Olga Khavanova | The Institute of Slavic Studies (original) (raw)
Papers by Olga Khavanova
Zapad-Vostok, 2018
Вторая половина XVIII столетия в монархии Габсбургов стала временем масштабных реформ в сфере обр... more Вторая половина XVIII столетия в монархии Габсбургов стала временем масштабных реформ в сфере образования, затронувших все сословия -от беднейших, которым в учебном плане 1777 г. был гарантирован доступ к началам грамотности, до аристократии и дворянства, для кого создавалась, преобразовывалась, расширялась сеть привилегированных школ, куда принимали как на платные, так и на стипендиальные места как детей первых лиц государства, так и сыновей скромных служащих (гражданских и военных). В статье дается характеристика принципов, которыми руководствовался венский двор при распределении стипендиальных квот, предлагается краткий очерк истории Терезианской академии в Буде (Венгрия), задуманной как закрытая элитарная школа при всесословном университете, но просуществовавшей -вследствие пересмотра политики в области дворянского образования -менее десяти лет, и реконструируется частный случай одного прошения о зачислении в королевские стипендиаты на примере дворянского сына Яноша Черски. В Приложении публикуются прошение отца мальчика и его письма к родителям.
New Historical Bulletin, 2024
This article is devoted to the period of restoration and consolidation of Russian-Austrian relati... more This article is devoted to the period of restoration and consolidation of Russian-Austrian relations during the period of overcoming the consequences of the so-called Marquis Botta aff air (1743), when ties with allied Austria were defi antly broken because of unsubstantiated accusations of support for an alleged plot by a number of aristocrats against Elizabeth Petrovna. After an official apology had been agreed upon, in December 1745, the Chamberlain, Field Marshal-Lieutenant-General Baron Johann Franz Pretlack was sent to Russia with the notification on the election of Francis of Lorraine as the new Holy Roman Emperor. Within six months of his stay at the St. Petersburg court, he was offi cially accredited in the “ambassadorial character”, becoming the fi rst diplomatic representative of the fi rst rank in the history of the two realms. The article examines the ceremonial aspects that refl ected the gradual warming of bilateral relations, culminating in the renewal of the treaty of
alliance in the summer of 1746 and the invitation of the Orthodox-Christian Russian empress to be the godmother of the newborn son of Maria Theresa and Francis I. It is concluded that every time after cooling and ruptures, St. Petersburg and Vienna restored cooperation at a higher level, expanded the areas of interaction and forms of contact. Pretlak’s successors continued to be accredited in the rank of ambassadors until Russia’s withdrawal from the Seven Years’ War, to represent both the Holy Roman Empire and the House of Austria until the death of Maria Theresa in 1780, and to promote the expansion of ties between the courts and aristocratic communities of the two great powers.
Славянский мир в третьем тысячелетии, 2024
This article analyses the circumstances that contributed to advances in the careers of the Hunga ... more This article analyses the circumstances that contributed to advances in the careers of the Hunga rian noble family Keglevich, their incorporation into the Viennese court elite and the consolidation of their position within the ranks of the Hungarian aristocracy. Joseph Keglevich, who began his service as a gentleman of the embassy in Madrid and St. Petersburg and on his return took up important and honourable positions at court and in the Kingdom of Hungary, is particularly paradigmatic in this respect. The early stages of his career, especially the six years in the Russian capital, are practically not covered in either Russian or Hungarian historiography. The article utilises the example of his career to examine the status and duties of the gentlemen of the embassy in St. Petersburg and to show the causes and consequences of possible ceremonial confl icts between the Russian autho rities and diplomatic missions. To reconstruct the events of this period in the life of the young aristocrat, documents from the funds of the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, diplomatic correspondence of Ambassador Nikolaus Esterházy, information from Kammerfurier-journals, and so forth are used. The Supplement contains a translation of the letter of the younger brother, Sigismund Keglevich, seized from a Capuchin missionary and deposited in the fonds of the Archivesa vivid example of family correspondence of aristocrats in the eighteenth century (the original in Hungarian was lost). It is concluded that in the second half of the century, similarly to the reign of Charles VI, the diplomatic service remained the most important sphere of effort for the "economy of honour" (Andreas Pečar's term) of Viennese court society and ensured strong positions in the subsequent stages of service.
