hard - traduzione in latino: (original) (raw)

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Inglese-latino dizionario

hard [hɑːd]: durus acerbus austerus difficilis firmus rigidus robustus severus solidus aegre

Esempi di traduzione «hard» nel contesto:

Life is hard. Vita dura est. OriginePresentare un reclamo Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
It's hard to speak three languages. Difficile est tribus linguis loqui. OriginePresentare un reclamo Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
to row hard remis contendere OriginePresentare un reclamo Corpus name: Meissner-Audena. License: www.gutenberg.org/license References: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/50280/50280-h/50280-h.htm
to row hard navem remis concitare, incitare OriginePresentare un reclamo Corpus name: Meissner-Audena. License: www.gutenberg.org/license References: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/50280/50280-h/50280-h.htm
This isn't hard. Hoc difficile non est. OriginePresentare un reclamo Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
Is it really that hard to speak English? Num difficile est Anglice loqui? OriginePresentare un reclamo Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org

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