Ibrahim KARATAS | Istinye University (original) (raw)
Papers by Ibrahim KARATAS
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 2021
The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its... more The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its allies, friends, economic tools like US dollar and even its adversaries. In other words, not Americans but other countries including rivals keep the US as a superpower. They have done it voluntarily since the US has the desire to act globally, and any loss in its power would cause more losses in other countries. However, particularly during the Trump administration, the US withdrew from the leadership of the like-minded countries, opening the way for China and Russia to be more active in world affairs. Besides reluctant leadership of the Trump administration, generally the U.S administration prefers confrontation to cooperation and escapes from soft landing, accelerating the end of its superpowerhood. The result, as the study argues, might be a more dangerous world order, where there is no superpower ensuring peace on the earth. Methodologically, the concept of superpowerhood is elucidated from a historical, security and international political perspective.
Turkiye askeri techizat ihtiyaci baglaminda kendi kendine yeterli olmak icin milli silahlar ureti... more Turkiye askeri techizat ihtiyaci baglaminda kendi kendine yeterli olmak icin milli silahlar uretiminde buyuk bir mucadele veriyor. Fakat ABD ve diger NATO uyelerinin empoze ettigi ambargolar soz konusu girisimi oldukca zor bir hale sokmaktadir. Diger yandan, silah ambargolari Turk yetkilileri yerli uretime gecmek icin tahrik ve tesvik etmektedir. Turkiye ambargolarin ters etkisi sayesinde ordusunun ihtiyaclarinin %75’ini yerli olarak karsilayabilmektedir. Ne var ki, tank ve ucak gibi buyuk silahlar icin motorlarin uretimi baglaminda umutsuz bir halde bulunmaktadir. Cunku teknoloji transferi olmadan bu tur silahlar icin motor uretmenin imkani bulunmamaktadir. Diger yandan, Turk firmalari kisa ve uzun menzilli fuzeler ve zirhli araclar icin motor uretmeyi basarabilmislerdir. Batili guclerin Turkiye’nin azmini kirmak icin yaptigi tesebbusler ise yaramayacaktir. Cunku ulke silah uretiminde zaten dikkat cekecek bir seviyeye ulasabilmis durumda. Silah uretimi icin gelismis teknolojiyi art...
This study aims to ascertain the extent to which it was Western powers or Zionists that founded I... more This study aims to ascertain the extent to which it was Western powers or Zionists that founded Israel. The study argues that Israel was established by Western powers, while not ignoring the partial but significant role of Zionists that sought for a Jewish homeland. The West needed a Jewish homeland in order to utilise Jewish wealth, while also keeping Jews away since they were disturbed by the presence of the Jewish community. On the other hand, the World Zionist Organisation, motivated by anti-Semitism and nationalism, pioneered the idea of a Jewish national home and tried to persuade Western leaders as to the viability of a homeland in Palestine. While Zionist lobbying was influential, it can hardly be argued that they would have founded Israel without the help and permission of Western states, and in particular, the British Empire. The study aims to reveal external roles in nation-building by analysing the case of Israel. Methodologically, both quantitative and qualitative resea...
how useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turk... more how useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turkey, particularly in recent years. This study has analyzed Turkey's formal critical narrative about the article's benefits. Article 5 is also known as the "one for all and all for one" principle and concluded that facts and beliefs are different from each other. The study argues that nATo membership secured the Turkish state, and Turkey's position is no different from other members in terms of collective defense. It also found out that the reliance on Article 5 has diminished among member states due to waning loyalty to the organization. furthermore, some nATo members' passive postures estranged Turkey from the alliance.
İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2021
Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2021
Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to v... more Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to various reasons as opposed to American Muslims who conversely favor the American state and population. In line with this fact, this study tries to understand whether the Turkish community living in the US has different views about Americans than American Muslims do. This study makes a comparison because not all ethnic groups in the American Muslim community have the same views about Americans. While analyzing the Turkish community’s perceptions, this study also analyzes the views Americans and Muslim Americans have towards each other. The study compares previous surveys with the survey conducted among Turks living in the US and concludes that Muslims generally have the same perceptions regarding Americans. It also reveals that aside from the basic reasons which result in a negative view towards Muslims, being a small community and fragmented are two significant factors that damage the ima...
Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2020
Present study was conducted to develop papad by incorporating basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum). Th... more Present study was conducted to develop papad by incorporating basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum). The basil leaves were evaluated for its nutritional, functional and anti-nutritional parameters. The basil leaves were incorporated into foxtail millet papad at different levels and developed papad was analyzed for their physical, sensory and storage qualities. The nutritional composition of basil leaves incorporated papad indicated that it contained 3.12 grams of protein, fiber (5 g/ 100 g), iron (5.88 mg/ 100g) and calcium (60.12 mg/ 100 g) along with flavonoids (148 µg) total phenols (73 mg) and antioxidants (94.05 %). Basil leaves incorporated papad with 15 g level incorporation were found to be acceptable with a overall acceptability score of 7.56 on a nine point hedonic scale compared to other variations tested. The nutritional quality of developed basil papad showed significantly higher protein (19 g/ 100 g), ash (7.2 g/100 g), iron (11.58 mg/ 100 g), fiber (4 g/ 100 g), zinc (7.99 mg/ 100 g) fat (4 g/ 100 g) and functional parameters such as flavonoids (143 µg), total phenol (73 mg) and antioxidant (94 %) content; while antinutrients such as tannins were significantly high (25.25 mg) in basil leaves incorporated papads compared to phytic acid. The storage studies of basil leaves incorporated papad indicated that developed papad was found to be stable up to one month when stored in LDPE covers.
