San Francisco, California

The past year has brought disappointment and fear, but also powerful visions of the possible. Last November’s presidential election reinforced the worst of the status quo and brought new levels of racism and neo-fascism to the forefront. In 2017, the repressive excesses of the new presidential administration in the US have triggered an unprecedented and widespread popular uprising, including a resurgence of interest in the potential for rebel cities and towns to overturn regressive national policies. Now is the time to boldly assert our most transformative visions for a free and liberated society, amidst the failure of neoliberalism and the threats posed by resurgent white supremacy, nationalism and misogyny.
Next June in San Francisco, the Institute for Social Ecology will offer an Intensive Seminar which will bring together activists, students, academics and community leaders for a dynamic week of exploring the struggle for a free society in theory and praxis. This two-tiered seminar will offer a full 6-day experience and a weekend-only option. The weekend will provide a focused overview of social ecology, an interdisciplinary body of ideas that examines social and ecological problems from a transformative and holistic perspective, with particular focus on essential issues in movement building today. Then over the next four days we will delve deeper into our conversations about the wide scope of social ecology’s theoretical and practical ideas, and also get out into the community for several action-tours. This course series will take place from Saturday, June 10 to Thursday, June 15th in partnership with the Anthropology and Social Change Department of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA. The address of the location is: 1453 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103.
Format, Courses, and Schedule
Following the integrative perspective of social ecology, ISE intensives are more than the sum of their parts. Emphasizing movement from theory to praxis, we collaborate with participants to address the social and political issues that impact their activist work, academic studies, and everyday lives. The objective of this program is to offer a holistic political perspective that challenges participants to consider radical social-ecological critiques and cultivate new visions of a free society. ISE intensives consist of a combination of lectures, workshops, guest speakers and
field trips. A typical day at an intensive begins around 9 AM and lasts until about 7 or 8 PM. Guest speakers, community events, study groups, and informal hangout sessions take place in the evenings after class. We will proudly collaborate with guest speakers from organizations and communities across the Bay Area.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupare il non-luogo. Pratiche e simboli di conquista dell’utopico in comunità autonome e informali del Nord-America

Convegno di studi interculturali e interdisciplinari. "Scrivere la terra, abitare l'utopia tra ... more Convegno di studi interculturali e interdisciplinari.
"Scrivere la terra, abitare l'utopia tra comunità e migranza"
comitato scientifico e organizzativo:
Rosalba Maletta e Alice Giulia Dal Borgo

5-6 dicembre 2017 | h 10-18.30
Aula Crocera Alta di Studi Umanistici
Via Festa del Perdono – Milano

Research paper thumbnail of “Resisting the urban existing. Transgressive and creative living in Californian informal settlements and communities”,  RC21

RC21 Research Committee 21, “The transgressive city. Comparative perspectives on governance and ... more RC21 Research Committee 21, “The transgressive city. Comparative perspectives on governance and the possibilities of everyday life in the emerging global city”, Mexico-City, Mexico, July 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture, edited by Carmen Belmonte, Studi della Bibliotheca Hertziana, Silvana Editoriale,

Many of the urban projects realized during the Fascist regime have remained part of the Italian l... more Many of the urban projects realized during the Fascist regime have remained part of the Italian landscape. Together with monuments and works of art, they are the surviving traces of Fascist imagery in contemporary Italy. Protected by preservation laws as part of the national cultural patrimony, these remnants have become the focus of a politically charged public debate. In this book, scholars and curators from different disciplines critically explore the afterlives of Fascist-era artifacts. Spanning from the iconoclasm that followed the fall of the regime on July 25, 1943 to the present day, and moving from mural paintings and mosaics to buildings, decorative arts, monuments, and sculpture, the essays explore Italy's transition from Fascism to the Republic and the dynamics of postwar de-Fascisization, revealing ruptures and continuities throughout the twentieth century. Applying the notion of "difficult heritage" to the Italian context, the volume addresses issues of restoration, display, and critical preservation of artifacts in public and institutional spaces, drawing comparisons with practices in other countries including Germany and the United States.

