saeful anam | Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih Gresik (original) (raw)

Papers by saeful anam

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Online Berbasis Moodle Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi

Community: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Feb 10, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pengajaran Agama Berbasis Mobile Learning

Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars, Nov 26, 2019

The research aims to determine the increase and comparison of students ' learning outcomes throug... more The research aims to determine the increase and comparison of students ' learning outcomes through the use of mobile learning-based recitation methods. We know that mobile learning is an online medium that can be used all the time. This method of study used quasi for using test paired sample t-test. The results showed that there was influence of learning methods based on mobile learning recitation of the student learning outcomes where the value of Thitung 8.913 is greater than the level of significance 5% (2.778) and 1% (3.435), the value of probability 0.000 < 0.05, of these values, show that the influence of the learning method of a mobile learning Recitation is based on the "huge" learning outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Living Qur’an Curriculum Development for Gifted Student in Primary School

Research paper thumbnail of Character Building Dan Pendidikan Islam DI Era New Normal

Abstra ct: This article aims to describe how to build character in children in the new normal era... more Abstra ct: This article aims to describe how to build character in children in the new normal era. This article is conceptually written as a medium for providing information to educators, parents and people involved in the distance learning process (PJJ) that is currently being used. Online system learning has increased digital use considerably, so awareness of the negative effects of digital technology needs to be increased. Character building is expected to minimize the negative effects of digital. The formation of a generation with character is part of the aspired national education goals. In line with that, Islamic education also aims at building the morals (character) of all human beings. In addition, the presence of educators is also important in order to achieve this noble goal. Even though the pandemic limits the face-to-face space, educators must be present to continue their mission. Between educators, parents, and students, there must be synergy as part of efforts to build...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Geng Santri (Pengaruh Konformitas Kelompok Teman Sebaya Terhadap Perilaku Positif Dan Negatif Geng Santri DI Pondok Pesantren)

Artikel ini membahasa tentang fenomena geng santri yang terjadi di lingkungan pesantren, dimana s... more Artikel ini membahasa tentang fenomena geng santri yang terjadi di lingkungan pesantren, dimana sebuah kajian lapangan yang peneliti ambil di pesantren Bahrul Ulum Jombang Jawa Timur. Santri yang tidak lain merupakan remaja yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai masa pubersitas. Secara psikologis perubahan pada remaja tidak terlepas dari pengaruh kehidupan sosialnya, sehingga tidak dimungkiri akan berada pada level penjajagan yang kerap kali ikut terhadap suatu komunitas yang ia ikuti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara komformitas teman sebaya terhadap prilaku positif santri di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang. Signifikansi ini bisa dilihat dari hasil t hitung sebesar 3.523 dengan artian 3.523 > 0.05. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara komformitas teman sebaya terhadap prilaku negatif santri di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang. Signifikani ini bisa dilihat dari hasil t hitung sebesar 5.381 dengan artian 5....

Research paper thumbnail of Countextual Learning “Catatan Terhadap Pembelajaran Agama Yang Memahamkan”

Salah satu poin penting dalam sebuah pembelajaran tidak lain ialah bagaimana bisa mengenalkan pem... more Salah satu poin penting dalam sebuah pembelajaran tidak lain ialah bagaimana bisa mengenalkan pembelajaran yang memahamkan peserta didik sekaligus menarik?, baik dalam isi materi ataupun pembawaannya. Karena pembelajaran yang sulit dicerna oleh peserta didik ialah pembelajaran yang monoton yang tidak bisa mengindahkan sebuah media dan atau teknik pembelajaran, oleh karenanya pada pembelajaran kontekstual yang ditekannkan ialah siswa bisa memahami materi dengan cara mengaitkan kehidupan nyata. Sebagai catatan bahwa PBM (Proses Belajar Mengajar) dikatakan menerapkan pembelajaran kontekstual dengan melaksanakan beberapa langkah diantaranya ialah Konstruktivisme, Bertanya, Inkuiri, Masyarakat belajar, Modelling , Refleksi, dan Penilaian nyata. Dengan ketujuh langkah tersebut pendidik bisa memberikan pembelajaran yang nyata yang diawali dengan membangun sebuah pemikiran sebagai dasar pengembangan selanjutnya

