Damiano Pesaresi | Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (original) (raw)

Papers by Damiano Pesaresi

Research paper thumbnail of Improving maintainability and reliability of operations of the Northeast Italy Seismic Network

The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) of the Istituto Nazional... more The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS, Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics) in Udine (Italy) after the strong earthquake of magnitude M=6.4 occurred in 1976 in the Italian Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, started to operate the Northeastern Italy Seismic Network: it currently consists of 17 very sensitive broad band and 18 simpler short period seismic stations, all telemetered to and acquired in real time at the OGS-CRS data center in Udine. Real time data exchange agreements in place with other Italian, Slovenian, Austrian and Swiss seismological institutes lead to a total number of about 100 seismic stations acquired in real time, which makes the OGS the reference institute for seismic monitoring of Northeastern Italy. At OGS-CRS we spent a considerable amount of efforts in strengthening the reliability of data links, exploring the use of redundant satellite/radio/GPRS technologies: this in turn helped in improving maintainability and reliability of operations of the overall seismic network, which results will be shown.

Research paper thumbnail of The full-scale avalanche test site, Lautaret, France

Research paper thumbnail of See Profile

Monitoring snow avalanches with seismic stations in North-eastern Italy: a test case

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the Antelope software suite to realize a distributed seismic database among Austria, Northeastern Italy and Slovenia

Research paper thumbnail of The SWATH-D Seismological Network in the Eastern Alps

Seismological Research Letters, 2021

The SWATH-D experiment involved the deployment of a dense temporary broadband seismic network in ... more The SWATH-D experiment involved the deployment of a dense temporary broadband seismic network in the Eastern Alps. Its primary purpose was enhanced seismic imaging of the crust and crust–mantle transition, as well as improved constraints on local event locations and focal mechanisms in a complex part of the Alpine orogen. The study region is a key area of the Alps, where European crust in the north is juxtaposed and partially interwoven with Adriatic crust in the south, and a significant jump in the Moho depth was observed by the 2002 TRANSALP north–south profile. Here, a flip in subduction polarity has been suggested to occur. This dense network encompasses 163 stations and complements the larger-scale sparser AlpArray seismic network. The nominal station spacing in SWATH-D is 15 km in a high alpine, yet densely populated and industrialized region. We present here the challenges resulting from operating a large broadband network under these conditions and summarize how we addressed...

Research paper thumbnail of Relocation of earthquakes in the southern and eastern Alps (Austria, Italy) recorded by the dense, temporary SWATH-D network using a Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion

Research paper thumbnail of Shear wave splitting in the Alpine region

Geophysical Journal International, 2021

SUMMARY To constrain seismic anisotropy under and around the Alps in Europe, we study SKS shear w... more SUMMARY To constrain seismic anisotropy under and around the Alps in Europe, we study SKS shear wave splitting from the region densely covered by the AlpArray seismic network. We apply a technique based on measuring the splitting intensity, constraining well both the fast orientation and the splitting delay. Four years of teleseismic earthquake data were processed, from 723 temporary and permanent broad-band stations of the AlpArray deployment including ocean-bottom seismometers, providing a spatial coverage that is unprecedented. The technique is applied automatically (without human intervention), and it thus provides a reproducible image of anisotropic structure in and around the Alpine region. As in earlier studies, we observe a coherent rotation of fast axes in the western part of the Alpine chain, and a region of homogeneous fast orientation in the Central Alps. The spatial variation of splitting delay times is particularly interesting though. On one hand, there is a clear posi...

Research paper thumbnail of First results from temporary deployment of small seismic network following the Mw=6.4 Petrinja earthquake

<p>The Department of Geophysics, University of Zagr... more <p>The Department of Geophysics, University of Zagreb and the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) installed on January 4th 2021, five temporary seismic stations near the town of Petrinja, Croatia, in the aftermath of  the 29 Decembre 2020 Mw 6.4 earthquake. The stations equipped with a seismometer and a strong motion sensor, recorded the aftershock sequence beginning six days after the mainshock allowing to augment the permanent seismic network in the area improving the azimuthal coverage and providing additional near‐field observations.</p><p>In this presentation we summarize the motivation and goals of the deployment; details regarding the station installation, instrumentation, and configurations and observations from the network. The collected data set will be useful for carrying out several seismological studies including the analysis of variability of strong ground motions in near field, the determination of the aftershocks source parameters,  the estimation (if any) of rupture directivity of small events, the clustering of events in space and time, the better imaging of the fault zone, the evolution of crustal properties within and outside of the fault zone.</p>

