Mariana Pueta | CONICET - INIBIOMA (original) (raw)
Papers by Mariana Pueta
Host selection by mosquitoes is a keystone to understanding viral circulation and predicting futu... more Host selection by mosquitoes is a keystone to understanding viral circulation and predicting future infection outbreaks.Culexmosquitoes frequently feed on birds during spring and early summer, shifting into mammals towards late summer and autumn. This host switch may be due to changes in mosquito fitness. The aim of this study was to assess if the interaction effect of blood meal source and seasonality may influence reproductive traits ofCulex quinquefasciatusmosquitoes. For this purpose,Cx. quinquefasciatusmosquitoes were reared in simulated summer and autumn conditions and fed on two different hosts, chickens and mice, in a factorial design. Fecundity, fertility, and hatchability during two consecutive gonotrophic cycles were estimated. We found greater fecundity and fertility for mosquitoes fed upon birds than mammals. Fecundity and fertility increased in autumn for chicken-fed mosquitoes, whereas they decreased for mouse-fed mosquitoes. These traits decreased in the second gonot...
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Herbivores in wetlands are key organisms that shape the structure and composition of wetland plan... more Herbivores in wetlands are key organisms that shape the structure and composition of wetland plant communities (algae and vascular plants). The detritus produced by herbivory contributes to nutrient cycling and provides important resources for other organisms in the ecosystem. Due to their importance, we decided to survey a set of 12 seasonal wetlands located in Andean Patagonian forests. We registered the biotic and abiotic variables of each wetland and the diversity and abundance of herbivores. We found two groups of wetlands: short hydroperiod and long hydroperiod. Despite this, the structure of the communities was not related to the hydroperiod length, abundance, or species composition. In particular, the abundance of herbivores was explained by chlorophyll, pH and dissolved oxygen, among others. Their diversity and abundance were (in decreasing order): rotifers, copepods, cladocerans, caddisflies, and amphibians. Probably, the species found in these wetlands are well adapted to different hydroperiod regimens and, even in short hydroperiods, can complete their life cycle. The results found here do not match with the model of hydroperiod gradient; however, other variables not measured here, such as diversity and abundance of aquatic plants or predation by invertebrates, could impact the composition and abundance of herbivores in these wetlands.
Journal of Zoology
Temporary wetlands constitute a reservoir of fauna, many of which are endemic species well adapte... more Temporary wetlands constitute a reservoir of fauna, many of which are endemic species well adapted to the typical dry–flooded cycle. The degradation of organic matter (both autochthonous and allochthonous) is an important process in temporary wetlands. Wetland animals like caddisfly and anuran larvae participate directly and indirectly in litter breakdown. Both groups also experience predation by invertebrates and vertebrates, which could alter the dynamics of litter breakdown. We used mesocosms to experimentally study the roles of caddisfly and tadpoles in leaf litter breakdown in the presence of a caged predator. We investigated how the presence of different types of forager (larvae of the caddisfly Verger vespersus and Batrachyla taeniata tadpoles) impacts leaf litter breakdown and also whether the presence of a caged belostomatid predator affected this process. Additionally, we investigated the behavioral response of B. taeniata tadpoles and V. vespersus larvae to predation risk cues from belostomatids previously fed on tadpoles or caddisflies. Our results indicated that only caddisfly larvae have a significant impact on litter breakdown. Predation risk did not influence the process, caddisfly larvae exposed to a caged predator reached the pupal stage more quickly than larvae that were not thus exposed, and tadpoles significantly reduced their activity in response to predation risk cues. None of the life history parameters of B. taeniata were affected by the predator, but tadpoles accelerated their development in warmer water. Our study is the first in South America to analyze the interactions between a common assemblage of tadpoles and caddisfly larvae and their impact on leaf litter breakdown when they experience predation risk. The model used here contributes to our understanding of ecosystem processes such as leaf litter breakdown and the impact of different biotic and abiotic variables when foragers co-occur in the food webs of temporary aquatic systems.
Small wetlands have a high conservation value due to their importance as biodiversity hot spots. ... more Small wetlands have a high conservation value due to their importance as biodiversity hot spots. Despite this, they are nowadays at risk due to global change variables. We surveyed a set of seasonal wetlands located in Andean Patagonian forests which are the less studied aquatic systems. The wetlands selected presented different degrees of human impact, and some of them were geographically close and others were faraway and insulated. We registered environmental variables and the diversity and abundance of common pond animals in each wetland. Wetlands were described performing a principal component analysis considering the environmental variables. The main explanatory variables were dissolved organic carbon, water color, total nitrogen, and depth of the wetlands. The diversity of the aquatic organisms was studied using the Shannon index, and the relationship between environmental variables and aquatic organism was analyzed using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The rotifers s...