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Filosofis Tentang Pendidikan “Analisa Terhadap Pendidik dalam Pendidikan Islam”

Landasan Islam tentang pendidik sebagai contoh kecil dalam (QS.2:31), (QS.17:24), (QS.4:58), (... more Landasan Islam tentang pendidik sebagai contoh kecil dalam (QS.2:31), (QS.17:24), (QS.4:58), (QS.9:122) sudah cukup menjadi bukti kongrit mengenai pentingnya sebuah teladan, tidak berhenti secara teks suci saja akan tetapi berlanjut pada banyaknya literatur ataupun penelitian yang mengupas tentang hal yang sama baik pada masa Islam klasik ataupun Islam modernis sekarang ini, ironisnya deretan kejadianpun masih ada, tawuran, kejahatan, pergaulan bebas ( free sex ) yang tiada kontrol dan lain-lain. Jika hal semacam ini masih berlanjut mau dibawa kemana bangsa ini terlebih dunia Islam yang diturunkan sebagai rahmatalil’alami>n dan juga untuk menyempurnakan akhlak. Analisa penting atas kejadian-kejadian tersebut ialah karena makna pendidik masih dipercayai kepada seorang yang ada dalam kelas, jadi pemaknaan ini sudah barang tentu menjadikan kejadian yang sama akan terulang kembali, oleh sebab itu perlu ditegaskan kembali bahwa pendidik bukanlah sekedar benda hidup yang berada dala...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Learning Resources Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Agama Islam

: This study aims to know the use of the learning environment as a learning resource that support... more : This study aims to know the use of the learning environment as a learning resource that supports Islamic learning in SMK 2 Bojonegoro. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach. The technique used in data analysis is an interactive model that includes data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the environment used as a source of learning at SMK Negeri 2 Bojonegoro included the environment around the school, both the natural, social, or cultural environment. This proves that the use of the environ-ment as a source of learning is one solution to the problems of the existing religious learning process. With the use of the environment, students do not only learn about concepts, but also practice in practicing the values of religious teachings to be able to know the details of the process of religious social interaction. Keywords : learning environment, Islamic Education

Research paper thumbnail of Decision Support System for Staff Assignment Using VIKOR Algorithm

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

Call center staff is a staff who work in providing repair or servicing services by telephone. Thi... more Call center staff is a staff who work in providing repair or servicing services by telephone. This staff is in charge of explaining the solutions to be carried out by the company in obtaining answers. Call center staff must have a good temperament and smart. In getting good staff, companies can use a decision support system with the VIKOR method to select and select these staff. Five criteria will be tested in determining the staff. The results of the VIKOR method can help companies find call center staff that match company expectations. The ranking results can determine the level of results of the VIKOR method test on call center staff who are used as candidates or alternatives. By implementing this method, the search for call center staff will be better.

Research paper thumbnail of Relevansi Reward dan Punishment dalam Proses Pembelajaran

Journal of Education and Religious Studies (JERS)

Artikel ini membahas tentang relefansi Reward dan Punishment dalam proses Pembelajaran. Fokus yan... more Artikel ini membahas tentang relefansi Reward dan Punishment dalam proses Pembelajaran. Fokus yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini ialah; 1) bagaimana proses penggunaan Reward and Punishment di sekolah, 2) sejauh mana relevansi penggunaan reward an punishment dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini ialah; 1) Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa proses penggunaan Reward and Punishment di MTs Nurul Jadid Sidayu Gresk sudah tergolong sudah baik dan rutin terprogram dalam penggunaanya siswa maupun siswi meraa termotivasi dan tertarik dengan menggunakan Reward and Punishment dalam kegiatan proses belajar mengajar. 2) Penggunaan reward dan punishment saat ini masih tergolong relefan dan sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pembelajaran, namun perlu diketahui tidak semua permasalahan yang terjadi di sekolah/kelas haris diberikan melalui punishment, melainkan melalui kegiatan positif yang lain seperti memba...

