Stefania Tonin | IUAV University Venice (original) (raw)
Papers by Stefania Tonin
Regional Science and Urban Economics, Jul 1, 2005
We examine different market-based mechanisms and other incentives intended to promote the environ... more We examine different market-based mechanisms and other incentives intended to promote the environmental remediation and reuse of brownfields. Policies that encourage cleanup and re-use of brownfields offer real estate developers reductions in regulatory burden, relief from liability for future cleanups once certain mitigation standards are met, and/or financial support for regeneration of brownfields. We use conjoint choice experiments-a stated preference approach-to assess the responses of real estate developers to different mixes of these incentives. Our survey instrument was administered in person to a sample of developers and real estate professionals randomly intercepted at the Marché International des Professionnels de l'Immobilier (MIPIM) in Cannes, France, in March 2002. Conditional and random-coefficient logit models of the responses to the choice questions indicate that developers find sites with contamination problems less attractive than others, and that they value liability relief. This confirms our expectation that contaminated sites are less desirable because of the associated cleanup costs, but refutes earlier claims that liability does not matter. Our developers are not deterred by prior contamination, once it has been cleaned up, suggesting that "contamination stigma" is not very important, and appreciate fast-track review of development and remediation plans, direct financial incentives, and flexible (negotiable) cleanup standards. Developers with prior experience with contaminated sites are more responsive to the policies than are inexperienced developers, especially for subsidies. Inexperienced developers are more responsive to liability relief and regulatory relief than they are to subsidies. Similar considerations hold true for larger developers.
Mediterranean coastlines and main drivers of loss; 2) a compilation of data on known factors enha... more Mediterranean coastlines and main drivers of loss; 2) a compilation of data on known factors enhancing resilience and restoration success; 3) a discussion of gaps in the data, ecological knowledge, and protection measures for these coastal habitats and recommendations for how to address these gaps. Results Historical loss and main drivers Conspicuous declines of algal canopies, sometimes to local extinction, have been reported in many regions along the coasts of Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Greece and Turkey (Fig. 1 and Tab. 1). Along the Albères coast only 5 out of 14 species of Fucales (Cystoseira spp. and Sargassum spp.) documented as abundant in 1912 were present in 2003 (Thibaut et al., 2005). Lost algal forests tend to be replaced by assemblages of lower structural complexity, such as turf-forming, filamentous or other ephemeral seaweeds,
GLP 2nd Open Science Meeting, 2014
We use conjoint choice questions to investigate people’s preferences for income and reductions in... more We use conjoint choice questions to investigate people’s preferences for income and reductions in mortality risks delivered by contaminated site remediation policies. Our survey is self-administered using the computer by residents of four cities in Italy with severely contaminated sites. We estimate the Value of a Statistical Life to be about €5-6 million for an immediate risk reduction. If the risk reduction takes place 20 years from now, however, the implied VSL is about €1.26 million. We estimate the discount rate implicit in the responses to the conjoint choice questions to be about 7%, and show that people are willing to pay for permanent risk reductions, but not just any amount. Risk reductions in the nearer future are valued more highly than risk reductions in the more distant future. We also find that the VSL is “individuated, ” in the sense that it depends on observable individual characteristics of the respondents, familiarity with contaminated sites, concern about the hea...
Shrinking cities are widespread in several countries of Europe despite the rapidly increasing glo... more Shrinking cities are widespread in several countries of Europe despite the rapidly increasing global urban population. Literature on shrinking cities has mainly focused on the examination of such phenomena, seeking to advance suitable strategies and revitalized solutions. Though the two concepts of "shrinkage" and "sustainability" may appear to be inconsistent and difficult to match, the recent perception of sustainable urban development has been applied for shrinking cities. Shrinking cities follow different dynamics than those of growing cities; however, these cities should attempt to follow sustainable trajectories with the purpose to advance the health and well-being of urban inhabitants, to build their capacity to adapt to altering conditions and to cope with major events. The need to better research and plan for the future of shrinking cities towards a greater sustainable development is therefore required. The present work explores Veneto region (northern Italy) in which the characters of sprawl and shrinkage coexist. Recognizing challenges and trying to outline which complications and opportunities can emerge in these contexts are essential for developing a sustainable perspective of shrinkage. Furthermore, also spatial planning in shrinking cities must offer different development scenarios, ensuring a consistent sustainable urban growth in the short and long term
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021
This paper offers a policy-making perspective on the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative, a tool ... more This paper offers a policy-making perspective on the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative, a tool launched in 2008 by the European Commission to help cities of any size or population implement the 2020 EU Climate and Energy package. By adopting the conceptual framework of \u201cimplementation research\u201d it provides insights into the CoM planning process, in particular the implementation phase, which has reached a critical period according to ongoing public and scientific debates. A set of in-depth interviews with selected key informants forms the basis for a discussion of the main barriers and difficulties (technical, financial, and political) that cities face as they attempt to implement the initiative. We argue that a closer collaboration between EU policy-makers and national governments could overcome some critical barriers and diversify the goals of the initiative, making it possible to accommodate the varied capacities of national and local contexts. Future improvements to financial and technical assistance could advance the implementation of several actions proposed by various actors
The transport sector has the second biggest greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. More than two thi... more The transport sector has the second biggest greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. More than two thirds of transport-related greenhouse gas emissions are from road transport. Greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors decreased 15% between 1990 and 2007 but emissions from transport increased 36% during the same period.
