Olena Andrushenko | Zhytomyr State University after Iwan Franko (original) (raw)

Papers by Olena Andrushenko


Vìsnik Žitomirsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Ìvana Franka, Oct 28, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Status of Also in Old English Corpus Texts: The Grammaticalization Pathway of the Focusing Adverb

Naukovij vìsnik Mìžnarodnogo gumanìtarnono unìversitetu, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Methods for Studying Focusing Adverbs in Modern and Historical English Corpora

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Проблеми гуманітарних наук Серія Філологія, 2022

У статті представлено сучасні концепції вивчення інформаційної структури (ІС) речення та можливіс... more У статті представлено сучасні концепції вивчення інформаційної структури (ІС) речення та можливість їх застосування під час дослідження електронних синхронійних і діахронійних корпусів текстів. Висвітлено методи й методики для розробки автоматичного алгоритму аналізу ієрархії типів інформації в дискурсі – даної й нової – з урахуванням декількох типів контекстів, а також аналізу речень з урахуванням альтернатив та істинності суджень. Доведено, що розмежування даної та нової інформації пов’язано з учасниками ситуації: адресантом та адресатом, а формування висловлень залежить від спільних знань учасників процесу комунікації та їхніх ставлень. Увагу приділено теорії репрезентації дискурсу, у якій представлені механізми, призначені для інтерпретації тексту та збереження його змісту. Розроблений інструмент пошуку інформації має містити окремий файл, у якому зберігаються записи про всіх індивідів, події тощо (дискурс-референтів), згаданих попередньо в тексті, а також запис того, що говорит...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Landscape of Middle English Focusing on the Adverb Even

Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies / Litera: Dil, Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022

The study is aimed at exploring adverb even as the information structural component, viz., a Focu... more The study is aimed at exploring adverb even as the information structural component, viz., a Focus marker in Middle English records based on the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. Functioning as an adverb already in Old English (OE), Middle English (ME) provides evidence to gradual transformation of even into an additive marker according to the following pattern: OE degree/manner adverb→ME restrictive particularizer→ME restrictive exclusive→ME scalar additive. The latter meaning in Present-Day English can be singled out on the ground of such semantic criteria of the Focus phrase as [+likelihood], [+additivity], [+scalar], [+givenness] and [+surprise]. The three types of focusing even registered in Middle English texts are analyzed in terms of information novelty and various Foci types marked by the adverb, as well as, syntactic arrangement of sentence constituents. Corpus studies revealed that depending on the sense, even pertains to a specific Focus type and may cause word order to change. Specifically, when the adverb is used in its Present-Day English meaning, it highlights predominantly mirative Focus, and the analysis of word order patterns indicates the fronting of X-element in the clause, which may be put down to the fact that this scalar additive stresses surprising or unusual context for the reader. Therefore, inverted arrangement of elements may be used for stylistic purposes. Keywords: Focusing adverbs, scalar additive, information structure, Focus, Topic, word-order

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Research paper thumbnail of Information Structural Theory from the Functional Grammar Perspective


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Research paper thumbnail of Corpus based studies of Middle English adverb largely: syntax and information-structure

XLinguae, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 60-75. http://www.xlinguae.eu/files/XLinguae2 _2021_5.pdf , 2021

The study aims at exploring the adverb largely in late Middle English based on the Corpus of Midd... more The study aims at exploring the adverb largely in late Middle English based on the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, in terms of its functioning as a sentence focus marker. The article considers syntactic changes in English from the language with V2 tendencies to the one with verb-medial order. Such changes make sentence information structure disrupted and new elements arise in the language as 'therapy'. The assumption made in this paper is as follows: the word largely emerging in English in ca. 1200, starts functioning as a focusing adverb in 1400 as a result of the shift in the main word order patterns. Moreover, investigating late Middle English syntactic structure and taking into account different types of foci based on information structure tagging throughout the Corpus, the study found that positional variations of adverb largely are used as a mechanism of marking a peculiar type of focus and are governed by its position in relation to the word it modifies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exclusive adverb in Old English? A corpus-based study of an(e).