El estado de alimentación de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podría interferir ... more El estado de alimentación de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podría interferir en la adquisición de información relacionada al riesgo de depredación. En renacuajos, la disminución de la actividad locomotora es una respuesta antidepredador muy frecuente. Mediante una serie de ensayos de laboratorio estudiamos si un aprendizaje asociativo de reconocimiento de riesgo de depredación es modulado por el estado de alimentación de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul durante la fase de adquisición de dicho aprendizaje. Un grupo de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul fue alimentado ad-libitum y otro grupo fue privado de comida 36 h previo a la fase de adquisición del aprendizaje. En la fase de adquisición la mitad de los renacuajos de cada tratamiento de alimentación recibió señal química de anfípodos dañados junto con señal química de conespecíficos dañados (grupo Apareado); la otra mitad recibió ambas señales pero con 4 h de diferencia entre la adición de cada una (grupo Control). A...
Memorias de las Jornadas Nacionales y Congreso Internacional en Enseñanza de la Biología, Sep 25, 2020
In the presence of predators, anuran tadpoles often exhibit behavioral plasticity, which in turn ... more In the presence of predators, anuran tadpoles often exhibit behavioral plasticity, which in turn reduces predation risk. We evaluated indirect effects of odonate larva predation on activity of Bufo arenarum tadpoles. We reared intact and tail-damaged larvae in three different predator treatments: (1) caged predators fed tadpoles; (2) caged predators that were starved; and (3) no predators. Both intact and damaged tadpoles were significantly less active when exposed to predator cues. There were no differences in activity between tadpoles with damaged and intact tails, however significant differences were observed between fed and starved predator treatments. Our results are consistent with other studies that have shown bufonid tadpoles reduce activity when exposed to predator cues and address a novel contribution of southern-hemisphere bufonid, expanding the knowledge of that family in ecological experiments.
Аннотация: До недавнего времени о жизни Анны Павловны Четвериковой, погибшей в 1940 г. в Арлюкско... more Аннотация: До недавнего времени о жизни Анны Павловны Четвериковой, погибшей в 1940 г. в Арлюкском отделении Сиблага и прославленной Русской Православной Церковью в Соборе новомучеников и исповедников Церкви Русской, было крайне мало сведений. В основном все они касались тех данных, которые изложены в архивно-следственном деле 1937 г., хранящемся в Государственном архиве Российской Федерации (Ф. 10035. Оп. 1. Д. П-17284) и сведений о дате кончины А. П. Четвериковой. В настоящей статье впервые вводятся в научный оборот как материалы данного следственного дела, так и некоторые другие архивные документы, касающиеся жизни Анны Павловны, представляющие ее жизнеописание более полно, свидетельствующие о ней как о многолетней прихожанке Высоко-Петровского монастыря г. Москвы, а также имеющие отношение к некоторым видным деятелям Русской Православной Церкви первой половины ХХ в., таким как архиепископ Варфоломей (Ремов) и епископ Панкратий (Гладков). Открытым остается вопрос о монашестве Анны Четвериковой. Результаты исследования, безусловно, имеют значение как для Московской, так и для Кемеровской епархий Русской Православной Церкви, поскольку позволяют внести еще одно имя в Соборы новомучеников Высоко-Петровского монастыря г. Москвы и новомучеников и исповедников земли Кузнецкой.
Cuadernos de Herpetología, 2005
A B S T R A C T. o Very little is known about diel variation in body temperature among nocturnal ... more A B S T R A C T. o Very little is known about diel variation in body temperature among nocturnal lizards. Some nocturnal lizards thermoregulate during the day, and body size plus behavior may be related to the amount of thermal inertia. Lizards of the species Homonota borelli and H. darwini were either exposed to three different situations a) a heated retreat site (never below than 34oC), b) a retreat with a temperature lower than 28-30oC, and c) where lizards were allowed to choose between a warm or a cool retreat. Body temperatures and diel pattern were similar for both species. Body temperatures were higher during the day. When lizards choose for retreats, differences were observed, H. darwini preferred cool retreats, whereas H. borelli used the warmer ones. Body size, coloration and geographic distribution may be related to the different patterns observed.
