Münire Sibel Çetin | Istanbul Technical University (original) (raw)
Papers by Münire Sibel Çetin
Advanced Sensor Research, 2023
Wearable technology applications have experienced remarkable development and advancements, with s... more Wearable technology applications have experienced remarkable development and advancements, with soft and stretchable strain sensors playing a significant role in this progress. Despite the promising potential of combed-shaped interdigital capacitive strain sensors in wearable electronics, several challenges exist, including limited stretchability, universal mass fabrication, and seamless integration into diverse clothing parts. This study presents a textile knitted interdigital capacitive sensor that incorporates stretchable conductive yarn, produced using textile twisting technology, to achieve stretchability and adaptability, allowing seamless conformation to human body movements and textile materials. The fabrication process involves embedding the interdigital electrodes and interconnections directly into the fabric through textile knitting technology, ensuring robust integration. Furthermore, this work presents opportunities for commercializing the stretchable interdigital strain sensor through a low-cost and mass production strategy. Electromechanical characterization demonstrates exceptional performance with high stretchability (≈230%), excellent linearity (R2 = 0.997), a gauge factor (GF) of −0.68 representing relative capacitance change, and a rapid response time of 66 ms. To validate the usability of sensors in wearable technology, a knee brace application is employed to investigate capacitance changes during walking and cycling exercises. This approach will accelerate the accessibility of wearable stretchable interdigital sensors for all.
Conductive yarns are one of the most preferred products that are used for the electronic textile ... more Conductive yarns are one of the most preferred products that are used for the electronic textile products. Although conductive yarns have a wide range of application areas, it is also an important factor to choose the most appropriate yarn according to the intended use. In this study, it was aimed to select the most appropriate conductive yarn for a textile factory that makes production using conductive yarn. Within this scope 8 criteria and 3 conductive yarn alternatives are determined and a form which includes criteria were sent to 7 experts via e-mail and they were asked to evaluate the criteria for steel, graphene, and silver-plated yarns according to AHP fundamental scale table. The matrices obtained from the forms filled by the experts were evaluated with the help of AHP method. As a result, it has been determined that graphene yarn is the most appropriate yarn for a textile factory among the alternatives according to the specified criteria.
Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2024
Soft wearable robotic devices have emerged as a promising solution for human mobility assistance ... more Soft wearable robotic devices have emerged as a promising solution for human mobility assistance and rehabilitation, yet current solutions suffer from issues such as bulkiness, high cost, nonscalability, noise, and limited portability. This study introduces a novel approach to soft robotic assistive devices using untethered, soft actuators with seamlessly integrated sensing, heating, and actuation properties through digital machine knitting and low-boiling liquid. The proposed soft actuator operates under a voltage of less than 12.5 V, generating a tip force of up to 50 mN. This actuator achieves a bending motion when filled with 2 mL of low-boiling liquid and supplied with 15 W. The dynamic response of the actuator is examined under consistent parameters, revealing a 60-second inflation time and a subsequent natural cooling period of 30 s at room temperature. Notably, over 12 cycles, the tip force of the actuator exhibits minimal variation, highlighting its durability for prolonged usage. The proposed approach paves the way for overcoming the limitations of existing technologies, particularly in terms of motion assistance and rehabilitation applications, with an emphasis on at-home usage during daily activities.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2024
Soft grippers, generating movement immediately, are generally based on flexible materials actuate... more Soft grippers, generating movement immediately, are generally based on flexible materials actuated by air pressure and comprised of bulky parts, including valves, compressors/pumps, motors, and tubes. In this work, a compact soft gripper with the ability to actuate with a low boiling point liquid (acetone) is presented. SolidWorks 2021 software and 3D printing technology are used to design and manufacture the gripper molds, respectively. The constitutive material of the soft gripper body is highly flexible Ecoflex. A silver-coated nylon fabric (SCNF) heater reinforced with stainless steel yarn (SSY) covering the external surface of the gripper is designed and manufactured using Autocad 2021 and a laser cutting machine, respectively. The idea is inspired by floating the gripper in warm water to provide smooth heat over a large surface area. The available commercial software Abaqus2021 is used to simulate the mechanical deformation of the gripper, and its results are verified with experimental results. The parameter's effect including the voltage and low boiling liquid volume on achievable force and actuating time are investigated. The relation between the electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the presented gripper is discussed in detail.
Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2020
Seating comfort is related with the individual's office chair features, user features and the tim... more Seating comfort is related with the individual's office chair features, user features and the time that is spent sitting on an office chair. The increase of the working hours at the offices leads to a variety of musculoskeletal disorders caused by the lack of improper workplace design and business equipment. The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort complaints about the office chairs and the expectations of participants from an office chair and to determine the significate user and task features which affect the overall satisfaction from the office chair. This study is part of a continuing project, which seeks to design an office chair considering the discomforts and expectations in terms of structural design and textile design. Based on the results of the survey, an office chair which would is prospected to satisfy the expectations of the respondents will be designed. A survey was applied to randomly selected 382 respondents to determine the overall satisfaction level of respondents from their own current office chairs, the features of current their office chairs, the textile materials used on their office chair and their expectations from an office chair. It was found out that 74.89% of women and 58.05% of men were not satisfied with their office chairs. 68.75 % of the staff, who were not satisfied with their chairs, thought that their discomforts were caused by their office chairs. Besides, the results stated that textile materials used on office chair affect the comfortability of the chair and it is also determined that there are some expectations from the textile materials which have to be covered.
