Tjahjanto Tjahjanto | Institut Teknologi Bandung (original) (raw)
Papers by Tjahjanto Tjahjanto
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, Dec 22, 2023
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Sep 16, 2023
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, Oct 31, 2021
Pemilihan lokasi usaha akan mempengaruhi risiko dan keuntungan perusahaan tersebut secara keselur... more Pemilihan lokasi usaha akan mempengaruhi risiko dan keuntungan perusahaan tersebut secara keseluruhan. Kondisi ini terjadi karena lokasi sangat mempengaruhi biaya tetap maupun biaya variabel, baik dalam jangka menengah maupun jangka panjang. Lokasi usaha sebaiknya diperhitungkan pada saat perencanaan, sehingga usaha yang akan dijalankan tersebut dapat terorganisir pelaksanaannya di masa mendatang. Online Bicycle Indonesia merupakan startup yang bergerak dibidang jasa pengiriman barang dan makanan dengan menggunakan sepeda berbasis online, akan membuka cabang di beberapa kota dan kabupaten di daerah Tangerang Raya. Agar hasil pemilihan lokasi cabang tepat, diperlukan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dinamis yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan manajer dalam proses pemilihan lokasi cabang. Permasalahan dalam pemilihan cabang perusahaan ini dapat digunakan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) menggunakan metode AHP-TOPSIS. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) memliki kelebihan berdasar pada matriks perbandingan pasangan dan melakukan analisis konsistensi, sedangkan metode Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) dapat menyelesaikan pengambilan keputusan secara praktis, karena konsepnya sederhana dan mudah dipahami, komputasinya efisien, serta memiliki kemampuan mengukur kinerja relatif dari alternatifalternatif keputusan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan Kota Tangerang Selatan lebih unggul dengan bobot 0,824, kedua Kota Tangerang dengan bobot 0,732 dan ketiga Kabupaten Tangerang dengan bobot 0,0. Keputusan yang diambil dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan dukungan dari perhitungan yang dilakukan dengan metode AHP-TOPSIS sebagai model dalam sistem pendukung keputusan.
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Style Queen Kebaya Store (SQ Kebaya) is a store that is engaged in apparel, its product sales foc... more Style Queen Kebaya Store (SQ Kebaya) is a store that is engaged in apparel, its product sales focus includes adult and children's kebaya. The negative impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has proven that the Store (SQ Kebaya) has experienced a decline in sales turnover in 2020, therefore the SQ Kebaya Store's efforts to restore its sales activities are by giving gifts for customer appreciation during the COVID 19 season through selecting the best customers for the 2020 period. However, the problem faced by SQ Kebaya Stores in the process of evaluating the best customer selection is that there is no criterion weight so that the decision making is not right on target, making the best customer decisions less efficient because they have to look for customer sales records manually in the sales record book. This study produces a web-based decision support system for selecting the best customers at SQ Kebaya Stores using the AHP (criteria weight), SAW and WASPAS (best customer ranking) ...
Information technology development brings a very broad impact on human life. With this Model View... more Information technology development brings a very broad impact on human life. With this Model View Controller (MVC) concept, information system development could be developed in accordance needs of the user’s information system development and be able to adapt the development in the organization. Needs of fast and precise and adaptive information system information is needed in this modern era when everything needs to be fast. Faculty of computer science (FIK) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) as one work unit under the government agency, has State-owned inventories to support all activities to carry out the Tri Dharma or the higher education pillars, especially in the field of education. The state-owned inventories or devices are available in FIK such as monitors, printers, LCD, mouse, etc. For continuity of this educational process, the state-owned inventories must be maintained. Therefore, in this research, the researchers will develop an information syste...