Research paper thumbnail of Orte und Worte. Gedächtnisräume im postsozialistischen Berlin

Zambon Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 400, 2021

Dreißig Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung stellt das Erbe der Deut- schen Demokratischen Republik ... more Dreißig Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung stellt das Erbe der Deut- schen Demokratischen Republik immer noch ungelöste identitäts- politische Fragen, die sich in den Widersprüchen des neuen Berlins paradigmatisch widerspiegeln.
Diese Studie untersucht die verschiedenen Formen und Ausdrucks- weisen des Gedächtnisses in Bezug auf die DDR in der deutschen Hauptstadt. Dabei werden auch deren Entwicklungen und Wechsel- verhältnisse in den Blick genommen. Die Dynamiken des öffentli- chen institutionellen Gedächtnisses werden mit individuellen Erinne- rungsstrategien verglichen, wobei zerbrechliche Mechanismen der Vergangenheitskonstruktion ans Licht kommen.
Die Studie verfolgt mit einem originellen multidisziplinären Ansatz die Stadtspuren, die musealen und medialen Repräsentationen, die historiographischen und privaten DDR-Bilder innerhalb einer Stadt, die sich in kontinuierlicher Gärung befindet. Dieses Buch ist eine Reise in das vernarbte Herz des vereinigten Berlins, das durch die Augen seiner Protagonisten betrachtet wird.

Mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Kaschuba

Research paper thumbnail of Governance Beyond the Law: The Immoral, The Illegal, The Criminal

This volume explores the continuous line from informal and unrecorded practices all the way up to... more This volume explores the continuous line from informal and unrecorded practices all the way up to illegal and criminal practices, performed and reproduced by both individuals and organisations. The authors classify them as alternative, subversive forms of governance performed by marginal (and often invisible) peripheral actors. The volume studies how the informal and the extra-legal unfold transnationally and, in particular, how and why they have been/are being progressively criminalized and integrated into the construction of global and local dangerhoods; how the above-mentioned phenomena are embedded into a post-liberal security order; and whether they shape new states of exception and generate moral panic whose ultimate function is regulatory, disciplinary and one of crafting practices of political ordering.

[Research paper thumbnail of New updated edition of the monograph: "Spazi di memoria nella Berlino post-socialista", 2019 [memory spaces in post-socialist Berlin]](

Nuova edizione aggiornata e ampliata. Con prefazione di Stefano Boni e di Anna Chiarloni

Research paper thumbnail of Edition of "Max Hoelz, Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne", 2017

"Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne" Mit ›Anklagerede gegen die bürgerliche Gesellschaft‹, 2017

[“From White cross to red flag” with Hoelz's Prosecution Speech against Bourgeois Society] Max... more [“From White cross to red flag” with Hoelz's Prosecution Speech against Bourgeois Society]

Max Hoelz, "Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne"
Mit ›Anklagerede gegen die bürgerliche Gesellschaft‹
Mimesis Verlag, 2017
mit einem Vorwort von Horst Groschopp
Herausgegeben von / edited by Liza Candidi TC

Vom ›weißen Kreuz‹ zur roten Fahne ist die 1929 erschienene Autobiographie des Rätekommunisten Max Hoelz, eine faszinierende Figur der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Lange sah man in ihm einen neuen Robin Hood und unwiderstehlichen Frauenheld. Dass er weit mehr als das war, zeigen diese außergewöhnlichen Memoiren.
Das Buch schildert die Lebensstationen des charismatischen Revolutionärs. Der Leser taucht in Hoelz‘ Jugendjahre ein, nimmt teil an den Kriegstraumata und seinen atemberaubenden Aktionen. Als Führer der Kampftruppen erbeutet er Geld von Banken und Industriellen, das er an hungernde Arbeiter verteilt. Jedoch werden nicht nur seine Existenz zwischen Untergrund und offener Revolte, sondern auch die acht Jahre im Zuchthaus werden offengelegt. Fesselnd beschreibt der Autor die unmenschlichen Gefängnisbedingungen, den täglichen Überlebenskampf und die Hungerstreiks.
Diese Autobiographie lässt die Atmosphäre des Proletariats in der Weimarer Zeit wieder aufleben, die den Leser erschüttert und überrascht.
Im Anhang: die Anklagerede gegen die bürgerliche Gesellschaft, gehalten vor dem Moabiter Sondergericht am 22. Juni 1921 in Berlin: die Verteidigungsrede, in der die Ankläger zu den eigentlichen Angeklagten werden.

