Nurullah Hanilçi | Istanbul University (original) (raw)

Papers by Nurullah Hanilçi

Research paper thumbnail of Deep magmatic processes beneath an active collision zone: Petrological and geochemical evidence from the volcanic plateaus in northeastern Türkiye and western Georgia

<p>In NE Türkiye, an almost 30,000 km<sup>2</sup&... more <p>In NE Türkiye, an almost 30,000 km<sup>2</sup> area is covered by young volcanic rocks, ranging in age from Miocene to Quaternary and spanning the whole compositional spectrum from basanites/tephrites to high silica rhyolites. The region exhibits a plateau morphology, known as the Erzurum-Kars Plateau,  at ~2 km above sea level. That volcanic plateau continues far beyond the state border into Georgia (ie., the Samtskhe-Javakheti plateaus). Although there are a few studies, the petrological evolution of the these volcanic plateaus is still not well known. To better understand the origin, magmatic history, and geodynamic setting of the volcanism on these plateaus, we, Turkish and Georgian researchers, have been conducting a joint cross-border research project (i.e., TÜBİTAK- SRGNSF project #118Y272) across the region. The volcanic units making up those plateaus are composed of numerous volcanic cones of different shapes and sizes, lava domes, pyroclastic layers, and widespread plateau-forming lavas.</p> <p>Preliminary findings of our research have revealed that the composition and structure of the lithospheric domains below the plateau might have significant effects on the geochemical character and the lithological features of the volcanics. The volcanic succession covering the Pontide Block in the north is dominated by Late Miocene-Pliocene calc-alkaline andesitic and dacitic lavas, which mostly form medium-sized volcanic edifices. These edifices are partially overlain by Upper Pliocene to Quaternary aged low-viscosity, plateau-forming basic lavas which are also calc-alkaline. Notably, pyroclastics are scarce in the north.</p> <p>The portion of the plateau that overly the Northeastern Iranian Block and the ophiolitic mélange in the south consists of a much wider variety of lava and pyroclastic lithologies. It starts with a ~5.5 Mys old acid pyroclastic layer at the base, consisting of rhyolitic pyroclastics, domes, and obsidian. It is overlain by the plateau-forming basic to intermediate lavas, Pliocene in age. In turn, the plateau sequence is overlain by a previously unknown caldera-like volcanic complex, which we named “the Digor volcanic complex”, located between Kars and Digor. It has a diameter of ~60 km and consists of lavas and pyroclastics of Late Pliocene to Quaternary in age, displaying both calcalkaline and alkaline character.</p> <p>All those volcanics contain a clear inherited subduction signature from previous subduction events (i.e., Pontide Arc in the north). Our petrological melting modellings revealed that the magmas were possibly derived from two contrasting metasomatized lithospheric mantle sources: (1) a spinel peridotite with or without minor amphibole and, (2) a pyroxenitic mafic source with a minor amount of phlogopite. Our data indicate that the melts derived from these two sources were mixed into each other en route to the surface. Most of the plateau lavas might have been derived from the first type (i.e., spinel-peridotite) while the younger alkaline Digor volcanics were dominantly from the second type (i.e., pyroxenite). The thinning of the lithospheric mantle by delamination and the gradual increase of heat coming from the upwelling asthenospheric mantle might be responsible for these variations. Our FC and AFC models show that plateau lavas experienced intense amphibole±garnet fractionation and moderately assimilated continental crust.</p>

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigations on the Sediment of Lake VAN II. Heavy metals, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and Thiosulfuric acid S-(2-amino ethyl ester) contents Van Gölü Sedimenti Üzerinde Araştirmalar II. Ağir metal ve Kükürt, Hidrojen sülfit ve Tiosulfurik asit S - (2-amino etil ester) içeriği

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Research paper thumbnail of Karadoru Granitoid Plütonu Yan Kayaçlarının Petrografisi ve Skarn Zonunun özellikleri

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Findings on Formation of the Gökçedogan Region Cu-ZN Metal Mineralization, Kargi-Çorum, Turkey

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Geology of the Göçükdibi Cu-Pb-Zn Mineralization, Gökçedoǧan, Çorum (Turkey): Preliminary Findings on Its Formation

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Natural Secondary Reference Material for Garnet <scp>U‐Pb</scp> Dating by <scp>TIMS</scp> and <scp>LA‐ICP‐MS</scp>

Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, Mar 20, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Mineralogical and geochemical evidence of late epithermal alteration in the Kisladag porphyry gold deposit, Usak, Western Turkey

Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Aug 30, 2019

The Kışladağ porphyry gold deposit is related to Miocene intrusive and sub-volcanic rocks that re... more The Kışladağ porphyry gold deposit is related to Miocene intrusive and sub-volcanic rocks that resulted from an extensional tectonic regime in western Anatolia. The main lithologies of the deposit are quartz-trachytes to quartz-latites and volcanoclastic rocks intruded by sub-volcanic porphyritic rocks. Three different intrusive phases which have been identified from their age, alteration grade and mineralization (IN-1: the oldest intrusion, intense potassic alteration, IN-2/2A: intense clay-quartz alteration, IN-3: the youngest intrusion, weak alteration). IN-1 contains quartz, illite and kaolinite, IN-2Ahas quartz, adularia, illite, kaolinite and smectite. Alunite, jarosite and tourmaline increase in IN-1 and IN-2A; whereas biotite and illite increase in IN-1 and IN-2A, respectively. The volcanoclastic rocks are composed of quartz, alunite and kaolinite/halloysite indicating advanced argillic alteration. Although the microscopic data confirms potassic and phyllic alterations in IN-1 andIN-2A, mineralogical (well crystallized 1M and poorly crystallized 1M d illite, kaolinite/halloysite, alunite, jarosite) and geochemical (K/Ar age data for different grain-sized illite indicating late overprinting at least 5 Ma) data indicate that the early stage alteration phases were overprinted by the late stage epithermal alteration

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Research paper thumbnail of Accurate whole-rock geochemistry analysis by combined ICP-OES and LA-ICP-MS instruments

Bulletin Of The Mineral Research and Exploration, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigations on the Sediment of Lake VAN: II. Heavy metals, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and Thiosulfuric acid S-(2-amino ethyl ester) contents

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Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye Kurşun-Çinko Yataklarının Jeolojisi Madenciliği ve Mevcut Sorunları Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı

İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Bauxite Deposits of Turkey

Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, 2019

The bauxite deposits of Turkey are mainly concentrated in eight provinces, six of which are locat... more The bauxite deposits of Turkey are mainly concentrated in eight provinces, six of which are located in the Anatolide–Tauride, one in the Arabian Platform and one in the Pontides. The eight regions are as follows: The diasporitic bauxite deposits of the (i) Milas–Yatagan (Mugla) region are beneath the base of the Jurassic successions and are located in a high-grade metamorphosed geological setting; (ii) The Yalvac–Şarkikaraagac province mainly includes boehmite occurring beneath the base of the Upper Jurassic–Cretaceous units; (iii) The non-metamorphosed Seydisehir–Akseki bauxites mainly consist of boehmite, occurring below the Santonian units; (iv) The Alanya Province bauxites mainly consist of diasporite and rare boehmite in three levels along the unconformable contact between Permian and Lower Triassic, Lower Triassic and Middle(?)–Upper Triassic, and Upper Triassic and Jurassic, respectively; (v) The Bolkardagi (Karaman) bauxites are metamorphosed and mainly consist of diasporite and rare boehmite occurring beneath the base of the Middle Jurassic units; (vi) The Tufanbeyli–Saimbeyli–Kadirli bauxites mainly include diasporite and boehmite lying below the pre-Early Permian and between the Upper Triassic to Early Jurassic units; (vii) The iron-rich bauxites in the Payas–Isahiye Province include hematite, maghemite, berthierine and diasporite between Turonian and Cenonian units; and finally, (viii) The Kokaksu (Zonguldak) province bauxites include diasporite, boehmite between the Lower Carboniferous and Lower Cretaceous units.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sulphur and lead isotope characteristics of Hakkari Zn-Pb province, SE Turkey: implications for ore genesis

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Research paper thumbnail of Geochemical stratigraphy of the Karakaya non-sulphide Zn-Pb deposit, Hakkari, SE Turkey

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Research paper thumbnail of Geology of Doğankuzu Ve Mortaş Bauxite Deposit and Features of Sulfurous Zones, Mid-Taurides, Turkey

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Research paper thumbnail of Late magmatic – hydrothermal tourmaline occurrences within leucogranites in NW Anatolia (Turkey): Mineral chemistry and genetic implications

Numerous Oligo-Miocene plutonic and associated aplite-pegmatite rocks occur in the Western Anatol... more Numerous Oligo-Miocene plutonic and associated aplite-pegmatite rocks occur in the Western Anatolian Magmatic Complex. However, only the plutons of Namazgah, Karadag, Sogucak and Karadoru, in the Biga Peninsula, host three different types of tourmaline: disseminated, nodular, and vein-type. These all fall into the alkali subgroup and schorl-oxy-schorl-dravite-oxy-dravite solid solution series. This study shows they were formed during late magmatic to hydrothermal stages in the roof sections (at shallow crustal levels) of the granitoid intrusions. Tourmaline compositions remained fairly homogeneous during the formation and evolution of each stage.

