erfanti fatkhiyah | IST AKPRIND YOGYAKARTA (original) (raw)

Papers by erfanti fatkhiyah

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Monitoring Akses Gedung Berbasis Web di Batan dan Kawasan Nuklir DIY

Jurnal Informatika Komputer, Bisnis dan Manajemen/Fahma, Jan 30, 2024

Pemantauan akses gedung di lingkungan BATAN Yogyakarta atau singkatan dari Badan Tenaga Nuklir Na... more Pemantauan akses gedung di lingkungan BATAN Yogyakarta atau singkatan dari Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional Yogyakarta sangat diperlukan, karena BATAN memiliki beberapa fasilitas penelitian nuklir berupa gedunggedung pertemuan yang dapat diakses oleh pengunjung baik khusus yaitu pegawai PSTA BATAN dan pengunjung umum, yaitu, Dosen STTN, mahasiswa, dan peserta. Penggunaan gedunggedung di kawasan nuklir ini memiliki intensitas yang tinggi, dan perlu adanya monitoring akses gedung, mulai dari informasi ketersediaan gedung, sampai monitoring akses keluar masuk gedung yang sampai sekarang masih dilakukan secara manual. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat bekerja secara online dan realtime serta mudah untuk dioperasikan. Maka perlu adanya sistem informasi yang membantu PSTA BATAN Yogyakarta dalam proses monitoring akses yang dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan cepat. Pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini menerapkan Metode Waterfall, sedangkan sistem informasi yang dibangun menggunakan Framework CodeIgniter 3 berbasis web, sehingga mempermudah dalam pembuatan sistem informasi monitoring akses keluar masuk gedung dalam lingkungan BATAN Yogyakarta dan juga sebagai salah satu inovasi baru untuk menghemat kertas sebagai pelaporan dan arsip.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Sistem Informasi Geografi Pencarian Bengkel Terdekat Menggunakan GPS Smarphone DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Tourists who were vacationing in Yogyakarta and not too familiar with the city of Yogyakarta, usu... more Tourists who were vacationing in Yogyakarta and not too familiar with the city of Yogyakarta, usually find it difficult to search for public services, particularly in this case Vehicle Repairs both two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheeled vehicle repair shop. It is not only a waste of time but wasting a lot of energy and materials as well as to take the journey. This research aims to create mobile based applications to help people, especially tourists visiting Yogyakarta to find the location of the bike shop and car in Yogyakarta. Apart from it can build an information service that collects data for the garage and the services provided and can help the mechanic to be able to find the location of customers who are in need of repair vehicle.The results of this research are mobile based applications and web based applications. Applications built with client server model, which is using the Apache web server MySQL database system as a data storage center. The mobile application is used for ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Augmented Reality Dengan Metode Marker Based Pada Aplikasi Pengenalan Objek Wisata Bersejarah DI Kota Yogyakarta Berbasis Android

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Microsoft Word Guru-Guru TK Kota Yogyakarta

Dharma Bakti, Nov 4, 2022

The development of information technology and computers that are growing rapidly, has an impact o... more The development of information technology and computers that are growing rapidly, has an impact on the community, they begin to use information technology to support their daily activities, as well as teachers. Information technology and computers support the performance of teachers, especially kindergarten teachers. The ability to use office software and surf the internet is quite diverse, so to improve these skills, computer training (especially office and internet) is needed for kindergarten teachers, especially those who join in GOPTKI Yogyakarta City. This training is expected to increase the knowledge and skills of kindergarten teachers in operating the office (especially Microsoft Word and Power Point) and browsing the internet. The training was carried out offline and directly with a computer at 3 Th Campus of the Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta. Observations at the end of the training Most of the teachers were more skilled in using word and power point and browsing for information, both written and pictures on the internet for support the performance of teachers in managing administration and making learning media.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Progressive Web Application Pada Sistem Informasi Pasar Lelang Komoditi Pertanian

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi dan Teknologi (SNATS), Nov 12, 2022

