Alvanov Mansoor | Institut Teknologi Bandung (original) (raw)
Papers by Alvanov Mansoor
Kartala Visual Studies, Jun 14, 2023
Marketing strategy is a fundamental element for companies and media to introduce events to their ... more Marketing strategy is a fundamental element for companies and media to introduce events to their target consumers. Collaboration is a widely used marketing strategy in the entertainment industry, where parties come together to generate integrated creativity and synergy. The advertisements in the Tiba-Tiba Tenis campaign, created by VINDES in partnership with RANS Entertainment on social media, exemplify collaboration in advertising and marketing. Tiba-Tiba Tenis, organized by VINDES in 2022 as part of the VINDES Sport segment, represents the implementation of Visual Communication Design, specifically in conveying persuasive messages through visual media to stakeholders. Through content analysis and the visual rhetoric theories of Sonja K Foss, Hesford, and Brueggemann, this research examines the photography and videography of the campaign using observation techniques and literature review. The findings demonstrate that the presented content not only promotes the event but also serves as educational media about tennis for VINDES and RANS Entertainment fans. The content showcases visual rhetoric that extends beyond design elements or images, incorporating cultural elements and the meanings conveyed by the visual artwork.
European Journal of Business and Management Research, Oct 26, 2022
Indonesia government urges the public to increase their immune system to prevent the spread of th... more Indonesia government urges the public to increase their immune system to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus by increasing the consumption of healthy food as well as massive vaccination and mobility restriction. The issue creates opportunity for an enterprise named focusing in selling healthy agricultural food especially fruits. This paper evaluates the existing business of who often experiences problems during the process in order to create a better business strategy. Using two analytical approaches, which are Business Process Analysis and Porter's Five Forces, the authors found that operational cost is bigger than its revenue because of their business process and fruit retail business is highly saturated. Blue Ocean Strategy is proposed by the authors for By eliminating activities that less contribute to revenue, reducing variance of fresh fruits but increasing the variance of processed fruits as well as creating a new value of products may create a better and sustainable business for
Jurnal Desain (e-journal), Dec 30, 2022
Emotional branding merupakan suatu cara untuk membangun hubungan emosional antara brand dan konsu... more Emotional branding merupakan suatu cara untuk membangun hubungan emosional antara brand dan konsumen, serta menggiring respon emosional dari konsumen yang searah dengan brand. Emotional branding didasari oleh empat konsep dasar yang terdiri dari hubungan, pengalaman panca indera imajinasi dan visi. Bagi sebuah klinik gigi, menerapkan emotional branding dalam strategi branding kliniknya merupakan hal yang menguntungkan karena emosi dan pengalaman pasien merupakan hal yang sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan perilaku pasien terhadap sebuah klinik gigi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan data yang diperlukan dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi langsung kepada salah satu klinik gigi yang ada di Kota Bandung bernama Bandung Dental Center. Hasil observasi mengenai Aktivitas dan strategi branding yang dilakukan oleh bandung dental center kemudian dianalisis melalui empat pilar dasar emotional branding menurut Marc Gobe untuk mengetahui bagaimana emotional branding diterapkan melalui branding klinik gigi. Dari temuan yang didapat, klinik Bandung Dental Center telah menerapkan konsep dasar emotional branding. Namun untuk beberapa aspek seperti pengalaman pancaindera masih bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut.
JGGAG (Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification), Jan 3, 2023
Game is a form entertainment determined by a rule and conflict resolution by the player. A good g... more Game is a form entertainment determined by a rule and conflict resolution by the player. A good game is able to display attractive visual, make the player get engaged and feel the needing pleasure. Visual is a medium that only concerns the sense of sight while the other senses like sense of hearing (sound) cannot be included in the visual use Visual in a game is a part of the user interfaces. User interface is a medium between a system and the user. The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia has released various free website-based edugames that can be accessed and played by the Indonesia especially elementary school students. Mamat Adventure is one of the edugames provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This theoretical exploration has been begun with a discussion about the visual appearance related to the user interface in the edugame of Mamat Adventure. This analysis uses the Heuristic Evaluation method initiated by Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich to measure the effectiveness of the user interface in the game of Mamat Adventure
European Journal of Business and Management Research
The meal kit business is relatively new in Indonesia. As an initiator in the meal kit business in... more The meal kit business is relatively new in Indonesia. As an initiator in the meal kit business in Indonesia “Black Garlic” failed to deliver its value to the market. Thus, they went bankrupt in 2015. However, after the pandemic, the meal kit business model gained attraction in entrepreneurs' eyes. While they are trying to fit in the market, Masakbox is diving in and trying to find the best practices to win in the meal kit business. This research will discuss the journey of the business in adapting ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) for a meal kit business namely Masakbox by briefly discuss about the existing business condition and analyzed using As Is Business Process Map and Value Proposition Canvas. Subsequently, the primary data is gathered from actual customers after they purchase the product and expert recommendations. Finally, the action that Masakbox took to solve the problem by using ZMOT theory and the impact in the business. The impact of ZMOT after analysis and implementatio...
European Journal of Business and Management Research
The fashion industry is a very important industry because the fashion industry is one of the larg... more The fashion industry is a very important industry because the fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to GDP for Indonesia. In addition, the fashion industry is also growing all the time and always has new trends. To maintain existence, it is necessary to carry out new business strategies that are acceptable to the market. As a business actor in the fashion industry, Pola Lampau still lacks product variations and has not carried out product development. To improve business performance and be able to compete in the market, Pola Lampau wants to make updates in business strategies. This research will discuss relevant business strategies for Pola Lampau engaged in the fashion industry, to be able to compete in the fashion industry. This research is the basis for the company to maintain competition with competitors by first analyzing the company's existing conditions internally and externally. Internal analysis uses several methods that refer to several literature studies...