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Research paper thumbnail of Alteration geochemistry of the volcanic-hosted Dedeninyurdu, Yergen and Fındıklıyar Cu-Fe mineralization, Northern part of Gökçedoǧan Village, Çorum-Kargi Region, Turkey: Implications for the rare earth elements geochemical characteristics

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Research paper thumbnail of Mineralogy of low temperature argillic alteration in the porphyry-epithermal Çöpler gold deposit, Erzincan, East Central Turkey

The Copler porphyry-epithermal gold deposit, is associated with middle Eocene dioritic and granod... more The Copler porphyry-epithermal gold deposit, is associated with middle Eocene dioritic and granodioritic intrusive rocks. It is a porphyry Cu-Au system characterized by a potassically altered (biotite-K-feldspar-magnetite) core overprinted by extensive phyllic (quartz-sericite) and argillic (quartz – montmorillonite – kaolinite - cristobalite) alteration zones. The low temperature (argillic) alteration zone was investigated by optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. Bulk mineralogical compositions of the altered samples are quartz + feldspar + clay. Hydrothermal alteration-related clay mineral compositions of the argillic zone samples are quartz + smectite (montmorillonite) + kaolinite in the outer parts, and quartz + mixed-layer illitesmectite (I-S) and pure cristobalite in the inner parts (toward phyllic zone). Dioctahedral smectites are mainly Ca-montmorillonite, while samples close to inner parts include minor amounts of Na-smectite. Clays were neoformed within t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Susurluk (Balıkesir) "Oksidan Tip" W-Skarnının Mikrotermometrik Özellikleri

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Research paper thumbnail of Fluid inclusion characteristics of the Kişladaǧ gold deposit

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Research paper thumbnail of Microthermometric Characteristics of the Oxidized Type W-Skarn, in Susurluk, Balikesir, Turkey

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Research paper thumbnail of Deep magmatic processes beneath an active collision zone: Petrological and geochemical evidence from the volcanic plateaus in northeastern Türkiye and western Georgia

&lt;p&gt;In NE T&amp;#252;rkiye, an almost 30,000 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&... more &lt;p&gt;In NE T&amp;#252;rkiye, an almost 30,000 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; area is covered by young volcanic rocks, ranging in age from Miocene to Quaternary and spanning the whole compositional spectrum from basanites/tephrites to high silica rhyolites. The region exhibits a plateau morphology, known as the Erzurum-Kars Plateau, &amp;#160;at ~2 km above sea level. That volcanic plateau continues far beyond the state border into Georgia (ie., the Samtskhe-Javakheti plateaus). Although there are a few studies, the petrological evolution of the these volcanic plateaus is still not well known. To better understand the origin, magmatic history, and geodynamic setting of the volcanism on these plateaus, we, Turkish and Georgian researchers, have been conducting a joint cross-border research project (i.e., T&amp;#220;B&amp;#304;TAK- SRGNSF project #118Y272) across the region. The volcanic units making up those plateaus are composed of numerous volcanic cones of different shapes and sizes, lava domes, pyroclastic layers, and widespread plateau-forming lavas.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Preliminary findings of our research have revealed that the composition and structure of the lithospheric domains below the plateau might have significant effects on the geochemical character and the lithological features of the volcanics. The volcanic succession covering the Pontide Block in the north is dominated by Late Miocene-Pliocene calc-alkaline andesitic and dacitic lavas, which mostly form medium-sized volcanic edifices. These edifices are partially overlain by Upper Pliocene to Quaternary aged low-viscosity, plateau-forming basic lavas which are also calc-alkaline. Notably, pyroclastics are scarce in the north.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The portion of the plateau that overly the Northeastern Iranian Block and the ophiolitic m&amp;#233;lange in the south consists of a much wider variety of lava and pyroclastic lithologies. It starts with a ~5.5 Mys old acid pyroclastic layer at the base, consisting of rhyolitic pyroclastics, domes, and obsidian. It is overlain by the plateau-forming basic to intermediate lavas, Pliocene in age. In turn, the plateau sequence is overlain by a previously unknown caldera-like volcanic complex, which we named &amp;#8220;the Digor volcanic complex&amp;#8221;, located between Kars and Digor. It has a diameter of ~60 km and consists of lavas and pyroclastics of Late Pliocene to Quaternary in age, displaying both calcalkaline and alkaline character.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;All those volcanics contain a clear inherited subduction signature from previous subduction events (i.e., Pontide Arc in the north). Our petrological melting modellings revealed that the magmas were possibly derived from two contrasting metasomatized lithospheric mantle sources: (1) a spinel peridotite with or without minor amphibole and, (2) a pyroxenitic mafic source with a minor amount of phlogopite. Our data indicate that the melts derived from these two sources were mixed into each other en route to the surface. Most of the plateau lavas might have been derived from the first type (i.e., spinel-peridotite) while the younger alkaline Digor volcanics were dominantly from the second type (i.e., pyroxenite). The thinning of the lithospheric mantle by delamination and the gradual increase of heat coming from the upwelling asthenospheric mantle might be responsible for these variations. Our FC and AFC models show that plateau lavas experienced intense amphibole&amp;#177;garnet fractionation and moderately assimilated continental crust.&lt;/p&gt;