Informatik : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer
PT. BNI Life Insurance atau yang biasa dikenal dengan BNI Life merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang... more PT. BNI Life Insurance atau yang biasa dikenal dengan BNI Life merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang menyediakan berbagai produk seperti asuransi kehidupan (jiwa), kesehatan, pendidikan, investasi, pensiun, dan syariah. Dalam menjalankan transaksinya, BNI Life memiliki aplikasi bernama BNI Life Mobile untuk melakukan klaim asuransi yang dapat diunduh melalui Play Store dan App Store. Dengan adanya aplikasi BNI Life Mobile ini, diharapkan dapat memudahkan nasabah untuk mengklaim produknya. Tetapi, hal tersebut harus didukung dengan tampilan antar muka yang baik, menarik, dan mudah dipahami oleh pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap UI/UX pada aplikasi BNI Life Mobile untuk mengetahui nilai kegunaannya (usability) dengan menerapkan metode User Centered Design (UCD). Penerapan metode UCD dilakukan dengan melaksanakan kuesioner dan prototyping dengan teknik System Usability Scale (SUS). Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu tampilan antar muka baru dalam bentuk p...
Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bagaimana pentingnya penanganan deteksi profile nasabah untuk memini... more Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bagaimana pentingnya penanganan deteksi profile nasabah untuk meminimalisir terjadinya penyalahgunaan akun nasabah. Kebutuhan akan nasabah baru dengan berbagai macam produk perbankan membuat layanan screening awal begitu penting dilakukan oleh pihak perbankan agar mendapatkan informasi profile resiko nasabah sejak dini. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan model terbaik dari klasifikasi data profile nasabah dengan cara membandingkan model klasifikasi data mining Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, SVM. Model dengan akurasi terbaik inilah yang nantinya akan direkomedasikan sebagai model aternatif untuk melakukan prediksi profile resiko nasabah. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan proses optimasi dengan menggunakan Optimize Selection (Evolutionary) pada setiap teknik klasifikasi yang digunakan. Dimana dihasilkan bahwa model algoritma Random Forest mendapatkan hasil total akurasi paling baik yaitu sebesar 82.55% dengan an...
2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA), 2020
Self-care classification for children with physical disability remains an important and challengi... more Self-care classification for children with physical disability remains an important and challenging issue. It needs the support from occupational therapists to make decision. Data-driven decision making have been widely adopted to make decision based on the data with help of expert systems and machine learning algorithms. In this study, we developed an efficient self-care classification model based principal component analysis (PCA) and decision tree (DT). PCA is used to extract the significant features, while the DT is used to build the classification model. We measure several metrics to evaluate the performance of proposed model as compared to other models and previous study results. Based on 10-fold cross-validation results, the proposed model outperformed other models and previous study results by achieving accuracy of 94.29%. Furthermore, PCA-based feature extraction has shown positive result on improving the model's performance with average accuracy improvement as much as 1.7% as compared to classifiers without PCA-based feature extraction method. Finally, it is projected that the outcomes of the study could assist the occupational therapist on enlightening the efficiency of self- care classification and children therapy.
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, 2021
The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. Thi... more The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. This condition occurs because the location greatly affects the fixed costs and variable costs, both in the medium term and long term. The location of the business should be taken into account at the time of planning, so that the business to be run can be organized implementation in the future. Online Bicycle Indonesia is a startup engaged in goods and food delivery services by using online-based bike, will open branches in several cities and districts in Tangerang Raya area so that the result of choosing the right branch location, required a dynamic decision support system that can later be used as consideration of managers in the process of selecting branch locations. Problems in selecting branch of this company can be used Decision Support System using AHP-TOPSIS method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has advantages based on pair comparison matrix and perform consistency analys...
2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information & Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology (rICT & ICeV-T), 2013
This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usa... more This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which explains the use of the framework and variables from previous research, up to the application and database design, and design algorithms that will be used to obtain the values of any variables measurement. Framework and measurement variables will be used as the basis of business processes applications, to be built and developed a web-based application, that can be used by the personal people or organization.
