Ezio Amato | ISPRA - ROME ITALY (original) (raw)

Videos by Ezio Amato

War residuals and ordnance have been dumped in every sea and ocean of the world, acting as an haz... more War residuals and ordnance have been dumped in every sea and ocean of the world, acting as an hazard for fishermen and as a source of noxious molecules for marine ecosystems.
The RED COD (Research on Environmental Damage caused by Chemical ordnance dumped at sea) project has looked at these themes, in order to contribute, with data and informations, to the need to remediate the "submerged" consequences of conflicts and arsenals renewal.


In year 2009, based on the accounts of a mafia boss that in 1992 took part in the sinking of a ve... more In year 2009, based on the accounts of a mafia boss that in 1992 took part in the sinking of a vessel loaded with toxic and radioactive waste offshore Cetraro harbour, the Italian deputed authorities launched a research on a deep seafloor area. The shipwreck that was found and surveyed, supposed to be one among more than 30 vessels allegedly sunk by the mob in the Mediterranean Sea, revealed being the steamship "Catania", sunk in y 1917 by a German u-boot in an act of war. While exploring the remains of the deck at -500 m, I wondered noticing, on a few spots bunches of tubeworms. Thus, igniting the crew creativity, in its last dive, the ROV arms were provided with a chair transformed in a basket to collect some of them. The following day the sample was dissected in laboratory discovering the first record of Lamellibrachia in the Western Mediterranean. They are gutless marine annelids which are nutritionally dependent upon endosymbiotic bacteria


Papers by Ezio Amato

Research paper thumbnail of An integrated ecotoxicological approach aimed at assessing the effects of chemical unexploded ordnance dumped in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)

In order to gain preliminary knowledge about the threat to marine ecosystems due to leakage of ch... more In order to gain preliminary knowledge about the threat to marine ecosystems due to leakage of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and other pollutants from rusting bombshells on the seabed, a case study was conducted in a dumping area in the southern Adriatic Sea (depth 200–300 m). Following electroacoustic and magnetometric surveys of the CWA dumping area, an integrated ecotoxicological approach was used. This approach was based on analysis of CWA residues and their metabolites, including arsenic, in sediment and organisms, as well as multimarker methodology including the Health Assessment Index, histological lesion analysis and enzyme assays. Two sentinel species were selected, the blackbelly rosefish [Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809)] and the European conger (Conger conger L., 1758). Sediment analysis revealed the presence of CWA degradation products, including 1-4-thioxane and 1-4-dithiane. Tissues of fish from the CWA dumping site showed higher levels of arsenic than those from the reference site. Neither CWAs nor their metabolites were detected in fish tissues. Arsenic levels recorded in blackbelly rosefish were well above those reported for other fish species from the southern Adriatic, much higher than the FDA limit for food (2.6 mg kg1) and close to the LD50 calculated for mammals (20 mg kg1 body weight). The presence of pollutants in the CWA dumping site was also confirmed by pathological lesions in both species and EROD activity, two to three times higher than in fish from the reference site (16.45±8.08 and 8.05±5.87 pmol min1 mg protein1 in blackbelly rosefish and 269±24.92 and 78.71 pmol min1 mg protein 1 in European conger, respectively). Cholinesterase activity seemed unaffected in muscle of both species, whereas in brain they were one-third of those recorded in fish from the reference site (14.22±10.05 and 72.87 nmol min1 mg protein1, respectively). This suggests that acetylcholinesterase is sensitive to CWAs. In conclusion, the agreement of all the chemical and biological parameters investigated suggests that the integrated ecotoxicological approach used is appropriate to reveal the presence and biological effects of CWAs in the marine ecosystem

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 10 Report: Marine litter

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Research paper thumbnail of Microlitter Abundance in the Italian Minor Islands, Central Mediterranean Sea

Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of In Vivo and in Vitro Inhibition of CYP1A Enzymes Activity by 2, 4, 6-TRINITROTOLUENE (TNT) in European Eel Anguilla Anguilla


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Research paper thumbnail of In Vivo and in Vitro Inhibition of CYP1A Enzymes Activity by 2,4,6- Trinitrotoluene (TNT) in European Eel Anguilla Anguilla

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Research paper thumbnail of Residuati bellici affondati in mare: studio di una contaminazione dimenticata

