Selahattin Polatoğlu | Inönü üniversitesi (original) (raw)

Articles by Selahattin Polatoğlu

Research paper thumbnail of ANADOLU SEFERLERİYLE KAHRAMANLAŞAN BİR ABBÂSÎ DEVLET ADAMI: ALİ B. YAHYÂ el-ERMENÎ (Ö. 249/863) / An Abbasid Statesman Who Became a Hero with His Anatolian Campaigns: ʿAlī b. Yaḥyā al-Armanī (d. 249/863)

Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD) 23 (2), 206-222, 2023

Ali b. Yahyâ el-Ermenî (ö. 249/863), Halife Me’mûn’un (ö. 218/833) son yıllarında tarih sahnesine... more Ali b. Yahyâ el-Ermenî (ö. 249/863), Halife Me’mûn’un (ö. 218/833) son yıllarında tarih sahnesine çıkmış, iki dönem Mısır vali naibi ve bir süre bizzat valilik, birer dönem de Sugûruşşâm ve Ermeniye-Azerbaycan valiliği yapmıştır. O, Halife Müstaîn’in (248-252/862-866) ilk yıllarına kadar Anadolu topraklarına çok sayıda sefer düzenlemiş, bunun yanında Abbâsî Devleti’nin idarî teşkilatında görev almış ve ayrıca diplomatik faaliyetler yürütmüş önemli bir devlet adamıdır. O, bu çerçevede geniş yetkileri olduğu anlaşılan tarihî bir şahsiyettir. Kariyerinin henüz başlarında Ermeniye bölgesinde siyasî açıdan aktif biri olduğu anlaşılan ancak hayatı hakkında kaynaklarda oldukça az bilgi bulunan Ali b. Yahyâ, Abbâsî tarihi için mühim birtakım icraatlar üstlenmiştir. Bu makale, Ali b. Yahyâ’nın etnik kökenini, idarî, askerî ve diplomatik konumunu ele almaktadır. Erken dönem tarih kaynaklarınca da kayıt altına alınan bu konum, onun halk muhayyilesinde bir tür kahraman portresine oturtulduğu noktasında kayda değer birtakım argümanlar sunmaktadır. Tüm bu faaliyet ve muhayyileyle ilgili unsurlar, çalışmada üzerine yoğunlaşılan temel hususlar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma, Anadolu toprakları üzerindeki Abbâsî-Doğu Roma mücadelesinde aktif rol alan ve bunun neticesinde kahramanlaşan bir tarihî şahsiyetin İslâm tarih kaynaklarında yansıtılma biçimini ortaya çıkararak alana katkı sunma amacındadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Erzurum’daki Tarihî Yapılarda Astronominin İzleri / Traces of Astronomy in Historical Buildings of Erzurum

Sanat ve Yorum/Art and Interpretation, 2022

In the pre-modern period, fields such as astronomy, mathematics and geometry were disciplines tha... more In the pre-modern period, fields such as astronomy, mathematics and geometry were disciplines that were almost inseparably intertwined. People have needed the data of astronomy in many areas of life. It has been applied to astronomy in many subjects such as measuring time for better use, seasonal weather changes forecast, knowing the time of worship, and finding directions by using positions of celestial bodies. However, the effects of the movements of astronomical objects on humans have always been a matter of curiosity. Astronomy has artistic features as well as providing technical information. The traces of astronomy with its geometry, practical use and aesthetic dimensions of architectural structures are evident in historical works such as mosques, minarets, madrasahs, inn, baths, cupolas (gonbad), bridges, towers, and castles. In this study, the traces of astronomical elements such as calendar and sundial were investigated by examining and photographing the historical castles, cupolas, madrasahs, mosques and minarets from the Saltukids, Seljuks, Ilkhanids and Ottoman periods in the center of Erzurum. In addition, structures such as the timekeepers house, which existed in the past but did not survive until today, were examined. Astronomy has shown its effect even in architectural structures in the past. Today, the position that should be between astronomy and humanity is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Abbâsîler’in Kuruluş Döneminde Edip Bürokrat Tipolojisinin Mağrur Bir Örneği: Umâre b. Hamza / An Arrogant Example of Intellectual Bureaucrat Typology in The Early Abbasids: ʿUmāra b. Ḥamza

Şarkiyat, 2022

In the last period of the Umayyads, some clerks of mawālī origin began to have a voice in the adm... more In the last period of the Umayyads, some clerks of mawālī origin began to have a voice in the administration and to draw attention to their intellectual aspects. These people, culturally equipped and experienced in administrative life, provided the emergence of the adīb (enlighted writer/man of letters) bureaucrat typology in the Islamic world. One of them, ʿUmāra b. Ḥamza (d. 199/814-15 [?]) came forward as a high-level clerk and statesman during the establishment years of the Abbasids. ʿUmāra has an extremely arrogant aspect, which was the subject of idioms. The Abbasid caliphs put up with this feature because of his usefulness and ability. ʿUmāra’s official and personal letters were highly appreciated; for this reason, he was mentioned among the top ten masters of eloquence in the 3-4th/9-10th century of the Islamic world. Many anecdotes have been recorded about him due to the various events he experienced as a clerk, tax administrator, governor and diplomat, and his interesting personality. Issues such as being a mawālī, being accused of zindīq, ungrateful attitudes towards the caliphs, haughty attitude, wealth, generosity, his duties such as being an ambassador to Byzantium, and the nature of his writings shed light on the first period of the Abbasids in many ways. In this article, ʿUmāra b. Ḥamza’s life and personality are discussed, together with the conditions of the period and prominent figures. In addition, the position and activity of the mawālī class in the early Abbasid period are explained through the example of ʿUmāra.