Informatics and Digital Expert (INDEX), 2021
PT. Wanatiara Persada adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan nikel yang berlokasi... more PT. Wanatiara Persada adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan nikel yang berlokasi di Propinsi Maluku Utara. Dalam kegiatan pertambangan tersebut tentu akan berdampak terhadap lingkungan, terutama terhadap kualitas air baik air sungai, maupun air laut. Dalam pembuangan limbah air ke laut perlu di lakukan uji derajat keasaman yang sesuai standar yang ditentukan oleh Menteri Lingkungan Hidup, yang mana standar tersebut tertuang pada Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.9 Tahun 2006 tentang baku mutu air limbah bagi usaha dan/ atau kegiatan pertambangan bijih nikel , sedangkan untuk melakukan pengukuran saat ini ketersediaan peralatan sangat terbatas serta lokasi kantor / living area jauh dengan kolam pengendap sehingga terimbas pada pelaporan baku mutu air, yang mana pelaporan tersebut harus di lakukan setiap hari sebelum di lakukan pembuangan ke air laut. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah dibuatkan alat untuk memantau derajat keasaman limbah air pada komparteme...
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2015
The Internet is used by a very large number of users, from the ordinary user community, through s... more The Internet is used by a very large number of users, from the ordinary user community, through special users, like people with high intellectual level. The growth in the number of users is increasing very fast. Internet has also been used by multi-sector businesses with multi profession. It makes information the internet usage something very strategic, one of which information is productivity internet bandwidth usage. Therefore the research are needed a simulation and implementation model to be able to measure the productivity of the internet bandwidth usage, which can later become the basis of the measurement of productivity. This paper describes a model implementation and simulation of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which describes all possible measurement values obtained, and is a continuation of previous research, which is the basic concept of productivity in the use of internet bandwidth and how to measure it, so that the measuring results can be used as a guide in determine the direction of policy and the provision of productive Internet bandwidth usage.
The increasing number of traffic accidents on the road encourages researchers to conduct research... more The increasing number of traffic accidents on the road encourages researchers to conduct research onsecurity, safety, and convenience in transportation. Recent technology used widely in the field of transportis RFID, which is one of the Auto-ID technologies based on radio waves. Some studies suggest theplacement of RFID tags on the road as a vehicle navigation device and the placement of RFID reader at acrossroads as a vehicle detection device. The number of tag and reader will be increased as much as roadsand intersections are fitted with RFID. This paper discusses the implementation of RFID tag scenario as anavigation device and the RFID reader as a vehicle detection device efficiently by selecting certain roadsand crossroads which will be installed this RFID. As result of the study, in navigation system werecommend to place the RFID tags at intersections or turn of road. While for detection system, the RFIDreaders are placed at the main crossroads. Maps matching used to localize ...
Salah satu fenomena oseanografi yang sangat penting dalam bidang perikanan tangkap adalah upwelli... more Salah satu fenomena oseanografi yang sangat penting dalam bidang perikanan tangkap adalah upwelling . Upwelling ditandai dengan terjadinya thermal front dan meningkatnya konsentrasi klorofil-a di permukaan laut. Data thermal front dan klorofil-a dapat diekstraksi dari data citra satelit penginderaan jauh seperti Aqua MODIS. Keunggulan penggunaan data citra satelit adalah kecepatan akuisisi data dan cakupan wilayah yang luas sehingga sangat cocok untuk mengamati fenomena di permukaan laut seperti upwelling . Namun demikian data yang diekstraksi dari citra satelit harus divalidasi di lapangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas datanya. Pada kasus pendeteksian klorofil-a sebagai indikasi terjadinya upwelling, indikatornya adalah piksel-piksel yang nilai konsentrasinya tinggi dimana piksel-piksel tersebut umum terdeteksi di wilayah pesisir. Kondisi ini dapat memunculkan ketidakakuratan karena konsentrasi klorofil-a yang tinggi di pesisir pantai tidak hanya disebabkan peristiwa upwelling te...