Research paper thumbnail of A Very Broad Band Borehole Seismic Sensor in the Po Alluvial Basin near Ferrara (Italy) - Installation and Data Analysis

Near Surface Geoscience 2015 - 21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2015

We describe here details of the Ferrara VBB borehole seismic station installation and details of ... more We describe here details of the Ferrara VBB borehole seismic station installation and details of seismic site characterization with surface/borehole comparisons in terms of seismic noise, site amplification and resonance frequencies.

Research paper thumbnail of Preface: Improving seismic networks performances: from site selection to data integration (EGU2014 SM1.2/GI3.7 session)

Advances in Geosciences, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring snow avalanches with seismic stations in north-eastern Italy: a test case

The Regional Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection of Veneto (Agenzia Regionale ... more The Regional Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection of Veneto (Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto, ARPAV) was established in October 2007 to monitor and prevent environmental risks in the Veneto region, in north-eastern Italy. The Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, OGS), after the strong earthquake (magnitude M=6.4) occurred in 1976 in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, started to operate the North-East Italy (NI) seismic network: it currently consists of 11 very sensitive broad band seismic stations and 21 more simple short period seismic stations, all acquired in real time. OGS also exchanges seismic data with other Italian, Austrian and Slovenian agencies in the surrounding areas, which gives a total number of 73 stations acquired in real time. This makes the OGS the reference agency for the monitoring of the seismic activity in...

Research paper thumbnail of Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

Direzione Regionale delle Foreste e

... Giulia Docup Ob. 2 2000-2006 – Articolazione del Programma per assi, misure e azioni Assi Mis... more ... Giulia Docup Ob. 2 2000-2006 – Articolazione del Programma per assi, misure e azioni Assi Misure Titolo delle Misure Tipologie di azioni I. Competitività ed attrattività del sistema territoriale 1.1. Competitività e attrattività del sistema dei trasporti 1.1.1. Infrastrutture per lo ...

Research paper thumbnail of The OGS experience in rapid determination of source parameters and ShakeMaps for NE Italy

Research paper thumbnail of Accordo tra la Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e l'OGS per la collaborazione nell'ambito del monitoraggio sismico e meteomarino Relazione 2019 – Ambito Sismologico

Annual monitoring of the seismicity recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy ma... more Annual monitoring of the seismicity recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS. Year 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Installation of a very broad band borehole seismic station in Ferrara (Emilia)

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Cross-Border Seismic Research: The Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN)

Seismological Research Letters, 2021

The complex tectonic setup of eastern Europe—resulting in strong spatial variations of the local ... more The complex tectonic setup of eastern Europe—resulting in strong spatial variations of the local seismic hazard—caused relevant institutions of neighboring countries to form a research cooperation to ease seismological research cooperations across borders. Here, we briefly introduce the original and new Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN) parties, with a synthesis of the common results achieved so far and an indication of possible future developments. Since the formal establishment of CE3RN, several common projects have been initiated, such as the SeismoSAT Project for the seismic data center connection over satellite and the Historical and Recent Earthquakes in Italy and Austria Project, both funded by the European Union INTERREG Italy–Austria Program. The most recent 22 March 2020 earthquake near Zagreb, resulting in considerable damage in the capital of Croatia, demonstrated the importance of fast data exchange, thus facilitating reliable analysis of th...