Research paper thumbnail of Abbâsî Devleti Kâtiplerinin Kullandığı Yazı Araç Gereçleri / The Writing Tools Used by Clerks of Abbasid State

Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2022

In addition to being a means of communication between people, writing is the only way of recordin... more In addition to being a means of communication between people, writing is the only way of recording government affairs. Writing has an important place in the preservation of knowledge and its transmission to future generations. Writing is an activity that occurs through processing meaningful words on a certain surface with a pointed object. As understood from the archaeological remains, the first examples of writing were created by engraving on a clay tablet with a pointed object. Throughout history, people have discovered and developed different writing materials depending on geographical and economic conditions. Writing also developed and became widespread in the early Islamic history in a way that served political, religious and social purposes. The tradition of keeping records, which began at a simple level in the early periods of Islamic history, reached an advanced level as a result of interaction with other civilizations during the Umayyad and Abbasid periods. On the other hand, new writing styles emerged due to aesthetic concerns. The writing culture, which was shaped according to the administrative life, was soon reflected in the class that was engaged in science and art. Depending on these developments, writing materials diversified. In this article, the writing materials used by the clerks working in state institutions in the first two centuries of the Abbasids (132-334/750-945) was attempted to be illuminated in the light of historical data. Accordingly, the situation and development of writing materials in the Abbasid period was discussed by emphasizing the pen, ink, paper etc. writing materials and dewāt that in which writing tools were placed.
Keywords: Abbasid State, Clerkship, Bureaucracy, Writing Supplies

Research paper thumbnail of Çağının Tanığı Olarak Abbâsî Saray Tabipleri / Physicians of Abbasid Court as Eyewitnesses to Their Era

Van İlahiyat Dergisi, 2019

As the past of sciences, arts and professions are dealt in history, history has also been written... more As the past of sciences, arts and professions are dealt in history, history has also been written by the people from different fields. In Islamic society, the works on history of the medicine and physicians (ṭabīb) began to be written in the 3rd AH / 9th AD century. On the other hand, we see some physicians who also write history as a witness of their era. Where we find the first examples of history-writing by the physicians in the Islamic world is the Abbasid state. While physicians charged at the Abbasid court with the treatment of the caliphate and statesmen, at the same time, they were eyewitnesses to the political and social events. Some of these physicians recorded their era by writing the reports or the annals and some others, writing the memories, preferred transferring their witnesses to the next generations.
In this research we tried to identify personalities wrote books of history in addition to their service as a physician at the courts of Abbasid State in the first two centuries. Their contribution rates to the historiography of the period, the characteristics of their historical works and the prominent aspects of daily life of physicians employed by the Abbasid courts also studied. Especially, this study will focus on works done by physicians of Abbasid palace, Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq’s (d. 260/873) autobiography and Thābit b. Sinān’s (d. 365/976) chronicle.
Keywords: Abbasid State, Court Physicians, Historiography, Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq, Thābit b. Sinān

Book Chapters by Selahattin Polatoğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Emevi ve Abbasi Dönemi Siyasetnamelerinde İktidarın Kuruluşu: Kökenler ve Meşruiyet

İslam Siyaset Düşüncesinde İktidar: Kökenler ve Meşruiyet Sorunu, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of İslam Dünyasında Katibin Adabına Dair Eserlerin Ortaya Çıkışı, Gelişimi, Muhtevası ve Tarihsel Değeri

Tarihsel Bir İnceleme Alanı Olarak Edeb, 2024

Edeb/Adab Çalıştayı'na davet ederek edeb kavramı üzerinde düşünmeme vesile olan, yazıyı baştan so... more Edeb/Adab Çalıştayı'na davet ederek edeb kavramı üzerinde düşünmeme vesile olan, yazıyı baştan sona okuyarak tashih eden ve yönelttiği sorularla metnin olgunlaşmasına katkı sağlayan Ertuğrul Ökten'e teşekkür ederim. 1 Edeb kavramının zaman içerisinde şekillenen anlamı ve ilgili literatür hakkında bkz. Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, "Adab a) Arabic, early developments", The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three, erişim 17 Aralık 2019, encyclopaedia-of-islam-3/*-COM_24178.

Research paper thumbnail of İhya ile İfsat Arasında Halife Mütevekkil Dönemine (232-247/847-861) Farklı Yaklaşımlar

İslam ve Medeniyet 2. Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 17-18 Ekim 2022 Elazığ (İhyâ, ed. Hüsamettin Yıldırım - Rahime Çelik - Zeynep Sağır - Muhammed Doğan, Konya: Kitap Dünyası), 2022

