Jon Hendri | Bogor Agriculture University (original) (raw)
Papers by Jon Hendri
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, Nov 19, 2019
Support regional development plans Jambi province, especially Muaro Jambi and Jambi City regency,... more Support regional development plans Jambi province, especially Muaro Jambi and Jambi City regency, has done the preparation of maps of land resources and agricultural commodities zoning map scale of 1: 50,000 which can be used as the basis for planning the development of agriculture. Research methodology includes several stages of the preparation, the field research and data collection. The results showed that Agroclimate Zone Muaro Jambi and Jambi City belong to the agro-climatic zones B1, Consists of 21 land units where 8 land units are behind river meanders marsh, swamp behind the tidal plains and peat plivio marin, whereas 13 land units consist of tectonic flat to undulating plains with the parent material of clay. Based on the agro-ecological zone is divided into regions, namely the development of 1). Zone IV/ Wr / Wrh an area of 82.516 ha for paddy rice and maize, 2) Zone IV/DFH/Defh an area of 124.510 ha to dryland agriculture crops and horticulture, 3). Zone III/Defh an area of 78.095 ha to the development of dryland agriculture with annual crops based food crops, 4) Zone II/Deh an area of 16.519 ha to dryland agriculture with annual crops/plantation. 5) Zone V/Wh (forest wetlands) for agricultural or limited natural forest area of 277.263 ha. The application technology of land management for the development of agricultural commodities on the topography flat with the level of soil fertility Low devoted to the development of food crops annuals with soil fertility improvement, While on lands with undulating topography to hilly preferred for annual crop development coupled with land conservation technology in the form of alley cropping and terrace. Keyword: agroecology zone, agricultural development, Muaro Jambi ABSTRAK Mendukung perencanaan pembangunan daerah Provinsi Jambi, khususnya Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan Kota Jambi, telah dilakukan penyusunan peta sumberdaya lahan dan peta pewilayahan komoditas pertanian skala 1:50.000 yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar menyusun perencanaan pembangunan pertanian di daerah. Metodologi kegiatan mencakup tahap persiapan, penelitian lapang, pengumpulan data. Hasil pengkajian diperoleh Zona Agroklimat Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan Kota Jambi termasuk ke dalam zona agroklimat B 1 dengan 21 satuan lahan dimana 8 satuan lahan merupakan rawa belakang sungai meander, rawa belakang pasang surut, dataran pluvio marin dan gambut, sedangkan 13 satuan lahan terdiri dari dataran tektonik datar sampai bergelombang dengan bahan induk
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Almost 60% of Jambi Province’s potato production comes from Kerinci District. As well as other fo... more Almost 60% of Jambi Province’s potato production comes from Kerinci District. As well as other food crop products, productivity must be balanced with the quality of the produced. Postharvest handling based of Good Handling Practices concept is the key to producing high quality and competitive potatoes and optimizing the results obtained. The data obtained showed that there was a decrease in potato seed yield around 16% during the storage. The loss was contributed by rotten and moisure migration tubers. Very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the appropriateness of postharvest handling of potatoes according to GHP concept in Kerinci District. Therefore, purpose of the study was to determine the level of suitability of postharvest handling of potatoes in Kerinci District. The research method is descriptive exploratory by making hostages systematically, factually and accurately. The data were obtained through observation, interviews and calculating the percentage of postharves...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Efforts to restore the environmental conditions of ex-coal mine land through reclamation can be m... more Efforts to restore the environmental conditions of ex-coal mine land through reclamation can be monitored through land quality indicators. Soil quality is a soil condition that describes the soil as healthy, which has good physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, and high productivity in a sustainable manner. The quality of soil in biology is largely determined by the number of micro-bodies in the soil (especially fungi, actinomycetes, and bacteria). This aim of this study is to describe changes in soil quality from the abundance of several types of soil microorganisms after the application of ameliorant and re-vegetation on coal mine land in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province. This activity was carried out in the coal mine reclamation land that had been reclaimed / stockpiled at PT Gea Lestari, Tanjung Pauh Village, Mestong District, Muaro Jambi Regency from January to December 2016. The study design used was Randomized Block Design with treatment factors: 10 tons of ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya
Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has various constraint especially on Process and res... more Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has various constraint especially on Process and results less study _ satisfactory . Study this aim for increase ability student in understanding mathematics through approach asynchronous and synchronous using learning videos, Whatsapp, sheets work learners and Google meet. Study this belong to study action class. Subject the research is 20 student class XII MIPA 1. Study held in two cycles where stages at each the cycle is planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Instrument the research is plan implementation learning, observation sheet, sheet work students, videos, pretest questions and Posttest. Results study cycle I shows that the average score student in Cycle I 69 with a percentage of 65%. On cycle II, the average score student as big as 83with a percentage of 85%. So, deep online learning study this capable increase ability student in understand concepts and learning outcomes math.
