mehmet can | International University of Sarajevo (original) (raw)
Papers by mehmet can
Neural networks are organized in committees to improve the correctness of the decisions created b... more Neural networks are organized in committees to improve the correctness of the decisions created by artificial neural networks (ANN's). In the classification of human chromosomes, it is accustomed to use multilayer perceptrons with multiple (22-24) outputs. Because of the huge number of synaptic weights to be tuned, these classifiers cannot go beyond a level of 92% overall correctness. In this study we represent a special organized committee of 462 simple perceptrons to improve the rate of correct classification of 22 types of human chromosomes. Each of these simple perceptrons is trained to distinguish between two types of chromosomes. When a new data is entered, the votes of these 462 simple perceptrons and additional 22 dummy perceptrons create a decision matrix of the size 22×22. By a special assembling of these votes we get a higher rate of correct classification of 22 types of human chromosomes.
Arnavutları Osmanlılık kimliğinden koparıp, Arnavutluk kimliği vermeyi hedefleyen Arnavut liderle... more Arnavutları Osmanlılık kimliğinden koparıp, Arnavutluk kimliği vermeyi hedefleyen Arnavut liderlerin önünde aşılması imkansız gibi görünen güçlükler vardı. Oturdukları topraklar Osmanlı teşkilatlanması içinde dört eyalete ayrılmış olduğundan, Arnavutların ortak bir coğrafi ya da siyasal beyin merkezi yoktu. Arnavutların bir kısmının Katolik ve Ortodoks Hıristiyanlardan olması milliyetçi liderleri, ulusal harekete seküler bir karakter vermeye zorluyordu ki bu özelliği ile dini liderlerin dışlanması gerekiyordu.
Dönüs yolunda, Habsburgların sisler içinde yarı kaybolmus saraylarının slüetini seyrederek Prinz ... more Dönüs yolunda, Habsburgların sisler içinde yarı kaybolmus saraylarının slüetini seyrederek Prinz
Eugen meydanına geldiklerinde, bulutlu ögle sonrası ısıklarının aydınlattıgı heykelin atının
ayakları altındaki hilalli sancak, Mula’ya utançla karısık derin bir hüzün vermisti.
Reform uygulamasý, Makedonyadan Bosna-Hersek’e kadar Imparatorlugun Rumeli kanadinda itirazlarla ... more Reform uygulamasý, Makedonyadan Bosna-Hersek’e kadar Imparatorlugun Rumeli kanadinda itirazlarla karsilandi. Toprak düzenindeki degiþiklik, vergi toplama sistemindeki reform, Osmanli Hazinesinin en önemli gelir kalemi olan Rumeli vergi gelirlerini sifirladi.
Merkez bölgesinde Sultan Murad Han'in Kosova Savasi'ni kazandigi Kosova Ovasi bulunan on bin kilo... more Merkez bölgesinde Sultan Murad Han'in Kosova Savasi'ni kazandigi Kosova Ovasi bulunan on bin
kilometrekarelik bir bölgenin adi bu gün Kosova. Siyasi olarak, Karadag'in ayrilmasindan sonra adi
Sirbistan olan eski Yugoslav Federal Devleti Sirbistan'in özel statülü bir eyaletiydi son zamanlara kadar.
Hasan Kaimi Baba’nin dergahi Drina’nin yaslandigi tepelerden birinin üstünde, Kula Grad denilen Z... more Hasan Kaimi Baba’nin dergahi Drina’nin yaslandigi tepelerden birinin üstünde, Kula Grad denilen Zvornik Kalesi’nin dibinde. Dergahtan Drina’yi ve sonradan olusmus baraj gölünün harika manzarassns seyretmek, gönül ferahlatir.
Nis’teki Osmanlý ordusunun komutani Hursid Pasa, hem ibret, hem de uyari olsun ve Sirplarin yenil... more Nis’teki Osmanlý ordusunun komutani Hursid Pasa,
hem ibret, hem de uyari olsun ve Sirplarin yenilgisini
belgelesin diye ölü sirp isyancilardan 952’sinin kafalarini
kestirerek bir kulenin taslari arasina yerlestirtti. Tabani dikdörtgen olan kulenin yüksekligi üç metre kadardir
Bir toplumun kültürel degerlerini ve medeniyet kimligini paylaþan insanlardan olusan nesneye, o t... more Bir toplumun kültürel degerlerini ve medeniyet
kimligini paylaþan insanlardan olusan nesneye, o toplumun jeokültürel alani denir. Bu alanin fiziksel sinirlari olmaz.
