H. Esra Arcan | Istanbul University (original) (raw)
Papers by H. Esra Arcan
İstanbul üniversitesi sosyoloji dergisi, Nov 12, 2012
Temel söylem kaynağı olarak medya anlatıları ve özellikle haberler ulusların ve ulusal kimlikleri... more Temel söylem kaynağı olarak medya anlatıları ve özellikle haberler ulusların ve ulusal kimliklerin inşa ve temsilinde özel bir rol oynarlar. Bu nedenle Türkiye ve Türk kimliğinin Batı medyasında nasıl inşa edildiğini anlayabilmek için haber söylem stratejileri incelenmelidir. Bu çalışma, Britanya basınının iki önemli gazetesi olan The Guardian ve The Times'da Türkiye ve Türk kimliğinin şarkiyatçı inşasına ilişkin sorunlara işaret etmekte, liberal ve muhafazakâr nitelikteki bu iki gazetenin de Türkiye'yi Avrupa-dışı bir mekan ve kültür, Türk kimliğini de grupdışı-öteki olarak temsil eden şarkiyatçı bir söylemi yeniden ürettiklerini savunmaktadır. Bu iki gazetenin 2004 yılı içinde Türkiye'nin AB üyeliğine ilişkin haberlerinde inşa edilen şarkiyatçı söylem kullanılan gönderge, adlandırma ve yüklem stratejilerinde açıkça görülebilmektedir.
Abstract: As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an imp... more Abstract: As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an important role in the construction and representation of nations and national identities. Thus, in order to comprehend how Turkey and Turkish identity are constructed and represented in the Western media, ‘news discourse strategies’ should be analyzed. This study addresses the issues regarding the Orientalist con-struction of Turkey and Turkish identity in two leading British newspapers, The Guardian and The Times in the year of 2004. In addition it is argued that both of these newspapers that are respectively defined as liberal and conservative regen-erate an Orientalist discourse presenting Turkey as a ‘non-European ’ space and culture, and Turkish identity as the out-group / other. Orientalist discourse that is constructed in the news of The Guardian and The Times regarding Turkey can be clearly seen in referential strategy or strategy of nomination and predication strategy.
IAFOR Journal of Media, Communication & Film, 2013
Hate speech can play a key role in interrupting social peace. Recent studies have shown that the ... more Hate speech can play a key role in interrupting social peace. Recent studies have shown that the number of headlines and news stories that vilify specific groups on the basis of ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation have increased in Turkish media. Since media narratives and news reports affect the construction and representation of social groups, this study attempts to uncover hate speech strategies that specifically target ethnic and religious minority groups in Turkey. Reviewing hate speech in mainstream Turkish media, the article poses two important questions: (1) How, and to what extent, is hate speech employed? (2) What types of discourse strategies are constructed in the news? Answering these questions, the article will then discuss related issues and use critical discourse analysis methodology. Also, the relationship between hate crimes and hate speech will be investigated, revealing the primordial importance of combating hate speech.
Diger mesleklerden farkli olarak gazeteciligin layikiyla yerine getirilebilmesi icin bir toplumda... more Diger mesleklerden farkli olarak gazeteciligin layikiyla yerine getirilebilmesi icin bir toplumda insan haklarinin belli duzeyde gelisme gostermesi zorunludur. Ifade ozgurlugu olmaksizin nitelikli gazetecilik uygulamasi mumkun olmadigi gibi medyanin destegi olmaksizin insane haklarinin gelismesi, yayginlasmasi ve korunmasi da mumkun degildir. Bu benzersiz karsilikli varolussal bagimlilik ve etkilesim nedeniyle nitelikli gazetecilik uygulamasi insan haklari kulturu ortamina ihtiyac duyar. Diger yandan unutulmamalidir ki, insan haklari yaklasimindan uzak gazetecilik uygulamasi insan haklarinin ihlal edildigi bir uygulamaya donusme potansiyelini de beraberinde tasir. Bu nedenle gazetecilik egitiminin mufredat programlarinda insan haklari egitimi ve insan haklari temelli gazetecilik uygulamalarinin yer almasi bir gerekliliktir. Bu calisma insan haklari kulturunun insasinda insan haklari temelli gazetecilik uygulamalarinin katkisini incelemekte ve Turkiye‟de mevcut gazetecilik yuksek egi...