Technology always has an impact on how products and services are designed. In recent years, there... more Technology always has an impact on how products and services are designed. In recent years, there has been unprecedented growth in the web field. Therefore, it requires fast, reliable, attractive development and powerful applications. One of them is a product from Google, namely google sheets. The results of the data can be presented in full either in the form of sheets or graphic information, so that managers or admins do not need to process anymore and later will be able to be monitored on a web-based app system that uses Progressive Web Application (PWA) technology. In the development of information needs, it turns out that information needs have become very complex both online and offline, even today's technology can combine the transaction process on the local information system synchronized to the information system and or online data. The implementation of Progressive Web Application (PWA) makes it possible to distribute information more easily. The results of this research obtained modeling, designing and implementing local applications with data synchronized to google sheet media, data on google sheets will be accessed by different applications online using Progressive Web Application (PWA). it is also proven that with the implementation of Progressive Web Application (PWA), data after being uploaded and cached can still be accessed even if the internet communication line is interrupted. Because the application will always read the cache that has contained data as long as it is not synchronized data.

Research paper thumbnail of Developing an Augmented Reality Application as Instruction Media to Help in Learning the Solar System

International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems, Apr 25, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Arsitektur Aplikasi Web Menggunakan Data Real Time Dari Google Form Berbasis File CSV

Jurnal Teknologi (e-journal), Jun 20, 2021

The use of information technology is now so massive, that even reports on community activities ha... more The use of information technology is now so massive, that even reports on community activities have also used information technology. Online forms for reporting are widely used and very easy to create, with complete features. One of the products from Google is Google Forms. Starting from reservation, registration, data collection, reporting, and many activities of sending information and data can be done using this form online. The results of the data have also been presented in full, either in the form of sheets or graphic information, so that the manager or admin does not need to process it again. In the development of information needs, it turns out that the information needs from the google form are not only needed by managers or admins, but some parties need that information in real-time and do not have to log in as managers or admins, so technology is needed to distribute the data and information and processed or presented in a real-time reporting information system. In the google form, several tools have been provided such as Google APIs, Share to Sheet, CSV, etc. to share information with other parties. This study performs modeling in the design of web application architecture using real-time data from google forms based on CSV files and has been tested and produced an application model that can be pasted into other applications so that information from the google form can be conveyed without having to log in to the manager or admin of the google form.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pemesanan Parkir Berbasis Mobile

SMARTICS Journal, 2019

Penggunaan ICT (Information Communication Technology) diberbagai bidang telah berkembang dengan ... more Penggunaan ICT (Information Communication Technology) diberbagai bidang telah berkembang dengan pesat. Salah satunya adalah di bidang layanan perparkiran. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan yang semakin pesat, menyebabkan pertumbuhan yang tidak seimbang antara jumlah kendaraan dengan lahan yang tersedia, hal ini terlihat semakin sempitnya lahan-lahan parkir di setiap tempat-tempat umum. Hal tersebut tersebut menyebabkan pengendara sulit menemukan tempat parkir atau untuk mengetahui ketersediaan ruang parkir (slot parkir) di suatu lahan parkir. Hal tersebut menyebabkan waktu yang tidak efektif karena pengendara memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk mencari lahan parkir yang masih kosong, sehingga kondisi jalan menjadi semrawut dan tak jarang hal ini menimbulkan kemacetan di jalan-jalan utama. Oleh karena itu informasi tentang ketersediaan ruang parkir menjadi sangat penting bagi pengendara yang akan memarkirkan kendaraannya. Pada aplikasi sistem pemesanan parkir berbasis mobile...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Dokumen Arsip Laboratorium Menggunakan OwnCloud Sebagai Media Cloud Storage Berbasis Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer)

Archive document management of three laboratories namely Database Laboratory, Network Laboratory ... more Archive document management of three laboratories namely Database Laboratory, Network Laboratory and Programming Laboratory under the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Information Technology and Business, Institute of Science & Technology Akprind Yogyakarta in managing laboratory archive documents still uses public applications, so they are vulnerable to exposure hack. In addition, the management of archival documents in each laboratory has not been managed centrally by the Informatics Department. Based on the problem of archival document management in each laboratory that has not been managed centrally by the Informatics Department and document storage that still uses public applications so it is vulnerable to being hacked, this research will develop an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) private cloud storage application. ) by using the OwnCloud application. The PPDIOO method developed by CISCO is used as a research method. The steps of the PPDIOO method are Prepare, which is p...