Deu Muhendislik Fakultesi Fen ve Muhendislik, 2018
Özet: Ergonomik açıdan yetersiz tasarlanmış ofis ortamları ve ekipmanları, zaman geçtikçe kalıcı ... more Özet: Ergonomik açıdan yetersiz tasarlanmış ofis ortamları ve ekipmanları, zaman geçtikçe kalıcı hale gelen kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarına yol açmaktadırlar. Günümüzde ofislerde bilgisayar karşısında çalışma sürelerinin artmasıyla, insanlar adeta koltukları ile bütünleşik bir şekilde yaşar hale gelmişlerdir. Uzun süre koltuklarında oturarak çalışanlarda gözlenen kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarını engellemek amacıyla farklı ofis koltuğu konstrüksiyon tasarımları ve çalışma postürü ile ilgili kullanıcı eğitimleri verilmesi üzerine çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bir ön araştırma olarak bu çalışmada, ofis ortamında uzun süre oturarak çalışan Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi akademik ve idari personeli arasından belirlenmiş olan örnekleme anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Kişilerin anket cevaplarında belirttikleri rahatsızlıklardan yola çıkılarak, ofis çalışanlarının konfor şartlarının iyileştirilmesi için iki adet masaj mekanizması tasarlanmıştır.
European Journal of Science and Technology, 2019
Öz Teknolojik gelişmelerin artışıyla birlikte teknolojik ürünler hayatımızın her saniyesinde ihti... more Öz Teknolojik gelişmelerin artışıyla birlikte teknolojik ürünler hayatımızın her saniyesinde ihtiyaç haline gelmiştir. Bu ihtiyaç doğrultusunda teknolojinin tekstil ürünleriyle birleştirilmesi ile giyilebilir teknolojiler ortaya çıkmıştır. Giyilebilir teknolojiler sağladıkları kolaylıklar sayesinde sağlık sektörü, askeri uygulamalar ve eğlence sektörü gibi farklı alanlarda kullanılır hale gelmiştir. Giyilebilir teknoloji kavramından yola çıkılarak geliştirilen bir diğer konsept elektronik tekstiller konseptidir. Elektronik tekstil üretiminde elektronik bileşenlerin tekstil ürünlerine dahil edilmesi ya da tekstil ürünlerinin iletken hale getirilerek bu bileşenlerin doğrudan tekstil formunda üretilmesi üzerinde durulmaktadır. İletken tekstil yapıları elde etmek için iletken iplikler, iletken kumaşlar, iletken kaplamalar ve iletken yapıştırıcılar gibi farklı malzemelerden faydalanılabilir. Bu iletken malzemeler arasında iletken iplikler gerek bir doku ya da yüzey oluşturmak amacıyla gerekse bağlantı yollarında kullanılmak üzere çokça tercih edilen iletken tekstil ürünlerinden biridir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, öncelikli olarak iletken iplik alımında etkili olan kriterler belirlenmiştir. Bu kriterler; metal oranı, iletkenlik, esneklik, biyouyumluluk, mekanik dayanım, yıkanabilirlik, makinede işlenebilirlik ve fiyat kriteridir. Ardından iletken iplik alım işleminde etkili 10 uzmandan, belirlenmiş olan kriterleri, alım işlemindeki önem seviyesine göre puanlaması istenmiştir. Toplanan veriler çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden DEMATEL yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda kriter ağırlıkları öncelik derecesine göre sıralandığında; %17 kriter ağırlığı ile makinede işlenebilirlik sistem içerisindeki en önemli kriter olmuştur. Bu kriteri sırasıyla iletkenlik (%16,86), biyouyumluluk (%13,66), metal oranı (%11,60), mekanik dayanım (%11,54), fiyat (%10,77) ve esneklik (%10,69) kriterleri takip etmektedir. En önemsiz kriter ise %7,8 ağırlığı ile yıkanabilirlik kriteridir. Ağ yapısı incelenerek kriterlerin birbirini etkileme durumlarına bakıldığında; en çok kriteri etkileyen makinede işlenebilirlik kriteri iken bu kriter hiçbir kriterden etkilenmemektedir. Yıkanabilirlik kriterinin hiçbir kriter üzerinde etkisi yokken, tüm kriterlerden etkilendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Gunumuzde buro ortaminda calisma surelerinin artmasiyla is ekipmanlari ve is yeri duzenlemelerind... more Gunumuzde buro ortaminda calisma surelerinin artmasiyla is ekipmanlari ve is yeri duzenlemelerindeki yetersizliklerden kaynaklanan ciddi kas iskelet sistemi rahatsizliklarinin ortaya ciktigi bilinmektedir. Bu gibi rahatsizliklar tip dilinde “Cumulatif Trauma Disorders” adi altinda, rahatsizligin ilgili oldugu organa gore Karpal Tunel Sendromu,Tendinitis, Servikal Radikulopati, Fibromiyalji gibi farkli isimler almaktadir.Tip alaninda yapilmis bazi arastirmalarda sinsice gelisen ve baslangicta dikkate alinmayan agrilarin tedavi edilmemesi halinde el, kol ve vucut fonksiyonlarini kisitlayacagi, aktiviteleri engelleyecegi ve onlem alinmadigi takdirde sakat birakabilecegi belirtilmektedir. Agrilarin uzun surmesi halinde depresyon gibi psikolojik sorunlara, is degistirme ve is kaybina neden olabilen sonuclarla karsilasilabilmektedir. Gelismis ulkelerde ornegin Almanya’da is kazalarini onleme ve is guvenligi ile ilgilenen IFA Enstitusu tarafindan her urun grubu ve her is kolu icin ayri ayr...
Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2020
Seating comfort is related with the individual’s office chair features, user features and the tim... more Seating comfort is related with the individual’s office chair features, user features and the time that is spent sitting on an office chair. The increase of the working hours at the offices leads to a variety of musculoskeletal disorders caused by the lack of improper workplace design and business equipment. The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort complaints about the office chairs and the expectations of participants from an office chair and to determine the significate user and task features which affect the overall satisfaction from the office chair. This study is part of a continuing project, which seeks to design an office chair considering the discomforts and expectations in terms of structural design and textile design. Based on the results of the survey, an office chair which would is prospected to satisfy the expectations of the respondents will be designed. A survey was applied to randomly selected 382 respondents to determine the overall satisfaction level of respondents from their own current office chairs, the features of current their office chairs, the textile materials used on their office chair and their expectations from an office chair. It was found out that 74.89% of women and 58.05% of men were not satisfied with their office chairs. 68.75 % of the staff, who were not satisfied with their chairs, thought that their discomforts were caused by their office chairs. Besides, the results stated that textile materials used on office chair affect the comfortability of the chair and it is also determined that there are some expectations from the textile materials which have to be covered.
Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 2015
With the increase in working hours in offices, it is known to occur in a variety of musculoskelet... more With the increase in working hours in offices, it is known to occur in a variety of musculoskeletal disorders caused by lack of unproper workplace design and business equipment. In the medical language, such disorders are gathered under the name of “Cumulatif Trauma Disorders”. Depended on the effected organ they’re known with different names, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis, Cervical Radiculopathy, Fibromyalgia. Some researches done in the field of medicine, if insidious onset and initially ignored pains aren’t treated hands, arms and body functions can be restricted, activities can be prevented and if measures aren't taken, can be stayed disabled. Long-term pain may lead to psychological problems such as depression, job losses and job change. Studies done separately for each business segment and each product group in some countries. The reports of these studies are published in these developed countries. For instance; in Germany by IFA Institute which is dealing with prevention of occupational accidents and occupational safety. There are also some published studies about office chairs in these reports.
The office environments and equipments, that not designed ergonomically, cause permanent musculos... more The office environments and equipments, that not designed ergonomically, cause permanent musculoskeletal diseases over time. Nowadays, the people have become almost integrated with their chairs because of increasing of their working hours in the offices. There are some studies about different types of chair construction designs and some workshops on working posture to prevent musculoskeletal system diseases of sedentary office workers. As a preliminary research, a survey was applied to the sample chosen among the academic and administrative staff of Dokuz Eylül University who sit in the office environment for a long time. As a result of the survey application, two massage mechanisms have been designed to enhance the comfort conditions of the office workers.
European Journal of Science and Technology , 2019
With the increase of technological developments, technological products have become a ... more With the increase of technological developments, technological products have become a necessity in every second of our lives. Because of this need, wearable technologies have emerged by combining technology with textile products. Wearable technologies are used in different fields such as healthcare, military applications and entertainment by means of their convenience. Another concept developed from the term of wearable technology is the concept of electronic textiles. In the production of electronic textiles, electronic components are included in textile products or these components are directly produced in textile forms by making the textile products conductive. Different materials such as conductive yarns, conductive fabrics, conductive coatings and conductive adhesives can be utilized to obtain conductive textile structures. Among these conductive materials, conductive yarns are one of the most preferred conductive textile products, either for the purpose of forming a texture or surface, or for use in connection paths. In this study, the criteria which are effective in the purchase of conductive yarn have been determined firstly. These criteria are; metal ratio, conductivity, flexibility, biocompatibility, mechanical strength, washability, usability in the machine for production and price criteria. Then, it was requested from 10 experts, who purchases conductive yarn in their company, to score the determined criteria according to the importance level in the yarn purchasing process. Collected data were evaluated using DEMATEL method which is one of the multi criteria decision making methods. As a result of the evaluations, when the criteria weights are sorted according to importance level; usability in the machine for production is the most important criterion in the system with 17% criterion weight. This criterion is followed by conductivity (16.86%), biocompatibility (13.66%), metal ratio (11.60%), mechanical strength (11.54%), price (10.77%) and flexibility (10%, 69) criteria, respectively. The least important criterion is the washability criterion with a weight of 7.8%. When the network structure and interplay of criteria are examined, usability in the machine for production criterion is the most influencing criterion whereas this criterion is influenced by no criterion. It was concluded that while the washability criterion had no effect on any criterion, it was affected by all criteria.
Conference Presentations by Münire Sibel Çetin
Tekstil, Moda, Sanat, Tasarım Sempozyumu, 2020
A predetermined motion time system (PMTS/Synthetic Times Method) is a work measurement technique ... more A predetermined motion time system (PMTS/Synthetic Times Method) is a work measurement technique whereby times established for basic human motions (classified according to the nature of the motion and the conditions under which it is made) are used to build up the time for a job at a defined level of performance. A considerable number and variety of PMTS systems were produced during and following the Second World War. Among these was a system which has become very widely used throughout the world, MTM (Methods-Time Measurement). MTM consists of initials of English Methods-Time-Measurement.MTM is analyze the methods used to perform any manual operation or task and, as a product of that analysis, set the standard time in which a worker should complete that task. In this study, MTM method and basic movements used in this method are explained in detail. As an example case, the operation of stacking the products after sewing was investigated in a company producing reflective warning vests. First, the case was analyzed with the MTM method and then an improvement was made in the completion time of the operation.
Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort zones due to sedentary work and... more Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort zones due to sedentary work and examine the ratio of these discomforts originated from office chair. Methods: The data used come from “Office Chair Satisfaction Survey” carried out in the randomly chosen 261 academic and administrative staff of Dokuz Eylül University. The sample size of this study consists of 153 women and 108 men. The survey consists of 27 questions to determine the ideas of staff about their uncomfortable body parts, the degree of discomforts originated from their office chair, properties of their office chairs, upholstery used on their office chair surface and their expectations from their office chairs. Results: It was found that %73.9 of women and %56.4 of men are not satisfied and %75.8 of staff who are not satisfied with their office chairs, feel pain and/or numbness while are sitting. %50.4 of staffs, who are not satisfied with their chairs, thinks that their discomforts originate from the chair. It was found that mostly stated uncomfortable body parts are waist, neck, lower back, upper back, shoulder, chest and arms. This study is a part of a continuing project. According to the results of survey, it is thought to be designed an office chair which satisfies the expectations of respondents.
The analysis and regulation of workplace, working instruments, the comfort of office chair, busin... more The analysis and regulation of workplace, working instruments, the comfort of office chair, business environment (sound, lighting, climate, vibration, temperature, and humidity), work and break times, analysis and editing of the organization, are some of the topics of interest of ergonomics. Environmental impact and conditions have important role on the employee’s working comfortably and efficiently. Therefore these conditions need to be aligned to the human body nature. Unsuitable working conditions (noise, etc.) cause additional load, which the human body endures, and this additional load reveals the signs of tiredness in the body. Even an office environment, unsuitable physical environment impairs health of workers and reduces the performance. Therefore, office climate, environmental factors such as lighting and noise must be harmonized with the employee’s body nature in all working environments. Seating comfort is one of the important factors affecting the performance of employees in the office environment. There are so many studies about chair dimensions and the disorders on human body which were caused by the inappropriate chair dimensions and sitting positions. However, there are a spot of studies about the surface of the chair and the discomfort caused by the chair cover and its negative performance effects. In this study, some results of seat cover analysis for the design of an ergonomic chair. Recently, ease of cleaning, low cost advantages caused the increasing of the use of artificial leather especially on the surface of the seat used in offices. The physical properties of natural leather and artificial leather were compared as the candidate covers to be used on the design of an ergonomic office chair.
7th International Technical Textiles Congress, 2019
Nowadays, sitting hours at the offices are increasing because of reason that the number of jobs b... more Nowadays, sitting hours at the offices are increasing because of reason that the number of jobs based on computer usage in offices increased. Therefore, the anthropometric suitability and comfort properties of office chairs used in these types of work are becoming progressively important. For those who sit for a long time, the tendency to muscle aches are increasing due to the fact that sweating and sweat which can not be removed from their body. For this reason, anti-allergic and sweat absorbent/breathable fabrics should be selected to improve the office chairs’ ease of use and sitting comfort of office workers. In this study, the possibilities of using spacer fabrics instead of traditional materials on office chairs in terms of textile comfort features were investigated. For this purpose, the moisture management and air permeability properties of three types of traditional materials and six types of spacer fabrics were compared.
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, 2019
Internet of Things (IoT) can be basically defined as the connection of any devices with each othe... more Internet of Things (IoT) can be basically defined as the connection of any devices with each other or to the Internet. It can be used for remote sensing, data collection, control and processing, etc. There are many applications in this area from agriculture, energy and healthcare industry to architecture and textile industry. In this study, textile-based IoT applications, which have recently become a technological trend, have been examined and advantages and disadvantages of these applications are summarized. Then, the required aspects of textile-based IoT applications are indicated.
Thesis Chapters by Münire Sibel Çetin
The aim of this study is to prepare an effective training document for the engineers who wants to... more The aim of this study is to prepare an effective training document for the engineers who wants to specialize in apparel area. For this aim a computer aided blade cutter system which is one of the great brand in his area is analized in detailed. In this study, the photographs and video training films have been carried out. A written, audio an visual educational document was developed with the help of this footages. The level of satisfaction have been examined by applying a survey to the Cutter users in the province of İzmir.
Today, as in developed countries, importance of safety and health at work, education of safety an... more Today, as in developed countries, importance of safety and health at work, education of safety and health at work and discussion of related problems about safety and health at work are becoming increasingly important in our country. Every kinds of job has positive and negative effects on human health. Nowadays, people have become almost integrated manner with their chairs due to the increasing working times on the computers although offices are known as the best comfortable work places. Hence, increasing is seen in musculoskeletal disorders of the occupational disease group. The aim of this thesis is determining the suitability of the construction dimensions of the chairs used in the workplace to the anthropometric measurements of the Turkish people and how the comfort of the textile materials used in the chairs are perceived by the users. In addition to determine the construction characteristics of office chairs and office workers expectations from their chairs. Objective and subjective tests will be performed to determine whether office seats and materials satisfy the expectations of office workers, according to the findings. As a result, office chair designs equipped with materials that satisfy the optimum specifications will be realized.