Herpetological Journal, 2016
Movement makes prey more vulnerable to predators. Antipredator responses usually have associated ... more Movement makes prey more vulnerable to predators. Antipredator responses usually have associated costs such as reduced feeding activity, and decisions made under predation risk may be affected by the feeding state of the prey. In this study, we evaluated whether food regime influences antipredator behavioural responses of Pleurodema thaul tadpoles (diet treatment) before adding food or water (incentive treatment) while the tadpoles were exposed to alarm cues. Under predation risk, normally fed tadpoles showed decreased overall activity, whereas poorly fed tadpoles spent more time feeding after food was provided. Tadpoles in all treatments decreased their swimming activity but not their feeding activity. Our study showed that swimming behaviour was more sensitive to predation risk than feeding behaviour. We suggest that the motivational state of tadpoles under different environmental conditions should be considered when behavioural patterns are analysed to understand short-term trade...
Fil: Vigliano, Pablo Horacio. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bar... more Fil: Vigliano, Pablo Horacio. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche; Argentina.
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2016
Behavioral and physiological adaptive responses of animals facing chronic exposure to a single st... more Behavioral and physiological adaptive responses of animals facing chronic exposure to a single stressor may allow them to overcome its negative effects for future exposures to similar stressful situations. At chemical level, the GABAA /benzodiazepine complex is considered one of the main receptor systems involved in the modulation of stress-induced responses. Here, we describe the behavioral responses of two different lizard species, Liolaemus koslowskyi and Cnemidophorus tergolaevigatus exposed to three potential chronic stressful treatments: (a) high temperature, (b) forced swimming, and (c) simulated predator. Additionally, we aimed to determine in those lizards whether the central-type benzodiazepine receptor (CBR; an allosteric modulator site of the GABAA receptor) is related to adaptive responses to those stressful stimulations. Our results revealed that the simulated predator was the stress condition that showed the largest difference in behavioral responses between the two species, resembling previously described strategies in nature. The basal affinity of CBRs (obtained from undisturbed animals) showed differences between both species, and the simulated predator was the only stressor that altered the affinity of CBRs. L. koslowskyi CBRs showed a decreased receptor affinity, whereas C. tergolaevigatus showed an increased receptor affinity in comparison to their respective control groups. We show for the first time the effects of different types of stressors upon behavioral responses and CBR biochemical parameters in two lizard species. Our findings suggest a potential GABA/benzodiazepine role in the ability of lizards to cope with a repeated exposure to a stressful (e.g., predator) condition.
Animal cognition, Jan 11, 2016
Recognition of predation risk from cues released from injured heterospecific could be beneficial ... more Recognition of predation risk from cues released from injured heterospecific could be beneficial when prey belongs to the same prey guild. Here, we performed three experiments. Experiment 1 showed that P. thaul tadpoles reduced their activity levels when exposed to conspecific injury cues, but not when exposed to amphipod injury cues. Experiment 2 tested whether P. thaul tadpoles can learn to recognize predation risk from chemical cues released from injured heterospecifics from the same prey guild (amphipod, Hyalella patagonica). A group of tadpoles were conditioned by exposing them to a specific concentration of amphipod injury cues paired with conspecific injury cues. Two days later, we evaluated changes in the activity of tadpoles when they were exposed to amphipod cues. As a control of learning, we used an unpaired group. Additionally, we used more control groups to fully investigate the learning mechanism. Our results showed that tadpoles can learn to recognize predation risk f...
Current Zoology, 2016
Most studies of predator-induced plasticity have focused on documenting how prey species respond ... more Most studies of predator-induced plasticity have focused on documenting how prey species respond to predators by modifying phenotypic traits and how traits correlate with fitness. We have previously shown that Pleurodema thaul tadpoles exposed to the dragonfly Rhionaeschna variegata responded strongly by showing morphological changes, less activity, and better survival than non-exposed tadpoles. Here, we tested whether there is a functional link between morphological plasticity and increased survival in the presence of predators. Tadpoles that experienced predation risk were smaller, less developed, and much less active than tadpoles without this experience. Burst speed did not correlate significantly with morphological changes and predator-induced deeper tails did not act as a lure to divert predator strikes away from the head. Although we have previously found that tadpoles with predator-induced morphology survive better under a direct predator threat, our results on the functional link between morphology and fitness are not conclusive. Our results suggest that in P. thaul tadpoles (1) burst speed is not important to evade predators, (2) those exposed to predators reduce their activity, and (3) morphological changes do not divert predator attacks away from areas that compromise tadpole survivalEE. Our results show that morphological changes in P. thaul tadpoles do not explain burst speed or lure attraction, although there was a clear reduction of activity, which itself reduces predation. We propose that changes in tadpole activity could be further analyzed from another perspective, with morphological change as an indirect product of behavior mediated by physiological mechanisms.