L'ipotesi che sottende questo lavoro di ricerca è che lo shrinkage sia una conseguenza dello ... more L'ipotesi che sottende questo lavoro di ricerca è che lo shrinkage sia una conseguenza dello sprawl e, quindi, l'obiettivo del paper è quello di verificare tale relazione nell'area del Veneto centrale. Verranno analizzate le principali fasi di trasformazione urbana e le dinamiche demografiche che hanno caratterizzato le città dell'area (1971-2011), per descrivere il fenomeno, le caratteristiche e le potenziali cause di tali trasformazioni, attraverso l'analisi di alcuni dati censuari e di un set di indicatori selezionati.
Emission inventories are compiled at national and regional levels and used without taking uncerta... more Emission inventories are compiled at national and regional levels and used without taking uncertainty into account. We attempt to check whether and to what extent uncertainty related to emission inventories affect quantitative analysis used by policy makers to set strategies and implement actions at regional and sub-regional levels. We consider the regional air emission inventory of the Piedmont region in Italy. Uncertainty is calculated by adapting the insurance-based method. A hybrid accounting matrix is built and a Shift-Share analysis is undertaken for manufacturing and construction activities, and for the transport sector at regional and provincial levels. The procedure is repeated for data without uncertainty and data with uncertainty. Although in absolute terms total emissions are remarkably different, the outcomes of the Shift-Share Analysis vary among provinces: sometimes the messages are misleading when uncertainties are not included in the calculation; sometimes the differences are negligible. Some general conclusion can be drawn
Epidemiologia e prevenzione
Eleven projects within the LIFE programme (through which the Directorate-General for Environment ... more Eleven projects within the LIFE programme (through which the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission provides funding for projects aim at protecting environment and nature) addressing environmental-health-related issues have been involved in a collaborative network called KTE LIFE EnvHealth Network. The shared issues tackled by that projects are knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE). The objective of the LIFE programme is to support the implementation of the environmental legislation in the European Union, to provide new tools and knowledge that will help to better protect both the territory and the communities. Transferring knowledge to decision makers, at the appropriate and effective level, is therefore a central function of the projects. The Network promotes national and international networking, which intends to involve other projects, to provide methodological support, to make information and successful practices circulate, with the aim of multiplying th...
Carbon Management, 2016
The measurements necessary to estimate GHG emission inventories create uncertainty. Currently emi... more The measurements necessary to estimate GHG emission inventories create uncertainty. Currently emission inventories are built on statistical data, parameters and some "other information." Investigating the role of the latter has driven this analysis, since it has proven to be a key concept in understanding and reducing uncertainty. This article proposes a use-chain model to guide researchers in choosing the appropriate available method to deal with uncertainty. The model involves three main parts: data production, data analysis and data use. The findings suggest, first, that statistical techniques, although crucial, do not represent the only possible way to reduce uncertainty; and, second, that the appropriate way to deal with uncertainty depends on whether one is dealing with data production or data analysis or data use, each characterized by a different degree of specificity and by a different influence of the surrounding context.