Etrurianatura, 2014

Si calcola che dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale al 1970 siano state portate a termine alm... more Si calcola che dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale al 1970 siano state portate a termine almeno cento operazioni di affondamento di armi chimiche in diverse aree del mondo e che le quantità di questi ordigni siano circa tre volte quelle presenti negli arsenali chimici degli Stati Uniti e della Russia prima dell’entrata in vigore (1997) della Convenzione di Parigi sul disarmo chimico. Per anni la presenza dei residuati bellici in mare è stata dimenticata dalla comunità scientifica e negli ultimi decenni, i pescatori sono stati vittime di numerosi incidenti dovuti al recupero accidentale di armi nelle loro reti a strascico. A seguito della corrosione marina, i residuati bellici rilasciano nel tempo composti tossici persistenti che possono avere un impatto negativo sugli ecosistemi bentonici. La ricerca ha previsto lo svolgimento di esperimenti di esposizione in vivo a bis-(2-cloroetil)solfuro (iprite) (il principale aggressivo chimico presente nei residuati a carica chimica) e a 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) (il principale esplosivo contenuto nei residuati a carica convenzionale). Tali studi sono stati svolti per individuare i meccanismi e i bersagli di tossicità dei due composti per le specie ittiche.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quarto rapporto sugli effetti per l'ecosistema marino della tecnica dell'airgun

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Research paper thumbnail of Post-Conflict Environmental Restoration; the UNCC Follow-up Programme for Environmental Awards


When the UNCC was established in 1991 to process and pay claims arising from the invasion and occ... more When the UNCC was established in 1991 to process and pay claims arising from the invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991, it was recognized that the extent of the environmental impact was unprecedented. This publication presents an overview of the story of the UNCC environmental programme. It is hoped that it will be useful for researchers and legal and environmental practitioners alike, in its review of both the programme and the resulting environmental remediation and restoration projects being undertaken within its framework. UNCC has been faced with many unique issues; the environmental programme is but one of the important legacies that will remain when the Commission’s mandate is concluded.

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Research paper thumbnail of Primo Rapporto Sugli Effetti Per L'Ecosistema Marino Della Tecnica Dell'Airgun

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The present research was carried out in order to investigate the interaction of 2,4,6-trinitrotol... more The present research was carried out in order to investigate the interaction of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) with CYP1A catalytic enzymes in specimens of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). An in vivo experiment was performed on juveniles exposed for 6 h and 24 h to 0.5, 1 and 2.5 mg/L nominal concentrations of TNT. Catalytic activity of CYP1A enzymes such as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and methoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (MROD) was investigated in liver microsomal fraction of in vivo exposed eels; an in vitro study was also performed with the same TNT concentrations by using control eels. Significant inhibition of EROD activity was observed in vivo after 6h (36%) at the lowest concentration of 0.5 mg/L but not increasing at higher concentrations. A more evident significant inhibition of EROD activity was observed at 24h (55%) with the same trend starting from 0.5 mg/L. On the opposite, MROD activity was not affected after 6h of exposure while a significant inhibition was ob...

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Research paper thumbnail of Acute exposure to yperite in European eel Anguilla anguilla (L, 1758): Modulation of biotransformation enzymes and histopathological changes

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Research paper thumbnail of DNA damage, severe organ lesions and high muscle levels of As and Hg in two benthic fish species from a chemical warfare agent dumping site in the Mediterranean Sea

Science of The Total Environment, 2010

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the environmental threat to benthic species from che... more The aim of the present study was to evaluate the environmental threat to benthic species from chemical weapons dumped in the southern Adriatic Sea. An ecotoxicological approach using chemical analysis and biological responses was applied, in two sentinel species: the Blackbelly rosefish Helicolenus dactylopterus and European conger Conger conger. Specimen were collected in a stretch of sea, where had been dumped war materials and from a reference site free of ordnance. Residues of yperite, Hg and As were measured in fish fillets. Skin, liver, kidney and spleen were examined for histopathological and macroscopical lesions. Liver detoxifying capacities (EROD and UDPGT) and genotoxicity (comet assay) were also investigated. As and Hg levels were three-four times higher than those from the reference site in both species (p<0.001). Both species captured in dumping site showed clear signs of chronic illness according to the health assessment index (HAI). Deep ulcers and nodules were observed on skin and external organs. Histological lesions such as periportal and bile duct fibrosis, pericholangitis, steatosis, granuloma and elevated splenic MMCs were detected in liver and spleen. Significantly higher EROD activities were also found in both species from dumping site (p<0.01). Comet assay revealed genotoxicty in gills of C. conger from dumping site, indicating uptake of chemical warfare agents through fish gills. European conger was found to be a more sensitive bioindicator of this type of contamination than the Blackbelly rosefish.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studies on Environmental Effects of Underwater Chemical Munitions in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)