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual, 2020
Indonesia adalah negara dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masala... more Indonesia adalah negara dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah menggunakan kampanye keselamatan lalu-lintas. Street Smart adalah sebuah kampaye keselamatan lalu lintas tentang pejalan kaki dan pesepeda di Amerika yang berpotensi menjadi rujukan untuk kampanye keselamatan lalu lintas di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif eksplanatif. Analisis menggunakan cara analisis teks dan landasan teori yang digunakan adalah definisi kampanye dan iklan layanan masyarakat dan pembuatan iklan layanan masyarakat yang baik. Street Smart memiliki tujuan utama yaitu mengurangi tingkat kecelakaan dan kematian dari pejalan kaki dan pesepeda dengan meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat dalam hal keselamatan pejalan kaki dan pesepeda. Kampanye yang berkelanjutan dan konsisten serta merangkul berbagai etnis dan kelompk masyarakat dalam komunikasi keselamatan bberlalu lintas merupakan kunci keberh...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Along with the increasing use of smartphones in adolescents and children, mobile games in the for... more Along with the increasing use of smartphones in adolescents and children, mobile games in the form of educational games have been developed by Indonesia and other countries as a learning medium to increase student motivation, including learning scripts. Indonesia is an archipelago country with several aksara/scripts, such as the Rejang script from Sumatra island, the Jawa script from Java Island, the Bali script from Bali island, and the Lontara script from Sulawesi island. Still, there are concerns that some aksara/scripts in Indonesia will become extinct. There are several educational mobile games designed for children using aksara/script recognition content where the game can be used as a supporting medium for learning the script while playing. The author analyzed the contents of several educational mobile games comparatively to gain insight into how educational mobile game developers educate players about aksara/scripts. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with game design theory as a reference for comparative studies. From this research, it is expected that readers will gain insight into approaches to learning letters or scripts through mobile educational games. In addition, these findings can be used as a foundation for developing educational games about scripts.
Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara yang rawan terhadap bahaya bencana alam, Bencana alam yang paling... more Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara yang rawan terhadap bahaya bencana alam, Bencana alam yang paling sering terjadi di Indonesia adalah bencana alam gempa bumi. Masyarakat Indonesia termasuk rentan terhadap bahaya bencana alam gempa bumi, sehingga diperlukan edukasi mengenai bencana alam tersebut. Anak-anak, terutama, seringkali berada dalam posisi paling rentan ketika terjadi bencana alam. Walaupun begitu, anak-anak dapat berperan aktif dalam mitigasi bencana, dan dapat menjadi target sasaran yang tepat untuk edukasi bencana. Komik adalah salah satu jenis media yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran, dan komik edukasi sudah digunakan dalam edukasi bencana baik melalui materi edukasi terbitan lembaga pemerintah maupun pihak lembaga mitigasi bencana. Komik edukasi dapat menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dengan menarik, sehingga cocok digunakan untuk media pembelajaran. Namun, media pembelajaran yang ada belum mencukupi, dan dari media yang sudah diterbitkan, hanya sedikit yang ditujukan...
Dynamics of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Digital Technology Transformation and Cultural Evolution, 2021
Women's issues are frequently brought up within cultural studies and academic discourses in corre... more Women's issues are frequently brought up within cultural studies and academic discourses in correlation with the patriarchal culture which is still embedded in traditional Javanese views. Issues that are rarely studied are women's portrayal in Indonesian comics, especially the wayang genre that refers to Javanese culture. Wayang art is significant to Javanese culture, along with its patriarchal ideology. By assumption, that ideology is also reflected in the wayang comics. Using descriptive qualitative analysis, preceded by aesthetical morphology, this paper discussed the way a wayang comic artist visualized princess characters. Teguh Santosa was chosen due to his reputation as an Indonesian comic maestro, along with his sensual visualization of women. Finally, the kind of sociocultural context with which Teguh perceived women, and the visual translation method he invented, was explored. This will complete understanding on Javanese wayang adaptations into comics and the possibility of it being realized in digital media.
DESKOMVIS: Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Komunikasi Visual, Seni Rupa dan Media, 2020
Fiksi horor merupakan budaya bertutur yang secara turun temurun telah membentuk suatu fiksasi kul... more Fiksi horor merupakan budaya bertutur yang secara turun temurun telah membentuk suatu fiksasi kultural terhadap fiksi horor di Indonesia dengan mitos dan kepercayaannya. Sebagai salah satu bentuk dari subkategori literatur horor fiktif, komik horor juga mulai berkembang di Indonesia bersamaan dengan berkembangnya fiksi horor pada media lain seperti film dan sastra. Adanya pola tertentu yang muncul pada komik horor Indonesia menarik penulis untuk mengkaji bahasan ini secara lebih lanjut guna memetakan karakteristik komik horor di Indonesia, khususnya komik horor pada platform webtoon. Kecenderungan pembaca komik horor Indonesia atas narasi dan gaya visual dari komik horor itu sendiri dapat dianalisis melalui adanya pemetaan komik horor Indonesia pada platform webtoon. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat ditarik satu kesimpulan bahwa komik dengan tema mistisisme lokal lebih digemari bila dibandingkan dengan tema selainnya, teknik visualisasi dengan jump scare lebih digemari dib...
Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain dan Periklanan (Demandia), 2016
Tatang Suhenra adalah salah seorang komikus legendaris Indonesia yangterkenal dengan karya komikn... more Tatang Suhenra adalah salah seorang komikus legendaris Indonesia yangterkenal dengan karya komiknya berupa komik silat, komik cerita Punakawan,dan komik religius. Komik-komik karya Tatang Suhenra menjadi benda koleksiyang bernilai tinggi karena dapat terus dikonsumsi saat komik Indonesia sulitbersaing pada periode 1980-an menjadi daya tarik utama yang menarik untukdikaji lebih dalam. Aspek visual story telling komik Tatang Suhenra dikajimenggunakan teori Scott McCloud. Adapun hasil penelitian ini mengerucut pada pemanfaatan konten dan konteks lokal secara kreatif dari target pembacanya sebagai salah satu ciri kekhasan karya Tatang Suhenra selain pemilihan tokoh serta penokohan yang teliti dan konsisten. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan pembuat komik untuk mengatasi persaingan komik Indonesia dengan komik mancanegara
Jurnal Desain, 2020
Persebaran covid-19 berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan lalu-lintas orang dan barang era globalisas... more Persebaran covid-19 berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan lalu-lintas orang dan barang era globalisasi.Menggali lebih dalam dampak sosial masyarakat terkait dengan pandemi covid-19, dapat dikonstruksi melalui tahapan emosional dalam kesedihan yang terjadi ketika manusia dihadapkan pada perubahan.Memahami dampak sosial pandemi covid-19 menghasilkan pengetahuan yang berguna untuk mengembangkan model strategi komunikasi persuasi publik Indonesia. Fenomena tersebut akan dipetakan dengan semiotika sosial untuk menghasilkan model siklus kesedihan pandemi covid-19 yang akan menjadi dasar pemodelan kampanye sosial. Adapun temuan dalam pengembangan model kampanye sosial pasca pandemi Covid-19 adalah perlunya membangun pemahaman akan khalayak sasaran melalui pengembangan pemahaman akan interaksi sosial budaya, dan pemahaman akan pola pengumpulan informasi, serta pemahaman akan sistem pengambilan keputusan khalayak sasaran berbasis konstruksi fase kesedihan pandemi covid-19. Pola perilaku, komuni...
Jurnal Strategi Desain dan Inovasi Sosial
Marriage is an important moment in the life of every individual. The phenomenon of weddings becom... more Marriage is an important moment in the life of every individual. The phenomenon of weddings becoming self-actualization, which has become profane, is increasingly happening. The value of marriage, which was previously a sacred event, has now become an arena for showing off. This has an impact on the rapidly growing business in the field of wedding services in Indonesia. One form of business is a wedding organizer (WO). The increase in this business field is a threat for business people to get clients' attention. WO is an organizer that cannot stand alone without other business networks around it, namely vendors who work together to make the wedding procession a success. This study aims to understand the visual communication model using AISAS carried out by WO business people to expand their business and relationships with stakeholders and increase brand awareness to clients. The chosen research method is explanatory qualitative with data collection using interviews, literature study, observation, and analysis using AISAS communication theory. From the results of the study it was found that there is no definite aesthetic formulation or side of beauty to be used as a reference in designing visual communication media in the WO business ecosystem (WO, vendors, and consumers). Designers only need to follow standard design rules to create optical communication media for the target audience. Communicators or stakeholders can focus on what kind of goals and reactions they want to start from the provided design to clients.
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal
Islamic education needs to be taught to everybody since an early age so they can understand, have... more Islamic education needs to be taught to everybody since an early age so they can understand, have moral and noble character which can be embedded since young. In the current era of technological development, the internet has an important role for communities, especially for parents in delivering Islamic education to children. Video-based social media called Youtube is the choice of entertainment and education media for children. Some of the shows on Youtube that are mostly chosen to deliver Islamic education to children are Nussa’s animated web series, Syamil Dodo and Kastari Senja. The purpose of this study is to find out the three animations in fulfilling the criteria of educational media in conveying the message of Islamic education in accordance with the goals of national education, interpretation of the Qur’an and its benefit as an educational medium. The study used qualitative descriptive method. The findings from this study are Nussa animation, Syamil Dodo and Kastari Senja c...
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
Business growth in the wedding industry has begun to grow and spread in Indonesia, seen from the ... more Business growth in the wedding industry has begun to grow and spread in Indonesia, seen from the variety of types of this industry, one of which is wedding organizer (WO). WO is an organizer with many networks involved in its business ecosystem. It can’t stand alone without relations and interactions with its stakeholders (vendors) such as wedding decor, catering, entertainment, make-up artist, and others. In this research, a conducive network model in the industry can be optimized by mapping the WO business ecosystem to expand and create a complete and sustainable business. The method used is qualitative, with data collection through interviews, observations, and literature studies. James F. Moore’s business ecosystem will be used in data analysis as a mapping reference for WO business network model. The results found that several networks were classified into three scopes of the business ecosystem. It considers the relationship of each stakeholder to the WO and vice versa. The rel...
Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual, 2021
Cells at Work is a Japanese comic by Shimizu Akane that tells about body cells’ science. The comi... more Cells at Work is a Japanese comic by Shimizu Akane that tells about body cells’ science. The comic gains popularity as edutainment and adapted into several educative media such as spin-offs comics, picture books, games, stage plays, and many more. While it can act as good alternatives to learn about the science of cells, adaptation to media that is too diverse can create ambiguity, confusing its users. The purpose of this research is to create a media integration mapping of Cells at Work. This research employs a qualitative descriptive method. The descriptive method is used to describe and determine the use of each adaptation medium. Then this research will map the media integration. The findings show that the diversity of educational media has its roles and purposes. Spin-off comics have specific topics that can broaden the user's knowledge of various cells. At the same time, picture books are aimed at readers who want to study cells in depth without any side stories. Games are...
Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual, 2021
In accordance with the changes that occur in 21st century, the world’s media industry also underg... more In accordance with the changes that occur in 21st century, the world’s media industry also undergoes rapid changes. The variety of media that continues to emerge and develop in all levels of society has a significant impact, one of which is the board game media. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of researchers to examine board game media as a media education towards media literacy skills. Media literacy is the ability to seek, find, and use information from media messages by adapting cognitive abilities and critical thinking in analyzing and questioning media messages that are seen, read, and watched. Media literacy has a broad scope that is believed to be able to function as the stronghold for the public in ability to think critically. This study was conducted to examine the gamification mechanics element as an independent variable in the board game media literacy, focusing on the concept of media literacy based on individual competence, especially on critical understandi...