Il recupero dei siti dismessi è importante perché la bonifica elimina o diminuisce l'effetto nega... more Il recupero dei siti dismessi è importante perché la bonifica elimina o diminuisce l'effetto negativo dell'inquinamento del suolo e dell'acqua per la salute umana e il sistema ecologico, limita l'utilizzo di siti "non contaminati" per usi urbani evitando l'insorgere di nuove fonti di inquinamento ambientale ed infine promuove lo sviluppo economico di lungo periodo e il miglioramento sociale delle aree urbane. Il saggio si propone di valutare i profili di efficienza dei diversi strumenti di incentivo al ripristino ambientale e riuso dei siti industriali dismessi potenzialmente inquinati. Le politiche e gli strumenti di incentivazione per i privati predisposti nei vari paesi, di cui l'articolo offre una brevissima sintesi, fanno leva principalmente sulla limitazione degli oneri relativi al regime di responsabilità, offrono incentivi monetari per favorire il recupero dei siti dismessi e concedono standard di qualità ambientale * Matelda Reho è professore straordinario di Economia dell'ambiente presso l'IUAV Università degli Studi; Stefania Tonin e Francesco Trombetta sono assegnisti di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Pianificazione della medesima Università. Il presente lavoro si inserisce nel quadro di una più articolato programma di ricerca finanziato nel biennio 2000-2002 congiuntamente dal Co.Ri.La e dal Dipartimento di Pianificazione dello IUAV avente per tema i "costi e benefici della bonifica delle aree dismesse a Marghera". Tra le molte persone che hanno collaborato al suddetto progetto di ricerca sulla riconversione di Marghera e che sarebbe impossibile citare, non possiamo assolutamente tralasciare di esprimere la nostra gratitudine alla professoressa Margherita Turvani (Dipartimento di Pianificazione, IUAV) e alla professoressa Anna Alberini (University of Maryland) per i loro puntuali commenti a quanto scritto e più in generale per la loro attività di stimolo e indirizzo alla prosecuzione della nostra attività scientifica.
Urban dispersion is a relatively recent phenomenon that characterized the contemporary cities. In... more Urban dispersion is a relatively recent phenomenon that characterized the contemporary cities. Initially, traditionally compact historical cities were characterized by a progressive growth of the area around compact cities core and only recently urban sprawl has become quite pervasive. Urban sprawl is characterized by low-density, suburban style development patterns that have been the dominant model of growth in the United States over the last 50 years and in the European context more recently.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, Jul 1, 2005
We examine different market-based mechanisms and other incentives intended to promote the environ... more We examine different market-based mechanisms and other incentives intended to promote the environmental remediation and reuse of brownfields. Policies that encourage cleanup and re-use of brownfields offer real estate developers reductions in regulatory burden, relief from liability for future cleanups once certain mitigation standards are met, and/or financial support for regeneration of brownfields. We use conjoint choice experiments-a stated preference approach-to assess the responses of real estate developers to different mixes of these incentives. Our survey instrument was administered in person to a sample of developers and real estate professionals randomly intercepted at the Marché International des Professionnels de l'Immobilier (MIPIM) in Cannes, France, in March 2002. Conditional and random-coefficient logit models of the responses to the choice questions indicate that developers find sites with contamination problems less attractive than others, and that they value liability relief. This confirms our expectation that contaminated sites are less desirable because of the associated cleanup costs, but refutes earlier claims that liability does not matter. Our developers are not deterred by prior contamination, once it has been cleaned up, suggesting that "contamination stigma" is not very important, and appreciate fast-track review of development and remediation plans, direct financial incentives, and flexible (negotiable) cleanup standards. Developers with prior experience with contaminated sites are more responsive to the policies than are inexperienced developers, especially for subsidies. Inexperienced developers are more responsive to liability relief and regulatory relief than they are to subsidies. Similar considerations hold true for larger developers.
