It's Just A Game (original) (raw)

06 January 2012 @ 11:41 am

Hey everyone! This is just a reminder that today is your last day to post on any threads here on LiveJournal! Tomorrow, we'll be moving activity over to Dreamwidth and continuing the game from there, starting with a new week change! We'll start importing the comm tonight, and let you know on DW when everything is imported over. Hopefully, it should not take much time!

The following characters still need to give their account names/join the DW comms and friend the DW mod journal:

Third Doctor Harry Dresden Rin Tezuka Minako Aino

(If your character is not on here, it is assumed that either you've already joined the comms or else are dropping this Activity Check.)

Please comment here or in the previous post with your name and get those to us ASAP so that we can update the Taken Characters and Player Contact pages!

Thanks everyone, and we'll be seeing you on Dreamwidth for week change tomorrow!

05 January 2012 @ 07:18 pm

Whelp. Yes, I missed activity check. I would like to blame the holidays, but in all honesty it's completely my fault.

I'd like to apologize, especially to our Falco: I apped Fox mainly so he'd have a canonmate, and I can't pull him off. So, dropping Fox McCloud.

That said, I'm going to try to get Rin Tezuka back up to speed - especially since the entirety of her canon is out now, and I'm the smug bastard that managed to clear her route on the Good End on the first try. Shame I can't get a proper smugface smiley for this, but, yeah.

On a side note, I highly recommend Katawa Shoujo, with a caveat to the effect that it has some NSFW content.

03 January 2012 @ 10:26 pm

So, if it weren't obvious already I need to call a Slowatus for Phineas. Probably should have done this a while ago but...I'm just having a health issue that's going to last longer than I anticipated and it's killing my motivation to play an eternal optimist.

But yeah, I will try to tag things when I can and hopefully will be back up to speed not too long after the move. Sorry for any inconveniences!

02 January 2012 @ 04:50 pm

Okay three games is just too much for me. I'm really, really sorry to cast-mates but Dr. Insano is going back to plotting at home.

I think we were mostly done with the riff, but if you need to contact me about anything. Just pm, or send me an e-mail.

It was fun while it lasted guys. :) Sorry again.

01 January 2012 @ 09:25 pm

Okay... first off, I completely apologize to everyone who had been waiting over a month for me to tag back. Life completely destroyed me, and then the entire issue with LJ popped up to make things worse. So people started moving over to Dreamwidth, and the sudden change is just... something I'm not prepared for. I don't know the site well at all, and I don't feel comfortable with joining and having to get used to everything in the span of a few days, and falling even more behind.

I may rejoin when I'm a little more... settled with everything, but right now, I'll be heading on out. I wanna thank everyone I threaded with - even old DC peeps! - and... this isn't so much a goodbye, as it is a 'see you later'.

31 December 2011 @ 09:08 am

So, from the results of the moving poll and from our own feelings, the mods have all decided that yes, we will be moving It’s Just A Game to Dreamwidth. We’re excited about the move, and are looking forward to lots more playing with you guys and all new players!

So, how is this all going to work out? Thankfully, since we’re a fairly small, comm-based game, and since we have a paid account at both DW and LJ, transitions should be smooth and quick. We’re in the process now of setting up the comm layouts, profiles and more on Dreamwidth. Here’s what we need you guys to do:


First, please COMMENT TO THIS POST WITH THE USERNAMES FOR YOUR CHARACTER’S DW JOURNALS! Whether you’re using the same name or have chosen a different one, we need to make sure we have all your usernames so that we can give you access to the new comms ASAP! We believe that usernames on DW are still free, but for today only! If you do not get a free account in time, let us know here and one of the mods or other players will get you an invite code so that you can make your account. Every new journal comes with an invite code, so you can continue to give yourself invite codes if you need multiples for multiple characters. In any case, please give us your usernames soon so that you can be added! You can reply to this post with this handy form:

If you absolutely feel that you will need to drop because of this move, then we will be very sorry to see you leave and will wish you the best of luck with your RP future. Please let us know here or on the drop post so that we’ll know not to ask after your characters. However, we hope that all players will be able to follow us over!

And obviously, once you've gotten your character names, make sure that you request membership to the DW comms: Logs, Cambot and OOC! AND, be sure to give access to and subscribe to the Mod Journal!


We know that moving all of your work over to a new site can be hectic and scary, so we’ll try to make this as easy and painless as possible. Once you’ve secured accounts for your characters, you should be able to quickly move over everything.

To import your content from your LJ to your DW:
On the DW homepage, go to Organize -> Import Content. On this page, follow the instructions and select everything you want to import. Once you’ve put it into the import queue, you can go ahead and continue tagging with that journal. You do not need to have the same username for both LJ and DW journals in order to just need to have the passwords for both accounts.

Since there’s a lot of importing going on at the moment, imports may be a bit slow or buggy. However, it should carry through eventually, and the DW staff will take any support tickets if your import gets messed up in any way.

To turn off custom comment pages:
To do this, go to Organize -> Manage Account. Click on Display and scroll down to Entry View Style. From there, you can choose whether or not to view pages in your style.

Regarding icons
If you are importing icons in your character journal, be aware that on free accounts, DW will only import up to 15. If you have more than 15 icons in your journal, it will then only import your default. If you want to use more than 15 icons, you will need to get a paid account for the journal (DW does it in terms of 100 icons or 250 icons).

If you have any more questions about this, feel free to ask the mods and we’ll do our best to answer them.


You guys can continue to tag here on LJ as much as you like up until Friday, January 6th. After that, we’ll be putting a tagging freeze on LJ since we’ll start importing the comm on Friday. However, you can immediately jump into tagging on the DW comms on Saturday, January 7th, where we’ll have a new week change up with an exciting new event and some other IC fun! You do not need to wait for the import to finish before tagging on Dreamwidth! We will let you know on DW as soon as the rest of the comm is fully imported over, so you can go back to backtagging older threads if you like.

