take me out to the ballgame! (original) (raw)

17 October 2010 @ 02:59 am

I haven't been able to update this community with icons! School has started, which is definitely keeping me busy. I hope I can make some new icons very soon.

Still active, just busy.

And I can't believe it's already the postseason. CRAZY!

I've been behind on making icons. So, I made a few Giants ones before I go to bed!
Maybe this will kill their losing streak....PLEASE!!!!

Just credit intheclutch, thanks!!! :D

I'll be happy to make icons for anyone! Just provide me with HQ pictures.


Current Mood: blahblah

I haven't posted since April, fail!

So here are some icons I was working on this afternoon.
It's been a while since I iconed.


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Comment, credit gimmesmiles or intheclutch and please no hotlinking!

Thank you!

Like what you see? Please join intheclutch!

I made a couple of Giants and A's icons! (Mostly Giants, hehe.) I figured I would start with the Bay Area first! :P


( +23Collapse )

I haven't been updating at all! I haven't had the time to make an awesome icon post!
Since baseball season has started, there's a bunch of pictures waiting to be icons.

I'll try my best to get some done this week!


Current Mood: sleepysleepy