Bank Syari’ah adalah lembaga intermediasi dan penyedia jasa keuangan yang bekerja berdasarkan eti... more Bank Syari’ah adalah lembaga intermediasi dan penyedia jasa keuangan yang bekerja berdasarkan etika dan sistem Islam, khususnya yang bebas dari bunga ( riba ), spekulatif dan perjudian ( maysir ), bebas dari hal-hal yang tidak jelas ( gharar ), berprinsip keadilan, dan hanya membiayai kegiatan usaha yang halal. Di awal krisis yang terjadi pada pertengahan tahun 1997, banyak bank-bank konvensional bertumbangan (kolaps). Terdapat 16 bank konvensional yang ditutup oleh pemerintah yang didasarkan pada pasal 37 UndangUndang Nomor 07 Tahun 1992 dan dituangkan dalam Surat Menteri Kuangan RI Nomor Peng-86/MK/1997 tentang pencabutan izin usaha Bank Umum. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, merupakan satu-satunya bank syariah yang ada di tanah air saat itu, tetap tegar dalam menghadapi krisis tahun 1997. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis yang dilakukan secara fakta ( the fact approach. Data dan sumber data primer yaitu Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. 430/KMK.013/1992. Sementara bahan ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Local rice is one of the genetic resources that are quite diverse and is found in low, medium and... more Local rice is one of the genetic resources that are quite diverse and is found in low, medium and high altitudes, both in the dry land, pond swamps and tidal swamps, has properties resistant / tolerant to biotic and abiotic checks that occur in various agroecosystems. The purpose of the activity is to characterize the genetic resources of local rice Merangin Jambi Province. The activities were held in The District of Tabir and Jangkat District of Merangin Regency in 2021. The method used is to survey by taking data directly to the field and interviewing farmers and field officers. The data collected includes an agronomic and morphological character under the guidelines of the Rice Plant Characterization and Evaluation System Guidelines and the General Guidelines for The Preparation of Food Crop Variety Description (PPVT). Characterization is carried out on local rice which is predominantly consumed and developed in lowlands and highlands and has production potential (3.5-4.5 tons/ha...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The development of oil palm plantations on peatlands leads to the release of greenhouse gases (GH... more The development of oil palm plantations on peatlands leads to the release of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Soil amelioration can improve the fertility of peat soil because consists of polyvalent cations that overcome the negative effect of high-level organic acid as well as reduce GHG emissions. This study aimed to observe the effectiveness of soil amelioration for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from oil palm plantations on peat soil. The study was carried out on smallholder oil palm at Kumpeh, Muara Jambi District, Jambi Province. The study was arranged with six treatments and four replications of a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD). The treatments were control, manure, compost of empty fruit bunch, lateritic soil, pugam (peat fertilizer) type A and type T. The results showed that ameliorants could reduce CO2 emission by approximately 1.7 – 34.4% compare to control except program T. The lowest CO2 emission was produced during 5-7 weeks after the first ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Cinnamon is one of the main plantation commodities, and a major source of Growth Domestic product... more Cinnamon is one of the main plantation commodities, and a major source of Growth Domestic products from the agricultural sector in Kerinci Regency. One of the obstacles to obtaining an optimum price is the handling standard method for cinnamon products. Good Handling Practices cinnamon products essentially must be standard and suitable to market demand at optimal prices. The paper was aimed to describe post-harvest standard practices for improving cinnamon quality products in Kerinci. Research activities were carried out in Kerinci cinnamon production centers in 2018. The activity involved several related agencies and farmer groups. The stage of activities starts from on-farm field assessment, analysis of harvest and post-harvest handling, setting up adaptable product criteria for markets, laboratory analysis, FGD, and report/administration. The results showed that cinnamon bark as raw material was divided into three quality classes. First quality class is defined as the product has...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Low inputs of smallholder plantation in drained peatland causes the low oil palm yield. Extreme e... more Low inputs of smallholder plantation in drained peatland causes the low oil palm yield. Extreme environmental factors in tropics, such as excessive rainfall, may also reduce the yield. The research objective was to evaluate the effect of the amount of rainfall on oil palm fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yield. Two study sites with different drainage condition of well (WD) and fair (FD) drained oil palm plantations on peatland was carried out from 2018 to 2019 in Jambi Province, Indonesia. The daily rainfall was monitored using a manual rain gauge. FFB yield was monitored every two weeks, following the farmer’s practice. This study showed that the excessive amount of rainfall in WD plantation site decreased FFB yield in the subsequent weeks after the rainfall events. The higher the amount of rainfall the longer the recovery of FFB yield occurs. The lowering FFB yield was possibly affected by nutrient deficiency due to nutrient transportation through water movement during the event of high ra...