Christos Karydis | Ionian University (original) (raw)
Books by Christos Karydis
Ινστιτούτο του Βιβλίου- Καρδαμίτσα, 2023
Μέσα στην Ανατολική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, κατά την τέλεση της Θείας Ευχαριστίας και των άλλων ακολου... more Μέσα στην Ανατολική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, κατά την τέλεση της Θείας Ευχαριστίας και των άλλων ακολουθιών, χρησιμοποιούνται λειτουργικά και διακοσμητικά ενδύματα και υφάσματα. Τα λειτουργικά υφάσματα και ιδιαίτερα ο επιτάφιος που είναι ο σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης, φέρουν συμβολισμούς τόσο στα χρώματα όσο και στη διακόσμησή τους. Ηθικοί, τυπικοδογματικοί και αλληγορικοί συμβολισμοί αποτελούν αναπόσπαστο στοιχείο των υφασμάτων και γενικότερα ζήτημα της ερμηνευτικής προσέγγισης των Πατέρων της Εκκλησίας στη Θεία
Λειτουργία και στη λατρεία.
Η βυζαντινή και μεταβυζαντινή εκκλησιαστική κεντητική δεν ήταν αφηγηματική ούτε και ‘αφαιρετική’ αλλά πνευματική και συμβολική. Δείγματα βυζαντινών και μεταβυζαντινών λειτουργικών υφασμάτων, όπως είναι οι επιτάφιοι, αποθησαυρίζονται στα σκευοφυλάκια του Αγίου Όρους. Πρόκειται για έργα τα οποία δεν έχουν μελετηθεί συστηματικά από την πλευρά της ανάλυσης με φυσικοχημικές τεχνικές
και της καταγραφής της διατήρησης των κατασκευαστικών τους υλικών.
Εμπλουτισμένη με περισσότερα στοιχεία και κατάλληλα διαμορφωμένη έχει πλέον κύριο σκοπό μέσω της ανάδειξης των συγκεκριμένων σημαντικών αγιορειτικών επιταφίων, ορισμένα από αυτά αδημοσίευτα για το κοινό, να παρουσιαστεί ο συμβολικός χαρακτήρας του επιταφίου και οι διαφορές με τα άλλα Ορθόδοξα λειτουργικά υφάσματα καθώς και να αναδειχθούν οι συμβολισμοί των κατασκευαστικών υλικών που χρησιμοποιούνται κατά την Ορθόδοξη παράδοση.
Η εργασία ολοκληρώνεται με την ανάλυση των κατασκευαστικών υλικών των συγκεκριμένων επιταφίων, με την καταγραφή της σημερινής κατάστασης και διατήρησης των υφασμάτων και με προτεινόμενους τρόπους κατάλληλης αποθήκευσης και έκθεσης επιταφίων.
Spyliana ABEE, 2022
Ο ναΐσκος του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος Σπάτων της οικογένειας Μανιά είναι επιπεδόστεγη μονόκλιτη βασιλική... more Ο ναΐσκος του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος Σπάτων της οικογένειας Μανιά είναι επιπεδόστεγη μονόκλιτη βασιλική μικρών διαστάσεων με ξυλοσκεπή αναγερθείσα το 2005. Στο εσωτερικό του υπάρχει ζωγραφικός διάκοσμος που κοσμεί τους τοίχους, το τέμπλο και την οροφή με την τεχνική της ξηρογραφίας (secco), φιλοτεχνημένος από τον εικαστικό Τάσο Λουκίδη το 1941 (έτος αποπερατώσεως).Kατά την διάρκεια της καταγραφής και αποτύπωσης των φθορών, συγκεκριμενες φθορές παρατηρήθηκαν στο ζωγραφικό στρώμα και στο υπόστρωμα. Όλες οι εργασίες συντήρησης, όπως και τα υλικά που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν μετέπειτα, βασίζονται στην αντιστρεψιμότητα και την συμβατότητα προς τα ήδη υπάρχοντα κατασκευαστικά υλικά και εναρμονίζονται προς τις προδιαγραφές και τις ρήτρες των λεγομένων διεθνών Χαρτών και Συμβάσεων σχετικά με την ταυτότητα της εκάστοτε εθνικής πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς και τα πρωτόκολλα δομικών υλικών.Πραγματοποιήθηκαν στερεώσεις της ζωγραφικής επιφάνειας και του υποστρώματος, συμπλήρώσεις σε ορισμένα σημεια, χημικός και μηχανικός καθαρισμός όπως και αισθητική αποκατάσταση.
Η Πύλη του Ουρανού. Οι τοιχογραφίες του Τάσου Λουκίδη (1941) στο παρεκκλήσιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος Σπάτων της οικογένειας Μανιά. , 2022
Authors: Ioannis Vitaliotis, Ioannis Vourdachas, Christos Karydis, Eleni Kouloumbi, Eleftherios P... more Authors: Ioannis Vitaliotis, Ioannis Vourdachas, Christos Karydis, Eleni Kouloumbi, Eleftherios Papaioannou.
The present publication is a collective and interdisciplinary work on the hitherto unknown murals created in 1941 by the Greek symbolist painter Tassos Loukides, a disciple of Fernand Cormon and Hubert-Denis Etcheverry, in the private chapel of St Spyridon, belonging to the couple of merchand Spilios and Chryssavgi Manias.
The chapel was located originally inside the Manias apartment, in a modernist building in Kypseli, in downtown Athens. The murals used to cover entirely the interior of the chapel, including the ceiling. In 1980's, after the sale of the apartment, they were detached by the restorators of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture Stavros Baltogiannis and Michalis Michailidis and were carefully preserved by Manias family. In 2005 the murals were placed on the walls of a new private chapel built in Spata, Attica, having the same dimensions as the disaffected old chapel in Kypseli.
Τhe initiative for the publication of the mural paintings of Tassos Loukidis and its financing belong to Mr. Panos Manias, the son of late Spilios and Chryssavgi.
Editor: Spiliana. Athens 2022.
Ion, 2019
Το περιεχόμενο του βιβλίου, το οποίο σε δώδεκα (12) κεφάλαια καλύπτει την παρουσίαση όλων των κατ... more Το περιεχόμενο του βιβλίου, το οποίο σε δώδεκα (12) κεφάλαια καλύπτει την παρουσίαση όλων των κατασκευαστικών υλικών και τεχνικών της φορητής εικόνας και των πινάκων, διαμορφώθηκε για μεγαλύτερη ευκολία σε τρία κύρια μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος αναλύονται όλα τα κατασκευαστικά υλικά της φορητής εικόνας (ξύλο, ύφασμα, προετοιμασία, χρωστικές, συνδετικά υλικά, χρύσωμα και βερνίκωμα) και στο τέλος παρουσιάζονται βήμα προς βήμα η κατασκευή μιας φορητής εικόνας. Στο δεύτερο μέρος παρουσιάζονται τα υλικά και η κατασκευή ενός ζωγραφικού έργου σε ύφασμα όπως επίσης και οι τρόποι τελαρώματος. Τέλος, το τρίτο και τελευταίο μέρος αφιερώνεται στη διατήρηση των ζωγραφικών έργων μέσω της 'πρόληψης' παρουσιάζοντας τα βασικά πεδία της προληπτικής συντήρησης.
Χαιρετισμός: Α.Θ.Μ. Πάπας & Πατριάρχης Αλεξανδρείας & Πάσης Αφρικής κ.κ. Θεόδωρος Β.
Προλογισμός: τ. Διευθυντής Συντήρησης Εθνικής Πινακοθήκης: Δρ. Μιχαήλ Δουλγερίδης
Εισαγωγικό Σημείωμα για την Θεολογία της Εικόνας: Δρ. Γεωρ. Κόρδης
Εκδόσεις Ίων
ISBN: 978-960-508-301-4, Eύδοξος: 86199428
Έτος έκδοσης: 2019
Σελ. 184
The content of this book, which covers twelve (12) chapters covering the presentation of the materials and techniques for portable icons and easel paintings. Therefore, was formulated for greater convenience in three main sections. In the first part all the construction materials of the icons such as wood, fabric, gesso, pigments, gilding and varnishes) are analyzed and at the end are presented the construction of an icon 'step by step'. The second part presents the materials and construction of a painting on a fabric. Finally, the third and final part is dedicated to the preservation of paintings through 'prevention' presenting the main areas of preventive conservation.
Ecclesiastical Library of the Holy Metropolis of Monemvasia & Sparta , 2019
Η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο γίνεται αναφορά στην εικονογραφική αναπαρά... more Η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο γίνεται αναφορά στην εικονογραφική αναπαράσταση της εικόνας το ΄Ρόδον το Αμάραντον΄ χρησιμοποιώντας βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές. Στο δεύτερο μέρος γίνεται αναφορά στους τρόπους καταγραφής και επεμβατικής συντήρησης της συγκεκριμένης εικόνας.
This study is divided into two parts. The first one refers to the iconographical representation of the icon ‘Rodon Amaranton’ using bibliographic references. In the second part we refer to the ways of documentation and conservation of the particular icon.
"ISBN: 978-960-89869-2-3 Pages. 406 The book ‘Science of Preventive Conservation’ is coming ... more "ISBN: 978-960-89869-2-3
Pages. 406
The book ‘Science of Preventive Conservation’ is coming to fulfill the Greek bibliographic gap in the science of conservation of antiquities and works of art. A section which for many years was actually developed empirically. Preventive conservation has recently been recognized as a particular subject area in the preservation of antiquities. This book consists of numerous case studies written by forty (40) Greek scholars in the field. The scope of this book is to examine objects, materials and techniques in Greek monuments and collections, to propose new ideas and approaches, and to awaken the curators and conservators. Ambition of the editors is for the book to be used as a manual for conservators, conservation students, curators and collection managers and all professionals in the field of cultural heritage management."