Advanced Sensor Research, 2023
Wearable technology applications have experienced remarkable development and advancements, with s... more Wearable technology applications have experienced remarkable development and advancements, with soft and stretchable strain sensors playing a significant role in this progress. Despite the promising potential of combed-shaped interdigital capacitive strain sensors in wearable electronics, several challenges exist, including limited stretchability, universal mass fabrication, and seamless integration into diverse clothing parts. This study presents a textile knitted interdigital capacitive sensor that incorporates stretchable conductive yarn, produced using textile twisting technology, to achieve stretchability and adaptability, allowing seamless conformation to human body movements and textile materials. The fabrication process involves embedding the interdigital electrodes and interconnections directly into the fabric through textile knitting technology, ensuring robust integration. Furthermore, this work presents opportunities for commercializing the stretchable interdigital strain sensor through a low-cost and mass production strategy. Electromechanical characterization demonstrates exceptional performance with high stretchability (≈230%), excellent linearity (R2 = 0.997), a gauge factor (GF) of −0.68 representing relative capacitance change, and a rapid response time of 66 ms. To validate the usability of sensors in wearable technology, a knee brace application is employed to investigate capacitance changes during walking and cycling exercises. This approach will accelerate the accessibility of wearable stretchable interdigital sensors for all.
Conductive yarns are one of the most preferred products that are used for the electronic textile ... more Conductive yarns are one of the most preferred products that are used for the electronic textile products. Although conductive yarns have a wide range of application areas, it is also an important factor to choose the most appropriate yarn according to the intended use. In this study, it was aimed to select the most appropriate conductive yarn for a textile factory that makes production using conductive yarn. Within this scope 8 criteria and 3 conductive yarn alternatives are determined and a form which includes criteria were sent to 7 experts via e-mail and they were asked to evaluate the criteria for steel, graphene, and silver-plated yarns according to AHP fundamental scale table. The matrices obtained from the forms filled by the experts were evaluated with the help of AHP method. As a result, it has been determined that graphene yarn is the most appropriate yarn for a textile factory among the alternatives according to the specified criteria.
Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2024
Soft wearable robotic devices have emerged as a promising solution for human mobility assistance ... more Soft wearable robotic devices have emerged as a promising solution for human mobility assistance and rehabilitation, yet current solutions suffer from issues such as bulkiness, high cost, nonscalability, noise, and limited portability. This study introduces a novel approach to soft robotic assistive devices using untethered, soft actuators with seamlessly integrated sensing, heating, and actuation properties through digital machine knitting and low-boiling liquid. The proposed soft actuator operates under a voltage of less than 12.5 V, generating a tip force of up to 50 mN. This actuator achieves a bending motion when filled with 2 mL of low-boiling liquid and supplied with 15 W. The dynamic response of the actuator is examined under consistent parameters, revealing a 60-second inflation time and a subsequent natural cooling period of 30 s at room temperature. Notably, over 12 cycles, the tip force of the actuator exhibits minimal variation, highlighting its durability for prolonged usage. The proposed approach paves the way for overcoming the limitations of existing technologies, particularly in terms of motion assistance and rehabilitation applications, with an emphasis on at-home usage during daily activities.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2024
Soft grippers, generating movement immediately, are generally based on flexible materials actuate... more Soft grippers, generating movement immediately, are generally based on flexible materials actuated by air pressure and comprised of bulky parts, including valves, compressors/pumps, motors, and tubes. In this work, a compact soft gripper with the ability to actuate with a low boiling point liquid (acetone) is presented. SolidWorks 2021 software and 3D printing technology are used to design and manufacture the gripper molds, respectively. The constitutive material of the soft gripper body is highly flexible Ecoflex. A silver-coated nylon fabric (SCNF) heater reinforced with stainless steel yarn (SSY) covering the external surface of the gripper is designed and manufactured using Autocad 2021 and a laser cutting machine, respectively. The idea is inspired by floating the gripper in warm water to provide smooth heat over a large surface area. The available commercial software Abaqus2021 is used to simulate the mechanical deformation of the gripper, and its results are verified with experimental results. The parameter's effect including the voltage and low boiling liquid volume on achievable force and actuating time are investigated. The relation between the electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the presented gripper is discussed in detail.
Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2020
Seating comfort is related with the individual's office chair features, user features and the tim... more Seating comfort is related with the individual's office chair features, user features and the time that is spent sitting on an office chair. The increase of the working hours at the offices leads to a variety of musculoskeletal disorders caused by the lack of improper workplace design and business equipment. The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort complaints about the office chairs and the expectations of participants from an office chair and to determine the significate user and task features which affect the overall satisfaction from the office chair. This study is part of a continuing project, which seeks to design an office chair considering the discomforts and expectations in terms of structural design and textile design. Based on the results of the survey, an office chair which would is prospected to satisfy the expectations of the respondents will be designed. A survey was applied to randomly selected 382 respondents to determine the overall satisfaction level of respondents from their own current office chairs, the features of current their office chairs, the textile materials used on their office chair and their expectations from an office chair. It was found out that 74.89% of women and 58.05% of men were not satisfied with their office chairs. 68.75 % of the staff, who were not satisfied with their chairs, thought that their discomforts were caused by their office chairs. Besides, the results stated that textile materials used on office chair affect the comfortability of the chair and it is also determined that there are some expectations from the textile materials which have to be covered.
