Warming Alarmists Again Give Away Their Real Objective (original) (raw)

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Editor’s Note: The thought police at Google immediately slapped a restraining order on this editorial — as they now do with everything we publish about “climate change” to punish us for not toeing the line. Here is the notice we received from them:

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What do the climate activists really want? Do they have nothing more in mind than a noble crusade to prevent the burning sky from falling on us? Or is the global warming scare just another piece of the revolution? It’s of course the latter. We know this because they’re constantly telling us it is.

The most recent admission comes from Los Angeles Times environmental reporter Rosanna Xia, whose exhausting essay under the headline “To fix climate anxiety (and also climate change), we first have to fix individualism” was posted on Wednesday – yes, Sept. 11.

Xia dwells a great deal on “climate anxiety” caused by environmental events that have afflicted the planet since its creation but are now blamed on human progress through the combustion of fossil fuels. She worries “we’ll never go back to normal” without defining sufficiently “normal” – maybe because, in a world that has never stopped changing, there is no normal. She is angry, frustrated, helpless, and exhausted. Earth is so doomed that she questions “whether I could ever justify bringing my own children into this world.”

And the answer to all this? Diminish individualism and elevate the collective.

Xia approvingly quotes Sarah Jaquette Ray, whom she identifies as a “an environmental humanist who chairs the environmental studies program at Cal Poly Humboldt,” which tells us a lot about the state of academia.

“One huge reason why climate anxiety feels so awful is this feeling of not being able to do anything about it,” says Ray. “But if you actually saw yourself as part of a collective, as interconnected with all these other movements doing meaningful things, you wouldn’t be feeling this despair and loneliness.”

The West has become so weak in character that group therapy is needed to protect the handwringers from imagined bogeymen.

Though she has decided that individualism is an enemy, nowhere in her fear-filled screed does Xia directly demand a policy regime that would strip us of our individualism.

She does, however, insist that we must “reimagine the systems that got us into such a devastating crisis in the first place.” In other words, give her and the other climate nags power and money and they will turn our civil society into a political society they control.

Other alarmists have been similarly forthcoming about their intentions. We refer readers to our previous documentation of this phenomenon:

The climate change scare is a role player in the larger revolution the political left is determined to push through. That’s why climate brat Greta Thunberg is also a Hamas apologist, the Black Lives Matter movement intersects with the demonization of Christopher Columbus and the transgender madness is sacred to Democrats. It’s part of Obama’s goal of “fundamentally transforming” not just the U.S., but the entire Western world. If it’s allowed to roll on, through Harris-Walz and a Democratic Congress, things will end badly. Revolutions led by power-mad malfeasants seeking meaning for their lives always do.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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