Dinara V . Dubrovskaya | Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)
Papers by Dinara V . Dubrovskaya
ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding (AEEA / ИВВИ) Se... more ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III
Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding
(AEEA / ИВВИ) September 16–18, 2024
The 3rd conference “AEEA: Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding” (2024), as before, will unite museum experts, curating collections of art from Asia and Africa, academic and educational institutions’ researchers, dealing with multiple and diverse topics and different periods in history of art of the East.
This year’s conference will attempt to formulate both the general and more concrete aesthetical principles of beauty, its existence and/or understanding; both ideal (art in all its diversity) and functional (material culture and everyday objects). We encourage the participants to speculate on the perception of the Beautiful VS Utilitarian in the East to determine ways of possible interaction between these categories in Eurasian and African cultures.
The forthcoming Conference is not limited by chronological boundaries: This year we invite speakers to reflect on the formulas that have governed art and material culture, from the Ancient World to the 21st century.
Alongside with the Conference the premises of IOS RAS will host several exhibitions “Belated Flowers”, “From Mali to Nepal: Aesthetics of the Utilitarian” and the youth photo show “The East Within”.
Третья конференция «ИВВИ: Прекрасное и утилитарное: поиски взаимодействия» 2024 года, как и прежд... more Третья конференция «ИВВИ: Прекрасное и утилитарное: поиски взаимодействия» 2024 года, как и прежде, объединит специалистов из музеев, располагающих коллекциями искусства Азии и Африки, исследователей из академических институтов, из научных и образовательных учреждений, занимающихся всем многообразием тем и различными периодами в истории искусства Востока.
Сквозной темой конференции на этот раз станет попытка сформулировать принципы существования/понимания прекрасного — как идеального (искусство во всем разнообразии его видов), так и функционального (материальная культура и предметы быта). Мы призываем порассуждать на тему свойственной Востоку специфики восприятия Прекрасного VS утилитарного и определить пути возможного взаимодействия этих важных для художественных культур категорий.
Конференция 2024 года не ограничена хронологическими рамками: в этом году мы приглашаем докладчиков поразмышлять над формулами, которым подчинялись искусство и материальная культура, от Древнего мира до XXI века.
В рамках конференции в помещениях ИВ РАН пройдут выставки «Цветы запоздалые», «От Мали до Непала: эстетика утилитарного» и молодежная фотовыставка «Восток внутри».
Восток (Oriens). No. 3. p. 175–186, 2020
В конце XVI в. небольшая миссия ордена иезуитов проникает в Китай и через недолгое время успешно достигает пекинского двора при императоре династии Мин Ваньли. В науке упорно обсуждается причина этого удивительного успеха и делаются попытки понять, в чем же состояло ноу-хау лидера миссии – итальянского проповедника Маттео Риччи, сумевшего привести миссионеров в столицу вопреки противодействию «партии евнухов», ксенофобии населения и неприятию «рыжеволосых дьяволов» традиционной китайской культурой. На Западе довольно долго не придавали особого значения небольшому трактату, написанному отцом Риччи на китайском языке еще в Наньчане и получившему широкое распространение среди образованных кругов Наньчана, Нанкина и Пекина. Между тем трактат «О дружбе» стал первым произведением, не только написанным европейцем по-китайски, но и включенным в ряд важных китайских энциклопедий и литературных коллекций. Статья рассматривает причины и обстоятельства создания этого эссе Маттео Риччи, структуру трактата, основанного на самых популярных максимах европейской философской мысли, начиная с классической древности до латинского сборника афоризмов португальского автора Андре де Ресенде, и секрет его популярности в Китае, где эта небольшая книга сначала попадает в официальные компендиумы («Юйганчжай бичэнь», «Тяньсюэ чухань»), а при маньчжурской династии Цин безжалостно из них исключается как крамольная. Рассмотрена небольшая мистификация, связанная с историей создания Dell’Amicizia, предпринятая Маттео Риччи, чтобы преподнести свой труд в более выгодном свете. Автор полагает, что, выбрав нейтральную общекультурную тему, проповедник безошибочно обратился к некоему человеческому и интеллектуальному общему знаменателю, не только продемонстрировав свое право на литературное общение с китайской культурной элитой на одном языке, но и показав, что у представителей двух вступивших во взаимодействие цивилизаций гораздо больше общего, чем дотоле предполагалось.