Max Hoelz (1889-1933), Arbeiterführer und Politiker. Hoelz war Protagonist der Arbeiterräte und Agitator in den Aufständen der frühen 1920er Jahre. Berühmt waren seine Enteignungsaktionen mit der Roten Garde. Er wurde steckbrieflich gesucht und lebte im Untergrund, bis er 1921 unschuldig zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe verurteilt wird. Nach acht Jahren Gefängnis lässt man ihn frei dank einer groß angelegten Kampagne und dem Aufruf führender Intellektueller (unter ihnen Bertolt Brecht, Martin Buber, Albert Einstein, Otto Dix und Thomas Mann). Als eigensinniger Kommunist ist Hoelz, den die KPD-Führung zeitlebens beargwöhnte, zum Mythos geworden.

Publisher's website:

[Research paper thumbnail of Monograph: Spazi di memoria nella Berlino post-socialista, 1st edition, 2012, p. 348 [memory space in post-socialist Berlin]](

"Spaces of memory in post-socialist Berlin" A quarter-century after the fall of the Wall the her... more "Spaces of memory in post-socialist Berlin"
A quarter-century after the fall of the Wall the heritage of the German Democratic Republic still raises unsolved identity and political problems, which are paradigmatically reflected in the contradictions of the new Berlin. This study explores the different expressions of memory of the GDR in the capital city, their changes and reciprocal relationships. The dynamics of the public institutional memory have been compared with the individual strategies of remembering, bringing fragile mechanisms of the construction of the past to light.
Investigations, conducted with an original multidisciplinary approach, examine the urban traces, the museal and mediatic representations, the historiographical and private images of the GDR within a city, which is continuously fermenting. A journey in the cicatrized heart of the united Berlin through the eyes of its protagonists.

Research paper thumbnail of Catalogue: New Berlin. Traces of urban memories / Forum, 2009

Bilingual Catalogue with photographs by Gerd Danigel, Robert Conrad, Jordis Schlößer, Jacopo de M... more Bilingual Catalogue with photographs by Gerd Danigel, Robert Conrad, Jordis Schlößer, Jacopo de Marco, Martina Rosso / text and edition by Liza Candidi
(English/Italian edition)

Research paper thumbnail of Erased, Engraved, Emerging. Nazi Heritage, Architecture and Public Memory

«A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture», 2023

Book chapter in «A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture», edi... more Book chapter in
«A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture», edited by Carmen Belmonte, Studi della Bibliotheca Hertziana, Silvana Editoriale, 2023, pp. 85-100.
To be released: autumn 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of «Dove dobbiamo andare?»

Prefazione al libro di Deirdre Mask, «Le vie che orientano. Storia, identità e potere dietro ai nomi delle strade», Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2020, pp. 7-20, 2020

Prefazione al libro di Deirdre Mask «Le vie che orientano. Storia, identità e potere dietro ai no... more Prefazione al libro di Deirdre Mask «Le vie che orientano. Storia, identità e potere dietro ai nomi delle strade», Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2020, pp. 7-20.

I nomi delle strade sono la nostra eredità culturale, ciò che decidiamo di tenere o buttare via del passato. Orientano i cittadini a livello topografi co ma soprattutto identitario, agendo in modo diffuso e inconscio. Potenti dispositivi pubblici, gli odonimi riattualizzano il passato riconosciuto come fondante di una collettività. Al contempo rappresentano un efficace termometro sociale, in grado di riflettere gli umori e le proteste dei cittadini. Fino a che punto la denominazione di una strada rivela le narrazioni storiche che guidano il presente? Chi decide che cosa conta e quali nomi ricordare? E se le piazze intorno a noi commemorano carnefici e re tiranni? Perché ci sono così poche vie dedicate a donne? Può un indirizzo salvare la vita delle persone?
Deirdre Mask, avvocatessa giramondo, ci offre un’affascinante esplorazione nelle memorie urbane, dall’antichità a oggi. Da Roma a Londra, da New York a Calcutta, da Berlino a Soweto: un intreccio di storie nascoste, basate su documenti sorprendenti, interviste e incontri bizzarri, in uno stile narrativo appassionante. Questo saggio ironico e provocatorio, eppure drammaticamente serio, esorta a riflettere sulle strutture più contraddittorie dell’ambiente che ci circonda. Allo stesso tempo indica gli spazi del possibile che si dischiudono quando iniziamo a riappropriarci dei significati delle nostre città.