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019
ÖZ Popülizm kavramı 1990'lardan itibaren Avrupa'da siyasal düzeni etkisi altına aldı ve günümüz i... more ÖZ Popülizm kavramı 1990'lardan itibaren Avrupa'da siyasal düzeni etkisi altına aldı ve günümüz itibariyle popülist partiler hatırı sayılır oy oranlarına ulaşmış durumdalar. Yabancı düşmanlığı, ırkçılık, yolsuzluk, işsizlik ve diğer dinlere olan müsamahasızlık olarak ortaya çıkan popülizm sadece aşırı-sağda değil aşırısolda da taban bulmaktadır. Popülist partilerin yükselmesi Avrupa Birliği (AB) için de tehdit oluşturmakta ve uzun vadede birliğin çözülme ihtimalini akıllara getirmektedir. Nitekim İngiltere'nin AB'den ayrılmasında popülist partilerin rolü büyüktür. Avrupalı popülist partiler içinde en farklı olanı Hollanda merkezli Parti Võro de Vrijheid (PVV)'dir. Geert Wilders'in başkanı ve tek üyesi olduğu PVV'nin en önemli farkı Yahudi karşıtlığı yapmaması ve Yahudi lobilerinden ve İsrail'den finansal destek almasıdır. PVV ırkçı bir parti olmakla birlikte yabancı düşmanlığında seçici davranmaktadır. Parti bilhassa İslam'a düşmanlık beslemekte ve aleyhte kampanyalar düzenlemektedir. Bu çalışma Avrupa'daki popülist partiler hakkında özel bilgiler vermesinin yanı sıra PVV'nin kendine münhasır özelliklerini ve parti başkanı Geert Wilders'in siyaset ve ırkçılık üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır.
THEORISING SOMALI SOCIETY: Hope, Transformation and Development , 2022
This study analyzes how Enver Hoxha tried to abolish religions in Albania during the communist er... more This study analyzes how Enver Hoxha tried to abolish religions in Albania during the communist era. I argue that if atheism is not politicized and not exerted by force, its materialist damage is less. Yet, when atheization becomes a state policy and the government executes clergy, oppresses pious people, and destroys mosques and churches for the sake of atheism, irreligion then becomes a matter of state security. The study contends that when atheism is applied by force, atheist fundamentalism, which is no different than the religious version, emerges. Thus, irreligion becomes a threat to people’s lives and destroys society as in the case of Hoxha’s Albania. The study aims to shed light on the oppression stemming from adherence to non-belief.
مجلة كلية الشريعة و الدراسات الإسلامية, 2021
Purpose: This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur’an ... more Purpose: This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur’an and hadiths to find new recruits and legitimize its ideology. The study tries to identify how sensitive issues of Islam are misinterpreted to mislead and terrorize young Muslims. It also elucidates how the misuse of innocent verses and hadiths leads to terrorism in the hands of people with fundamentalist beliefs. Approach: All issues of two ISIS magazines, namely, Dabiq and Rumiyah, were reviewed, and the related articles were selected, examined and compared with traditional Sunni Islam’s eschatology. In addition to the content analysis of the two magazines entitled with the apocalyptic names, previously written literature was also examined for this study. Findings: ISIS used eschatology to persuade Muslim youth to immigrate to its so-called lands and fight for its lofty cause. The terrorist group tried to realize this goal mainly by reinterpreting prophetic promises of Islam for its end...
Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2021
Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to v... more Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to various reasons as opposed to American Muslims who conversely favor the American state and population. In line with this fact, this study tries to understand whether the Turkish community living in the US has different views about Americans than American Muslims do. This study makes a comparison because not all ethnic groups in the American Muslim community have the same views about Americans. While analyzing the Turkish community's perceptions, this study also analyzes the views Americans and Muslim Americans have towards each other. The study compares previous surveys with the survey conducted among Turks living in the US and concludes that Muslims generally have the same perceptions regarding Americans. It also reveals that aside from the basic reasons which result in a negative view towards Muslims, being a small community and fragmented are two significant factors that damage the image of Muslims. In addition, it reveals that a lack of knowledge about each other increases negative perceptions.
Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
This study analyzes why and for which countries the Turkish Foreign Ministry uses the word kardeş... more This study analyzes why and for which countries the Turkish Foreign Ministry uses the word kardeş (brother) in its discourse, particularly during the AK Party (Justice and Development Party) era. The study reveals that if a country is Muslim or ethnically Turkic, it is called a brother country. Besides states, Muslim or Turkic minorities in other countries are included in the brotherhood category. On the other hand, non-Turkic and non-Muslim countries are described as a friend, an ally, or strategic partners. However, being a brother does not mean that Turkey has the best relations with a country. On the contrary, Turkey has better relations with non-brother countries as well. Yet, being a brother state means probable privileged status in relations. Besides elucidating the discourse in Turkish foreign policy, this study also tries to counter realist ideas that friendship is not possible in the world order, which is supposed to be anarchical. Besides literature review, interviews were made to write the article.
İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2021
This study analyzes how migrants are militarized through analyzing an Iranian proxy, namely Liwa ... more This study analyzes how migrants are militarized through analyzing an Iranian proxy, namely Liwa Fatemiyoun, as a case study. Liwa Fatemiyoun is a proxy group formed from migrants of the Shiite ethnic group of Afghan Hazaras by Iran. Shiite Hazaras immigrated to Iran due to ongoing civil wars in Afghanistan to find a safe haven. Numbering more than two million and crossing the borders illegally, Hazaras were recruited by the Iranian army either voluntarily or for a certain amount of money or by force. They were sent to Syria to protect holy shrines, but most of them found themselves in fronts. By analyzing the proxy group's formation, this study concludes that Iranian regime guards (IRGC) mostly conscript Afghan migrants and refugees to Liwa Fatemiyoun forcibly thereby exploiting their vulnerability and human rights. Besides, by referring to past experiences, the study asserts that Iran may also move the proxy group to Afghanistan if necessary after US troops' withdrawal. This study mainly wielded news, including those in Persian and institutional reports, and made interviews for its analysis. By examining Liwa Fatemiyoun, the study is expected to contribute to ethnoreligious migration literature from a security perspective.
Handbook of Research on the Impact of COVID-19 on Marginalized Populations and Support for the Future, 2021
This chapter studies the coronavirus pandemic in war conditions by analyzing the case of Syria, w... more This chapter studies the coronavirus pandemic in war conditions by analyzing the case of Syria, where a
civil war has been ongoing since 2011. It reveals that COVID-19 was trouble in another trouble, impoverishing people, causing hunger and death. The research also shows that since the pandemic does not
cause a high number of fatalities that can force warring parties to lay down their weapons, the Syrian
regime and the two hostile opposition groups continued to fight. The study argues that the Assad regime
has weaponized COVID-19 to force dissidents to kneel. Yet, opposition groups resisted the regime and
tried to survive with the help of their allies. Theoretically, this study agrees that human security is not
possible without state security and argues that authoritarian regimes can sacrifice the former to ensure
the survival of the latter. Methodologically, besides literature review and benefiting from reports about
COVID-19, interviews were made with experts.
Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, 2021
This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur'an and hadit... more This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur'an and hadiths to find new recruits and legitimize its ideology. The study tries to identify how sensitive issues of Islam are misinterpreted to mislead and terrorize young Muslims. It also elucidates how the misuse of innocent verses and hadiths leads to terrorism in the hands of .people with fundamentalist beliefs Approach: All issues of two ISIS magazines, namely, Dabiq and Rumiyah, were reviewed, and the related articles were selected, examined and compared with traditional Sunni Islam's eschatology. In addition to the content analysis of the two magazines entitled with the apocalyp-.tic names, previously written literature was also examined for this study Findings: ISIS used eschatology to persuade Muslim youth to immigrate to its so-called lands and fight for its lofty cause. The terrorist group tried to realize this goal mainly by reinterpreting prophetic promises of Islam for its ends in the media. The analysis shows that ISIS did not serve religion but benefited its radical ideology. However, time has shown that ISIS's brutal cause was .far from the Islamic faith, as none of ISIS's apocalyptic prophecies came true Originality: While there are many studies about ISIS, few or none of them analyzed how the movement deceived people with apocalyptic ideas, which need to be considered during an examination of the conflicts in the Middle East, where states (e.g., Israel) or regimes (e.g., Iran) are founded on the basis of apocalyptic prophecies. ISIS was another trial that failed. By not examining the core of ISIS ideology stemming from the distorted interpretation of Islamic .prophecies, gray zones would be left in the literature. This study makes that zone clearer
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 2021
The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its... more The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its allies, friends, economic tools
like US dollar and even its adversaries. In other words, not Americans but other countries including rivals keep the US as a
superpower. They have done it voluntarily since the US has the desire to act globally, and any loss in its power would cause
more losses in other countries. However, particularly during the Trump administration, the US withdrew from the leadership
of the like-minded countries, opening the way for China and Russia to be more active in world affairs. Besides reluctant
leadership of the Trump administration, generally the U.S administration prefers confrontation to cooperation and escapes from
soft landing, accelerating the end of its superpowerhood. The result, as the study argues, might be a more dangerous world
order, where there is no superpower ensuring peace on the earth. Methodologically, the concept of superpowerhood is
elucidated from a historical, security and international political perspective
Uluslararası Çatışmalar ve Siviller, 2021
Ortadoğu Etütleri, 2021
How useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turk... more How useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turkey, particularly in recent years. This study has analyzed Turkey's formal critical narrative about the article's benefits. Article 5 is also known as the "one for all and all for one" principle and concluded that facts and beliefs are different from each other. The study argues that NATO membership secured the Turkish state, and Turkey's position is no different from other members in terms of collective defense. It also found out that the reliance on Article 5 has diminished among member states due to waning loyalty to the organization. furthermore, some NATO members' passive postures estranged Turkey from the alliance.
Turkish Policy Quarterly, 2021
While the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq was a destructive idea, its withdrawal from these ... more While the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq was a destructive idea, its withdrawal from these countries is much worse since Americans will be leaving the two countries without ensuring peace, stabilizing and improving the political system, and eliminating terrorist groups. Such policies are not only a repetition of the Vietnam War but also indicators of how unplanned and gradual withdrawals can harm both the US and victim countries. As the history of withdrawing is repeating itself, so will the post-withdrawal circumstances. This article, by reviewing the literature, reveals how sudden withdrawals create more chaos in war-torn countries.