In late 16th century a small Jesuit mission penetrated China and after a while successfully reached the Peking court of Ming Emperor Wanli. Scholars contemplating the factors contributing to this remarkable success, try to decipher the know-how of Italian preacher Matteo Ricci, who managed to steer the company into the capital against the opposition of the ruling “eunuchs’ party”, local xenophobia and traditional aversion to the “red-haired devils”. Interestingly, the West had all but ignored a small treatise written by Ricci while still in Nanchang, which widely circulated among the educated circles of Ming China. Meanwhile Dell’ Amicizia was not simply the first piece ever written by a European in Chinese, but a prized item in a number of prominent Chinese encyclopedias and literary collections. The article looks at the origins of this essay, the circumstances in which it was written, the structure of the treatise, and the extent of its spread. Based on the most popular maxims of European philosophical thought, from classical antiquity to a collection of Latin aphorisms compiled by André de Resende, the work, included in the official compendia, was later purged from them by the Manchu officials. The article retells a little hoax perpetrated by Ricci to ensure Dell’Amicizia was presented in the best possible light. The author argues that, by choosing a neutral subject rooted in cultural basics, Ricci was able to appeal directly to a common denominator, one both humane and intellectual, and in doing so not only demonstrated his right to interact with the Chinese cultural elite as a literary peer, but also showed that representatives of both civilizations had much more in common than previously thought.
Oriental Courier
At the end of the Tang Empire (618–907), the universally recognized “golden age” of imperial Chin... more At the end of the Tang Empire (618–907), the universally recognized “golden age” of imperial China, the country entered a long period of socio-political and ethnic turmoil. The broader set of problems associated with the An Lushan uprising (755–763) is widely known — this civilizational catastrophe marked a turning point in the development of the dynasty and, by impacting all aspects of a powerful empire, caused the sun to start setting on Tang China. Still, many episodes remain relatively unexplored, among them the crises that befell Arab-Persian communities in southern China, which fell victim to the echoes of the An Lushan and Huang Chao uprisings (878–884), which also aimed to put an end to the Tang Dynasty. In layman’s Asian studies and public consciousness, the tragedies that occurred in Yangzhou and Guangzhou a little more than a century apart and took the form of largescale massacres of foreign merchants of Arab and Persian descent are often taken out of context and extrapol...
Восточный курьер, 2022
кандидат исторических наук, доцент Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (РГГУ)... more кандидат исторических наук, доцент Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (РГГУ), старший научный сотрудник Института востоковедения РАН,
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost, 2020
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost, 2020
Вторая конференция ИВВИ: «Раздвигая границы ойкумены» будет работать в формате флагманских круглы... more Вторая конференция ИВВИ: «Раздвигая границы ойкумены» будет работать в формате флагманских круглых столов и объединенных с ними тематикой секций. ИВВИ 2023 года, как и прежде, объединит специалистов из музеев, располагающих коллекциями искусства Азии и Африки, исследователей из академических институтов, из научных и образовательных учреждений, занимающихся различными темами и периодами в истории искусства Востока.
Oriental Courier, 2019
The article looks at a small group of scrolls signed by Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione) from ... more The article looks at a small group of scrolls signed by Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione) from the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art (hereafter SMOA). The author tries to clarify the reasons for the time-honoured yet mistaken attribution of one such scroll to Castiglione and traces the influence and transformation of the style, motifs, and specific characteristics of his paintings against the SMOA scrolls, which date from the end of the 19th to the middle of 20th cc.
Oriental Courier, 2019
The Oriental Vernissage opens with a coverage of an exhibition dedicated to a unique item that is... more The Oriental Vernissage opens with a coverage of an exhibition dedicated to a unique item that is interestingly relevant to several research directions reflected in this pilot edition of the OC. Jérôme Nadal's illustrated Gospel, the rare extant copy of which in Russia is kept in the collection of the Central Andrei Rublev Museum in Moscow, was used by Jesuit missionaries to preach Christianity in China, India and Mexico; and in Russia, his engravings gave rise to a whole array of artistic compositions later found in Russian icon painting in 17th and 18th centuries. In addition to giving the visitors an opportunity to see a very rare book (see Photo 2 (a, b, c)), the exhibition also gave a very telling example of how the visual language of Counter-Reformation Europe was translatedboth literally and figuratively-into the languages of the East.