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Geragai Agro Techno Park (ATP), Jambi Province is a pilot area to accelerate agricultural technol... more Geragai Agro Techno Park (ATP), Jambi Province is a pilot area to accelerate agricultural technology transfer. The ATP pilot area is built in a swampland agro-ecosystem which requires optimal land management. The purposes of this study were to identified soil chemical properties at ATP, to build partitioned canals based on hydro-topography and land characteristics, and to contribute to land management at ATP. This study was carried out using a direct survey by observing field conditions, taking and analysing soil samples, interviewing farmers, and conducting a literature study in January - December 2016. Based on the results, the soil fertility rate at ATP was in the low to the moderate category with 80 to 120 cm pyrite layer depth. Based on soil survey, hydro-topographic survey, and land characteristics, it is recommended to build partitioned canals on these lands to prevent pyrite oxidation and maintain water availability during the rainy and dry seasons. With the partitioned cana...
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi|JIITUJ|
Lada (Piper nigrum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan dari sektor perkebunan. memiliki p... more Lada (Piper nigrum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan dari sektor perkebunan. memiliki potensi besar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia karena mempunyai kontribusi terhadap devisa Negara. Lada merupakan komoditas ekspor potensial di Indonesia. Adanya ekspor lada Indonesia di pasar global akan meningkatkan devisa Negara dan menggerakkan perekonomian dalam negeri khususnya produsen atau petani lada, karena 96% perkebunan lada di Indonesia merupakan perkebunan rakyat. Pengembangan tanaman perkebunan baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas masih sangat dimungkinkan. Peluang tertuju pada pengembangan pertanian di wilayah sub optimal (lahan rawa pasang surut), karena potensi lahan cukup luas. Tanjung Jabung Timur merupakan wilayah pasang surut yang potensial untuk pengembangan tanaman Lada. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian lahan untuk pengembangan lada di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dar...
xii , 466p. : ills.i 25 c
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, Nov 29, 2020
varieties used consisted of: 4 varieties, namely (1) Inpari 34 Agritan Salin, (2) Inpara 3, (3) I... more varieties used consisted of: 4 varieties, namely (1) Inpari 34 Agritan Salin, (2) Inpara 3, (3) Indragiri, and (4) IR 42. The study used a randomized block design with 4 (four) replications. Fertilization recommendations based on soil nutrient status. Cultivation of crops with an integrated crop management system (ICM) of Swamp Rice. 4: 1 legowo planting system with 20 days of seedlings. The data collected consisted of the chemical properties of the soil before the assessment, components of plant growth and production. The results showed that there was no significant difference in plant height between the varieties tested. The highest plant height was Inpari 34 (105.37 cm) and Inpara 3 (100.98 cm), followed by Indragiri (97.73 cm) and the lowest was IR 42 (93.38 cm). There was a significant difference between the maximum number of tillers, productive tillers, the number of grains per panicle and yield of harvested dry grain between the VUB tested. The highest production was obtained by Inpari 34 (5.58 tons/ha), while Inpara 3 (4.10 tons/ha), Indragiri 3.86 tons / ha and the lowest was on IR 42 (3.40 tons/ha).
PT. Permata Andalan Sejati merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kredit perumaha... more PT. Permata Andalan Sejati merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kredit perumahan di Kota Pekanbaru.Tentunya didalam menjalankan kredit perumahan sering terjadi banyak permasalahan yang muncul dalam menjalankan usahanya yang berakhir pada konsumen. Adapun yang banyak terjadi pelanggaran hak-hak konsumen, diantaranya, hak-hak individual konsumen perumahan. Seperti, mutu bangunan di bawah standardan lain-lain.. Tujuan penelitian Untuk megetahui Faktor Penyebab Perlindungan Konsumen dan Untuk megetahui Tanggunjawab developer. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa factor-faktor penyebab masalah dalam perlindungan konsumen pada PT. Permata Andalan Sejati Pekanbaru adalah factor Pertama Nasabah yang tidak teliti, kedua Kurangnya tanggungjawab daripada Deploper, ketiga pihak Bank, Setelah membayar uang muka, proses pengajuan KPR dimulai. Di sinilah konsumen tidak mempunyai hak untuk memilih bank yang digunakan. Padahal, konsumen dapat mempertimbangkan suku bunga KPR yang ditawa...