Research paper thumbnail of Eksperimentasi Strategi Baca Tulis al-Qur'an Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Menghafal Siswa Ditinjau dari Perhatian Orang Tua

Journal of Education and Religious Studies (JERS)

This study aims to test how much influence parental attention has on the ability to memorize the ... more This study aims to test how much influence parental attention has on the ability to memorize the Qur'an of students at SMK Ar-Rahma Mandiri Indonesia Pasuruan. In addition, this study aims to identify and create new media, and is expected to provide input and evaluation for the learning process of the Qur'an both in schools and other Qur'anic institutions. And add a new discourse to be able to develop the scientific repertoire of Islam. This research is a type of experiment research with a quantitative approach with true experimental design research. The results obtained by the researcher that there is a significant difference in the level of influence of parental attention and BTQ strategy on the memorization ability of the students of SMK Ar-Rahma Mandiri Indonesia Pasuruan with a value of Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, i.e. 0.002 < 0.05, which means that there is a significant difference between the level of influence of parental attention and the BTQ strategy on the m...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Lokalitas

This paper explores about Aesthetic Culture Kercengan as Public Social Harmonization in Bawean Gr... more This paper explores about Aesthetic Culture Kercengan as Public Social Harmonization in Bawean Gresik. Culture as local wisdom has added value, not least Kercengan culture, for the people of Bawean Gresik, Kercengan is one of culture that is believed to give the harmonious, peaceful and full of beauty. It can be juxtaposed with the multiple cultures that spread in Java, like, Grebek Maulud, Grebek Suro, or Gendingan Java. The Cultures ought to be maintained and preserved. This study aims to know how to form the cultural aesthetics Kercengan as social harmonization in Bawean Gresik. Design of this research is descriptive qualitative with phenomenological approach, while the results showed that the kercengan which has three functions in society. First, as social control of society. Second, have the power to be used as a medium of propaganda, which is done with the feel of a typical Islamic. Third as the identity of harmony in diversity, that is, as a medium to uphold a sense of unity ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Digital Problem-Based Learning and Entrepreneurial Motivation on Conceptual Understanding of Business Model Canvas in Entrepreneurship Course

Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pesantren Entrepreneur dan Analisis Kurikulum Pesantren Mukmin Mandiri Waru Sidoarjo dalam Pengembangan Dunia Usaha

This article explores a new model of Islamic boarding schools in the modern era. Various innovati... more This article explores a new model of Islamic boarding schools in the modern era. Various innovations appear to be made as an urgent change to Indonesia’s educational system. “Pesantren entrepreneur” is, among other, a new way ( manhaj ) of Indonesia’s contemporary education to reduce unemployment and overcome poverty. The concept is that students ( santri ) are not merely taught such religious lesson ( tafaqquh fi al -d i n ) but they also trained to be able to understand and possess ability within economics aspect ( tafaqquh fi al - tijâ rah ). It is assumed that the more pesantren entrepreneur are established the stronger the nation’s economy will be. It has been undeniable fact that Indonesia’s independent and its development have been strongly supported by Islamic educational system, namely Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) which widely spread across Nusantara. The implementation of pesantren entrepreneur has been initiated from a strong desire to develop pesantren through ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Memakmurkan Masjid Pada Masyarakat Urban Melalui Program Sahabat Masjid Yayasan Nurul Hayat Surabaya

Research paper thumbnail of Melakukan Authentic Assessments Dalam Pembelajaran Agama Islam