Deu Muhendislik Fakultesi Fen ve Muhendislik, 2018
Özet: Ergonomik açıdan yetersiz tasarlanmış ofis ortamları ve ekipmanları, zaman geçtikçe kalıcı ... more Özet: Ergonomik açıdan yetersiz tasarlanmış ofis ortamları ve ekipmanları, zaman geçtikçe kalıcı hale gelen kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarına yol açmaktadırlar. Günümüzde ofislerde bilgisayar karşısında çalışma sürelerinin artmasıyla, insanlar adeta koltukları ile bütünleşik bir şekilde yaşar hale gelmişlerdir. Uzun süre koltuklarında oturarak çalışanlarda gözlenen kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarını engellemek amacıyla farklı ofis koltuğu konstrüksiyon tasarımları ve çalışma postürü ile ilgili kullanıcı eğitimleri verilmesi üzerine çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bir ön araştırma olarak bu çalışmada, ofis ortamında uzun süre oturarak çalışan Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi akademik ve idari personeli arasından belirlenmiş olan örnekleme anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Kişilerin anket cevaplarında belirttikleri rahatsızlıklardan yola çıkılarak, ofis çalışanlarının konfor şartlarının iyileştirilmesi için iki adet masaj mekanizması tasarlanmıştır.
European Journal of Science and Technology, 2019
Öz Teknolojik gelişmelerin artışıyla birlikte teknolojik ürünler hayatımızın her saniyesinde ihti... more Öz Teknolojik gelişmelerin artışıyla birlikte teknolojik ürünler hayatımızın her saniyesinde ihtiyaç haline gelmiştir. Bu ihtiyaç doğrultusunda teknolojinin tekstil ürünleriyle birleştirilmesi ile giyilebilir teknolojiler ortaya çıkmıştır. Giyilebilir teknolojiler sağladıkları kolaylıklar sayesinde sağlık sektörü, askeri uygulamalar ve eğlence sektörü gibi farklı alanlarda kullanılır hale gelmiştir. Giyilebilir teknoloji kavramından yola çıkılarak geliştirilen bir diğer konsept elektronik tekstiller konseptidir. Elektronik tekstil üretiminde elektronik bileşenlerin tekstil ürünlerine dahil edilmesi ya da tekstil ürünlerinin iletken hale getirilerek bu bileşenlerin doğrudan tekstil formunda üretilmesi üzerinde durulmaktadır. İletken tekstil yapıları elde etmek için iletken iplikler, iletken kumaşlar, iletken kaplamalar ve iletken yapıştırıcılar gibi farklı malzemelerden faydalanılabilir. Bu iletken malzemeler arasında iletken iplikler gerek bir doku ya da yüzey oluşturmak amacıyla gerekse bağlantı yollarında kullanılmak üzere çokça tercih edilen iletken tekstil ürünlerinden biridir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, öncelikli olarak iletken iplik alımında etkili olan kriterler belirlenmiştir. Bu kriterler; metal oranı, iletkenlik, esneklik, biyouyumluluk, mekanik dayanım, yıkanabilirlik, makinede işlenebilirlik ve fiyat kriteridir. Ardından iletken iplik alım işleminde etkili 10 uzmandan, belirlenmiş olan kriterleri, alım işlemindeki önem seviyesine göre puanlaması istenmiştir. Toplanan veriler çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden DEMATEL yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda kriter ağırlıkları öncelik derecesine göre sıralandığında; %17 kriter ağırlığı ile makinede işlenebilirlik sistem içerisindeki en önemli kriter olmuştur. Bu kriteri sırasıyla iletkenlik (%16,86), biyouyumluluk (%13,66), metal oranı (%11,60), mekanik dayanım (%11,54), fiyat (%10,77) ve esneklik (%10,69) kriterleri takip etmektedir. En önemsiz kriter ise %7,8 ağırlığı ile yıkanabilirlik kriteridir. Ağ yapısı incelenerek kriterlerin birbirini etkileme durumlarına bakıldığında; en çok kriteri etkileyen makinede işlenebilirlik kriteri iken bu kriter hiçbir kriterden etkilenmemektedir. Yıkanabilirlik kriterinin hiçbir kriter üzerinde etkisi yokken, tüm kriterlerden etkilendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Gunumuzde buro ortaminda calisma surelerinin artmasiyla is ekipmanlari ve is yeri duzenlemelerind... more Gunumuzde buro ortaminda calisma surelerinin artmasiyla is ekipmanlari ve is yeri duzenlemelerindeki yetersizliklerden kaynaklanan ciddi kas iskelet sistemi rahatsizliklarinin ortaya ciktigi bilinmektedir. Bu gibi rahatsizliklar tip dilinde “Cumulatif Trauma Disorders” adi altinda, rahatsizligin ilgili oldugu organa gore Karpal Tunel Sendromu,Tendinitis, Servikal Radikulopati, Fibromiyalji gibi farkli isimler almaktadir.Tip alaninda yapilmis bazi arastirmalarda sinsice gelisen ve baslangicta dikkate alinmayan agrilarin tedavi edilmemesi halinde el, kol ve vucut fonksiyonlarini kisitlayacagi, aktiviteleri engelleyecegi ve onlem alinmadigi takdirde sakat birakabilecegi belirtilmektedir. Agrilarin uzun surmesi halinde depresyon gibi psikolojik sorunlara, is degistirme ve is kaybina neden olabilen sonuclarla karsilasilabilmektedir. Gelismis ulkelerde ornegin Almanya’da is kazalarini onleme ve is guvenligi ile ilgilenen IFA Enstitusu tarafindan her urun grubu ve her is kolu icin ayri ayr...
Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2020
Seating comfort is related with the individual’s office chair features, user features and the tim... more Seating comfort is related with the individual’s office chair features, user features and the time that is spent sitting on an office chair. The increase of the working hours at the offices leads to a variety of musculoskeletal disorders caused by the lack of improper workplace design and business equipment. The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort complaints about the office chairs and the expectations of participants from an office chair and to determine the significate user and task features which affect the overall satisfaction from the office chair. This study is part of a continuing project, which seeks to design an office chair considering the discomforts and expectations in terms of structural design and textile design. Based on the results of the survey, an office chair which would is prospected to satisfy the expectations of the respondents will be designed. A survey was applied to randomly selected 382 respondents to determine the overall satisfaction level of respondents from their own current office chairs, the features of current their office chairs, the textile materials used on their office chair and their expectations from an office chair. It was found out that 74.89% of women and 58.05% of men were not satisfied with their office chairs. 68.75 % of the staff, who were not satisfied with their chairs, thought that their discomforts were caused by their office chairs. Besides, the results stated that textile materials used on office chair affect the comfortability of the chair and it is also determined that there are some expectations from the textile materials which have to be covered.
Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 2015
With the increase in working hours in offices, it is known to occur in a variety of musculoskelet... more With the increase in working hours in offices, it is known to occur in a variety of musculoskeletal disorders caused by lack of unproper workplace design and business equipment. In the medical language, such disorders are gathered under the name of “Cumulatif Trauma Disorders”. Depended on the effected organ they’re known with different names, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis, Cervical Radiculopathy, Fibromyalgia. Some researches done in the field of medicine, if insidious onset and initially ignored pains aren’t treated hands, arms and body functions can be restricted, activities can be prevented and if measures aren't taken, can be stayed disabled. Long-term pain may lead to psychological problems such as depression, job losses and job change. Studies done separately for each business segment and each product group in some countries. The reports of these studies are published in these developed countries. For instance; in Germany by IFA Institute which is dealing with prevention of occupational accidents and occupational safety. There are also some published studies about office chairs in these reports.
The office environments and equipments, that not designed ergonomically, cause permanent musculos... more The office environments and equipments, that not designed ergonomically, cause permanent musculoskeletal diseases over time. Nowadays, the people have become almost integrated with their chairs because of increasing of their working hours in the offices. There are some studies about different types of chair construction designs and some workshops on working posture to prevent musculoskeletal system diseases of sedentary office workers. As a preliminary research, a survey was applied to the sample chosen among the academic and administrative staff of Dokuz Eylül University who sit in the office environment for a long time. As a result of the survey application, two massage mechanisms have been designed to enhance the comfort conditions of the office workers.
European Journal of Science and Technology , 2019
With the increase of technological developments, technological products have become a ... more With the increase of technological developments, technological products have become a necessity in every second of our lives. Because of this need, wearable technologies have emerged by combining technology with textile products. Wearable technologies are used in different fields such as healthcare, military applications and entertainment by means of their convenience. Another concept developed from the term of wearable technology is the concept of electronic textiles. In the production of electronic textiles, electronic components are included in textile products or these components are directly produced in textile forms by making the textile products conductive. Different materials such as conductive yarns, conductive fabrics, conductive coatings and conductive adhesives can be utilized to obtain conductive textile structures. Among these conductive materials, conductive yarns are one of the most preferred conductive textile products, either for the purpose of forming a texture or surface, or for use in connection paths. In this study, the criteria which are effective in the purchase of conductive yarn have been determined firstly. These criteria are; metal ratio, conductivity, flexibility, biocompatibility, mechanical strength, washability, usability in the machine for production and price criteria. Then, it was requested from 10 experts, who purchases conductive yarn in their company, to score the determined criteria according to the importance level in the yarn purchasing process. Collected data were evaluated using DEMATEL method which is one of the multi criteria decision making methods. As a result of the evaluations, when the criteria weights are sorted according to importance level; usability in the machine for production is the most important criterion in the system with 17% criterion weight. This criterion is followed by conductivity (16.86%), biocompatibility (13.66%), metal ratio (11.60%), mechanical strength (11.54%), price (10.77%) and flexibility (10%, 69) criteria, respectively. The least important criterion is the washability criterion with a weight of 7.8%. When the network structure and interplay of criteria are examined, usability in the machine for production criterion is the most influencing criterion whereas this criterion is influenced by no criterion. It was concluded that while the washability criterion had no effect on any criterion, it was affected by all criteria.
Tekstil, Moda, Sanat, Tasarım Sempozyumu, 2020
A predetermined motion time system (PMTS/Synthetic Times Method) is a work measurement technique ... more A predetermined motion time system (PMTS/Synthetic Times Method) is a work measurement technique whereby times established for basic human motions (classified according to the nature of the motion and the conditions under which it is made) are used to build up the time for a job at a defined level of performance. A considerable number and variety of PMTS systems were produced during and following the Second World War. Among these was a system which has become very widely used throughout the world, MTM (Methods-Time Measurement). MTM consists of initials of English Methods-Time-Measurement.MTM is analyze the methods used to perform any manual operation or task and, as a product of that analysis, set the standard time in which a worker should complete that task. In this study, MTM method and basic movements used in this method are explained in detail. As an example case, the operation of stacking the products after sewing was investigated in a company producing reflective warning vests. First, the case was analyzed with the MTM method and then an improvement was made in the completion time of the operation.
Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort zones due to sedentary work and... more Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the discomfort zones due to sedentary work and examine the ratio of these discomforts originated from office chair. Methods: The data used come from “Office Chair Satisfaction Survey” carried out in the randomly chosen 261 academic and administrative staff of Dokuz Eylül University. The sample size of this study consists of 153 women and 108 men. The survey consists of 27 questions to determine the ideas of staff about their uncomfortable body parts, the degree of discomforts originated from their office chair, properties of their office chairs, upholstery used on their office chair surface and their expectations from their office chairs. Results: It was found that %73.9 of women and %56.4 of men are not satisfied and %75.8 of staff who are not satisfied with their office chairs, feel pain and/or numbness while are sitting. %50.4 of staffs, who are not satisfied with their chairs, thinks that their discomforts originate from the chair. It was found that mostly stated uncomfortable body parts are waist, neck, lower back, upper back, shoulder, chest and arms. This study is a part of a continuing project. According to the results of survey, it is thought to be designed an office chair which satisfies the expectations of respondents.
The analysis and regulation of workplace, working instruments, the comfort of office chair, busin... more The analysis and regulation of workplace, working instruments, the comfort of office chair, business environment (sound, lighting, climate, vibration, temperature, and humidity), work and break times, analysis and editing of the organization, are some of the topics of interest of ergonomics. Environmental impact and conditions have important role on the employee’s working comfortably and efficiently. Therefore these conditions need to be aligned to the human body nature. Unsuitable working conditions (noise, etc.) cause additional load, which the human body endures, and this additional load reveals the signs of tiredness in the body. Even an office environment, unsuitable physical environment impairs health of workers and reduces the performance. Therefore, office climate, environmental factors such as lighting and noise must be harmonized with the employee’s body nature in all working environments. Seating comfort is one of the important factors affecting the performance of employees in the office environment. There are so many studies about chair dimensions and the disorders on human body which were caused by the inappropriate chair dimensions and sitting positions. However, there are a spot of studies about the surface of the chair and the discomfort caused by the chair cover and its negative performance effects. In this study, some results of seat cover analysis for the design of an ergonomic chair. Recently, ease of cleaning, low cost advantages caused the increasing of the use of artificial leather especially on the surface of the seat used in offices. The physical properties of natural leather and artificial leather were compared as the candidate covers to be used on the design of an ergonomic office chair.
7th International Technical Textiles Congress, 2019
Nowadays, sitting hours at the offices are increasing because of reason that the number of jobs b... more Nowadays, sitting hours at the offices are increasing because of reason that the number of jobs based on computer usage in offices increased. Therefore, the anthropometric suitability and comfort properties of office chairs used in these types of work are becoming progressively important. For those who sit for a long time, the tendency to muscle aches are increasing due to the fact that sweating and sweat which can not be removed from their body. For this reason, anti-allergic and sweat absorbent/breathable fabrics should be selected to improve the office chairs’ ease of use and sitting comfort of office workers. In this study, the possibilities of using spacer fabrics instead of traditional materials on office chairs in terms of textile comfort features were investigated. For this purpose, the moisture management and air permeability properties of three types of traditional materials and six types of spacer fabrics were compared.
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0, 2019
Internet of Things (IoT) can be basically defined as the connection of any devices with each othe... more Internet of Things (IoT) can be basically defined as the connection of any devices with each other or to the Internet. It can be used for remote sensing, data collection, control and processing, etc. There are many applications in this area from agriculture, energy and healthcare industry to architecture and textile industry. In this study, textile-based IoT applications, which have recently become a technological trend, have been examined and advantages and disadvantages of these applications are summarized. Then, the required aspects of textile-based IoT applications are indicated.
The aim of this study is to prepare an effective training document for the engineers who wants to... more The aim of this study is to prepare an effective training document for the engineers who wants to specialize in apparel area. For this aim a computer aided blade cutter system which is one of the great brand in his area is analized in detailed. In this study, the photographs and video training films have been carried out. A written, audio an visual educational document was developed with the help of this footages. The level of satisfaction have been examined by applying a survey to the Cutter users in the province of İzmir.
Today, as in developed countries, importance of safety and health at work, education of safety an... more Today, as in developed countries, importance of safety and health at work, education of safety and health at work and discussion of related problems about safety and health at work are becoming increasingly important in our country. Every kinds of job has positive and negative effects on human health. Nowadays, people have become almost integrated manner with their chairs due to the increasing working times on the computers although offices are known as the best comfortable work places. Hence, increasing is seen in musculoskeletal disorders of the occupational disease group. The aim of this thesis is determining the suitability of the construction dimensions of the chairs used in the workplace to the anthropometric measurements of the Turkish people and how the comfort of the textile materials used in the chairs are perceived by the users. In addition to determine the construction characteristics of office chairs and office workers expectations from their chairs. Objective and subjective tests will be performed to determine whether office seats and materials satisfy the expectations of office workers, according to the findings. As a result, office chair designs equipped with materials that satisfy the optimum specifications will be realized.