Curtains vintage is one of the service providers tailor shop as well as sellers of goods curtains... more Curtains vintage is one of the service providers tailor shop as well as sellers of goods curtains, Along with the order to make them quite overwhelmed in terms of bookkeeping. During this time they do the bookkeeping manually, only occasionally copied into the data-processing applications such as Microsoft Excel, which still must be input manually. Under these conditions, it will be created a booking system automatically and computerized, with the system expected to reduce the negligence of the officers, or the ambiguity of data. The system to be used is the customer data collection system, the cost calculation system, the date calculation system, as well as the entire financial report obtained from the service unit. The system uses the Delphi programming platform based on client server, so that each part will be getting its own computer to be able to access the menus on the UPJ. With the system described above, is expected to help employees to recapitalize the transaction and provi...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Augmented Reality Untuk Dunia Pendidikan

Abstrak: Materi pembelajaran yang mengupas Augmented reality (AR) di dalam kurikulum program stud... more Abstrak: Materi pembelajaran yang mengupas Augmented reality (AR) di dalam kurikulum program studi teknologi informasi di sekolah menengah kejuruan belum masuk dalam materi yang wajib diberikan. Agar siswa dapat mengetahui teknologi AR dan dapat mengembangkan aplikasi AR yang sederhana, perlu adanya kegiatan yang diselenggarakan. Sehingga masalah yang ada, yaitu siswa belum mendapatkan pengetahuan AR dapat dijembatani. Perkembangan AR sangat penting diberikan ke siswa agar para siswa dapat mengikuti perkembangan AR. Hal ini karena penggunaan teknologi (AR) saat ini sudah digunakan pada berbagai bidang, termasuk pada bidang pendidikan. Penggunaan AR dalam materi pembelajaran dapat memberikan penjelasan materi yang lebih detail, Dengan menggunakan AR, materi dapat disajikan dalam bentuk 3D dan dapat dilengkapi dengan narasi serta suara. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan terutama dalam pengenalan AR pada siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Magelang. Tahapan sebelum melakukan p...

Research paper thumbnail of Bimbingan Teknis Sistem Informasi Pengujian Sampel Balai Laboratorium Lingkungan, DLHK DIY

DHARMA BAKTI, Oct 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Marketplace Media Sosial Sebagai Sarana Promosi Produk Umkm Pada Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat Kabupaten Bantul

DHARMA BAKTI, May 7, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Dan Implementasi Sso (Single Sign On) Menggunakan Protokol Oauth 2.0

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Augmented Reality-Based Animal Recognition Application Using Unity

Proceeding of International Conference in Education, Science and Technology, Jul 30, 2021

Augmented Reality is a technology that combines two-dimensional and / or three-dimensional virtua... more Augmented Reality is a technology that combines two-dimensional and / or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real environment and then projects these virtual objects in reality in real time. The purpose of this study is to develop alternative instructional media using augmented reality technology. In this study, the instructional media is used to teach children about animals. By using augmented reality technology, the teaching and learning process will be more effective because augmented reality technology can display animals in 3D so that the children can see these animals as if they are real. The researchers conducted three stages that were pre-production, production, and post-production stage. The researchers created the animal; animal images in 3D by using the Blender application and also made a textbook containing the description of the animals and barcodes. Using an augmented reality application, the children can see the animals interactively in a real-world environment. The augmented reality application was developed by using a game engine, Unity. This study developed an augmented reality application and a textbook.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Objek Wisata Alam DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Dengan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto

Pariwisata merupakan suatu keseluruhan elemen-elemen terkait yang di dalamnya terdiri dari wisata... more Pariwisata merupakan suatu keseluruhan elemen-elemen terkait yang di dalamnya terdiri dari wisatawan, daerah tujuan wisata, perjalanan, industri dan lain sebagainya yang merupakan kegiatan pariwisata. Untuk berkunjung ke tempat wisata tentunya wisatawan harus sudah mempunyai tujuan tempat wisata, oleh karena itu untuk mempermudah calon wisatawan dalam mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai tempat wisata dengan informasi yang akurat dan rekomendasi pemilihan objek wisata yang sesuai dengan kriteria-kriteria yang dipilih, maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem komputerisasi yang memuat seluruh informasi daerah wisata secara online dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto yang diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi dan pendukung keputusan pemilihan objek wisata secara efektif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi dan metode studi kepustakaan, sedangkan pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto dan perancangan aplikasi dilakukan dengan tool...