Mediterranean coastlines and main drivers of loss; 2) a compilation of data on known factors enha... more Mediterranean coastlines and main drivers of loss; 2) a compilation of data on known factors enhancing resilience and restoration success; 3) a discussion of gaps in the data, ecological knowledge, and protection measures for these coastal habitats and recommendations for how to address these gaps. Results Historical loss and main drivers Conspicuous declines of algal canopies, sometimes to local extinction, have been reported in many regions along the coasts of Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Greece and Turkey (Fig. 1 and Tab. 1). Along the Albères coast only 5 out of 14 species of Fucales (Cystoseira spp. and Sargassum spp.) documented as abundant in 1912 were present in 2003 (Thibaut et al., 2005). Lost algal forests tend to be replaced by assemblages of lower structural complexity, such as turf-forming, filamentous or other ephemeral seaweeds,
GLP 2nd Open Science Meeting, 2014
We use conjoint choice questions to investigate people’s preferences for income and reductions in... more We use conjoint choice questions to investigate people’s preferences for income and reductions in mortality risks delivered by contaminated site remediation policies. Our survey is self-administered using the computer by residents of four cities in Italy with severely contaminated sites. We estimate the Value of a Statistical Life to be about €5-6 million for an immediate risk reduction. If the risk reduction takes place 20 years from now, however, the implied VSL is about €1.26 million. We estimate the discount rate implicit in the responses to the conjoint choice questions to be about 7%, and show that people are willing to pay for permanent risk reductions, but not just any amount. Risk reductions in the nearer future are valued more highly than risk reductions in the more distant future. We also find that the VSL is “individuated, ” in the sense that it depends on observable individual characteristics of the respondents, familiarity with contaminated sites, concern about the hea...
Shrinking cities are widespread in several countries of Europe despite the rapidly increasing glo... more Shrinking cities are widespread in several countries of Europe despite the rapidly increasing global urban population. Literature on shrinking cities has mainly focused on the examination of such phenomena, seeking to advance suitable strategies and revitalized solutions. Though the two concepts of "shrinkage" and "sustainability" may appear to be inconsistent and difficult to match, the recent perception of sustainable urban development has been applied for shrinking cities. Shrinking cities follow different dynamics than those of growing cities; however, these cities should attempt to follow sustainable trajectories with the purpose to advance the health and well-being of urban inhabitants, to build their capacity to adapt to altering conditions and to cope with major events. The need to better research and plan for the future of shrinking cities towards a greater sustainable development is therefore required. The present work explores Veneto region (northern Italy) in which the characters of sprawl and shrinkage coexist. Recognizing challenges and trying to outline which complications and opportunities can emerge in these contexts are essential for developing a sustainable perspective of shrinkage. Furthermore, also spatial planning in shrinking cities must offer different development scenarios, ensuring a consistent sustainable urban growth in the short and long term
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021
This paper offers a policy-making perspective on the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative, a tool ... more This paper offers a policy-making perspective on the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative, a tool launched in 2008 by the European Commission to help cities of any size or population implement the 2020 EU Climate and Energy package. By adopting the conceptual framework of \u201cimplementation research\u201d it provides insights into the CoM planning process, in particular the implementation phase, which has reached a critical period according to ongoing public and scientific debates. A set of in-depth interviews with selected key informants forms the basis for a discussion of the main barriers and difficulties (technical, financial, and political) that cities face as they attempt to implement the initiative. We argue that a closer collaboration between EU policy-makers and national governments could overcome some critical barriers and diversify the goals of the initiative, making it possible to accommodate the varied capacities of national and local contexts. Future improvements to financial and technical assistance could advance the implementation of several actions proposed by various actors
The transport sector has the second biggest greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. More than two thi... more The transport sector has the second biggest greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. More than two thirds of transport-related greenhouse gas emissions are from road transport. Greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors decreased 15% between 1990 and 2007 but emissions from transport increased 36% during the same period.
L'ipotesi che sottende questo lavoro di ricerca è che lo shrinkage sia una conseguenza dello ... more L'ipotesi che sottende questo lavoro di ricerca è che lo shrinkage sia una conseguenza dello sprawl e, quindi, l'obiettivo del paper è quello di verificare tale relazione nell'area del Veneto centrale. Verranno analizzate le principali fasi di trasformazione urbana e le dinamiche demografiche che hanno caratterizzato le città dell'area (1971-2011), per descrivere il fenomeno, le caratteristiche e le potenziali cause di tali trasformazioni, attraverso l'analisi di alcuni dati censuari e di un set di indicatori selezionati.