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philological Sciences. Vol. 2 (97), pp. 30-44., 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Information-structural theory from functional grammar perspective

New horizons of philological science: Collective monograph. Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, pp. 1-30, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of On marking NPs by exclusive only in EEBO Corpus: syntactic and information structural considerations

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS 2021). Volume I: Main Conference, Lviv, Ukraine, April 22-23, 2021, pp. 459-474. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2870/paper\`134.pdf , 2021

The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern Eng... more The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern English based on the Corpus of Early English Books Online. The research takes into account the peculiar features of the XV-XVI-century English word-order and the NPs structure that have been more rigidly defined in terms of syntax compared to the previous centuries. The patterns under analysis fall into such types: [only [NOUN]], [only [PREP] [NOUN]], [[NOUN] only]. The tokens retrieved from the Corpus are tagged following the theory of Discourse Representation Structure. Thus, two major layers have been distinguished, viz. discourse given-new information, as well as, Focus and Topic of the sentence. The investigation found that positional variations of adverb only are used as a mechanism of marking a peculiar type of Focus (informational, identificational, emphatic, contrastive, exhaustive and verum) and are governed by the position of adverb with regard to the word it modifies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exclusive adverbials in Late Middle English: information structure and syntactic characteristics

Naukovi zapiski Nacionalnogo universytetu "Ostrozka akademia" Seria Filologia, 71 (3), pp. 26-31. , 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Scope of just: Evidence from Information-Structure Annotation in Diachronic English Corpora

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS 2022). Volume I: Main Conference, Gliwice, Poland, May 12-13, 2022, pp. 677-696. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3171/paper51.pdf, 2022

The current research explores just in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and EEBO as a focu... more The current research explores just in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and EEBO as a focusing adverb, which demonstrates its standing and development throughout 14-17 century English. Automated data retrieval and analysis provides new insights into the adverb transformation from the contextual perspective, as well as, shows its grammaticalization cline based on various chronological timeframes. The analysis proves that the polysemous meaning of the form correlates with syntactic changes relevant for every time frame and is determined by information-structural considerations. To check the initial hypothesis the study required annotation of giveness-neweness tagging in the text segments retrieved from the corpora. To ensure the automated and semi-automated procedures, the methodology relies on Discourse Representation Theory proving corpus tagging algorithms taking into account discourse, encyclopedic, situational and scenario contexts. Labeling the relevant constituents for their information status presupposes employing "coreference resolution" enabled through "Cesax" coreference editor. The further manual study of focusing just centers on its position in the XP along with word-order patterns registered. To observe regularities in word order fluctuations in the models a special attention is given to different Focus types marked by the adverb in XPs, viz. informational, identificational, contrastive, emphatic, etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of Функціональний статус перфектних форм у

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Research paper thumbnail of Information-structural transformations of additive adverb EVEN (a case study of the English language written records and corpora of the XII-XVII с.)

MESSENGER of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology

The paper presents the study of the adverb even in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and E... more The paper presents the study of the adverb even in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and Early English Books Online, which texts and digital solutions help investigate the impact of sentence information structure on adverbial development. Corpus and semantic analysis of the XII-XVII c. written records have been the basis for singling out even as a focusing adverb outlining its distinctive features as an additive. The author proposes a new methodology to annotate information structure of the sentences with the adverb retrieved from the corpora taking into account the word-order change over the span of the 1150s-1690s of the English language development and introduces its corpus annotation. There has also been tested the elaborated scheme of tagging given / new information in multi-layer corpora based on Discourse Representation Theory (1st layer) as well as sentence Topic / Focus (2nd layer). It has been assumed that as a result of changes of the underlying word order in Middl...

