Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club (original) (raw)

Real thoughts are coming. I promise. [Sep. 16th, 2006|11:13 pm]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
For my first post about this book, I'm going to come out swinging and make a totally superficial comment that has absolutely nothing to do with the writing or the content. And here it is.Am I the only one who doesn't like the font used for 80% of the text? It's too bold and serif-y, and it's harder to read than the lovely sans-serif font used in the setups for each of the essays. And now that I have outed myself as someone who thinks more about the visual aesthetics of a book than its actual ideas, I'm going to retreat back into my corner and keep reading.
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(no subject) [Sep. 12th, 2006|11:51 am]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
Long time, no see, eh, intothemuckers? After months of hiatus, trrrracey and I have finally agreed to quit with our respective reading lists (hers–feminist crap; mine–teen smut) and join together to read something of importance.Well, insofar as Britney Spears and Chicken McNuggets are important.That's right–we're reading Chuck Klosterman's new collection of culturally-significant drivel, IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas. It's an easy read and a fun read, but Chuck has some pretty awesome theories about why the world of pop culture works the way it does, and he's not afraid to call bullshit on celebrities who think they can trust him.So get to readin', friends. And don't forget to feel free to post any of your thoughts as you go along.
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A quote to tide us over until we actually finish the book... [Dec. 1st, 2005|01:00 am]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."p.113
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(no subject) [Nov. 18th, 2005|01:24 pm]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
So to bide my time [and spite the library] I checked out Killing Yourself To Live. Pleasant way to pass the time! I walked two hours across the city to the library branch that had a copy on the shelves.
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the last book i read was written by amy tan....[exhale through nose] [Nov. 17th, 2005|09:11 am]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
[mood |busy]i didnt just join because of the sub-title...but that works for me too. my mission today is to head out and find that book.
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Third Book: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close [Nov. 16th, 2005|09:17 am]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
For our third selection, we've chosen Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.I picked it up on a whim one day because a friend told me that it's a fusion of novel and photo album, which is something I've been wanting to do myself. It also takes place in New York City, which never hurts. I thought the first few pages were pretty pretentious, but after a few more, I was completely in love with it. I think Tracey was, too.So head out to your local library or book store and pick up a copy. Look for the giant red hand on the cover.
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oops.. [Oct. 14th, 2005|12:05 am]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
Sorry guys, i didnt read through the entries completely before posting, i didnt realize you were talking about specific books one at a time..i didnt mean to post something totally irrelevant. I tried to go back and post it to my personal journal only, but it wont seem to let me. But it wont happen again :)
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(no subject) [Oct. 13th, 2005|11:50 pm]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
[mood |indescribable] [music Neil young-where the buffalo roam soundtrack]"Before i got into bed tonight, I checked my e-mail. There was a sweet message from Diane. I miss her very much and I want to call her. But i'm afraid if I call her, she won't answer. And if she doesn't answer, I'll wonder why, and my unconcious conclusion will be that she must be having sex with someone else. That notion is unjustified, but its what I always assume whenever a woman i love doesn't pick up the phone." Chuck Klosterman- killing yourself to live I do this all the time. I should have known if anyone would understand, Chuck would. I may still be a bit paranoid, but at least i'm in good company :)
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White Like Me: More on Music [Oct. 3rd, 2005|03:10 am]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
Here's what I thought you were going to say about music:On page 144, Tim talks about the seminar where whites and blacks had to talk about "what they liked about being wherever they were". He says that the people of color listed things they liked about their color–the customs of their cultures, the strengths of their families, the perseverance of their ancestors, etc. The white people all listed reasons they were glad to not be black–getting suspicious looks in shopping centers, having to disprove negative stereotypes, etc.Before I read the lists, I stopped and thought about why I like being white, and my first thought was, "I don't have to listen to rap music."Mwahaha.
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Another Mod-y Question for Tracey [Oct. 3rd, 2005|02:50 am]Fullspeed Nosebleed - The Sexie Rexie Book Club
I'm trying to think of a way that we can set apart the entries for each book we talk about, but I'm not having much luck. Maybe we should put the title of the book in the subject line for each entry?
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