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 2021
The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its... more The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its allies, friends, economic tools like US dollar and even its adversaries. In other words, not Americans but other countries including rivals keep the US as a superpower. They have done it voluntarily since the US has the desire to act globally, and any loss in its power would cause more losses in other countries. However, particularly during the Trump administration, the US withdrew from the leadership of the like-minded countries, opening the way for China and Russia to be more active in world affairs. Besides reluctant leadership of the Trump administration, generally the U.S administration prefers confrontation to cooperation and escapes from soft landing, accelerating the end of its superpowerhood. The result, as the study argues, might be a more dangerous world order, where there is no superpower ensuring peace on the earth. Methodologically, the concept of superpowerhood is elucidated from a historical, security and international political perspective.
Turkiye askeri techizat ihtiyaci baglaminda kendi kendine yeterli olmak icin milli silahlar ureti... more Turkiye askeri techizat ihtiyaci baglaminda kendi kendine yeterli olmak icin milli silahlar uretiminde buyuk bir mucadele veriyor. Fakat ABD ve diger NATO uyelerinin empoze ettigi ambargolar soz konusu girisimi oldukca zor bir hale sokmaktadir. Diger yandan, silah ambargolari Turk yetkilileri yerli uretime gecmek icin tahrik ve tesvik etmektedir. Turkiye ambargolarin ters etkisi sayesinde ordusunun ihtiyaclarinin %75’ini yerli olarak karsilayabilmektedir. Ne var ki, tank ve ucak gibi buyuk silahlar icin motorlarin uretimi baglaminda umutsuz bir halde bulunmaktadir. Cunku teknoloji transferi olmadan bu tur silahlar icin motor uretmenin imkani bulunmamaktadir. Diger yandan, Turk firmalari kisa ve uzun menzilli fuzeler ve zirhli araclar icin motor uretmeyi basarabilmislerdir. Batili guclerin Turkiye’nin azmini kirmak icin yaptigi tesebbusler ise yaramayacaktir. Cunku ulke silah uretiminde zaten dikkat cekecek bir seviyeye ulasabilmis durumda. Silah uretimi icin gelismis teknolojiyi art...
This study aims to ascertain the extent to which it was Western powers or Zionists that founded I... more This study aims to ascertain the extent to which it was Western powers or Zionists that founded Israel. The study argues that Israel was established by Western powers, while not ignoring the partial but significant role of Zionists that sought for a Jewish homeland. The West needed a Jewish homeland in order to utilise Jewish wealth, while also keeping Jews away since they were disturbed by the presence of the Jewish community. On the other hand, the World Zionist Organisation, motivated by anti-Semitism and nationalism, pioneered the idea of a Jewish national home and tried to persuade Western leaders as to the viability of a homeland in Palestine. While Zionist lobbying was influential, it can hardly be argued that they would have founded Israel without the help and permission of Western states, and in particular, the British Empire. The study aims to reveal external roles in nation-building by analysing the case of Israel. Methodologically, both quantitative and qualitative resea...
how useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turk... more how useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turkey, particularly in recent years. This study has analyzed Turkey's formal critical narrative about the article's benefits. Article 5 is also known as the "one for all and all for one" principle and concluded that facts and beliefs are different from each other. The study argues that nATo membership secured the Turkish state, and Turkey's position is no different from other members in terms of collective defense. It also found out that the reliance on Article 5 has diminished among member states due to waning loyalty to the organization. furthermore, some nATo members' passive postures estranged Turkey from the alliance.
İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2021
Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2021
Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to v... more Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to various reasons as opposed to American Muslims who conversely favor the American state and population. In line with this fact, this study tries to understand whether the Turkish community living in the US has different views about Americans than American Muslims do. This study makes a comparison because not all ethnic groups in the American Muslim community have the same views about Americans. While analyzing the Turkish community’s perceptions, this study also analyzes the views Americans and Muslim Americans have towards each other. The study compares previous surveys with the survey conducted among Turks living in the US and concludes that Muslims generally have the same perceptions regarding Americans. It also reveals that aside from the basic reasons which result in a negative view towards Muslims, being a small community and fragmented are two significant factors that damage the ima...
Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2020
Present study was conducted to develop papad by incorporating basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum). Th... more Present study was conducted to develop papad by incorporating basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum). The basil leaves were evaluated for its nutritional, functional and anti-nutritional parameters. The basil leaves were incorporated into foxtail millet papad at different levels and developed papad was analyzed for their physical, sensory and storage qualities. The nutritional composition of basil leaves incorporated papad indicated that it contained 3.12 grams of protein, fiber (5 g/ 100 g), iron (5.88 mg/ 100g) and calcium (60.12 mg/ 100 g) along with flavonoids (148 µg) total phenols (73 mg) and antioxidants (94.05 %). Basil leaves incorporated papad with 15 g level incorporation were found to be acceptable with a overall acceptability score of 7.56 on a nine point hedonic scale compared to other variations tested. The nutritional quality of developed basil papad showed significantly higher protein (19 g/ 100 g), ash (7.2 g/100 g), iron (11.58 mg/ 100 g), fiber (4 g/ 100 g), zinc (7.99 mg/ 100 g) fat (4 g/ 100 g) and functional parameters such as flavonoids (143 µg), total phenol (73 mg) and antioxidant (94 %) content; while antinutrients such as tannins were significantly high (25.25 mg) in basil leaves incorporated papads compared to phytic acid. The storage studies of basil leaves incorporated papad indicated that developed papad was found to be stable up to one month when stored in LDPE covers.
Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019
ÖZ Popülizm kavramı 1990'lardan itibaren Avrupa'da siyasal düzeni etkisi altına aldı ve günümüz i... more ÖZ Popülizm kavramı 1990'lardan itibaren Avrupa'da siyasal düzeni etkisi altına aldı ve günümüz itibariyle popülist partiler hatırı sayılır oy oranlarına ulaşmış durumdalar. Yabancı düşmanlığı, ırkçılık, yolsuzluk, işsizlik ve diğer dinlere olan müsamahasızlık olarak ortaya çıkan popülizm sadece aşırı-sağda değil aşırısolda da taban bulmaktadır. Popülist partilerin yükselmesi Avrupa Birliği (AB) için de tehdit oluşturmakta ve uzun vadede birliğin çözülme ihtimalini akıllara getirmektedir. Nitekim İngiltere'nin AB'den ayrılmasında popülist partilerin rolü büyüktür. Avrupalı popülist partiler içinde en farklı olanı Hollanda merkezli Parti Võro de Vrijheid (PVV)'dir. Geert Wilders'in başkanı ve tek üyesi olduğu PVV'nin en önemli farkı Yahudi karşıtlığı yapmaması ve Yahudi lobilerinden ve İsrail'den finansal destek almasıdır. PVV ırkçı bir parti olmakla birlikte yabancı düşmanlığında seçici davranmaktadır. Parti bilhassa İslam'a düşmanlık beslemekte ve aleyhte kampanyalar düzenlemektedir. Bu çalışma Avrupa'daki popülist partiler hakkında özel bilgiler vermesinin yanı sıra PVV'nin kendine münhasır özelliklerini ve parti başkanı Geert Wilders'in siyaset ve ırkçılık üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır.
THEORISING SOMALI SOCIETY: Hope, Transformation and Development , 2022
This study analyzes how Enver Hoxha tried to abolish religions in Albania during the communist er... more This study analyzes how Enver Hoxha tried to abolish religions in Albania during the communist era. I argue that if atheism is not politicized and not exerted by force, its materialist damage is less. Yet, when atheization becomes a state policy and the government executes clergy, oppresses pious people, and destroys mosques and churches for the sake of atheism, irreligion then becomes a matter of state security. The study contends that when atheism is applied by force, atheist fundamentalism, which is no different than the religious version, emerges. Thus, irreligion becomes a threat to people’s lives and destroys society as in the case of Hoxha’s Albania. The study aims to shed light on the oppression stemming from adherence to non-belief.
مجلة كلية الشريعة و الدراسات الإسلامية, 2021
Purpose: This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur’an ... more Purpose: This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur’an and hadiths to find new recruits and legitimize its ideology. The study tries to identify how sensitive issues of Islam are misinterpreted to mislead and terrorize young Muslims. It also elucidates how the misuse of innocent verses and hadiths leads to terrorism in the hands of people with fundamentalist beliefs. Approach: All issues of two ISIS magazines, namely, Dabiq and Rumiyah, were reviewed, and the related articles were selected, examined and compared with traditional Sunni Islam’s eschatology. In addition to the content analysis of the two magazines entitled with the apocalyptic names, previously written literature was also examined for this study. Findings: ISIS used eschatology to persuade Muslim youth to immigrate to its so-called lands and fight for its lofty cause. The terrorist group tried to realize this goal mainly by reinterpreting prophetic promises of Islam for its end...
Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2021
Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to v... more Surveys show that, in the United States, Americans have a less favorable view of Muslims due to various reasons as opposed to American Muslims who conversely favor the American state and population. In line with this fact, this study tries to understand whether the Turkish community living in the US has different views about Americans than American Muslims do. This study makes a comparison because not all ethnic groups in the American Muslim community have the same views about Americans. While analyzing the Turkish community's perceptions, this study also analyzes the views Americans and Muslim Americans have towards each other. The study compares previous surveys with the survey conducted among Turks living in the US and concludes that Muslims generally have the same perceptions regarding Americans. It also reveals that aside from the basic reasons which result in a negative view towards Muslims, being a small community and fragmented are two significant factors that damage the image of Muslims. In addition, it reveals that a lack of knowledge about each other increases negative perceptions.
Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
This study analyzes why and for which countries the Turkish Foreign Ministry uses the word kardeş... more This study analyzes why and for which countries the Turkish Foreign Ministry uses the word kardeş (brother) in its discourse, particularly during the AK Party (Justice and Development Party) era. The study reveals that if a country is Muslim or ethnically Turkic, it is called a brother country. Besides states, Muslim or Turkic minorities in other countries are included in the brotherhood category. On the other hand, non-Turkic and non-Muslim countries are described as a friend, an ally, or strategic partners. However, being a brother does not mean that Turkey has the best relations with a country. On the contrary, Turkey has better relations with non-brother countries as well. Yet, being a brother state means probable privileged status in relations. Besides elucidating the discourse in Turkish foreign policy, this study also tries to counter realist ideas that friendship is not possible in the world order, which is supposed to be anarchical. Besides literature review, interviews were made to write the article.
İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2021
This study analyzes how migrants are militarized through analyzing an Iranian proxy, namely Liwa ... more This study analyzes how migrants are militarized through analyzing an Iranian proxy, namely Liwa Fatemiyoun, as a case study. Liwa Fatemiyoun is a proxy group formed from migrants of the Shiite ethnic group of Afghan Hazaras by Iran. Shiite Hazaras immigrated to Iran due to ongoing civil wars in Afghanistan to find a safe haven. Numbering more than two million and crossing the borders illegally, Hazaras were recruited by the Iranian army either voluntarily or for a certain amount of money or by force. They were sent to Syria to protect holy shrines, but most of them found themselves in fronts. By analyzing the proxy group's formation, this study concludes that Iranian regime guards (IRGC) mostly conscript Afghan migrants and refugees to Liwa Fatemiyoun forcibly thereby exploiting their vulnerability and human rights. Besides, by referring to past experiences, the study asserts that Iran may also move the proxy group to Afghanistan if necessary after US troops' withdrawal. This study mainly wielded news, including those in Persian and institutional reports, and made interviews for its analysis. By examining Liwa Fatemiyoun, the study is expected to contribute to ethnoreligious migration literature from a security perspective.
Handbook of Research on the Impact of COVID-19 on Marginalized Populations and Support for the Future, 2021
This chapter studies the coronavirus pandemic in war conditions by analyzing the case of Syria, w... more This chapter studies the coronavirus pandemic in war conditions by analyzing the case of Syria, where a
civil war has been ongoing since 2011. It reveals that COVID-19 was trouble in another trouble, impoverishing people, causing hunger and death. The research also shows that since the pandemic does not
cause a high number of fatalities that can force warring parties to lay down their weapons, the Syrian
regime and the two hostile opposition groups continued to fight. The study argues that the Assad regime
has weaponized COVID-19 to force dissidents to kneel. Yet, opposition groups resisted the regime and
tried to survive with the help of their allies. Theoretically, this study agrees that human security is not
possible without state security and argues that authoritarian regimes can sacrifice the former to ensure
the survival of the latter. Methodologically, besides literature review and benefiting from reports about
COVID-19, interviews were made with experts.
Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, 2021
This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur'an and hadit... more This study aims to reveal how ISIS exploits apocalyptic prophecies stated in the Qur'an and hadiths to find new recruits and legitimize its ideology. The study tries to identify how sensitive issues of Islam are misinterpreted to mislead and terrorize young Muslims. It also elucidates how the misuse of innocent verses and hadiths leads to terrorism in the hands of .people with fundamentalist beliefs Approach: All issues of two ISIS magazines, namely, Dabiq and Rumiyah, were reviewed, and the related articles were selected, examined and compared with traditional Sunni Islam's eschatology. In addition to the content analysis of the two magazines entitled with the apocalyp-.tic names, previously written literature was also examined for this study Findings: ISIS used eschatology to persuade Muslim youth to immigrate to its so-called lands and fight for its lofty cause. The terrorist group tried to realize this goal mainly by reinterpreting prophetic promises of Islam for its ends in the media. The analysis shows that ISIS did not serve religion but benefited its radical ideology. However, time has shown that ISIS's brutal cause was .far from the Islamic faith, as none of ISIS's apocalyptic prophecies came true Originality: While there are many studies about ISIS, few or none of them analyzed how the movement deceived people with apocalyptic ideas, which need to be considered during an examination of the conflicts in the Middle East, where states (e.g., Israel) or regimes (e.g., Iran) are founded on the basis of apocalyptic prophecies. ISIS was another trial that failed. By not examining the core of ISIS ideology stemming from the distorted interpretation of Islamic .prophecies, gray zones would be left in the literature. This study makes that zone clearer
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 2021
The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its... more The study argues that although the US power is in decline, it is still a superpower thanks to its allies, friends, economic tools
like US dollar and even its adversaries. In other words, not Americans but other countries including rivals keep the US as a
superpower. They have done it voluntarily since the US has the desire to act globally, and any loss in its power would cause
more losses in other countries. However, particularly during the Trump administration, the US withdrew from the leadership
of the like-minded countries, opening the way for China and Russia to be more active in world affairs. Besides reluctant
leadership of the Trump administration, generally the U.S administration prefers confrontation to cooperation and escapes from
soft landing, accelerating the end of its superpowerhood. The result, as the study argues, might be a more dangerous world
order, where there is no superpower ensuring peace on the earth. Methodologically, the concept of superpowerhood is
elucidated from a historical, security and international political perspective
Uluslararası Çatışmalar ve Siviller, 2021
Ortadoğu Etütleri, 2021
How useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turk... more How useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turkey, particularly in recent years. This study has analyzed Turkey's formal critical narrative about the article's benefits. Article 5 is also known as the "one for all and all for one" principle and concluded that facts and beliefs are different from each other. The study argues that NATO membership secured the Turkish state, and Turkey's position is no different from other members in terms of collective defense. It also found out that the reliance on Article 5 has diminished among member states due to waning loyalty to the organization. furthermore, some NATO members' passive postures estranged Turkey from the alliance.
