Çiğdem Özkan Aygün | Istanbul Technical University (original) (raw)

Talks by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün

Research paper thumbnail of Kamusal Alanlarda Yağmur Suyu Toplama 4. Çalıştay Rainwater Collection in Public Spaces

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Research paper thumbnail of RAIN WATER HARVESTING WORKSHOP

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Research paper thumbnail of Istanbul Byzantine Circular No 42 July

Byzantine Water and Engineering in Constantinople and Thessaloniki: New Results and Approaches In... more Byzantine Water and Engineering in Constantinople and Thessaloniki: New Results and Approaches International conference organized by Prof. James Crow and Dr. Pagona Papadopoulou at the Museum of Byzantine Civilization in Thessaloniki C. Özkan Aygün, Where did the Longest Roman Water Supply end? Finds from beneath Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome and Topkapı area

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Research paper thumbnail of “Where did the Longest Roman Water Supply end? Finds from beneath Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome and Topkapı area”- Invited Speaker

Byzantine water and engineering in Constantinople and Thessaloniki: new results and approaches / Βυζαντινή ύδρευση και μηχανική στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και τη Θεσσαλονίκη: νέα δεδομένα και προσεγγίσεις, 2017

This talk is related with the archaeological, architectural and civil engineering surveys directe... more This talk is related with the archaeological, architectural and civil engineering surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün on behalf of Istanbul Technical University . The findings has supported a new suggestion for the path of water supply line under the I. Hill of Constantinople. The researches sofar covers the subterranean structures,cisterns, water distribution channels/galleries/drainage and ventilation beneath Hagia Sophia , Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums and Hippodrome. This zone refers to the acropole of the ancient settlement and first hill of East Roman city. Besides the existance of researches related to the supply system arriving to the city, a comprehensive archaeological survey did not exist related to the historic triangle under that topic. The main objective of this project, is to explain the functioning of this water supply and distribution system, the connection between themselves and their connection to the historical upper structure. This is the reason why we have prefered to start our survey from the last point that those distribution lines arrive. This is the area which has kept its importance through all cultures as the religious and administrative nucleus of the historical city.
As well as a groups of archaeologists, architects, civil engineers and art historians from Istanbul Technical University, a group of professionals from ASPEG (Anatolian Speleology Group), photographers and divers (totally 42 researchers) have contributed to the survey. We have utilized underwater and terranean ROV(Remote Operating Vehicles for the inaccesable areas. The architectural scaled plans are drawn with 22 architectural layouts. The findings related to the subterranean of Hagia Sophia including 1km of galleries, related rooms, wells, hypogeum and the substructure under the narthex are published by the same author.

Bu konuşma, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında yürütülmüş olan arkeolojik yüzey araştırmaları verilerini içermektedir. Sonuçları I. Tepe su yollarının güzergahı hakkında yeni fikirler oluşturmuştur. Araştırmalar, Ayasofya Müzesi, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri ve Hipodrom yani İstanbul’un antik akropol bölgesi ve Doğu Roma şehrinin birinci tepesinde bulunan yeraltı yapıları, sarnıçlar, kuyular, su kanalları/ galeriler / drenaj ve ventilasyon ve dağıtım sistemlerini kapsamaktadır. Projenin ana hedefi, sur içi İstanbul’undaki sarnıç, kuru ve isale hattı sisteminin birbirleri ile ve tarihi üst yapı ile olan bağlantılarının, tarihlerinin ortaya çıkartılmasıdır. Bu amaçla ilk olarak araştırmaya isale sisteminin en son ulaştığı ve her devirde dini ve yönetsel açıdan merkez olmuş bu bölgede başlamayı tercih ettik. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nden arkeolog, mimar, inşaat mühendisi, sanat tarihçilerinin yanı sıra ASPEG (Anadolu Speleoloji Grubu) üyeleri, profesyonel fotoğrafçı ve dalgıçlar görev aldılar (Toplam 42 araştırmacı). İnsan giremeyen alanlar ise sualtı ve kara robotlarıyla görüntülendi. Tüm veriler ölçekli haritalar üzerine işlendi. Yalnız Ayasofya Yeraltı için 22 pafta mimari rölöve hazırlandı. Ayasofya Müzesi altında yapılan araştırmalarda ortaya çıkan ve çoğu ilk kez literatüre geçen 1 km lik galeriler, bunlara bağlanan odalar, kuyular, hypogeum ve narteks altındaki alt yapı en son Bizantinistica Anno XII-2010 (Aygün Özkan, 2011) sayısında da yayınlanmıştır.

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TAÇ (Türkiye Anıt Çevre Turizm Değerlerini Koruma Vakfı) Konferans, 2018

This talk is the product of the author's archaeological researches beneath the I.Hill of Constant... more This talk is the product of the author's archaeological researches beneath the I.Hill of Constantinople with the permission of Turkish Ministery of Culture and Tourism. We have discovered and drawn the plansof 1km.of the subterranean channels and three related chambers in Hagia Sophia in the above mentioned period. The chambers and most of the channels were totally new for the literature. Additionally, eight wells were discovered under the building and in the courtyards through using the methods of diving and caving. New findings about the hypogeum in the north courtyard have been recorded. In the Topkapı Palace area we discovered 1250m. of channels under the Second Courtyard and Harem section. Hippodrome Sphendone water supply channel, cistern and water distribution are studied and published. All of those structures' architectural measurements taken and plans drawn and published.

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Research paper thumbnail of I paesaggi dell'allume: archeologia della produzione ed economia di rete

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Papers by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün

Research paper thumbnail of I paesaggi dell’allume: archeologia della produzione ed economia di reteAlum landscapes: archaeology of production and network economy

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Research paper thumbnail of Subterranean Hagia Sophia: Revealing the Waters Below the Hagia Sophia

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Research paper thumbnail of Water in Istanbul: Rising to the Challenge?