This first Greek book is designed to advice students in conservation and archaeology field, curat... more This first Greek book is designed to advice students in conservation and archaeology field, curators and keepers of monastic collections and others with no particular experience in the preservation of textiles. It is an introduction giving brief guidelines presenting the importance and the fragility of the ecclesiastical and historic textile artefacts. Bringing awareness to the non-specialists, underlying the nowadays-preventive conservation policy.
The book is divided into the following chapters: 1. Preventive Conservation, 2. Documentation: 2.1 Sampling: Method & Greek Law, 2.2 Fibre Identification (Analytical Equipment Techniques), 2.3 Primary Weaving Techniques, 3.Main Chemical, Mechanical & Biological Types of Damages, 4. Environmental Conditions: 4.1 Relative Humidity-Temperature, 4.2 Lighting, 4.2.1 Types of Museum Lighting, 5. Insect Attack and the protection of textiles, 6. Pollution & Dust, 7. Transportation, 8. Water Disaster: First Aids 9. Storage: 9.1. Storage Materials, 9.2. Storage Materials: Finishing Removals, 10. Conservation: 10.1 Ethical Considerations for the Conservation of the Orthodox Ecclesiastical Textiles, 10.2 Detergents, 11. List of International Organisations in Conservation, Museum Studies and Culture Heritage, 12. Further Reading List, 13. References, 14. Appendixes: Documentation Report for Textile artefacts.
This academic work focuses on the research findings from a collection survey of Euro-Mediterranea... more This academic work focuses on the research findings from a collection survey of Euro-Mediterranean post-Byzantine ecclesiastical garments, known as sakkoi, from the Holy Mountain of Athos located in Chalkidiki, Greece. According to the World Heritage Committee, Mount Athos is considered to be of an outstanding universal value, as it is the most important monastic centre of the Christian Orthodox Church.
The sakkos appeared to be an evolution of the Greek chiton (10th– 8th BC) to the Roman dalmatic (180- 192 AD). Later on, used as an imperial Byzantine garment, which by the 11th-12th century had been adopted by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to indicate his status and privilege. It was only after the fall of Constantinople, that this was extended to all the Bishops of the Orthodox Church. The study begins with a discussion of the nomenclature, while it addresses the issue prevalent in Byzantine and post-Byzantine research, as to the historical provenance of
this liturgical garment. Different approaches ranging from art historic and semiotic research to scientific examination using sophisticated analytical techniques are applied, in order to introduce a cultural, historical and technological context of the garments. The Mount Athos sakkoi, never previously researched, date from the end of the 15th to the 20th century and they are garments worn by Patriarchs, Bishops, and Emperors.
The survey examines fifty two sakkoi from fourteen monasteries, identifying constructional and stylistic details, material components using analytical techniques (Optical Microscopy, HPLC and SEM-EDS) and technological evidence such as fibres, dyes, metal threads and weaving techniques, whilst analysing the sources of degradation and decay. This research demonstrates not only the scope of a conservation collection survey methodology for elucidating new information about specific items but also it’s potential to add to the knowledge relating to the history, development and use of such garments. An effort to combine the analytical results with the available stylistic historical information and the conclusions obtained by analyzing the cut and construction of the tested garments was also performed. A major purpose of the study was to enable intellectual access to this inaccessible collection and the mechanism for disseminating this information.The Athonian garments had not been previously documented and the first stage of this research was to design pro forma to record all details related to materials, manufacture and condition.
This record includes detailed information regarding: materials; technological and constructional details; alterations and repairs during use; previous restorations and condition assessment. This, together with systematic illustrative material, in the form of drawings, photographs and microphotographs, has been designed to contribute to the preservation of these artefacts, serving also as a surrogate to reduce the need for future handling. Moreover, it facilitates access for female researchers to this invaluable and unique collection. Major attention was also drawn on new preventive conservation approaches that can be adopted to preserve the items as a ‘living’ collection, including guidelines for the continuation of production of those garments.
The spiritual dimension of these artefacts is thus discussed within the framework of conservation ethics. The difficulties for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the current investigation were significant. Among these, the lack of published literature together with the un-catalogued archives led to a plethora of problems. Of course, the oral sources coming form the sacristans were of high importance since they were the ones offering valuable information. This research offers for the very first time, a complete assemblage of knowledge regarding the production, synthesis, condition and display of the ecclesiastical Athonian sakkoi.
Papers by Christos Karydis
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Jan 4, 2021
The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is toda... more The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is today a major spiritual and artistic entity in the Mediterranean archaeological, ecclesiastical and cultural history. Since 1999, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, which demonstrates its historical significance. The monastery preserves and holds a significant number of works of great archaeological, ethnographical and historical value which have not been studied systematically. In particular, the archaeological textiles, which were recently donated by Mr. Albert- Jean Antonelli and kept in the monastery, have not attracted the interest and special attention of the scientific community (historians, archaeologists, conservators) and the literature is scarce. The monastery keeps 84 Coptic textiles: (82 Coptic textile fragments, one large tunic and one large tapestry fragment) which date between the 4th and 7th centuries A.D. This paper will briefly present the u...
Samples from ecclesiastical textiles (epitaphioi) which date in the byzantine period (14th centur... more Samples from ecclesiastical textiles (epitaphioi) which date in the byzantine period (14th century) and belong to monasteries of Mount Athos, are investigated using High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a Photodiode Array Detector (HPLC-PDA). Prior to HPLC analysis, the historic samples are treated following a two step method, which was recently devised for dyestuff extraction: samples are first treated with hot dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) followed by mild acid (trifluoroacetic acid, TFA) hydrolysis. For the first time the use of cochineal in a byzantine textile is reported herein. According to the HPLC semiquantitative results the cochineal dye was originated probably from Porphyrophora polonica L. (Polish cochineal) insects. Weld (Reseda luteola L.) is identified in the historic samples by detecting aglycone and glycoside components of the yellow dye, thus demonstrating that compounds which are destroyed under harsh acidic conditions (glycosides) can be recovered by the ...
"This poster has been produced as part of an academic survey of a collection of Orthodox ecc... more "This poster has been produced as part of an academic survey of a collection of Orthodox ecclesiastical liturgical garments, known as sakkoi, from the monastic centre of the Holy Mountain of Athos. These garments are identified as materials with ‘high spiritual’ cultural significance with related symbols and codes from which they can be classified. The survey divides the collection into a three tier hierarchy, one of which is the ‘relic’ garment and the sakkos of St. Nifon falls in this category. St Nifon had been the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople for three periods (1486-7, 1497-8, and 1502) before he retired to the Holy Monastery of St. Dionisiou in Mount Athos. He brought with him and donated to the monastery many items, as is commonly found in ecclesiastical history. One of these was a woven silk sakkos, decorated with repeat medallion motifs of Christ as High Priest in gold metallic threads. Around the Christ motif is an inscription, unusual in that is shown in reverse- as if the weaver had woven the fabric back to front or the pattern- cutter had laid it up on the reverse side. Evidence of the veneration afforded this garment is found in the cut, torn and shredded edges where worshippers have taken relics as part of their reverence. One small section of the textile was recently discovered in a reliquary in another part of the monastery, which would seem to support this hypothesis. These fabrics are also characterised as ‘therapeutic’ or ‘healing objects’. According to Orthodox tradition the fabrics, after being in contact with holy bones are automatically blessed, and can thus be venerated themselves, with believers sometimes taking small threads from them as a blessing and protection. In the Byzantine period, relics and all the materials, which have been placed or found together with them, were objects of priceless value. To see or to touch them was to come into direct contact with God, who was otherwise almost unimaginably distant and inaccessible. The fabrics used to wrap the bodily remains or the actually garments of Saints were never disposed of by the clergy, even when they lost their freshness and radiance. In fact, having numerous stains and marks of damage increases their authenticity for most believers. This poster presents an overview of the ethical dilemmas, raised in conservation treatment. Major treatments such as aqueous or solvent cleaning, mechanical removal of the dust and dirt deposits, which could be seen as appropriate for other type of textiles and important for their preservation, are not necessarily suitable for ‘relic’ textiles of this type as they would remove information important for future researchers. "
In the frame of the program MoCaCu‘Mobile Care for the Documentation, Characterisation and Conser... more In the frame of the program MoCaCu‘Mobile Care for the Documentation, Characterisation and Conservation of Movable Cultural Heritage Artifacts from Remote Areas in Greece’, funded partly by the Swiss Confederation-Federal Office of Culture (FOC), a selected number of mainly organic ecclesiastical objects such as icons, textiles, books etc, were selected to be preserved by interventive or preventive conservation by a mobile conservation team. The Laboratory of Archaeometry of the University of Peloponnese, conceived the idea of a mobile conservation laboratory. The mobile laboratory would enable the conservators and conservation scientists to provide services to smaller communities not only to analyse the component materials but also to treat on-site the many ecclesiastical historical items which require preventive or minor interventive treatments. Two locations were selected to serve the pres-ervation of items, namely the region of Alagonia in Messenia and the village of Kalarrites situated at the Tzoumerka mountainous region close to Ioannina. Autopsy was performed in more than six (6) churches and documentation of the main deterioration factors of the artefacts was accomplished. More than thirty (30) items have already been fully or partially conserved & documented insitu by a team of conservators, art historians, photographers and it- skills??? persons, under the supervision of the 26th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities (EBA). The service proved very useful and successful and contributed to the increase of its popularity among the local communities. During this period the demand and interest in the service continued to grow.