Assessment adaptation of several new superior rice varieties on new rice fields affected by seaw... more Assessment adaptation of several new superior rice varieties on new rice fields affected by seawater intrusion was carried out in Tungkal Ilir Subdistrict, West Tanjung Jabung District, from April to October 2018. The study applied randomized block designs (RBD) with four replications. The treatments consisted of four new rice high yielding varities suitable for tidal/swamps areas namely Inpara 3, Inpara 8, Inpara 9, and Inpari 34 Salin Agritan, and one local rice variety (Londo) as control. Three stems seedlings per clump were planted at the age of 21-25 days, using a 4:1 Legowo planting system. Fertilizer application consisted of basic fertilizer (1.0 Mg ha-1 of lime, 2.5 Mg ha-1 of manure, and 75 kg ha-1 of urea) and supplementary fertilizer (SP-36 150 kg ha-1 and KCl 125 kg ha-1),. Urea supplementation is given based on observations with a leaf color chart (LCC). The results of the study showed that the four new rice HYVs were more adapted as compared to the local rice variety....
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricult... more Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricultural waste. This study aims to determine the development of Phytophthoralate blight deseases and yields of potato crops through the applications of tricho-compost and rice husk biochar. Trico-compost and biocharapplication on agriculture has benefits to improving soil quality, enhance crop yield, also reduce carbon and mitigate green house gas emission. Potato varieties used are Granola. Beds covered with plastic mulch, fertilizing using NPK according to recommendations, weeding weeds according to conditions, controlling pests and diseases based on Integrated Pest Control. The difference in technological treatment studied was 1) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha, 2) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 1 ton/ha, 3) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 2 tons/ha, and control(farmer technology without tricho-compost and without rice husk biochar). The environmental design used wa...
Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization suppor... more Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization supports rice production in Batanghari Jambi Regency. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 58-71. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Lebak swamp land is a swamp that is affected by the presence of inundation with a duration of inundation of more than 3 months and inundation height of more than 50 cm. The potential of lebak swamps for the development of rice farming is very large. The area of lebak swamp land in Batanghari Regency is 4,033 ha. In order to support the Land Optimization Program to increase rice production in Batanghari district, 2,500 ha of lebak swamp land has been established in 7 (seven) sub-districts, 21 villages. The study aims to: (1) provide information about the characteristics, potential, opportunities of lowland swamp land for agricultural development, and (...
October 2021, 2021
Growing sugarcane in a double row planting system is one way to increase the productivity and sug... more Growing sugarcane in a double row planting system is one way to increase the productivity and sugar cane yield. Intercropping within sugarcane crops can increase the growth and productivity of sugarcane. This study aims to increase the productivity of sugarcane by adding value to potato cropping. The study used Randomized Block Design, where the treatments ae as follows: sugar cane as a planting system (A), double castor planting system (PtoP 210/50 cm) with cuttings of sugarcane stem + potato’s (B); double distance planting system (PtoP 185/50 cm) with cuttings stem sugarcane + potato’s (C); double distance planting system (PtoP 160/50 cm) with cuttings sugarcane stem + potato’s (D); double distance wedge system (PtoP 135/50 cm) with cuttings of sugarcane stem + potato. The planting system (PtoP 110/50 cm) with cuttings of sugarcane stem without planting potato was considered as control (E). All planting systems were repeated four times. The results of the study showed that the agr...
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, Nov 30, 2020
Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural... more Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural planning in merangin district based on Agroecological Zones (ZAE). In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds .), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 270-276. Palembang: Unsri Press. The study of Characteristics and Potential of Land Resources in Merangin Regency aims to identify the potential of land resources for agricultural development, to develop information on the type of land use for the right agricultural system as a basis for sustainable agricultural development, and to develop maps of zoning of agricultural commodities based on ZAE scale of 1: 50,000. The study was conducted with a desk study approach, soil sampling and surveys. The results of the study found that the climate classification of Merangin district was included in type B. The Merangin district landform consisted of 134 land units. SPT 1 to 6 are soil in the alluvial group, soil t...