Jeokültürel yaklasima göre Türkiye'nin jeokültürel alani üç kanattan oluþur: Birinci kanat, Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun
en geniþ sinirlara sahip oldugu zamanki cografyada bugün yasayan insanlardir. Ikinci kanat, birinciye dâhil olmayan, fakat Türkçenin çeþitli lehçelerini konusan Müslüman toplumlar, üçüncü kanat ise, ilk iki kanat disinda kalan bütün Müslümanlardir
Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han 28 Mayýs 1463 yýlýnda Bosna devletimin vatandaþlarý onlara hakaret etmeye... more Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han 28 Mayýs 1463 yýlýnda Bosna devletimin vatandaþlarý onlara hakaret etmeyecek ve Kralý Stjepan Tomasevic (1461-1463) ile yaptýðu savaþý onlarý taciz etmeyecektir. Hiç kimsenin onlara tecavüzüne, kazandý. Bosna Kralýnýn Fojnica yakýnlarýnda bulunan hakaret etmesine ve canlarýna kastetmesine, mallarýna ve Mlodraj'daki yazlýk saraylarýnda bir müddet kaldý. Bu sýrada mülklerine veya kiliselerinin mal ve mülklerinin tehlikeye Bosna'lý Franciscan Kilisesi'nin baþ papazý Fra Anceo atýlmasýna izin verilmeye... Memleketime hariçten herhan-Zvidloviç'e, Kilise'sinin faaliyetlerini serbestce sürdürebile-gi birini getirmelerine dahi müsaade edilmiþtir. ceðini, kilise mallarýnýn ve mensuplarýnýn güvende oldu-Böylece, bu ferman-ý hümayunu lütufkar þekilde yayýnla-ðunu, Kilise'ye mensup Bosna'lý Hristiyanlarýn inançlarýnýn dým ve iþbu büyük yemini ettim: Dünya ve ahiretin Yara-gereklerini yerine getirme konusunda serbest olduklarýný daný, bütün canlýlarýn rýzýklandýrýcýsý adýna, yedi Mushaf ve kayýt altýna alan meþhur Ahidname'sini verdi.
This paper uses an asset-liability management model to solve multi-period investment problems. Th... more This paper uses an asset-liability management model to solve multi-period investment problems. The model aims to maximize the overall revenue and deal with uncertainties as well as with risks.
The assumption of a linear utility function may lead to allocation of the wealth to one asset. This paper sheds some light on this issue by showing that the linear function can be a risky choice. For this purpose to solve multi-period investment problem we used two ways: first, using a piecewise linear function; and second using a non-linear utility function. The results show that the non-linear function outperform the piecewise linear function and generates better asset allocation.
The problem is formulated by using the Wolfram Mathematical Programming System.
It is not enough to study the labour market only by analysing the static variables like rates of ... more It is not enough to study the labour market only by analysing the static variables like rates of employment and unemployment. For the decision making on the labour market it is essential to see the movement of people into and out of jobs, the extent to which they can or cannot quickly find alternative employment and to which extent different groups of the labour force are more affected than others.
Using the frailty models, as a specific area in survival analysis, we show that the durations of unemployment are sensitive to the educational level and gender. First, females are experiencing significantly longer durations of finding job than man. Second, better-educated individuals appear to find job more quickly than the less-educated. Finally, there is evidence of duration dependence in unemployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The re-employment hazard exhibits positive duration dependence in the first 59 months, and then declines approximately 60 moths.
The Information Bureau Resolution and the clash between Tito and Stalin had a painful and long-la... more The Information Bureau Resolution and the clash between Tito and Stalin had a painful and long-lasting impact on the state of affairs and internal relations in Yugoslavia itself. The clash was not confined to the inter-state and international level, but led to a rift within the Yugoslav Communist Party. This, in turn, influenced circumstances as a whole throughout the country, the consequences of which were still being felt when Yugoslavia broke up and the repercussions of which are still visible to this day.