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer
The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. Thi... more The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. This condition occurs because the location greatly affects the fixed costs and variable costs, both in the medium term and long term. The location of the business should be taken into account at the time of planning, so that the business to be run can be organized implementation in the future. Online Bicycle Indonesia is a startup engaged in goods and food delivery services by using online-based bike, will open branches in several cities and districts in Tangerang Raya area so that the result of choosing the right branch location, required a dynamic decision support system that can later be used as consideration of managers in the process of selecting branch locations. Problems in selecting branch of this company can be used Decision Support System using AHP-TOPSIS method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has advantages based on pair comparison matrix and perform consistency analys...
The purpose of this Community Service activity is to improve the basic knowledge of accounting, a... more The purpose of this Community Service activity is to improve the basic knowledge of accounting, as well as the preparation of simple financial statements by utilizing the accounting information technology. Based on survey results to 11 cooperatives in Klaten it can be identified problems as follows: 1) Not well-organized bookkeeping. 2) Recording is still done manually and not yet supported by computer-based information system technology. Based on the problems faced by the cooperative, the solutions offered to cooperatives are debriefing of accounting knowledge as the basis for preparation of financial statements of cooperatives, as well as the creation of cooperative accounting programs, demonstrations, and training. Currently the first phase of the activity has been going well and smoothly. Where in this stage the cooperative began to run the preparation of financial statements by using the accounting information system technology, using TJFinanceprogram.Assistance in the utilizat...
2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information & Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology (rICT & ICeV-T), 2013
This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usa... more This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which explains the use of the framework and variables from previous research, up to the application and database design, and design algorithms that will be used to obtain the values of any variables measurement. Framework and measurement variables will be used as the basis of business processes applications, to be built and developed a web-based application, that can be used by the personal people or organization.
Distribution of the Internet is widespread throughout the corners of the country, is expected to ... more Distribution of the Internet is widespread throughout the corners of the country, is expected to increase in Internet usage nationwide. Increased activity of internet usage is expected to increase the productivity of the overall internet bandwidth usage, due to the increase in productivity will help boost the GDP impact on improving people's welfare. This paper proposes and implements a method that can maximize the productivity of the Internet bandwidth usage. Region includes the implementation of micro-banking and micro-businesses by providing web-based applications (SaaS: Software as a Service) and cloud computing, in the form of Smart House Physical and Virtual Smart House as an internet portal. Smart House is to provide information such as educational content online services and information center for farmers, ranchers and small entrepreneurs. The results of the implementation is expected to help improve the competence of micro communities in order to become the main actors in the use of information technology in Indonesia especially.
Keywords—internet productive; virtual smart house; micro business automation; e-Coop
This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usa... more This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which explains the use of the framework and variables from previous research, up to the application and database design, and design algorithms that will be used to obtain the values of any variables measurement. Framework and measurement variables will be used as the basis of business processes applications, to be built and developed a web-based application, that can be used by the personal people or organization.
Konferensi Nasional Sistem & Informatika, Nov 9, 2013
The Internet usage can be effective, efficient, and support productivity. Depends on several fact... more The Internet usage can be effective, efficient, and support productivity. Depends on several factors. COBIT Framework is intended for IT governance. To measure the productivity of the internet bandwidth usage, required the variables that affect productivity. This paper describes the variables that affect the productivity of the internet bandwidth usage, results from previous studies, and explain the appropriateness, similarity and correlation of these variables with the variables in the COBIT IT Resources Framework, which consists of the application, Information, Infrastructure and People, so productivity variables internet bandwidth usage can be used on COBIT Framework.