Temel soylem kaynagi olarak medya anlatilari ve ozellikle haberler uluslarin ve ulusal kimlikleri... more Temel soylem kaynagi olarak medya anlatilari ve ozellikle haberler uluslarin ve ulusal kimliklerin insa ve temsilinde ozel bir rol oynarlar. Bu nedenle Turkiye ve Turk kimliginin Bati medyasinda nasil insa edildigini anlayabilmek icin haber soylem stratejileri incelenmelidir. Bu calisma, Britanya basininin iki onemli gazetesi olan The Guardian ve The Times’ da Turkiye ve Turk kimliginin Şarkiyatci insasina iliskin sorunlara isaret etmekte, liberal ve muhafazakâr nitelikteki bu iki gazetenin de Turkiye’yi Avrupadisi bir mekan ve kultur, Turk kimligini de grupdisi-oteki olarak temsil eden Şarkiyatci bir soylemi yeniden urettiklerini tartismaktadir. The Guardian ve The Times gazetelerinin 2004 yili icinde Turkiye’nin AB uyeligine iliskin haberlerinde insa edilen Şarkiyatci soylem kullanilan gondergesel, adlandirma ve yuklem stratejilerinde acikca gorulebilmektedir.
... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Di... more ... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Dimmick and Coit 1983, Hermen ... 1992; Shoemaker,1984) Subsequent studies have explored the connection between media frames and ideological hegemony (Ashley and Allson ...
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2013
Since the World War II the history has showed us how media can be directly involved in ethnic con... more Since the World War II the history has showed us how media can be directly involved in ethnic conflicts.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2014
As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an important rol... more As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an important role in the construction and representation of nations and national identities. Thus, in order to comprehend how Turkey and Turkish identity are constructed and represented in the Western media, 'news discourse strategies' should be analyzed. This study addresses the issues regarding the Orientalist construction of Turkey and Turkish identity in two leading British newspapers, The Guardian and The Times in the year of 2004. In addition it is argued that both of these newspapers that are respectively defined as liberal and conservative regenerate an Orientalist discourse presenting Turkey as a 'non-European' space and culture, and Turkish identity as the out-group / other. Orientalist discourse that is constructed in the news of The Guardian and The Times regarding Turkey can be clearly seen in referential strategy or strategy of nomination and predication strategy.
Unlike any other profession, journalism needs a certain level development of human rights in a so... more Unlike any other profession, journalism needs a certain level development of human rights in a society in order to fulfill the profession. Without freedom of expression a qualified journalism practice is not possible on the one hand, on the other hand human rights cannot be spread, develop and protect without support of the media and journalism. Because of this unique relationship and existential interdependence, qualified journalism practice gets benefits from human rights culture and peace. However, unless having human rights based approach, the media and journalism is a double-edged sword.
Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflict... more Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflicts. In the beginning of the Third millennium the world and humankind are still suffering due to conflicts between ethnic groups. Sudan, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, UK-Northern Ireland, Spain, Sri Lanka, and Turkey are some of current examples of these conflicts that caused mass human rights violation and loss of human lives and strained economy and damaged the environment. Therefore preventing conflicts is an important issue that must be addressed and studied. This paper aims to examine, first, ethnicity, ethnicity making situations, causes and forms of ethnic conflicts. Second, it explores what are the main features of ethnic conflict prevention, what is the conflict prevention approach of EU and how EU functions in conflicts. Finally the study concludes that establishing a minority rights protection system is the most effective and humanitarian way to prevent ethnic conflicts.
Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflict... more Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflicts. In the beginning of the Third millennium the world and humankind are still suffering due to conflicts between ethnic groups. Sudan, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, UK-Northern Ireland, Spain, Sri Lanka, and Turkey are some of current examples of these conflicts that caused mass human rights violation and loss of human lives and strained economy and damaged the environment. Therefore preventing conflicts is an important issue that must be addressed and studied. This paper aims to examine, first, ethnicity, ethnicity making situations, causes and forms of ethnic conflicts. Second, it explores what are the main features of ethnic conflict prevention, what is the conflict prevention approach of EU and how EU functions in conflicts. Finally the study concludes that establishing a minority rights protection system is the most effective and humanitarian way to prevent ethnic conflicts.
... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Di... more ... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Dimmick and Coit 1983, Hermen ... 1992; Shoemaker,1984) Subsequent studies have explored the connection between media frames and ideological hegemony (Ashley and Allson ...
Books by H. Esra Arcan
Şiddet içermeyen çeşitli eylemler yoluyla hakların korunması ve yaşamların iyileştirilmesiyle ilg... more Şiddet içermeyen çeşitli eylemler yoluyla hakların korunması ve yaşamların iyileştirilmesiyle ilgili olan aktivizm konusunun günümüzde daha çok çevresel sürdürülebilirlik, insan haklarının korunması, barışın sağlanması, demokrasi gelişimi vb. konularda ön plana çıktığı ve özellikle yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin aktivist hareketlere etkisi bağlamında tartışıldığı görülmektedir. Fakat bilindiği üzere her kavram farklı disiplinlerde farklı yönleriyle değerlendirilmektedir. Bu kitap, aktivizm konusunu çeşitli açılardan ele alıp inceleyen çalışmaları bir araya getirerek kavrama bütünlüklü bir bakış sağlamayı ve kavramla ilgili değişik yaklaşımları bir arada görme imkânı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
İstanbul üniversitesi sosyoloji dergisi, Nov 12, 2012
Temel söylem kaynağı olarak medya anlatıları ve özellikle haberler ulusların ve ulusal kimlikleri... more Temel söylem kaynağı olarak medya anlatıları ve özellikle haberler ulusların ve ulusal kimliklerin inşa ve temsilinde özel bir rol oynarlar. Bu nedenle Türkiye ve Türk kimliğinin Batı medyasında nasıl inşa edildiğini anlayabilmek için haber söylem stratejileri incelenmelidir. Bu çalışma, Britanya basınının iki önemli gazetesi olan The Guardian ve The Times'da Türkiye ve Türk kimliğinin şarkiyatçı inşasına ilişkin sorunlara işaret etmekte, liberal ve muhafazakâr nitelikteki bu iki gazetenin de Türkiye'yi Avrupa-dışı bir mekan ve kültür, Türk kimliğini de grupdışı-öteki olarak temsil eden şarkiyatçı bir söylemi yeniden ürettiklerini savunmaktadır. Bu iki gazetenin 2004 yılı içinde Türkiye'nin AB üyeliğine ilişkin haberlerinde inşa edilen şarkiyatçı söylem kullanılan gönderge, adlandırma ve yüklem stratejilerinde açıkça görülebilmektedir.
Abstract: As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an imp... more Abstract: As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an important role in the construction and representation of nations and national identities. Thus, in order to comprehend how Turkey and Turkish identity are constructed and represented in the Western media, ‘news discourse strategies’ should be analyzed. This study addresses the issues regarding the Orientalist con-struction of Turkey and Turkish identity in two leading British newspapers, The Guardian and The Times in the year of 2004. In addition it is argued that both of these newspapers that are respectively defined as liberal and conservative regen-erate an Orientalist discourse presenting Turkey as a ‘non-European ’ space and culture, and Turkish identity as the out-group / other. Orientalist discourse that is constructed in the news of The Guardian and The Times regarding Turkey can be clearly seen in referential strategy or strategy of nomination and predication strategy.