This article scrutinizes the patterns of written and oral communication of the imperial and Austr... more This article scrutinizes the patterns of written and oral communication of the imperial and Austrian ambassador to St Petersburg, Count Nikolaus (Miklós) Esterházy. He was the first Hungarian aristocrat to secure a diplomatic career, representing the House of Austria and the Holy Roman Empire at several European courts, including Saxony, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Spain, and Russia. Only a few of his autographs in German and French survive. Esterházy's biography, however, proves that he was fluent in these languages and additionally mastered the basics of written Latin and (at least) spoken Hungarian. Furthermore, the article illustrates how the Austrian mission in St Petersburg functioned in the middle of the eighteenth century and what languages were used in correspondence with the imperial vice chancellor and state chancellor. It also shows what languages diplomats needed to be proficient in to manage incoming and outgoing correspondence and how present-day historians use the private archives of the diplomat, which preserve most documents processed by the mission in their completeness and variety. Attention is paid to the diplomat's principal counterparts at the Russian court-Empress Elizabeth, Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna, Alexei P. Bestuzhev-Riumin, Mikhail I. Vorontsov, and Petr I. Shuvalov. During his stay in Russia, Esterházy followed the existing practices of writing dispatches to Vienna and communicating with the College of International Affairs in St Peterburg in German. Although it is not always clear if he used German or French at the Russian court, he was flexible enough to use both for acquiring information and gaining favors.
Славяноведение, 2022
An important element of early modern diplomacy was symbolic communication between the allied cour... more An important element of early modern diplomacy was symbolic communication between the allied courts through the exchange of letters informing about important events in the life of the ruling dynasty, the sending of ceremonial embassies to celebrate kinship, friendship, and alliance relations. The year 1741 takes a special place in the history of Russian-Austrian relations due to the important events that influenced the fate of the two powers: the House of Austria got the heir Archduke Joseph, while in Russia the Brunswick dynasty, which ruled on behalf of infant Ivan III
(VI), failed to retain power and was overthrown in a coup at the end of the year. More
sophisticated in the symbolism of diplomatic gestures, the House of Austria in April
1741 sent four embassies to allied courts after the birth of the Archduke, including St.
Petersburg, where the third cousin of the new-born ruled. The fact of a short embassy
to Russia by Count Johann Balthasar Wilczek was soon consigned to oblivion, but the
practice of exchanging embassies survived and later flourished under Elizabeth Petrovna.
Важным элементом дипломатии раннего Нового времени была символическая коммуникация между союзными дворами, выражавшаяся в обмене грамотами, информировавшими о важных событиях в жизни правящей династии, в отправке церемониальных посольств, призванных засвидетельствовать родственные, дружественные, союзнические отношения и пр. В истории россий-
ско-австрийских отношений 1741 год занимает особое место в силу важных событий, повлиявших на дальнейшую судьбу двух держав: у Австрийского дома появился наследник эрцгерцог Иосиф, а в России Брауншвейгская династия, правившая от имени младенца Иоанна III (VI), в конце года была свергнута в ходе государственного переворота. Более искушенный в символике дипломатических жестов Австрийский дом направил после рождения эрцгерцога четыре посольства к союзным дворам, в том числе в Санкт-Петербург, где правил троюродный брат новорожденного. Факт кратковременного посольства в Россию графа Иоганна Бальтасара Вильчека вскоре был предан забвению, однако практика обмена посольствами сохранилась и пережила расцвет при Елизавете Петровне.
Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf’s Diplomatic Mission to Saint Petersburg in 1755, 2022
Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf is first and foremost known as an outstanding Austrian economist who ... more Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf is first and foremost known as an outstanding Austrian economist who greatly contributed to the national reform of finances and administrative efficiency. The early years of his career were spent in the diplomatic service under the guidance and patronage of Count Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz, who placed much hope in the ambitious young aristocrat. One of the significant episodes of Zinzendorf's diplomatic career was a mission to Russia in 1755. Its formal pretext was to convey the congratulations of the imperial couple to Empress Elizabeth I on the birth of the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Paul. At the same time, Zinzendorf was entrusted with a secret mission of learning more about the main vectors of Russian foreign policy, establishing more confidential relations with the rival groupings at the St. Petersburg court, and promoting closer joint action between Vienna, London, and St. Petersburg against Prussia in the inevitable continental war. The witty analytical mind and exceptional sociability of Zinzendorf allowed him to accomplish both missions brilliantly, the results of which he reported to Kaunitz. This paper considers both the official and unofficial activities of the imperial and Austrian envoy during his visit, the complications he faced, and the solutions he found during his two journeys to Russia in 1755 against the backdrop of Austrian-Russian relations in their heyday on the eve of the Seven Years' War.
Novaia i noveishaia istoriia
The article is based on the materials from Russian and Austrian archives and devoted to lesser-kn... more The article is based on the materials from Russian and Austrian archives and devoted to lesser-known circumstances of the preparation and course of the 1761 diplomatic mission of Baron A.S. Stroganov to Vienna on the occasion of the wedding of the heir to the throne, Archduke Joseph, with Isabella of Parma. The embassy is considered in the context of symbolic communication through ceremonial gestures between St. Petersburg and Vienna. It emphasised the particularly friendly nature of the relationship between the two dynasties and two courts, not only united by a bilateral treaty and membership in the anti-Prussian alliance during the Seven Years War but also symbolically related as godparents. A.S. Stroganov was a young aristocrat without proper experience in the field of diplomacy and of the modest court rank of Kammer-Junker. The appointment was explained by his kinship with Chancellor M.I. Vorontsov whose daughter Anna officially accompanied her husband on the trip. The imperial ...