Research paper thumbnail of Sentiment Analysis for Extracting Student Opinion Data on Higher Education Services Using the Naive Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Methods (Case Study Akprind Institute of Science and Technology Yogyakarta)

Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model)

Opinions are ideas, opinions, or the results of someone's subjective thoughts in explaining o... more Opinions are ideas, opinions, or the results of someone's subjective thoughts in explaining or addressing something. IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta provides comment and suggestion box facilities in the learning evaluation questionnaire. Opinions that have been collected can be used to determine the sentiment of the campus community. This sentiment information can be used in future campus development. The development of a system that can analyze sentiment automatically is designed by comparing the Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) method and the support vector machine (SVM) optimized by selecting the Information Gain (IG) feature. Prior opinion data needs to be prepared before being analyzed. Preprocessing (text preprocessing) used includes: cleanning, text folding, normalization, stemming, stopword removal, convert negation, and tokenization. The results of this study show that the SVM method produces higher accuracy than NBC. The accuracy test shows the highest accuracy of SVM reaches 99.09...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Penggunaan Internet Sehat Dan Aman (Insan) Untuk Masyarakat Desa Gemblegan, Kalikotes, Klaten

Prosiding Seminar Nasional LPPM, Jan 5, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Pengendalian Mutu Pengujian Sampel Berbasis Web Pada Balai Laboratorium Lingkungan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelayakan Pemberian Kredit Mobil Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp) DI CV. Angkasa Mobil Finance

Jurnal SCRIPT, Jun 2, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Monitoring Akses Gedung Berbasis Web di Batan dan Kawasan Nuklir DIY

Jurnal Informatika Komputer, Bisnis dan Manajemen/Fahma, Jan 30, 2024

Pemantauan akses gedung di lingkungan BATAN Yogyakarta atau singkatan dari Badan Tenaga Nuklir Na... more Pemantauan akses gedung di lingkungan BATAN Yogyakarta atau singkatan dari Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional Yogyakarta sangat diperlukan, karena BATAN memiliki beberapa fasilitas penelitian nuklir berupa gedunggedung pertemuan yang dapat diakses oleh pengunjung baik khusus yaitu pegawai PSTA BATAN dan pengunjung umum, yaitu, Dosen STTN, mahasiswa, dan peserta. Penggunaan gedunggedung di kawasan nuklir ini memiliki intensitas yang tinggi, dan perlu adanya monitoring akses gedung, mulai dari informasi ketersediaan gedung, sampai monitoring akses keluar masuk gedung yang sampai sekarang masih dilakukan secara manual. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat bekerja secara online dan realtime serta mudah untuk dioperasikan. Maka perlu adanya sistem informasi yang membantu PSTA BATAN Yogyakarta dalam proses monitoring akses yang dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan cepat. Pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini menerapkan Metode Waterfall, sedangkan sistem informasi yang dibangun menggunakan Framework CodeIgniter 3 berbasis web, sehingga mempermudah dalam pembuatan sistem informasi monitoring akses keluar masuk gedung dalam lingkungan BATAN Yogyakarta dan juga sebagai salah satu inovasi baru untuk menghemat kertas sebagai pelaporan dan arsip.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Sistem Informasi Geografi Pencarian Bengkel Terdekat Menggunakan GPS Smarphone DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Tourists who were vacationing in Yogyakarta and not too familiar with the city of Yogyakarta, usu... more Tourists who were vacationing in Yogyakarta and not too familiar with the city of Yogyakarta, usually find it difficult to search for public services, particularly in this case Vehicle Repairs both two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheeled vehicle repair shop. It is not only a waste of time but wasting a lot of energy and materials as well as to take the journey. This research aims to create mobile based applications to help people, especially tourists visiting Yogyakarta to find the location of the bike shop and car in Yogyakarta. Apart from it can build an information service that collects data for the garage and the services provided and can help the mechanic to be able to find the location of customers who are in need of repair vehicle.The results of this research are mobile based applications and web based applications. Applications built with client server model, which is using the Apache web server MySQL database system as a data storage center. The mobile application is used for ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Augmented Reality Dengan Metode Marker Based Pada Aplikasi Pengenalan Objek Wisata Bersejarah DI Kota Yogyakarta Berbasis Android