Marine Technology Society Journal, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Pollutants and Organic Carbon Content in Sediments from an Area of the Moroccan Mediterranean Coast

Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental hazard of yperite released at sea: sublethal toxic effects on fish

h i g h l i g h t s We evaluated the toxicity of yperite to fish through in vivo and field studie... more h i g h l i g h t s We evaluated the toxicity of yperite to fish through in vivo and field studies. Fish resulted sensitive targets of yperite toxic effects. In vivo yperite induces EROD and UGT activities and histological alterations. The field study showed multiple detrimental effects in fish from the dumping area. a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential toxicological effects on fish related to the leakage of yperite from rusted bomb shells dumped at sea. Both in vivo and field studies have been performed. As for the in vivo experiment, specimen of European eel were subcutaneously injected with 0.015, 0.15 and 1.5 mg/kg of yperite and sacrificed after 24 and 48 h. In the field study, specimen of Conger eel were collected from a dumping site in the Southern Adriatic Sea. The presence/absence of yperite in tissues, genotoxicity, detoxification enzymes, histological alterations and gross abnormalities were investigated. Results of the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta): A target species for monitoring litter ingested by marine organisms in the Mediterranean Sea

Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), Jan 23, 2017

Marine litter is any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of ... more Marine litter is any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment. Ingestion of marine litter can have lethal and sub-lethal effects on wildlife that accidentally ingests it, and sea turtles are particularly susceptible to this threat. The European Commission drafted the 2008/56/EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive with the aim to achieve a Good Environmental Status (GES), and the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta, Linnaeus 1758) was selected for monitoring the amount and composition of litter ingested by marine animals. An analogous decision has been made under the UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, following the Ecosystem Approach. This work provides for the first time, two possible scenarios for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive GES, both related to "Trends in the amount and composition of litter ingested by marine animals" in the Medite...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecotoxicological Approach for the Evaluation of Environmental Effects of Weathered Oil Exposure on Marine Organisms: A Two Months Experiment in Mesocosm

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Research paper thumbnail of Fuoriuscita di combustibile ORIMULSION 400: verifica della presenza di bitume nel Golfo dell’Asinara

In February 2000, nearly 700 m3 of the emulsified fuel Orimulsion® 400 were spilled from a contai... more In February 2000, nearly 700 m3 of the emulsified fuel Orimulsion® 400 were spilled from a containment basin in a power plant located in the NW Sardinian coast. The coastline and the sea bottom in the Gulf of Asinara were investigated in order to assess if the product had reached the sea. By means of fingerprinting analysis of the sampled bituminous residues, traces of the product were identified on a beach located eastward from the power plant.

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War residuals and ordnance have been dumped in every sea and ocean of the world, acting as an haz... more War residuals and ordnance have been dumped in every sea and ocean of the world, acting as an hazard for fishermen and as a source of noxious molecules for marine ecosystems.
The RED COD (Research on Environmental Damage caused by Chemical ordnance dumped at sea) project has looked at these themes, in order to contribute, with data and informations, to the need to remediate the "submerged" consequences of conflicts and arsenals renewal.


In year 2009, based on the accounts of a mafia boss that in 1992 took part in the sinking of a ve... more In year 2009, based on the accounts of a mafia boss that in 1992 took part in the sinking of a vessel loaded with toxic and radioactive waste offshore Cetraro harbour, the Italian deputed authorities launched a research on a deep seafloor area. The shipwreck that was found and surveyed, supposed to be one among more than 30 vessels allegedly sunk by the mob in the Mediterranean Sea, revealed being the steamship "Catania", sunk in y 1917 by a German u-boot in an act of war. While exploring the remains of the deck at -500 m, I wondered noticing, on a few spots bunches of tubeworms. Thus, igniting the crew creativity, in its last dive, the ROV arms were provided with a chair transformed in a basket to collect some of them. The following day the sample was dissected in laboratory discovering the first record of Lamellibrachia in the Western Mediterranean. They are gutless marine annelids which are nutritionally dependent upon endosymbiotic bacteria