The article aims to reconstruct the circumstances that surrounded the preparation for the long Eu... more The article aims to reconstruct the circumstances that surrounded the preparation for the long European trip Archduke Paul and his wife Archduchess Maria made in 1781–1782, the rich cultural programme of their stay in the Habsburg capital, which included visiting the military, administrative, cultural and educational institutions and getting acquainted with the first dignitaries of the state and representatives of the major aristocratic families at the court. The article is based on the unpublished Russian and Austrian ambassadorial reports, published correspondence of Catherine II with her son and daughter-in law and with Emperor Joseph II, the newspaper Wiener Zeitung, and other sources
Человек на Балканах. Памяти Андрея Леонидовича Шемякина (1960–2018), 2020
Central-European Studies, 2020
The second half of the eighteenth century in the lands under the sceptre of the House of Austria ... more The second half of the eighteenth century in the lands under the sceptre of the House of Austria was a period of development of a language policy addressing the ethno-linguistic diversity of the monarchy’s subjects. On the one hand, the sphere of use of the German language was becoming wider, embracing more and more segments of administration, education, and culture. On the other hand, the authorities were perfectly aware of the fact that communication in the languages and vernaculars of the nationalities living in the Austrian Monarchy was one of the principal instruments of spreading decrees and announcements from the central and local authorities to the less-educated strata of the population. Consequently, a large-scale reform of primary education was launched, aimed at making the whole population literate, regardless of social status, nationality (mother tongue), or confession. In parallel with the centrally coordinated state policy of education and language-use, subjects-both l...
This is a publication of a source from the funds of the Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian... more This is a publication of a source from the funds of the Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire – a private letter in German from 1754 written by the Russian Ambassador at Vienna, Count Heinrich Carl Keyserling, to Vice-Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov and its translation into Russian from the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. The letter contains not only precious pieces of information on how the Russian mission in Vienna functioned, but also the Ambassador’s reflections on the shortcomings of the preparation of young Russian nobles, sent abroad to acquire practical knowledge and skills, for state service. Gentlemen were recruited both from the offspring of the most prominent families, and from lesser nobles living on their salaries. For the former, their stay abroad was a form of grand tour, a journey with educational goals which implied attending foreign courts and socialisation in a court
milieu before appointment as ambassador or envoy to one European country or another; for the latter, on the other hand, serving abroad was a career leap, an entrance-ticket to the administrative elite of the Russian Empire. Keyserling properly defines the core problem – non-systematic education and a lack of basic knowledge indispensable for building up a successful career – and suggests measures which the government should introduce in order to improve the qualification of the future diplomats. In his response, the Vice-Chancellor suggested using all educational methods, including attending the Vienna mission archives, and thus apparently recognised that the Russian educational system was not ready to prepare skilled diplomats from the higher and middling
echelons of society.
A koraújkori nemzetközi kapcsolatok legfontosabb szereplői a nagykövetek és a követek voltak. Ők ... more A koraújkori nemzetközi kapcsolatok legfontosabb szereplői a nagykövetek és a követek voltak. Ők képviselték udvarukat, és szimbolikusan megtestesítették uralkodójukat. Egy-egy ország külpolitikai irányvonalának kidolgozása a nagyköveti jelentések alapján történt. A követségek és a külügyekkel foglalkozó hazai hivatalok, testületek közötti folyamatos kapcsolattartásban, valamint a hírszerzésben azonban jelentős szerepet játszottak a tolmácsok, a titkárok és az írnokok is. Életük néha kalandregényhez hasonlít, 2 de sajnos mégis keveset tudunk róluk, a források rájuk vonatkozó adatai gyakran hiányosak. Jelen tanulmány arról a Johann Philipp von Eichenfeldről (†1773) szól, aki a szentpétervári osztrák követség írnoka, titkára, majd tanácsosa volt, és a háttérben negyven éven keresztül tartotta kézben a bécsi és a szentpétervári udvar kapcsolatait. 1 A tanulmány azokat a kutatási eredményeket foglalja össze, amelyekhez a MTA kiemelkedő vendégkutatói programjának ösztöndíjasaként jutottam a "Gróf Esterházy Miklós szentpétervári küldetése, 1753-1761" című projekt keretében. Ezúton köszönöm az MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpontnak és a Szent Korona Lendület Kutatócsoportnak, hogy fogadó intézményként támogattak. Továbbá köszönöm Oross Andrásnak a bécsi levéltárakban folytatott kutatásaimhoz nyújtott segítségét, Rosonczy Ildikónak pedig jelen tanulmány lektorálását. 2 Ld. például az eseményekben gazdag életrajz-rekonstrukciót: Kármán Gábor: A Seventeenth-Century Odyssey in East Central Europe. The Life of Jakab Harsányi Nagy. Leiden 2016.