In 28 June 1989 several hundred thousand Serbs assemble at the battlefield site of Gazimestan, ou... more In 28 June 1989 several hundred thousand Serbs assemble at the battlefield site of Gazimestan, outside the Kosovar capital, Pristina, to celebrate the six hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. For many weeks a ferment of national feeling had been created inside Serbia; the bones of Prince Lazar, who died at the battle, had been taken on a tour of the country, becoming an object of pilgrimage wherever they were. In the courtyard of the monastery at Gracanica (south of Priština), while people queued to pay their devotions
to the Prince's bones inside, stalls sold icon-style posters of Jesus Christ, Prince Lazar and Slobodan Miloševic side by side. At the ceremony on the
battlefield Miloševic was accompanied by black-robed metropolitans of the Orthodox Church, singers in traditional Serbian folk costumes, and members
of the security police in their traditional dress of dark suits and sun glasses. 'After six centuries', Miloševic told the crowd, “We are again engaged in battles and quarrels. They are not armed battles, but this cannot be excluded yet.” The crowd roared its approval. Dissolution of Yugoslavia get a start from the words of Miloševic.
By 1990, after forty-five years of communism, all of Bosnian society was very secularized, and th... more By 1990, after forty-five years of communism, all of Bosnian society was very secularized, and though all three ethnic groups had their origins in a religion, religion played little role in the lives of any of the elite. Thus one
not should see Bosniak, Serbs, and Croats as being Muslim, Orthodox, and Catholic, but as being of those three respective backgrounds. As since persons of all ethnicities were twenty-century, modern, secular Europeans, led by members of the Communist Party of BiH, there was much intermarriage among different groups in BiH cities. Between the Second World War and 1991 roughly 40 percent of urban marriages were mixed and over 20 percent of urban Bosnians declared themselves in censuses “Yugoslav” or other, refusing to define themselves in ethnic terms. Thus the first definition for the term “Muslim” after the 1968 was ethnic and few educated Muslims gave Islam much thought.
Before the dissolution of Yugoslavia, SDA attempted to unite Yugoslavian Muslims. Alongside the c... more Before the dissolution of Yugoslavia, SDA attempted to unite Yugoslavian Muslims. Alongside the central committee in Sarajevo, Sandžak, Macedonia, and Monte Negro branches of the political party was established.
When Yugoslavian Federal Republics started to leave the
Federation, these political establishments became idle. In 1991, the Islamic Community became the only institution which tied together different Muslim groups in the Yugoslav territory.
In the twentyfirst century the most important prerequisite of the global peace is the recognition... more In the twentyfirst century the most important prerequisite of the global peace is the recognition of the right to survival of several different civilizational identities in an atmosphere of coexistence.
The existing civilizational crisis could only be overcome by a civilizational dialogue and a free exchange of values. Uni-cultural monopolization has been the main dilemma of modern western civilization and has led to the destruction of traditional civilizations. The current revival of traditional civilizations is not simply a reaction against this uni-cultural monopolization, but it has its own dynamics summarized by some authors by the label “The Return of God”, or “The Revenge of God”.
In this chapter we will try to blueprint a strategy for the national Islamic organizations, Meshiats, of the former Yugoslavia region, as well as Islamic organizations representing the societies resident as minorities in all over the world.
The war in BiH has been very often justified as a religious one, in which Bosnian Croats (Catholi... more The war in BiH has been very often justified as a religious one, in which Bosnian Croats (Catholics) and Bosnian Serbs (Orthodox Christians) defended the Western Countries from violent, penetrating Islam. “A clash of Civilizations” was necessary to create an excuse of the annexing parts of BiH territory to “Great” Serbia and Croatia. Also, classification of some BiH Muslims as
radical Islamists was very useful to achieve the abovementioned political aim.
In order to understand this phenomenon is vital to analysis the place of BiH in the “Clash of Civilization” theory. Despite this theory has been broadly criticized for oversimplification, ignoring indigenous conflicts and for incorrectly predicting what has happened in the decade since its publication, in the post Cold War world few articles have revealed how Western and especially
American policymakers view the world more than Samuel P. Huntington's 1993 Foreign Affairs article, “The Clash of
Historians still argue over whether it was Serb nationalism or Yugoslavism, Serbian secret societ... more Historians still argue over whether it was Serb nationalism or Yugoslavism, Serbian secret societies or sheer local initiative that had caused the
assassination to happen. Many Bosnians made up their minds very quickly about who was to blame: The assassination by Gavrilo Princip on 28 June
1914 of Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand was sponsored by a group of "national revolutionaries," nationalist Serb youth generally known by the
name Mlada Bosna, or Young Bosnia.