Animal Cognition, 2021
The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting t... more The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting their behavior based on specific information acquired from their current environment. Habituation is a process that allows animals to adapt to environmental changes. Very little is known about habituation in wild animals in general and there are no studies on habituation in anuran tadpoles in particular. Here, we performed three experiments to investigate the behavioral response of predator naïve Pleurodema thaul tadpoles to repeated stimulation with two predation risk cues (injured conspecific and predator fed cues) which a priori provide different information regarding risk. Experiment 1 showed that P. thaul tadpoles habituate the antipredator response when undergo predation risk chemical cues from injured conspecific and that response is long term. Experiment 2 showed that P. thaul tadpoles did not habituate their antipredator response when exposed to cues derived from an event of nymph odonate preying on P. thaul tadpoles (predator fed cues). Experiment 3 specifically evaluated the risk imposed by each of the risk cues used in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 and showed that the degree of perceived risk in tadpoles appear to be similar in a single experience with any risk stimuli. We suggest that the behavioral habituation of tadpoles in the context of predation could be modulated by the level of uncertainty associated with risk stimuli.
El estado de alimentacion de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podria interferir ... more El estado de alimentacion de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podria interferir en la adquisicion de informacion relacionada al riesgo de depredacion. En renacuajos, la disminucion de la actividad locomotora es una respuesta antidepredador muy frecuente. Mediante una serie de ensayos de laboratorio estudiamos si un aprendizaje asociativo de reconocimiento de riesgo de depredacion es modulado por el estado de alimentacion de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul durante la fase de adquisicion de dicho aprendizaje. Un grupo de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul fue alimentado ad-libitum y otro grupo fue privado de comida 36 h previo a la fase de adquisicion del aprendizaje. En la fase de adquisicion la mitad de los renacuajos de cada tratamiento de alimentacion recibio senal quimica de anfipodos danados junto con senal quimica de conespecificos danados (grupo Apareado); la otra mitad recibio ambas senales pero con 4 h de diferencia entre la adicion de cada una (grupo Control). A...
Fil: Pueta, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientific... more Fil: Pueta, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigacion En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina
Animal Cognition, 2021
The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting t... more The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting their behavior based on specific
information acquired from their current environment. Habituation is a process that allows animals to adapt to environmental
changes. Very little is known about habituation in wild animals in general and there are no studies on habituation in anuran
tadpoles in particular. Here, we performed three experiments to investigate the behavioral response of predator naïve Pleurodema
thaul tadpoles to repeated stimulation with two predation risk cues (injured conspecific and predator fed cues) which
a priori provide different information regarding risk. Experiment 1 showed that P. thaul tadpoles habituate the antipredator
response when undergo predation risk chemical cues from injured conspecific and that response is long term. Experiment
2 showed that P. thaul tadpoles did not habituate their antipredator response when exposed to cues derived from an event
of nymph odonate preying on P. thaul tadpoles (predator fed cues). Experiment 3 specifically evaluated the risk imposed
by each of the risk cues used in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 and showed that the degree of perceived risk in tadpoles
appear to be similar in a single experience with any risk stimuli. We suggest that the behavioral habituation of tadpoles in
the context of predation could be modulated by the level of uncertainty associated with risk stimuli.
Gene, Jan 23, 2016
Patagonia's biodiversity has been explored from many points of view, however, skin secretions... more Patagonia's biodiversity has been explored from many points of view, however, skin secretions of native amphibians have not been evaluated for antimicrobial peptide research until now. In this sense, Pleurodema thaul is the first amphibian specie to be studied from this large region of South America. Analysis of cDNA-encoding peptide in skin samples allowed identification of four new antimicrobial peptides. The predicted mature peptides were synthesized and all of them showed weak or null antimicrobial activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli with the exception of thaulin-1, a cationic 26-residue linear, amphipathic, Gly- and Leu-rich peptide with moderate antimicrobial activity against E. coli (MIC of 24.7μM). AFM and SPR studies suggested a preferential interaction between these peptides and bacterial membranes. Cytotoxicity assays showed that thaulin peptides had minimal effects at MIC concentrations towards human and animal cells. Th...
