Neil Bearden | INSEAD - (original) (raw)

Papers by Neil Bearden

Research paper thumbnail of Evolving Q-learning strategies for the iterated prisoner's dilemma

Research paper thumbnail of Case study: an office romance gone wrong

Harvard Business Review, 2016

A case study is presented which deals with various aspects of an office romance involving a compa... more A case study is presented which deals with various aspects of an office romance involving a company's male chief financial officer (CFO) and a female salesperson, and it mentions the potential impacts of such as relationship on other co-workers and business management professionals. Decision making in business is assessed, along with the social aspects of a work environment, company policies, and the possible impact that an office relationship might have on an individual's career development.

Research paper thumbnail of Newsvendor pull-to-center reconsidered

Decision Support Systems, Feb 1, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of On Generalized Secretary Problems

Springer eBooks, Aug 9, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and Forecast Accuracy: Evidence from the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Unpacking the Future: A Nudge Toward Wider Subjective Confidence Intervals

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-attribute extension of the secretary problem: Theory and experiments

Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Oct 1, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Newsvendor Demand Chasing Revisited

Management Science, May 1, 2013

Existing research on newsvendor behavior asserts that individuals engage in demand chasing—adjust... more Existing research on newsvendor behavior asserts that individuals engage in demand chasing—adjusting their order quantities towards prior demand. Several metrics have been used to identify this heuristic. By simulation, current metrics are shown to yield excessive false positives, indicating demand chasing when the true order generating process is independent of prior demand. A simple correlation measure does not suffer from this problem and is proposed here as an alternative to some of the more commonly used measures. This paper was accepted by Martin Lariviere, operations management.

Research paper thumbnail of Sex, risk and the newsvendor

Journal of Operations Management, Nov 22, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Entry Times in Queues with Endogenous Arrivals: Dynamics of Play on the Individual and Aggregate Levels

Springer eBooks, Oct 20, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Decision Biases in Revenue Management: Some Behavioral Evidence

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Oct 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Sequential Observation and Selection with Rank-Dependent Payoffs: An Experimental Study

Management Science, Sep 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence from the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Before and during the 2010 Soccer World Cup, participants made probabilistic forecasts for the ou... more Before and during the 2010 Soccer World Cup, participants made probabilistic forecasts for the outcomes of the tournament. We examine the relationship between their depression levels and their performance in this forecasting task. Across two different waves of predictions and with multiple measures and components of prediction accuracy, we find that depressed forecasters were less accurate. The poorer accuracy amongst the more depressed forecasters was primarily driven by neglect for base rate probabilities: The depressed participants assigned probabilities that departed more substantially from the base rates, particularly for low base rate events. Given the high incidence of depression in the workforce, the importance of judgmental probabilistic forecasting in many settings, and that we may be the first to look at depression- accuracy relationship using a real-world prediction task involving exogenous uncertainty, these findings may have important implications for both theory and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Credible Signaling as a Mechanism for Maintaining Cooperation: Evidence from Real-Time Trust Dilemmas

Research paper thumbnail of Diverse Personalities Make for Wiser Crowds: How Personality can Affect the Accuracy of Aggregated Judgments

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Skip the Square Root of n: A New Secretary Problem

We present an extension of the secretary problem in which the DM sequentially observes up to n ap... more We present an extension of the secretary problem in which the DM sequentially observes up to n applicants whose actual values X1,X2,...,Xn are drawn iid from a uniform distribution on [0,1]. The DM must select exactly one applicant, cannot recall released applicants, and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Risk Aversion in Adaptive Learning Agents

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Apr 1, 2001

Risk aversion is one of the most commonly cited properties of human decision making (eg, Kahneman... more Risk aversion is one of the most commonly cited properties of human decision making (eg, Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). This finding is at odds with traditional expected value theory, but not with more recent theories of rational choice (eg, von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944). Since ...