Emission inventories are compiled at national and regional levels and used without taking uncerta... more Emission inventories are compiled at national and regional levels and used without taking uncertainty into account. We attempt to check whether and to what extent uncertainty related to emission inventories affect quantitative analysis used by policy makers to set strategies and implement actions at regional and sub-regional levels. We consider the regional air emission inventory of the Piedmont region in Italy. Uncertainty is calculated by adapting the insurance-based method. A hybrid accounting matrix is built and a Shift-Share analysis is undertaken for manufacturing and construction activities, and for the transport sector at regional and provincial levels. The procedure is repeated for data without uncertainty and data with uncertainty. Although in absolute terms total emissions are remarkably different, the outcomes of the Shift-Share Analysis vary among provinces: sometimes the messages are misleading when uncertainties are not included in the calculation; sometimes the differences are negligible. Some general conclusion can be drawn
Epidemiologia e prevenzione
Eleven projects within the LIFE programme (through which the Directorate-General for Environment ... more Eleven projects within the LIFE programme (through which the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission provides funding for projects aim at protecting environment and nature) addressing environmental-health-related issues have been involved in a collaborative network called KTE LIFE EnvHealth Network. The shared issues tackled by that projects are knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE). The objective of the LIFE programme is to support the implementation of the environmental legislation in the European Union, to provide new tools and knowledge that will help to better protect both the territory and the communities. Transferring knowledge to decision makers, at the appropriate and effective level, is therefore a central function of the projects. The Network promotes national and international networking, which intends to involve other projects, to provide methodological support, to make information and successful practices circulate, with the aim of multiplying th...
Carbon Management, 2016
The measurements necessary to estimate GHG emission inventories create uncertainty. Currently emi... more The measurements necessary to estimate GHG emission inventories create uncertainty. Currently emission inventories are built on statistical data, parameters and some "other information." Investigating the role of the latter has driven this analysis, since it has proven to be a key concept in understanding and reducing uncertainty. This article proposes a use-chain model to guide researchers in choosing the appropriate available method to deal with uncertainty. The model involves three main parts: data production, data analysis and data use. The findings suggest, first, that statistical techniques, although crucial, do not represent the only possible way to reduce uncertainty; and, second, that the appropriate way to deal with uncertainty depends on whether one is dealing with data production or data analysis or data use, each characterized by a different degree of specificity and by a different influence of the surrounding context.
Il recupero dei siti dismessi è importante perché la bonifica elimina o diminuisce l'effetto nega... more Il recupero dei siti dismessi è importante perché la bonifica elimina o diminuisce l'effetto negativo dell'inquinamento del suolo e dell'acqua per la salute umana e il sistema ecologico, limita l'utilizzo di siti "non contaminati" per usi urbani evitando l'insorgere di nuove fonti di inquinamento ambientale ed infine promuove lo sviluppo economico di lungo periodo e il miglioramento sociale delle aree urbane. Il saggio si propone di valutare i profili di efficienza dei diversi strumenti di incentivo al ripristino ambientale e riuso dei siti industriali dismessi potenzialmente inquinati. Le politiche e gli strumenti di incentivazione per i privati predisposti nei vari paesi, di cui l'articolo offre una brevissima sintesi, fanno leva principalmente sulla limitazione degli oneri relativi al regime di responsabilità, offrono incentivi monetari per favorire il recupero dei siti dismessi e concedono standard di qualità ambientale * Matelda Reho è professore straordinario di Economia dell'ambiente presso l'IUAV Università degli Studi; Stefania Tonin e Francesco Trombetta sono assegnisti di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Pianificazione della medesima Università. Il presente lavoro si inserisce nel quadro di una più articolato programma di ricerca finanziato nel biennio 2000-2002 congiuntamente dal Co.Ri.La e dal Dipartimento di Pianificazione dello IUAV avente per tema i "costi e benefici della bonifica delle aree dismesse a Marghera". Tra le molte persone che hanno collaborato al suddetto progetto di ricerca sulla riconversione di Marghera e che sarebbe impossibile citare, non possiamo assolutamente tralasciare di esprimere la nostra gratitudine alla professoressa Margherita Turvani (Dipartimento di Pianificazione, IUAV) e alla professoressa Anna Alberini (University of Maryland) per i loro puntuali commenti a quanto scritto e più in generale per la loro attività di stimolo e indirizzo alla prosecuzione della nostra attività scientifica.
Urban dispersion is a relatively recent phenomenon that characterized the contemporary cities. In... more Urban dispersion is a relatively recent phenomenon that characterized the contemporary cities. Initially, traditionally compact historical cities were characterized by a progressive growth of the area around compact cities core and only recently urban sprawl has become quite pervasive. Urban sprawl is characterized by low-density, suburban style development patterns that have been the dominant model of growth in the United States over the last 50 years and in the European context more recently.