In spite of the Austro-Hungarian occupation of 1878, Bosnia and Herzegovina it remained under the... more In spite of the Austro-Hungarian occupation of 1878, Bosnia and
Herzegovina it remained under the Sultan's authority until the country was finally annexed in 1908. As a result of the specific international
circumstances, in which the occupation was carried out, as well as the
internal situation and relations within the occupied country and the highly complex constitutional structure of the Hapsburg monarchy, throughout its entire time under Austro-Hungarian rule, Bosnia and Herzegovina had its own distinct standing as a state. Furthermore, the authorities governing it had their own separate organization and structure.
Neural networks are organized in committees to improve the correctness of the decisions created b... more Neural networks are organized in committees to improve the correctness of the decisions created by artificial neural networks (ANN's). In the classification of human chromosomes, it is accustomed to use multilayer perceptrons with multiple (22-24) outputs. Because of the huge number of synaptic weights to be tuned, these classifiers cannot go beyond a level of 92% overall correctness. In this study we represent a special organized committee of 462 simple perceptrons to improve the rate of correct classification of 22 types of human chromosomes. Each of these simple perceptrons is trained to distinguish between two types of chromosomes. When a new data is entered, the votes of these 462 simple perceptrons and additional 22 dummy perceptrons create a decision matrix of the size 22×22. By a special assembling of these votes we get a higher rate of correct classification of 22 types of human chromosomes.
Arnavutları Osmanlılık kimliğinden koparıp, Arnavutluk kimliği vermeyi hedefleyen Arnavut liderle... more Arnavutları Osmanlılık kimliğinden koparıp, Arnavutluk kimliği vermeyi hedefleyen Arnavut liderlerin önünde aşılması imkansız gibi görünen güçlükler vardı. Oturdukları topraklar Osmanlı teşkilatlanması içinde dört eyalete ayrılmış olduğundan, Arnavutların ortak bir coğrafi ya da siyasal beyin merkezi yoktu. Arnavutların bir kısmının Katolik ve Ortodoks Hıristiyanlardan olması milliyetçi liderleri, ulusal harekete seküler bir karakter vermeye zorluyordu ki bu özelliği ile dini liderlerin dışlanması gerekiyordu.
Dönüs yolunda, Habsburgların sisler içinde yarı kaybolmus saraylarının slüetini seyrederek Prinz ... more Dönüs yolunda, Habsburgların sisler içinde yarı kaybolmus saraylarının slüetini seyrederek Prinz
Eugen meydanına geldiklerinde, bulutlu ögle sonrası ısıklarının aydınlattıgı heykelin atının
ayakları altındaki hilalli sancak, Mula’ya utançla karısık derin bir hüzün vermisti.
Reform uygulamasý, Makedonyadan Bosna-Hersek’e kadar Imparatorlugun Rumeli kanadinda itirazlarla ... more Reform uygulamasý, Makedonyadan Bosna-Hersek’e kadar Imparatorlugun Rumeli kanadinda itirazlarla karsilandi. Toprak düzenindeki degiþiklik, vergi toplama sistemindeki reform, Osmanli Hazinesinin en önemli gelir kalemi olan Rumeli vergi gelirlerini sifirladi.
Merkez bölgesinde Sultan Murad Han'in Kosova Savasi'ni kazandigi Kosova Ovasi bulunan on bin kilo... more Merkez bölgesinde Sultan Murad Han'in Kosova Savasi'ni kazandigi Kosova Ovasi bulunan on bin
kilometrekarelik bir bölgenin adi bu gün Kosova. Siyasi olarak, Karadag'in ayrilmasindan sonra adi
Sirbistan olan eski Yugoslav Federal Devleti Sirbistan'in özel statülü bir eyaletiydi son zamanlara kadar.
Hasan Kaimi Baba’nin dergahi Drina’nin yaslandigi tepelerden birinin üstünde, Kula Grad denilen Z... more Hasan Kaimi Baba’nin dergahi Drina’nin yaslandigi tepelerden birinin üstünde, Kula Grad denilen Zvornik Kalesi’nin dibinde. Dergahtan Drina’yi ve sonradan olusmus baraj gölünün harika manzarassns seyretmek, gönül ferahlatir.