Research paper thumbnail of “Informal Communities and Cannabis Regulation in the Emerald Triangle”, book chapter Palgrave&MacMillan, 2019

“Informal Communities and Cannabis Regulation in the Emerald Triangle”, chapter for "The Illega... more “Informal Communities and Cannabis Regulation in the Emerald Triangle”, chapter for
"The Illegal, the Immoral and the Criminal: Transnational Perspectives on Informality", edited by Polese A., Russo A., Strazzari F.,
Palgrave&MacMillan, 2018 (in print)

Research paper thumbnail of "¡Patria o muerte, venceremos!" I monumenti di Cuba e l'immaginario della rivoluzione / book chapter, Raffaello Cortina, 2014

"¡Patria o muerte, venceremos!" I monumenti di Cuba e l'immaginario della rivoluzione in Gian Piero Piretto (edited by), Memorie di pietra, Raffaello Cortina Edizione, 2014, pp. 235-264, 2014

"¡Patria o muerte, venceremos!" Cuban Monuments and the Mindscape of the Revolution

Research paper thumbnail of Sedentary Migration in Germany’s New Capital / Viella, 2012

"Sedentary Migration in Germany’s New Capital" in Marco Buttino (ed), Changing Urban Landscape. Eastern European and Post-Soviet Cities since 1989, Viella, 2012, pp. 95-123., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Unterm Riesenrad. Der Kultur- und Vergnügungspark im Berliner Plänterwald / Panama, 2009

Unterm Riesenrad. Der Kultur- und Vergnügungspark im Berliner Plänterwald in Ulrike Häußer, Markus Merkel (ed.), Vergnügen in der DDR, Berlin, Panama Verlag, 2009, pp. 197-214, 2009

Under the giant wheel. The cultural and amusement park in Berlin Plänterwald

Research paper thumbnail of La repubblica contesa. Scontri e confronti di memorie  / Il Mulino, 2010

Martini M., Schaarschmidt T. (ed), Riflessioni sulla DDR. Prospettive internazionali e interdisciplinari vent'anni dopo, Il Mulino, 2010, pp. 309-321

Research paper thumbnail of “Memorie in conflitto: La DDR nei musei della nuova capitale”, in Chiarloni A. (ed.), Oltre il muro: Berlino vent’anni dopo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009, pp. 55-70.

“Memorie in conflitto: La DDR nei musei della nuova capitale”, in Anna Chiarloni (ed.), Oltre il muro: Berlino vent’anni dopo, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009, pp. 55-70., 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Topolatria e memoria: Itinerari fra gli spazi ‘sacri’ nella Berlino postsocialista, in Squarcini F. (ed.), Topografie della santità. Terre sante, simbolizzazioni religiose dei confini e geografia politica delle religioni, Florence, Sef, 2007, pp. 155-171.

Research paper thumbnail of Spazi dell'utopico. Simboli, pratiche, conquiste

Seminari del dottorato Università Sapienza Roma Curriculum antropologico «Apocalissi | Utopie»

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Movements, ISE Intensive 2017, San Francisco, California

"Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Movements", Institut... more "Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Movements", Institute for Social Ecology,
Intensive June 9-16 2017, San Francisco, California