This article discussed about how an educator doing an assessment which appropriated to learning c... more This article discussed about how an educator doing an assessment which appropriated to learning com-ponents. Because few educators are able to assess in appro-priate with the norm of learning assessment. As known in learning, the assessments were done either formative or summative. Further, there are two kinds of assessment, test and non-test assessment. In which, each of those assess-ments were divided into several aspects. Therefore, there are many ways which educator could do especially on Islamic learning, in order to know learner’s mastery toward concepts and religious values taught by the educator, and to be conti-nued into the implementation in daily life. Remember that the norm referenced assessment, criterion referenced assess-ment, and principal assessment could not be forgotten in assessing. By knowing those aspects, the educator will be able to classify the alteration given by learners for their competences through deeply assessments. Key words: Assessment, Authentic, Re...

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik dan Sistem Pendidikan Islam: Mengenal Sejarah Pesantren, Surau dan Meunasah di Indonesia

JALIE: Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education, 2017

Islam has expanded its wings to the archipelago of the seventeenth century and is believed to hav... more Islam has expanded its wings to the archipelago of the seventeenth century and is believed to have progressed in the 13th century. The process of Islamization by predecessors requires media as a mediator of Islamic teachings. Pesantren, Surau and meunasah are the real proofs of Islamization that happened, where the three places of Islamic education as well as the medium of dakwah is a relic of ancestors whose existence precedes Islam in Indonesia. However, after the coming of Islam, the three centers of education are very instrumental in the Islamization of indigenous people, not stop in Islamization, but more than that; As a bastion and promoter of Indonesian independence during the Dutch colonial period (1800-1942) and Japan (1942-1945). The development of the three traditional education centers is very different pesantren better known in Java, Surau in Minangkabau while Meunasah in Aceh. Although geographically very different but in the essence of his teachings have in common that begins with learning the Qur'an and continues on Ubudiyah.

Research paper thumbnail of The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2019

This article aims to explain the existence of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in efforts to ... more This article aims to explain the existence of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in efforts to instill and develop character in students (santri). This is also the basis that pesantren is an alternative education for the advancement of the nation's civilization. In this qualitative case study, we examine a pesantren in the practice of learning that emphasizes the character learning to foster human values. Data were taken using direct observation techniques and interviews with informants, namely three kiai, five teachers and seven students (santri). The results of the research showed that: (1) pesantren are educational institutions that are very effective in developing the character in students (santri) especially on human values, which ensure the unity of the nation; (2) this research gives evidence that pesantren in Indonesia are friendly Islamic educational institutions that uphold human rights, are democratic, pluralist, and tolerant of differences (language, culture, ethnicity and religion). It becomes important to be known by people worldwide to uphold world peace.

Research paper thumbnail of Education Reform; Between Hope and Reality

Journal of Education and Religious Studies (JERS)

This article describes the importance of educational reform as an act of innovation and education... more This article describes the importance of educational reform as an act of innovation and educational renewal, especially in Indonesia. The forms of educational reform are very diverse, one of which is in the form of decisions and policies issued by the government in enforcing provisions in national education, such as curricula, learning models and other policies. However, in carrying out an education reform one must always remember the basis for the implementation of education itself so as not to take wrong actions and result in failure in its implementation

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic School Culture dan Upaya Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Religious di SMP Islamic Qon Gresik

This article discusses about the Islamic school culture as an effort to instill religious values ... more This article discusses about the Islamic school culture as an effort to instill religious values ​​in school institutions. Where the demand to create a good environmental setting is a necessity in the teaching of Islam, this is aimed not only as an effort to provide knowledge, experience as well as exemplary in religion directly on the learners, so that in life, learners are able to interact well. This research was conducted at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik, a public school institution that has an academic peculiarity with its religious content in it. The results of this study indicate that learners who are familiarized to do good in the process with the given environment setting, then by itself they will get used to doing good without any compulsion from other. The moral development of children in the modern era today requires a role model and direction to learn to be good, without the role model and direction then he will be a blind person to religious values, and finally juvenile delinq...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Online Berbasis Moodle Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi

Community: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Feb 10, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pengajaran Agama Berbasis Mobile Learning

Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars, Nov 26, 2019

The research aims to determine the increase and comparison of students ' learning outcomes throug... more The research aims to determine the increase and comparison of students ' learning outcomes through the use of mobile learning-based recitation methods. We know that mobile learning is an online medium that can be used all the time. This method of study used quasi for using test paired sample t-test. The results showed that there was influence of learning methods based on mobile learning recitation of the student learning outcomes where the value of Thitung 8.913 is greater than the level of significance 5% (2.778) and 1% (3.435), the value of probability 0.000 < 0.05, of these values, show that the influence of the learning method of a mobile learning Recitation is based on the "huge" learning outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Living Qur’an Curriculum Development for Gifted Student in Primary School

Research paper thumbnail of Character Building Dan Pendidikan Islam DI Era New Normal

Abstra ct: This article aims to describe how to build character in children in the new normal era... more Abstra ct: This article aims to describe how to build character in children in the new normal era. This article is conceptually written as a medium for providing information to educators, parents and people involved in the distance learning process (PJJ) that is currently being used. Online system learning has increased digital use considerably, so awareness of the negative effects of digital technology needs to be increased. Character building is expected to minimize the negative effects of digital. The formation of a generation with character is part of the aspired national education goals. In line with that, Islamic education also aims at building the morals (character) of all human beings. In addition, the presence of educators is also important in order to achieve this noble goal. Even though the pandemic limits the face-to-face space, educators must be present to continue their mission. Between educators, parents, and students, there must be synergy as part of efforts to build...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Geng Santri (Pengaruh Konformitas Kelompok Teman Sebaya Terhadap Perilaku Positif Dan Negatif Geng Santri DI Pondok Pesantren)

Artikel ini membahasa tentang fenomena geng santri yang terjadi di lingkungan pesantren, dimana s... more Artikel ini membahasa tentang fenomena geng santri yang terjadi di lingkungan pesantren, dimana sebuah kajian lapangan yang peneliti ambil di pesantren Bahrul Ulum Jombang Jawa Timur. Santri yang tidak lain merupakan remaja yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai masa pubersitas. Secara psikologis perubahan pada remaja tidak terlepas dari pengaruh kehidupan sosialnya, sehingga tidak dimungkiri akan berada pada level penjajagan yang kerap kali ikut terhadap suatu komunitas yang ia ikuti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara komformitas teman sebaya terhadap prilaku positif santri di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang. Signifikansi ini bisa dilihat dari hasil t hitung sebesar 3.523 dengan artian 3.523 > 0.05. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara komformitas teman sebaya terhadap prilaku negatif santri di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang. Signifikani ini bisa dilihat dari hasil t hitung sebesar 5.381 dengan artian 5....

Research paper thumbnail of Countextual Learning “Catatan Terhadap Pembelajaran Agama Yang Memahamkan”

Salah satu poin penting dalam sebuah pembelajaran tidak lain ialah bagaimana bisa mengenalkan pem... more Salah satu poin penting dalam sebuah pembelajaran tidak lain ialah bagaimana bisa mengenalkan pembelajaran yang memahamkan peserta didik sekaligus menarik?, baik dalam isi materi ataupun pembawaannya. Karena pembelajaran yang sulit dicerna oleh peserta didik ialah pembelajaran yang monoton yang tidak bisa mengindahkan sebuah media dan atau teknik pembelajaran, oleh karenanya pada pembelajaran kontekstual yang ditekannkan ialah siswa bisa memahami materi dengan cara mengaitkan kehidupan nyata. Sebagai catatan bahwa PBM (Proses Belajar Mengajar) dikatakan menerapkan pembelajaran kontekstual dengan melaksanakan beberapa langkah diantaranya ialah Konstruktivisme, Bertanya, Inkuiri, Masyarakat belajar, Modelling , Refleksi, dan Penilaian nyata. Dengan ketujuh langkah tersebut pendidik bisa memberikan pembelajaran yang nyata yang diawali dengan membangun sebuah pemikiran sebagai dasar pengembangan selanjutnya