Don’t worry at all about tags...tags will import over as well, so all your threads will be in the same place as they were on LJ.

Also, just for the sake of reference, basic HTML on DW (bold, italics, underline, links, colors and LJ-cuts) all use the same coding as LJ. You shouldn’t have to learn any complicated new coding in order to play the same as LJ.

And that’s it! If you’ve got any questions at all, please let us know! We’re really looking forward to the next few game weeks with you guys!

31 December 2011 @ 09:04 am

In much the style of 'The Hangover,' any character that drank the punch at the Christmas party will wake up the next morning in complete disarray, and because of the Waters Of Forgetfulness, with absolutely no memory of what happened. Along with memory loss, the punch caused extreme giddiness and hyperactivity. Your character could be dressed in a ridiculous costume, have their throat sore from belting out rock ballads all night, wake up in the nature deck pond with a pile of frogs in their's up to you what craziness they did after drinking the punch! They can try and piece out for themselves what happened...or perhaps be brave enough to ask friends who didn't drink what went on!

By now, all Christmas effects and visitors have worn off or left the ship, so things are mostly back to normal, for now. As normal as things can be on the ship, anyway.

Also, please check the following OOC announcement for more on iJAG's future plans!

30 December 2011 @ 08:01 pm

For those of you wondering where the hell I've been and why I haven't tagged in a while...yeah. Long story short, I've been ill for well on a month now, it's wiped me out completely, and I don't know when I'll get over it. Of course, that's killed my tagging motivation, so I'm going to be scarce if nonexistent around here. This affects Linkara and Rarity - assume they are partying it up and enjoying the company and the punch.

I'll be back as soon as I can, guys. Have a happy new year and don't blow up the Satellite without me. ♥

29 December 2011 @ 11:31 pm

This may devolve into a full hiatus.

I'm working long hours this week and next, and frankly... I'm wiped. I worked 50 hours this week already and I still work tomorrow. I'll have worked 48 hours last week, 58 this week, and 56 next week. The holidays are the busiest time of year in the land of the Mouse, and the College Programers go home next week, leaving us understaffed a while.

You probably noticed I've been on intermittently and that I'm easily distracted. Now you know why. I'll still try to be on. I still need an escape (believe it or not).

26 December 2011 @ 11:02 am

Hello, players! Well, this is something we had really hoped we wouldn’t need to talk about, but it looks like we will. We need to talk about the possibility of moving It’s Just A Game to a new all likelihood, to Dreamwidth.

We’re sure that most of you are pretty up to date on everything that’s gone on, but just in case, here’s a brief overview:

LiveJournal has been going through a lot of changes in the layout and commenting system, and for the most part, they are not for the better. A lot of the problems people have been experiencing include:
- A comment system that is difficult to use overall, with wide spacing, lack of subject lines, and more
- The inability to comment preview or spellcheck comments
- Slow loading times for posting comments or expanding collapsed comments
- The inability to post comments or to expand collapsed comments entirely
- An icon-choosing system that loads slowly, not at all, or reverts icons to the default when a comment is posted
- Glitches or slow loading times, especially for users with a slower internet connection. Some of our own players have reported problems with this.
- Custom comment pages being automatically turned off in all accounts, if temporarily
- Automatic payments being turned on in paid journals without users’ knowledge
- And of course, extremely poor customer service on LJ’s part. All signs indicate now that LJ has no plans to roll back the changes they’ve implemented.

Also, even more unfortunately, this is just the beginning. This page shows the changes that will be made to LJ in the future, both to S1 and S2 styles. This includes losing the ability to credit icons in a second line, and this new comment system being implemented in S2 journals.

With all that in mind, we are considering moving the game to Dreamwidth, as quite a few other games are considering doing or are in the process of doing now. However, before we make any final decisions, we want your input! More than anything, we want to make sure that all of our current and potential players are comfortable and happy with the game, no matter where its home is! So we’ve got a poll up here for you to answer! Before you go answer that, we’ll explain why we’re thinking of moving specifically to Dreamwidth:

- DW is now setting up the ability to import whole communities, and that’s the real selling point for us. This way, we won’t lose any past logs or network posts, and can continue on with RPing ASAP!
- No ads on any DW accounts, whether they’re paid or free.
- For now, new users can pick up accounts for free. If invite codes were to go up again before moving, we’ll make sure that everyone gets an invite code. If you can’t live without your icons, paid accounts on DW do not require invite codes, and you can get up to either 100 or 250 extra icons with paid accounts. In regards to the price, paid accounts on DW are either a little more than or a little less than LJ accounts, depending on how you pay for them. For the most part, the price is the same.
- The same layout for comments and posting as the old LJ, plus an improved tagging system.
- For more info on the differences between DW and LJ, check this page: Differences between LJ and DW

With all that in mind, please answer the poll below:

Should It's Just A Game move over to Dreamwidth?

I don’t really want to move, but if the game goes, I will come with.

No! If you move, I’ll be dropping the game!

I don’t care much either way.

Feel free to expand on your thoughts in the comments, or to contact any one of us on AIM, Plurk, or the mod email at if you have any questions, concerns or clarifications. We’d also like to say that you do not need to feel rushed on this decision...we are not planning on taking any action one way or another until the new year at the very earliest. So take whatever time you need to think things over. Thanks so much, guys...we want to continue to make this game fun and awesome for you no matter what!

And to that end, as a bit of a break from this unhappy business, we invite you again to a holiday livestream of some MST3K at 7:00 PST tonight!