Turkish Policy Quarterly, 2021
While the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq was a destructive idea, its withdrawal from these ... more While the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq was a destructive idea, its withdrawal from these countries is much worse since Americans will be leaving the two countries without ensuring peace, stabilizing and improving the political system, and eliminating terrorist groups. Such policies are not only a repetition of the Vietnam War but also indicators of how unplanned and gradual withdrawals can harm both the US and victim countries. As the history of withdrawing is repeating itself, so will the post-withdrawal circumstances. This article, by reviewing the literature, reveals how sudden withdrawals create more chaos in war-torn countries.
Insight Turkey, 2020
This study reviews Dana El Kurd's book titled Polarized and Demobilized: Legacies of Authoritaria... more This study reviews Dana El Kurd's book titled Polarized and Demobilized: Legacies of Authoritarianism in Palestine
NATO and the Future of European and Asian Security, 2021
This study analyzes NATO’s efforts for defending itself and member states against cyberattacks or... more This study analyzes NATO’s efforts for defending itself and member states against cyberattacks originating
from cyber space, which is the fourth domain of operations now, and the smartization of defense policies,
respectively. It then elucidates whether the cyber defence can be ensured via practicing the smart
defence paradigm. While the smart defence is already applied in military production and operations,
and there is some success to a certain extent, to what extent smartizing cyber defence will be successful
is a question whose answer is yet to be found. This chapter searches for the answer by applying NATO’s
smart defence concept to its cyber defence domain and tries to learn the possibility of the achievement
of the new paradigm. In addition, it lays down its proposals such as imitating successful models and
enlarging NATO so that it can include other partners in cyber space. Methodologically, a literature
review was used to prepare the chapter.
Uluslararası Çatışmalar ve Siviller, 2021
Turkey has been facing some internal and external security threats particularly since 2010. Inter... more Turkey has been facing some internal and external security threats particularly since 2010. Internally, it was fighting the PKK, a designated terrorist organization and a separatist Kurdish militant group, since 1984. However, when the Arab Spring erupted in December 2010 and reached Syria in 2011, the effects of uprisings were felt as new waves of terrorism and migration. Besides direct threats, Turkey's overseas interests were negatively influenced by the Arab Spring. In particular, the Syrian civil war led to the emigration of four million displaced people and the settlement of terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and PKK (as YPG) on Syrian territories bordering Turkey. Turkish government welcomed Syrian refugees but problems arising from their long stay shook the Turkish state and population. As ordinary migrants became a burden on Turkey's budget, employment, and municipal infrastructure, Turkish people began to grumble about the government's policies regarding Syrians. Hence, complaints about Syrian refugees increased, which eventually led to more criticism of the Erdogan-led government. In addition, the attacks of ISIS members infiltrating into Turkey as refugees caused political and security chaos until ISIS was ousted from Turkish borders. ISIS attacks also led to further securitization of migration. Another menace originating from Syria was terrorism. Besides ISIS that targeted Turkish forces and population both in Syria and Turkey, the PKK's Syria branch, namely PYD and its armed wing YPG, seized a-third of Syrian territories with the support of the US. Seeing that a PKK-led state is being founded in Northern Syria, the Turkish army and its proxy Syrian National Army (SNA) controlled some bordering cities and towns by a couple of military operations. Moreover, when the Assad regime, Iran's proxies, and Russia wanted to retake Idlib, the Turkish army again entered Syria to protect the city and its vicinity in order to stop new waves of migration. Turkish army and SNA lost hundreds of soldiers during operations conducted against the PKK, ISIS, and the Assad regime. On the other hand, a secretive group supposed to be a religious congregation led by Fetullah Gülen broke its ties with Ak Party government from 2010 onwards and began to attack the government secretly. The group known as FETO (Fetullahist Terrorist Organization), had been infiltrating into the state and controlling important posts in the police, judiciary, and army. When it understood the government is planning to destroy its veiled empire, group members made a first attempt to overthrow the government with a judicial probe in December 2013. However, it failed and the Ak Party government began to pacify group members in the state. Nonetheless, FETO did not stop and attempted a military coup on July 15, 2016. The coup was repelled after Erdogan called people to resist. Aftermath, while some FETO members fled to other countries, those in Turkey were either arrested or removed from their posts. FETO is still fighting the Turkish state but it is no longer a major threat. On the other hand, the PKK has lost its combatting capability on Turkish soils but it is operating as SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) in Syria. In addition to struggling with terrorism, Turkey launched a campaign for the production of indigenous weapons. In fact, arms projects began as soon as Ak Party came to power in 2002. However, since the delivery to the end-user (army) takes years, it was after 2015 that the Turkish army received indigenously made advanced weapons. As of 2021, Turkey's armed drones have a great reputation in the world thanks to their success in Libya, Syria, and Azerbaijan. Moreover, Turkish armored vehicles and warships are sold to the Turkish army as well as armies of many other countries. Moreover, the short and middle-range surface-to-air missiles are ready for mass production. While the Turkish defense industry will produce helicopters soon, fighters and tanks are also expected to be manufactured in upcoming years. The success of the Turkish defense industry can be understood from exports. As of 2021, Turkey exports $3 billion worth of weapons. Another conspicuous development in security is to establish bases abroad and sending troops to other countries. While the Turkish army is in Syria and Iraq to fight against the PKK and ISIS terrorist organizations, Turkish troops are also present in Qatar, Libya, Somalia, and Azerbaijan, which are friendly countries. Perhaps Libya should be separated as Turkey signed a maritime deal with it. The Turkish army is reportedly there to protect its rights originating from the agreement. Thus, Turkey’s interests are more vivid in Turkey-Libya military relations. This book consists of six chapters. First of all, Dr. İbrahim Karataş discusses the impact of migration from Syria on Turkey’s security by analyzing it through the concept of securitization. In addition, Dr. Mustafa Atatorun examines why and how Turkey inaugurated indigenous arms projects. Moreover, Ph.D. student Mustafa Öztop questions whether Turkey builds military bases abroad and conducts military operations for peacebuilding purposes or foreign interests. Furthermore, Ph.D. student Erdem Eren elucidates how FETO was established, grew, acted secretly, and finally attempted a military coup to overthrow the government. Dr. Ahmet Hüsrev Çelik and Dr. Şahin Çaylı also contribute the book with a co-authored chapter about the security problem stemming from the PKK and how the Turkish government struggles with it. Finally, Dr. Bora Bayraktar explains Turkey’s fight against ISIS in his chapter.