MAVIB Journal
Video adalah sebuah bentuk media komunikasi visual yang banyak digunakan di abad 21. Diantara vid... more Video adalah sebuah bentuk media komunikasi visual yang banyak digunakan di abad 21. Diantara video yang beredar di platform video YouTube Indonesia, terdapat sebuah video yang berhasil mencapai trending nomor 1 dalam waktu tiga hari setelah publikasinya di tanggal 17 Agustus 2021. Video berjudul “Wonderland Indonesia” merupakan sebuah video yang penuh dengan unsur elemen visual dari budaya Indonesia. Dengan video tersebut sebagai objek kajian, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari tahu bagaimana presentasi elemen dalam video mampu mempengaruhi persepsi penonton terhadap identitas dan representasi budaya Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-eksplanatif yang didukung oleh teori sinematografi, teori persepsi, dan model representasi “Circuit of Culture” oleh Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik sinematografi yang digunakan untuk mengolah budaya Indonesia menjadi elemen visual dalam video berdampak pada identitas dan representasi yang d...
Journal of Controlled Release
Kartala Visual Studies, Jun 14, 2023
Marketing strategy is a fundamental element for companies and media to introduce events to their ... more Marketing strategy is a fundamental element for companies and media to introduce events to their target consumers. Collaboration is a widely used marketing strategy in the entertainment industry, where parties come together to generate integrated creativity and synergy. The advertisements in the Tiba-Tiba Tenis campaign, created by VINDES in partnership with RANS Entertainment on social media, exemplify collaboration in advertising and marketing. Tiba-Tiba Tenis, organized by VINDES in 2022 as part of the VINDES Sport segment, represents the implementation of Visual Communication Design, specifically in conveying persuasive messages through visual media to stakeholders. Through content analysis and the visual rhetoric theories of Sonja K Foss, Hesford, and Brueggemann, this research examines the photography and videography of the campaign using observation techniques and literature review. The findings demonstrate that the presented content not only promotes the event but also serves as educational media about tennis for VINDES and RANS Entertainment fans. The content showcases visual rhetoric that extends beyond design elements or images, incorporating cultural elements and the meanings conveyed by the visual artwork.
European Journal of Business and Management Research, Oct 26, 2022
Indonesia government urges the public to increase their immune system to prevent the spread of th... more Indonesia government urges the public to increase their immune system to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus by increasing the consumption of healthy food as well as massive vaccination and mobility restriction. The issue creates opportunity for an enterprise named focusing in selling healthy agricultural food especially fruits. This paper evaluates the existing business of who often experiences problems during the process in order to create a better business strategy. Using two analytical approaches, which are Business Process Analysis and Porter's Five Forces, the authors found that operational cost is bigger than its revenue because of their business process and fruit retail business is highly saturated. Blue Ocean Strategy is proposed by the authors for By eliminating activities that less contribute to revenue, reducing variance of fresh fruits but increasing the variance of processed fruits as well as creating a new value of products may create a better and sustainable business for
Jurnal Desain (e-journal), Dec 30, 2022
Emotional branding merupakan suatu cara untuk membangun hubungan emosional antara brand dan konsu... more Emotional branding merupakan suatu cara untuk membangun hubungan emosional antara brand dan konsumen, serta menggiring respon emosional dari konsumen yang searah dengan brand. Emotional branding didasari oleh empat konsep dasar yang terdiri dari hubungan, pengalaman panca indera imajinasi dan visi. Bagi sebuah klinik gigi, menerapkan emotional branding dalam strategi branding kliniknya merupakan hal yang menguntungkan karena emosi dan pengalaman pasien merupakan hal yang sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan perilaku pasien terhadap sebuah klinik gigi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan data yang diperlukan dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi langsung kepada salah satu klinik gigi yang ada di Kota Bandung bernama Bandung Dental Center. Hasil observasi mengenai Aktivitas dan strategi branding yang dilakukan oleh bandung dental center kemudian dianalisis melalui empat pilar dasar emotional branding menurut Marc Gobe untuk mengetahui bagaimana emotional branding diterapkan melalui branding klinik gigi. Dari temuan yang didapat, klinik Bandung Dental Center telah menerapkan konsep dasar emotional branding. Namun untuk beberapa aspek seperti pengalaman pancaindera masih bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut.
JGGAG (Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification), Jan 3, 2023
Game is a form entertainment determined by a rule and conflict resolution by the player. A good g... more Game is a form entertainment determined by a rule and conflict resolution by the player. A good game is able to display attractive visual, make the player get engaged and feel the needing pleasure. Visual is a medium that only concerns the sense of sight while the other senses like sense of hearing (sound) cannot be included in the visual use Visual in a game is a part of the user interfaces. User interface is a medium between a system and the user. The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia has released various free website-based edugames that can be accessed and played by the Indonesia especially elementary school students. Mamat Adventure is one of the edugames provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This theoretical exploration has been begun with a discussion about the visual appearance related to the user interface in the edugame of Mamat Adventure. This analysis uses the Heuristic Evaluation method initiated by Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich to measure the effectiveness of the user interface in the game of Mamat Adventure
European Journal of Business and Management Research
The meal kit business is relatively new in Indonesia. As an initiator in the meal kit business in... more The meal kit business is relatively new in Indonesia. As an initiator in the meal kit business in Indonesia “Black Garlic” failed to deliver its value to the market. Thus, they went bankrupt in 2015. However, after the pandemic, the meal kit business model gained attraction in entrepreneurs' eyes. While they are trying to fit in the market, Masakbox is diving in and trying to find the best practices to win in the meal kit business. This research will discuss the journey of the business in adapting ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) for a meal kit business namely Masakbox by briefly discuss about the existing business condition and analyzed using As Is Business Process Map and Value Proposition Canvas. Subsequently, the primary data is gathered from actual customers after they purchase the product and expert recommendations. Finally, the action that Masakbox took to solve the problem by using ZMOT theory and the impact in the business. The impact of ZMOT after analysis and implementatio...