Research paper thumbnail of The OGS–Northeastern Italy Seismic and Deformation Network: Current Status and Outlook

Seismological Research Letters, 2021

In this article, we describe the infrastructure developed and managed by the Italian National Ins... more In this article, we describe the infrastructure developed and managed by the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS for the seismological and geodetic monitoring of northeastern Italy. The infrastructure was constituted in response to the ML 6.4 Friuli destructive earthquake of 1976, with the main mandate of supporting civil protection emergency activities. The OGS monitoring infrastructure is presently composed of a seismometric and a strong-motion network, complemented by a number of Global Navigation Satellite Systems stations, each delivering observational data in real time, which are collected and processed by the headquarters of the Center for Seismological Research of OGS in Udine. The OGS networks operate in close cooperation with Italian and international networks from neighboring countries, within the framework of the agreements for real-time data exchange, to obtain improved rapid earthquake location and magnitude estimations. Information ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network -CE3RN

Research paper thumbnail of A regional Earthquake Early Warning System: PRESTo@CE3RN

With the aim of monitoring the seismic activity in the eastern sector of the Alps, since 2001 OGS... more With the aim of monitoring the seismic activity in the eastern sector of the Alps, since 2001 OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Bragato et al., 2011) in Udine (Italy), the Agencija Republike Slovenije za Okolje (ARSO) in Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Vienna (Austria), and the University of Trieste (UniTS) have been collecting, analyzing, archiving and exchanging seismic data in real time. The data exchange has proven to be effective and very useful in the case of seismic events at the borders between Italy, Austria and Slovenia, where the poor coverage of individual national seismic networks precluded a precise earthquake location. The usage of common data from the integrated networks improves significantly the overall capability of real-time event detection and rapid characterization in this area. Furthermore, in 2014, OGS, ARSO, ZAMG and UniTS signed a memorandum of understanding naming the coo...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving CTBTO monitoring capabilities: the Italian proposal for a CNF

The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) in Udine (Italy) of the ... more The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) in Udine (Italy) of the OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), the Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, after the M=6.4 earthquake occurred in 1976 in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, started to operate the Northeastern Italy Seismic Network: it currently consists of 18 very sensitive broad band and 20 simpler short period seismic stations, all telemetered to and acquired in real time at the OGS-CRS data center. OGS is formally part of the Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network CE 3 RN (http://www.CE3RN.eu/; Bragato et al., 2014). Real time data exchange agreements in place with CE 3 RN and other Italian and Swiss seismological institutes lead to a total number of about 100 seismic stations acquired in real time by the CRS, which makes the OGS the reference institute for seismic monitoring of Northeastern Italy (Bragato et al....

Research paper thumbnail of Improving maintainability and reliability of operations of the Northeast Italy Seismic Network

The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) of the Istituto Nazional... more The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS, Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics) in Udine (Italy) after the strong earthquake of magnitude M=6.4 occurred in 1976 in the Italian Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, started to operate the Northeastern Italy Seismic Network: it currently consists of 17 very sensitive broad band and 18 simpler short period seismic stations, all telemetered to and acquired in real time at the OGS-CRS data center in Udine. Real time data exchange agreements in place with other Italian, Slovenian, Austrian and Swiss seismological institutes lead to a total number of about 100 seismic stations acquired in real time, which makes the OGS the reference institute for seismic monitoring of Northeastern Italy. At OGS-CRS we spent a considerable amount of efforts in strengthening the reliability of data links, exploring the use of redundant satellite/radio/GPRS technologies: this in turn helped in improving maintainability and reliability of operations of the overall seismic network, which results will be shown.

Research paper thumbnail of The full-scale avalanche test site, Lautaret, France

Research paper thumbnail of See Profile

Monitoring snow avalanches with seismic stations in North-eastern Italy: a test case

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the Antelope software suite to realize a distributed seismic database among Austria, Northeastern Italy and Slovenia

Research paper thumbnail of The SWATH-D Seismological Network in the Eastern Alps

Seismological Research Letters, 2021

The SWATH-D experiment involved the deployment of a dense temporary broadband seismic network in ... more The SWATH-D experiment involved the deployment of a dense temporary broadband seismic network in the Eastern Alps. Its primary purpose was enhanced seismic imaging of the crust and crust–mantle transition, as well as improved constraints on local event locations and focal mechanisms in a complex part of the Alpine orogen. The study region is a key area of the Alps, where European crust in the north is juxtaposed and partially interwoven with Adriatic crust in the south, and a significant jump in the Moho depth was observed by the 2002 TRANSALP north–south profile. Here, a flip in subduction polarity has been suggested to occur. This dense network encompasses 163 stations and complements the larger-scale sparser AlpArray seismic network. The nominal station spacing in SWATH-D is 15 km in a high alpine, yet densely populated and industrialized region. We present here the challenges resulting from operating a large broadband network under these conditions and summarize how we addressed...