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, Nov 19, 2019
Support regional development plans Jambi province, especially Muaro Jambi and Jambi City regency,... more Support regional development plans Jambi province, especially Muaro Jambi and Jambi City regency, has done the preparation of maps of land resources and agricultural commodities zoning map scale of 1: 50,000 which can be used as the basis for planning the development of agriculture. Research methodology includes several stages of the preparation, the field research and data collection. The results showed that Agroclimate Zone Muaro Jambi and Jambi City belong to the agro-climatic zones B1, Consists of 21 land units where 8 land units are behind river meanders marsh, swamp behind the tidal plains and peat plivio marin, whereas 13 land units consist of tectonic flat to undulating plains with the parent material of clay. Based on the agro-ecological zone is divided into regions, namely the development of 1). Zone IV/ Wr / Wrh an area of 82.516 ha for paddy rice and maize, 2) Zone IV/DFH/Defh an area of 124.510 ha to dryland agriculture crops and horticulture, 3). Zone III/Defh an area of 78.095 ha to the development of dryland agriculture with annual crops based food crops, 4) Zone II/Deh an area of 16.519 ha to dryland agriculture with annual crops/plantation. 5) Zone V/Wh (forest wetlands) for agricultural or limited natural forest area of 277.263 ha. The application technology of land management for the development of agricultural commodities on the topography flat with the level of soil fertility Low devoted to the development of food crops annuals with soil fertility improvement, While on lands with undulating topography to hilly preferred for annual crop development coupled with land conservation technology in the form of alley cropping and terrace. Keyword: agroecology zone, agricultural development, Muaro Jambi ABSTRAK Mendukung perencanaan pembangunan daerah Provinsi Jambi, khususnya Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan Kota Jambi, telah dilakukan penyusunan peta sumberdaya lahan dan peta pewilayahan komoditas pertanian skala 1:50.000 yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar menyusun perencanaan pembangunan pertanian di daerah. Metodologi kegiatan mencakup tahap persiapan, penelitian lapang, pengumpulan data. Hasil pengkajian diperoleh Zona Agroklimat Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan Kota Jambi termasuk ke dalam zona agroklimat B 1 dengan 21 satuan lahan dimana 8 satuan lahan merupakan rawa belakang sungai meander, rawa belakang pasang surut, dataran pluvio marin dan gambut, sedangkan 13 satuan lahan terdiri dari dataran tektonik datar sampai bergelombang dengan bahan induk
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Almost 60% of Jambi Province’s potato production comes from Kerinci District. As well as other fo... more Almost 60% of Jambi Province’s potato production comes from Kerinci District. As well as other food crop products, productivity must be balanced with the quality of the produced. Postharvest handling based of Good Handling Practices concept is the key to producing high quality and competitive potatoes and optimizing the results obtained. The data obtained showed that there was a decrease in potato seed yield around 16% during the storage. The loss was contributed by rotten and moisure migration tubers. Very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the appropriateness of postharvest handling of potatoes according to GHP concept in Kerinci District. Therefore, purpose of the study was to determine the level of suitability of postharvest handling of potatoes in Kerinci District. The research method is descriptive exploratory by making hostages systematically, factually and accurately. The data were obtained through observation, interviews and calculating the percentage of postharves...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Efforts to restore the environmental conditions of ex-coal mine land through reclamation can be m... more Efforts to restore the environmental conditions of ex-coal mine land through reclamation can be monitored through land quality indicators. Soil quality is a soil condition that describes the soil as healthy, which has good physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, and high productivity in a sustainable manner. The quality of soil in biology is largely determined by the number of micro-bodies in the soil (especially fungi, actinomycetes, and bacteria). This aim of this study is to describe changes in soil quality from the abundance of several types of soil microorganisms after the application of ameliorant and re-vegetation on coal mine land in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province. This activity was carried out in the coal mine reclamation land that had been reclaimed / stockpiled at PT Gea Lestari, Tanjung Pauh Village, Mestong District, Muaro Jambi Regency from January to December 2016. The study design used was Randomized Block Design with treatment factors: 10 tons of ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Dikdaya
Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has various constraint especially on Process and res... more Online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has various constraint especially on Process and results less study _ satisfactory . Study this aim for increase ability student in understanding mathematics through approach asynchronous and synchronous using learning videos, Whatsapp, sheets work learners and Google meet. Study this belong to study action class. Subject the research is 20 student class XII MIPA 1. Study held in two cycles where stages at each the cycle is planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Instrument the research is plan implementation learning, observation sheet, sheet work students, videos, pretest questions and Posttest. Results study cycle I shows that the average score student in Cycle I 69 with a percentage of 65%. On cycle II, the average score student as big as 83with a percentage of 85%. So, deep online learning study this capable increase ability student in understand concepts and learning outcomes math.