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У статті розглянуоі головні положення теорії інформаційної структури речення, окреслено проблеми ... more У статті розглянуоі головні положення теорії інформаційної структури речення, окреслено проблеми та перспективи її подальшого розвитку, проаналізовано переваги та недоліки новітніх генеративних та функціональних концепцій, запропоновано нові підходи до вирішення важливих завдань цієї наукової парадигми, а саме розглянуто можливість поєднання здобутків генеративної та функціональної граматик, що сприятиме розробці нових формальних методів аналізу дискурсу

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Research paper thumbnail of Словотвірні одиниці у структурі функціонально-семантичного поля інструментальності англійської мови (діахронний аспект)

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Research paper thumbnail of Формальний стан і функціональний діапазон дієслівних перфектних форм у творах Дж.Чосера

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Research paper thumbnail of Specifics of Old English Syntax as the Basis for Grammaticalization of Focusing Adverbs

Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ «Fìlologìâ»

The article deals with the preconditions of focusing adverbs grammaticalization in Old English, w... more The article deals with the preconditions of focusing adverbs grammaticalization in Old English, which function as one of the markers of sentence information structure in Modern English. With major strategies of highlighting the components of information structure in the language of VII-XI cen. being analyzed, the study found that the order of arranging the elements in the sentence was, namely, most sensitive to old/new information allotment, as well as, sentence topic and focus marking, which explains the word order variations in the clause. Adverbs as a class in this period were represented by temporal, VP- and sentential ones. All these types have relevance for the current study given that they may serve as one of the sources of grammaticalization for focusing adverbs in further periods of the English language development. The other source for the highlighted adverbs formation were adverbial suffixes -ly or -e added to adjectives, nouns and verbs. It was proved that the major adve...

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Research paper thumbnail of On Marking NPs by Exclusive Only in EEBO Corpus: Syntactic and Information Structural Considerations

The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern Eng... more The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern English based on the Corpus of Early English Books Online. The research takes into account the peculiar features of the XV-XVI-century English word-order and the NPs structure that have been more rigidly defined in terms of syntax compared to the previous centuries. The patterns under analysis fall into such types: [only [NOUN]], [only [PREP] [NOUN]], [[NOUN] only]. The tokens retrieved from the Corpus are tagged following the theory of Discourse Representation Structure. Thus, two major layers have been distinguished, viz. discourse given-new information, as well as, Focus and Topic of the sentence. The investigation found that positional variations of adverb only are used as a mechanism of marking a peculiar type of Focus (informational, identificational, emphatic, contrastive, exhaustive and verum) and are governed by the position of adverb with regard to the word it modifies.

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Vìsnik Žitomirsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Ìvana Franka, Oct 28, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Status of Also in Old English Corpus Texts: The Grammaticalization Pathway of the Focusing Adverb

Naukovij vìsnik Mìžnarodnogo gumanìtarnono unìversitetu, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated Methods for Studying Focusing Adverbs in Modern and Historical English Corpora

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Проблеми гуманітарних наук Серія Філологія, 2022

У статті представлено сучасні концепції вивчення інформаційної структури (ІС) речення та можливіс... more У статті представлено сучасні концепції вивчення інформаційної структури (ІС) речення та можливість їх застосування під час дослідження електронних синхронійних і діахронійних корпусів текстів. Висвітлено методи й методики для розробки автоматичного алгоритму аналізу ієрархії типів інформації в дискурсі – даної й нової – з урахуванням декількох типів контекстів, а також аналізу речень з урахуванням альтернатив та істинності суджень. Доведено, що розмежування даної та нової інформації пов’язано з учасниками ситуації: адресантом та адресатом, а формування висловлень залежить від спільних знань учасників процесу комунікації та їхніх ставлень. Увагу приділено теорії репрезентації дискурсу, у якій представлені механізми, призначені для інтерпретації тексту та збереження його змісту. Розроблений інструмент пошуку інформації має містити окремий файл, у якому зберігаються записи про всіх індивідів, події тощо (дискурс-референтів), згаданих попередньо в тексті, а також запис того, що говорит...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Landscape of Middle English Focusing on the Adverb Even

Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies / Litera: Dil, Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022

The study is aimed at exploring adverb even as the information structural component, viz., a Focu... more The study is aimed at exploring adverb even as the information structural component, viz., a Focus marker in Middle English records based on the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. Functioning as an adverb already in Old English (OE), Middle English (ME) provides evidence to gradual transformation of even into an additive marker according to the following pattern: OE degree/manner adverb→ME restrictive particularizer→ME restrictive exclusive→ME scalar additive. The latter meaning in Present-Day English can be singled out on the ground of such semantic criteria of the Focus phrase as [+likelihood], [+additivity], [+scalar], [+givenness] and [+surprise]. The three types of focusing even registered in Middle English texts are analyzed in terms of information novelty and various Foci types marked by the adverb, as well as, syntactic arrangement of sentence constituents. Corpus studies revealed that depending on the sense, even pertains to a specific Focus type and may cause word order to change. Specifically, when the adverb is used in its Present-Day English meaning, it highlights predominantly mirative Focus, and the analysis of word order patterns indicates the fronting of X-element in the clause, which may be put down to the fact that this scalar additive stresses surprising or unusual context for the reader. Therefore, inverted arrangement of elements may be used for stylistic purposes. Keywords: Focusing adverbs, scalar additive, information structure, Focus, Topic, word-order

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Research paper thumbnail of Information Structural Theory from the Functional Grammar Perspective


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Research paper thumbnail of Corpus based studies of Middle English adverb largely: syntax and information-structure

XLinguae, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 60-75. http://www.xlinguae.eu/files/XLinguae2 _2021_5.pdf , 2021

The study aims at exploring the adverb largely in late Middle English based on the Corpus of Midd... more The study aims at exploring the adverb largely in late Middle English based on the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, in terms of its functioning as a sentence focus marker. The article considers syntactic changes in English from the language with V2 tendencies to the one with verb-medial order. Such changes make sentence information structure disrupted and new elements arise in the language as 'therapy'. The assumption made in this paper is as follows: the word largely emerging in English in ca. 1200, starts functioning as a focusing adverb in 1400 as a result of the shift in the main word order patterns. Moreover, investigating late Middle English syntactic structure and taking into account different types of foci based on information structure tagging throughout the Corpus, the study found that positional variations of adverb largely are used as a mechanism of marking a peculiar type of focus and are governed by its position in relation to the word it modifies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exclusive adverb in Old English? A corpus-based study of an(e).

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philological Sciences. Vol. 2 (97), pp. 30-44., 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Information-structural theory from functional grammar perspective

New horizons of philological science: Collective monograph. Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, pp. 1-30, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of On marking NPs by exclusive only in EEBO Corpus: syntactic and information structural considerations

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS 2021). Volume I: Main Conference, Lviv, Ukraine, April 22-23, 2021, pp. 459-474. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2870/paper\`134.pdf , 2021

The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern Eng... more The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern English based on the Corpus of Early English Books Online. The research takes into account the peculiar features of the XV-XVI-century English word-order and the NPs structure that have been more rigidly defined in terms of syntax compared to the previous centuries. The patterns under analysis fall into such types: [only [NOUN]], [only [PREP] [NOUN]], [[NOUN] only]. The tokens retrieved from the Corpus are tagged following the theory of Discourse Representation Structure. Thus, two major layers have been distinguished, viz. discourse given-new information, as well as, Focus and Topic of the sentence. The investigation found that positional variations of adverb only are used as a mechanism of marking a peculiar type of Focus (informational, identificational, emphatic, contrastive, exhaustive and verum) and are governed by the position of adverb with regard to the word it modifies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exclusive adverbials in Late Middle English: information structure and syntactic characteristics