Research paper thumbnail of Relocation of earthquakes in the southern and eastern Alps (Austria, Italy) recorded by the dense, temporary SWATH-D network using a Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion

Research paper thumbnail of Shear wave splitting in the Alpine region

Geophysical Journal International, 2021

SUMMARY To constrain seismic anisotropy under and around the Alps in Europe, we study SKS shear w... more SUMMARY To constrain seismic anisotropy under and around the Alps in Europe, we study SKS shear wave splitting from the region densely covered by the AlpArray seismic network. We apply a technique based on measuring the splitting intensity, constraining well both the fast orientation and the splitting delay. Four years of teleseismic earthquake data were processed, from 723 temporary and permanent broad-band stations of the AlpArray deployment including ocean-bottom seismometers, providing a spatial coverage that is unprecedented. The technique is applied automatically (without human intervention), and it thus provides a reproducible image of anisotropic structure in and around the Alpine region. As in earlier studies, we observe a coherent rotation of fast axes in the western part of the Alpine chain, and a region of homogeneous fast orientation in the Central Alps. The spatial variation of splitting delay times is particularly interesting though. On one hand, there is a clear posi...

Research paper thumbnail of First results from temporary deployment of small seismic network following the Mw=6.4 Petrinja earthquake

<p>The Department of Geophysics, University of Zagr... more <p>The Department of Geophysics, University of Zagreb and the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) installed on January 4th 2021, five temporary seismic stations near the town of Petrinja, Croatia, in the aftermath of  the 29 Decembre 2020 Mw 6.4 earthquake. The stations equipped with a seismometer and a strong motion sensor, recorded the aftershock sequence beginning six days after the mainshock allowing to augment the permanent seismic network in the area improving the azimuthal coverage and providing additional near‐field observations.</p><p>In this presentation we summarize the motivation and goals of the deployment; details regarding the station installation, instrumentation, and configurations and observations from the network. The collected data set will be useful for carrying out several seismological studies including the analysis of variability of strong ground motions in near field, the determination of the aftershocks source parameters,  the estimation (if any) of rupture directivity of small events, the clustering of events in space and time, the better imaging of the fault zone, the evolution of crustal properties within and outside of the fault zone.</p>

Research paper thumbnail of A Very Broad Band Borehole Seismic Sensor in the Po Alluvial Basin near Ferrara (Italy) - Installation and Data Analysis

Near Surface Geoscience 2015 - 21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2015

We describe here details of the Ferrara VBB borehole seismic station installation and details of ... more We describe here details of the Ferrara VBB borehole seismic station installation and details of seismic site characterization with surface/borehole comparisons in terms of seismic noise, site amplification and resonance frequencies.

Research paper thumbnail of Preface: Improving seismic networks performances: from site selection to data integration (EGU2014 SM1.2/GI3.7 session)

Advances in Geosciences, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring snow avalanches with seismic stations in north-eastern Italy: a test case

The Regional Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection of Veneto (Agenzia Regionale ... more The Regional Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection of Veneto (Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto, ARPAV) was established in October 2007 to monitor and prevent environmental risks in the Veneto region, in north-eastern Italy. The Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, OGS), after the strong earthquake (magnitude M=6.4) occurred in 1976 in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, started to operate the North-East Italy (NI) seismic network: it currently consists of 11 very sensitive broad band seismic stations and 21 more simple short period seismic stations, all acquired in real time. OGS also exchanges seismic data with other Italian, Austrian and Slovenian agencies in the surrounding areas, which gives a total number of 73 stations acquired in real time. This makes the OGS the reference agency for the monitoring of the seismic activity in...

Research paper thumbnail of Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

Direzione Regionale delle Foreste e

... Giulia Docup Ob. 2 2000-2006 – Articolazione del Programma per assi, misure e azioni Assi Mis... more ... Giulia Docup Ob. 2 2000-2006 – Articolazione del Programma per assi, misure e azioni Assi Misure Titolo delle Misure Tipologie di azioni I. Competitività ed attrattività del sistema territoriale 1.1. Competitività e attrattività del sistema dei trasporti 1.1.1. Infrastrutture per lo ...