Ecclesiastical textiles of the post-Byzantine period have been scarcely fully studied, despite th... more Ecclesiastical textiles of the post-Byzantine period have been scarcely fully studied, despite the relatively large and impressive collections of garments which is spread around the numerous Christian Orthodox monasteries around the world. Very limited information is available for these precious textile artefacts of the eastern Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage. Their origin, construction materials and stage of preservation is usually not well documented or originated and therefore questionable. This poster is focussed on a garment which, according tο tradition, belongs to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannis Tsimiskis (925-976) and is displayed in Iveron monastery in Mount Athos. It represents the culmination of a detailed survey from the most important monastic centre of the Orthodox Christianity, the ‘Holy Mountain’ of Athos. Today, Mount Athos has an outstanding universal value, according to the UNESCO, as it houses rich collections of artworks from various chronological periods.
According to the World Heritage Committee, Mount Athos is considered to be of an outstanding univ... more According to the World Heritage Committee, Mount Athos is considered to be of an outstanding universal value, as it is the most important monastic centre of the Christian Orthodox Church. This research focuses on the findings from three (3) Byzantine liturgical textiles known as epitaphioi, which from a historical point of view are the most important of Mount Athos. The textiles are displayed in Vatopediou, Ksiropotamou and Stauronikita athonian monastic collections. One of the epitaphioi is a donation from the byzantine emperor Ioannis VI Kantakouzenos (Fig.1). Epitaphios is a multi-component artwork which before any preventive or interventive treatment physicochemical analysis should be applied, revealing the component materials and the state of degradation. Physico-chemical techniques such as HPLC-DAD is employed in this research to identify the colouring materials. Other techniques (Optical Microscopy & SEM-EDX) were employed for further studies. Dyes which were identified in the epitaphioi are as follows: kermes, indigo (or woad), weld, madder, and interestingly cochineal which could have been originated from the Polish insect (Porphyrophora Polonica L.).
"Mount Athos has been an Orthodox spiritual centre since 1054 and has enjoyed an autonomous ... more "Mount Athos has been an Orthodox spiritual centre since 1054 and has enjoyed an autonomous status since Byzantine times. Today, the “Holy Mountain” is still a major centre of the Christian religion with over 20 large, occupied and active monasteries. Peerless artworks of inestimable religious, spiritual and historical importance have been guarded by the monasteries for several centuries. Among them, important textiles can be found which have been barely studied [1]. A multi-disciplinary approach will be employed within the activities of the Byz-tex-Athos project, to study in detail thirty artworks from the Monastery of Simonos Petra (IMSP) which correspond to a long historical period (16th – early 20th cent.). The project is composed of the following phases: (i) clarification of the dyeing technology; (ii) stylistic and historic investigation; (iii) documentation and (iv) conservation of the historical objects. Preliminary results collected with respect to the first goal of the Byz-tex-Athos project are described in this study "
"Mount Athos is probably the most important Eastern Orthodox Monastic Centre, wi... more "Mount Athos is probably the most important Eastern Orthodox Monastic Centre, with over twenty active monasteries. Ecclesiastical and folklore textile objects, of inestimable religious, spiritual and historical importance, have been preserved in the monasteries of the Holy Mountain for several centuries. Despite their importance, these objects have been barely studied. Thirty five textile works of the Monastery of Simonos Petra in Mount Athos have been selected to be investigated after receiving a grant form the Getty Foundation. The works correspond to various types of textiles and to a long historical period (16th – early 20th century). Microsamples, extracted from the works, have been analyzed by HPLC-DAD-MS. The following dyes were identified: cochineal, madder, soluble redwood, logwood, weld, dyer's broom, young fustic and indigoid dyes (indigo or woad). The chemical study was accompanied by a brief historical survey on the selected objects and preventive conservation actions. "
Ινστιτούτο του Βιβλίου- Καρδαμίτσα, 2023
Μέσα στην Ανατολική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, κατά την τέλεση της Θείας Ευχαριστίας και των άλλων ακολου... more Μέσα στην Ανατολική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, κατά την τέλεση της Θείας Ευχαριστίας και των άλλων ακολουθιών, χρησιμοποιούνται λειτουργικά και διακοσμητικά ενδύματα και υφάσματα. Τα λειτουργικά υφάσματα και ιδιαίτερα ο επιτάφιος που είναι ο σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης, φέρουν συμβολισμούς τόσο στα χρώματα όσο και στη διακόσμησή τους. Ηθικοί, τυπικοδογματικοί και αλληγορικοί συμβολισμοί αποτελούν αναπόσπαστο στοιχείο των υφασμάτων και γενικότερα ζήτημα της ερμηνευτικής προσέγγισης των Πατέρων της Εκκλησίας στη Θεία
Λειτουργία και στη λατρεία.
Η βυζαντινή και μεταβυζαντινή εκκλησιαστική κεντητική δεν ήταν αφηγηματική ούτε και ‘αφαιρετική’ αλλά πνευματική και συμβολική. Δείγματα βυζαντινών και μεταβυζαντινών λειτουργικών υφασμάτων, όπως είναι οι επιτάφιοι, αποθησαυρίζονται στα σκευοφυλάκια του Αγίου Όρους. Πρόκειται για έργα τα οποία δεν έχουν μελετηθεί συστηματικά από την πλευρά της ανάλυσης με φυσικοχημικές τεχνικές
και της καταγραφής της διατήρησης των κατασκευαστικών τους υλικών.
Εμπλουτισμένη με περισσότερα στοιχεία και κατάλληλα διαμορφωμένη έχει πλέον κύριο σκοπό μέσω της ανάδειξης των συγκεκριμένων σημαντικών αγιορειτικών επιταφίων, ορισμένα από αυτά αδημοσίευτα για το κοινό, να παρουσιαστεί ο συμβολικός χαρακτήρας του επιταφίου και οι διαφορές με τα άλλα Ορθόδοξα λειτουργικά υφάσματα καθώς και να αναδειχθούν οι συμβολισμοί των κατασκευαστικών υλικών που χρησιμοποιούνται κατά την Ορθόδοξη παράδοση.
Η εργασία ολοκληρώνεται με την ανάλυση των κατασκευαστικών υλικών των συγκεκριμένων επιταφίων, με την καταγραφή της σημερινής κατάστασης και διατήρησης των υφασμάτων και με προτεινόμενους τρόπους κατάλληλης αποθήκευσης και έκθεσης επιταφίων.
Spyliana ABEE, 2022
Ο ναΐσκος του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος Σπάτων της οικογένειας Μανιά είναι επιπεδόστεγη μονόκλιτη βασιλική... more Ο ναΐσκος του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος Σπάτων της οικογένειας Μανιά είναι επιπεδόστεγη μονόκλιτη βασιλική μικρών διαστάσεων με ξυλοσκεπή αναγερθείσα το 2005. Στο εσωτερικό του υπάρχει ζωγραφικός διάκοσμος που κοσμεί τους τοίχους, το τέμπλο και την οροφή με την τεχνική της ξηρογραφίας (secco), φιλοτεχνημένος από τον εικαστικό Τάσο Λουκίδη το 1941 (έτος αποπερατώσεως).Kατά την διάρκεια της καταγραφής και αποτύπωσης των φθορών, συγκεκριμενες φθορές παρατηρήθηκαν στο ζωγραφικό στρώμα και στο υπόστρωμα. Όλες οι εργασίες συντήρησης, όπως και τα υλικά που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν μετέπειτα, βασίζονται στην αντιστρεψιμότητα και την συμβατότητα προς τα ήδη υπάρχοντα κατασκευαστικά υλικά και εναρμονίζονται προς τις προδιαγραφές και τις ρήτρες των λεγομένων διεθνών Χαρτών και Συμβάσεων σχετικά με την ταυτότητα της εκάστοτε εθνικής πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς και τα πρωτόκολλα δομικών υλικών.Πραγματοποιήθηκαν στερεώσεις της ζωγραφικής επιφάνειας και του υποστρώματος, συμπλήρώσεις σε ορισμένα σημεια, χημικός και μηχανικός καθαρισμός όπως και αισθητική αποκατάσταση.
Η Πύλη του Ουρανού. Οι τοιχογραφίες του Τάσου Λουκίδη (1941) στο παρεκκλήσιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος Σπάτων της οικογένειας Μανιά. , 2022
Authors: Ioannis Vitaliotis, Ioannis Vourdachas, Christos Karydis, Eleni Kouloumbi, Eleftherios P... more Authors: Ioannis Vitaliotis, Ioannis Vourdachas, Christos Karydis, Eleni Kouloumbi, Eleftherios Papaioannou.
The present publication is a collective and interdisciplinary work on the hitherto unknown murals created in 1941 by the Greek symbolist painter Tassos Loukides, a disciple of Fernand Cormon and Hubert-Denis Etcheverry, in the private chapel of St Spyridon, belonging to the couple of merchand Spilios and Chryssavgi Manias.
The chapel was located originally inside the Manias apartment, in a modernist building in Kypseli, in downtown Athens. The murals used to cover entirely the interior of the chapel, including the ceiling. In 1980's, after the sale of the apartment, they were detached by the restorators of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture Stavros Baltogiannis and Michalis Michailidis and were carefully preserved by Manias family. In 2005 the murals were placed on the walls of a new private chapel built in Spata, Attica, having the same dimensions as the disaffected old chapel in Kypseli.
Τhe initiative for the publication of the mural paintings of Tassos Loukidis and its financing belong to Mr. Panos Manias, the son of late Spilios and Chryssavgi.
Editor: Spiliana. Athens 2022.