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Microsoft Word Guru-Guru TK Kota Yogyakarta

Dharma Bakti, Nov 4, 2022

The development of information technology and computers that are growing rapidly, has an impact o... more The development of information technology and computers that are growing rapidly, has an impact on the community, they begin to use information technology to support their daily activities, as well as teachers. Information technology and computers support the performance of teachers, especially kindergarten teachers. The ability to use office software and surf the internet is quite diverse, so to improve these skills, computer training (especially office and internet) is needed for kindergarten teachers, especially those who join in GOPTKI Yogyakarta City. This training is expected to increase the knowledge and skills of kindergarten teachers in operating the office (especially Microsoft Word and Power Point) and browsing the internet. The training was carried out offline and directly with a computer at 3 Th Campus of the Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta. Observations at the end of the training Most of the teachers were more skilled in using word and power point and browsing for information, both written and pictures on the internet for support the performance of teachers in managing administration and making learning media.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Progressive Web Application Pada Sistem Informasi Pasar Lelang Komoditi Pertanian

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aplikasi dan Teknologi (SNATS), Nov 12, 2022

Technology always has an impact on how products and services are designed. In recent years, there... more Technology always has an impact on how products and services are designed. In recent years, there has been unprecedented growth in the web field. Therefore, it requires fast, reliable, attractive development and powerful applications. One of them is a product from Google, namely google sheets. The results of the data can be presented in full either in the form of sheets or graphic information, so that managers or admins do not need to process anymore and later will be able to be monitored on a web-based app system that uses Progressive Web Application (PWA) technology. In the development of information needs, it turns out that information needs have become very complex both online and offline, even today's technology can combine the transaction process on the local information system synchronized to the information system and or online data. The implementation of Progressive Web Application (PWA) makes it possible to distribute information more easily. The results of this research obtained modeling, designing and implementing local applications with data synchronized to google sheet media, data on google sheets will be accessed by different applications online using Progressive Web Application (PWA). it is also proven that with the implementation of Progressive Web Application (PWA), data after being uploaded and cached can still be accessed even if the internet communication line is interrupted. Because the application will always read the cache that has contained data as long as it is not synchronized data.

Research paper thumbnail of Developing an Augmented Reality Application as Instruction Media to Help in Learning the Solar System

International Journal of Advances in Data and Information Systems, Apr 25, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Arsitektur Aplikasi Web Menggunakan Data Real Time Dari Google Form Berbasis File CSV

Jurnal Teknologi (e-journal), Jun 20, 2021

The use of information technology is now so massive, that even reports on community activities ha... more The use of information technology is now so massive, that even reports on community activities have also used information technology. Online forms for reporting are widely used and very easy to create, with complete features. One of the products from Google is Google Forms. Starting from reservation, registration, data collection, reporting, and many activities of sending information and data can be done using this form online. The results of the data have also been presented in full, either in the form of sheets or graphic information, so that the manager or admin does not need to process it again. In the development of information needs, it turns out that the information needs from the google form are not only needed by managers or admins, but some parties need that information in real-time and do not have to log in as managers or admins, so technology is needed to distribute the data and information and processed or presented in a real-time reporting information system. In the google form, several tools have been provided such as Google APIs, Share to Sheet, CSV, etc. to share information with other parties. This study performs modeling in the design of web application architecture using real-time data from google forms based on CSV files and has been tested and produced an application model that can be pasted into other applications so that information from the google form can be conveyed without having to log in to the manager or admin of the google form.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pemesanan Parkir Berbasis Mobile