Heritage Turkey, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Hazar Lake Sunken City

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Research paper thumbnail of The Wells, Subterranean Passage, Tunnels and Water Systems of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul

In November 2005, a survey was begun of the wells in and around Hagia Sophia Church in Istanbul. ... more In November 2005, a survey was begun of the wells in and around Hagia Sophia Church in Istanbul. The long-term goal of the survey is the understanding of the function of the tunnels and the water systems used for Hagia Sophia and its surroundings during the Byzantine and the Ottoman periods. Alternate research methods, such as geophysical research, will be used in future surveys. The 2005 survey examined the channels that run from under the narthex and continue northwards and the southwards of the building as well as channels that run towards the atrium, hippodrome, and garden in the north. The survey resulted in the first photos of the well-bottoms in the history of Hagia Sophia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elazığ Hazar Gölü Orta Çağ Batık Yerleşimi Arkeolojik Araştırması Sonuçları

Bu makale, yazar tarafindan yurutulen ve Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar, Jeoloji ve ... more Bu makale, yazar tarafindan yurutulen ve Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar, Jeoloji ve Jeofizik Bolumlerinden arastirmacilarca Elazig Hazar Golu ve guneybatisindaki batik ortacag yerlesimi hakkinda gerceklestirilen sualti arastirmasinin sonuclarini kapsamli bir bicimde sunmayi hedeflemektedir. Bu calisma, Yukari Firat Bolgesinde yeterince arastirilamamis bir bolgeye ait ortacag mimari ve seramiklerine ait onemli bir ornek teskil etmektedir. Hazar Golu’ndeki batik yerlesimle ilgili bilgiler, efsaneler, cografyacilarin incelemeleri ve gezginlerin yazdigi kitaplardan derlenebilir. Ancak bu bolgede daha once herhangi bir arkeolojik arastirma yapilmamis olmasi bu konuda literaturu kisitlamaktadir Bu calisma kapsaminda sehir duvarlari ile cevrili batik yerlesim arastirilmis ve roloveleri cikartilmistir. Tumuyle tugla ve harc ile insa edilmis sehir duvarlari, kuleler ve bunlara bagli yapilar insa malzemesi acisindan bu bolgede tek ornektir. Cesitli zamanlarda gezginler tarafindan...

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Research paper thumbnail of Zareh Magar: Denizin Henüz İnsanlara Küsmediği Zamanların Tanığı1996 Sualtı Dunyası Sayı 2 pp 56 61

Sualtı Dünyası Dergisi, 1996

Türkiye dalış camiasının tarihi anlattığım seri röportajlarımdan Sayın Zareh Magar'ın Hikayesi

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Business Diplomacy, 2021

Subterranean structures of Hagia Sophia: Substructures, channels, drains, wells, cisterns and mor... more Subterranean structures of Hagia Sophia: Substructures, channels, drains, wells, cisterns and more. Our mission which has begun in 2005 has been continuing with new surveys beneath acropole/Topkapı Palace area and Hippodrome. After architectural measurements and scaled plans 3D models and videos are prepared.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hazar Gölü’nün Hazinesi: Gizemli Batık Şehir / Treasure of Hazar Lake: An Enigmatic Sunken City

Skylife, 2009

A legend becomes reality. Discovery and following archaeological surveys under Hazar Lake, Turkey.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sunken Byzantine Settlement, 2005-2006 Underwater Survey at Hazar Lake Eastern Anatolia

29.Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, 25. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - 29 th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry , 3. Cilt. , 2008

Being the fi rst archaeological underwater survey on the site, our survey came out with plenty of... more Being the fi rst archaeological underwater survey on the site, our survey came out with plenty of information about the sunken settlement and there are still lots of questions to be answered.
The Eastern Anatolian fault line passes under the Hazar Lake and is still active. Its activity and climatic reasons have caused changes in the water level of the lake during the years. The lake is fed through two rivers from its northeast and southwest.
The focus of our survey was around the island of Kilise Adası (or “Church
Island”) that is located on the southwestern section of the lake (Fig. 1). Most probably the island was originally a peninsula and was connected to the mainland on the southern side, the inhabitants built the defensive features on the southern side of the site and the lake protected the remainder of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elazığ Hazar Gölü Orta Çağ Batık Yerleşimi Arkeolojik Araştırması Sonuçları

Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi Vol. 13, 2019

This study reveals an important example of medieval architecture and historical pottery productio... more This study reveals an important example of medieval architecture and historical pottery production belonging to a region that has not been sufficiently investigated in Upper Euphrates region in Eastern Anatolia.
ÖZ Bu makale, yazar tarafından yürütülen ve İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar, Jeoloji ve Jeofizik Bölümlerinden araştırmacılarca Elazığ Hazar Gölü ve güneybatısındaki batık ortaçağ yerleşimi hakkında gerçekleştirilen sualtı araştırmasının sonuçlarını kapsamlı bir biçimde sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışma, Yukarı Fırat Bölgesinde yeterince araştırılamamış bir bölgeye ait ortaçağ mimari ve seramiklerine ait önemli bir örnek teşkil etmektedir. Hazar Gölü'ndeki batık yerleşimle ilgili bilgiler, efsaneler, coğrafyacıların incelemeleri ve gezginlerin yazdığı kitaplardan derlenebilir. Ancak bu bölgede daha önce herhangi bir arkeolojik araştırma yapılmamış olması bu konuda literatürü kısıtlamaktadır Bu çalışma kapsamında şehir duvarları ile çevrili batık yerleşim araştırılmış ve rölöveleri çıkartılmıştır. Tümüyle tuğla ve harç ile inşa edilmiş şehir duvarları, kuleler ve bunlara bağlı yapılar inşa malzemesi açısından bu bölgede tek örnektir. Çesitli zamanlarda gezginler tarafından yazılmış kaynaklardan burada önemli bir dini merkez bulunduğu, hatta 11. ve 12. yy.da katholikosluk makamı olarak kullanıldığı anlaşılmaktadır. Batık yerleşimin kuzeydoğusunda kalan Kilise Adası üzerindeki toprak kayması yüzünden çok çeşitli dönemlere ait seramik parçaları bir arada bulunabilmektedir. Tespit ettiğimiz bazı 11.-13.yy.a ait olabilecek seramikler ve 19.yy. seramikleri buranın uzun süren tarihine işaret ederler. Savunma duvarlarının bir kısmının ise 6.yy.a kadar dayanabileceği düşünülmektedir. Şehrin bugün neden sular altında kaldığı bilinmemekle birlikte aktif bir fay sistemi üzerinde yer alması yüzünden tektoniğin bu konuda etkili olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Bu proje ile elde edilecek veriler sonucunda uluslararası turizm potansiyeli olan bu gölün su altı yapıları açığa çıkartılırken bölgenin depremselliğine de ışık tutulmuştur. Bu araştırma Doğu Anadolu' daki eklesiastik ve savunma amaçlı ortaçağ mimarisi konusunda ve 11. Yüzyıl Bizans Türk güçlerinin ilişkisi konusundaki araştırma eksikliğini doldurmaya katkı sağlamaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of « Lost Costantinople - application of speleology techniques in the archaeological research. Cases of Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace-I. Hill Constantinople and Hippodrome"