Die Rezeption der Werke von Fritz Valjavec und Eduard Winter in den ungarischen Geisteswissenscha... more Die Rezeption der Werke von Fritz Valjavec und Eduard Winter in den ungarischen Geisteswissenschaften "A német tudomány magas feljettsége senkinek sem szolgálhat háttérül alaptalan leckéztetésekre." 1 Domokos Kosáry Eduard Winter und Fritz Valjavec sind zwei Autoren, deren Namen in den Werken von ungarischen Historikerinnen und Historikern über die (frühe) Aufklärung, den Aufgeklärten Absolutismus und besonders die Reformen von Joseph II. oft nebeneinander stehen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie die Theorien des Josephinismus, oder allgemein Werke zur Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts von Winter und Valjavec mit einer starken nationalen Tradition der Erforschung dieses Problemkreises koexistierten, inwieweit sich die ungarische Geschichtsschreibung die Theorien beider Autoren aneignete und ob man von einer breiten und tiefen Rezeption ihrer Werke in Ungarn in den Jahrzehnten vor und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und bis zur Wende 1990 sprechen kann. DIESER eSONDERDRUCK DARF NUR ZU PERSÖNLICHEN ZWECKEN UND WEDER DIREKT NOCH INDIREKT FÜR ELEKTRONISCHE PUBLIKATIONEN DURCH DIE VERFASSERIN ODER DEN VERFASSER DES BEITRAGS GENUTZT WERDEN. BEITRAG aus: FRANZ LEANDER FILLAFER, THOMAS WALLNIG (HG.): JOSEPHINISMUS ZWISCHEN DEN REGIMEN
Вынужденное соседство — добровольное приспособление в дипломатических и межнациональных отношениях в Центральной, Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европе XVIII–XXI вв. , 2017
Indirect evidence from the diplomatic correspondence and a few ego-documents are used as a basis ... more Indirect evidence from the diplomatic correspondence and a few ego-documents are used as a basis for a reconstruction of major milestones in the life and career of the secretary, later councillor of the Austrian embassy in St.-Petersburg Johann Philipp Bößler von Eichenfeld, who served in Russia from 1723 to 1763.
Zapad-Vostok, 2018
Вторая половина XVIII столетия в монархии Габсбургов стала временем масштабных реформ в сфере обр... more Вторая половина XVIII столетия в монархии Габсбургов стала временем масштабных реформ в сфере образования, затронувших все сословия -от беднейших, которым в учебном плане 1777 г. был гарантирован доступ к началам грамотности, до аристократии и дворянства, для кого создавалась, преобразовывалась, расширялась сеть привилегированных школ, куда принимали как на платные, так и на стипендиальные места как детей первых лиц государства, так и сыновей скромных служащих (гражданских и военных). В статье дается характеристика принципов, которыми руководствовался венский двор при распределении стипендиальных квот, предлагается краткий очерк истории Терезианской академии в Буде (Венгрия), задуманной как закрытая элитарная школа при всесословном университете, но просуществовавшей -вследствие пересмотра политики в области дворянского образования -менее десяти лет, и реконструируется частный случай одного прошения о зачислении в королевские стипендиаты на примере дворянского сына Яноша Черски. В Приложении публикуются прошение отца мальчика и его письма к родителям.
New Historical Bulletin, 2024
This article is devoted to the period of restoration and consolidation of Russian-Austrian relati... more This article is devoted to the period of restoration and consolidation of Russian-Austrian relations during the period of overcoming the consequences of the so-called Marquis Botta aff air (1743), when ties with allied Austria were defi antly broken because of unsubstantiated accusations of support for an alleged plot by a number of aristocrats against Elizabeth Petrovna. After an official apology had been agreed upon, in December 1745, the Chamberlain, Field Marshal-Lieutenant-General Baron Johann Franz Pretlack was sent to Russia with the notification on the election of Francis of Lorraine as the new Holy Roman Emperor. Within six months of his stay at the St. Petersburg court, he was offi cially accredited in the “ambassadorial character”, becoming the fi rst diplomatic representative of the fi rst rank in the history of the two realms. The article examines the ceremonial aspects that refl ected the gradual warming of bilateral relations, culminating in the renewal of the treaty of
alliance in the summer of 1746 and the invitation of the Orthodox-Christian Russian empress to be the godmother of the newborn son of Maria Theresa and Francis I. It is concluded that every time after cooling and ruptures, St. Petersburg and Vienna restored cooperation at a higher level, expanded the areas of interaction and forms of contact. Pretlak’s successors continued to be accredited in the rank of ambassadors until Russia’s withdrawal from the Seven Years’ War, to represent both the Holy Roman Empire and the House of Austria until the death of Maria Theresa in 1780, and to promote the expansion of ties between the courts and aristocratic communities of the two great powers.