Evrensel dinler, tarih boyunca müntesipleri ve aleyhtarları tarafından tartışma konusu edilmiştir... more Evrensel dinler, tarih boyunca müntesipleri ve aleyhtarları tarafından tartışma konusu edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte bir dinin farklı yorumları, o dini benimseyen kimseleri zaman zaman karşı karşıya getirmiştir. Erken dönemlerden itibaren İslam’ı anlama ve yaşama konusunda farklılıklar ortaya çıkmıştır. Mezhep olarak tarif edilen farklı din yorumları siyasi ve sosyal açıdan etkisini sürekli hissettirmiştir. Her mezhep, kendi din anlayışının doğru olduğunu gösterme ve halka benimsetme çabası içinde olmuştur. Bu durum karşısında Emevî döneminden itibaren halifeler, bir din siyaseti belirlemek ve uygulamakla meşgul olmuşlardır. Abbâsî döneminde artan dinî tartışmalara ve mezhebî ayrışmalara halifeler de müdahil olmaya başlamıştır. Me’mûn’un (ö. 218/833) “halku’l-Kur’ân” meselesini gündeme getirip Mu‘tezile’yi devletin resmî mezhebi ilan etmesiyle (218/833) başlayan Mihne dönemi, Mütevekkil’in aldığı kararla son bulmuştur (234/848). Siyasi ve askeri açıdan önemli gelişmelerin yaşandığı Mütevekkil dönemi (232-247/847-861), çeşitli dinî gruplara yaklaşım biçimi ve bununla ilgili birtakım uygulamalarla anılagelmiştir. Halifeyle aynı görüşü paylaşanlar onu ziyadesiyle yüceltmiş, aksi görüşte olanlar ise olabildiğince yermişlerdir. Mütevekkil zamanını dinin özüne dönüldüğü günler olarak niteleyenler olduğu gibi felaket ve yozlaşma şeklinde görenler de olmuştur. Nitekim onunla ilgili olarak “Halifeler üçtür: Ridde savaşlarındaki kararlılığıyla Ebû Bekir es-Sıddîk, mezâlim davalarına bakmayı geri getiren Ömer b. Abdülaziz ve Sünnet’i ihya eden Mütevekkil.” sözü belli çevreler arasında dolaşır olmuştur. Bu sözü nakleden tarihçilerden biri olan Ebû Zekeriyyâ el-Ezdî (ö. 334/945), kimilerinin Mütevekkil’i övmede aşırıya kaçtığını ve onun günahlarını unuttuklarını belirtmiştir. Mütevekkil’in devlet kademelerine mezhebî kaygılarla insanları tayin etmesi, Şiîlere karşı baskıcı tutumları, gayrimüslimlere yönelik çeşitli yaptırımları, ayrıca israf ve şatafata dayalı bir yaşam sergilemesi, tarih kaynaklarına bu dönemin farklı biçimde yansımasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Mütevekkil döneminin dinî açıdan ihya ile ifsat arasında farklı biçimlerde telakki edilmesinin arkasında yatan nedenler irdelenmektedir. Çeşitli tarih kaynaklarına müracaat edilmek suretiyle dinde ihya çabalarının ilgili dönem çerçevesinde nasıl anlaşıldığının izi sürülmektedir. Bununla birlikte ihya kavramı bağlamında Mütevekkil döneminin bir dönüm noktası olup olmadığı tartışılmaktadır.
Anahtar kavramlar: İslam Tarihi, İhya, Tecdid, Abbâsîler, Mütevekkil, Sünnet, Mihne, Mu‘tezile, Şiîler, Gayrimüslimler

Research paper thumbnail of Kalemden Devşirilen Güç: Erken İslam Toplumunda Bürokratik Otorite

İslam Düşünce Tarihinde Otorite Kavramı, ed. Mehmet Fatih Yalçın - İbrahim Aksu, Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2022

Bu baskının bütün hakları Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Ş aittir. Y... more Bu baskının bütün hakları Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Ş aittir. Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz.

Research paper thumbnail of Kudâme b. Ca‘fer (948): Coğrafyayı Jeopolitik Düzlemde Ele Alan Bir Abbasi Bürokratı

İslam Medeniyetinde Bilim Öncüleri 2: Coğrafya, proje ed. Mehmet Azimli, kitap ed. Muharrem Samet Bilgin, İstanbul: Mana Yayınları, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Cehşiyârî’nin Kitâbü’l-Vüzerâ ve’l-Küttâb’ı Örneğinde Müslümanlarda Biyografik Tarih Yazıcılığı / Biographical Historiography among Muslims in the Example of al-Jahshīyārī’s Kitāb al-Wuzarāʾ wa’l-Kuttāb

İslam Telif Geleneğinde Biyografi Yazıcılığı (Uluslararası Sempozyum), 10-11 Kasım 2016 İstanbul , 2018

Biographical historiography among Muslims started in the early period and diversified by time. In... more Biographical historiography among Muslims started in the early period and diversified by time. In the Umayyad period, a coterie of clerks (kātib pl. kuttāb) has emerged following the development of the government offices (dīwān pl. dawāwīn). During the establishment period of the Abbasids, vizier authorities have been founded in order to alleviate the caliph’s duties in state administration. Clerks and viziers have played a dominant role in the process of institutionalization of these two states. Depending on their capabilities and position in the state administration, they were a subject of Islamic historiography and independent biographical works were written about them. It is recorded in the bibliographical works that Muslim historians have written many books on clerks and viziers, who are regarded as the bureaucrats of the Islamic community. Unfortunately, many of them have disappeared today.
In this paper, we elaborate on the biographical writing in the Islamic tradition in the example of al-Jahshīyārī’s (d. 331/942-43) Kitāb al-Wuzarāʾ wa’l-Kuttāb. al-Jahshīyārī compiled the news on the lives of important personalities who worked as a clerk and vizier in the state administration in the period from the Prophet Mohammed to the reign of Caliph al-Muktafī (289-295/902-908). The author has a rich and detailed information about clerkship profession, the execution of state institutions, bureaucratic structure; political, administrative, scientific and cultural life where high-ranking officers and vizier were located at the epicenter. In this study, Kitāb al-Wuzarāʾ wa’l-Kuttāb will be evaluated in the context of its contents, resources, its method of writing, and in the context of historical events and developments that brought it out. On the other hand, we will point to the place and importance of it among the sources of Islamic history.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu

Türkiye'nin Birikimleri 5: Tarihçiler, ed. Hüseyin Türkan, İstanbul: İlke Yayıncılık, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Bilim-Medeniyet İlişkisi Bağlamında Sâid el-Endelüsî’nin Tabakâtü’l-Ümem’i

Gelenek ve Modernlik Arasında Bilgi ve Toplum, ed. M. Hüseyin Mercan, İstanbul: Yedirenk Yayınları, 2013