Ion, 2019
Το περιεχόμενο του βιβλίου, το οποίο σε δώδεκα (12) κεφάλαια καλύπτει την παρουσίαση όλων των κατ... more Το περιεχόμενο του βιβλίου, το οποίο σε δώδεκα (12) κεφάλαια καλύπτει την παρουσίαση όλων των κατασκευαστικών υλικών και τεχνικών της φορητής εικόνας και των πινάκων, διαμορφώθηκε για μεγαλύτερη ευκολία σε τρία κύρια μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος αναλύονται όλα τα κατασκευαστικά υλικά της φορητής εικόνας (ξύλο, ύφασμα, προετοιμασία, χρωστικές, συνδετικά υλικά, χρύσωμα και βερνίκωμα) και στο τέλος παρουσιάζονται βήμα προς βήμα η κατασκευή μιας φορητής εικόνας. Στο δεύτερο μέρος παρουσιάζονται τα υλικά και η κατασκευή ενός ζωγραφικού έργου σε ύφασμα όπως επίσης και οι τρόποι τελαρώματος. Τέλος, το τρίτο και τελευταίο μέρος αφιερώνεται στη διατήρηση των ζωγραφικών έργων μέσω της 'πρόληψης' παρουσιάζοντας τα βασικά πεδία της προληπτικής συντήρησης.
Χαιρετισμός: Α.Θ.Μ. Πάπας & Πατριάρχης Αλεξανδρείας & Πάσης Αφρικής κ.κ. Θεόδωρος Β.
Προλογισμός: τ. Διευθυντής Συντήρησης Εθνικής Πινακοθήκης: Δρ. Μιχαήλ Δουλγερίδης
Εισαγωγικό Σημείωμα για την Θεολογία της Εικόνας: Δρ. Γεωρ. Κόρδης
Εκδόσεις Ίων
ISBN: 978-960-508-301-4, Eύδοξος: 86199428
Έτος έκδοσης: 2019
Σελ. 184
The content of this book, which covers twelve (12) chapters covering the presentation of the materials and techniques for portable icons and easel paintings. Therefore, was formulated for greater convenience in three main sections. In the first part all the construction materials of the icons such as wood, fabric, gesso, pigments, gilding and varnishes) are analyzed and at the end are presented the construction of an icon 'step by step'. The second part presents the materials and construction of a painting on a fabric. Finally, the third and final part is dedicated to the preservation of paintings through 'prevention' presenting the main areas of preventive conservation.
Ecclesiastical Library of the Holy Metropolis of Monemvasia & Sparta , 2019
Η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο γίνεται αναφορά στην εικονογραφική αναπαρά... more Η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο γίνεται αναφορά στην εικονογραφική αναπαράσταση της εικόνας το ΄Ρόδον το Αμάραντον΄ χρησιμοποιώντας βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές. Στο δεύτερο μέρος γίνεται αναφορά στους τρόπους καταγραφής και επεμβατικής συντήρησης της συγκεκριμένης εικόνας.
This study is divided into two parts. The first one refers to the iconographical representation of the icon ‘Rodon Amaranton’ using bibliographic references. In the second part we refer to the ways of documentation and conservation of the particular icon.
"ISBN: 978-960-89869-2-3 Pages. 406 The book ‘Science of Preventive Conservation’ is coming ... more "ISBN: 978-960-89869-2-3
Pages. 406
The book ‘Science of Preventive Conservation’ is coming to fulfill the Greek bibliographic gap in the science of conservation of antiquities and works of art. A section which for many years was actually developed empirically. Preventive conservation has recently been recognized as a particular subject area in the preservation of antiquities. This book consists of numerous case studies written by forty (40) Greek scholars in the field. The scope of this book is to examine objects, materials and techniques in Greek monuments and collections, to propose new ideas and approaches, and to awaken the curators and conservators. Ambition of the editors is for the book to be used as a manual for conservators, conservation students, curators and collection managers and all professionals in the field of cultural heritage management."
This first Greek book is designed to advice students in conservation and archaeology field, curat... more This first Greek book is designed to advice students in conservation and archaeology field, curators and keepers of monastic collections and others with no particular experience in the preservation of textiles. It is an introduction giving brief guidelines presenting the importance and the fragility of the ecclesiastical and historic textile artefacts. Bringing awareness to the non-specialists, underlying the nowadays-preventive conservation policy.
The book is divided into the following chapters: 1. Preventive Conservation, 2. Documentation: 2.1 Sampling: Method & Greek Law, 2.2 Fibre Identification (Analytical Equipment Techniques), 2.3 Primary Weaving Techniques, 3.Main Chemical, Mechanical & Biological Types of Damages, 4. Environmental Conditions: 4.1 Relative Humidity-Temperature, 4.2 Lighting, 4.2.1 Types of Museum Lighting, 5. Insect Attack and the protection of textiles, 6. Pollution & Dust, 7. Transportation, 8. Water Disaster: First Aids 9. Storage: 9.1. Storage Materials, 9.2. Storage Materials: Finishing Removals, 10. Conservation: 10.1 Ethical Considerations for the Conservation of the Orthodox Ecclesiastical Textiles, 10.2 Detergents, 11. List of International Organisations in Conservation, Museum Studies and Culture Heritage, 12. Further Reading List, 13. References, 14. Appendixes: Documentation Report for Textile artefacts.
This academic work focuses on the research findings from a collection survey of Euro-Mediterranea... more This academic work focuses on the research findings from a collection survey of Euro-Mediterranean post-Byzantine ecclesiastical garments, known as sakkoi, from the Holy Mountain of Athos located in Chalkidiki, Greece. According to the World Heritage Committee, Mount Athos is considered to be of an outstanding universal value, as it is the most important monastic centre of the Christian Orthodox Church.
The sakkos appeared to be an evolution of the Greek chiton (10th– 8th BC) to the Roman dalmatic (180- 192 AD). Later on, used as an imperial Byzantine garment, which by the 11th-12th century had been adopted by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to indicate his status and privilege. It was only after the fall of Constantinople, that this was extended to all the Bishops of the Orthodox Church. The study begins with a discussion of the nomenclature, while it addresses the issue prevalent in Byzantine and post-Byzantine research, as to the historical provenance of
this liturgical garment. Different approaches ranging from art historic and semiotic research to scientific examination using sophisticated analytical techniques are applied, in order to introduce a cultural, historical and technological context of the garments. The Mount Athos sakkoi, never previously researched, date from the end of the 15th to the 20th century and they are garments worn by Patriarchs, Bishops, and Emperors.
The survey examines fifty two sakkoi from fourteen monasteries, identifying constructional and stylistic details, material components using analytical techniques (Optical Microscopy, HPLC and SEM-EDS) and technological evidence such as fibres, dyes, metal threads and weaving techniques, whilst analysing the sources of degradation and decay. This research demonstrates not only the scope of a conservation collection survey methodology for elucidating new information about specific items but also it’s potential to add to the knowledge relating to the history, development and use of such garments. An effort to combine the analytical results with the available stylistic historical information and the conclusions obtained by analyzing the cut and construction of the tested garments was also performed. A major purpose of the study was to enable intellectual access to this inaccessible collection and the mechanism for disseminating this information.The Athonian garments had not been previously documented and the first stage of this research was to design pro forma to record all details related to materials, manufacture and condition.
This record includes detailed information regarding: materials; technological and constructional details; alterations and repairs during use; previous restorations and condition assessment. This, together with systematic illustrative material, in the form of drawings, photographs and microphotographs, has been designed to contribute to the preservation of these artefacts, serving also as a surrogate to reduce the need for future handling. Moreover, it facilitates access for female researchers to this invaluable and unique collection. Major attention was also drawn on new preventive conservation approaches that can be adopted to preserve the items as a ‘living’ collection, including guidelines for the continuation of production of those garments.
The spiritual dimension of these artefacts is thus discussed within the framework of conservation ethics. The difficulties for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the current investigation were significant. Among these, the lack of published literature together with the un-catalogued archives led to a plethora of problems. Of course, the oral sources coming form the sacristans were of high importance since they were the ones offering valuable information. This research offers for the very first time, a complete assemblage of knowledge regarding the production, synthesis, condition and display of the ecclesiastical Athonian sakkoi.
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Jan 4, 2021
The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is toda... more The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is today a major spiritual and artistic entity in the Mediterranean archaeological, ecclesiastical and cultural history. Since 1999, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, which demonstrates its historical significance. The monastery preserves and holds a significant number of works of great archaeological, ethnographical and historical value which have not been studied systematically. In particular, the archaeological textiles, which were recently donated by Mr. Albert- Jean Antonelli and kept in the monastery, have not attracted the interest and special attention of the scientific community (historians, archaeologists, conservators) and the literature is scarce. The monastery keeps 84 Coptic textiles: (82 Coptic textile fragments, one large tunic and one large tapestry fragment) which date between the 4th and 7th centuries A.D. This paper will briefly present the u...
Samples from ecclesiastical textiles (epitaphioi) which date in the byzantine period (14th centur... more Samples from ecclesiastical textiles (epitaphioi) which date in the byzantine period (14th century) and belong to monasteries of Mount Athos, are investigated using High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a Photodiode Array Detector (HPLC-PDA). Prior to HPLC analysis, the historic samples are treated following a two step method, which was recently devised for dyestuff extraction: samples are first treated with hot dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) followed by mild acid (trifluoroacetic acid, TFA) hydrolysis. For the first time the use of cochineal in a byzantine textile is reported herein. According to the HPLC semiquantitative results the cochineal dye was originated probably from Porphyrophora polonica L. (Polish cochineal) insects. Weld (Reseda luteola L.) is identified in the historic samples by detecting aglycone and glycoside components of the yellow dye, thus demonstrating that compounds which are destroyed under harsh acidic conditions (glycosides) can be recovered by the ...