Bank Syari’ah adalah lembaga intermediasi dan penyedia jasa keuangan yang bekerja berdasarkan eti... more Bank Syari’ah adalah lembaga intermediasi dan penyedia jasa keuangan yang bekerja berdasarkan etika dan sistem Islam, khususnya yang bebas dari bunga ( riba ), spekulatif dan perjudian ( maysir ), bebas dari hal-hal yang tidak jelas ( gharar ), berprinsip keadilan, dan hanya membiayai kegiatan usaha yang halal. Di awal krisis yang terjadi pada pertengahan tahun 1997, banyak bank-bank konvensional bertumbangan (kolaps). Terdapat 16 bank konvensional yang ditutup oleh pemerintah yang didasarkan pada pasal 37 UndangUndang Nomor 07 Tahun 1992 dan dituangkan dalam Surat Menteri Kuangan RI Nomor Peng-86/MK/1997 tentang pencabutan izin usaha Bank Umum. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, merupakan satu-satunya bank syariah yang ada di tanah air saat itu, tetap tegar dalam menghadapi krisis tahun 1997. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis yang dilakukan secara fakta ( the fact approach. Data dan sumber data primer yaitu Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. 430/KMK.013/1992. Sementara bahan ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Local rice is one of the genetic resources that are quite diverse and is found in low, medium and... more Local rice is one of the genetic resources that are quite diverse and is found in low, medium and high altitudes, both in the dry land, pond swamps and tidal swamps, has properties resistant / tolerant to biotic and abiotic checks that occur in various agroecosystems. The purpose of the activity is to characterize the genetic resources of local rice Merangin Jambi Province. The activities were held in The District of Tabir and Jangkat District of Merangin Regency in 2021. The method used is to survey by taking data directly to the field and interviewing farmers and field officers. The data collected includes an agronomic and morphological character under the guidelines of the Rice Plant Characterization and Evaluation System Guidelines and the General Guidelines for The Preparation of Food Crop Variety Description (PPVT). Characterization is carried out on local rice which is predominantly consumed and developed in lowlands and highlands and has production potential (3.5-4.5 tons/ha...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The development of oil palm plantations on peatlands leads to the release of greenhouse gases (GH... more The development of oil palm plantations on peatlands leads to the release of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Soil amelioration can improve the fertility of peat soil because consists of polyvalent cations that overcome the negative effect of high-level organic acid as well as reduce GHG emissions. This study aimed to observe the effectiveness of soil amelioration for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from oil palm plantations on peat soil. The study was carried out on smallholder oil palm at Kumpeh, Muara Jambi District, Jambi Province. The study was arranged with six treatments and four replications of a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD). The treatments were control, manure, compost of empty fruit bunch, lateritic soil, pugam (peat fertilizer) type A and type T. The results showed that ameliorants could reduce CO2 emission by approximately 1.7 – 34.4% compare to control except program T. The lowest CO2 emission was produced during 5-7 weeks after the first ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Cinnamon is one of the main plantation commodities, and a major source of Growth Domestic product... more Cinnamon is one of the main plantation commodities, and a major source of Growth Domestic products from the agricultural sector in Kerinci Regency. One of the obstacles to obtaining an optimum price is the handling standard method for cinnamon products. Good Handling Practices cinnamon products essentially must be standard and suitable to market demand at optimal prices. The paper was aimed to describe post-harvest standard practices for improving cinnamon quality products in Kerinci. Research activities were carried out in Kerinci cinnamon production centers in 2018. The activity involved several related agencies and farmer groups. The stage of activities starts from on-farm field assessment, analysis of harvest and post-harvest handling, setting up adaptable product criteria for markets, laboratory analysis, FGD, and report/administration. The results showed that cinnamon bark as raw material was divided into three quality classes. First quality class is defined as the product has...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Low inputs of smallholder plantation in drained peatland causes the low oil palm yield. Extreme e... more Low inputs of smallholder plantation in drained peatland causes the low oil palm yield. Extreme environmental factors in tropics, such as excessive rainfall, may also reduce the yield. The research objective was to evaluate the effect of the amount of rainfall on oil palm fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yield. Two study sites with different drainage condition of well (WD) and fair (FD) drained oil palm plantations on peatland was carried out from 2018 to 2019 in Jambi Province, Indonesia. The daily rainfall was monitored using a manual rain gauge. FFB yield was monitored every two weeks, following the farmer’s practice. This study showed that the excessive amount of rainfall in WD plantation site decreased FFB yield in the subsequent weeks after the rainfall events. The higher the amount of rainfall the longer the recovery of FFB yield occurs. The lowering FFB yield was possibly affected by nutrient deficiency due to nutrient transportation through water movement during the event of high ra...