Integral Hellsing and Alexander Anderson (original) (raw)

3/14/08 06:26 pm - dragon_faere - what if- [a silly question that's been turning about in my head]Question: What if Integral and Anderson had kids together? How would they deal with the possibility of having a family? Who would do what?I would imagine Anderson having a lot more in way of parent-child contact and even possibly, playtime. Integral would have a hand in more of the disciplinarian role. And in the mornings, Anderson cooks them all omelettes with french toastIdeas?
5/25/07 11:43 pm - sir_hellsing - I'm such a bad mod Miss me, comm? I will be written one AAxI ficlet soon (not soon this week, but I was asked for a meme reply, so :3). I've re-reading the Manga and noticed Integral's the only woman Anderson regards as such (in a positive and negative way). His dialogue to Seras is either treating her as a child or as a monster. His interaction to Yumie or Heinkel are mostly of a teacher or father figure. But with Integral, he tends to sexualize her (negative first, as a harlot. Then positive, as a lady who they shouldn't "rape" Ohohoh, Alex, what were you imagining?). For future AAxI authors, this should be of interest, at least from his POV. Also, clear is to notice that Anderson is passionate about defeating her (and killing her) but never really hurt her, unlike Alucard and Seras. That's subtext we can all take as writers to play with. ♥
4/5/07 07:18 pm - larissafae - {Fic} Jelly Belly _{Edit} I forgot a crucial part of the story (my favourite line, go figure), so I added it in._Once again, random smut-type-stuff. I need to write something intelligent.Anyway. Written for, or at least blamed on, Rindaimaiou. The setting is entirely my roommate's fault.Title: Jelly BellyPairing-type-stuff: It's a secretAuthor: LarissaFaeArchive: My DeviantArt pageDisclaimer: Not mine, not making money, don't sue, don't read unless you're of legal age (or I'll kick you). This is not in character! It's not meant to be. Don't tell me it's not in character, because I know full well that it isn't. But it's fun. Hahahaha, and all that.**( What’s YOUR favourite flavour of Jelly Bean?Collapse )**Comments, constructive criticism, and fanart are always and forever luuuuuuv.
3/11/07 03:55 pm - larissafae - {Fic} A Multitude of Sins Hello! I'm Larissa, and this is what naughty fanart and bubble baths do to me.I wrote this for Rindaimaiou at DeviantArt because she made me laugh and think naughty thoughts. This pic started it, and I blame her. Unless you like the fic. Then I blame me.Anyway.Title: A Multitude of SinsPairing-type-stuff: It's a secretAuthor: LarissaFaeArchive: My DeviantArt pageDisclaimer: Not mine, not making money, don't sue, don't read unless you're of legal age (or I'll kick you).**( Bubbles could hide a multitude of sins.Collapse )**Comments, constructive criticism, and fanart are always and forever luuuuuv.
6/18/05 05:04 pm - kelles - Fic update I posted an AAxI lemon one-shot, with very little plot at AFF. It is written from Anderson's POV. AliveSummary: Anderson and Integral use each other to escape from the death of war that surrounds them.Rating: Somewhere between R & NC-17. Rated NC-17 just to be safe.
5/26/05 06:25 pm - sir_hellsing - The promised dark fic Deadly Passions._An innocent pawn, two self righteous sinners and a clever devil who wants them to face their vices. The deadly passions that lead to eternal damnation sometimes aren't as pleasant as they appear to be._This is dedicated to angelcide.The prologue has been put in the Pit of Voles however, the story has so far four chapters (aside of the prologue) and only three and the epilogue are left to complete it.It's a bit AAxIxA.
5/21/05 08:35 pm - dreadnot - Verbal doodle At sabinelagrande's behest, I will post this here. It's not a fic, or even a full story, in my opinion. It's more a scene. It has neither a set beginning, nor a set ending, but it has provoked an interesting bit of discussion in my LJ, where I posted it first. ( Welcome to the WorldCollapse )
5/20/05 07:16 am - kelles - fic update I uploaded the latest chapter of my very AAxI fic, Losing His Soul, to Chapter 6: The Price of SinSummary: Anderson awakes to the horror of what he has become. A little AAxA due to the fact that Alucard loves to torment Anderson.