HYPOGEA2015- International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities. Roma, 11/17 March 2015. CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (2015)pp. 117-129. , 2015

The researches sofar covers the cisterns, wells, water distribution channels/galleries and other ... more The researches sofar covers the cisterns, wells, water distribution channels/galleries
and other water structures in the area of today’s Hagia Sophia Museum, Topkapı Palace Museum,
Istanbul Archaeological Museums and Hippodrome. This zone refers to the acropole of the ancient
settlement and first hill of East Roman city. Besides the existence of researches related to the
supply system arriving to the city, a comprehensive archaeological research does not exist related to
the historic triangle. The main objective of this project, is to explain the functioning of this water
supply and distribution system, the connection between themselves and their connection to the
historical upper structure. This is the reason why we have preferred to start our survey from the last
point that those distribution lines arrive. This is the area which has kept its importance through all
cultures as the religious and administrative nucleus of the historical city.
Besides a group of archaeologists, architects, civil engineers and art historians from Istanbul
Technical University, this project has been realized with a group of professionals from ASPEG
(Anatolian Speleology Group) . Also photographers and divers have contributed to the survey. We
have utilized underwater and terranean ROV (Remote Operating Vehicles) for the inaccessible
While following the water distribution channels, some unexpected structures have been also found
and examined. The most important ones are under Hagia Sophia like a hypogeum under the
northern garden.
This project has been pioneer for the cooperation of archaeology and speleology in Turkey and been
followed with many other projects with a crutial contribution of speleologists. Information about the
publications can be found under www.hagiasophiasubterranean.itu.edu.tr
Keywords: water supply system, galleries, wells, cisterns, water towers, archaeology, speleology, subterranean cities

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Research paper thumbnail of “Istanbul Ayasofyası’ nın Döşeme Altı Dehliz, Kuyu ve Su Sistemleri Araştırması"

28.Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, 24. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - - 28 th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, 1. Cilt, 29 Mayıs-2 Haziran 2006, Çanakkale, 467-480., 2006

Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında Ayasofya'da yürütü... more Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında Ayasofya'da yürütülmüş olan arkeolojik yüzey araştırmaları verilerini içermektedir. Bu araştırmada Ayasofya yeraltında bulunan yapılar, su dağıtımı, drenaj ve ventilasyon için kullanılmış kanallar, kuyular ve sarnıçlar bulunmuş ve ölçümleri yapılarak mimari ölçeğe yerleştirilmiştir. Su dolu kuyular dalış yapılarak, insan giremeyen alanlar ROV yardımıyla araştırılmıştır.

This article refers to the findings of the archaeological surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün
on behalf of Istanbul Technical University . The researches sofar covers the subterranean cisterns, water distribution channels/galleries , drainage and ventilation systems in the area of today’s Hagia Sophia

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İSTYAM 2013- Uluslararası İstanbul Tarihi Yarımada Sempozyumu, 2013

Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında yürütülmüş olan ar... more Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında yürütülmüş olan arkeolojik yüzey araştırmaları verilerini içermektedir. Araştırmalar, Ayasofya Müzesi, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri ve Hipodrom yani İstanbul’un antik akropol bölgesi ve Doğu Roma şehrinin birinci tepesinde bulunan sarnıçlar, kuyular, su kanalları/ galeriler ve dağıtım sistemlerini kapsamaktadır. Projenin ana hedefi, sur içi İstanbul’undaki sarnıç, kuru ve isale hattı sisteminin birbirleri ile ve tarihi üst yapı ile olan bağlantılarının, tarihlerinin ortaya çıkartılmasıdır. Bu amaçla ilk olarak araştırmaya isale sisteminin en son ulaştığı ve her devirde dini ve yönetsel açıdan merkez olmuş bu bölgede başlamayı tercih ettik. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul Teknik
Üniversitesi’nden arkeolog, mimar, inşaat mühendisi, sanat tarihçilerinin yanı sıra ASPEG (Anadolu Speleoloji Grubu) üyeleri, profesyonel fotoğrafçı ve dalgıçlar görev aldılar. İnsan giremeyen alanlar ise sualtı ve kara robotlarıyla görüntülendi. Tüm veriler ölçekli haritalar üzerine işlendi. Ayasofya Müzesi altında yapılan araştırmalarda ortaya çıkan ve çoğu ilk kez literatüre geçen 1 km lik galeriler, bunlara bağlanan odalar, kuyular, hypogeum ve narteks altındaki alt yapı en son Bizantinistica Anno XII-2010 (Aygün Özkan, 2011) sayısında yayınlanmıştır. Topkapı Sarayı ve Hipodrom bulguları ise ilk kez bu makalede yayınlanacaktır.