Славянский мир в третьем тысячелетии, 2024
This article analyses the circumstances that contributed to advances in the careers of the Hunga ... more This article analyses the circumstances that contributed to advances in the careers of the Hunga rian noble family Keglevich, their incorporation into the Viennese court elite and the consolidation of their position within the ranks of the Hungarian aristocracy. Joseph Keglevich, who began his service as a gentleman of the embassy in Madrid and St. Petersburg and on his return took up important and honourable positions at court and in the Kingdom of Hungary, is particularly paradigmatic in this respect. The early stages of his career, especially the six years in the Russian capital, are practically not covered in either Russian or Hungarian historiography. The article utilises the example of his career to examine the status and duties of the gentlemen of the embassy in St. Petersburg and to show the causes and consequences of possible ceremonial confl icts between the Russian autho rities and diplomatic missions. To reconstruct the events of this period in the life of the young aristocrat, documents from the funds of the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, diplomatic correspondence of Ambassador Nikolaus Esterházy, information from Kammerfurier-journals, and so forth are used. The Supplement contains a translation of the letter of the younger brother, Sigismund Keglevich, seized from a Capuchin missionary and deposited in the fonds of the Archivesa vivid example of family correspondence of aristocrats in the eighteenth century (the original in Hungarian was lost). It is concluded that in the second half of the century, similarly to the reign of Charles VI, the diplomatic service remained the most important sphere of effort for the "economy of honour" (Andreas Pečar's term) of Viennese court society and ensured strong positions in the subsequent stages of service.
This article scrutinizes the patterns of written and oral communication of the imperial and Austr... more This article scrutinizes the patterns of written and oral communication of the imperial and Austrian ambassador to St Petersburg, Count Nikolaus (Miklós) Esterházy. He was the first Hungarian aristocrat to secure a diplomatic career, representing the House of Austria and the Holy Roman Empire at several European courts, including Saxony, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Spain, and Russia. Only a few of his autographs in German and French survive. Esterházy's biography, however, proves that he was fluent in these languages and additionally mastered the basics of written Latin and (at least) spoken Hungarian. Furthermore, the article illustrates how the Austrian mission in St Petersburg functioned in the middle of the eighteenth century and what languages were used in correspondence with the imperial vice chancellor and state chancellor. It also shows what languages diplomats needed to be proficient in to manage incoming and outgoing correspondence and how present-day historians use the private archives of the diplomat, which preserve most documents processed by the mission in their completeness and variety. Attention is paid to the diplomat's principal counterparts at the Russian court-Empress Elizabeth, Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna, Alexei P. Bestuzhev-Riumin, Mikhail I. Vorontsov, and Petr I. Shuvalov. During his stay in Russia, Esterházy followed the existing practices of writing dispatches to Vienna and communicating with the College of International Affairs in St Peterburg in German. Although it is not always clear if he used German or French at the Russian court, he was flexible enough to use both for acquiring information and gaining favors.
Славяноведение, 2022
An important element of early modern diplomacy was symbolic communication between the allied cour... more An important element of early modern diplomacy was symbolic communication between the allied courts through the exchange of letters informing about important events in the life of the ruling dynasty, the sending of ceremonial embassies to celebrate kinship, friendship, and alliance relations. The year 1741 takes a special place in the history of Russian-Austrian relations due to the important events that influenced the fate of the two powers: the House of Austria got the heir Archduke Joseph, while in Russia the Brunswick dynasty, which ruled on behalf of infant Ivan III
(VI), failed to retain power and was overthrown in a coup at the end of the year. More
sophisticated in the symbolism of diplomatic gestures, the House of Austria in April
1741 sent four embassies to allied courts after the birth of the Archduke, including St.
Petersburg, where the third cousin of the new-born ruled. The fact of a short embassy
to Russia by Count Johann Balthasar Wilczek was soon consigned to oblivion, but the
practice of exchanging embassies survived and later flourished under Elizabeth Petrovna.
Важным элементом дипломатии раннего Нового времени была символическая коммуникация между союзными дворами, выражавшаяся в обмене грамотами, информировавшими о важных событиях в жизни правящей династии, в отправке церемониальных посольств, призванных засвидетельствовать родственные, дружественные, союзнические отношения и пр. В истории россий-
ско-австрийских отношений 1741 год занимает особое место в силу важных событий, повлиявших на дальнейшую судьбу двух держав: у Австрийского дома появился наследник эрцгерцог Иосиф, а в России Брауншвейгская династия, правившая от имени младенца Иоанна III (VI), в конце года была свергнута в ходе государственного переворота. Более искушенный в символике дипломатических жестов Австрийский дом направил после рождения эрцгерцога четыре посольства к союзным дворам, в том числе в Санкт-Петербург, где правил троюродный брат новорожденного. Факт кратковременного посольства в Россию графа Иоганна Бальтасара Вильчека вскоре был предан забвению, однако практика обмена посольствами сохранилась и пережила расцвет при Елизавете Петровне.
Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf’s Diplomatic Mission to Saint Petersburg in 1755, 2022
Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf is first and foremost known as an outstanding Austrian economist who ... more Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf is first and foremost known as an outstanding Austrian economist who greatly contributed to the national reform of finances and administrative efficiency. The early years of his career were spent in the diplomatic service under the guidance and patronage of Count Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz, who placed much hope in the ambitious young aristocrat. One of the significant episodes of Zinzendorf's diplomatic career was a mission to Russia in 1755. Its formal pretext was to convey the congratulations of the imperial couple to Empress Elizabeth I on the birth of the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Paul. At the same time, Zinzendorf was entrusted with a secret mission of learning more about the main vectors of Russian foreign policy, establishing more confidential relations with the rival groupings at the St. Petersburg court, and promoting closer joint action between Vienna, London, and St. Petersburg against Prussia in the inevitable continental war. The witty analytical mind and exceptional sociability of Zinzendorf allowed him to accomplish both missions brilliantly, the results of which he reported to Kaunitz. This paper considers both the official and unofficial activities of the imperial and Austrian envoy during his visit, the complications he faced, and the solutions he found during his two journeys to Russia in 1755 against the backdrop of Austrian-Russian relations in their heyday on the eve of the Seven Years' War.
Novaia i noveishaia istoriia
The article is based on the materials from Russian and Austrian archives and devoted to lesser-kn... more The article is based on the materials from Russian and Austrian archives and devoted to lesser-known circumstances of the preparation and course of the 1761 diplomatic mission of Baron A.S. Stroganov to Vienna on the occasion of the wedding of the heir to the throne, Archduke Joseph, with Isabella of Parma. The embassy is considered in the context of symbolic communication through ceremonial gestures between St. Petersburg and Vienna. It emphasised the particularly friendly nature of the relationship between the two dynasties and two courts, not only united by a bilateral treaty and membership in the anti-Prussian alliance during the Seven Years War but also symbolically related as godparents. A.S. Stroganov was a young aristocrat without proper experience in the field of diplomacy and of the modest court rank of Kammer-Junker. The appointment was explained by his kinship with Chancellor M.I. Vorontsov whose daughter Anna officially accompanied her husband on the trip. The imperial ...
The article aims to reconstruct the circumstances that surrounded the preparation for the long Eu... more The article aims to reconstruct the circumstances that surrounded the preparation for the long European trip Archduke Paul and his wife Archduchess Maria made in 1781–1782, the rich cultural programme of their stay in the Habsburg capital, which included visiting the military, administrative, cultural and educational institutions and getting acquainted with the first dignitaries of the state and representatives of the major aristocratic families at the court. The article is based on the unpublished Russian and Austrian ambassadorial reports, published correspondence of Catherine II with her son and daughter-in law and with Emperor Joseph II, the newspaper Wiener Zeitung, and other sources
Человек на Балканах. Памяти Андрея Леонидовича Шемякина (1960–2018), 2020
Central-European Studies, 2020
The second half of the eighteenth century in the lands under the sceptre of the House of Austria ... more The second half of the eighteenth century in the lands under the sceptre of the House of Austria was a period of development of a language policy addressing the ethno-linguistic diversity of the monarchy’s subjects. On the one hand, the sphere of use of the German language was becoming wider, embracing more and more segments of administration, education, and culture. On the other hand, the authorities were perfectly aware of the fact that communication in the languages and vernaculars of the nationalities living in the Austrian Monarchy was one of the principal instruments of spreading decrees and announcements from the central and local authorities to the less-educated strata of the population. Consequently, a large-scale reform of primary education was launched, aimed at making the whole population literate, regardless of social status, nationality (mother tongue), or confession. In parallel with the centrally coordinated state policy of education and language-use, subjects-both l...
This is a publication of a source from the funds of the Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian... more This is a publication of a source from the funds of the Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire – a private letter in German from 1754 written by the Russian Ambassador at Vienna, Count Heinrich Carl Keyserling, to Vice-Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov and its translation into Russian from the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. The letter contains not only precious pieces of information on how the Russian mission in Vienna functioned, but also the Ambassador’s reflections on the shortcomings of the preparation of young Russian nobles, sent abroad to acquire practical knowledge and skills, for state service. Gentlemen were recruited both from the offspring of the most prominent families, and from lesser nobles living on their salaries. For the former, their stay abroad was a form of grand tour, a journey with educational goals which implied attending foreign courts and socialisation in a court
milieu before appointment as ambassador or envoy to one European country or another; for the latter, on the other hand, serving abroad was a career leap, an entrance-ticket to the administrative elite of the Russian Empire. Keyserling properly defines the core problem – non-systematic education and a lack of basic knowledge indispensable for building up a successful career – and suggests measures which the government should introduce in order to improve the qualification of the future diplomats. In his response, the Vice-Chancellor suggested using all educational methods, including attending the Vienna mission archives, and thus apparently recognised that the Russian educational system was not ready to prepare skilled diplomats from the higher and middling
echelons of society.