Research paper thumbnail of An integrated ecotoxicological approach aimed at assessing the effects of chemical unexploded ordnance dumped in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)

In order to gain preliminary knowledge about the threat to marine ecosystems due to leakage of ch... more In order to gain preliminary knowledge about the threat to marine ecosystems due to leakage of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and other pollutants from rusting bombshells on the seabed, a case study was conducted in a dumping area in the southern Adriatic Sea (depth 200–300 m). Following electroacoustic and magnetometric surveys of the CWA dumping area, an integrated ecotoxicological approach was used. This approach was based on analysis of CWA residues and their metabolites, including arsenic, in sediment and organisms, as well as multimarker methodology including the Health Assessment Index, histological lesion analysis and enzyme assays. Two sentinel species were selected, the blackbelly rosefish [Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809)] and the European conger (Conger conger L., 1758). Sediment analysis revealed the presence of CWA degradation products, including 1-4-thioxane and 1-4-dithiane. Tissues of fish from the CWA dumping site showed higher levels of arsenic than those from the reference site. Neither CWAs nor their metabolites were detected in fish tissues. Arsenic levels recorded in blackbelly rosefish were well above those reported for other fish species from the southern Adriatic, much higher than the FDA limit for food (2.6 mg kg1) and close to the LD50 calculated for mammals (20 mg kg1 body weight). The presence of pollutants in the CWA dumping site was also confirmed by pathological lesions in both species and EROD activity, two to three times higher than in fish from the reference site (16.45±8.08 and 8.05±5.87 pmol min1 mg protein1 in blackbelly rosefish and 269±24.92 and 78.71 pmol min1 mg protein 1 in European conger, respectively). Cholinesterase activity seemed unaffected in muscle of both species, whereas in brain they were one-third of those recorded in fish from the reference site (14.22±10.05 and 72.87 nmol min1 mg protein1, respectively). This suggests that acetylcholinesterase is sensitive to CWAs. In conclusion, the agreement of all the chemical and biological parameters investigated suggests that the integrated ecotoxicological approach used is appropriate to reveal the presence and biological effects of CWAs in the marine ecosystem

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 10 Report: Marine litter

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Research paper thumbnail of Microlitter Abundance in the Italian Minor Islands, Central Mediterranean Sea

Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of In Vivo and in Vitro Inhibition of CYP1A Enzymes Activity by 2, 4, 6-TRINITROTOLUENE (TNT) in European Eel Anguilla Anguilla


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Research paper thumbnail of In Vivo and in Vitro Inhibition of CYP1A Enzymes Activity by 2,4,6- Trinitrotoluene (TNT) in European Eel Anguilla Anguilla

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Research paper thumbnail of Residuati bellici affondati in mare: studio di una contaminazione dimenticata

Etrurianatura, 2014

Si calcola che dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale al 1970 siano state portate a termine alm... more Si calcola che dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale al 1970 siano state portate a termine almeno cento operazioni di affondamento di armi chimiche in diverse aree del mondo e che le quantità di questi ordigni siano circa tre volte quelle presenti negli arsenali chimici degli Stati Uniti e della Russia prima dell’entrata in vigore (1997) della Convenzione di Parigi sul disarmo chimico. Per anni la presenza dei residuati bellici in mare è stata dimenticata dalla comunità scientifica e negli ultimi decenni, i pescatori sono stati vittime di numerosi incidenti dovuti al recupero accidentale di armi nelle loro reti a strascico. A seguito della corrosione marina, i residuati bellici rilasciano nel tempo composti tossici persistenti che possono avere un impatto negativo sugli ecosistemi bentonici. La ricerca ha previsto lo svolgimento di esperimenti di esposizione in vivo a bis-(2-cloroetil)solfuro (iprite) (il principale aggressivo chimico presente nei residuati a carica chimica) e a 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) (il principale esplosivo contenuto nei residuati a carica convenzionale). Tali studi sono stati svolti per individuare i meccanismi e i bersagli di tossicità dei due composti per le specie ittiche.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quarto rapporto sugli effetti per l'ecosistema marino della tecnica dell'airgun