Research paper thumbnail of Machiavellianism and Overconfidence

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and forecast accuracy: Evidence from the 2010 FIFA World Cup

International Journal of Forecasting, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Exploding Offers Can Blow Up in More Than One Way

Decision Analysis, Sep 1, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Evolving Q-learning strategies for the iterated prisoner's dilemma

Research paper thumbnail of Case study: an office romance gone wrong

Harvard Business Review, 2016

A case study is presented which deals with various aspects of an office romance involving a compa... more A case study is presented which deals with various aspects of an office romance involving a company's male chief financial officer (CFO) and a female salesperson, and it mentions the potential impacts of such as relationship on other co-workers and business management professionals. Decision making in business is assessed, along with the social aspects of a work environment, company policies, and the possible impact that an office relationship might have on an individual's career development.

Research paper thumbnail of Newsvendor pull-to-center reconsidered

Decision Support Systems, Feb 1, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of On Generalized Secretary Problems

Springer eBooks, Aug 9, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and Forecast Accuracy: Evidence from the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Unpacking the Future: A Nudge Toward Wider Subjective Confidence Intervals

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-attribute extension of the secretary problem: Theory and experiments

Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Oct 1, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Newsvendor Demand Chasing Revisited

Management Science, May 1, 2013

Existing research on newsvendor behavior asserts that individuals engage in demand chasing—adjust... more Existing research on newsvendor behavior asserts that individuals engage in demand chasing—adjusting their order quantities towards prior demand. Several metrics have been used to identify this heuristic. By simulation, current metrics are shown to yield excessive false positives, indicating demand chasing when the true order generating process is independent of prior demand. A simple correlation measure does not suffer from this problem and is proposed here as an alternative to some of the more commonly used measures. This paper was accepted by Martin Lariviere, operations management.

Research paper thumbnail of Sex, risk and the newsvendor

Journal of Operations Management, Nov 22, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Entry Times in Queues with Endogenous Arrivals: Dynamics of Play on the Individual and Aggregate Levels

Springer eBooks, Oct 20, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Decision Biases in Revenue Management: Some Behavioral Evidence

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Oct 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Sequential Observation and Selection with Rank-Dependent Payoffs: An Experimental Study

Management Science, Sep 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence from the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Before and during the 2010 Soccer World Cup, participants made probabilistic forecasts for the ou... more Before and during the 2010 Soccer World Cup, participants made probabilistic forecasts for the outcomes of the tournament. We examine the relationship between their depression levels and their performance in this forecasting task. Across two different waves of predictions and with multiple measures and components of prediction accuracy, we find that depressed forecasters were less accurate. The poorer accuracy amongst the more depressed forecasters was primarily driven by neglect for base rate probabilities: The depressed participants assigned probabilities that departed more substantially from the base rates, particularly for low base rate events. Given the high incidence of depression in the workforce, the importance of judgmental probabilistic forecasting in many settings, and that we may be the first to look at depression- accuracy relationship using a real-world prediction task involving exogenous uncertainty, these findings may have important implications for both theory and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Credible Signaling as a Mechanism for Maintaining Cooperation: Evidence from Real-Time Trust Dilemmas

Research paper thumbnail of Diverse Personalities Make for Wiser Crowds: How Personality can Affect the Accuracy of Aggregated Judgments

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Skip the Square Root of n: A New Secretary Problem

We present an extension of the secretary problem in which the DM sequentially observes up to n ap... more We present an extension of the secretary problem in which the DM sequentially observes up to n applicants whose actual values X1,X2,...,Xn are drawn iid from a uniform distribution on [0,1]. The DM must select exactly one applicant, cannot recall released applicants, and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Risk Aversion in Adaptive Learning Agents

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Apr 1, 2001

Risk aversion is one of the most commonly cited properties of human decision making (eg, Kahneman... more Risk aversion is one of the most commonly cited properties of human decision making (eg, Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). This finding is at odds with traditional expected value theory, but not with more recent theories of rational choice (eg, von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944). Since ...

Research paper thumbnail of Machiavellianism and Overconfidence

Social Science Research Network, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and forecast accuracy: Evidence from the 2010 FIFA World Cup

International Journal of Forecasting, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Exploding Offers Can Blow Up in More Than One Way

Decision Analysis, Sep 1, 2014