SMARTICS Journal, 2019

Penggunaan ICT (Information Communication Technology) diberbagai bidang telah berkembang dengan ... more Penggunaan ICT (Information Communication Technology) diberbagai bidang telah berkembang dengan pesat. Salah satunya adalah di bidang layanan perparkiran. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan yang semakin pesat, menyebabkan pertumbuhan yang tidak seimbang antara jumlah kendaraan dengan lahan yang tersedia, hal ini terlihat semakin sempitnya lahan-lahan parkir di setiap tempat-tempat umum. Hal tersebut tersebut menyebabkan pengendara sulit menemukan tempat parkir atau untuk mengetahui ketersediaan ruang parkir (slot parkir) di suatu lahan parkir. Hal tersebut menyebabkan waktu yang tidak efektif karena pengendara memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk mencari lahan parkir yang masih kosong, sehingga kondisi jalan menjadi semrawut dan tak jarang hal ini menimbulkan kemacetan di jalan-jalan utama. Oleh karena itu informasi tentang ketersediaan ruang parkir menjadi sangat penting bagi pengendara yang akan memarkirkan kendaraannya. Pada aplikasi sistem pemesanan parkir berbasis mobile...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Dokumen Arsip Laboratorium Menggunakan OwnCloud Sebagai Media Cloud Storage Berbasis Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer)

Archive document management of three laboratories namely Database Laboratory, Network Laboratory ... more Archive document management of three laboratories namely Database Laboratory, Network Laboratory and Programming Laboratory under the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Information Technology and Business, Institute of Science & Technology Akprind Yogyakarta in managing laboratory archive documents still uses public applications, so they are vulnerable to exposure hack. In addition, the management of archival documents in each laboratory has not been managed centrally by the Informatics Department. Based on the problem of archival document management in each laboratory that has not been managed centrally by the Informatics Department and document storage that still uses public applications so it is vulnerable to being hacked, this research will develop an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) private cloud storage application. ) by using the OwnCloud application. The PPDIOO method developed by CISCO is used as a research method. The steps of the PPDIOO method are Prepare, which is p...


Curtains vintage is one of the service providers tailor shop as well as sellers of goods curtains... more Curtains vintage is one of the service providers tailor shop as well as sellers of goods curtains, Along with the order to make them quite overwhelmed in terms of bookkeeping. During this time they do the bookkeeping manually, only occasionally copied into the data-processing applications such as Microsoft Excel, which still must be input manually. Under these conditions, it will be created a booking system automatically and computerized, with the system expected to reduce the negligence of the officers, or the ambiguity of data. The system to be used is the customer data collection system, the cost calculation system, the date calculation system, as well as the entire financial report obtained from the service unit. The system uses the Delphi programming platform based on client server, so that each part will be getting its own computer to be able to access the menus on the UPJ. With the system described above, is expected to help employees to recapitalize the transaction and provi...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Augmented Reality Untuk Dunia Pendidikan

Abstrak: Materi pembelajaran yang mengupas Augmented reality (AR) di dalam kurikulum program stud... more Abstrak: Materi pembelajaran yang mengupas Augmented reality (AR) di dalam kurikulum program studi teknologi informasi di sekolah menengah kejuruan belum masuk dalam materi yang wajib diberikan. Agar siswa dapat mengetahui teknologi AR dan dapat mengembangkan aplikasi AR yang sederhana, perlu adanya kegiatan yang diselenggarakan. Sehingga masalah yang ada, yaitu siswa belum mendapatkan pengetahuan AR dapat dijembatani. Perkembangan AR sangat penting diberikan ke siswa agar para siswa dapat mengikuti perkembangan AR. Hal ini karena penggunaan teknologi (AR) saat ini sudah digunakan pada berbagai bidang, termasuk pada bidang pendidikan. Penggunaan AR dalam materi pembelajaran dapat memberikan penjelasan materi yang lebih detail, Dengan menggunakan AR, materi dapat disajikan dalam bentuk 3D dan dapat dilengkapi dengan narasi serta suara. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan terutama dalam pengenalan AR pada siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Magelang. Tahapan sebelum melakukan p...