The past year has brought disappointment and fear, but also powerful visions of the possible. Last November’s presidential election reinforced the worst of the status quo and brought new levels of racism and neo-fascism to the forefront. In 2017, the repressive excesses of the new presidential administration in the US have triggered an unprecedented and widespread popular uprising, including a resurgence of interest in the potential for rebel cities and towns to overturn regressive national policies. Now is the time to boldly assert our most transformative visions for a free and liberated society, amidst the failure of neoliberalism and the threats posed by resurgent white supremacy, nationalism and misogyny.
Next June in San Francisco, the Institute for Social Ecology will offer an Intensive Seminar which will bring together activists, students, academics and community leaders for a dynamic week of exploring the struggle for a free society in theory and praxis. This two-tiered seminar will offer a full 6-day experience and a weekend-only option. The weekend will provide a focused overview of social ecology, an interdisciplinary body of ideas that examines social and ecological problems from a transformative and holistic perspective, with particular focus on essential issues in movement building today. Then over the next four days we will delve deeper into our conversations about the wide scope of social ecology’s theoretical and practical ideas, and also get out into the community for several action-tours. This course series will take place from Saturday, June 10 to Thursday, June 15th in partnership with the Anthropology and Social Change Department of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA. The address of the location is: 1453 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103.
Format, Courses, and Schedule
Following the integrative perspective of social ecology, ISE intensives are more than the sum of their parts. Emphasizing movement from theory to praxis, we collaborate with participants to address the social and political issues that impact their activist work, academic studies, and everyday lives. The objective of this program is to offer a holistic political perspective that challenges participants to consider radical social-ecological critiques and cultivate new visions of a free society. ISE intensives consist of a combination of lectures, workshops, guest speakers and
field trips. A typical day at an intensive begins around 9 AM and lasts until about 7 or 8 PM. Guest speakers, community events, study groups, and informal hangout sessions take place in the evenings after class. We will proudly collaborate with guest speakers from organizations and communities across the Bay Area.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupare il non-luogo. Pratiche e simboli di conquista dell’utopico in comunità autonome e informali del Nord-America

Convegno di studi interculturali e interdisciplinari. "Scrivere la terra, abitare l'utopia tra ... more Convegno di studi interculturali e interdisciplinari.
"Scrivere la terra, abitare l'utopia tra comunità e migranza"
comitato scientifico e organizzativo:
Rosalba Maletta e Alice Giulia Dal Borgo

5-6 dicembre 2017 | h 10-18.30
Aula Crocera Alta di Studi Umanistici
Via Festa del Perdono – Milano

Research paper thumbnail of “Resisting the urban existing. Transgressive and creative living in Californian informal settlements and communities”,  RC21

RC21 Research Committee 21, “The transgressive city. Comparative perspectives on governance and ... more RC21 Research Committee 21, “The transgressive city. Comparative perspectives on governance and the possibilities of everyday life in the emerging global city”, Mexico-City, Mexico, July 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of “Counter-culture and self-management as imaginary and practical response to urban crisis”

“Counter-culture and self-management as imaginary and practical response to urban crisis”, in “Im... more “Counter-culture and self-management as imaginary and practical response to urban crisis”, in “Imageries of cities: the role of cultural policies and activism in self-representations of cities and citizens”, EURA “City Lights: Cities and Citizens within/beyond/notwithstanding the Crisis”, Turin, June 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of “From ‘Occupy the farm’ to the anti-TTIP movement. Practices and symbols of resistance within rural urbanism”

“Political Imagination Laboratory. Visualizing and Contextualizing Ethnographies of Social Moveme... more “Political Imagination Laboratory. Visualizing and Contextualizing Ethnographies of Social Movements”, organized by the Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) and the EASA, Perugia, October 14-16, 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of "Parallele Erzählungen und Erinnerungsvorgänge"  Université Sorbonne, Paris

“Parallele Erzählungen und Erinnerungsvorgänge. Auswahl- und Anordnungsmechanismen von Vergangenh... more “Parallele Erzählungen und Erinnerungsvorgänge. Auswahl- und Anordnungsmechanismen
von Vergangenheitsbildern”, convegno su “Narrative kultureller
Identität. Ostdeutsche Erinnerungsdiskurse nach 1989”, Université Sorbonne,
Paris, 13-15 ottobre 2011.

Research paper thumbnail of “Fra espropri e privatizzazioni, banditi e yuppie. I tedeschi orientali nell’economia post-riunificazione”, Museo diffuso della resistenza, Torino

“Fra espropri e privatizzazioni, banditi e yuppie. I tedeschi orientali nell’economia post-riunif... more “Fra espropri e privatizzazioni, banditi e yuppie. I tedeschi orientali
nell’economia post-riunificazione”, Museo diffuso della resistenza, della
deportazione, della guerra, dei diritti e della libertà insieme a Università di
Torino, Torino, 8.04.2011.