Sâid al-Andalusî’s Tabaqât al-Umam in the context of the Relationship Between Science and Civiliz... more Sâid al-Andalusî’s Tabaqât al-Umam in the context of the Relationship Between Science and Civilization

With the rapid spread of Islam, Muslim people found the possibility of the meeting with the other cultures and civilizations and in considering the scientific heritages of former civilizations as their lost treasures they inherited products of these cultures. In the processes of the acquisition of these former scientific traditions they reproduced it in accordance with their own conception of knowledge.
In addition to its scientifically central place in the Middle Ages, Muslim World was very prolific in the writing of the history of sciences as well. In his Tabaqât al-Umam, Qâdî Sâid al-Andalusî (d. 462/1070) classifies the scientific activities according to different nations and after describing these activities he informs about the transmission of ancient scientific traditions to Islamic civilization and scholars in the East and West part of Muslim World. In this respect, Tabaqât al-Umam is not only a history of science, but also a history of civilizations and nations. Saîd al-Andalusî does not confine himself to dealing with the places of nations in world history, he also deals with the classification of nations in respect to their contribution to scientific production.
In this proceeding I will discuss Tabaqât al-Umam in terms of attitudes and approaches toward the science in Islamic civilization. For this purpose, the paper aims to discuss the meaning and importance of the conception of classification of nations and to evaluate this classification in terms of its absolute and conditional features. Finally, I will try to determine what is the implicit message that Tabaqât al-Umam conveys for our understanding of knowledge and science.
Key words: Tabaqât al-Umam, Sâid al-Andalusî, Science, history of civilizations and nations.

Reviews by Selahattin Polatoğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Abbasi Devletinde Türk Kumandanlar

Translations by Selahattin Polatoğlu

[Research paper thumbnail of Tehânevî - Tarih [Takvimler]](

Keşşâfü Istılâhâti’l-Fünûn ve’l-Ulûm: Bilim ve Sanat Terimleri Ansiklopedisi, 2024


Research paper thumbnail of Peter Burke - Kültür Tarihinin Çeşitliliği / Varieties of Cultural History

Peter Burke, Kültür Tarihinin Çeşitliliği, çev. Mesut Düzce - Hakan Hemşinli - Mustafa Tekpınar - Selahattin Polatoğlu, İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Muhammed Hamidullah - Endülüs'ün (İspanya) Hz. Osman'ın Halifeliği Sırasında -Hicrî 27 Yılında- Fethi

Kocaeli İlahiyat Dergisi, 2018

As widespread in the sources of history, Spain was conquered by Muslims in 92 (711). However, in ... more As widespread in the sources of history, Spain was conquered by Muslims in 92 (711). However, in the article which we have translated, Hamidullah argues that this event took place at an earlier period, in the time of Caliph ʻUthmān. The writer is trying to base his argument on the basis of a narrative of Tabarī’s The History, which was mentioned in the events of the 27th year (647-48) and also repeated in the later sources. The article contains an introduction to the general course of the first Islamic conquests and Islam-Byzantine relations. Later, accounts telling that Spain and the country of Franks were conquered in the 27th year of Hijra are quoted from sources of history. In addition to the translation, the views of Mehmet Özdemir, who evaluated the issue by questioning the reliability of the narration, are included.

Research paper thumbnail of Abdulazîz ed-Dûrî - Medine Tarih Ekolünün İlk Temsilcisi: Urve b. Zübeyr /  The First Representative of the Historical School of Medina: ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr

İslâmî Araştırmalar , 2018

In this study ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr’s (d. 94/712), who is considered the first representative of the... more In this study ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr’s (d. 94/712), who is considered the first representative of the Historical School of Medina, his life and historian personality will be examined. ‘Urwa’s accounts (riwāya) related to times of the Prophet Muhammad and the Rāshidūn Caliphs tried to be detected from the sources that coming after him. This riwāya’s were analysed and ‘Urwa’s historian aspects is emphasized.

Research paper thumbnail of Muhammed b. İshâk en-Nedîm - el-Fihrist, "3. Makâle 2. Fen"

Muhammed b. İshâk en-Nedîm (ö. 380/990), el-Fihrist: İlk Dönem İslâm Kültür Atlası, ed. Mehmet Yolcu, İstanbul: Çıra Yayınları (Gözden geçirilmiş 2. bs.), 2021

Hükümdarlar, kâtipler, hatipler, mektup yazarları ve haraç görevlilerinin [ve divan yöneticilerin... more Hükümdarlar, kâtipler, hatipler, mektup yazarları ve haraç görevlilerinin [ve divan yöneticilerinin] haberlerini ve onlara ait kitapların adlarını içermektedir.

Obituary (Vefeyât) by Selahattin Polatoğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Prof. Dr. İbrahim Sarıçam (1953-2017)

Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of ANADOLU SEFERLERİYLE KAHRAMANLAŞAN BİR ABBÂSÎ DEVLET ADAMI: ALİ B. YAHYÂ el-ERMENÎ (Ö. 249/863) / An Abbasid Statesman Who Became a Hero with His Anatolian Campaigns: ʿAlī b. Yaḥyā al-Armanī (d. 249/863)

Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD) 23 (2), 206-222, 2023

Ali b. Yahyâ el-Ermenî (ö. 249/863), Halife Me’mûn’un (ö. 218/833) son yıllarında tarih sahnesine... more Ali b. Yahyâ el-Ermenî (ö. 249/863), Halife Me’mûn’un (ö. 218/833) son yıllarında tarih sahnesine çıkmış, iki dönem Mısır vali naibi ve bir süre bizzat valilik, birer dönem de Sugûruşşâm ve Ermeniye-Azerbaycan valiliği yapmıştır. O, Halife Müstaîn’in (248-252/862-866) ilk yıllarına kadar Anadolu topraklarına çok sayıda sefer düzenlemiş, bunun yanında Abbâsî Devleti’nin idarî teşkilatında görev almış ve ayrıca diplomatik faaliyetler yürütmüş önemli bir devlet adamıdır. O, bu çerçevede geniş yetkileri olduğu anlaşılan tarihî bir şahsiyettir. Kariyerinin henüz başlarında Ermeniye bölgesinde siyasî açıdan aktif biri olduğu anlaşılan ancak hayatı hakkında kaynaklarda oldukça az bilgi bulunan Ali b. Yahyâ, Abbâsî tarihi için mühim birtakım icraatlar üstlenmiştir. Bu makale, Ali b. Yahyâ’nın etnik kökenini, idarî, askerî ve diplomatik konumunu ele almaktadır. Erken dönem tarih kaynaklarınca da kayıt altına alınan bu konum, onun halk muhayyilesinde bir tür kahraman portresine oturtulduğu noktasında kayda değer birtakım argümanlar sunmaktadır. Tüm bu faaliyet ve muhayyileyle ilgili unsurlar, çalışmada üzerine yoğunlaşılan temel hususlar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma, Anadolu toprakları üzerindeki Abbâsî-Doğu Roma mücadelesinde aktif rol alan ve bunun neticesinde kahramanlaşan bir tarihî şahsiyetin İslâm tarih kaynaklarında yansıtılma biçimini ortaya çıkararak alana katkı sunma amacındadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Erzurum’daki Tarihî Yapılarda Astronominin İzleri / Traces of Astronomy in Historical Buildings of Erzurum

Sanat ve Yorum/Art and Interpretation, 2022

In the pre-modern period, fields such as astronomy, mathematics and geometry were disciplines tha... more In the pre-modern period, fields such as astronomy, mathematics and geometry were disciplines that were almost inseparably intertwined. People have needed the data of astronomy in many areas of life. It has been applied to astronomy in many subjects such as measuring time for better use, seasonal weather changes forecast, knowing the time of worship, and finding directions by using positions of celestial bodies. However, the effects of the movements of astronomical objects on humans have always been a matter of curiosity. Astronomy has artistic features as well as providing technical information. The traces of astronomy with its geometry, practical use and aesthetic dimensions of architectural structures are evident in historical works such as mosques, minarets, madrasahs, inn, baths, cupolas (gonbad), bridges, towers, and castles. In this study, the traces of astronomical elements such as calendar and sundial were investigated by examining and photographing the historical castles, cupolas, madrasahs, mosques and minarets from the Saltukids, Seljuks, Ilkhanids and Ottoman periods in the center of Erzurum. In addition, structures such as the timekeepers house, which existed in the past but did not survive until today, were examined. Astronomy has shown its effect even in architectural structures in the past. Today, the position that should be between astronomy and humanity is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Abbâsîler’in Kuruluş Döneminde Edip Bürokrat Tipolojisinin Mağrur Bir Örneği: Umâre b. Hamza / An Arrogant Example of Intellectual Bureaucrat Typology in The Early Abbasids: ʿUmāra b. Ḥamza

Şarkiyat, 2022

In the last period of the Umayyads, some clerks of mawālī origin began to have a voice in the adm... more In the last period of the Umayyads, some clerks of mawālī origin began to have a voice in the administration and to draw attention to their intellectual aspects. These people, culturally equipped and experienced in administrative life, provided the emergence of the adīb (enlighted writer/man of letters) bureaucrat typology in the Islamic world. One of them, ʿUmāra b. Ḥamza (d. 199/814-15 [?]) came forward as a high-level clerk and statesman during the establishment years of the Abbasids. ʿUmāra has an extremely arrogant aspect, which was the subject of idioms. The Abbasid caliphs put up with this feature because of his usefulness and ability. ʿUmāra’s official and personal letters were highly appreciated; for this reason, he was mentioned among the top ten masters of eloquence in the 3-4th/9-10th century of the Islamic world. Many anecdotes have been recorded about him due to the various events he experienced as a clerk, tax administrator, governor and diplomat, and his interesting personality. Issues such as being a mawālī, being accused of zindīq, ungrateful attitudes towards the caliphs, haughty attitude, wealth, generosity, his duties such as being an ambassador to Byzantium, and the nature of his writings shed light on the first period of the Abbasids in many ways. In this article, ʿUmāra b. Ḥamza’s life and personality are discussed, together with the conditions of the period and prominent figures. In addition, the position and activity of the mawālī class in the early Abbasid period are explained through the example of ʿUmāra.

Research paper thumbnail of Abbâsî Devleti Kâtiplerinin Kullandığı Yazı Araç Gereçleri / The Writing Tools Used by Clerks of Abbasid State

Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2022

In addition to being a means of communication between people, writing is the only way of recordin... more In addition to being a means of communication between people, writing is the only way of recording government affairs. Writing has an important place in the preservation of knowledge and its transmission to future generations. Writing is an activity that occurs through processing meaningful words on a certain surface with a pointed object. As understood from the archaeological remains, the first examples of writing were created by engraving on a clay tablet with a pointed object. Throughout history, people have discovered and developed different writing materials depending on geographical and economic conditions. Writing also developed and became widespread in the early Islamic history in a way that served political, religious and social purposes. The tradition of keeping records, which began at a simple level in the early periods of Islamic history, reached an advanced level as a result of interaction with other civilizations during the Umayyad and Abbasid periods. On the other hand, new writing styles emerged due to aesthetic concerns. The writing culture, which was shaped according to the administrative life, was soon reflected in the class that was engaged in science and art. Depending on these developments, writing materials diversified. In this article, the writing materials used by the clerks working in state institutions in the first two centuries of the Abbasids (132-334/750-945) was attempted to be illuminated in the light of historical data. Accordingly, the situation and development of writing materials in the Abbasid period was discussed by emphasizing the pen, ink, paper etc. writing materials and dewāt that in which writing tools were placed.
Keywords: Abbasid State, Clerkship, Bureaucracy, Writing Supplies

