Fateme Amini Yekta | Iranian National Institute for Oceanography (original) (raw)
Address: Iran, Islamic Republic of
Papers by Fateme Amini Yekta
Recent blooming of Cochlodinium polykrikoides, commencing from mid-summer 2008, caused vast morta... more Recent blooming of Cochlodinium polykrikoides, commencing from mid-summer 2008, caused vast mortality of marine organisms revealed by mounds of dead bodies lying along the shores in the Persian Gulf. Molluscs as dominant invertebrate phylum in the rocky shores of Qeshm Island in the northern Persian Gulf were likely affected by this blooming. The present study investigated gastropod communities as an indicator of harmful algal bloom. The gastropod specimens were collected by placing nine 0.25 m 2 quadrats along two rocky shores before red tide event (April 2008) and months after event (April and August 2009). Differences in gastropod assemblages among sampling occasions were tested using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. Species diversity indices including Shannon–Wiener, Simpson and taxonomic distinctness measures were used to explore the impact of red tide on gastropod community. While gastropod assemblages were visually distinct between times of sampling, the result of Kruskal-...
Gastropod assemblages were investigated along intertidal rocky shore in the Qeshm Island in the n... more Gastropod assemblages were investigated along intertidal rocky shore in the Qeshm Island in the northern Persian Gulf. Monthly sampling was undertaken from May 2007 to April 2008. Environmental factors were also measured in each site. A total of 28 gastropod taxa belonging to 15 families were identified and Cerithiidae was the most abundant family and Cerithium caeruleum was the most abundant species (34.77%). Muricidae with 5 species were the most diverse group followed by Cerithiidae and Cypraeidae each with 4 species. Kruskal-Wallis test yielded no significant differences in gastropod assemblages among months and also different seasons (P>0.05). The analysis of SIMPER showed that spring and autumn had the most dissimilarity among seasons and Clypeomorus bifasciatus was the species of gastropods contributing most to the dissimilarities among seasons (37.54%). December showed the highest value of Shanon-Wiener (2.15) and Simpson (0.85) indices. Lack of significant temporal variation in gastropod assemblages during sampling months suggested that intensity of sampling in future studies could be reduced to seasonal intervals in similar environmental conditions. Where intertidal surveys are restricted by time,and resources such as, personnel and finance.
The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of cyclone Gonu on species diversity a... more The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of cyclone Gonu on species diversity and abundance of gastropods in the Qeshm Island, northern Persian Gulf, on the occasion of the occurrence of super cyclonic and strongest reported storm-Gonu-during 1-4, June 2007 in the eastern Arabian Sea. . Average number of gastropod individuals per square meter was 7.85±1.42, 4.52±0.63, and 2.53±0.59 for rocky shores and 1±0.56, 0.11±0.06 and 4.26±3.96 for sandy shores, respectively. Both Shannon index and Buzas and Gibson's evenness measure increased after the storm suggesting that Gonu affected diversity of gastropods of intertidal zone. Unlike result of cluster analysis that depicted two distinctive groups of assemblages over the sampling periods before and after the storm in rocky shore, the result of Kruskal-Wallis test yielded no significant difference (P>0.05) in gastropod abundance among sampling periods in two locations. Results of the present study suggested that gastropods abundance was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by cyclone Gonu while the species diversity was influenced.
Recent blooming of Cochlodinium polykrikoides, commencing from mid-summer 2008, caused vast morta... more Recent blooming of Cochlodinium polykrikoides, commencing from mid-summer 2008, caused vast mortality of marine organisms revealed by mounds of dead bodies lying along the shores in the Persian Gulf. Molluscs as dominant invertebrate phylum in the rocky shores of Qeshm Island in the northern Persian Gulf were likely affected by this blooming. The present study investigated gastropod communities as an indicator of harmful algal bloom. The gastropod specimens were collected by placing nine 0.25 m 2 quadrats along two rocky shores before red tide event (April 2008) and months after event (April and August 2009). Differences in gastropod assemblages among sampling occasions were tested using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. Species diversity indices including Shannon–Wiener, Simpson and taxonomic distinctness measures were used to explore the impact of red tide on gastropod community. While gastropod assemblages were visually distinct between times of sampling, the result of Kruskal-...
Gastropod assemblages were investigated along intertidal rocky shore in the Qeshm Island in the n... more Gastropod assemblages were investigated along intertidal rocky shore in the Qeshm Island in the northern Persian Gulf. Monthly sampling was undertaken from May 2007 to April 2008. Environmental factors were also measured in each site. A total of 28 gastropod taxa belonging to 15 families were identified and Cerithiidae was the most abundant family and Cerithium caeruleum was the most abundant species (34.77%). Muricidae with 5 species were the most diverse group followed by Cerithiidae and Cypraeidae each with 4 species. Kruskal-Wallis test yielded no significant differences in gastropod assemblages among months and also different seasons (P>0.05). The analysis of SIMPER showed that spring and autumn had the most dissimilarity among seasons and Clypeomorus bifasciatus was the species of gastropods contributing most to the dissimilarities among seasons (37.54%). December showed the highest value of Shanon-Wiener (2.15) and Simpson (0.85) indices. Lack of significant temporal variation in gastropod assemblages during sampling months suggested that intensity of sampling in future studies could be reduced to seasonal intervals in similar environmental conditions. Where intertidal surveys are restricted by time,and resources such as, personnel and finance.
The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of cyclone Gonu on species diversity a... more The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of cyclone Gonu on species diversity and abundance of gastropods in the Qeshm Island, northern Persian Gulf, on the occasion of the occurrence of super cyclonic and strongest reported storm-Gonu-during 1-4, June 2007 in the eastern Arabian Sea. . Average number of gastropod individuals per square meter was 7.85±1.42, 4.52±0.63, and 2.53±0.59 for rocky shores and 1±0.56, 0.11±0.06 and 4.26±3.96 for sandy shores, respectively. Both Shannon index and Buzas and Gibson's evenness measure increased after the storm suggesting that Gonu affected diversity of gastropods of intertidal zone. Unlike result of cluster analysis that depicted two distinctive groups of assemblages over the sampling periods before and after the storm in rocky shore, the result of Kruskal-Wallis test yielded no significant difference (P>0.05) in gastropod abundance among sampling periods in two locations. Results of the present study suggested that gastropods abundance was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by cyclone Gonu while the species diversity was influenced.