Research paper thumbnail of The OGS experience in rapid determination of source parameters and ShakeMaps for NE Italy

Research paper thumbnail of Accordo tra la Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e l'OGS per la collaborazione nell'ambito del monitoraggio sismico e meteomarino Relazione 2019 – Ambito Sismologico

Annual monitoring of the seismicity recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy ma... more Annual monitoring of the seismicity recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS. Year 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Installation of a very broad band borehole seismic station in Ferrara (Emilia)

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Cross-Border Seismic Research: The Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN)

Seismological Research Letters, 2021

The complex tectonic setup of eastern Europe—resulting in strong spatial variations of the local ... more The complex tectonic setup of eastern Europe—resulting in strong spatial variations of the local seismic hazard—caused relevant institutions of neighboring countries to form a research cooperation to ease seismological research cooperations across borders. Here, we briefly introduce the original and new Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN) parties, with a synthesis of the common results achieved so far and an indication of possible future developments. Since the formal establishment of CE3RN, several common projects have been initiated, such as the SeismoSAT Project for the seismic data center connection over satellite and the Historical and Recent Earthquakes in Italy and Austria Project, both funded by the European Union INTERREG Italy–Austria Program. The most recent 22 March 2020 earthquake near Zagreb, resulting in considerable damage in the capital of Croatia, demonstrated the importance of fast data exchange, thus facilitating reliable analysis of th...

Research paper thumbnail of The OGS–Northeastern Italy Seismic and Deformation Network: Current Status and Outlook

Seismological Research Letters, 2021

In this article, we describe the infrastructure developed and managed by the Italian National Ins... more In this article, we describe the infrastructure developed and managed by the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS for the seismological and geodetic monitoring of northeastern Italy. The infrastructure was constituted in response to the ML 6.4 Friuli destructive earthquake of 1976, with the main mandate of supporting civil protection emergency activities. The OGS monitoring infrastructure is presently composed of a seismometric and a strong-motion network, complemented by a number of Global Navigation Satellite Systems stations, each delivering observational data in real time, which are collected and processed by the headquarters of the Center for Seismological Research of OGS in Udine. The OGS networks operate in close cooperation with Italian and international networks from neighboring countries, within the framework of the agreements for real-time data exchange, to obtain improved rapid earthquake location and magnitude estimations. Information ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network -CE3RN

Research paper thumbnail of A regional Earthquake Early Warning System: PRESTo@CE3RN

With the aim of monitoring the seismic activity in the eastern sector of the Alps, since 2001 OGS... more With the aim of monitoring the seismic activity in the eastern sector of the Alps, since 2001 OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Bragato et al., 2011) in Udine (Italy), the Agencija Republike Slovenije za Okolje (ARSO) in Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Vienna (Austria), and the University of Trieste (UniTS) have been collecting, analyzing, archiving and exchanging seismic data in real time. The data exchange has proven to be effective and very useful in the case of seismic events at the borders between Italy, Austria and Slovenia, where the poor coverage of individual national seismic networks precluded a precise earthquake location. The usage of common data from the integrated networks improves significantly the overall capability of real-time event detection and rapid characterization in this area. Furthermore, in 2014, OGS, ARSO, ZAMG and UniTS signed a memorandum of understanding naming the coo...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving CTBTO monitoring capabilities: the Italian proposal for a CNF

The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) in Udine (Italy) of the ... more The Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS, Seismological Research Center) in Udine (Italy) of the OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), the Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, after the M=6.4 earthquake occurred in 1976 in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, started to operate the Northeastern Italy Seismic Network: it currently consists of 18 very sensitive broad band and 20 simpler short period seismic stations, all telemetered to and acquired in real time at the OGS-CRS data center. OGS is formally part of the Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network CE 3 RN (http://www.CE3RN.eu/; Bragato et al., 2014). Real time data exchange agreements in place with CE 3 RN and other Italian and Swiss seismological institutes lead to a total number of about 100 seismic stations acquired in real time by the CRS, which makes the OGS the reference institute for seismic monitoring of Northeastern Italy (Bragato et al....