Research paper thumbnail of Çağının Tanığı Olarak Abbâsî Saray Tabipleri / Physicians of Abbasid Court as Eyewitnesses to Their Era

Van İlahiyat Dergisi, 2019

As the past of sciences, arts and professions are dealt in history, history has also been written... more As the past of sciences, arts and professions are dealt in history, history has also been written by the people from different fields. In Islamic society, the works on history of the medicine and physicians (ṭabīb) began to be written in the 3rd AH / 9th AD century. On the other hand, we see some physicians who also write history as a witness of their era. Where we find the first examples of history-writing by the physicians in the Islamic world is the Abbasid state. While physicians charged at the Abbasid court with the treatment of the caliphate and statesmen, at the same time, they were eyewitnesses to the political and social events. Some of these physicians recorded their era by writing the reports or the annals and some others, writing the memories, preferred transferring their witnesses to the next generations.
In this research we tried to identify personalities wrote books of history in addition to their service as a physician at the courts of Abbasid State in the first two centuries. Their contribution rates to the historiography of the period, the characteristics of their historical works and the prominent aspects of daily life of physicians employed by the Abbasid courts also studied. Especially, this study will focus on works done by physicians of Abbasid palace, Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq’s (d. 260/873) autobiography and Thābit b. Sinān’s (d. 365/976) chronicle.
Keywords: Abbasid State, Court Physicians, Historiography, Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq, Thābit b. Sinān

Research paper thumbnail of Emevi ve Abbasi Dönemi Siyasetnamelerinde İktidarın Kuruluşu: Kökenler ve Meşruiyet

İslam Siyaset Düşüncesinde İktidar: Kökenler ve Meşruiyet Sorunu, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of İslam Dünyasında Katibin Adabına Dair Eserlerin Ortaya Çıkışı, Gelişimi, Muhtevası ve Tarihsel Değeri

Tarihsel Bir İnceleme Alanı Olarak Edeb, 2024

Edeb/Adab Çalıştayı'na davet ederek edeb kavramı üzerinde düşünmeme vesile olan, yazıyı baştan so... more Edeb/Adab Çalıştayı'na davet ederek edeb kavramı üzerinde düşünmeme vesile olan, yazıyı baştan sona okuyarak tashih eden ve yönelttiği sorularla metnin olgunlaşmasına katkı sağlayan Ertuğrul Ökten'e teşekkür ederim. 1 Edeb kavramının zaman içerisinde şekillenen anlamı ve ilgili literatür hakkında bkz. Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, "Adab a) Arabic, early developments", The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three, erişim 17 Aralık 2019, encyclopaedia-of-islam-3/*-COM_24178.

Research paper thumbnail of İhya ile İfsat Arasında Halife Mütevekkil Dönemine (232-247/847-861) Farklı Yaklaşımlar

İslam ve Medeniyet 2. Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 17-18 Ekim 2022 Elazığ (İhyâ, ed. Hüsamettin Yıldırım - Rahime Çelik - Zeynep Sağır - Muhammed Doğan, Konya: Kitap Dünyası), 2022

Evrensel dinler, tarih boyunca müntesipleri ve aleyhtarları tarafından tartışma konusu edilmiştir... more Evrensel dinler, tarih boyunca müntesipleri ve aleyhtarları tarafından tartışma konusu edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte bir dinin farklı yorumları, o dini benimseyen kimseleri zaman zaman karşı karşıya getirmiştir. Erken dönemlerden itibaren İslam’ı anlama ve yaşama konusunda farklılıklar ortaya çıkmıştır. Mezhep olarak tarif edilen farklı din yorumları siyasi ve sosyal açıdan etkisini sürekli hissettirmiştir. Her mezhep, kendi din anlayışının doğru olduğunu gösterme ve halka benimsetme çabası içinde olmuştur. Bu durum karşısında Emevî döneminden itibaren halifeler, bir din siyaseti belirlemek ve uygulamakla meşgul olmuşlardır. Abbâsî döneminde artan dinî tartışmalara ve mezhebî ayrışmalara halifeler de müdahil olmaya başlamıştır. Me’mûn’un (ö. 218/833) “halku’l-Kur’ân” meselesini gündeme getirip Mu‘tezile’yi devletin resmî mezhebi ilan etmesiyle (218/833) başlayan Mihne dönemi, Mütevekkil’in aldığı kararla son bulmuştur (234/848). Siyasi ve askeri açıdan önemli gelişmelerin yaşandığı Mütevekkil dönemi (232-247/847-861), çeşitli dinî gruplara yaklaşım biçimi ve bununla ilgili birtakım uygulamalarla anılagelmiştir. Halifeyle aynı görüşü paylaşanlar onu ziyadesiyle yüceltmiş, aksi görüşte olanlar ise olabildiğince yermişlerdir. Mütevekkil zamanını dinin özüne dönüldüğü günler olarak niteleyenler olduğu gibi felaket ve yozlaşma şeklinde görenler de olmuştur. Nitekim onunla ilgili olarak “Halifeler üçtür: Ridde savaşlarındaki kararlılığıyla Ebû Bekir es-Sıddîk, mezâlim davalarına bakmayı geri getiren Ömer b. Abdülaziz ve Sünnet’i ihya eden Mütevekkil.” sözü belli çevreler arasında dolaşır olmuştur. Bu sözü nakleden tarihçilerden biri olan Ebû Zekeriyyâ el-Ezdî (ö. 334/945), kimilerinin Mütevekkil’i övmede aşırıya kaçtığını ve onun günahlarını unuttuklarını belirtmiştir. Mütevekkil’in devlet kademelerine mezhebî kaygılarla insanları tayin etmesi, Şiîlere karşı baskıcı tutumları, gayrimüslimlere yönelik çeşitli yaptırımları, ayrıca israf ve şatafata dayalı bir yaşam sergilemesi, tarih kaynaklarına bu dönemin farklı biçimde yansımasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Mütevekkil döneminin dinî açıdan ihya ile ifsat arasında farklı biçimlerde telakki edilmesinin arkasında yatan nedenler irdelenmektedir. Çeşitli tarih kaynaklarına müracaat edilmek suretiyle dinde ihya çabalarının ilgili dönem çerçevesinde nasıl anlaşıldığının izi sürülmektedir. Bununla birlikte ihya kavramı bağlamında Mütevekkil döneminin bir dönüm noktası olup olmadığı tartışılmaktadır.
Anahtar kavramlar: İslam Tarihi, İhya, Tecdid, Abbâsîler, Mütevekkil, Sünnet, Mihne, Mu‘tezile, Şiîler, Gayrimüslimler