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization, Dec 22, 2023
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Sep 16, 2023
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, Oct 31, 2021
Pemilihan lokasi usaha akan mempengaruhi risiko dan keuntungan perusahaan tersebut secara keselur... more Pemilihan lokasi usaha akan mempengaruhi risiko dan keuntungan perusahaan tersebut secara keseluruhan. Kondisi ini terjadi karena lokasi sangat mempengaruhi biaya tetap maupun biaya variabel, baik dalam jangka menengah maupun jangka panjang. Lokasi usaha sebaiknya diperhitungkan pada saat perencanaan, sehingga usaha yang akan dijalankan tersebut dapat terorganisir pelaksanaannya di masa mendatang. Online Bicycle Indonesia merupakan startup yang bergerak dibidang jasa pengiriman barang dan makanan dengan menggunakan sepeda berbasis online, akan membuka cabang di beberapa kota dan kabupaten di daerah Tangerang Raya. Agar hasil pemilihan lokasi cabang tepat, diperlukan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dinamis yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan manajer dalam proses pemilihan lokasi cabang. Permasalahan dalam pemilihan cabang perusahaan ini dapat digunakan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) menggunakan metode AHP-TOPSIS. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) memliki kelebihan berdasar pada matriks perbandingan pasangan dan melakukan analisis konsistensi, sedangkan metode Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) dapat menyelesaikan pengambilan keputusan secara praktis, karena konsepnya sederhana dan mudah dipahami, komputasinya efisien, serta memiliki kemampuan mengukur kinerja relatif dari alternatifalternatif keputusan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan Kota Tangerang Selatan lebih unggul dengan bobot 0,824, kedua Kota Tangerang dengan bobot 0,732 dan ketiga Kabupaten Tangerang dengan bobot 0,0. Keputusan yang diambil dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan dukungan dari perhitungan yang dilakukan dengan metode AHP-TOPSIS sebagai model dalam sistem pendukung keputusan.
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Style Queen Kebaya Store (SQ Kebaya) is a store that is engaged in apparel, its product sales foc... more Style Queen Kebaya Store (SQ Kebaya) is a store that is engaged in apparel, its product sales focus includes adult and children's kebaya. The negative impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has proven that the Store (SQ Kebaya) has experienced a decline in sales turnover in 2020, therefore the SQ Kebaya Store's efforts to restore its sales activities are by giving gifts for customer appreciation during the COVID 19 season through selecting the best customers for the 2020 period. However, the problem faced by SQ Kebaya Stores in the process of evaluating the best customer selection is that there is no criterion weight so that the decision making is not right on target, making the best customer decisions less efficient because they have to look for customer sales records manually in the sales record book. This study produces a web-based decision support system for selecting the best customers at SQ Kebaya Stores using the AHP (criteria weight), SAW and WASPAS (best customer ranking) ...
Information technology development brings a very broad impact on human life. With this Model View... more Information technology development brings a very broad impact on human life. With this Model View Controller (MVC) concept, information system development could be developed in accordance needs of the user’s information system development and be able to adapt the development in the organization. Needs of fast and precise and adaptive information system information is needed in this modern era when everything needs to be fast. Faculty of computer science (FIK) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veterans Jakarta (UPNVJ) as one work unit under the government agency, has State-owned inventories to support all activities to carry out the Tri Dharma or the higher education pillars, especially in the field of education. The state-owned inventories or devices are available in FIK such as monitors, printers, LCD, mouse, etc. For continuity of this educational process, the state-owned inventories must be maintained. Therefore, in this research, the researchers will develop an information syste...
Informatik : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer
PT. BNI Life Insurance atau yang biasa dikenal dengan BNI Life merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang... more PT. BNI Life Insurance atau yang biasa dikenal dengan BNI Life merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang menyediakan berbagai produk seperti asuransi kehidupan (jiwa), kesehatan, pendidikan, investasi, pensiun, dan syariah. Dalam menjalankan transaksinya, BNI Life memiliki aplikasi bernama BNI Life Mobile untuk melakukan klaim asuransi yang dapat diunduh melalui Play Store dan App Store. Dengan adanya aplikasi BNI Life Mobile ini, diharapkan dapat memudahkan nasabah untuk mengklaim produknya. Tetapi, hal tersebut harus didukung dengan tampilan antar muka yang baik, menarik, dan mudah dipahami oleh pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap UI/UX pada aplikasi BNI Life Mobile untuk mengetahui nilai kegunaannya (usability) dengan menerapkan metode User Centered Design (UCD). Penerapan metode UCD dilakukan dengan melaksanakan kuesioner dan prototyping dengan teknik System Usability Scale (SUS). Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu tampilan antar muka baru dalam bentuk p...
Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bagaimana pentingnya penanganan deteksi profile nasabah untuk memini... more Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bagaimana pentingnya penanganan deteksi profile nasabah untuk meminimalisir terjadinya penyalahgunaan akun nasabah. Kebutuhan akan nasabah baru dengan berbagai macam produk perbankan membuat layanan screening awal begitu penting dilakukan oleh pihak perbankan agar mendapatkan informasi profile resiko nasabah sejak dini. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan model terbaik dari klasifikasi data profile nasabah dengan cara membandingkan model klasifikasi data mining Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, SVM. Model dengan akurasi terbaik inilah yang nantinya akan direkomedasikan sebagai model aternatif untuk melakukan prediksi profile resiko nasabah. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan proses optimasi dengan menggunakan Optimize Selection (Evolutionary) pada setiap teknik klasifikasi yang digunakan. Dimana dihasilkan bahwa model algoritma Random Forest mendapatkan hasil total akurasi paling baik yaitu sebesar 82.55% dengan an...
2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA), 2020
Self-care classification for children with physical disability remains an important and challengi... more Self-care classification for children with physical disability remains an important and challenging issue. It needs the support from occupational therapists to make decision. Data-driven decision making have been widely adopted to make decision based on the data with help of expert systems and machine learning algorithms. In this study, we developed an efficient self-care classification model based principal component analysis (PCA) and decision tree (DT). PCA is used to extract the significant features, while the DT is used to build the classification model. We measure several metrics to evaluate the performance of proposed model as compared to other models and previous study results. Based on 10-fold cross-validation results, the proposed model outperformed other models and previous study results by achieving accuracy of 94.29%. Furthermore, PCA-based feature extraction has shown positive result on improving the model's performance with average accuracy improvement as much as 1.7% as compared to classifiers without PCA-based feature extraction method. Finally, it is projected that the outcomes of the study could assist the occupational therapist on enlightening the efficiency of self- care classification and children therapy.
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, 2021
The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. Thi... more The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. This condition occurs because the location greatly affects the fixed costs and variable costs, both in the medium term and long term. The location of the business should be taken into account at the time of planning, so that the business to be run can be organized implementation in the future. Online Bicycle Indonesia is a startup engaged in goods and food delivery services by using online-based bike, will open branches in several cities and districts in Tangerang Raya area so that the result of choosing the right branch location, required a dynamic decision support system that can later be used as consideration of managers in the process of selecting branch locations. Problems in selecting branch of this company can be used Decision Support System using AHP-TOPSIS method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has advantages based on pair comparison matrix and perform consistency analys...
2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information & Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology (rICT & ICeV-T), 2013
This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usa... more This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which explains the use of the framework and variables from previous research, up to the application and database design, and design algorithms that will be used to obtain the values of any variables measurement. Framework and measurement variables will be used as the basis of business processes applications, to be built and developed a web-based application, that can be used by the personal people or organization.