Nis’teki Osmanlý ordusunun komutani Hursid Pasa, hem ibret, hem de uyari olsun ve Sirplarin yenil... more Nis’teki Osmanlý ordusunun komutani Hursid Pasa,
hem ibret, hem de uyari olsun ve Sirplarin yenilgisini
belgelesin diye ölü sirp isyancilardan 952’sinin kafalarini
kestirerek bir kulenin taslari arasina yerlestirtti. Tabani dikdörtgen olan kulenin yüksekligi üç metre kadardir
Bir toplumun kültürel degerlerini ve medeniyet kimligini paylaþan insanlardan olusan nesneye, o t... more Bir toplumun kültürel degerlerini ve medeniyet
kimligini paylaþan insanlardan olusan nesneye, o toplumun jeokültürel alani denir. Bu alanin fiziksel sinirlari olmaz.
Jeokültürel yaklasima göre Türkiye'nin jeokültürel alani üç kanattan oluþur: Birinci kanat, Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun
en geniþ sinirlara sahip oldugu zamanki cografyada bugün yasayan insanlardir. Ikinci kanat, birinciye dâhil olmayan, fakat Türkçenin çeþitli lehçelerini konusan Müslüman toplumlar, üçüncü kanat ise, ilk iki kanat disinda kalan bütün Müslümanlardir
Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han 28 Mayýs 1463 yýlýnda Bosna devletimin vatandaþlarý onlara hakaret etmeye... more Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han 28 Mayýs 1463 yýlýnda Bosna devletimin vatandaþlarý onlara hakaret etmeyecek ve Kralý Stjepan Tomasevic (1461-1463) ile yaptýðu savaþý onlarý taciz etmeyecektir. Hiç kimsenin onlara tecavüzüne, kazandý. Bosna Kralýnýn Fojnica yakýnlarýnda bulunan hakaret etmesine ve canlarýna kastetmesine, mallarýna ve Mlodraj'daki yazlýk saraylarýnda bir müddet kaldý. Bu sýrada mülklerine veya kiliselerinin mal ve mülklerinin tehlikeye Bosna'lý Franciscan Kilisesi'nin baþ papazý Fra Anceo atýlmasýna izin verilmeye... Memleketime hariçten herhan-Zvidloviç'e, Kilise'sinin faaliyetlerini serbestce sürdürebile-gi birini getirmelerine dahi müsaade edilmiþtir. ceðini, kilise mallarýnýn ve mensuplarýnýn güvende oldu-Böylece, bu ferman-ý hümayunu lütufkar þekilde yayýnla-ðunu, Kilise'ye mensup Bosna'lý Hristiyanlarýn inançlarýnýn dým ve iþbu büyük yemini ettim: Dünya ve ahiretin Yara-gereklerini yerine getirme konusunda serbest olduklarýný daný, bütün canlýlarýn rýzýklandýrýcýsý adýna, yedi Mushaf ve kayýt altýna alan meþhur Ahidname'sini verdi.
This paper uses an asset-liability management model to solve multi-period investment problems. Th... more This paper uses an asset-liability management model to solve multi-period investment problems. The model aims to maximize the overall revenue and deal with uncertainties as well as with risks.
The assumption of a linear utility function may lead to allocation of the wealth to one asset. This paper sheds some light on this issue by showing that the linear function can be a risky choice. For this purpose to solve multi-period investment problem we used two ways: first, using a piecewise linear function; and second using a non-linear utility function. The results show that the non-linear function outperform the piecewise linear function and generates better asset allocation.
The problem is formulated by using the Wolfram Mathematical Programming System.
It is not enough to study the labour market only by analysing the static variables like rates of ... more It is not enough to study the labour market only by analysing the static variables like rates of employment and unemployment. For the decision making on the labour market it is essential to see the movement of people into and out of jobs, the extent to which they can or cannot quickly find alternative employment and to which extent different groups of the labour force are more affected than others.
Using the frailty models, as a specific area in survival analysis, we show that the durations of unemployment are sensitive to the educational level and gender. First, females are experiencing significantly longer durations of finding job than man. Second, better-educated individuals appear to find job more quickly than the less-educated. Finally, there is evidence of duration dependence in unemployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The re-employment hazard exhibits positive duration dependence in the first 59 months, and then declines approximately 60 moths.
The Information Bureau Resolution and the clash between Tito and Stalin had a painful and long-la... more The Information Bureau Resolution and the clash between Tito and Stalin had a painful and long-lasting impact on the state of affairs and internal relations in Yugoslavia itself. The clash was not confined to the inter-state and international level, but led to a rift within the Yugoslav Communist Party. This, in turn, influenced circumstances as a whole throughout the country, the consequences of which were still being felt when Yugoslavia broke up and the repercussions of which are still visible to this day.