IAFOR Journal of Media, Communication & Film, 2013
Hate speech can play a key role in interrupting social peace. Recent studies have shown that the ... more Hate speech can play a key role in interrupting social peace. Recent studies have shown that the number of headlines and news stories that vilify specific groups on the basis of ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation have increased in Turkish media. Since media narratives and news reports affect the construction and representation of social groups, this study attempts to uncover hate speech strategies that specifically target ethnic and religious minority groups in Turkey. Reviewing hate speech in mainstream Turkish media, the article poses two important questions: (1) How, and to what extent, is hate speech employed? (2) What types of discourse strategies are constructed in the news? Answering these questions, the article will then discuss related issues and use critical discourse analysis methodology. Also, the relationship between hate crimes and hate speech will be investigated, revealing the primordial importance of combating hate speech.
Diger mesleklerden farkli olarak gazeteciligin layikiyla yerine getirilebilmesi icin bir toplumda... more Diger mesleklerden farkli olarak gazeteciligin layikiyla yerine getirilebilmesi icin bir toplumda insan haklarinin belli duzeyde gelisme gostermesi zorunludur. Ifade ozgurlugu olmaksizin nitelikli gazetecilik uygulamasi mumkun olmadigi gibi medyanin destegi olmaksizin insane haklarinin gelismesi, yayginlasmasi ve korunmasi da mumkun degildir. Bu benzersiz karsilikli varolussal bagimlilik ve etkilesim nedeniyle nitelikli gazetecilik uygulamasi insan haklari kulturu ortamina ihtiyac duyar. Diger yandan unutulmamalidir ki, insan haklari yaklasimindan uzak gazetecilik uygulamasi insan haklarinin ihlal edildigi bir uygulamaya donusme potansiyelini de beraberinde tasir. Bu nedenle gazetecilik egitiminin mufredat programlarinda insan haklari egitimi ve insan haklari temelli gazetecilik uygulamalarinin yer almasi bir gerekliliktir. Bu calisma insan haklari kulturunun insasinda insan haklari temelli gazetecilik uygulamalarinin katkisini incelemekte ve Turkiye‟de mevcut gazetecilik yuksek egi...
Temel soylem kaynagi olarak medya anlatilari ve ozellikle haberler uluslarin ve ulusal kimlikleri... more Temel soylem kaynagi olarak medya anlatilari ve ozellikle haberler uluslarin ve ulusal kimliklerin insa ve temsilinde ozel bir rol oynarlar. Bu nedenle Turkiye ve Turk kimliginin Bati medyasinda nasil insa edildigini anlayabilmek icin haber soylem stratejileri incelenmelidir. Bu calisma, Britanya basininin iki onemli gazetesi olan The Guardian ve The Times’ da Turkiye ve Turk kimliginin Şarkiyatci insasina iliskin sorunlara isaret etmekte, liberal ve muhafazakâr nitelikteki bu iki gazetenin de Turkiye’yi Avrupadisi bir mekan ve kultur, Turk kimligini de grupdisi-oteki olarak temsil eden Şarkiyatci bir soylemi yeniden urettiklerini tartismaktadir. The Guardian ve The Times gazetelerinin 2004 yili icinde Turkiye’nin AB uyeligine iliskin haberlerinde insa edilen Şarkiyatci soylem kullanilan gondergesel, adlandirma ve yuklem stratejilerinde acikca gorulebilmektedir.
... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Di... more ... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Dimmick and Coit 1983, Hermen ... 1992; Shoemaker,1984) Subsequent studies have explored the connection between media frames and ideological hegemony (Ashley and Allson ...