Researches at Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace and Hippodrome
This article refers to the unpublished findings of the archaeological surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün
on behalf of Istanbul Technical University . The researches sofar covers the cisterns, water distribution channels/galleries and the distribution systems in the area of today’s Hagia Sophia Museum, Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums and Hippodrome. This zone refers to the acropole of the ancient settlement and first hill of East Roman city. Besides the existance of researches related to the supply system arriving to the city, a comprehensive archaeological research does not exist related to the historic triangle. The main objective of this project, is to explain the functioning of this water supply and distribution system, the connection between themselves and their connection to the historical upper structure. This is the reason why we have prefered to start our survey from the last point that those distribution lines arrive. This is the area which has kept its importance through all cultures as the religious and administrative nucleus of the historical city.
As well as a groups of archaeologists, architects, civil engineers and art historians from Istanbul Technical University, a group of professionals from ASPEG (Anatolian Speleology Group), photographers and divers have contributed to the survey. We have utilized underwater and terranean ROV(Remote Operating Vehicles for the inaccesable areas. The findings related to the subterranean of Hagia Sophia including 1km of galleries, related rooms, wells, hypogeum and the substructure under the publications by the same author. The findings related to Topkapı Palace and Hippodrome will be published for the first time through this article.
Key Words: Cisterns, water distribution channels, wells, Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace, acropole, I. Hill, Hippodrome of İstanbul, İstanbul subterranean, Hagia Sophia subterranean


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Research paper thumbnail of Kamusal Alanlarda Yağmur Suyu Toplama 4. Çalıştay Rainwater Collection in Public Spaces

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Research paper thumbnail of RAIN WATER HARVESTING WORKSHOP

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Research paper thumbnail of Istanbul Byzantine Circular No 42 July

Byzantine Water and Engineering in Constantinople and Thessaloniki: New Results and Approaches In... more Byzantine Water and Engineering in Constantinople and Thessaloniki: New Results and Approaches International conference organized by Prof. James Crow and Dr. Pagona Papadopoulou at the Museum of Byzantine Civilization in Thessaloniki C. Özkan Aygün, Where did the Longest Roman Water Supply end? Finds from beneath Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome and Topkapı area

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Research paper thumbnail of “Where did the Longest Roman Water Supply end? Finds from beneath Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome and Topkapı area”- Invited Speaker

Byzantine water and engineering in Constantinople and Thessaloniki: new results and approaches / Βυζαντινή ύδρευση και μηχανική στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και τη Θεσσαλονίκη: νέα δεδομένα και προσεγγίσεις, 2017

This talk is related with the archaeological, architectural and civil engineering surveys directe... more This talk is related with the archaeological, architectural and civil engineering surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün on behalf of Istanbul Technical University . The findings has supported a new suggestion for the path of water supply line under the I. Hill of Constantinople. The researches sofar covers the subterranean structures,cisterns, water distribution channels/galleries/drainage and ventilation beneath Hagia Sophia , Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums and Hippodrome. This zone refers to the acropole of the ancient settlement and first hill of East Roman city. Besides the existance of researches related to the supply system arriving to the city, a comprehensive archaeological survey did not exist related to the historic triangle under that topic. The main objective of this project, is to explain the functioning of this water supply and distribution system, the connection between themselves and their connection to the historical upper structure. This is the reason why we have prefered to start our survey from the last point that those distribution lines arrive. This is the area which has kept its importance through all cultures as the religious and administrative nucleus of the historical city.
As well as a groups of archaeologists, architects, civil engineers and art historians from Istanbul Technical University, a group of professionals from ASPEG (Anatolian Speleology Group), photographers and divers (totally 42 researchers) have contributed to the survey. We have utilized underwater and terranean ROV(Remote Operating Vehicles for the inaccesable areas. The architectural scaled plans are drawn with 22 architectural layouts. The findings related to the subterranean of Hagia Sophia including 1km of galleries, related rooms, wells, hypogeum and the substructure under the narthex are published by the same author.

Bu konuşma, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında yürütülmüş olan arkeolojik yüzey araştırmaları verilerini içermektedir. Sonuçları I. Tepe su yollarının güzergahı hakkında yeni fikirler oluşturmuştur. Araştırmalar, Ayasofya Müzesi, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri ve Hipodrom yani İstanbul’un antik akropol bölgesi ve Doğu Roma şehrinin birinci tepesinde bulunan yeraltı yapıları, sarnıçlar, kuyular, su kanalları/ galeriler / drenaj ve ventilasyon ve dağıtım sistemlerini kapsamaktadır. Projenin ana hedefi, sur içi İstanbul’undaki sarnıç, kuru ve isale hattı sisteminin birbirleri ile ve tarihi üst yapı ile olan bağlantılarının, tarihlerinin ortaya çıkartılmasıdır. Bu amaçla ilk olarak araştırmaya isale sisteminin en son ulaştığı ve her devirde dini ve yönetsel açıdan merkez olmuş bu bölgede başlamayı tercih ettik. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nden arkeolog, mimar, inşaat mühendisi, sanat tarihçilerinin yanı sıra ASPEG (Anadolu Speleoloji Grubu) üyeleri, profesyonel fotoğrafçı ve dalgıçlar görev aldılar (Toplam 42 araştırmacı). İnsan giremeyen alanlar ise sualtı ve kara robotlarıyla görüntülendi. Tüm veriler ölçekli haritalar üzerine işlendi. Yalnız Ayasofya Yeraltı için 22 pafta mimari rölöve hazırlandı. Ayasofya Müzesi altında yapılan araştırmalarda ortaya çıkan ve çoğu ilk kez literatüre geçen 1 km lik galeriler, bunlara bağlanan odalar, kuyular, hypogeum ve narteks altındaki alt yapı en son Bizantinistica Anno XII-2010 (Aygün Özkan, 2011) sayısında da yayınlanmıştır.