In 28 June 1989 several hundred thousand Serbs assemble at the battlefield site of Gazimestan, ou... more In 28 June 1989 several hundred thousand Serbs assemble at the battlefield site of Gazimestan, outside the Kosovar capital, Pristina, to celebrate the six hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. For many weeks a ferment of national feeling had been created inside Serbia; the bones of Prince Lazar, who died at the battle, had been taken on a tour of the country, becoming an object of pilgrimage wherever they were. In the courtyard of the monastery at Gracanica (south of Priština), while people queued to pay their devotions
to the Prince's bones inside, stalls sold icon-style posters of Jesus Christ, Prince Lazar and Slobodan Miloševic side by side. At the ceremony on the
battlefield Miloševic was accompanied by black-robed metropolitans of the Orthodox Church, singers in traditional Serbian folk costumes, and members
of the security police in their traditional dress of dark suits and sun glasses. 'After six centuries', Miloševic told the crowd, “We are again engaged in battles and quarrels. They are not armed battles, but this cannot be excluded yet.” The crowd roared its approval. Dissolution of Yugoslavia get a start from the words of Miloševic.
By 1990, after forty-five years of communism, all of Bosnian society was very secularized, and th... more By 1990, after forty-five years of communism, all of Bosnian society was very secularized, and though all three ethnic groups had their origins in a religion, religion played little role in the lives of any of the elite. Thus one
not should see Bosniak, Serbs, and Croats as being Muslim, Orthodox, and Catholic, but as being of those three respective backgrounds. As since persons of all ethnicities were twenty-century, modern, secular Europeans, led by members of the Communist Party of BiH, there was much intermarriage among different groups in BiH cities. Between the Second World War and 1991 roughly 40 percent of urban marriages were mixed and over 20 percent of urban Bosnians declared themselves in censuses “Yugoslav” or other, refusing to define themselves in ethnic terms. Thus the first definition for the term “Muslim” after the 1968 was ethnic and few educated Muslims gave Islam much thought.
Before the dissolution of Yugoslavia, SDA attempted to unite Yugoslavian Muslims. Alongside the c... more Before the dissolution of Yugoslavia, SDA attempted to unite Yugoslavian Muslims. Alongside the central committee in Sarajevo, Sandžak, Macedonia, and Monte Negro branches of the political party was established.
When Yugoslavian Federal Republics started to leave the
Federation, these political establishments became idle. In 1991, the Islamic Community became the only institution which tied together different Muslim groups in the Yugoslav territory.
In the twentyfirst century the most important prerequisite of the global peace is the recognition... more In the twentyfirst century the most important prerequisite of the global peace is the recognition of the right to survival of several different civilizational identities in an atmosphere of coexistence.
The existing civilizational crisis could only be overcome by a civilizational dialogue and a free exchange of values. Uni-cultural monopolization has been the main dilemma of modern western civilization and has led to the destruction of traditional civilizations. The current revival of traditional civilizations is not simply a reaction against this uni-cultural monopolization, but it has its own dynamics summarized by some authors by the label “The Return of God”, or “The Revenge of God”.
In this chapter we will try to blueprint a strategy for the national Islamic organizations, Meshiats, of the former Yugoslavia region, as well as Islamic organizations representing the societies resident as minorities in all over the world.
The war in BiH has been very often justified as a religious one, in which Bosnian Croats (Catholi... more The war in BiH has been very often justified as a religious one, in which Bosnian Croats (Catholics) and Bosnian Serbs (Orthodox Christians) defended the Western Countries from violent, penetrating Islam. “A clash of Civilizations” was necessary to create an excuse of the annexing parts of BiH territory to “Great” Serbia and Croatia. Also, classification of some BiH Muslims as
radical Islamists was very useful to achieve the abovementioned political aim.
In order to understand this phenomenon is vital to analysis the place of BiH in the “Clash of Civilization” theory. Despite this theory has been broadly criticized for oversimplification, ignoring indigenous conflicts and for incorrectly predicting what has happened in the decade since its publication, in the post Cold War world few articles have revealed how Western and especially
American policymakers view the world more than Samuel P. Huntington's 1993 Foreign Affairs article, “The Clash of
Historians still argue over whether it was Serb nationalism or Yugoslavism, Serbian secret societ... more Historians still argue over whether it was Serb nationalism or Yugoslavism, Serbian secret societies or sheer local initiative that had caused the
assassination to happen. Many Bosnians made up their minds very quickly about who was to blame: The assassination by Gavrilo Princip on 28 June
1914 of Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand was sponsored by a group of "national revolutionaries," nationalist Serb youth generally known by the
name Mlada Bosna, or Young Bosnia.