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigations on the Sediment of Lake VAN II. Heavy metals, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and Thiosulfuric acid S-(2-amino ethyl ester) contents Van Gölü Sedimenti Üzerinde Araştirmalar II. Ağir metal ve Kükürt, Hidrojen sülfit ve Tiosulfurik asit S - (2-amino etil ester) içeriği

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Research paper thumbnail of Karadoru Granitoid Plütonu Yan Kayaçlarının Petrografisi ve Skarn Zonunun özellikleri

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Findings on Formation of the Gökçedogan Region Cu-ZN Metal Mineralization, Kargi-Çorum, Turkey

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Geology of the Göçükdibi Cu-Pb-Zn Mineralization, Gökçedoǧan, Çorum (Turkey): Preliminary Findings on Its Formation

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Natural Secondary Reference Material for Garnet <scp>U‐Pb</scp> Dating by <scp>TIMS</scp> and <scp>LA‐ICP‐MS</scp>

Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, Mar 20, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Mineralogical and geochemical evidence of late epithermal alteration in the Kisladag porphyry gold deposit, Usak, Western Turkey

Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Aug 30, 2019

The Kışladağ porphyry gold deposit is related to Miocene intrusive and sub-volcanic rocks that re... more The Kışladağ porphyry gold deposit is related to Miocene intrusive and sub-volcanic rocks that resulted from an extensional tectonic regime in western Anatolia. The main lithologies of the deposit are quartz-trachytes to quartz-latites and volcanoclastic rocks intruded by sub-volcanic porphyritic rocks. Three different intrusive phases which have been identified from their age, alteration grade and mineralization (IN-1: the oldest intrusion, intense potassic alteration, IN-2/2A: intense clay-quartz alteration, IN-3: the youngest intrusion, weak alteration). IN-1 contains quartz, illite and kaolinite, IN-2Ahas quartz, adularia, illite, kaolinite and smectite. Alunite, jarosite and tourmaline increase in IN-1 and IN-2A; whereas biotite and illite increase in IN-1 and IN-2A, respectively. The volcanoclastic rocks are composed of quartz, alunite and kaolinite/halloysite indicating advanced argillic alteration. Although the microscopic data confirms potassic and phyllic alterations in IN-1 andIN-2A, mineralogical (well crystallized 1M and poorly crystallized 1M d illite, kaolinite/halloysite, alunite, jarosite) and geochemical (K/Ar age data for different grain-sized illite indicating late overprinting at least 5 Ma) data indicate that the early stage alteration phases were overprinted by the late stage epithermal alteration

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Research paper thumbnail of Accurate whole-rock geochemistry analysis by combined ICP-OES and LA-ICP-MS instruments

Bulletin Of The Mineral Research and Exploration, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigations on the Sediment of Lake VAN: II. Heavy metals, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and Thiosulfuric acid S-(2-amino ethyl ester) contents

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Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye Kurşun-Çinko Yataklarının Jeolojisi Madenciliği ve Mevcut Sorunları Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı

İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Bauxite Deposits of Turkey

Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences, 2019

The bauxite deposits of Turkey are mainly concentrated in eight provinces, six of which are locat... more The bauxite deposits of Turkey are mainly concentrated in eight provinces, six of which are located in the Anatolide–Tauride, one in the Arabian Platform and one in the Pontides. The eight regions are as follows: The diasporitic bauxite deposits of the (i) Milas–Yatagan (Mugla) region are beneath the base of the Jurassic successions and are located in a high-grade metamorphosed geological setting; (ii) The Yalvac–Şarkikaraagac province mainly includes boehmite occurring beneath the base of the Upper Jurassic–Cretaceous units; (iii) The non-metamorphosed Seydisehir–Akseki bauxites mainly consist of boehmite, occurring below the Santonian units; (iv) The Alanya Province bauxites mainly consist of diasporite and rare boehmite in three levels along the unconformable contact between Permian and Lower Triassic, Lower Triassic and Middle(?)–Upper Triassic, and Upper Triassic and Jurassic, respectively; (v) The Bolkardagi (Karaman) bauxites are metamorphosed and mainly consist of diasporite and rare boehmite occurring beneath the base of the Middle Jurassic units; (vi) The Tufanbeyli–Saimbeyli–Kadirli bauxites mainly include diasporite and boehmite lying below the pre-Early Permian and between the Upper Triassic to Early Jurassic units; (vii) The iron-rich bauxites in the Payas–Isahiye Province include hematite, maghemite, berthierine and diasporite between Turonian and Cenonian units; and finally, (viii) The Kokaksu (Zonguldak) province bauxites include diasporite, boehmite between the Lower Carboniferous and Lower Cretaceous units.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sulphur and lead isotope characteristics of Hakkari Zn-Pb province, SE Turkey: implications for ore genesis

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Research paper thumbnail of Geochemical stratigraphy of the Karakaya non-sulphide Zn-Pb deposit, Hakkari, SE Turkey

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Research paper thumbnail of Geology of Doğankuzu Ve Mortaş Bauxite Deposit and Features of Sulfurous Zones, Mid-Taurides, Turkey

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Research paper thumbnail of Late magmatic – hydrothermal tourmaline occurrences within leucogranites in NW Anatolia (Turkey): Mineral chemistry and genetic implications

Numerous Oligo-Miocene plutonic and associated aplite-pegmatite rocks occur in the Western Anatol... more Numerous Oligo-Miocene plutonic and associated aplite-pegmatite rocks occur in the Western Anatolian Magmatic Complex. However, only the plutons of Namazgah, Karadag, Sogucak and Karadoru, in the Biga Peninsula, host three different types of tourmaline: disseminated, nodular, and vein-type. These all fall into the alkali subgroup and schorl-oxy-schorl-dravite-oxy-dravite solid solution series. This study shows they were formed during late magmatic to hydrothermal stages in the roof sections (at shallow crustal levels) of the granitoid intrusions. Tourmaline compositions remained fairly homogeneous during the formation and evolution of each stage.

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Research paper thumbnail of Alteration geochemistry of the volcanic-hosted Dedeninyurdu, Yergen and Fındıklıyar Cu-Fe mineralization, Northern part of Gökçedoǧan Village, Çorum-Kargi Region, Turkey: Implications for the rare earth elements geochemical characteristics

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Research paper thumbnail of Mineralogy of low temperature argillic alteration in the porphyry-epithermal Çöpler gold deposit, Erzincan, East Central Turkey

The Copler porphyry-epithermal gold deposit, is associated with middle Eocene dioritic and granod... more The Copler porphyry-epithermal gold deposit, is associated with middle Eocene dioritic and granodioritic intrusive rocks. It is a porphyry Cu-Au system characterized by a potassically altered (biotite-K-feldspar-magnetite) core overprinted by extensive phyllic (quartz-sericite) and argillic (quartz – montmorillonite – kaolinite - cristobalite) alteration zones. The low temperature (argillic) alteration zone was investigated by optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. Bulk mineralogical compositions of the altered samples are quartz + feldspar + clay. Hydrothermal alteration-related clay mineral compositions of the argillic zone samples are quartz + smectite (montmorillonite) + kaolinite in the outer parts, and quartz + mixed-layer illitesmectite (I-S) and pure cristobalite in the inner parts (toward phyllic zone). Dioctahedral smectites are mainly Ca-montmorillonite, while samples close to inner parts include minor amounts of Na-smectite. Clays were neoformed within t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Susurluk (Balıkesir) "Oksidan Tip" W-Skarnının Mikrotermometrik Özellikleri

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Research paper thumbnail of Fluid inclusion characteristics of the Kişladaǧ gold deposit

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Research paper thumbnail of Microthermometric Characteristics of the Oxidized Type W-Skarn, in Susurluk, Balikesir, Turkey

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