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Research paper thumbnail of Post-Conflict Environmental Restoration; the UNCC Follow-up Programme for Environmental Awards


When the UNCC was established in 1991 to process and pay claims arising from the invasion and occ... more When the UNCC was established in 1991 to process and pay claims arising from the invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991, it was recognized that the extent of the environmental impact was unprecedented. This publication presents an overview of the story of the UNCC environmental programme. It is hoped that it will be useful for researchers and legal and environmental practitioners alike, in its review of both the programme and the resulting environmental remediation and restoration projects being undertaken within its framework. UNCC has been faced with many unique issues; the environmental programme is but one of the important legacies that will remain when the Commission’s mandate is concluded.

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Research paper thumbnail of Primo Rapporto Sugli Effetti Per L'Ecosistema Marino Della Tecnica Dell'Airgun

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The present research was carried out in order to investigate the interaction of 2,4,6-trinitrotol... more The present research was carried out in order to investigate the interaction of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) with CYP1A catalytic enzymes in specimens of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). An in vivo experiment was performed on juveniles exposed for 6 h and 24 h to 0.5, 1 and 2.5 mg/L nominal concentrations of TNT. Catalytic activity of CYP1A enzymes such as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and methoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (MROD) was investigated in liver microsomal fraction of in vivo exposed eels; an in vitro study was also performed with the same TNT concentrations by using control eels. Significant inhibition of EROD activity was observed in vivo after 6h (36%) at the lowest concentration of 0.5 mg/L but not increasing at higher concentrations. A more evident significant inhibition of EROD activity was observed at 24h (55%) with the same trend starting from 0.5 mg/L. On the opposite, MROD activity was not affected after 6h of exposure while a significant inhibition was ob...

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Research paper thumbnail of Acute exposure to yperite in European eel Anguilla anguilla (L, 1758): Modulation of biotransformation enzymes and histopathological changes

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Research paper thumbnail of DNA damage, severe organ lesions and high muscle levels of As and Hg in two benthic fish species from a chemical warfare agent dumping site in the Mediterranean Sea

Science of The Total Environment, 2010

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the environmental threat to benthic species from che... more The aim of the present study was to evaluate the environmental threat to benthic species from chemical weapons dumped in the southern Adriatic Sea. An ecotoxicological approach using chemical analysis and biological responses was applied, in two sentinel species: the Blackbelly rosefish Helicolenus dactylopterus and European conger Conger conger. Specimen were collected in a stretch of sea, where had been dumped war materials and from a reference site free of ordnance. Residues of yperite, Hg and As were measured in fish fillets. Skin, liver, kidney and spleen were examined for histopathological and macroscopical lesions. Liver detoxifying capacities (EROD and UDPGT) and genotoxicity (comet assay) were also investigated. As and Hg levels were three-four times higher than those from the reference site in both species (p<0.001). Both species captured in dumping site showed clear signs of chronic illness according to the health assessment index (HAI). Deep ulcers and nodules were observed on skin and external organs. Histological lesions such as periportal and bile duct fibrosis, pericholangitis, steatosis, granuloma and elevated splenic MMCs were detected in liver and spleen. Significantly higher EROD activities were also found in both species from dumping site (p<0.01). Comet assay revealed genotoxicty in gills of C. conger from dumping site, indicating uptake of chemical warfare agents through fish gills. European conger was found to be a more sensitive bioindicator of this type of contamination than the Blackbelly rosefish.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studies on Environmental Effects of Underwater Chemical Munitions in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)

Marine Technology Society Journal, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Pollutants and Organic Carbon Content in Sediments from an Area of the Moroccan Mediterranean Coast

Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Environmental hazard of yperite released at sea: sublethal toxic effects on fish

h i g h l i g h t s We evaluated the toxicity of yperite to fish through in vivo and field studie... more h i g h l i g h t s We evaluated the toxicity of yperite to fish through in vivo and field studies. Fish resulted sensitive targets of yperite toxic effects. In vivo yperite induces EROD and UGT activities and histological alterations. The field study showed multiple detrimental effects in fish from the dumping area. a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential toxicological effects on fish related to the leakage of yperite from rusted bomb shells dumped at sea. Both in vivo and field studies have been performed. As for the in vivo experiment, specimen of European eel were subcutaneously injected with 0.015, 0.15 and 1.5 mg/kg of yperite and sacrificed after 24 and 48 h. In the field study, specimen of Conger eel were collected from a dumping site in the Southern Adriatic Sea. The presence/absence of yperite in tissues, genotoxicity, detoxification enzymes, histological alterations and gross abnormalities were investigated. Results of the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta): A target species for monitoring litter ingested by marine organisms in the Mediterranean Sea

Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), Jan 23, 2017

Marine litter is any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of ... more Marine litter is any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment. Ingestion of marine litter can have lethal and sub-lethal effects on wildlife that accidentally ingests it, and sea turtles are particularly susceptible to this threat. The European Commission drafted the 2008/56/EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive with the aim to achieve a Good Environmental Status (GES), and the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta, Linnaeus 1758) was selected for monitoring the amount and composition of litter ingested by marine animals. An analogous decision has been made under the UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, following the Ecosystem Approach. This work provides for the first time, two possible scenarios for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive GES, both related to "Trends in the amount and composition of litter ingested by marine animals" in the Medite...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecotoxicological Approach for the Evaluation of Environmental Effects of Weathered Oil Exposure on Marine Organisms: A Two Months Experiment in Mesocosm

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Research paper thumbnail of Fuoriuscita di combustibile ORIMULSION 400: verifica della presenza di bitume nel Golfo dell’Asinara

In February 2000, nearly 700 m3 of the emulsified fuel Orimulsion® 400 were spilled from a contai... more In February 2000, nearly 700 m3 of the emulsified fuel Orimulsion® 400 were spilled from a containment basin in a power plant located in the NW Sardinian coast. The coastline and the sea bottom in the Gulf of Asinara were investigated in order to assess if the product had reached the sea. By means of fingerprinting analysis of the sampled bituminous residues, traces of the product were identified on a beach located eastward from the power plant.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modulation of CYP1A and genotoxic effects in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) exposed to weathered oil: A mesocosm study

Marine Environmental Research, 2012

The aim of this study was to assess medium-term toxicity of weathered oil on European seabass. A ... more The aim of this study was to assess medium-term toxicity of weathered oil on European seabass. A mesocosm system reproducing an oil spill at sea was applied. Fish were collected after 48 h, 7, 30 and 60 days. Cyp1a gene transcription, EROD and UDPGT activities, bile PAHs metabolites and micronuclei frequency were investigated. A progressive disappearance of low molecular weight n-alkanes and PAHs in the water of the mesocosm occurred during the experimentation. Fishes exposed to oil displayed a significant increase of cyp1a expression and EROD activity during the entire experiment as well as higher concentrations of PAHs metabolites in bile. Micronulei frequency resulted significantly higher during all experiment in oil exposed sea bass compared to controls. The results highlight the environmental risk associated with the release of oil products at sea and confirm the adopted parameters as useful tools for studying the impact of accidental oil spills on fish.

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Research paper thumbnail of Anatakitaki: la grotta del Kopeka

Speleologia, 1988

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Research paper thumbnail of VII Rapporto sugli effetti per l'ecosistema marino della tecnica dell'airgun

VII Rapporto sugli effetti per l'ecosistema marino della tecnica dell'airgun, 2024

Il presente VII Rapporto costituisce, unitamente alle edizioni precedenti, un’analisi delle conos... more Il presente VII Rapporto costituisce, unitamente alle edizioni precedenti, un’analisi delle conoscenze circa gli effetti generati dall’impiego della tecnica dell'airgun sugli ecosistemi marini, nell’ambito di campagne geofisiche realizzate per scopi scientifici e per la ricerca di idrocarburi. Il presente Rapporto documenta, quindi, gli sviluppi di studi in ambito scientifico, del quadro normativo nazionale, europeo e internazionale vigente in materia di rumore sottomarino e della Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale (VIA) in relazione con le attività effettuate con l’impiego di airgun nelle acque territoriali italiane intercorse nell’arco temporale di due anni (2022 - 2023).