International Journal of Comparative Psychology Iscp Sponsored By the International Society For Comparative Psychology and the University of Calabria, 2005
Host selection by mosquitoes is a keystone to understanding viral circulation and predicting futu... more Host selection by mosquitoes is a keystone to understanding viral circulation and predicting future infection outbreaks.Culexmosquitoes frequently feed on birds during spring and early summer, shifting into mammals towards late summer and autumn. This host switch may be due to changes in mosquito fitness. The aim of this study was to assess if the interaction effect of blood meal source and seasonality may influence reproductive traits ofCulex quinquefasciatusmosquitoes. For this purpose,Cx. quinquefasciatusmosquitoes were reared in simulated summer and autumn conditions and fed on two different hosts, chickens and mice, in a factorial design. Fecundity, fertility, and hatchability during two consecutive gonotrophic cycles were estimated. We found greater fecundity and fertility for mosquitoes fed upon birds than mammals. Fecundity and fertility increased in autumn for chicken-fed mosquitoes, whereas they decreased for mouse-fed mosquitoes. These traits decreased in the second gonot...
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Herbivores in wetlands are key organisms that shape the structure and composition of wetland plan... more Herbivores in wetlands are key organisms that shape the structure and composition of wetland plant communities (algae and vascular plants). The detritus produced by herbivory contributes to nutrient cycling and provides important resources for other organisms in the ecosystem. Due to their importance, we decided to survey a set of 12 seasonal wetlands located in Andean Patagonian forests. We registered the biotic and abiotic variables of each wetland and the diversity and abundance of herbivores. We found two groups of wetlands: short hydroperiod and long hydroperiod. Despite this, the structure of the communities was not related to the hydroperiod length, abundance, or species composition. In particular, the abundance of herbivores was explained by chlorophyll, pH and dissolved oxygen, among others. Their diversity and abundance were (in decreasing order): rotifers, copepods, cladocerans, caddisflies, and amphibians. Probably, the species found in these wetlands are well adapted to different hydroperiod regimens and, even in short hydroperiods, can complete their life cycle. The results found here do not match with the model of hydroperiod gradient; however, other variables not measured here, such as diversity and abundance of aquatic plants or predation by invertebrates, could impact the composition and abundance of herbivores in these wetlands.
Journal of Zoology
Temporary wetlands constitute a reservoir of fauna, many of which are endemic species well adapte... more Temporary wetlands constitute a reservoir of fauna, many of which are endemic species well adapted to the typical dry–flooded cycle. The degradation of organic matter (both autochthonous and allochthonous) is an important process in temporary wetlands. Wetland animals like caddisfly and anuran larvae participate directly and indirectly in litter breakdown. Both groups also experience predation by invertebrates and vertebrates, which could alter the dynamics of litter breakdown. We used mesocosms to experimentally study the roles of caddisfly and tadpoles in leaf litter breakdown in the presence of a caged predator. We investigated how the presence of different types of forager (larvae of the caddisfly Verger vespersus and Batrachyla taeniata tadpoles) impacts leaf litter breakdown and also whether the presence of a caged belostomatid predator affected this process. Additionally, we investigated the behavioral response of B. taeniata tadpoles and V. vespersus larvae to predation risk cues from belostomatids previously fed on tadpoles or caddisflies. Our results indicated that only caddisfly larvae have a significant impact on litter breakdown. Predation risk did not influence the process, caddisfly larvae exposed to a caged predator reached the pupal stage more quickly than larvae that were not thus exposed, and tadpoles significantly reduced their activity in response to predation risk cues. None of the life history parameters of B. taeniata were affected by the predator, but tadpoles accelerated their development in warmer water. Our study is the first in South America to analyze the interactions between a common assemblage of tadpoles and caddisfly larvae and their impact on leaf litter breakdown when they experience predation risk. The model used here contributes to our understanding of ecosystem processes such as leaf litter breakdown and the impact of different biotic and abiotic variables when foragers co-occur in the food webs of temporary aquatic systems.
Small wetlands have a high conservation value due to their importance as biodiversity hot spots. ... more Small wetlands have a high conservation value due to their importance as biodiversity hot spots. Despite this, they are nowadays at risk due to global change variables. We surveyed a set of seasonal wetlands located in Andean Patagonian forests which are the less studied aquatic systems. The wetlands selected presented different degrees of human impact, and some of them were geographically close and others were faraway and insulated. We registered environmental variables and the diversity and abundance of common pond animals in each wetland. Wetlands were described performing a principal component analysis considering the environmental variables. The main explanatory variables were dissolved organic carbon, water color, total nitrogen, and depth of the wetlands. The diversity of the aquatic organisms was studied using the Shannon index, and the relationship between environmental variables and aquatic organism was analyzed using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The rotifers s...