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2013
Since the World War II the history has showed us how media can be directly involved in ethnic con... more Since the World War II the history has showed us how media can be directly involved in ethnic conflicts.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2014
As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an important rol... more As a basic discourse resource, media narratives and especially news reports play an important role in the construction and representation of nations and national identities. Thus, in order to comprehend how Turkey and Turkish identity are constructed and represented in the Western media, 'news discourse strategies' should be analyzed. This study addresses the issues regarding the Orientalist construction of Turkey and Turkish identity in two leading British newspapers, The Guardian and The Times in the year of 2004. In addition it is argued that both of these newspapers that are respectively defined as liberal and conservative regenerate an Orientalist discourse presenting Turkey as a 'non-European' space and culture, and Turkish identity as the out-group / other. Orientalist discourse that is constructed in the news of The Guardian and The Times regarding Turkey can be clearly seen in referential strategy or strategy of nomination and predication strategy.
Unlike any other profession, journalism needs a certain level development of human rights in a so... more Unlike any other profession, journalism needs a certain level development of human rights in a society in order to fulfill the profession. Without freedom of expression a qualified journalism practice is not possible on the one hand, on the other hand human rights cannot be spread, develop and protect without support of the media and journalism. Because of this unique relationship and existential interdependence, qualified journalism practice gets benefits from human rights culture and peace. However, unless having human rights based approach, the media and journalism is a double-edged sword.
Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflict... more Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflicts. In the beginning of the Third millennium the world and humankind are still suffering due to conflicts between ethnic groups. Sudan, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, UK-Northern Ireland, Spain, Sri Lanka, and Turkey are some of current examples of these conflicts that caused mass human rights violation and loss of human lives and strained economy and damaged the environment. Therefore preventing conflicts is an important issue that must be addressed and studied. This paper aims to examine, first, ethnicity, ethnicity making situations, causes and forms of ethnic conflicts. Second, it explores what are the main features of ethnic conflict prevention, what is the conflict prevention approach of EU and how EU functions in conflicts. Finally the study concludes that establishing a minority rights protection system is the most effective and humanitarian way to prevent ethnic conflicts.
Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflict... more Conflicts between ethnic groups are one of the most destructive and devastating forms of conflicts. In the beginning of the Third millennium the world and humankind are still suffering due to conflicts between ethnic groups. Sudan, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, UK-Northern Ireland, Spain, Sri Lanka, and Turkey are some of current examples of these conflicts that caused mass human rights violation and loss of human lives and strained economy and damaged the environment. Therefore preventing conflicts is an important issue that must be addressed and studied. This paper aims to examine, first, ethnicity, ethnicity making situations, causes and forms of ethnic conflicts. Second, it explores what are the main features of ethnic conflict prevention, what is the conflict prevention approach of EU and how EU functions in conflicts. Finally the study concludes that establishing a minority rights protection system is the most effective and humanitarian way to prevent ethnic conflicts.
... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Di... more ... economic ties; socio-cultural world views; and hegemonic ideology (Berger and Chaffe 1987, Dimmick and Coit 1983, Hermen ... 1992; Shoemaker,1984) Subsequent studies have explored the connection between media frames and ideological hegemony (Ashley and Allson ...
Şiddet içermeyen çeşitli eylemler yoluyla hakların korunması ve yaşamların iyileştirilmesiyle ilg... more Şiddet içermeyen çeşitli eylemler yoluyla hakların korunması ve yaşamların iyileştirilmesiyle ilgili olan aktivizm konusunun günümüzde daha çok çevresel sürdürülebilirlik, insan haklarının korunması, barışın sağlanması, demokrasi gelişimi vb. konularda ön plana çıktığı ve özellikle yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin aktivist hareketlere etkisi bağlamında tartışıldığı görülmektedir. Fakat bilindiği üzere her kavram farklı disiplinlerde farklı yönleriyle değerlendirilmektedir. Bu kitap, aktivizm konusunu çeşitli açılardan ele alıp inceleyen çalışmaları bir araya getirerek kavrama bütünlüklü bir bakış sağlamayı ve kavramla ilgili değişik yaklaşımları bir arada görme imkânı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.