Research paper thumbnail of Keynote Speech “Die DDR hat es nie gegeben”, Humboldt-Universität, LpB, Berlin

Keynote Speech “Die DDR hat es nie gegeben. Bildungstag zu Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskultu... more Keynote Speech “Die DDR hat es nie gegeben. Bildungstag zu Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskultur”, Humboldt-
Universität Berlin e Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Berlin, 27.11.2009

Research paper thumbnail of "Origins, language and culture in German-American children’s and youth books”, JHML Philadelphia

“Heimat-Trasfer. Origins, language and culture in German-American children’s and youth books of t... more “Heimat-Trasfer. Origins, language and culture in German-American children’s and youth books of the 18th and 19th century”, German Society of Pennsylvania e German Historical Institute of Washington, Joseph Horner Memorial Library, Philadelphia, USA, 28.06.2010.

Research paper thumbnail of keynote-speech „Gedächtniskonflikt nach 1989/90: eine Außenperspektive“, Berliner Senat, Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft

Geschichte wird gemacht. Die Friedliche Revolution 1989/90 29.01.2009, Robert-Havemann-Gesellscha... more Geschichte wird gemacht. Die Friedliche Revolution 1989/90
29.01.2009, Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft, Berlin

Research paper thumbnail of Parallele Erzählungen und Erinnerungsvorgänge. Über die Auswahl- und Anordnungsmechanismen von Vergangenheitsbildern

“Narrative kultureller Identität. Ostdeutsche Erinnerungsdiskurse nach 1989” Université Sorbonne,... more “Narrative kultureller Identität. Ostdeutsche Erinnerungsdiskurse nach 1989” Université Sorbonne, Paris, October 13, 2011.

[Research paper thumbnail of “Forgiando l’Uomo Nuovo. Il turista? Rivoluzioni urbane all’Avana” [Forging the New Man. The tourist? Urban revolutions in Havana]](

Turismo e cambiamento urbano, Università di Torino, 17 giugno 2013

Research paper thumbnail of „Heimat-Transfer. Amerikabilder, Identität und Migration in preußischen und deutsch-amerikanischen Schulbüchern. Eine vergleichende Studie“

– Lecture at "Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", Werkstattgespräch – Schulbücher sind ein bevorzugter S... more – Lecture at "Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", Werkstattgespräch –
Schulbücher sind ein bevorzugter Schlüssel zum Verständnis des Bildes, das eine Gesellschaft von sich selbst und von ihrer eigenen Geschichte vermitteln will. Insbesondere in der Vergangenheit war die Erziehungsliteratur das wesentliche Medium der Wertevermittlung, sowie der Identitätsfestigung.
Im Rahmen des interdisziplinären in Deutschland und Pennsylvania durchgeführten Forschungsprojekts „Heimat-Transfer“, wird die Darstellung des neuen Kontinents, der Amerikaner und der deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen in den zwischen 1815 und 1930 in Preußen verfassten Schulbüchern vergleichend untersucht, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die deutsche Einwanderung in die Vereinigten Staaten. Zudem werden die Amerika- und Deutschlandbilder, die in zeitgleichen deutsch-amerikanischen Schulbüchern Pennsylvanias vorhanden sind, berücksichtigt.
Erkennen will die Forschung einerseits die Werte, die den Konzepten „deutsch“/„Deutschland”, „amerikanisch“/„Amerika“ und „deutsch-amerikanisch“ unterliegen, indem zugleich die wechselseitigen Verhältnisse erkundet und chronologisch geordnet werden. Andererseits setzt sich die Untersuchung das Ziel, die verschiedenen Beschreibungs- und Vermittlungsarten der erhobenen Werte auszuloten, um zu verstehen, wie sich der Diskurs „Deutscher bzw. Deutschamerikaner zu sein“ in der Schulliteratur widerspiegelt und ändert. Beleuchtet werden auf dieser Weise die Dynamiken der Identitätskonstruktion sowie die generationenübergreifende Übertragung soziokultureller Werte in Deutschland und in den deutsch-amerikanischen Gemeinden im Verhältnis zu derer historischen Entwicklung. Einblicke können auch in die Anpassungsmechanismen und die Interaktionsräume zwischen deutscher und amerikanischer Kultur gewonnen werden.
Anhand von ausgewählten Beispielen aus den Sammlungen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin und der Horner Memorial Library of Philadelphia werden Selbst- und Fremdbilder in preußischen und deutsch-amerikanischen Geschichte- und Erdkunde-Schulbüchern, Reimsammlungen und Lehrbüchern aufgezeigt und gegenübergestellt.