Research paper thumbnail of Tinjauan Filosofis Tentang Pendidikan “Analisa Terhadap Pendidik dalam Pendidikan Islam”

Landasan Islam tentang pendidik sebagai contoh kecil dalam (QS.2:31), (QS.17:24), (QS.4:58), (... more Landasan Islam tentang pendidik sebagai contoh kecil dalam (QS.2:31), (QS.17:24), (QS.4:58), (QS.9:122) sudah cukup menjadi bukti kongrit mengenai pentingnya sebuah teladan, tidak berhenti secara teks suci saja akan tetapi berlanjut pada banyaknya literatur ataupun penelitian yang mengupas tentang hal yang sama baik pada masa Islam klasik ataupun Islam modernis sekarang ini, ironisnya deretan kejadianpun masih ada, tawuran, kejahatan, pergaulan bebas ( free sex ) yang tiada kontrol dan lain-lain. Jika hal semacam ini masih berlanjut mau dibawa kemana bangsa ini terlebih dunia Islam yang diturunkan sebagai rahmatalil’alami>n dan juga untuk menyempurnakan akhlak. Analisa penting atas kejadian-kejadian tersebut ialah karena makna pendidik masih dipercayai kepada seorang yang ada dalam kelas, jadi pemaknaan ini sudah barang tentu menjadikan kejadian yang sama akan terulang kembali, oleh sebab itu perlu ditegaskan kembali bahwa pendidik bukanlah sekedar benda hidup yang berada dala...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Learning Resources Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Agama Islam

: This study aims to know the use of the learning environment as a learning resource that support... more : This study aims to know the use of the learning environment as a learning resource that supports Islamic learning in SMK 2 Bojonegoro. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach. The technique used in data analysis is an interactive model that includes data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the environment used as a source of learning at SMK Negeri 2 Bojonegoro included the environment around the school, both the natural, social, or cultural environment. This proves that the use of the environ-ment as a source of learning is one solution to the problems of the existing religious learning process. With the use of the environment, students do not only learn about concepts, but also practice in practicing the values of religious teachings to be able to know the details of the process of religious social interaction. Keywords : learning environment, Islamic Education

Research paper thumbnail of Decision Support System for Staff Assignment Using VIKOR Algorithm

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

Call center staff is a staff who work in providing repair or servicing services by telephone. Thi... more Call center staff is a staff who work in providing repair or servicing services by telephone. This staff is in charge of explaining the solutions to be carried out by the company in obtaining answers. Call center staff must have a good temperament and smart. In getting good staff, companies can use a decision support system with the VIKOR method to select and select these staff. Five criteria will be tested in determining the staff. The results of the VIKOR method can help companies find call center staff that match company expectations. The ranking results can determine the level of results of the VIKOR method test on call center staff who are used as candidates or alternatives. By implementing this method, the search for call center staff will be better.

Research paper thumbnail of Relevansi Reward dan Punishment dalam Proses Pembelajaran

Journal of Education and Religious Studies (JERS)

Artikel ini membahas tentang relefansi Reward dan Punishment dalam proses Pembelajaran. Fokus yan... more Artikel ini membahas tentang relefansi Reward dan Punishment dalam proses Pembelajaran. Fokus yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini ialah; 1) bagaimana proses penggunaan Reward and Punishment di sekolah, 2) sejauh mana relevansi penggunaan reward an punishment dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini ialah; 1) Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa proses penggunaan Reward and Punishment di MTs Nurul Jadid Sidayu Gresk sudah tergolong sudah baik dan rutin terprogram dalam penggunaanya siswa maupun siswi meraa termotivasi dan tertarik dengan menggunakan Reward and Punishment dalam kegiatan proses belajar mengajar. 2) Penggunaan reward dan punishment saat ini masih tergolong relefan dan sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pembelajaran, namun perlu diketahui tidak semua permasalahan yang terjadi di sekolah/kelas haris diberikan melalui punishment, melainkan melalui kegiatan positif yang lain seperti memba...