Oriental Courier
This paper is an attempt to present a new general overview of the famous voyages of the Chinese M... more This paper is an attempt to present a new general overview of the famous voyages of the Chinese Ming-era admiral of the Zheng He (1371–1433) both based on the main Chinese sources (Ming Shi, Taizong Shilu) and using the latest research materials. The author focuses in her study on several key questions that continue to occupy the academic community as well as the general public interested in the history of China and international relations. Among them is the question of the main goal of the seven unprecedented overseas expeditions, which break out from the generally recognized Chinese empires’ foreign policy paradigm, the problem of the recently discovered falsifications of the Zheng He fleet’s achievements, the question of the reason for the abrupt end of the unprecedented navigational activity of the Ming Dynasty, and some others. Based on a wide range of studies, the author concludes that the sea “power projection”, initiated by the Yongle Emperor (the patron of the Great Navigat...
Oriental Courier
This first part of the interview with a well-known humanitarian, historian, orientalist, Indologi... more This first part of the interview with a well-known humanitarian, historian, orientalist, Indologist and theorist professor Leonid Borisovich Alaev is timed to coincide with his anniversary. The conversation touches on the main problems of Leonid B. Alaev’s research — questions of the history and theory of the community and primitive communal society, the Marxist approach to the humanities and modern search for patterns of historical development. Interviewers are interested in the history of Leonid B. Alaev’s family, his life path before entering Moscow State University and his assessment of the formation and development of Indology as a specialty of larger Oriental studies.
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost
The article seeks to further research the method of adaptation used by ‘imported’ schools of thou... more The article seeks to further research the method of adaptation used by ‘imported’ schools of thought to adjust to Chinese ethical, political, philosophical and religious teachings and practices. The author does so by comparing two epigraphic monuments: A lost inscription by the secular Buddhist enthusiast Wang Jin (5th century) from the Chinese Buddhist temple Toutuo (Dhuta) and the well-known inscription on the so-called “Nestorian monument” from Xi’an (Chang’an) of the Tang Dynasty, which is more than three centuries younger than the first inscription. The author shows that the compiler of the latter (and later) inscription, a Syrian Christian named Adam (Jing-jing), was guided by the structure, style and logic of the first (Buddhist) document when composing his history of the spread of Syriac Nestorianism in Tang China, prefacing the historical part of his work with a general theological preamble and flirting with a priori archaic literary formulas that quote an obsolete literary...
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Second half of the 19th century was characterized by a complex and contradictory situation within... more Second half of the 19th century was characterized by a complex and contradictory situation within the states related to Central Asia; it was a period of very sharp political clashes between several interested countries on its territory. The Dungan and Uighur uprisings in Dzungaria and East Turkestan (1864–1877) and the subsequent unification of most of Xinjiang under the auspices of the Yettishaar state (1863–1875) could not leave the powers adjacent to the region indifferent observers of events. Xinjiang has become a place of undisguised confrontation between Russia, England (from the borders of British India), China and the Muslim rebels themselves. The interests of China and Russia in Xinjiang intertwined in the 1860s and 1880s into the Gordian knot, which, fortunately, was peacefully untied and not cut in 1881. The Period from the mid-1860s to the early 1880s was crucial for the named countries in their determination of their policy towards each other and towards the states and ...
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding (AEEA / ИВВИ) Se... more ART in the EAST and EAST in ARTS III
Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding
(AEEA / ИВВИ) September 16–18, 2024
The 3rd conference “AEEA: Beauty and Usus: In Search of Understanding” (2024), as before, will unite museum experts, curating collections of art from Asia and Africa, academic and educational institutions’ researchers, dealing with multiple and diverse topics and different periods in history of art of the East.
This year’s conference will attempt to formulate both the general and more concrete aesthetical principles of beauty, its existence and/or understanding; both ideal (art in all its diversity) and functional (material culture and everyday objects). We encourage the participants to speculate on the perception of the Beautiful VS Utilitarian in the East to determine ways of possible interaction between these categories in Eurasian and African cultures.