In Contemporary Issues with Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Social Science, Engin ÇAKIR and Yusuf KADERLİ (Eds), 2021
t Syria’s opposition civil-defense network, namely the White Helmets, has been under the military... more t Syria’s opposition civil-defense network, namely the White Helmets, has been
under the military and information warfare of Russia since the Russian army began to
fight alongside the Syrian regime against rebel groups in September 2015. Designating the
organization as a terrorist group, Russians attacked the White Helmets’ operation centers
and simultaneously waged an information war to smear the organization and perpetuate
confusion among the world audience. This study has analyzed Russian media, affiliated
news outlets, social media, pro-Russian reports disseminating Russian claims, the White
Helmets’ reports and concerning news in the Western media. It also made interviews
with top officials of the organization to check the accuracy of Russian accusations. After
comparing allegations of both sides, it has concluded that there is massive Russian information warfare on the White Helmets that testifies Russian and the regime crimes on the
frontline. The research has also contended that Russian black propaganda has become
successful. As a side finding, this study has revealed which tactics the Russian propaganda machine uses during the discrediting campaigns. Methodologically, both quantitative and qualitative researches were used
ISBN: 978-625-7258-87-6, 2020
4’üncü Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresi“ASRİKA Konfederasyonu Savunma Sistemi”, İstanbul, 2020
İslam ülkeleri arasındaki çoğunlukla siyasetçilerden kaynaklı çekişmeler işbirliğinin yeterli dü... more İslam ülkeleri arasındaki çoğunlukla siyasetçilerden kaynaklı çekişmeler işbirliğinin yeterli düzeye gelmesine engel olmuştur. Oysaki Müslüman ülkeler kendi kendilerine yetecek insan gücüne ve ekonomik güce sahiptirler. Bu makalenin konusu olan 'askeri silah üretiminde işbirliği' bağlamında birçok ülke, ordularının ekipman ihtiyacını ABD, AB üyeleri, Rusya ve Çin gibi aktörlerden temin ederek, genel olarak yerli silah sanayisinin gelişmesine ve Müslüman ülkeler arasında ortak silah üretimi projelerine bilerek veya bilmeyerek engel olmuşlardır. Oysaki İslam ülkelerinin en azından bir kısmı bir araya gelerek maliyetleri düşürmek suretiyle milli silahlara sahip olabilir ve dışa bağımlılıktan kurtulabilir. Kaldı ki maruz kalınan açıktan ve gizli silah ambargoları muhtemel bir savaş esnasında ithal edilen silahların ve yedek parçaların tedarikine engel olacağı için büyük sıkıntılara sebep olabilecektir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma Türkiye, Pakistan, Malezya, Azerbaycan, Kuveyt ve Katar gibi ülkelerin çekirdek bir milli savunma birliği oluşturup kendi silahlarını kendilerinin üretmesinin son derece elzem ve verimli olabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Böyle bir birliktelik maliyetleri düşürmesinin yanı sıra ambargo sorununu da ortadan kaldırıp ambargocu ülkelerin işbirliği yapan Müslüman ülkelere yedek parça ve teknoloji transferinde ambargo uygulamada daha çekingen davranmalarına ve hatta hiç ambargo uygulamamalarına sebep olabilir. Bilhassa etnik ve dini milliyetçiliğin arttığı, kutuplaşmaların oluştuğu ve savaşın daha çok zikr edildiği mevcut dönemde silah üretiminde ortak hareket etmek bir tercih meselesinden çok konjonktürlerin muktezası haline gelmiştir. Öte yandan çalışmamız askeri işbirliğine altı ülkenin yanı sıra diğer Müslüman ve Müslüman olmayan ülkelerin katılmasına sıcak bakmaktadır. Ancak benzer politikalara sahip olmanın ve yakın kültürel ilişkilerin işbirliğinin ömrünü uzatacağını iddia etmektedir. Makalemiz birbirine yakın İslam ülkeleri arasındaki askeri işbirliğinin önemini deneye dayalı verilerle izah ederek literatüre katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Metot olarak literatür taraması yapılmıştır.