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Geragai Agro Techno Park (ATP), Jambi Province is a pilot area to accelerate agricultural technol... more Geragai Agro Techno Park (ATP), Jambi Province is a pilot area to accelerate agricultural technology transfer. The ATP pilot area is built in a swampland agro-ecosystem which requires optimal land management. The purposes of this study were to identified soil chemical properties at ATP, to build partitioned canals based on hydro-topography and land characteristics, and to contribute to land management at ATP. This study was carried out using a direct survey by observing field conditions, taking and analysing soil samples, interviewing farmers, and conducting a literature study in January - December 2016. Based on the results, the soil fertility rate at ATP was in the low to the moderate category with 80 to 120 cm pyrite layer depth. Based on soil survey, hydro-topographic survey, and land characteristics, it is recommended to build partitioned canals on these lands to prevent pyrite oxidation and maintain water availability during the rainy and dry seasons. With the partitioned cana...
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi|JIITUJ|
Lada (Piper nigrum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan dari sektor perkebunan. memiliki p... more Lada (Piper nigrum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan dari sektor perkebunan. memiliki potensi besar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia karena mempunyai kontribusi terhadap devisa Negara. Lada merupakan komoditas ekspor potensial di Indonesia. Adanya ekspor lada Indonesia di pasar global akan meningkatkan devisa Negara dan menggerakkan perekonomian dalam negeri khususnya produsen atau petani lada, karena 96% perkebunan lada di Indonesia merupakan perkebunan rakyat. Pengembangan tanaman perkebunan baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas masih sangat dimungkinkan. Peluang tertuju pada pengembangan pertanian di wilayah sub optimal (lahan rawa pasang surut), karena potensi lahan cukup luas. Tanjung Jabung Timur merupakan wilayah pasang surut yang potensial untuk pengembangan tanaman Lada. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian lahan untuk pengembangan lada di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dar...
xii , 466p. : ills.i 25 c
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, Nov 29, 2020
varieties used consisted of: 4 varieties, namely (1) Inpari 34 Agritan Salin, (2) Inpara 3, (3) I... more varieties used consisted of: 4 varieties, namely (1) Inpari 34 Agritan Salin, (2) Inpara 3, (3) Indragiri, and (4) IR 42. The study used a randomized block design with 4 (four) replications. Fertilization recommendations based on soil nutrient status. Cultivation of crops with an integrated crop management system (ICM) of Swamp Rice. 4: 1 legowo planting system with 20 days of seedlings. The data collected consisted of the chemical properties of the soil before the assessment, components of plant growth and production. The results showed that there was no significant difference in plant height between the varieties tested. The highest plant height was Inpari 34 (105.37 cm) and Inpara 3 (100.98 cm), followed by Indragiri (97.73 cm) and the lowest was IR 42 (93.38 cm). There was a significant difference between the maximum number of tillers, productive tillers, the number of grains per panicle and yield of harvested dry grain between the VUB tested. The highest production was obtained by Inpari 34 (5.58 tons/ha), while Inpara 3 (4.10 tons/ha), Indragiri 3.86 tons / ha and the lowest was on IR 42 (3.40 tons/ha).
PT. Permata Andalan Sejati merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kredit perumaha... more PT. Permata Andalan Sejati merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kredit perumahan di Kota Pekanbaru.Tentunya didalam menjalankan kredit perumahan sering terjadi banyak permasalahan yang muncul dalam menjalankan usahanya yang berakhir pada konsumen. Adapun yang banyak terjadi pelanggaran hak-hak konsumen, diantaranya, hak-hak individual konsumen perumahan. Seperti, mutu bangunan di bawah standardan lain-lain.. Tujuan penelitian Untuk megetahui Faktor Penyebab Perlindungan Konsumen dan Untuk megetahui Tanggunjawab developer. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa factor-faktor penyebab masalah dalam perlindungan konsumen pada PT. Permata Andalan Sejati Pekanbaru adalah factor Pertama Nasabah yang tidak teliti, kedua Kurangnya tanggungjawab daripada Deploper, ketiga pihak Bank, Setelah membayar uang muka, proses pengajuan KPR dimulai. Di sinilah konsumen tidak mempunyai hak untuk memilih bank yang digunakan. Padahal, konsumen dapat mempertimbangkan suku bunga KPR yang ditawa...