Research paper thumbnail of Kalemden Devşirilen Güç: Erken İslam Toplumunda Bürokratik Otorite

İslam Düşünce Tarihinde Otorite Kavramı, ed. Mehmet Fatih Yalçın - İbrahim Aksu, Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2022

Bu baskının bütün hakları Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Ş aittir. Y... more Bu baskının bütün hakları Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Ş aittir. Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz.

Research paper thumbnail of Kudâme b. Ca‘fer (948): Coğrafyayı Jeopolitik Düzlemde Ele Alan Bir Abbasi Bürokratı

İslam Medeniyetinde Bilim Öncüleri 2: Coğrafya, proje ed. Mehmet Azimli, kitap ed. Muharrem Samet Bilgin, İstanbul: Mana Yayınları, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Cehşiyârî’nin Kitâbü’l-Vüzerâ ve’l-Küttâb’ı Örneğinde Müslümanlarda Biyografik Tarih Yazıcılığı / Biographical Historiography among Muslims in the Example of al-Jahshīyārī’s Kitāb al-Wuzarāʾ wa’l-Kuttāb

İslam Telif Geleneğinde Biyografi Yazıcılığı (Uluslararası Sempozyum), 10-11 Kasım 2016 İstanbul , 2018

Biographical historiography among Muslims started in the early period and diversified by time. In... more Biographical historiography among Muslims started in the early period and diversified by time. In the Umayyad period, a coterie of clerks (kātib pl. kuttāb) has emerged following the development of the government offices (dīwān pl. dawāwīn). During the establishment period of the Abbasids, vizier authorities have been founded in order to alleviate the caliph’s duties in state administration. Clerks and viziers have played a dominant role in the process of institutionalization of these two states. Depending on their capabilities and position in the state administration, they were a subject of Islamic historiography and independent biographical works were written about them. It is recorded in the bibliographical works that Muslim historians have written many books on clerks and viziers, who are regarded as the bureaucrats of the Islamic community. Unfortunately, many of them have disappeared today.
In this paper, we elaborate on the biographical writing in the Islamic tradition in the example of al-Jahshīyārī’s (d. 331/942-43) Kitāb al-Wuzarāʾ wa’l-Kuttāb. al-Jahshīyārī compiled the news on the lives of important personalities who worked as a clerk and vizier in the state administration in the period from the Prophet Mohammed to the reign of Caliph al-Muktafī (289-295/902-908). The author has a rich and detailed information about clerkship profession, the execution of state institutions, bureaucratic structure; political, administrative, scientific and cultural life where high-ranking officers and vizier were located at the epicenter. In this study, Kitāb al-Wuzarāʾ wa’l-Kuttāb will be evaluated in the context of its contents, resources, its method of writing, and in the context of historical events and developments that brought it out. On the other hand, we will point to the place and importance of it among the sources of Islamic history.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu

Türkiye'nin Birikimleri 5: Tarihçiler, ed. Hüseyin Türkan, İstanbul: İlke Yayıncılık, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Bilim-Medeniyet İlişkisi Bağlamında Sâid el-Endelüsî’nin Tabakâtü’l-Ümem’i

Gelenek ve Modernlik Arasında Bilgi ve Toplum, ed. M. Hüseyin Mercan, İstanbul: Yedirenk Yayınları, 2013

Sâid al-Andalusî’s Tabaqât al-Umam in the context of the Relationship Between Science and Civiliz... more Sâid al-Andalusî’s Tabaqât al-Umam in the context of the Relationship Between Science and Civilization

With the rapid spread of Islam, Muslim people found the possibility of the meeting with the other cultures and civilizations and in considering the scientific heritages of former civilizations as their lost treasures they inherited products of these cultures. In the processes of the acquisition of these former scientific traditions they reproduced it in accordance with their own conception of knowledge.
In addition to its scientifically central place in the Middle Ages, Muslim World was very prolific in the writing of the history of sciences as well. In his Tabaqât al-Umam, Qâdî Sâid al-Andalusî (d. 462/1070) classifies the scientific activities according to different nations and after describing these activities he informs about the transmission of ancient scientific traditions to Islamic civilization and scholars in the East and West part of Muslim World. In this respect, Tabaqât al-Umam is not only a history of science, but also a history of civilizations and nations. Saîd al-Andalusî does not confine himself to dealing with the places of nations in world history, he also deals with the classification of nations in respect to their contribution to scientific production.
In this proceeding I will discuss Tabaqât al-Umam in terms of attitudes and approaches toward the science in Islamic civilization. For this purpose, the paper aims to discuss the meaning and importance of the conception of classification of nations and to evaluate this classification in terms of its absolute and conditional features. Finally, I will try to determine what is the implicit message that Tabaqât al-Umam conveys for our understanding of knowledge and science.
Key words: Tabaqât al-Umam, Sâid al-Andalusî, Science, history of civilizations and nations.