El estado de alimentación de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podría interferir ... more El estado de alimentación de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podría interferir en la adquisición de información relacionada al riesgo de depredación. En renacuajos, la disminución de la actividad locomotora es una respuesta antidepredador muy frecuente. Mediante una serie de ensayos de laboratorio estudiamos si un aprendizaje asociativo de reconocimiento de riesgo de depredación es modulado por el estado de alimentación de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul durante la fase de adquisición de dicho aprendizaje. Un grupo de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul fue alimentado ad-libitum y otro grupo fue privado de comida 36 h previo a la fase de adquisición del aprendizaje. En la fase de adquisición la mitad de los renacuajos de cada tratamiento de alimentación recibió señal química de anfípodos dañados junto con señal química de conespecíficos dañados (grupo Apareado); la otra mitad recibió ambas señales pero con 4 h de diferencia entre la adición de cada una (grupo Control). A...
Memorias de las Jornadas Nacionales y Congreso Internacional en Enseñanza de la Biología, Sep 25, 2020
In the presence of predators, anuran tadpoles often exhibit behavioral plasticity, which in turn ... more In the presence of predators, anuran tadpoles often exhibit behavioral plasticity, which in turn reduces predation risk. We evaluated indirect effects of odonate larva predation on activity of Bufo arenarum tadpoles. We reared intact and tail-damaged larvae in three different predator treatments: (1) caged predators fed tadpoles; (2) caged predators that were starved; and (3) no predators. Both intact and damaged tadpoles were significantly less active when exposed to predator cues. There were no differences in activity between tadpoles with damaged and intact tails, however significant differences were observed between fed and starved predator treatments. Our results are consistent with other studies that have shown bufonid tadpoles reduce activity when exposed to predator cues and address a novel contribution of southern-hemisphere bufonid, expanding the knowledge of that family in ecological experiments.
Аннотация: До недавнего времени о жизни Анны Павловны Четвериковой, погибшей в 1940 г. в Арлюкско... more Аннотация: До недавнего времени о жизни Анны Павловны Четвериковой, погибшей в 1940 г. в Арлюкском отделении Сиблага и прославленной Русской Православной Церковью в Соборе новомучеников и исповедников Церкви Русской, было крайне мало сведений. В основном все они касались тех данных, которые изложены в архивно-следственном деле 1937 г., хранящемся в Государственном архиве Российской Федерации (Ф. 10035. Оп. 1. Д. П-17284) и сведений о дате кончины А. П. Четвериковой. В настоящей статье впервые вводятся в научный оборот как материалы данного следственного дела, так и некоторые другие архивные документы, касающиеся жизни Анны Павловны, представляющие ее жизнеописание более полно, свидетельствующие о ней как о многолетней прихожанке Высоко-Петровского монастыря г. Москвы, а также имеющие отношение к некоторым видным деятелям Русской Православной Церкви первой половины ХХ в., таким как архиепископ Варфоломей (Ремов) и епископ Панкратий (Гладков). Открытым остается вопрос о монашестве Анны Четвериковой. Результаты исследования, безусловно, имеют значение как для Московской, так и для Кемеровской епархий Русской Православной Церкви, поскольку позволяют внести еще одно имя в Соборы новомучеников Высоко-Петровского монастыря г. Москвы и новомучеников и исповедников земли Кузнецкой.
Cuadernos de Herpetología, 2005
A B S T R A C T. o Very little is known about diel variation in body temperature among nocturnal ... more A B S T R A C T. o Very little is known about diel variation in body temperature among nocturnal lizards. Some nocturnal lizards thermoregulate during the day, and body size plus behavior may be related to the amount of thermal inertia. Lizards of the species Homonota borelli and H. darwini were either exposed to three different situations a) a heated retreat site (never below than 34oC), b) a retreat with a temperature lower than 28-30oC, and c) where lizards were allowed to choose between a warm or a cool retreat. Body temperatures and diel pattern were similar for both species. Body temperatures were higher during the day. When lizards choose for retreats, differences were observed, H. darwini preferred cool retreats, whereas H. borelli used the warmer ones. Body size, coloration and geographic distribution may be related to the different patterns observed.