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Research paper thumbnail of Kit per il prelievo e le analisi sul campo di prodotti petroliferi sversati in ambiente marino-costiero

Appendice al Quaderno 4, allegato ai “Quaderni delle emergenze ambientali in mare” - ISPRA, Quaderni - Ricerca Marina n. 6/2014, 2020

Concerns the kit oil spill responders should have at hand while going on the coast and at sea to ... more Concerns the kit oil spill responders should have at hand while going on the coast and at sea to collect samples. Produced by the ISPRA’s Area emergenze ambientali in mare of the national centre Centro Nazionale per le crisi e le emergenze ambientali e il danno (CN-CRE) with the Italian ministry of the environment, this "Appendix" to the 4th Volume of the "Quaderni delle emergenze ambientali in mare" adds to the already available tools on how to ascertain, combat and contain the consequences of a spill at sea of petroleum hydrocarbons, technical details better suitable for the Mediterranean coastal environments, on how to observe, sample and describe the contamination at sea and on stretches of coasts following an oil spill.

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Research paper thumbnail of La valutazione della contaminazione del litorale a seguito di oil spill. Quaderni delle emergenze ambientali in mare ISPRA

Quaderni delle emergenze ambientali in mare” - ISPRA, Quaderni - Ricerca Marina n. 6/2014, 2020

These new guidelines, devoted to the Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique (SCAT), have been pr... more These new guidelines, devoted to the Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique (SCAT), have been produced by the ISPRA’s Area emergenze ambientali in mare of the national centre Centro Nazionale per le crisi e le emergenze ambientali e il danno (CN-CRE) with the Italian Ministry of the environment. Aimed at sharing knowledge and experiences with technical personnel and decision makers that may be involved in an environmental emergency following an accidental oil spill, this new title add to the already available tools on how to ascertain, combat and contain the consequences of a spill at sea of petroleum hydrocarbons, technical details better suitable for the Mediterranean coastal environments, on how to observe, sample and describe the contamination at sea and on stretches of coasts following an oil spill.

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When the UNCC was established in 1991 to process and pay claims arising from the invasion and occ... more When the UNCC was established in 1991 to process and pay claims arising from the invasion and
occupation of Kuwait by Iraq from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991, it was recognized that the extent of
the environmental impact was unprecedented.
This publication presents an overview of the story of the UNCC environmental programme. It is hoped
that it will be useful for researchers and legal and environmental practitioners alike, in its review of both
the programme and the resulting environmental remediation and restoration projects being undertaken
within its framework. UNCC has been faced with many unique issues; the environmental programme is
but one of the important legacies that will remain when the Commission’s mandate is concluded.

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Research paper thumbnail of Explanatory Manual of the precautionary measures to adopt in the case of accidental recovery of war surplus in trawling nets. With particular reference to surplus containing "chemical warfare agents" dumped in the Southern Adriatic Sea

Dumped ammunitions, particularly the chemical warfare agents contained in many of them, often are... more Dumped ammunitions, particularly the chemical warfare agents contained in many of them, often are brought to the surface by trawlers with severe consequences. This manual is aimed at providing Adriatic fishermen and operators on the seafloor, with a guide on how to react in those cases.

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Research paper thumbnail of MANUALE ILLUSTRATIVO DELLE MISURE PRECAUZIONALI DA ADOTTARE IN CASO DI SALPAMENTO DI RESIDUATI BELLICI MEDIANTE RETI DA TRAINO Con particolare riferimento ai residuati a “caricamento speciale” affondati nel Basso Adriatico

MANUALE ILLUSTRATIVO DELLE MISURE PRECAUZIONALI DA ADOTTARE IN CASO DI SALPAMENTO DI RESIDUATI BELLICI MEDIANTE RETI DA TRAINO Con particolare riferimento ai residuati a “caricamento speciale” affondati nel Basso Adriatico, 2001

Durante e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, tonnellate di armamenti sono state affondate nelle acq... more Durante e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, tonnellate di armamenti sono state affondate nelle acque del Basso Adriatico. L’arsenale sommerso comprende bombe d’aereo, proiettili d’artiglieria, granate, mine, eccetera, sia a carica solo esplosiva sia “a caricamento speciale”. Questi residuati costituiscono una sorgente di rischio per l’ambiente e per gli operatori della pesca, in particolar modo quelli a carica chimica. Questo manuale si auspica possa non solo costituire un utile strumento per la sicurezza di chi in mare lavora ma anche sollevare con autorevolezza il problema affinché si prenda coscienza che la salvaguardia del mare e dei mestieri che l’uomo rivolge al mare non può più prescindere dai principi di precauzione e di sostenibilità.

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