[Research paper thumbnail of Tehânevî - Tarih [Takvimler]](

Keşşâfü Istılâhâti’l-Fünûn ve’l-Ulûm: Bilim ve Sanat Terimleri Ansiklopedisi, 2024


Research paper thumbnail of Peter Burke - Kültür Tarihinin Çeşitliliği / Varieties of Cultural History

Peter Burke, Kültür Tarihinin Çeşitliliği, çev. Mesut Düzce - Hakan Hemşinli - Mustafa Tekpınar - Selahattin Polatoğlu, İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Muhammed Hamidullah - Endülüs'ün (İspanya) Hz. Osman'ın Halifeliği Sırasında -Hicrî 27 Yılında- Fethi

Kocaeli İlahiyat Dergisi, 2018

As widespread in the sources of history, Spain was conquered by Muslims in 92 (711). However, in ... more As widespread in the sources of history, Spain was conquered by Muslims in 92 (711). However, in the article which we have translated, Hamidullah argues that this event took place at an earlier period, in the time of Caliph ʻUthmān. The writer is trying to base his argument on the basis of a narrative of Tabarī’s The History, which was mentioned in the events of the 27th year (647-48) and also repeated in the later sources. The article contains an introduction to the general course of the first Islamic conquests and Islam-Byzantine relations. Later, accounts telling that Spain and the country of Franks were conquered in the 27th year of Hijra are quoted from sources of history. In addition to the translation, the views of Mehmet Özdemir, who evaluated the issue by questioning the reliability of the narration, are included.

Research paper thumbnail of Abdulazîz ed-Dûrî - Medine Tarih Ekolünün İlk Temsilcisi: Urve b. Zübeyr /  The First Representative of the Historical School of Medina: ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr

İslâmî Araştırmalar , 2018

In this study ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr’s (d. 94/712), who is considered the first representative of the... more In this study ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr’s (d. 94/712), who is considered the first representative of the Historical School of Medina, his life and historian personality will be examined. ‘Urwa’s accounts (riwāya) related to times of the Prophet Muhammad and the Rāshidūn Caliphs tried to be detected from the sources that coming after him. This riwāya’s were analysed and ‘Urwa’s historian aspects is emphasized.

Research paper thumbnail of Muhammed b. İshâk en-Nedîm - el-Fihrist, "3. Makâle 2. Fen"

Muhammed b. İshâk en-Nedîm (ö. 380/990), el-Fihrist: İlk Dönem İslâm Kültür Atlası, ed. Mehmet Yolcu, İstanbul: Çıra Yayınları (Gözden geçirilmiş 2. bs.), 2021

Hükümdarlar, kâtipler, hatipler, mektup yazarları ve haraç görevlilerinin [ve divan yöneticilerin... more Hükümdarlar, kâtipler, hatipler, mektup yazarları ve haraç görevlilerinin [ve divan yöneticilerinin] haberlerini ve onlara ait kitapların adlarını içermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Abbâsî Devleti’nde Kâtipler (132-334/750-945) / Clerks in The Abbasid Caliphate (132-334/750-945)

Abbâsî Devleti’nde Kâtipler (132-334/750-945) Doktora Tezi / Clerks in The Abbasid Caliphate (132-334/750-945) PhD Thesis, 2022

Clerkship (kātib pl. kuttāb) is an ancient profession that emerged depending on the developments ... more Clerkship (kātib pl. kuttāb) is an ancient profession that emerged depending on the developments in the social organization and state system. This profession, which mainly serves the purpose of carrying out official correspondence and keeping records of financial affairs, was a subject of certain rules. The profession of clerkship, which the first example of it was seen in the history of Islam during the reign of the prophet Muhammad, has developed over the following time periods and has acquired a structure that requires expertise. Depending on the Islamic conquests, the activities which aimed at institutionalization in the period of the second caliph Umar enabled the profession of clerkship to become independent. In the Umayyad period, the clear separation of administrative, financial and military diwans and transformation of the courts into independent institutions made the clerks to stand out as a class. Although the Abbasids put an end to the Umayyads they largely took over their administrative system and it’s staff.
In this study, which consists of an introduction and four chapters, the clerks in the first two centuries of the Abbasid State are examined from various perspectives. While the method and sources of the study are given in the introduction part, the situation of the clerkship before the Abbasids is discussed in general terms. In the first chapter, the work areas, working environments and orders of the clerks are discussed in accordance to their vocational lives. Additionally, some information is presented about the welfare status of clerks, their daily lives, social environments and religious and ethnic affiliations. In the second part, clerks are examined within the body of Abbasid institutions. The clerks who were working in the diwans are evaluated under three separate heading, as administrative, financial and military. In addition, the clerks who were working in the security organization, judicial institutions and various fields providing public services are also examined. In the third chapter, the roles of the clerks in political life are handled within the framework of their relations with officials such as the caliph and dynasty members, statesmen and commanders. At the end of this chapter, families of clerk origin who have become prominent in political and administrative life are introduced. In the fourth chapter, the clerks are discussed in terms of their directing role in the fields of art and science, also the works that has been produced by them.

Research paper thumbnail of İbn Miskeveyh’in Tecâribü’l Ümem ve Teâkubü’l Himem’i

İbn Miskeveyh’in Tecâribü’l Ümem ve Teâkubü’l Himem’i (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), 2008