European Journal of Business and Management Research
The fashion industry is a very important industry because the fashion industry is one of the larg... more The fashion industry is a very important industry because the fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to GDP for Indonesia. In addition, the fashion industry is also growing all the time and always has new trends. To maintain existence, it is necessary to carry out new business strategies that are acceptable to the market. As a business actor in the fashion industry, Pola Lampau still lacks product variations and has not carried out product development. To improve business performance and be able to compete in the market, Pola Lampau wants to make updates in business strategies. This research will discuss relevant business strategies for Pola Lampau engaged in the fashion industry, to be able to compete in the fashion industry. This research is the basis for the company to maintain competition with competitors by first analyzing the company's existing conditions internally and externally. Internal analysis uses several methods that refer to several literature studies...
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual, 2020
Indonesia adalah negara dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masala... more Indonesia adalah negara dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah menggunakan kampanye keselamatan lalu-lintas. Street Smart adalah sebuah kampaye keselamatan lalu lintas tentang pejalan kaki dan pesepeda di Amerika yang berpotensi menjadi rujukan untuk kampanye keselamatan lalu lintas di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif eksplanatif. Analisis menggunakan cara analisis teks dan landasan teori yang digunakan adalah definisi kampanye dan iklan layanan masyarakat dan pembuatan iklan layanan masyarakat yang baik. Street Smart memiliki tujuan utama yaitu mengurangi tingkat kecelakaan dan kematian dari pejalan kaki dan pesepeda dengan meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat dalam hal keselamatan pejalan kaki dan pesepeda. Kampanye yang berkelanjutan dan konsisten serta merangkul berbagai etnis dan kelompk masyarakat dalam komunikasi keselamatan bberlalu lintas merupakan kunci keberh...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Along with the increasing use of smartphones in adolescents and children, mobile games in the for... more Along with the increasing use of smartphones in adolescents and children, mobile games in the form of educational games have been developed by Indonesia and other countries as a learning medium to increase student motivation, including learning scripts. Indonesia is an archipelago country with several aksara/scripts, such as the Rejang script from Sumatra island, the Jawa script from Java Island, the Bali script from Bali island, and the Lontara script from Sulawesi island. Still, there are concerns that some aksara/scripts in Indonesia will become extinct. There are several educational mobile games designed for children using aksara/script recognition content where the game can be used as a supporting medium for learning the script while playing. The author analyzed the contents of several educational mobile games comparatively to gain insight into how educational mobile game developers educate players about aksara/scripts. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with game design theory as a reference for comparative studies. From this research, it is expected that readers will gain insight into approaches to learning letters or scripts through mobile educational games. In addition, these findings can be used as a foundation for developing educational games about scripts.
Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara yang rawan terhadap bahaya bencana alam, Bencana alam yang paling... more Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara yang rawan terhadap bahaya bencana alam, Bencana alam yang paling sering terjadi di Indonesia adalah bencana alam gempa bumi. Masyarakat Indonesia termasuk rentan terhadap bahaya bencana alam gempa bumi, sehingga diperlukan edukasi mengenai bencana alam tersebut. Anak-anak, terutama, seringkali berada dalam posisi paling rentan ketika terjadi bencana alam. Walaupun begitu, anak-anak dapat berperan aktif dalam mitigasi bencana, dan dapat menjadi target sasaran yang tepat untuk edukasi bencana. Komik adalah salah satu jenis media yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran, dan komik edukasi sudah digunakan dalam edukasi bencana baik melalui materi edukasi terbitan lembaga pemerintah maupun pihak lembaga mitigasi bencana. Komik edukasi dapat menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dengan menarik, sehingga cocok digunakan untuk media pembelajaran. Namun, media pembelajaran yang ada belum mencukupi, dan dari media yang sudah diterbitkan, hanya sedikit yang ditujukan...
Dynamics of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Digital Technology Transformation and Cultural Evolution, 2021
Women's issues are frequently brought up within cultural studies and academic discourses in corre... more Women's issues are frequently brought up within cultural studies and academic discourses in correlation with the patriarchal culture which is still embedded in traditional Javanese views. Issues that are rarely studied are women's portrayal in Indonesian comics, especially the wayang genre that refers to Javanese culture. Wayang art is significant to Javanese culture, along with its patriarchal ideology. By assumption, that ideology is also reflected in the wayang comics. Using descriptive qualitative analysis, preceded by aesthetical morphology, this paper discussed the way a wayang comic artist visualized princess characters. Teguh Santosa was chosen due to his reputation as an Indonesian comic maestro, along with his sensual visualization of women. Finally, the kind of sociocultural context with which Teguh perceived women, and the visual translation method he invented, was explored. This will complete understanding on Javanese wayang adaptations into comics and the possibility of it being realized in digital media.
DESKOMVIS: Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Komunikasi Visual, Seni Rupa dan Media, 2020
Fiksi horor merupakan budaya bertutur yang secara turun temurun telah membentuk suatu fiksasi kul... more Fiksi horor merupakan budaya bertutur yang secara turun temurun telah membentuk suatu fiksasi kultural terhadap fiksi horor di Indonesia dengan mitos dan kepercayaannya. Sebagai salah satu bentuk dari subkategori literatur horor fiktif, komik horor juga mulai berkembang di Indonesia bersamaan dengan berkembangnya fiksi horor pada media lain seperti film dan sastra. Adanya pola tertentu yang muncul pada komik horor Indonesia menarik penulis untuk mengkaji bahasan ini secara lebih lanjut guna memetakan karakteristik komik horor di Indonesia, khususnya komik horor pada platform webtoon. Kecenderungan pembaca komik horor Indonesia atas narasi dan gaya visual dari komik horor itu sendiri dapat dianalisis melalui adanya pemetaan komik horor Indonesia pada platform webtoon. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat ditarik satu kesimpulan bahwa komik dengan tema mistisisme lokal lebih digemari bila dibandingkan dengan tema selainnya, teknik visualisasi dengan jump scare lebih digemari dib...
Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain dan Periklanan (Demandia), 2016
Tatang Suhenra adalah salah seorang komikus legendaris Indonesia yangterkenal dengan karya komikn... more Tatang Suhenra adalah salah seorang komikus legendaris Indonesia yangterkenal dengan karya komiknya berupa komik silat, komik cerita Punakawan,dan komik religius. Komik-komik karya Tatang Suhenra menjadi benda koleksiyang bernilai tinggi karena dapat terus dikonsumsi saat komik Indonesia sulitbersaing pada periode 1980-an menjadi daya tarik utama yang menarik untukdikaji lebih dalam. Aspek visual story telling komik Tatang Suhenra dikajimenggunakan teori Scott McCloud. Adapun hasil penelitian ini mengerucut pada pemanfaatan konten dan konteks lokal secara kreatif dari target pembacanya sebagai salah satu ciri kekhasan karya Tatang Suhenra selain pemilihan tokoh serta penokohan yang teliti dan konsisten. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan pembuat komik untuk mengatasi persaingan komik Indonesia dengan komik mancanegara
Jurnal Desain, 2020
Persebaran covid-19 berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan lalu-lintas orang dan barang era globalisas... more Persebaran covid-19 berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan lalu-lintas orang dan barang era globalisasi.Menggali lebih dalam dampak sosial masyarakat terkait dengan pandemi covid-19, dapat dikonstruksi melalui tahapan emosional dalam kesedihan yang terjadi ketika manusia dihadapkan pada perubahan.Memahami dampak sosial pandemi covid-19 menghasilkan pengetahuan yang berguna untuk mengembangkan model strategi komunikasi persuasi publik Indonesia. Fenomena tersebut akan dipetakan dengan semiotika sosial untuk menghasilkan model siklus kesedihan pandemi covid-19 yang akan menjadi dasar pemodelan kampanye sosial. Adapun temuan dalam pengembangan model kampanye sosial pasca pandemi Covid-19 adalah perlunya membangun pemahaman akan khalayak sasaran melalui pengembangan pemahaman akan interaksi sosial budaya, dan pemahaman akan pola pengumpulan informasi, serta pemahaman akan sistem pengambilan keputusan khalayak sasaran berbasis konstruksi fase kesedihan pandemi covid-19. Pola perilaku, komuni...
Jurnal Strategi Desain dan Inovasi Sosial
Marriage is an important moment in the life of every individual. The phenomenon of weddings becom... more Marriage is an important moment in the life of every individual. The phenomenon of weddings becoming self-actualization, which has become profane, is increasingly happening. The value of marriage, which was previously a sacred event, has now become an arena for showing off. This has an impact on the rapidly growing business in the field of wedding services in Indonesia. One form of business is a wedding organizer (WO). The increase in this business field is a threat for business people to get clients' attention. WO is an organizer that cannot stand alone without other business networks around it, namely vendors who work together to make the wedding procession a success. This study aims to understand the visual communication model using AISAS carried out by WO business people to expand their business and relationships with stakeholders and increase brand awareness to clients. The chosen research method is explanatory qualitative with data collection using interviews, literature study, observation, and analysis using AISAS communication theory. From the results of the study it was found that there is no definite aesthetic formulation or side of beauty to be used as a reference in designing visual communication media in the WO business ecosystem (WO, vendors, and consumers). Designers only need to follow standard design rules to create optical communication media for the target audience. Communicators or stakeholders can focus on what kind of goals and reactions they want to start from the provided design to clients.
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal
Islamic education needs to be taught to everybody since an early age so they can understand, have... more Islamic education needs to be taught to everybody since an early age so they can understand, have moral and noble character which can be embedded since young. In the current era of technological development, the internet has an important role for communities, especially for parents in delivering Islamic education to children. Video-based social media called Youtube is the choice of entertainment and education media for children. Some of the shows on Youtube that are mostly chosen to deliver Islamic education to children are Nussa’s animated web series, Syamil Dodo and Kastari Senja. The purpose of this study is to find out the three animations in fulfilling the criteria of educational media in conveying the message of Islamic education in accordance with the goals of national education, interpretation of the Qur’an and its benefit as an educational medium. The study used qualitative descriptive method. The findings from this study are Nussa animation, Syamil Dodo and Kastari Senja c...
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
Business growth in the wedding industry has begun to grow and spread in Indonesia, seen from the ... more Business growth in the wedding industry has begun to grow and spread in Indonesia, seen from the variety of types of this industry, one of which is wedding organizer (WO). WO is an organizer with many networks involved in its business ecosystem. It can’t stand alone without relations and interactions with its stakeholders (vendors) such as wedding decor, catering, entertainment, make-up artist, and others. In this research, a conducive network model in the industry can be optimized by mapping the WO business ecosystem to expand and create a complete and sustainable business. The method used is qualitative, with data collection through interviews, observations, and literature studies. James F. Moore’s business ecosystem will be used in data analysis as a mapping reference for WO business network model. The results found that several networks were classified into three scopes of the business ecosystem. It considers the relationship of each stakeholder to the WO and vice versa. The rel...
Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual, 2021
Cells at Work is a Japanese comic by Shimizu Akane that tells about body cells’ science. The comi... more Cells at Work is a Japanese comic by Shimizu Akane that tells about body cells’ science. The comic gains popularity as edutainment and adapted into several educative media such as spin-offs comics, picture books, games, stage plays, and many more. While it can act as good alternatives to learn about the science of cells, adaptation to media that is too diverse can create ambiguity, confusing its users. The purpose of this research is to create a media integration mapping of Cells at Work. This research employs a qualitative descriptive method. The descriptive method is used to describe and determine the use of each adaptation medium. Then this research will map the media integration. The findings show that the diversity of educational media has its roles and purposes. Spin-off comics have specific topics that can broaden the user's knowledge of various cells. At the same time, picture books are aimed at readers who want to study cells in depth without any side stories. Games are...
Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual, 2021
In accordance with the changes that occur in 21st century, the world’s media industry also underg... more In accordance with the changes that occur in 21st century, the world’s media industry also undergoes rapid changes. The variety of media that continues to emerge and develop in all levels of society has a significant impact, one of which is the board game media. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of researchers to examine board game media as a media education towards media literacy skills. Media literacy is the ability to seek, find, and use information from media messages by adapting cognitive abilities and critical thinking in analyzing and questioning media messages that are seen, read, and watched. Media literacy has a broad scope that is believed to be able to function as the stronghold for the public in ability to think critically. This study was conducted to examine the gamification mechanics element as an independent variable in the board game media literacy, focusing on the concept of media literacy based on individual competence, especially on critical understandi...
MAVIB Journal
Video adalah sebuah bentuk media komunikasi visual yang banyak digunakan di abad 21. Diantara vid... more Video adalah sebuah bentuk media komunikasi visual yang banyak digunakan di abad 21. Diantara video yang beredar di platform video YouTube Indonesia, terdapat sebuah video yang berhasil mencapai trending nomor 1 dalam waktu tiga hari setelah publikasinya di tanggal 17 Agustus 2021. Video berjudul “Wonderland Indonesia” merupakan sebuah video yang penuh dengan unsur elemen visual dari budaya Indonesia. Dengan video tersebut sebagai objek kajian, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari tahu bagaimana presentasi elemen dalam video mampu mempengaruhi persepsi penonton terhadap identitas dan representasi budaya Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-eksplanatif yang didukung oleh teori sinematografi, teori persepsi, dan model representasi “Circuit of Culture” oleh Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik sinematografi yang digunakan untuk mengolah budaya Indonesia menjadi elemen visual dalam video berdampak pada identitas dan representasi yang d...
Journal of Controlled Release
Mostly, coins are made from metals, because of their function as an exchange device in minor tran... more Mostly, coins are made from metals, because of their function as an exchange device in minor transaction. In addition to another function of coins, is their value as collectible items. Both sides of coins have been keeping a great story on it, but less people are notice about this tiny forgettable stuff. Focused on Indonesian Rupiah, sorts of cultural elements and wonder of Indonesian natures are showed up on most of these coins. Equals to an archive, they captured every government’s movements in some social programs on its surface. This research is going to examine and lists every details of samples, consist of 72 coin emissions in time period 1951-2009 by learning them with content analysis method and visual analysis theory. In visual communication design study, this research is trying to know further about nation’s history through the story of a coin.
Comic is one of media that emphasize its content delivery through visual sequence. It attracts ma... more Comic is one of media that emphasize its content delivery through visual sequence. It attracts many researchers because this media is a plane based media (2D) instead of most media which delivers its content in time based media. In designing a story based on visual sequence, there are framing, imaging, way finding activities in forming a complex
visual storytelling especially in comics. Especially in Japan, the development of framing, imaging, and methods of designing a sequence which makes the reader easily read the
story through panels in comics are well developed and shared from comic artists toward their assistants. This method is known as graphic narrative and visual storytelling [1] and applied not only on comics but almost on all visual entertainment media and influence each other then creates cycle of media. The cycle of media surfaces simulacra and unique hypereality phenomenon. This paper tries to depict the uniqueness of simulacra of media cycle phenomenon on Ragnarok Online case study in Indonesia which will enrich the study of visual culture.
Gerbang adalah sebuah titik peralihan dari 2 kondisi, situasi, atau wilayah yang berbeda, sebuah ... more Gerbang adalah sebuah titik peralihan dari 2 kondisi, situasi, atau wilayah yang berbeda, sebuah pintu yang menghubungkan 2 wilayah yang dibatasi oleh pembatas baik itu berupa pagar, dinding atau sesuatu yang membedakan antara satu dengan yang lain. Dalam kasus Gerbang tol milik PT. Jasa Marga, gerbang disini adalah pintu keluar-masuk dari dan ke suatu wilayah yang memiliki perbedaan geografis atau bahkan perbedaan budaya. Bagaimana keilmuan desain komunikasi visual dapat mewadahi sebuah sistem informasi identifikasi budaya dan geografis dari wilayah-wilayah yang dihubungkannya melalui aplikasi komunikasi
visual sebagai bentuk kolaborasi antar ilmu pada elemen lingkungan binaan khususnya gerbang jalan tol di Indonesia.
Komik adalah media yang menyampaikan informasi melalui sekuens visual. Media ini mendapatkan perh... more Komik adalah media yang menyampaikan informasi melalui sekuens visual. Media ini mendapatkan perhatian khusus karena media sekuensial yang berbasis ruang planar dan
bukan berbasis waktu. Dalam membentuk sebuah cerita melalui urutan visual, terdapat aktivitas pembingkaian, pencitraan, dan sistematika panduan sekuens visual yang membentuk stuktur penuturan visual yang kompleks.
Dalam perkembangan industri komik modern khususnya di Jepang, pembingkaian, pencitraan, dan sistematika keterbacaan urutan visual secara sekuens mendapatkan perhatian yang serius dengan munculnya metode perancangan yang mengarahkan dan memudahkan
pembaca dalam mengikuti alur cerita yang kemudian disebut dengan graphic narrative & visual storytelling [1]. Komik Perempuan Indonesia kontemporer, yaitu komik yang ditujukan bagi pembaca remaja perempuan yang dipengaruhi genre sejenis di Jepang, memiliki pola penuturan yang unik karena kompleksitas informasi yang memasukkan unsur emosi dalam bertutur di luar kompleksitas struktur penuturan visual itu sendiri.
Makalah ini bertujuan menelaah keunikan ini melalui kajian graphic narrative & visual storytelling yang pada akhirnya memperkaya keilmuan budaya visual.