Research paper thumbnail of Eksperimentasi Strategi Baca Tulis al-Qur'an Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Menghafal Siswa Ditinjau dari Perhatian Orang Tua

Journal of Education and Religious Studies (JERS)

This study aims to test how much influence parental attention has on the ability to memorize the ... more This study aims to test how much influence parental attention has on the ability to memorize the Qur'an of students at SMK Ar-Rahma Mandiri Indonesia Pasuruan. In addition, this study aims to identify and create new media, and is expected to provide input and evaluation for the learning process of the Qur'an both in schools and other Qur'anic institutions. And add a new discourse to be able to develop the scientific repertoire of Islam. This research is a type of experiment research with a quantitative approach with true experimental design research. The results obtained by the researcher that there is a significant difference in the level of influence of parental attention and BTQ strategy on the memorization ability of the students of SMK Ar-Rahma Mandiri Indonesia Pasuruan with a value of Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, i.e. 0.002 < 0.05, which means that there is a significant difference between the level of influence of parental attention and the BTQ strategy on the m...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Lokalitas

This paper explores about Aesthetic Culture Kercengan as Public Social Harmonization in Bawean Gr... more This paper explores about Aesthetic Culture Kercengan as Public Social Harmonization in Bawean Gresik. Culture as local wisdom has added value, not least Kercengan culture, for the people of Bawean Gresik, Kercengan is one of culture that is believed to give the harmonious, peaceful and full of beauty. It can be juxtaposed with the multiple cultures that spread in Java, like, Grebek Maulud, Grebek Suro, or Gendingan Java. The Cultures ought to be maintained and preserved. This study aims to know how to form the cultural aesthetics Kercengan as social harmonization in Bawean Gresik. Design of this research is descriptive qualitative with phenomenological approach, while the results showed that the kercengan which has three functions in society. First, as social control of society. Second, have the power to be used as a medium of propaganda, which is done with the feel of a typical Islamic. Third as the identity of harmony in diversity, that is, as a medium to uphold a sense of unity ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Digital Problem-Based Learning and Entrepreneurial Motivation on Conceptual Understanding of Business Model Canvas in Entrepreneurship Course

Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pesantren Entrepreneur dan Analisis Kurikulum Pesantren Mukmin Mandiri Waru Sidoarjo dalam Pengembangan Dunia Usaha

This article explores a new model of Islamic boarding schools in the modern era. Various innovati... more This article explores a new model of Islamic boarding schools in the modern era. Various innovations appear to be made as an urgent change to Indonesia’s educational system. “Pesantren entrepreneur” is, among other, a new way ( manhaj ) of Indonesia’s contemporary education to reduce unemployment and overcome poverty. The concept is that students ( santri ) are not merely taught such religious lesson ( tafaqquh fi al -d i n ) but they also trained to be able to understand and possess ability within economics aspect ( tafaqquh fi al - tijâ rah ). It is assumed that the more pesantren entrepreneur are established the stronger the nation’s economy will be. It has been undeniable fact that Indonesia’s independent and its development have been strongly supported by Islamic educational system, namely Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) which widely spread across Nusantara. The implementation of pesantren entrepreneur has been initiated from a strong desire to develop pesantren through ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Memakmurkan Masjid Pada Masyarakat Urban Melalui Program Sahabat Masjid Yayasan Nurul Hayat Surabaya

Research paper thumbnail of Melakukan Authentic Assessments Dalam Pembelajaran Agama Islam