[Research paper thumbnail of Hambi (Fo)resta! Villaggi sospesi, pipistrelli e carboni ardenti [Hambi stays! Floating towns, bats and burning coals]](

[Research paper thumbnail of Il 68 irreale in un socialismo reale [Unreal 68 in real socialism]](

QCodeMag, 2018

Keep reading here:

[Research paper thumbnail of "Foreste occupate. Vivere e resistere sugli alberi" [Occupied forests. Living and resisting in trees] QCodeMag](

[Research paper thumbnail of L'EZLN e l'arte dell'immaginazione [The Zapatistas and the art of imagination]](

Article on the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and the CompArte Festival in Chiapas (follow... more Article on the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and the CompArte Festival in Chiapas (follow the link)

Research paper thumbnail of "Quella sovranità senza re. Food First! e la giustizia alimentare". Doppiozero

Food Sovereignty – TTIP – Free Trade Agreement – Food First –People's Expo – Sustainability – Agr... more Food Sovereignty – TTIP – Free Trade Agreement – Food First –People's Expo – Sustainability – Agroecology – Food Justice

Research paper thumbnail of "Le polveri tossiche del sogno californiano. Il Salton Sea e le guerre d'acqua". Corriere della Sera

Corriere della Sera , 2015

Research paper thumbnail of "Coltivare lo sguardo interiore. Conversazione con Martha Nussbaum". Doppiozero

Research paper thumbnail of "Dentro l'Ena. La <Escuelas Nacionales de Arte> di Cuba". Corriere della Sera

[Research paper thumbnail of L’utopico e le sue conquiste. Idee, pratiche e simboli [The Utopian and its Conquests. Ideas, Practices, and Symbols]](

Altre Modernità / Other Modernities, 2019

This article investigates the conquests of the utopian and the current spaces of possibility. Thi... more This article investigates the conquests of the utopian and the current spaces of possibility. This multiprospective exploration is composed of three movements: ideas, practices, and symbols. The first part considers the concepts of utopianism, from its origins and developments in literature, to the principles recurring in ideal worlds. The second part concerns the practices of the utopian, from historical incarnations to current examples of effective realizations – including some “minimalist” daily practices – based on ethnographic experiences in intentional communities, autonomos regions and informal settlements. The third part examines the symbols of the conquest of the utopian. The occupations of forests in different geographical areas (including the Hambacher Forst) introduce scenarios opened by the recent mobilizations against the climate crisis. The interrelationship between ideas, practices, and symbols are the subject of theoretical reflections, which come from classical literature to the latest contributions on communitarianism and grassroot movements.

"Scrivere la terra, abitare l’utopia tra comunità e migranza" by Rosalba Maletta e Alice Dal Borgo

Research paper thumbnail of "Il Palast der Republik e altre contese sul passato”, Italia Contemporanea

“Il dibattito della memoria nella Berlino postsocialista. Il Palast der Republik e altre contese ... more “Il dibattito della memoria nella Berlino postsocialista. Il Palast der Republik e altre contese sul passato” in Italia Contemporanea, Milano, Carocci, n. 245, 2006, pp. 617-632.

Research paper thumbnail of "Rote Armee Fraktion" and "Brigate Rosse". Preliminary note on the representation of anti systemic terrorism in German and Italian school history textbooks / GEI Braunschweig, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of “Il 9 novembre tedesco fra squarci e suture”, Multiverso

“Il 9 novembre tedesco fra squarci e suture”, in "Multiverso", Forum Editrice, 8-9/2009, pp. 101-... more “Il 9 novembre tedesco fra squarci e suture”, in "Multiverso", Forum Editrice, 8-9/2009, pp. 101-103.