"This poster has been produced as part of an academic survey of a collection of Orthodox ecc... more "This poster has been produced as part of an academic survey of a collection of Orthodox ecclesiastical liturgical garments, known as sakkoi, from the monastic centre of the Holy Mountain of Athos. These garments are identified as materials with ‘high spiritual’ cultural significance with related symbols and codes from which they can be classified. The survey divides the collection into a three tier hierarchy, one of which is the ‘relic’ garment and the sakkos of St. Nifon falls in this category. St Nifon had been the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople for three periods (1486-7, 1497-8, and 1502) before he retired to the Holy Monastery of St. Dionisiou in Mount Athos. He brought with him and donated to the monastery many items, as is commonly found in ecclesiastical history. One of these was a woven silk sakkos, decorated with repeat medallion motifs of Christ as High Priest in gold metallic threads. Around the Christ motif is an inscription, unusual in that is shown in reverse- as if the weaver had woven the fabric back to front or the pattern- cutter had laid it up on the reverse side. Evidence of the veneration afforded this garment is found in the cut, torn and shredded edges where worshippers have taken relics as part of their reverence. One small section of the textile was recently discovered in a reliquary in another part of the monastery, which would seem to support this hypothesis. These fabrics are also characterised as ‘therapeutic’ or ‘healing objects’. According to Orthodox tradition the fabrics, after being in contact with holy bones are automatically blessed, and can thus be venerated themselves, with believers sometimes taking small threads from them as a blessing and protection. In the Byzantine period, relics and all the materials, which have been placed or found together with them, were objects of priceless value. To see or to touch them was to come into direct contact with God, who was otherwise almost unimaginably distant and inaccessible. The fabrics used to wrap the bodily remains or the actually garments of Saints were never disposed of by the clergy, even when they lost their freshness and radiance. In fact, having numerous stains and marks of damage increases their authenticity for most believers. This poster presents an overview of the ethical dilemmas, raised in conservation treatment. Major treatments such as aqueous or solvent cleaning, mechanical removal of the dust and dirt deposits, which could be seen as appropriate for other type of textiles and important for their preservation, are not necessarily suitable for ‘relic’ textiles of this type as they would remove information important for future researchers. "
In the frame of the program MoCaCu‘Mobile Care for the Documentation, Characterisation and Conser... more In the frame of the program MoCaCu‘Mobile Care for the Documentation, Characterisation and Conservation of Movable Cultural Heritage Artifacts from Remote Areas in Greece’, funded partly by the Swiss Confederation-Federal Office of Culture (FOC), a selected number of mainly organic ecclesiastical objects such as icons, textiles, books etc, were selected to be preserved by interventive or preventive conservation by a mobile conservation team. The Laboratory of Archaeometry of the University of Peloponnese, conceived the idea of a mobile conservation laboratory. The mobile laboratory would enable the conservators and conservation scientists to provide services to smaller communities not only to analyse the component materials but also to treat on-site the many ecclesiastical historical items which require preventive or minor interventive treatments. Two locations were selected to serve the pres-ervation of items, namely the region of Alagonia in Messenia and the village of Kalarrites situated at the Tzoumerka mountainous region close to Ioannina. Autopsy was performed in more than six (6) churches and documentation of the main deterioration factors of the artefacts was accomplished. More than thirty (30) items have already been fully or partially conserved & documented insitu by a team of conservators, art historians, photographers and it- skills??? persons, under the supervision of the 26th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities (EBA). The service proved very useful and successful and contributed to the increase of its popularity among the local communities. During this period the demand and interest in the service continued to grow.
Ecclesiastical textiles of the post-Byzantine period have been scarcely fully studied, despite th... more Ecclesiastical textiles of the post-Byzantine period have been scarcely fully studied, despite the relatively large and impressive collections of garments which is spread around the numerous Christian Orthodox monasteries around the world. Very limited information is available for these precious textile artefacts of the eastern Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage. Their origin, construction materials and stage of preservation is usually not well documented or originated and therefore questionable. This poster is focussed on a garment which, according tο tradition, belongs to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannis Tsimiskis (925-976) and is displayed in Iveron monastery in Mount Athos. It represents the culmination of a detailed survey from the most important monastic centre of the Orthodox Christianity, the ‘Holy Mountain’ of Athos. Today, Mount Athos has an outstanding universal value, according to the UNESCO, as it houses rich collections of artworks from various chronological periods.
According to the World Heritage Committee, Mount Athos is considered to be of an outstanding univ... more According to the World Heritage Committee, Mount Athos is considered to be of an outstanding universal value, as it is the most important monastic centre of the Christian Orthodox Church. This research focuses on the findings from three (3) Byzantine liturgical textiles known as epitaphioi, which from a historical point of view are the most important of Mount Athos. The textiles are displayed in Vatopediou, Ksiropotamou and Stauronikita athonian monastic collections. One of the epitaphioi is a donation from the byzantine emperor Ioannis VI Kantakouzenos (Fig.1). Epitaphios is a multi-component artwork which before any preventive or interventive treatment physicochemical analysis should be applied, revealing the component materials and the state of degradation. Physico-chemical techniques such as HPLC-DAD is employed in this research to identify the colouring materials. Other techniques (Optical Microscopy & SEM-EDX) were employed for further studies. Dyes which were identified in the epitaphioi are as follows: kermes, indigo (or woad), weld, madder, and interestingly cochineal which could have been originated from the Polish insect (Porphyrophora Polonica L.).
"Mount Athos has been an Orthodox spiritual centre since 1054 and has enjoyed an autonomous ... more "Mount Athos has been an Orthodox spiritual centre since 1054 and has enjoyed an autonomous status since Byzantine times. Today, the “Holy Mountain” is still a major centre of the Christian religion with over 20 large, occupied and active monasteries. Peerless artworks of inestimable religious, spiritual and historical importance have been guarded by the monasteries for several centuries. Among them, important textiles can be found which have been barely studied [1]. A multi-disciplinary approach will be employed within the activities of the Byz-tex-Athos project, to study in detail thirty artworks from the Monastery of Simonos Petra (IMSP) which correspond to a long historical period (16th – early 20th cent.). The project is composed of the following phases: (i) clarification of the dyeing technology; (ii) stylistic and historic investigation; (iii) documentation and (iv) conservation of the historical objects. Preliminary results collected with respect to the first goal of the Byz-tex-Athos project are described in this study "
"Mount Athos is probably the most important Eastern Orthodox Monastic Centre, wi... more "Mount Athos is probably the most important Eastern Orthodox Monastic Centre, with over twenty active monasteries. Ecclesiastical and folklore textile objects, of inestimable religious, spiritual and historical importance, have been preserved in the monasteries of the Holy Mountain for several centuries. Despite their importance, these objects have been barely studied. Thirty five textile works of the Monastery of Simonos Petra in Mount Athos have been selected to be investigated after receiving a grant form the Getty Foundation. The works correspond to various types of textiles and to a long historical period (16th – early 20th century). Microsamples, extracted from the works, have been analyzed by HPLC-DAD-MS. The following dyes were identified: cochineal, madder, soluble redwood, logwood, weld, dyer's broom, young fustic and indigoid dyes (indigo or woad). The chemical study was accompanied by a brief historical survey on the selected objects and preventive conservation actions. "
Fibre samples from the fabric support of 33 Eastern Orthodox icons dating from the 14th to the 18... more Fibre samples from the fabric support of 33 Eastern Orthodox icons dating from the 14th to the 18th centuries A.D, owned by the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki, Greece, were studied in order to identify the construction material of their fabric substrate. The methods employed included sampling, preparation on glass slides, Optical Microscopy (ΟΜ), Scanning Electron Microscopy (ΣΕΜ), and use of Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS for the categorisation, visualisation and statistical analysis of the results. OM and SEM observations led to the recording of morphological features of the fibre types, allowing their identification as linen, cotton and hemp. SEM was proven valuable in the identification of features not otherwise visible, which helped distinguish between fibres of a similar appearance. OM and SEM observations combined, also led to notes on the preservation state of the fabric substrate, and the presence of foreign matter trapped within the fibres. Initial graphs prepar...
Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences, 2020
2018 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), 2018
Websites play an important role in promoting culture. However, the only way of confirming that a ... more Websites play an important role in promoting culture. However, the only way of confirming that a website is easily accessible, usable and provide adequate information to its user is by evaluating it. A common method of evaluation is the inspection method. Inspection methods are conducted by experts. In this paper, we present an inspection evaluation of thirty (30) websites of international and national museums' conservation labs. In order to process the results of the evaluation, we used a Multi Criteria Decision Making Theory, namely Weighted Product Model. This model provided a final ranking of the websites of museums' conservation labs.
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2020
The evaluation of cultural websites is a complicated procedure that depends on several criteria. ... more The evaluation of cultural websites is a complicated procedure that depends on several criteria. The main contribution of this paper is on showing how this process may be implemented. For this reason, different multi-criteria decision-making methods are combined and compared for processing the results of the evaluation. More specifically, the paper provides the criteria for evaluating a website of cultural heritage and presents the application of Analytical Hierarchy Process for estimating the weights of the criteria. Then, it compares two different multi-criteria decision-making models, fuzzy simple additive weighting and fuzzy weighted product model, for being combined with Analytical Hierarchy Process and processing the results of the evaluation. The evaluation involves 29 websites of the conservation labs of the international museums and useful conclusions are extracted about the application of all methods and the combination of Analytical Hierarchy Process with fuzzy simple add...