Naukovi zapiski Nacionalnogo universytetu "Ostrozka akademia" Seria Filologia, 71 (3), pp. 26-31. , 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Scope of just: Evidence from Information-Structure Annotation in Diachronic English Corpora

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS 2022). Volume I: Main Conference, Gliwice, Poland, May 12-13, 2022, pp. 677-696. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3171/paper51.pdf, 2022

The current research explores just in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and EEBO as a focu... more The current research explores just in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and EEBO as a focusing adverb, which demonstrates its standing and development throughout 14-17 century English. Automated data retrieval and analysis provides new insights into the adverb transformation from the contextual perspective, as well as, shows its grammaticalization cline based on various chronological timeframes. The analysis proves that the polysemous meaning of the form correlates with syntactic changes relevant for every time frame and is determined by information-structural considerations. To check the initial hypothesis the study required annotation of giveness-neweness tagging in the text segments retrieved from the corpora. To ensure the automated and semi-automated procedures, the methodology relies on Discourse Representation Theory proving corpus tagging algorithms taking into account discourse, encyclopedic, situational and scenario contexts. Labeling the relevant constituents for their information status presupposes employing "coreference resolution" enabled through "Cesax" coreference editor. The further manual study of focusing just centers on its position in the XP along with word-order patterns registered. To observe regularities in word order fluctuations in the models a special attention is given to different Focus types marked by the adverb in XPs, viz. informational, identificational, contrastive, emphatic, etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of Функціональний статус перфектних форм у

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Research paper thumbnail of Information-structural transformations of additive adverb EVEN (a case study of the English language written records and corpora of the XII-XVII с.)

MESSENGER of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology

The paper presents the study of the adverb even in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and E... more The paper presents the study of the adverb even in Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and Early English Books Online, which texts and digital solutions help investigate the impact of sentence information structure on adverbial development. Corpus and semantic analysis of the XII-XVII c. written records have been the basis for singling out even as a focusing adverb outlining its distinctive features as an additive. The author proposes a new methodology to annotate information structure of the sentences with the adverb retrieved from the corpora taking into account the word-order change over the span of the 1150s-1690s of the English language development and introduces its corpus annotation. There has also been tested the elaborated scheme of tagging given / new information in multi-layer corpora based on Discourse Representation Theory (1st layer) as well as sentence Topic / Focus (2nd layer). It has been assumed that as a result of changes of the underlying word order in Middl...

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У статті розглянуоі головні положення теорії інформаційної структури речення, окреслено проблеми ... more У статті розглянуоі головні положення теорії інформаційної структури речення, окреслено проблеми та перспективи її подальшого розвитку, проаналізовано переваги та недоліки новітніх генеративних та функціональних концепцій, запропоновано нові підходи до вирішення важливих завдань цієї наукової парадигми, а саме розглянуто можливість поєднання здобутків генеративної та функціональної граматик, що сприятиме розробці нових формальних методів аналізу дискурсу

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Research paper thumbnail of Словотвірні одиниці у структурі функціонально-семантичного поля інструментальності англійської мови (діахронний аспект)

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Research paper thumbnail of Формальний стан і функціональний діапазон дієслівних перфектних форм у творах Дж.Чосера

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Research paper thumbnail of Specifics of Old English Syntax as the Basis for Grammaticalization of Focusing Adverbs

Naukovì zapiski Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu «Ostrozʹka akademìâ». Serìâ «Fìlologìâ»

The article deals with the preconditions of focusing adverbs grammaticalization in Old English, w... more The article deals with the preconditions of focusing adverbs grammaticalization in Old English, which function as one of the markers of sentence information structure in Modern English. With major strategies of highlighting the components of information structure in the language of VII-XI cen. being analyzed, the study found that the order of arranging the elements in the sentence was, namely, most sensitive to old/new information allotment, as well as, sentence topic and focus marking, which explains the word order variations in the clause. Adverbs as a class in this period were represented by temporal, VP- and sentential ones. All these types have relevance for the current study given that they may serve as one of the sources of grammaticalization for focusing adverbs in further periods of the English language development. The other source for the highlighted adverbs formation were adverbial suffixes -ly or -e added to adjectives, nouns and verbs. It was proved that the major adve...