Herpetological Journal, 2016
Movement makes prey more vulnerable to predators. Antipredator responses usually have associated ... more Movement makes prey more vulnerable to predators. Antipredator responses usually have associated costs such as reduced feeding activity, and decisions made under predation risk may be affected by the feeding state of the prey. In this study, we evaluated whether food regime influences antipredator behavioural responses of Pleurodema thaul tadpoles (diet treatment) before adding food or water (incentive treatment) while the tadpoles were exposed to alarm cues. Under predation risk, normally fed tadpoles showed decreased overall activity, whereas poorly fed tadpoles spent more time feeding after food was provided. Tadpoles in all treatments decreased their swimming activity but not their feeding activity. Our study showed that swimming behaviour was more sensitive to predation risk than feeding behaviour. We suggest that the motivational state of tadpoles under different environmental conditions should be considered when behavioural patterns are analysed to understand short-term trade...
Fil: Vigliano, Pablo Horacio. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bar... more Fil: Vigliano, Pablo Horacio. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche; Argentina.
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2016
Behavioral and physiological adaptive responses of animals facing chronic exposure to a single st... more Behavioral and physiological adaptive responses of animals facing chronic exposure to a single stressor may allow them to overcome its negative effects for future exposures to similar stressful situations. At chemical level, the GABAA /benzodiazepine complex is considered one of the main receptor systems involved in the modulation of stress-induced responses. Here, we describe the behavioral responses of two different lizard species, Liolaemus koslowskyi and Cnemidophorus tergolaevigatus exposed to three potential chronic stressful treatments: (a) high temperature, (b) forced swimming, and (c) simulated predator. Additionally, we aimed to determine in those lizards whether the central-type benzodiazepine receptor (CBR; an allosteric modulator site of the GABAA receptor) is related to adaptive responses to those stressful stimulations. Our results revealed that the simulated predator was the stress condition that showed the largest difference in behavioral responses between the two species, resembling previously described strategies in nature. The basal affinity of CBRs (obtained from undisturbed animals) showed differences between both species, and the simulated predator was the only stressor that altered the affinity of CBRs. L. koslowskyi CBRs showed a decreased receptor affinity, whereas C. tergolaevigatus showed an increased receptor affinity in comparison to their respective control groups. We show for the first time the effects of different types of stressors upon behavioral responses and CBR biochemical parameters in two lizard species. Our findings suggest a potential GABA/benzodiazepine role in the ability of lizards to cope with a repeated exposure to a stressful (e.g., predator) condition.
Animal cognition, Jan 11, 2016
Recognition of predation risk from cues released from injured heterospecific could be beneficial ... more Recognition of predation risk from cues released from injured heterospecific could be beneficial when prey belongs to the same prey guild. Here, we performed three experiments. Experiment 1 showed that P. thaul tadpoles reduced their activity levels when exposed to conspecific injury cues, but not when exposed to amphipod injury cues. Experiment 2 tested whether P. thaul tadpoles can learn to recognize predation risk from chemical cues released from injured heterospecifics from the same prey guild (amphipod, Hyalella patagonica). A group of tadpoles were conditioned by exposing them to a specific concentration of amphipod injury cues paired with conspecific injury cues. Two days later, we evaluated changes in the activity of tadpoles when they were exposed to amphipod cues. As a control of learning, we used an unpaired group. Additionally, we used more control groups to fully investigate the learning mechanism. Our results showed that tadpoles can learn to recognize predation risk f...
Current Zoology, 2016
Most studies of predator-induced plasticity have focused on documenting how prey species respond ... more Most studies of predator-induced plasticity have focused on documenting how prey species respond to predators by modifying phenotypic traits and how traits correlate with fitness. We have previously shown that Pleurodema thaul tadpoles exposed to the dragonfly Rhionaeschna variegata responded strongly by showing morphological changes, less activity, and better survival than non-exposed tadpoles. Here, we tested whether there is a functional link between morphological plasticity and increased survival in the presence of predators. Tadpoles that experienced predation risk were smaller, less developed, and much less active than tadpoles without this experience. Burst speed did not correlate significantly with morphological changes and predator-induced deeper tails did not act as a lure to divert predator strikes away from the head. Although we have previously found that tadpoles with predator-induced morphology survive better under a direct predator threat, our results on the functional link between morphology and fitness are not conclusive. Our results suggest that in P. thaul tadpoles (1) burst speed is not important to evade predators, (2) those exposed to predators reduce their activity, and (3) morphological changes do not divert predator attacks away from areas that compromise tadpole survivalEE. Our results show that morphological changes in P. thaul tadpoles do not explain burst speed or lure attraction, although there was a clear reduction of activity, which itself reduces predation. We propose that changes in tadpole activity could be further analyzed from another perspective, with morphological change as an indirect product of behavior mediated by physiological mechanisms.