Mount Athos has been an Orthodox spiritual monastic centre and has enjoyed an autonomous statute ... more Mount Athos has been an Orthodox spiritual monastic centre and has enjoyed an autonomous statute since Byzantine times. Today the "Holy Mountain" has an outstanding universal value, according to the UNESCO, as it houses rich collections of artworks from various chronological periods (i.e. Classical, Hellenistic etc.) including Byzantine and post-Byzantine period, displaying icons, mural paintings, implements, metalwork's, wood carvings, manuscripts and textiles. The latter have been barely investigated in contrast to the other types of artworks which have received a considerable attention. The study focuses on selected (15th – 19th cent.) ecclesiastical garments (sakkoi) from Mount Athos and aims to elucidate several aspects of the history of the post-Byzantine textile art. In particular we focus on: (i) stylistic development, design (mainly from France and Italy) and constructional modifications over time leading to a dating typology, (ii) comparison of binding system...
An educational video for the Orthodox Liturgical Garments within the framework of History of Text... more An educational video for the Orthodox Liturgical Garments within the framework of History of Textiles module in the Department of Protection and Conservation of Cultural Property (Technological Educational Insitute of Ionian Islands) with the collaboration fo the Holy Metropolis of Zakynthou Strofadon, our student Ms. Ilona Ntelianidou, create the attached video in Greek with English and Russian subtitles.
Navalhistory, 2024
Το υποβρύχιο ΤΡΙΤΩΝ (Υ5) υπήρξε ένα από τα έξι υποβρύχια του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού (Βασιλικό Ναυτικό... more Το υποβρύχιο ΤΡΙΤΩΝ (Υ5) υπήρξε ένα από τα έξι υποβρύχια του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού (Βασιλικό Ναυτικό τότε) τα οποία πολέμησαν κατά την διάρκεια του Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Το υποβρύχιο ΤΡΙΤΩΝ κατασκευάστηκε στα ναυπηγεία Ateliers & Chantiers de la Loire στη Νάντη, καθελκύστηκε στις 4 Απριλίου 1928, και παραλήφθηκε την 1 Δεκεμβρίου 1930.
Με την έναρξη του ελληνοïταλικού πολέμου το υποβρύχιο ΤΡΙΤΩΝ μαζί με τα υπόλοιπα υποβρύχια του ελληνικού στόλου εκτέλεσε 6 συνολικά πολεμικές τους περιπολίες στο Ιόνιο Πέλαγος και στην Αδριατική με αρκετές επιτυχίες. Μετά την πτώση του μετώπου και την επέλαση του γερμανικού στρατού, το υποβρύχιο ΤΡΙΤΩΝ κατέπλευσε στην Αλεξάνδρεια της Αιγύπτου η οποία αποτέλεσε κατά κόρον τη βάση των επιχειρήσεων του ελληνικού στόλου. Εκτέλεσε άλλες 8 επιτυχείς πολεμικές περιπολίες (σύνολο 14) αλλά στην τελευταία του, την 15η, με κυβερνήτη τον υποπλοίαρχο Ε. Κοντογιάννη, μετά από ανεπιτυχή τορπιλική επίθεση εναντίον εχθρικής νηοπομπής, καταδιώχθηκε από το γερμανικό ανθυποβρυχιακό σκάφος UJ-2102 και μετά από εξάωρη ναυμαχία, αναδύθηκε και κατόπιν ηρωικής μάχης, καταβυθίστηκε. Πριν βυθιστεί, ομάδα Γερμανών προσέγγισε το φλεγόμενο και χτυπημένο υποβρύχιο και αφαίρεσε την πολεμική σημαία από τον πύργο.
Η σημαία που παρουσιάζεται με μέγιστες διαστάσεις (ΥxΠ) 85 x 1.34εκ. βρέθηκε από την ομάδα των συντηρητών του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου, τοποθετημένη μέσα σε ξύλινη περιμετρική κορνίζα καρφωμένη με μεταλλικά οξειδωμένα στοιχεία (καρφιά) σε γαλάζια χάρτινη βάση. Είναι κατασκευασμένη από εννέα (9) ισοπαχείς, οριζόντιες και εναλλασσόμενες λευκές και κυανές παράλληλες λωρίδες. Μέσα στο κυανό τετράγωνο στο άνω αριστερό μέρος, υπάρχει ο λευκός σταυρός. Στο κέντρο του σταυρού είναι τοποθετημένη με κίτρινο κλωστή η βασιλική κορώνα του πολεμικού ναυτικού. Επεμβάσεις συντήρησης και έκθεσης συμπεριλαμβάνονται.
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries Journal, 2021
Our era is characterized by the presence of new technologies in every aspect. Like all organizati... more Our era is characterized by the presence of new technologies in every aspect. Like all organizations, libraries are called upon to adapt to the new data and the developments they bring about. The exploitation of technology and applications enables the creation of a more integrated organization of their services through digital proposals. The adaptation of Public Libraries to the new technological era makes the organization of knowledge and information easy, fast, direct and effective and this is the goal of any organization that operates anthropocentrically and has an active role in society. New technologies have highlighted much more strongly the need for changes in all areas of their activity in order to be able to meet the modern demands of users, and signaled their entry into a new era, where their position was in fact more upgraded as channels of Knowledge and information.
Conservar Património, 2021
Wax effigies, fully dressed life-size models of human figures, have been constructed since the me... more Wax effigies, fully dressed life-size models of human figures, have been constructed since the medieval times. The construction materials of historical effigies differ to the contemporary ones, yet the construction process of the wax parts has more or less remained unchanged over the centuries. This paper starts with the history, construction materials and manufacture techniques of wax effigies. The inseparable relation of the wax effigies and their costumes is explained, and the characteristics and deterioration agents of their most important construction materials are presented in order to understand their needs for preservation, with emphasis on wax and fabrics. The aim of this paper is to suggest preventive conservation guidelines for wax effigies, with proposals for appropriate environmental conditions during display and storage, and suggestions for proper handling, storage and transportation. Advice for disaster preparedness and actions in cases of emergency situations is also provided. Resumo As efígies de cera, modelos de figuras humanas completamente vestidas em tamanho real, foram criadas desde os tempos medievais. Os materiais de produção de efígies históricas diferem dos contemporâneos, mas o processo de produção dos componentes de cera manteve-se mais ou menos inalterado ao longo dos séculos. Este artigo começa com a história, materiais e técnicas de produção de efígies de cera. Explica-se a relação inseparável das efígies de cera e os seus trajes, apresentam-se as características e os agentes de deterioração de seus materiais de produção mais importantes, de modo a compreender as suas necessidades de preservação, com ênfase na cera e nos tecidos. O objetivo deste artigo é sugerir procedimentos de conservação preventiva para efígies de cera, com propostas de condições ambientais adequadas durante a exposição e armazenamento, e sugestões para manuseamento, armazenamento e transporte adequados. São também fornecidos conselhos para a preparação para desastres e ações em casos de situações de emergência.
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 2021
The Municipal Library is one of the most important providers of information and culture services ... more The Municipal Library is one of the most important providers of information and culture services in the area that it serves. It provides access to a variety of sources and media as well as support for the public to be able to identify, evaluate, isolate, compose and use the information of its interest. However, ever-changing conditions in today's society, with the advances in information technology and communications, have not left libraries unaffected. On the contrary, the introduction of new technology in them has forced changes in all areas of their activities, in order to be able to meet modern requirements, and marked their entry into a new era, where their position, as knowledge and information channels, is in fact more upgraded. Its previous traditional function, ie to serve the public by providing books and other printed material, is maintained as a core and, in parallel with joining the Information Society, creates the conditions for the formation of the new potential of its role as a digital access center to information and therefore the need to acquire the necessary infrastructure in space, equipment and services is imperative.
These changes, of course, also affected the philosophy, the role, the functions, the services and the activities of the libraries, the flow of work, the equipment, but also the ones related to the space, the influence of the environmental conditions, security and protection, statistical adequacy, etc. The new orientation of the public libraries, the expansion of their activities, and in general the new needs that are called to serve, differentiate the provided services and consequently the way they operate. Given the relationship and importance, the physical space in which each library is housed, the effects of the above developments and in the form of the buildings are obvious.
The present study, with a brief reference to the current state of municipal libraries, focuses on the need to adopt architectural and bioclimatic design standards for a future building morphology of libraries with construction and functional suitability for hosting their collections and modern services.
Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences, 2020
The Shipwreck (Navagio) is the most important touristic attraction of Zakynthos island in Greece ... more The Shipwreck (Navagio) is the most important touristic attraction of Zakynthos island in Greece and its fame radius is expanding on a global scale. It is a 20th century ship that in 1982 stray to a particularly inaccessible beach in the northwestern part of Zakynthos island. The particular sight is ranked every year very high on the lists of the most widespread destinations on a global scale. Although, it is a new ship it has received extensive publicity as cultural property of Greece. The main construction materials of Navagio is the metal, wood, and paints that have been used in the decoration of the ship. The Navagio is exposed and suffer every year to extreme environmental factors i.e temperature, humidity, salts, further vandalism, etc. Τhe main aim of this paper is the attempt to document the agents of deterioration, which rabidly destroy this ship and compare the levels of deterioration and preservation state with other shipwrecks in Greece in order to warn the owners or the involved institutions for its future preservation.