Originated from South Korea, Ragnarok Online is an entertainment product in comics and games whic... more Originated from South Korea, Ragnarok Online is an entertainment product in comics and games which is popular in the world especially South-East Asia. Ragnarok in Nordic Mythology described as the doom of the gods. In the case above, Ragnarok is used as a background setting of a comic, which created, by Lee Myung Jin and Ragnarok MMORPG based on that comic.
Internet is described as a many-to-many medium. Games turn out to be one of the first popular settles in the Internet among e-commerce, portals, free advertisers, and sexual
exploitation sites. Online Game becomes a new frontier that could connect people to interact and play similar game on the same time and Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing
Game of Ragnarok is one of the best and successful Online Game worldwide. It is one of the phenomena in online gaming today. Recently, official Ragnarok Online Characters (NPC, Monsters and Players Characters) have developed in quantity approximately 200 and still have possibility to increase. In international Ragnarok Online provider, more than 120,000 customers connected in 12 servers on real time basis at the same time everyday and this exclude local Ragnarok Server provided by several countries with similar number of player.
Ragnarok Online is a virtual representation of reality, it creates and represents visual social semiotics, which became very important element of communication in recent years. As one of visual product in modern culture, the distance between reality and virtual realm become closer and sometimes it blurred and formed new realm. A new dawn of community born in virtual realm and develop in some way that many though it would consume the community
it represented. Is it possible that the characters and environmental design, which is built, really has the enormous attraction? Or is there something else work behind the surface such as the representation and online culture. Although there are many contradictions about the impacts of Ragnarok Online, this paper is endeavors a new insight of Ragnarok Online, which may have not being researched by others. The combination of online culture and virtual media design with interactive and inviting visual interface may open wide the possibility of encountering new methods and keys of success in designing digital media through descriptive analysis.
The medium of comics is mostly known as popular culture medium, kids’ stuff with their spandex su... more The medium of comics is mostly known as popular culture medium, kids’ stuff with their spandex superheroes, often sneered and looked down. However, through its long history, comics had proven to be contagious and influential medium toward the society, but unfortunately in the negative side. In United States of America (USA), the anti-comics movement led by Dr. Frederick Wertham accused that comics had bad and dangerous influence towards its young readers. This movement had brought comic in becoming public enemy number one in the past.
Although people seem to see only the negative impact of this medium, on the contrary there is also the positive side. The power within comic is enormous, but unlike the tsunami-like power that could devastate anything on its path, comic’s power is unlikely otherwise: powerful yet penetrate in silent even to other culture and society as shown through the expansive ‘export’ of Japanese comics, known as manga.
Manga nowadays is known in most part of the world, especially in the South East Asia region. Imported as entertainment medium, manga influence could easily be seen in these countries, especially in Indonesia. Not only it proved to be booming in sales in these ‘foreign’ countries, manga also succeeded in penetrating to their culture, by creating devoted readers turn artists with manga-esque style and storytelling. The majority of young people in Indonesia now draw in this popular manga-esque style, following their favorite manga artists. Furthermore, it also changed how these people ways of reading: from left to right becoming right to left, creating the pretty boys genre in another medium and in the society itself.
Unlike other popular culture medium (such as television) that its influence is clearly shown and catch the attention of people who rise against it, comic had proved otherwise. This
paper is intended to observe how this phenomenon happened through qualitative analysis of comic culture (especially manga), the content within manga and its powerful and cultural influence with a case study of Indonesia.
Indonesia’s comics in 1995-2008 are rich in visual and story exploration. It is unfortunate that ... more Indonesia’s comics in 1995-2008 are rich in visual and story exploration. It is unfortunate that there are no efforts to do the charting for this creative industry. This research focus
is documenting the 1995-2008 Indonesia’s comics through systematical and descriptive statistic review. It is an empirical study in order to set the footing for further research on Indonesia’s comics especially on 1995-2008 time periods. It is the starting point of the new and rich yet debatable for its origin and identity of Indonesia’s comic development. Based on research findings, there are three aspects that generate new Indonesia’s comics. They are the competitive spirit that ignites the Indonesia’s comic artists to strive in making comics, abundance of visual and sequential reference in elaborating slice of life and enhancing story in comics from translated manga, and lots of comic events held to make the comic artists busy producing comics and promoting towards new and eager to explore the new taste of Indonesia’s comics.
The development of informatics technology in the 21st century has changed the world as if there i... more The development of informatics technology in the 21st century has changed the world as if there is no limit and distance. Communication process has been done through various avatar medium which replaces the presence of human body. Representation has become the main factor to visualize or to create an image of human being towards the universe. Surrogates is a science fiction movie which is presenting the representation of different kinds of thoughts and imagination about how life will be conducted in the future or when mankind will have got the avatar technology of human body which is exactly the same as the person that it is represented. Surrogates, this movie is trying to recreate and represent the fact through representation of human body packed in audio visual language. The purpose of this research is to analyze the body representation of a movie to communicate the message to the audience. The theory is based on film studies and the main question about
representation is how the world is constructed and represented through the film media. The approach to study the movie is dynamic picture analyzation based on visualization theory. This approach gives the writer an opportunity to break down the component in a movie into smaller units of representation. According through this research, the writer has concluded that the robot ‘body’ on Surrogates has completely represented the perfection
body of human beings in the 21st century. Appearances and behavior of human body has been successfully sent the message to the audience about the story of this movie. By the
end of this research, the writer has described the variable of body sign representation in the movie as a unity, so that the writer can decide the components and structures to create it.
Internet becomes part of worldwide daily urban activities. Communication among people is intensif... more Internet becomes part of worldwide daily urban activities. Communication among people is intensified through various interfaces and media because of information technology
convergence and the application of visual icons which represents emotion.The icons that represent emotions, expressions and feelings are titled emoticons. Emoticons are highly used in IT based communication gadgets such as portable PCs or cellulars. This paper develops and depicts the creation process, perception and cultural aspects that influenced the development of emoticon through visual communication design study theoretical and historical review.