In spite of the Austro-Hungarian occupation of 1878, Bosnia and Herzegovina it remained under the... more In spite of the Austro-Hungarian occupation of 1878, Bosnia and
Herzegovina it remained under the Sultan's authority until the country was finally annexed in 1908. As a result of the specific international
circumstances, in which the occupation was carried out, as well as the
internal situation and relations within the occupied country and the highly complex constitutional structure of the Hapsburg monarchy, throughout its entire time under Austro-Hungarian rule, Bosnia and Herzegovina had its own distinct standing as a state. Furthermore, the authorities governing it had their own separate organization and structure.
For more than four centuries Muslims in today’s Balkan states have been politically, economically... more For more than four centuries Muslims in today’s Balkan states have been politically, economically and, for that matter, religiously a part of great Ottoman Empire.
The Ottoman Empire finally fell apart during World War I, to be succeeded by the Republic of Turkey, a Turkish nation-state in the modern sense of the word.
The Ottoman Empire reached the height of its powers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when Pax Ottomanica was established in the Middle East and the Balkans. At that time, the Ottoman Empire was one of the world's greatest powers, and there was no international policy matter in which it was not involved to a greater or lesser degree.
The weakening of the Ottoman Empire gave rise to the problem of how to fill the vacuum left by the Ottomans' gradual retreat from the geopolitical area of Central and Eastern Europe. The crucial role in this was initially played by two Christian powers, Austria and the Venetian Republic. During the second half of the eighteenth century, the leading role was taken over by Russia.
In an article (Akcesme, and Can 2015), authors examined the relation between primary and secondar... more In an article (Akcesme, and Can 2015), authors examined the relation between primary and secondary structure mismatches of the substrings of length seventeen residues from two different proteins. They have shown that the mismatches in the corresponding secondary structure sequence substrings of the same length mostly lag behind primary mismatches. In the PhD dissertation thesis (Akcesme 2016) author examined the possibility of secondary structure prediction by the use of smaller conserved segments and created a software AVISENNA that outperforms PSIPRED and all other available secondary structure prediction tools. In another article (Akcesme, et. al. 2017), the issue of how far secondary structure of proteins can be predicted based on hosts (larger proteins that contain the query protein as a subchain) of this protein in the set of solved structures currently deposited in PDB. It is seen that around 17% of proteins have hosts in PDB, and secondary structures of them can be predicted with a mean accuracy of 90.39 %. This accuracy of the host based secondary structure prediction set also an upper bound for the homology based tertiary structure predictions. In this article the impact of the mentioned inaccuracy on the homology based 3D structure predictions by the three predictors I-Tasser, Phyre2, and SwissModel are studied. Inaccuracies in predicted tertiary structures are seen in the visual comparison of the 3D structures of query proteins and their predicted 3D images by the three 3D predictors, and their counterparts in host proteins.
Chou, and Fasman developed the first empirical prediction method to predict secondary structure o... more Chou, and Fasman developed the first empirical prediction method to predict secondary structure of proteins from their amino acid sequences. Subsequently, a more sophisticated GOR method has been developed. Although it became very popular among biologists, their accuracy was only slightly better than random. A significant improvement in prediction accuracy >70% has been achieved by ‘second generation’ methods such as PHD, SAM-T98, and PSIPRED, which utilized information concerning sequence conservation. Only recently F. B. Akcesme developed a local similarity based method to obtain an accuracy >90%in secondary structure prediction of any new protein. In this article we examined the possibility of sequence similarity based secondary structure prediction of proteins. To deal with this issue, all proteins of PDB dataset are searched for identical subsequences in the other larger proteins of PDB dataset. It is seen that around 17% of proteins in the PDB dataset have identical subsequences in other larger proteins of PDB dataset. When the secondary structures of proteins are assigned as the corresponding secondary structures of identical parts in other larger proteins, the average prediction accuracy is found to be 90.39 %. Therefore, we concluded that an unknown protein has a chance of 17 % to have an identical subsequence in a larger protein in Protein Data Bank (PDB), and there is a possibility that its secondary structure be predicted with around 90% accuracy with this method.