Journal of Computing and Informatics, 2020
The museums' conservation labs and the treatments on the artifacts many times are overlooked and ... more The museums' conservation labs and the treatments on the artifacts many times are overlooked and are not obvious for the public. Nevertheless, their content, which is more specialized than the content of the main museum, may be of interest to students, researchers, archaeologists, tourists, artists for further education and preservation guidelines purposes. In this paper, we evaluate the electronic presence of museums' conservation labs using both empirical and inspection methods of evaluation. For this purpose, a combination of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is used to implement an evaluation experiment that combines inspection and empirical methods of evaluation. The proposed scheme of evaluation that implements a combination of methods and decision making theories for the evaluation of websites with specialized cultural content has been used for evaluating the 29 websites of museum's conservation labs and ranks them taking into account their content, usability, and functionality. Povzetek: Prispevek z metodami umetne intelligence ocenjuje spletne strain muzejev.
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2020
The evaluation of cultural websites is a complicated procedure that depends on several criteria. ... more The evaluation of cultural websites is a complicated procedure that depends on several criteria. The main contribution of this paper is on showing how this process may be implemented. For this reason, different multi-criteria decision-making methods are combined and compared for processing the results of the evaluation. More specifically, the paper provides the criteria for evaluating a website of cultural heritage and presents the application of Analytical Hierarchy Process for estimating the weights of the criteria. Then, it compares two different multi-criteria decision-making models, fuzzy simple additive weighting and fuzzy weighted product model, for being combined with Analytical Hierarchy Process and processing the results of the evaluation. The evaluation involves 29 websites of the conservation labs of the international museums and useful conclusions are extracted about the application of all methods and the combination of Analytical Hierarchy Process with fuzzy simple additive weighting and fuzzy weighted product model.
International Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 2019
Fibre samples from the fabric support of 33 Eastern Orthodox icons dating from the 14 th to the 1... more Fibre samples from the fabric support of 33 Eastern Orthodox icons dating from the 14 th to the 18 th centuries A.D, owned by the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki, Greece, were studied in order to identify the construction material of their fabric substrate. The methods employed included sampling, preparation on glass slides, Optical Microscopy (ΟΜ), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and use of Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS for the categorisation, visualisation and statistical analysis of the results. OM and SEM observations led to the recording of morphological features of the fibre types, allowing their identification as linen, cotton and hemp. SEM was proven valuable in the identification of features not otherwise visible, which helped distinguish between fibres of a similar appearance. OM and SEM observations combined, also led to notes on the preservation state of the fabric substrate, and the presence of foreign matter trapped within the fibres. Initial graphs prepared in an Excel environment suggest that linen is the predominant material for most centuries and most sizes of icons. Yet statistical analysis with SPSS through one way ANOVA, cross tabulation and chi-square tests contradict the initial conclusions , highlighting the importance and need of statistical analysis for the drawing of safe conclusions regarding the interpretation of results.
International Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 2019
The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is toda... more The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is today a major spiritual and artistic entity in the Mediterranean archaeological, ecclesiastical and cultural history. Since 1999, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, which demonstrates its historical significance. The monastery preserves and holds a significant number of works of great archaeological, ethnographical and historical value which have not been studied systematically. In particular, the archaeological textiles, which were recently donated by Mr. Albert-Jean Antonelli and kept in the monastery, have not attracted the interest and special attention of the scientific community (historians, archaeologists, con-servators) and the literature is scarce. The monastery keeps 84 Coptic textiles: (82 Coptic textile fragments, one large tunic and one large tapestry fragment) which date between the 4 th and 7 th centuries A.D. This paper will briefly present the unpublished Coptic textile collection focusing on the paradoxical ways of display methods with incompatible materials and the application of scientific techniques to identify the fibre structure and the dyes used, via FTIR, SEM, OM and SEM methods.
Stavrodromi , 2019
Tα εκκλησιαστικά αντικείμενα, όπως είναι οι φορητές εικόνες και τα εκκλησιαστικά ξυλόγλυπτα (π.χ... more Tα εκκλησιαστικά αντικείμενα, όπως είναι οι φορητές εικόνες και τα εκκλησιαστικά ξυλόγλυπτα (π.χ προσκυνητάρια), έχουν κατασκευαστεί για να εξυπηρετήσουν λατρευτικές ανάγκες μέσα στον Ορθόδοξο Ναό. Πολλά από αυτά τα έργα είναι γνωστά όχι μόνο για τον θεολογικό τους συμβολισμό, αλλά και για την ύπαρξη τους ως έργα τέχνης με ιστορική, καλλιτεχνική και αρχαιολογική αξία. Ο αρχικός όμως λόγος κατασκευής τους ήταν και είναι για ένα και μόνο σκοπό: να υπηρετούν και να στηρίζουν την πίστη στην καθημερινή ζωή των χριστιανών.
Δύο από τις φορητές εικόνες του 19ου αιώνα που φυλάσσονται στο ναό του Αγίου Φιλίππου, έχουν ήδη συντηρηθεί και τοποθετηθεί στα αρχικά τους προσκυνητάρια. Πρόκειται για την ενυπόγραφη εικόνα της Ζωοδόχου Πηγής φιλοτεχνημένη από τον Γεώργιο Π. Ζωγράφο το 1899, και την εικόνα της Υπαπαντής του Χριστού, η οποία φέρει στο κάτω τμήμα της μεγαλογράμματη επιγραφή: ΑΝΑΛΩΜΑΣΙ ΤΩΝ ΣΥΝΔΡΟΜΗΤΩΝ 1857. Η τρίτη εικόνα του ναού του Αγίου Φιλίππου, όπου οι επεμβάσεις συντήρησης δεν έχουν ακόμη ολοκληρωθεί, είναι η εικόνα των Αγίων Αποστόλων (διαφορετική από την εικόνα της Σύναξης των Δώδεκα Αποστόλων, η οποία προέρχεται από τον βυζαντινό ναό των Αγίων Αποστόλων Σολάκη, που είχε συντηρηθεί πριν μερικά χρόνια). Τέλος, το παλαιότερο ξυλόγλυπτο προσκυνητάρι που διασώζεται στο ναό από τον 19ο αι. συντηρείται και αυτό σταδιακά μέχρι σήμερα αφαιρώντας από την ξύλινη επιφάνεια του το σκούρο οξειδωμένο βερνίκι.
Σκοπός της μελέτης είναι η περιγραφή της κατάστασης και οι επεμβάσεις συντήρησης όπου και πραγματ... more Σκοπός της μελέτης είναι η περιγραφή της κατάστασης και οι επεμβάσεις συντήρησης όπου και πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε ένα από τα ενδύματα όπου χρησιμοποίησε εν ζωή ο Άγιος Νικόλαος ο Πλανάς. Πρόκειται για ένα επιτραχήλιο του 19-20 ου αιώνα με απλό διάκοσμο όπου παρουσίαζε αρκετές φθορές σε τοπικά σημεία λόγω της χρήσης του και των προηγούμενων στερεωτικών επεμβάσεων. Οι επεμβάσεις συντήρησης όπου επιλέχθηκαν να πραγματοποιηθούν ήταν ελάχιστες λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την ιδιαιτερότητα του συγκεκριμένου υλικού, εντασσόμενο σε μια ειδική κατηγορία των Ορθόδοξων ανατολικών λειτουργικών ενδυμάτων όπως είναι τα 'λείψανα ενδύματα'. Κατά την διάρκεια του σχεδιασμού των επεμβάσεων συντήρησης λήφθηκαν υπόψη οι ελάχιστες επεμβάσεις διατήρησης όπου και είχαν επίσης πραγματοποιηθεί παλαιότερα σε άλλο δημοσιευμένο έργο, το επιγονάτιο του Αγ. Νικολάου του Πλανά όπου είναι αποθηκευμένο σε μοναστικό καθίδρυμα.
Η φωτογραφική καταγραφή των έργων τέχνης είναι απαραίτητη πριν από κάθε εργασία συντήρησης, ώ... more Η φωτογραφική καταγραφή των έργων τέχνης είναι απαραίτητη πριν από κάθε εργασία συντήρησης, ώστε να καταγραφεί και αποτυπωθεί η παθολογία των φθορών όπως και τα ιστορικά στοιχεία ενός αντικειμένου.
Η φωτογραφική τεκμηρίωση είναι δυνατόν να περιλαμβάνει γενικές φωτογραφίες αλλά και ειδικές (π.χ. λεπτομέρειες, κ.α.). Οι ειδικές φωτογραφίες σε ένα έργο τέχνης μπορούν να είναι διαφόρων τύπων, όπως είναι η φωτογράφιση σε διάφορα μήκη κύματος, ακολουθώντας τις απαραίτητες διαδικασίες.
Παράλληλα με την φωτογραφική καταγραφή των φθορών του αντικειμένου υπό το ορατό φως, μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν ψηφιακές επεξεργασίες των εικόνων για την περαιτέρω ανάδειξη των φθορών και των χαρακτηριστικών του φωτογραφιζόμενου αντικειμένου. Η ψηφιακή επεξεργασία των εικόνων ωστόσο διαφέρει ανάλογα με τον τύπο του αντικειμένου, τις συνθήκες υπό τις οποίες έγινε η λήψη των φωτογραφιών. Σε τελικό στάδιο σημαντικό ρόλο στην απόδοση των λεπτομερειών έχει η χρήση του λογισμικού (software) ψηφιακής επεξεργασίας εικόνων που χρησιμοποιεί ο χρήστης. Τα μοτίβα – εφέ και οι αναλογίες που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει κανείς, ποικίλουν και διαφέρουν ποιοτικά και ποσοτικά σε κάθε λογισμικό ή ακόμη και σε συνδυασμό δύο ή περισσοτέρων λογισμικών μαζί.