Research paper thumbnail of Bimbingan Teknis Sistem Informasi Pengujian Sampel Balai Laboratorium Lingkungan, DLHK DIY

DHARMA BAKTI, Oct 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Marketplace Media Sosial Sebagai Sarana Promosi Produk Umkm Pada Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat Kabupaten Bantul

DHARMA BAKTI, May 7, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Dan Implementasi Sso (Single Sign On) Menggunakan Protokol Oauth 2.0

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Augmented Reality-Based Animal Recognition Application Using Unity

Proceeding of International Conference in Education, Science and Technology, Jul 30, 2021

Augmented Reality is a technology that combines two-dimensional and / or three-dimensional virtua... more Augmented Reality is a technology that combines two-dimensional and / or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real environment and then projects these virtual objects in reality in real time. The purpose of this study is to develop alternative instructional media using augmented reality technology. In this study, the instructional media is used to teach children about animals. By using augmented reality technology, the teaching and learning process will be more effective because augmented reality technology can display animals in 3D so that the children can see these animals as if they are real. The researchers conducted three stages that were pre-production, production, and post-production stage. The researchers created the animal; animal images in 3D by using the Blender application and also made a textbook containing the description of the animals and barcodes. Using an augmented reality application, the children can see the animals interactively in a real-world environment. The augmented reality application was developed by using a game engine, Unity. This study developed an augmented reality application and a textbook.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Objek Wisata Alam DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Dengan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto

Pariwisata merupakan suatu keseluruhan elemen-elemen terkait yang di dalamnya terdiri dari wisata... more Pariwisata merupakan suatu keseluruhan elemen-elemen terkait yang di dalamnya terdiri dari wisatawan, daerah tujuan wisata, perjalanan, industri dan lain sebagainya yang merupakan kegiatan pariwisata. Untuk berkunjung ke tempat wisata tentunya wisatawan harus sudah mempunyai tujuan tempat wisata, oleh karena itu untuk mempermudah calon wisatawan dalam mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai tempat wisata dengan informasi yang akurat dan rekomendasi pemilihan objek wisata yang sesuai dengan kriteria-kriteria yang dipilih, maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem komputerisasi yang memuat seluruh informasi daerah wisata secara online dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto yang diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi dan pendukung keputusan pemilihan objek wisata secara efektif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi dan metode studi kepustakaan, sedangkan pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto dan perancangan aplikasi dilakukan dengan tool...

Research paper thumbnail of Sentiment Analysis for Extracting Student Opinion Data on Higher Education Services Using the Naive Bayes Classifier and Support Vector Machine Methods (Case Study Akprind Institute of Science and Technology Yogyakarta)

Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model)

Opinions are ideas, opinions, or the results of someone's subjective thoughts in explaining o... more Opinions are ideas, opinions, or the results of someone's subjective thoughts in explaining or addressing something. IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta provides comment and suggestion box facilities in the learning evaluation questionnaire. Opinions that have been collected can be used to determine the sentiment of the campus community. This sentiment information can be used in future campus development. The development of a system that can analyze sentiment automatically is designed by comparing the Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) method and the support vector machine (SVM) optimized by selecting the Information Gain (IG) feature. Prior opinion data needs to be prepared before being analyzed. Preprocessing (text preprocessing) used includes: cleanning, text folding, normalization, stemming, stopword removal, convert negation, and tokenization. The results of this study show that the SVM method produces higher accuracy than NBC. The accuracy test shows the highest accuracy of SVM reaches 99.09...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Penggunaan Internet Sehat Dan Aman (Insan) Untuk Masyarakat Desa Gemblegan, Kalikotes, Klaten

Prosiding Seminar Nasional LPPM, Jan 5, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Pengendalian Mutu Pengujian Sampel Berbasis Web Pada Balai Laboratorium Lingkungan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelayakan Pemberian Kredit Mobil Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp) DI CV. Angkasa Mobil Finance

Jurnal SCRIPT, Jun 2, 2016