Research paper thumbnail of “Il diktat del ricordo. La Ddr a scuola fra storiografia ufficiale ed esperienza diretta”, Rassegna Pedagogica

“Il diktat del ricordo. La ddr a scuola fra storiografia ufficiale ed esperienza diretta”, in Ras... more “Il diktat del ricordo. La ddr a scuola fra storiografia ufficiale ed esperienza diretta”, in Rassegna. Rivista dell’Istituto Pedagogico, IPB Bolzano, 2010, n. 41, pp. 60-70.

Research paper thumbnail of “Storia comparata, antropologia e impegno civile. Una riflessione su Carlo Tullio Altan” , Italia Contemporanea

“Storia comparata, antropologia e impegno civile. Una riflessione su Carlo Tullio Altan” in Itali... more “Storia comparata, antropologia e impegno civile. Una riflessione su Carlo Tullio Altan” in Italia Contemporanea, Milano, Carocci, n. 243, 2006, pp. 328-332.

Research paper thumbnail of “Ex Germania dell’Est: i Musei della memoria post 1989” in Antropologia Museale

“Ex Germania dell’Est: i Musei della memoria post 1989” in Antropologia Museale, IV (2005-06), n.... more “Ex Germania dell’Est: i Musei della memoria post 1989” in Antropologia
Museale, IV (2005-06), n. 12, pp. 8-14.

Research paper thumbnail of “La società scartata. Abbandoni e recuperi", Multiverso

“La società scartata. Abbandoni e recuperi nella ex-DDR” in Multiverso, Forum Editrice, 1/2005, p... more “La società scartata. Abbandoni e recuperi nella ex-DDR” in Multiverso, Forum Editrice, 1/2005, pp. 33-34.

Research paper thumbnail of Translation of Timothy Morton "The Ecological Thought"

"Come un'ombra dal futuro. Per un nuovo pensiero ecologico", Aboca, 2019

Aboca Edizioni, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Translation of Alain Badiou "Trump. About democratic fascism"

Translation of Alain Badiou "Trump. O del fascismo democratico", Meltemi, 2018 [Trump. About democratic fascism], 2018

Translation of Alain Badiou, "Trump o del fascismo democratico", Meltemi, 2018 Come spiegare... more Translation of
Alain Badiou, "Trump o del fascismo democratico", Meltemi, 2018

Come spiegare il trionfo elettorale di Donald Trump? Quali forme di soggettività sono necessarie per costruire una resistenza? Quali azioni politiche possono contrastare la crisi delle democrazie occidentali di cui Trump è divenuto simbolo?
Questo pamphlet, tagliente e più attuale che mai, raccoglie le impietose considerazioni politiche sul mondo che ha reso possibile la vittoria di un “fascista democratico”. Badiou esamina a caldo, pur con straordinaria lucidità critica, i motivi di questo successo, ma si spinge oltre e presenta alternative percorribili, inedite forme di resistenza politica. La crisi della democrazia occidentale comporta molti pericoli, ma offre anche la possibilità di un nuovo orientamento, la nascita di un coinvolgimento politico e civile che vada oltre ciò che conosciamo.
Dopo il trauma della vittoria di Trump, un risveglio politico in Occidente è forse ancora possibile.

Alain BADIOU, scrittore, filosofo, professore emerito all’École normale supérieure di Parigi, è fra i massimi intellettuali viventi. Fra le sue opere principali: L’essere e l’evento (1988) e Logiques des mondes (2006). Le pubblicazioni italiane più recenti includono: Alla ricerca del reale perduto (2016); Metafisica della felicità reale (2015); Elogio dell’amore (2013); L’avventura della filosofia francese (2013).

Publisher's website:

Research paper thumbnail of Informal Communities and Cannabis Regulation in the Emerald Triangle

Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology

Research paper thumbnail of Pier Giorgio Solinas, La Famiglia

Etnografia E Ricerca Qualitativa, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of A. Assmann, Geschichte im Gedächtnis. Von der individuellen Erfahrung zur öffentlichen Inszenierung

Research paper thumbnail of A. Assmann, Geschichte im Gedächtnis. Von der individuellen Erfahrung zur öffentlichen Inszenierung