A koraújkori nemzetközi kapcsolatok legfontosabb szereplői a nagykövetek és a követek voltak. Ők ... more A koraújkori nemzetközi kapcsolatok legfontosabb szereplői a nagykövetek és a követek voltak. Ők képviselték udvarukat, és szimbolikusan megtestesítették uralkodójukat. Egy-egy ország külpolitikai irányvonalának kidolgozása a nagyköveti jelentések alapján történt. A követségek és a külügyekkel foglalkozó hazai hivatalok, testületek közötti folyamatos kapcsolattartásban, valamint a hírszerzésben azonban jelentős szerepet játszottak a tolmácsok, a titkárok és az írnokok is. Életük néha kalandregényhez hasonlít, 2 de sajnos mégis keveset tudunk róluk, a források rájuk vonatkozó adatai gyakran hiányosak. Jelen tanulmány arról a Johann Philipp von Eichenfeldről (†1773) szól, aki a szentpétervári osztrák követség írnoka, titkára, majd tanácsosa volt, és a háttérben negyven éven keresztül tartotta kézben a bécsi és a szentpétervári udvar kapcsolatait. 1 A tanulmány azokat a kutatási eredményeket foglalja össze, amelyekhez a MTA kiemelkedő vendégkutatói programjának ösztöndíjasaként jutottam a "Gróf Esterházy Miklós szentpétervári küldetése, 1753-1761" című projekt keretében. Ezúton köszönöm az MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpontnak és a Szent Korona Lendület Kutatócsoportnak, hogy fogadó intézményként támogattak. Továbbá köszönöm Oross Andrásnak a bécsi levéltárakban folytatott kutatásaimhoz nyújtott segítségét, Rosonczy Ildikónak pedig jelen tanulmány lektorálását. 2 Ld. például az eseményekben gazdag életrajz-rekonstrukciót: Kármán Gábor: A Seventeenth-Century Odyssey in East Central Europe. The Life of Jakab Harsányi Nagy. Leiden 2016.
Die Rezeption der Werke von Fritz Valjavec und Eduard Winter in den ungarischen Geisteswissenscha... more Die Rezeption der Werke von Fritz Valjavec und Eduard Winter in den ungarischen Geisteswissenschaften "A német tudomány magas feljettsége senkinek sem szolgálhat háttérül alaptalan leckéztetésekre." 1 Domokos Kosáry Eduard Winter und Fritz Valjavec sind zwei Autoren, deren Namen in den Werken von ungarischen Historikerinnen und Historikern über die (frühe) Aufklärung, den Aufgeklärten Absolutismus und besonders die Reformen von Joseph II. oft nebeneinander stehen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie die Theorien des Josephinismus, oder allgemein Werke zur Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts von Winter und Valjavec mit einer starken nationalen Tradition der Erforschung dieses Problemkreises koexistierten, inwieweit sich die ungarische Geschichtsschreibung die Theorien beider Autoren aneignete und ob man von einer breiten und tiefen Rezeption ihrer Werke in Ungarn in den Jahrzehnten vor und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und bis zur Wende 1990 sprechen kann. DIESER eSONDERDRUCK DARF NUR ZU PERSÖNLICHEN ZWECKEN UND WEDER DIREKT NOCH INDIREKT FÜR ELEKTRONISCHE PUBLIKATIONEN DURCH DIE VERFASSERIN ODER DEN VERFASSER DES BEITRAGS GENUTZT WERDEN. BEITRAG aus: FRANZ LEANDER FILLAFER, THOMAS WALLNIG (HG.): JOSEPHINISMUS ZWISCHEN DEN REGIMEN
Вынужденное соседство — добровольное приспособление в дипломатических и межнациональных отношениях в Центральной, Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европе XVIII–XXI вв. , 2017
Indirect evidence from the diplomatic correspondence and a few ego-documents are used as a basis ... more Indirect evidence from the diplomatic correspondence and a few ego-documents are used as a basis for a reconstruction of major milestones in the life and career of the secretary, later councillor of the Austrian embassy in St.-Petersburg Johann Philipp Bößler von Eichenfeld, who served in Russia from 1723 to 1763.
The monograph by Hungarian historian Antal Molnár summarizes many years of research into the age ... more The monograph by Hungarian historian Antal Molnár summarizes many years of research into the age of Confessionalization in the Balkans in the space of collision and coexistence of Christianity and Islam. In the territories that fell under the rule of the Ottoman Porte in the 14 th-16 th centuries, the Holy See undertook missionary activities, the most successful in which were the Bosnian Franciscans, and cooperated with the rich and influential communities of the Ragusan merchants. The author turns to the role of the Catholic Church in the early stages of nation-building among the Albanians who had had no state tradition and explains why the idea of church union among Orthodox Serbs actually failed. The end of the Confessionalization age came with the Great Turkish War (1683-99), which saw the return to Hungary of territories that had been under the Ottoman rule for a century and a half, but which also proved tragic for Catholics who remained in the Ottoman Empire. The book is based on Italian, Hungarian and Croatian archives and offers an analysis of the historiography of the issue in a number of European languages. The author makes extensive use of methods of microhistory and cultural history, going back to broad generalizations through a detailed examination of selected well-documented cases.