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TAÇ (Türkiye Anıt Çevre Turizm Değerlerini Koruma Vakfı) Konferans, 2018

This talk is the product of the author's archaeological researches beneath the I.Hill of Constant... more This talk is the product of the author's archaeological researches beneath the I.Hill of Constantinople with the permission of Turkish Ministery of Culture and Tourism. We have discovered and drawn the plansof 1km.of the subterranean channels and three related chambers in Hagia Sophia in the above mentioned period. The chambers and most of the channels were totally new for the literature. Additionally, eight wells were discovered under the building and in the courtyards through using the methods of diving and caving. New findings about the hypogeum in the north courtyard have been recorded. In the Topkapı Palace area we discovered 1250m. of channels under the Second Courtyard and Harem section. Hippodrome Sphendone water supply channel, cistern and water distribution are studied and published. All of those structures' architectural measurements taken and plans drawn and published.

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Research paper thumbnail of I paesaggi dell'allume: archeologia della produzione ed economia di rete

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Research paper thumbnail of I paesaggi dell’allume: archeologia della produzione ed economia di reteAlum landscapes: archaeology of production and network economy

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Research paper thumbnail of Subterranean Hagia Sophia: Revealing the Waters Below the Hagia Sophia

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Research paper thumbnail of Water in Istanbul: Rising to the Challenge?

Heritage Turkey, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Hazar Lake Sunken City

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Research paper thumbnail of The Wells, Subterranean Passage, Tunnels and Water Systems of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul

In November 2005, a survey was begun of the wells in and around Hagia Sophia Church in Istanbul. ... more In November 2005, a survey was begun of the wells in and around Hagia Sophia Church in Istanbul. The long-term goal of the survey is the understanding of the function of the tunnels and the water systems used for Hagia Sophia and its surroundings during the Byzantine and the Ottoman periods. Alternate research methods, such as geophysical research, will be used in future surveys. The 2005 survey examined the channels that run from under the narthex and continue northwards and the southwards of the building as well as channels that run towards the atrium, hippodrome, and garden in the north. The survey resulted in the first photos of the well-bottoms in the history of Hagia Sophia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elazığ Hazar Gölü Orta Çağ Batık Yerleşimi Arkeolojik Araştırması Sonuçları

Bu makale, yazar tarafindan yurutulen ve Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar, Jeoloji ve ... more Bu makale, yazar tarafindan yurutulen ve Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar, Jeoloji ve Jeofizik Bolumlerinden arastirmacilarca Elazig Hazar Golu ve guneybatisindaki batik ortacag yerlesimi hakkinda gerceklestirilen sualti arastirmasinin sonuclarini kapsamli bir bicimde sunmayi hedeflemektedir. Bu calisma, Yukari Firat Bolgesinde yeterince arastirilamamis bir bolgeye ait ortacag mimari ve seramiklerine ait onemli bir ornek teskil etmektedir. Hazar Golu’ndeki batik yerlesimle ilgili bilgiler, efsaneler, cografyacilarin incelemeleri ve gezginlerin yazdigi kitaplardan derlenebilir. Ancak bu bolgede daha once herhangi bir arkeolojik arastirma yapilmamis olmasi bu konuda literaturu kisitlamaktadir Bu calisma kapsaminda sehir duvarlari ile cevrili batik yerlesim arastirilmis ve roloveleri cikartilmistir. Tumuyle tugla ve harc ile insa edilmis sehir duvarlari, kuleler ve bunlara bagli yapilar insa malzemesi acisindan bu bolgede tek ornektir. Cesitli zamanlarda gezginler tarafindan...

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Research paper thumbnail of Zareh Magar: Denizin Henüz İnsanlara Küsmediği Zamanların Tanığı1996 Sualtı Dunyası Sayı 2 pp 56 61

Sualtı Dünyası Dergisi, 1996

Türkiye dalış camiasının tarihi anlattığım seri röportajlarımdan Sayın Zareh Magar'ın Hikayesi

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Business Diplomacy, 2021

Subterranean structures of Hagia Sophia: Substructures, channels, drains, wells, cisterns and mor... more Subterranean structures of Hagia Sophia: Substructures, channels, drains, wells, cisterns and more. Our mission which has begun in 2005 has been continuing with new surveys beneath acropole/Topkapı Palace area and Hippodrome. After architectural measurements and scaled plans 3D models and videos are prepared.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hazar Gölü’nün Hazinesi: Gizemli Batık Şehir / Treasure of Hazar Lake: An Enigmatic Sunken City

Skylife, 2009

A legend becomes reality. Discovery and following archaeological surveys under Hazar Lake, Turkey.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sunken Byzantine Settlement, 2005-2006 Underwater Survey at Hazar Lake Eastern Anatolia

29.Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, 25. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - 29 th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry , 3. Cilt. , 2008

Being the fi rst archaeological underwater survey on the site, our survey came out with plenty of... more Being the fi rst archaeological underwater survey on the site, our survey came out with plenty of information about the sunken settlement and there are still lots of questions to be answered.
The Eastern Anatolian fault line passes under the Hazar Lake and is still active. Its activity and climatic reasons have caused changes in the water level of the lake during the years. The lake is fed through two rivers from its northeast and southwest.
The focus of our survey was around the island of Kilise Adası (or “Church
Island”) that is located on the southwestern section of the lake (Fig. 1). Most probably the island was originally a peninsula and was connected to the mainland on the southern side, the inhabitants built the defensive features on the southern side of the site and the lake protected the remainder of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elazığ Hazar Gölü Orta Çağ Batık Yerleşimi Arkeolojik Araştırması Sonuçları

Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi Vol. 13, 2019

This study reveals an important example of medieval architecture and historical pottery productio... more This study reveals an important example of medieval architecture and historical pottery production belonging to a region that has not been sufficiently investigated in Upper Euphrates region in Eastern Anatolia.
ÖZ Bu makale, yazar tarafından yürütülen ve İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar, Jeoloji ve Jeofizik Bölümlerinden araştırmacılarca Elazığ Hazar Gölü ve güneybatısındaki batık ortaçağ yerleşimi hakkında gerçekleştirilen sualtı araştırmasının sonuçlarını kapsamlı bir biçimde sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışma, Yukarı Fırat Bölgesinde yeterince araştırılamamış bir bölgeye ait ortaçağ mimari ve seramiklerine ait önemli bir örnek teşkil etmektedir. Hazar Gölü'ndeki batık yerleşimle ilgili bilgiler, efsaneler, coğrafyacıların incelemeleri ve gezginlerin yazdığı kitaplardan derlenebilir. Ancak bu bölgede daha önce herhangi bir arkeolojik araştırma yapılmamış olması bu konuda literatürü kısıtlamaktadır Bu çalışma kapsamında şehir duvarları ile çevrili batık yerleşim araştırılmış ve rölöveleri çıkartılmıştır. Tümüyle tuğla ve harç ile inşa edilmiş şehir duvarları, kuleler ve bunlara bağlı yapılar inşa malzemesi açısından bu bölgede tek örnektir. Çesitli zamanlarda gezginler tarafından yazılmış kaynaklardan burada önemli bir dini merkez bulunduğu, hatta 11. ve 12. yy.da katholikosluk makamı olarak kullanıldığı anlaşılmaktadır. Batık yerleşimin kuzeydoğusunda kalan Kilise Adası üzerindeki toprak kayması yüzünden çok çeşitli dönemlere ait seramik parçaları bir arada bulunabilmektedir. Tespit ettiğimiz bazı 11.-13.yy.a ait olabilecek seramikler ve 19.yy. seramikleri buranın uzun süren tarihine işaret ederler. Savunma duvarlarının bir kısmının ise 6.yy.a kadar dayanabileceği düşünülmektedir. Şehrin bugün neden sular altında kaldığı bilinmemekle birlikte aktif bir fay sistemi üzerinde yer alması yüzünden tektoniğin bu konuda etkili olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Bu proje ile elde edilecek veriler sonucunda uluslararası turizm potansiyeli olan bu gölün su altı yapıları açığa çıkartılırken bölgenin depremselliğine de ışık tutulmuştur. Bu araştırma Doğu Anadolu' daki eklesiastik ve savunma amaçlı ortaçağ mimarisi konusunda ve 11. Yüzyıl Bizans Türk güçlerinin ilişkisi konusundaki araştırma eksikliğini doldurmaya katkı sağlamaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of « Lost Costantinople - application of speleology techniques in the archaeological research. Cases of Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace-I. Hill Constantinople and Hippodrome"

HYPOGEA2015- International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities. Roma, 11/17 March 2015. CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (2015)pp. 117-129. , 2015

The researches sofar covers the cisterns, wells, water distribution channels/galleries and other ... more The researches sofar covers the cisterns, wells, water distribution channels/galleries
and other water structures in the area of today’s Hagia Sophia Museum, Topkapı Palace Museum,
Istanbul Archaeological Museums and Hippodrome. This zone refers to the acropole of the ancient
settlement and first hill of East Roman city. Besides the existence of researches related to the
supply system arriving to the city, a comprehensive archaeological research does not exist related to
the historic triangle. The main objective of this project, is to explain the functioning of this water
supply and distribution system, the connection between themselves and their connection to the
historical upper structure. This is the reason why we have preferred to start our survey from the last
point that those distribution lines arrive. This is the area which has kept its importance through all
cultures as the religious and administrative nucleus of the historical city.
Besides a group of archaeologists, architects, civil engineers and art historians from Istanbul
Technical University, this project has been realized with a group of professionals from ASPEG
(Anatolian Speleology Group) . Also photographers and divers have contributed to the survey. We
have utilized underwater and terranean ROV (Remote Operating Vehicles) for the inaccessible
While following the water distribution channels, some unexpected structures have been also found
and examined. The most important ones are under Hagia Sophia like a hypogeum under the
northern garden.
This project has been pioneer for the cooperation of archaeology and speleology in Turkey and been
followed with many other projects with a crutial contribution of speleologists. Information about the
publications can be found under www.hagiasophiasubterranean.itu.edu.tr
Keywords: water supply system, galleries, wells, cisterns, water towers, archaeology, speleology, subterranean cities

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Research paper thumbnail of “Istanbul Ayasofyası’ nın Döşeme Altı Dehliz, Kuyu ve Su Sistemleri Araştırması"

28.Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, 24. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı - - 28 th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, 1. Cilt, 29 Mayıs-2 Haziran 2006, Çanakkale, 467-480., 2006

Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında Ayasofya'da yürütü... more Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında Ayasofya'da yürütülmüş olan arkeolojik yüzey araştırmaları verilerini içermektedir. Bu araştırmada Ayasofya yeraltında bulunan yapılar, su dağıtımı, drenaj ve ventilasyon için kullanılmış kanallar, kuyular ve sarnıçlar bulunmuş ve ölçümleri yapılarak mimari ölçeğe yerleştirilmiştir. Su dolu kuyular dalış yapılarak, insan giremeyen alanlar ROV yardımıyla araştırılmıştır.

This article refers to the findings of the archaeological surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün
on behalf of Istanbul Technical University . The researches sofar covers the subterranean cisterns, water distribution channels/galleries , drainage and ventilation systems in the area of today’s Hagia Sophia

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İSTYAM 2013- Uluslararası İstanbul Tarihi Yarımada Sempozyumu, 2013

Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında yürütülmüş olan ar... more Bu makale, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi adına Çiğdem Özkan Aygün başkanlığında yürütülmüş olan arkeolojik yüzey araştırmaları verilerini içermektedir. Araştırmalar, Ayasofya Müzesi, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri ve Hipodrom yani İstanbul’un antik akropol bölgesi ve Doğu Roma şehrinin birinci tepesinde bulunan sarnıçlar, kuyular, su kanalları/ galeriler ve dağıtım sistemlerini kapsamaktadır. Projenin ana hedefi, sur içi İstanbul’undaki sarnıç, kuru ve isale hattı sisteminin birbirleri ile ve tarihi üst yapı ile olan bağlantılarının, tarihlerinin ortaya çıkartılmasıdır. Bu amaçla ilk olarak araştırmaya isale sisteminin en son ulaştığı ve her devirde dini ve yönetsel açıdan merkez olmuş bu bölgede başlamayı tercih ettik. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul Teknik
Üniversitesi’nden arkeolog, mimar, inşaat mühendisi, sanat tarihçilerinin yanı sıra ASPEG (Anadolu Speleoloji Grubu) üyeleri, profesyonel fotoğrafçı ve dalgıçlar görev aldılar. İnsan giremeyen alanlar ise sualtı ve kara robotlarıyla görüntülendi. Tüm veriler ölçekli haritalar üzerine işlendi. Ayasofya Müzesi altında yapılan araştırmalarda ortaya çıkan ve çoğu ilk kez literatüre geçen 1 km lik galeriler, bunlara bağlanan odalar, kuyular, hypogeum ve narteks altındaki alt yapı en son Bizantinistica Anno XII-2010 (Aygün Özkan, 2011) sayısında yayınlanmıştır. Topkapı Sarayı ve Hipodrom bulguları ise ilk kez bu makalede yayınlanacaktır.

Researches at Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace and Hippodrome
This article refers to the unpublished findings of the archaeological surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün
on behalf of Istanbul Technical University . The researches sofar covers the cisterns, water distribution channels/galleries and the distribution systems in the area of today’s Hagia Sophia Museum, Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums and Hippodrome. This zone refers to the acropole of the ancient settlement and first hill of East Roman city. Besides the existance of researches related to the supply system arriving to the city, a comprehensive archaeological research does not exist related to the historic triangle. The main objective of this project, is to explain the functioning of this water supply and distribution system, the connection between themselves and their connection to the historical upper structure. This is the reason why we have prefered to start our survey from the last point that those distribution lines arrive. This is the area which has kept its importance through all cultures as the religious and administrative nucleus of the historical city.
As well as a groups of archaeologists, architects, civil engineers and art historians from Istanbul Technical University, a group of professionals from ASPEG (Anatolian Speleology Group), photographers and divers have contributed to the survey. We have utilized underwater and terranean ROV(Remote Operating Vehicles for the inaccesable areas. The findings related to the subterranean of Hagia Sophia including 1km of galleries, related rooms, wells, hypogeum and the substructure under the publications by the same author. The findings related to Topkapı Palace and Hippodrome will be published for the first time through this article.
Key Words: Cisterns, water distribution channels, wells, Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace, acropole, I. Hill, Hippodrome of İstanbul, İstanbul subterranean, Hagia Sophia subterranean


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Research paper thumbnail of Ayasofya ve Topkapı - Yeraltı Yapıları, Su Yolları, Sarnıçları ve Kuyuları

National Geographic Türkiye, 2010

The article is about the author's archaeological researches on the subterranean structures, wate... more The article is about the author's archaeological researches on the subterranean structures, water sources, cisterns and wells of Hagia Sophia and Topkapı Palace. The results are totally original new findings.

Bu makale, yazarın TC Kültür Bakanlığı izni ile İTÜ adına Ayasofya ve Topkapı Sarayı'nda gerçekleştirdiği arkeolojik araştırma sonuçlarını içerir. Bütün bilgiler orjinal ve yeni bulgulardır.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ayasofya'nın Kuyuları

Atlas, 2006

The article is about the subterranean water sources and the wells of Hagia Sophia Makale Ayasofy... more The article is about the subterranean water sources and the wells of Hagia Sophia

Makale Ayasofya'nın yeraltı su kaynakları ve kuyuları hakkındadır

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Research paper thumbnail of New Findings on Hagia Sophia Subterranean and its Surroundings

BIZANTINISTICA. Rivista di studi Bizantini e Slavi - Fondazione CISAM, 2010

This article is covering the findings of our researches at the subterranean of Hagia Sophia (subt... more This article is covering the findings of our researches at the subterranean of Hagia Sophia (subterranean structures, water supply, drainage and ventilation lines, wells and cisterns. The Topkapı Palace Museum , Istanbul Archaeology Museum (acropole and I. Hill) Hippodrome areas were also included in our later researches.
All of the mentioned structures are measured by architects and scaled plans are included in this article.

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Research paper thumbnail of HAGIA SOPHIA AND TOPKAPI PALACE (The Wells,Subterranean Channels and Water System)

New Findings on Hagia Sophia Subterranean and its Surroundings. Istanbul Technical University Çiğ... more New Findings on Hagia Sophia Subterranean and its Surroundings. Istanbul Technical University Çiğdem Ozkan AYGUN, Anatolian Speleology Group Foundation. A Documanty film from IZ TV

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Research paper thumbnail of Water Management in the History of Istanbul

As part of the British Academy funded ‘Water in Istanbul: Rising to the Challenge? Project, the u... more As part of the British Academy funded ‘Water in Istanbul: Rising to the Challenge? Project, the ultimate aim of the first workshop is to better-understand current needs in water management and explore how past practices can inform solutions to use rain water harvesting systems as alternative methods for water resource generation in Istanbul. The workshop will initiate a collective knowledge generation process through which relevant water management experts discuss and co-define current needs and explore the action steps for translating past practices into a meaningful form for today’s conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Subterranean Hagia Sophia: Revealing Waters Below the Hagia Sophia

Since 2005, Çiğdem Özkan Aygün has directed the interdisciplinary survey of subterranean remains ... more Since 2005, Çiğdem Özkan Aygün has directed the interdisciplinary survey of subterranean remains in the area of Hagia Sophia, also supported by speleologists, professional photographers and divers. During this talk, Çiğdem will explain the subterranean structures and their relation to the water supply system, present their 3D models and show a short documentary. Most of the finds were new to scholarship and unexpectedly rich and informative about the history and the construction techniques of the structures. They have opened a door into the monument's unexplored relation with water management. This survey has proven that the area of Hagia Sophia was strategic in water supply distribution over the first hill of the city where the ancient water supply line ended. Further exploration beneath the Hippodrome and Topkapı Palace area revealed connections in the water supply.