Assessment adaptation of several new superior rice varieties on new rice fields affected by seaw... more Assessment adaptation of several new superior rice varieties on new rice fields affected by seawater intrusion was carried out in Tungkal Ilir Subdistrict, West Tanjung Jabung District, from April to October 2018. The study applied randomized block designs (RBD) with four replications. The treatments consisted of four new rice high yielding varities suitable for tidal/swamps areas namely Inpara 3, Inpara 8, Inpara 9, and Inpari 34 Salin Agritan, and one local rice variety (Londo) as control. Three stems seedlings per clump were planted at the age of 21-25 days, using a 4:1 Legowo planting system. Fertilizer application consisted of basic fertilizer (1.0 Mg ha-1 of lime, 2.5 Mg ha-1 of manure, and 75 kg ha-1 of urea) and supplementary fertilizer (SP-36 150 kg ha-1 and KCl 125 kg ha-1),. Urea supplementation is given based on observations with a leaf color chart (LCC). The results of the study showed that the four new rice HYVs were more adapted as compared to the local rice variety....
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricult... more Increasing crop productivity can do through improved cultivation technology by utilizing agricultural waste. This study aims to determine the development of Phytophthoralate blight deseases and yields of potato crops through the applications of tricho-compost and rice husk biochar. Trico-compost and biocharapplication on agriculture has benefits to improving soil quality, enhance crop yield, also reduce carbon and mitigate green house gas emission. Potato varieties used are Granola. Beds covered with plastic mulch, fertilizing using NPK according to recommendations, weeding weeds according to conditions, controlling pests and diseases based on Integrated Pest Control. The difference in technological treatment studied was 1) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha, 2) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 1 ton/ha, 3) tricho-compost 10 tons/ha + rice husk biochar 2 tons/ha, and control(farmer technology without tricho-compost and without rice husk biochar). The environmental design used wa...
Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization suppor... more Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization supports rice production in Batanghari Jambi Regency. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 58-71. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Lebak swamp land is a swamp that is affected by the presence of inundation with a duration of inundation of more than 3 months and inundation height of more than 50 cm. The potential of lebak swamps for the development of rice farming is very large. The area of lebak swamp land in Batanghari Regency is 4,033 ha. In order to support the Land Optimization Program to increase rice production in Batanghari district, 2,500 ha of lebak swamp land has been established in 7 (seven) sub-districts, 21 villages. The study aims to: (1) provide information about the characteristics, potential, opportunities of lowland swamp land for agricultural development, and (...
October 2021, 2021
Growing sugarcane in a double row planting system is one way to increase the productivity and sug... more Growing sugarcane in a double row planting system is one way to increase the productivity and sugar cane yield. Intercropping within sugarcane crops can increase the growth and productivity of sugarcane. This study aims to increase the productivity of sugarcane by adding value to potato cropping. The study used Randomized Block Design, where the treatments ae as follows: sugar cane as a planting system (A), double castor planting system (PtoP 210/50 cm) with cuttings of sugarcane stem + potato’s (B); double distance planting system (PtoP 185/50 cm) with cuttings stem sugarcane + potato’s (C); double distance planting system (PtoP 160/50 cm) with cuttings sugarcane stem + potato’s (D); double distance wedge system (PtoP 135/50 cm) with cuttings of sugarcane stem + potato. The planting system (PtoP 110/50 cm) with cuttings of sugarcane stem without planting potato was considered as control (E). All planting systems were repeated four times. The results of the study showed that the agr...
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, Nov 30, 2020
Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural... more Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural planning in merangin district based on Agroecological Zones (ZAE). In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds .), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 270-276. Palembang: Unsri Press. The study of Characteristics and Potential of Land Resources in Merangin Regency aims to identify the potential of land resources for agricultural development, to develop information on the type of land use for the right agricultural system as a basis for sustainable agricultural development, and to develop maps of zoning of agricultural commodities based on ZAE scale of 1: 50,000. The study was conducted with a desk study approach, soil sampling and surveys. The results of the study found that the climate classification of Merangin district was included in type B. The Merangin district landform consisted of 134 land units. SPT 1 to 6 are soil in the alluvial group, soil t...