Известия Уральского федерального университета. Сер. 2. Гуманитарные науки, 2019
опыт венгерских историков
Olga Khavanova az Orosz Tudományos Akadémia Szlavisztikai Intézetének főmunkatársa, igazgatóhelye... more Olga Khavanova az Orosz Tudományos Akadémia Szlavisztikai Intézetének főmunkatársa, igazgatóhelyettese. Fő kutatási területe a 18. századi magyar nemesség oktatásügye, hierarchiája és politikai kultúrája. Legfontosabb művei: Нация -отечество -патриотизм в венгерской политической культуре: движение 1790 г. (2000); Заслуги отцов и таланты сыновей: венгерские дворяне в учебных заведениях монархии Габсбургов, 1746-1784 (2006); Born or brought up to be a Hungarian aristocrat? Count Antal Károlyi educates his son József (2009); "Die enge Einverständnuß beeder kaiserlichen Höfe": österreichische Botschafter in Sankt-Petersburg in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts (2013); "Kitűnő tehetséggel ellátott, különböző nyelveket tudó, jogok tudásával rendelkező..." Hivatalnoki pályafutások a Magyar Kamaránál a felvilágosult abszolutizmus idejében (2014); Eine universitäre Lehrveranstaltung als universales Instrument: Joseph von Sonnenfels und die administrative Elite der Habsburgermonarchie (2015).
Каталин Юхас 1 Доктор наук, ведущий научный сотрудник, Институт этнографии Центра гуманитарных ис... more Каталин Юхас 1 Доктор наук, ведущий научный сотрудник, Институт этнографии Центра гуманитарных исследований Венгерской академии наук (Будапешт, Венгрия) juhasz@etnologia.mta.hu
Во второй части статьи предпринят анализ национальной политики Чехословакии и Югославии после око... more Во второй части статьи предпринят анализ национальной политики Чехословакии и Югославии после окончания Второй мировой войны.
Палфи Геза – доктор Венгерской академии наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института истории Центра ... more Палфи Геза – доктор Венгерской академии наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института истории Центра гуманитарных исследований Венгерской академии наук. Работа выполнена в рамках исследовательского проекта Венгерской академии наук «Lendület», осуществляемого творческим коллективом «Святая корона» на базе Института истории Центра гу-манитарных исследований Венгерской академии наук. В статье предлагается новый подход к изучению истории Венгерского королевства в составе Габсбургской монархии в XVII в., в основе которого отказ от односторон-ней оценки освободительных движений трансильванских князей как прогрессив-ных и трактовка политических процессов как конфликтов и компромиссов сосло-вий с венским двором и династией. The article suggests a new approach to studying history of the Kindom of Hungary in the Habsburg Monarchy in the seventeenth century, which implies refuse from the one-sided estimation of the liberation movements of the Transylvanian princes as progressive, and treatment of political processes as confl icts and compromises with the Vienna Court and the dynasty. Ключевые слова: политическая борьба, XVII век, компромисс, сословия, Габсбурги.
Перевод с венгерского О. В. Хавановой Аннотация. В 1919 г. (после распада и Австро-Венгерской имп... more Перевод с венгерского О. В. Хавановой Аннотация. В 1919 г. (после распада и Австро-Венгерской империи, и Венгерского королевства) в политической жизни Венгрии появилось новое движение -крайне правые. В настоящем исследовании рассматривается история этого политического движения до 1945 г. -периода, когда его деятельность была запрещена. Автор определяет политическую идеологию крайне правых, которые одновременно отрицали как гражданское общество, так и коммунизм. Анализируется деятельность идеологических предшественников крайне правых, представлены история и идеология двух основных типов венгерских правых (правого радикализма и национал-социализма). Ключевые слова: Венгрия, межвоенный период, крайне правые, правый радикализм, национал-социализм, контрреволюция, антисемитизм, расизм, расовая биология, Вторая мировая война, Холокост. Abstract. In 1919, after the collapse both of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary, a new political movement appeared in Hungarian political life: the far right. Rudolf Paksa's study reviews the history of this political movement until 1945, when the far right was banned. Paksa defines the main political idea of the far right as one which simultaneously rejects the concept of a civil state and communism. This study examines the ideological forerunners and the history, ideology and two main varieties of Hungarian far-right thought, right-wing radicalism and National Socialism.
Hungary and the Habsburgs
The Austrian Monarchy: how to name it in Russian in different periods of its history