Reaching Out by IvanAndreevich on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The 2012 landscape calendar is

now available

! Go check it out :D

My second "square", since the first one worked out pretty well :) I love how this grass looks, but I've become terribly allergic to it this year. I've never been allergic to anything, but after coming near this stuff I sneeze 10 times within a few minutes.

Location: North arm of the Fraser River, Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
Equipment: Nikon D90 + Tokina 11-16mm.
Technique: Photomatix Pro 4.0 and Photoshop CS5 from 3 RAW exposures.
Follow me on Facebook: WestCoastScapes :)
Buy my work as stock photography from Shutterstock for commercial use here

Same day as -
Impression by IvanAndreevich

Also on the Fraser -
Lush by IvanAndreevich North Arm by IvanAndreevich Solstice by IvanAndreevich

Other -
Huatulco by IvanAndreevich Tangolunda Bay by IvanAndreevich

Поздравляю с днём рождения, желаю меньшего пуза моему братцу Мише :D

This photograph is taking part in the 'Sunshine' contest organized by the #inspirational-images group.