Informatics and Digital Expert (INDEX), 2021
PT. Wanatiara Persada adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan nikel yang berlokasi... more PT. Wanatiara Persada adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan nikel yang berlokasi di Propinsi Maluku Utara. Dalam kegiatan pertambangan tersebut tentu akan berdampak terhadap lingkungan, terutama terhadap kualitas air baik air sungai, maupun air laut. Dalam pembuangan limbah air ke laut perlu di lakukan uji derajat keasaman yang sesuai standar yang ditentukan oleh Menteri Lingkungan Hidup, yang mana standar tersebut tertuang pada Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.9 Tahun 2006 tentang baku mutu air limbah bagi usaha dan/ atau kegiatan pertambangan bijih nikel , sedangkan untuk melakukan pengukuran saat ini ketersediaan peralatan sangat terbatas serta lokasi kantor / living area jauh dengan kolam pengendap sehingga terimbas pada pelaporan baku mutu air, yang mana pelaporan tersebut harus di lakukan setiap hari sebelum di lakukan pembuangan ke air laut. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah dibuatkan alat untuk memantau derajat keasaman limbah air pada komparteme...
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2015
The Internet is used by a very large number of users, from the ordinary user community, through s... more The Internet is used by a very large number of users, from the ordinary user community, through special users, like people with high intellectual level. The growth in the number of users is increasing very fast. Internet has also been used by multi-sector businesses with multi profession. It makes information the internet usage something very strategic, one of which information is productivity internet bandwidth usage. Therefore the research are needed a simulation and implementation model to be able to measure the productivity of the internet bandwidth usage, which can later become the basis of the measurement of productivity. This paper describes a model implementation and simulation of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which describes all possible measurement values obtained, and is a continuation of previous research, which is the basic concept of productivity in the use of internet bandwidth and how to measure it, so that the measuring results can be used as a guide in determine the direction of policy and the provision of productive Internet bandwidth usage.
The increasing number of traffic accidents on the road encourages researchers to conduct research... more The increasing number of traffic accidents on the road encourages researchers to conduct research onsecurity, safety, and convenience in transportation. Recent technology used widely in the field of transportis RFID, which is one of the Auto-ID technologies based on radio waves. Some studies suggest theplacement of RFID tags on the road as a vehicle navigation device and the placement of RFID reader at acrossroads as a vehicle detection device. The number of tag and reader will be increased as much as roadsand intersections are fitted with RFID. This paper discusses the implementation of RFID tag scenario as anavigation device and the RFID reader as a vehicle detection device efficiently by selecting certain roadsand crossroads which will be installed this RFID. As result of the study, in navigation system werecommend to place the RFID tags at intersections or turn of road. While for detection system, the RFIDreaders are placed at the main crossroads. Maps matching used to localize ...
Salah satu fenomena oseanografi yang sangat penting dalam bidang perikanan tangkap adalah upwelli... more Salah satu fenomena oseanografi yang sangat penting dalam bidang perikanan tangkap adalah upwelling . Upwelling ditandai dengan terjadinya thermal front dan meningkatnya konsentrasi klorofil-a di permukaan laut. Data thermal front dan klorofil-a dapat diekstraksi dari data citra satelit penginderaan jauh seperti Aqua MODIS. Keunggulan penggunaan data citra satelit adalah kecepatan akuisisi data dan cakupan wilayah yang luas sehingga sangat cocok untuk mengamati fenomena di permukaan laut seperti upwelling . Namun demikian data yang diekstraksi dari citra satelit harus divalidasi di lapangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas datanya. Pada kasus pendeteksian klorofil-a sebagai indikasi terjadinya upwelling, indikatornya adalah piksel-piksel yang nilai konsentrasinya tinggi dimana piksel-piksel tersebut umum terdeteksi di wilayah pesisir. Kondisi ini dapat memunculkan ketidakakuratan karena konsentrasi klorofil-a yang tinggi di pesisir pantai tidak hanya disebabkan peristiwa upwelling te...
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer
The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. Thi... more The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. This condition occurs because the location greatly affects the fixed costs and variable costs, both in the medium term and long term. The location of the business should be taken into account at the time of planning, so that the business to be run can be organized implementation in the future. Online Bicycle Indonesia is a startup engaged in goods and food delivery services by using online-based bike, will open branches in several cities and districts in Tangerang Raya area so that the result of choosing the right branch location, required a dynamic decision support system that can later be used as consideration of managers in the process of selecting branch locations. Problems in selecting branch of this company can be used Decision Support System using AHP-TOPSIS method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has advantages based on pair comparison matrix and perform consistency analys...