Animal Cognition, 2021
The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting t... more The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting their behavior based on specific information acquired from their current environment. Habituation is a process that allows animals to adapt to environmental changes. Very little is known about habituation in wild animals in general and there are no studies on habituation in anuran tadpoles in particular. Here, we performed three experiments to investigate the behavioral response of predator naïve Pleurodema thaul tadpoles to repeated stimulation with two predation risk cues (injured conspecific and predator fed cues) which a priori provide different information regarding risk. Experiment 1 showed that P. thaul tadpoles habituate the antipredator response when undergo predation risk chemical cues from injured conspecific and that response is long term. Experiment 2 showed that P. thaul tadpoles did not habituate their antipredator response when exposed to cues derived from an event of nymph odonate preying on P. thaul tadpoles (predator fed cues). Experiment 3 specifically evaluated the risk imposed by each of the risk cues used in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 and showed that the degree of perceived risk in tadpoles appear to be similar in a single experience with any risk stimuli. We suggest that the behavioral habituation of tadpoles in the context of predation could be modulated by the level of uncertainty associated with risk stimuli.
El estado de alimentacion de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podria interferir ... more El estado de alimentacion de los animales modula la respuesta antidepredador y podria interferir en la adquisicion de informacion relacionada al riesgo de depredacion. En renacuajos, la disminucion de la actividad locomotora es una respuesta antidepredador muy frecuente. Mediante una serie de ensayos de laboratorio estudiamos si un aprendizaje asociativo de reconocimiento de riesgo de depredacion es modulado por el estado de alimentacion de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul durante la fase de adquisicion de dicho aprendizaje. Un grupo de renacuajos de Pleurodema thaul fue alimentado ad-libitum y otro grupo fue privado de comida 36 h previo a la fase de adquisicion del aprendizaje. En la fase de adquisicion la mitad de los renacuajos de cada tratamiento de alimentacion recibio senal quimica de anfipodos danados junto con senal quimica de conespecificos danados (grupo Apareado); la otra mitad recibio ambas senales pero con 4 h de diferencia entre la adicion de cada una (grupo Control). A...
Fil: Pueta, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientific... more Fil: Pueta, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigacion En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina
Animal Cognition, 2021
The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting t... more The ability to learn in the context of predation allows prey to respond to threats by adjusting their behavior based on specific
information acquired from their current environment. Habituation is a process that allows animals to adapt to environmental
changes. Very little is known about habituation in wild animals in general and there are no studies on habituation in anuran
tadpoles in particular. Here, we performed three experiments to investigate the behavioral response of predator naïve Pleurodema
thaul tadpoles to repeated stimulation with two predation risk cues (injured conspecific and predator fed cues) which
a priori provide different information regarding risk. Experiment 1 showed that P. thaul tadpoles habituate the antipredator
response when undergo predation risk chemical cues from injured conspecific and that response is long term. Experiment
2 showed that P. thaul tadpoles did not habituate their antipredator response when exposed to cues derived from an event
of nymph odonate preying on P. thaul tadpoles (predator fed cues). Experiment 3 specifically evaluated the risk imposed
by each of the risk cues used in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 and showed that the degree of perceived risk in tadpoles
appear to be similar in a single experience with any risk stimuli. We suggest that the behavioral habituation of tadpoles in
the context of predation could be modulated by the level of uncertainty associated with risk stimuli.
Gene, Jan 23, 2016
Patagonia's biodiversity has been explored from many points of view, however, skin secretions... more Patagonia's biodiversity has been explored from many points of view, however, skin secretions of native amphibians have not been evaluated for antimicrobial peptide research until now. In this sense, Pleurodema thaul is the first amphibian specie to be studied from this large region of South America. Analysis of cDNA-encoding peptide in skin samples allowed identification of four new antimicrobial peptides. The predicted mature peptides were synthesized and all of them showed weak or null antimicrobial activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli with the exception of thaulin-1, a cationic 26-residue linear, amphipathic, Gly- and Leu-rich peptide with moderate antimicrobial activity against E. coli (MIC of 24.7μM). AFM and SPR studies suggested a preferential interaction between these peptides and bacterial membranes. Cytotoxicity assays showed that thaulin peptides had minimal effects at MIC concentrations towards human and animal cells. Th...
International Journal of Comparative Psychology Iscp Sponsored By the International Society For Comparative Psychology and the University of Calabria, 2005