This article discussed about how an educator doing an assessment which appropriated to learning c... more This article discussed about how an educator doing an assessment which appropriated to learning com-ponents. Because few educators are able to assess in appro-priate with the norm of learning assessment. As known in learning, the assessments were done either formative or summative. Further, there are two kinds of assessment, test and non-test assessment. In which, each of those assess-ments were divided into several aspects. Therefore, there are many ways which educator could do especially on Islamic learning, in order to know learner’s mastery toward concepts and religious values taught by the educator, and to be conti-nued into the implementation in daily life. Remember that the norm referenced assessment, criterion referenced assess-ment, and principal assessment could not be forgotten in assessing. By knowing those aspects, the educator will be able to classify the alteration given by learners for their competences through deeply assessments. Key words: Assessment, Authentic, Re...

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik dan Sistem Pendidikan Islam: Mengenal Sejarah Pesantren, Surau dan Meunasah di Indonesia

JALIE: Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education, 2017

Islam has expanded its wings to the archipelago of the seventeenth century and is believed to hav... more Islam has expanded its wings to the archipelago of the seventeenth century and is believed to have progressed in the 13th century. The process of Islamization by predecessors requires media as a mediator of Islamic teachings. Pesantren, Surau and meunasah are the real proofs of Islamization that happened, where the three places of Islamic education as well as the medium of dakwah is a relic of ancestors whose existence precedes Islam in Indonesia. However, after the coming of Islam, the three centers of education are very instrumental in the Islamization of indigenous people, not stop in Islamization, but more than that; As a bastion and promoter of Indonesian independence during the Dutch colonial period (1800-1942) and Japan (1942-1945). The development of the three traditional education centers is very different pesantren better known in Java, Surau in Minangkabau while Meunasah in Aceh. Although geographically very different but in the essence of his teachings have in common that begins with learning the Qur'an and continues on Ubudiyah.

Research paper thumbnail of The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2019

This article aims to explain the existence of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in efforts to ... more This article aims to explain the existence of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in efforts to instill and develop character in students (santri). This is also the basis that pesantren is an alternative education for the advancement of the nation's civilization. In this qualitative case study, we examine a pesantren in the practice of learning that emphasizes the character learning to foster human values. Data were taken using direct observation techniques and interviews with informants, namely three kiai, five teachers and seven students (santri). The results of the research showed that: (1) pesantren are educational institutions that are very effective in developing the character in students (santri) especially on human values, which ensure the unity of the nation; (2) this research gives evidence that pesantren in Indonesia are friendly Islamic educational institutions that uphold human rights, are democratic, pluralist, and tolerant of differences (language, culture, ethnicity and religion). It becomes important to be known by people worldwide to uphold world peace.

Research paper thumbnail of Education Reform; Between Hope and Reality

Journal of Education and Religious Studies (JERS)

This article describes the importance of educational reform as an act of innovation and education... more This article describes the importance of educational reform as an act of innovation and educational renewal, especially in Indonesia. The forms of educational reform are very diverse, one of which is in the form of decisions and policies issued by the government in enforcing provisions in national education, such as curricula, learning models and other policies. However, in carrying out an education reform one must always remember the basis for the implementation of education itself so as not to take wrong actions and result in failure in its implementation

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic School Culture dan Upaya Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Religious di SMP Islamic Qon Gresik

This article discusses about the Islamic school culture as an effort to instill religious values ... more This article discusses about the Islamic school culture as an effort to instill religious values ​​in school institutions. Where the demand to create a good environmental setting is a necessity in the teaching of Islam, this is aimed not only as an effort to provide knowledge, experience as well as exemplary in religion directly on the learners, so that in life, learners are able to interact well. This research was conducted at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik, a public school institution that has an academic peculiarity with its religious content in it. The results of this study indicate that learners who are familiarized to do good in the process with the given environment setting, then by itself they will get used to doing good without any compulsion from other. The moral development of children in the modern era today requires a role model and direction to learn to be good, without the role model and direction then he will be a blind person to religious values, and finally juvenile delinq...