The purpose of this Community Service activity is to improve the basic knowledge of accounting, a... more The purpose of this Community Service activity is to improve the basic knowledge of accounting, as well as the preparation of simple financial statements by utilizing the accounting information technology. Based on survey results to 11 cooperatives in Klaten it can be identified problems as follows: 1) Not well-organized bookkeeping. 2) Recording is still done manually and not yet supported by computer-based information system technology. Based on the problems faced by the cooperative, the solutions offered to cooperatives are debriefing of accounting knowledge as the basis for preparation of financial statements of cooperatives, as well as the creation of cooperative accounting programs, demonstrations, and training. Currently the first phase of the activity has been going well and smoothly. Where in this stage the cooperative began to run the preparation of financial statements by using the accounting information system technology, using TJFinanceprogram.Assistance in the utilizat...
2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information & Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology (rICT & ICeV-T), 2013
This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usa... more This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which explains the use of the framework and variables from previous research, up to the application and database design, and design algorithms that will be used to obtain the values of any variables measurement. Framework and measurement variables will be used as the basis of business processes applications, to be built and developed a web-based application, that can be used by the personal people or organization.
Distribution of the Internet is widespread throughout the corners of the country, is expected to ... more Distribution of the Internet is widespread throughout the corners of the country, is expected to increase in Internet usage nationwide. Increased activity of internet usage is expected to increase the productivity of the overall internet bandwidth usage, due to the increase in productivity will help boost the GDP impact on improving people's welfare. This paper proposes and implements a method that can maximize the productivity of the Internet bandwidth usage. Region includes the implementation of micro-banking and micro-businesses by providing web-based applications (SaaS: Software as a Service) and cloud computing, in the form of Smart House Physical and Virtual Smart House as an internet portal. Smart House is to provide information such as educational content online services and information center for farmers, ranchers and small entrepreneurs. The results of the implementation is expected to help improve the competence of micro communities in order to become the main actors in the use of information technology in Indonesia especially.
Keywords—internet productive; virtual smart house; micro business automation; e-Coop
This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usa... more This paper describes how to build applications of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which explains the use of the framework and variables from previous research, up to the application and database design, and design algorithms that will be used to obtain the values of any variables measurement. Framework and measurement variables will be used as the basis of business processes applications, to be built and developed a web-based application, that can be used by the personal people or organization.
Konferensi Nasional Sistem & Informatika, Nov 9, 2013
The Internet usage can be effective, efficient, and support productivity. Depends on several fact... more The Internet usage can be effective, efficient, and support productivity. Depends on several factors. COBIT Framework is intended for IT governance. To measure the productivity of the internet bandwidth usage, required the variables that affect productivity. This paper describes the variables that affect the productivity of the internet bandwidth usage, results from previous studies, and explain the appropriateness, similarity and correlation of these variables with the variables in the COBIT IT Resources Framework, which consists of the application, Information, Infrastructure and People, so productivity variables internet bandwidth usage can be used on COBIT Framework.
Kata Green sering dikonotasikan dengan sesuatu yang ramah lingkungan, atau tidak menimbulkan keru... more Kata Green sering dikonotasikan dengan sesuatu yang ramah lingkungan, atau tidak menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan, sedangkan Green pada kata “How Green Internet are You”, adalah penekanannya pada Internet Produktif, yaitu seberapa produktif internet yang anda gunakan. Yang maksudnya adalah seberapa manfaat bandwidth internet yang anda gunakan. Apakah hanya untuk bermain-main saja ataukah untuk sesuatu kepentingan yang serius dan mendukung dalam meningkatkan kualitas profesional maupun kualitas kehidupan (Joys vs Tools).