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Research paper thumbnail of On Marking NPs by Exclusive Only in EEBO Corpus: Syntactic and Information Structural Considerations

The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern Eng... more The study deals with an exclusive adverb only functioning as a part of the NP in Early Modern English based on the Corpus of Early English Books Online. The research takes into account the peculiar features of the XV-XVI-century English word-order and the NPs structure that have been more rigidly defined in terms of syntax compared to the previous centuries. The patterns under analysis fall into such types: [only [NOUN]], [only [PREP] [NOUN]], [[NOUN] only]. The tokens retrieved from the Corpus are tagged following the theory of Discourse Representation Structure. Thus, two major layers have been distinguished, viz. discourse given-new information, as well as, Focus and Topic of the sentence. The investigation found that positional variations of adverb only are used as a mechanism of marking a peculiar type of Focus (informational, identificational, emphatic, contrastive, exhaustive and verum) and are governed by the position of adverb with regard to the word it modifies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Germanic Linguistics ( Вступ до германського мовознавства )

Андрушенко О.Ю. Вступ до германського мовознавства. – Житомир: ЖДУ, 2010. – 178 с. (науковий посібник з грифом МОН). , Oct 2010

Сучасний етап розвитку мовознавства позначений посиленимінтересом науковців до вивчення природи м... more Сучасний етап розвитку мовознавства позначений посиленимінтересом науковців до вивчення природи мовних явищ та їх витоків.Серед необхідних лінгвістичних дисциплін, які закладають основипідготовки філологів-германістів, особливе місце належить “Вступу догерманського мовознавства”. Головна мета курсу – сформувати у студентіввищих навчальних закладів ґрунтовні знання з германістики як важливоїскладової історичної лінгвістики.У посібнику розглянуті ключові поняття порівняльно-історичногометоду – потужного інструменту вивчення процесу еволюції мов та їхспорідненості. Студенти отримають відомості про побут та культурудавніх германців, їх писемність, релігію і міфологію. Висвітлені основніпринципи фонетичної та граматичної будови германських мов таособливості їх розвитку в різні історичні періоди. Вивчення лексичногоскладу германських мов супроводжується значною кількістю прикладів,зокрема семантичні процеси в англійській лексиці досліджуються на тлі розвитку номінативних одиниць на позначення інструментальності (зброя,знаряддя виробництва, медичні інструменти, засоби пересування тощо) вписемних пам’ятках VII–XVII ст.Матеріал посібника поділено на теоретичний і практичний блоки.Кожен з дев’яти теоретичних розділів містить тематику рефератів і списокосновної та додаткової літератури. Практичну частину посібникаскладають плани семи семінарських занять, тестові або практичні завданнядо кожної з тем семінарів. Посібник містить короткий готсько-українськийсловник, який студенти можуть використовувати для виконанняпрактичних завдань.

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Research paper thumbnail of Information-structure impact on adverbial only evolution in the Middle English language

The article, dedicated to adverbial only rise and the advancement in Middle English, develops an ... more The article, dedicated to adverbial only rise and the advancement in Middle English, develops an information-structural hypothesis as the key factor of its evolution. The research focuses on two adverbialials ane and only investigated in various historical periods (XII cen., XIII cen. (1st, 2nd half), XIV cen. (1st, 2nd half) and X cen.), undergoing significant changes over time. It proves the aforesaid adverbials to be Focus marking components, reanalyzing from numeral ane into adverbial only in the XIII cen. The data analysis based on Rizzi’s formula and Prince’s taxonomy allows to elicit adverbial only evolutionary pattern, determine ratio of different Focus type marking, as well as, discourse status representation.
Key-words: adverbial, Focus, Topic, information structure, discourse/hearer old/new information, Middle English period.

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