Στην παρούσα έρευνα παρουσιάζονται δείγματα φωτογραφιών τα οποία επεξεργάστηκαν ψηφιακά στα λογισμικά GIMP®, PicsArt®, και PIXLR®, ώστε να δώσουν έμφαση κατά την διάρκεια της φωτογραφικής τεκμηρίωσης σε συγκεκριμένες φθορές, αναδεικνύοντας έτσι με χρωματικές διαβαθμίσεις τις λεπτομέρειες των φθορών, όπως αποχρωματισμοί, απώλειες, παραμορφώσεις, ρωγματώσεις και τσακίσεις. Τα οργανικά υλικά τα οποία φωτογραφήθηκαν κι έπειτα επεξεργάστηκαν ψηφιακά είναι, α) ζωγραφικό έργο σε μουσαμά, β) φορητή εικόνα, γ) ξύλο και ύφασμα.
Ένα από τα ‘ιδιαίτερα’ θρησκευτικά έργα της μεταβυζαντινής περιόδου συγκαταλέγονται και τα ευρέως... more Ένα από τα ‘ιδιαίτερα’ θρησκευτικά έργα της μεταβυζαντινής περιόδου συγκαταλέγονται και τα ευρέως γνωστά ως «προσκυνητάρια» ή διαφορετικά, «Ιεροσολυμίτικα» έργα. Είναι ζωγραφικές συνθέσεις που αποτυπώνουν τους Αγίους Τόπους, όπου περπάτησε και έζησε κατά τη διάρκεια της επίγειας ζωής Του, μέχρι την ώρα της Σταύρωσης και της Αναστάσεως, ο Χριστός. Αποτελούν δε ζωντανές μαρτυρίες για τα πλήθη των ανθρώπων πού είδαν και προσκύνησαν από κοντά τους Αγίους Τόπους, μέσα στο πέρασμα των αιώνων. Γι᾿ αυτό και ως καλλιτεχνικές συνθέσεις είναι σημαντικές και ιστορικές.
Η βασική σύνθεση του Ιεροσολυμίτικου περιλαμβάνει τον Πανάγιο Τάφο, το Ναό της Αναστάσεως, το Βίο και τα Πάθη του Κυρίου, αριστερά και δεξιά τις εικόνες της Παναγίας και του Χριστού. Όλη η επιφάνεια του ζωγραφικού έργου καλύπτεται από μικρογραφίες, που αναπαριστούν θέματα από την Παλαιά και την Καινή Διαθήκη. Τα περισσότερα Ιεροσολυμίτικα ακολουθούν τη συγκεκριμένη διάταξη, ενώ το μέγεθός τους ποικίλει αναλόγως με την επιθυμία και τις προτιμήσεις του εκάστοτε προσκυνητή.
Ένα τέτοιο έργο, σπουδαίο κειμήλιο του 1838, διατηρείται μέχρι σήμερα στην Ιερά Μονή Ταξιαρχών Πηλίου και είναι ένα από τα ελάχιστα, δυστυχώς, που διασώζονται στον Ελλαδικό χώρο, αφού τα περισσότερα διασκορπίστηκαν εκτός Ελλάδος, ενώ άλλα καταστράφηκαν ανά τους αιώνες.
Τα Ιεροσολυμίτικα είναι έργα που δεν έχουν μελετηθεί συστηματικά. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι να αναδείξει γενικά τα Ιεροσολυμίτικα έργα και να τα καταστήσει ευρύτερα γνωστά στο κοινό, ως σημαντικά στοιχεία της Ορθόδοξης εικονογραφίας και παράδοσης.
Η εργασία ολοκληρώνεται με την παρουσίαση της επεμβατικής και προληπτικής συντήρησης. τέλος, γίνεται αναφορά στην σημερινή κατάσταση διατήρησης του ζωγραφικού υποστρώματος και τους προτεινόμενους τρόπους αποθήκευσης και έκθεσης
Kefalonian Historical Research Society , 2020
The purpose of this announcement is the presentation of the study and conservation of ecclesiasti... more The purpose of this announcement is the presentation of the study and conservation of ecclesiastical heirlooms from the Holy Church of Panagia Kryoneritisa, in the area of Kryoneri in Zakynthos. The recording and conservation was carried out at the workshops of the Division of the Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art, of the Ionian University, in Zakynthos.
Specifically, two portable icons were selected‧ the icon "Virgin Mary Krioneritissa" and the icon "The Crucified". They are the most important historical heirlooms of this church. The first is the main icon of the Temple, from which it has been named. It is located in a gold-plated wood-carved cathedral, which was gilded in 1904 by S. Pantazis or otherwise Chiralestos. It also has a full-bodied metallic cover, made by the famous silversmith's workshop of Diamantis and George Bafas, whose precious ecclesiastical works decorate most of the temples of the island. The date of its manufacture fluctuates from 1780 to 1854.
The second icon, "The Crucified", was chosen because its painting is a very good sample of Heptanesian art. The importance of this heirloom is reasonable, as it is the litany icon of the church, where the Crucifixion of the Godfather takes place on Holy Thursday. The church now only operates on the 15th of August, so the Great Thursday’s mystery is not happening. This fact, however, is not strong enough to eliminate the overwhelming value of this great icon.
In summary, reference is made to the historical overview and description of the church and the objects. The icons are recorded based on imaging techniques, which among other things revealed an underlying painting layer to the icon “Mary Virgin Kryoneritissa”. Subsequently is presented the invasive conservation and finally preventive maintenance measures are proposed.
Kefalonian Historical Research Society , 2020
The purpose of this announcement is to share the results of the study of Orthodox historical pain... more The purpose of this announcement is to share the results of the study of Orthodox historical painted textile called antiminsia dated around the 18th- 19th century, displayed in churches and monasteries on the Island of Zakynthos . The fields of study concern the antiminsia as a liturgical fabric, in the historical and social context of the era in the Ionian Islands where the antiminsia were created and their use was established. Furthermore, the state of preservation, the construction materials and their orgigin, the ethical issues that arise with respect to the intervention to sacred liturgical textiles, the appropriate methods of preservation, restoration, display and storage will also be presented. Finally, the research methodology that was used: visual observation, microscopic observation with a USB microscope VP-EYE 6.6, microscopic observation with a LEICA® CLS stereomicroscope, multi-spectral imaging with a Mu.SIS® camera, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy XRF) and Raman spectros
CAA-GR 2018, 2019
A museum's website is the 'map' of objects collections, as well as other functions for the genera... more A museum's website is the 'map' of objects collections, as well as other functions for the general public.
Therefore, the museum has been linked mainly within the public with their exhibit artefacts, for this reason relevant websites are mainly focused on this museum function. However, in addition to the exhibition, a major work is being done in a museum environment, which is often overlooked by the public. Such works are carried out within a conservation lab for the within a museum environment. The electronic presence of museum conservation labs is often neglected as a result of ignoring or diminishing the public's consciousness of the important work of preserving collections. In this work, a web site analysis of thirty (30) museum conservation labs around the world is carried out, focusing on the content, usability of the website, ease of access from the museum homepage, media used, the interface, etc. Therefore, the results show that some museums have invested in the online presence of the conservation labs, showing significant conservation case studies, promoting conservation or preventive conservation as a science and generally supporting the diffusion of knowledge to the general public.
2nd International Meeting for the Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts (IMCDEA) ABSTRACTS, 2016
Quite commonly, " worn " , " old " , " rusty " and " rotten " ecclesiastical and litourgical obje... more Quite commonly, " worn " , " old " , " rusty " and " rotten " ecclesiastical and litourgical objects end up unwanted and disposed of, burnt or burried following the customs of Eastern Orthodox Church, and replaced by modern ones lacking the artistic and historical value of their predecessors. This paper discusses research, conservation, reuse and exhibition as alternatives to neglect, replacement and destruction. The case study of this paper is a wood-carved church tabernacle or artophorion discovered in a tavern on a Greek island. Its small door was spotted hanging on a wall of a private museum a few kilometres away. The object was identified by the abbot of a local monastery as originally placed on the altar of a small glebe church, serving to keep the reserved sacrament. The tabernacle, reunited with its door, was transported to the TEI of Ionian Islands for study and conservation upon request of the abbot. The external appearance of the tabernacle gave few clues about its original grandeur. Similar objects were often shaped like miniature churches with a cross on their top, and whether wrought of precious metals or wood-carved, they were usually elaborately decorated or gilded. However, this artophorion was nearly entirely covered in white paint; the cross that used to ornate its top and some of its relief decorative elements were missing, and some wooden additions had been loosely nailed on the carved decorative buttresses of its facade. Careful study of the object resulted in a better understanding of its construction materials and methodology. Cleaning tests and sampling indicated that the object had been over-painted several times. Conservation, which is currently in progress, has been revealing a burnished, water gilded artefact of great beauty and craftsmanship that deserves to be treated in respect for what it represents in terms of religion and aesthetic excellence.
The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is toda... more The monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, which dates back to the 11th century, is today a major spiritual and artistic entity in the Mediterranean archaeological, ecclesiastical and cultural history. Since 1999, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, which demonstrates its historical significance. The monastery preserves and holds a significant number of works of great archaeological, ethnographical and historical value which have not been studied systematically. In particular, the archaeological textiles, which were recently donated by Mr. Albert-Jean Antonelli and kept in the monastery, have not attracted the interest and special attention of the scientific community (historians, archaeologists, con-servators) and the literature is scarce. The monastery keeps 84 Coptic textiles: (82 Coptic textile fragments, one large tunic and one large tapestry fragment) which date between the 4 th and 7 th centuries A.D. This paper will briefly present the unpublished Coptic textile collection focusing on the paradoxical ways of display methods with incompatible materials and the application of scientific techniques to identify the fibre structure and the dyes used, via FTIR, SEM, OM and SEM methods.