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European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2014


This archaeological survey has been directed by Dr. Çiğdem Özkan Aygün on behalf of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) since 2005. The research sofar covers the cisterns, water distribution channels/galleries and the distribution systems in the area of today’s Hagia Sophia Museum, Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul Archaeological Museums and Hippodrome. This zone refers to the acropole of the ancient settlement and first hill of East Roman city.
Since 2009 one guy who have no education in the field with a friend of him claim that they have been conducting a 20 years of research, and shooting a documentary called ‘ Beneath the Hagia Sophia’. He also declared pseudo information as if he had found ‘ the hypogeum, secret channels, graves, bones of saints and patriarchs a cyripto room where the secret letters were kept. He takes place vastly on mass media in Turkey and fake informations spreads around through internet. He even finds place in the book of Interno by Dan Brown through a copy-past passage from Hürriyet Daily News Paper.
In his website and through mass media he asks for financial support for his exploration-documentary and claims with his own words, ‘’the people /company who are going to help me … will be remembered and their name will be written in the infinite era’’.

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European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting Abstracts

Two archaeological surveys have been conducted by Dr. Çiğdem Özkan Aygün supported by Istanbul Te... more Two archaeological surveys have been conducted by Dr. Çiğdem Özkan Aygün supported by Istanbul Technical University since 2005. BAP Scientific Research Projects No: 32426 and 31722.) The underwater archaeological survey of Hazar Lake Elazığ in Turkey was the first and only research related with the sunken settlement under the lake. Our mission was recording of this submerged medieval settlement which is not mentioned or photographed anywhere in the literature. We have tried to realize our mission as sufficient as possible under the inconvenient political conditions of the area. The second archaeological survey was conducted at the First Hill of Istanbul including the area of Hagia Sophia, Palace and Hippodrome (www.hagiasophiasubterranen.itu.edu.tr). The aim of the research has been to find out the historical water supply system at the area including the research of the structures like cisterns, supply channels, water towers, water chests etc. Both of the researches had faced regarding permissions which should be delivered by the Turkish Ministery of Culture. In this poster we are asking the question of : How to raise the awareness of the authorities in charge in order to make them support the archaeological researches instead of putting obstacles?

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Research paper thumbnail of UNSEEN ISTANBUL, A BRANDNEW TOURISM ITINERARY: ANCIENT CISTERNS, WELLS, AND GALLERIES (Researches under Hagia Sophia Palace, Topkapı Palace and Hippodrome)

European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting Abstracts

This research refers to the findings of the archaeological surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün... more This research refers to the findings of the archaeological surveys directed by Çiğdem Özkan Aygün on behalf of Istanbul Technical University (Scientific Research Project- No 37268) RESEARCH OF THE ROMAN AND OTTOMAN WATER SUPPLY LINES AND CISTERNS OF ISTANBUL AND APPLICATION ON GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM.

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European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting Abstracts

Archaeological sites are important tourism destinations for Turkey. Underwater archaeology is a n... more Archaeological sites are important tourism destinations for Turkey. Underwater archaeology is a new segment of archaeological research with high social interest, since the beginning of the first underwater archaeological survey at Yassı Ada, Bodrum in 1968. Turkey has a vast number of underwater archaeological sites which need to be explored, excavated and recreated as visitable areas developing also new tourism itineraries. Opening those areas for the diving tourism is also a sustainable way of preservation of those areas for the future but diving is not the only way to visit some of those areas with the help of the methods which will be mentioned in this article. The term underwater is not restricted only with the findings under the sea but also the lakes, rivers and dams. This paper mentions about the underwater archaeological survey which has been conducted by the author since 2005 at Hazar Lake, Elazığ, and the projects for the contribution to the economical status of the local people through sustainable tourism.

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Research paper thumbnail of THE FLESH EATING STONE: ALUM MINING AND TRADE IN ASIA MINOR La pietra che divora la carne: estrazione e commercio di allume in Asia Minore

I paesaggi dell’allume Archeologia della produzione ed economia di rete Alum landscapes Archaeology of production and network economy a cura di / edited by Luisa Dallai, Giovanna Bianchi, Francesca Romana Stasolla, 2020, 2020

Alum is a double salt of potassium and aluminium (Pakucs 2007, p. 97) which can appear in its nat... more Alum is a double salt of potassium and aluminium
(Pakucs 2007, p. 97) which can appear in its native state in
warm areas like the Middle East. Where alum was not readily
available, it had to be manufactured from alunite (alum rock
or alum stone) and alum shale (alum ore or alum schist).
Alum occurs naturally in more than one form; it was utilized in various fields such as medicine, cosmetics, metal and
glass finishing, tanning and thawing of leather, fixing of the
dye or even for ballasting the ships. Alum stone (alunite) was
the preferred material for the production of the millstones; according to Al-Razi (9th century Persian physician), alchemists,
mixing alum with mastic, would create a kind of cement to
fill dental cavities. The use of alum for medical purposes was
mentioned in the Hacı Paşa’s Medical book, Edviye-i Müfrede,
which was written in 14th century (Larrañaga et al. 2016,
p. 59). Although above mentioned purposes do not require
great quantities of alum, the demand of alum dramatically
increased after it began to be used in the textile industry, to
cleanse fibers and to allow a better adherence of the dyes1
. In
dyeing and printing cloth, the gelatinous precipitate helps the
dye to adhere to the clothing fibers by rendering the pigment
insoluble. The European textile industry begun to require it
in large quantities since the beginning of 12th century.
Although the consistent historical background related
to alum production and use, it’s surprising to find out that
there are no archaeological researches about the alum mines
in Turkey. The historical data concerning the production
techniques and practical uses of this ore was scarce, despite
the abundancy of the sources about the financial and legal arrangements

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