The forthcoming Conference is not limited by chronological boundaries: This year we invite speakers to reflect on the formulas that have governed art and material culture, from the Ancient World to the 21st century.
Alongside with the Conference the premises of IOS RAS will host several exhibitions “Belated Flowers”, “From Mali to Nepal: Aesthetics of the Utilitarian” and the youth photo show “The East Within”.
Третья конференция «ИВВИ: Прекрасное и утилитарное: поиски взаимодействия» 2024 года, как и прежд... more Третья конференция «ИВВИ: Прекрасное и утилитарное: поиски взаимодействия» 2024 года, как и прежде, объединит специалистов из музеев, располагающих коллекциями искусства Азии и Африки, исследователей из академических институтов, из научных и образовательных учреждений, занимающихся всем многообразием тем и различными периодами в истории искусства Востока.
Сквозной темой конференции на этот раз станет попытка сформулировать принципы существования/понимания прекрасного — как идеального (искусство во всем разнообразии его видов), так и функционального (материальная культура и предметы быта). Мы призываем порассуждать на тему свойственной Востоку специфики восприятия Прекрасного VS утилитарного и определить пути возможного взаимодействия этих важных для художественных культур категорий.
Конференция 2024 года не ограничена хронологическими рамками: в этом году мы приглашаем докладчиков поразмышлять над формулами, которым подчинялись искусство и материальная культура, от Древнего мира до XXI века.
В рамках конференции в помещениях ИВ РАН пройдут выставки «Цветы запоздалые», «От Мали до Непала: эстетика утилитарного» и молодежная фотовыставка «Восток внутри».
Восток (Oriens). No. 3. p. 175–186, 2020
В конце XVI в. небольшая миссия ордена иезуитов проникает в Китай и через недолгое время успешно достигает пекинского двора при императоре династии Мин Ваньли. В науке упорно обсуждается причина этого удивительного успеха и делаются попытки понять, в чем же состояло ноу-хау лидера миссии – итальянского проповедника Маттео Риччи, сумевшего привести миссионеров в столицу вопреки противодействию «партии евнухов», ксенофобии населения и неприятию «рыжеволосых дьяволов» традиционной китайской культурой. На Западе довольно долго не придавали особого значения небольшому трактату, написанному отцом Риччи на китайском языке еще в Наньчане и получившему широкое распространение среди образованных кругов Наньчана, Нанкина и Пекина. Между тем трактат «О дружбе» стал первым произведением, не только написанным европейцем по-китайски, но и включенным в ряд важных китайских энциклопедий и литературных коллекций. Статья рассматривает причины и обстоятельства создания этого эссе Маттео Риччи, структуру трактата, основанного на самых популярных максимах европейской философской мысли, начиная с классической древности до латинского сборника афоризмов португальского автора Андре де Ресенде, и секрет его популярности в Китае, где эта небольшая книга сначала попадает в официальные компендиумы («Юйганчжай бичэнь», «Тяньсюэ чухань»), а при маньчжурской династии Цин безжалостно из них исключается как крамольная. Рассмотрена небольшая мистификация, связанная с историей создания Dell’Amicizia, предпринятая Маттео Риччи, чтобы преподнести свой труд в более выгодном свете. Автор полагает, что, выбрав нейтральную общекультурную тему, проповедник безошибочно обратился к некоему человеческому и интеллектуальному общему знаменателю, не только продемонстрировав свое право на литературное общение с китайской культурной элитой на одном языке, но и показав, что у представителей двух вступивших во взаимодействие цивилизаций гораздо больше общего, чем дотоле предполагалось.
In late 16th century a small Jesuit mission penetrated China and after a while successfully reached the Peking court of Ming Emperor Wanli. Scholars contemplating the factors contributing to this remarkable success, try to decipher the know-how of Italian preacher Matteo Ricci, who managed to steer the company into the capital against the opposition of the ruling “eunuchs’ party”, local xenophobia and traditional aversion to the “red-haired devils”. Interestingly, the West had all but ignored a small treatise written by Ricci while still in Nanchang, which widely circulated among the educated circles of Ming China. Meanwhile Dell’ Amicizia was not simply the first piece ever written by a European in Chinese, but a prized item in a number of prominent Chinese encyclopedias and literary collections. The article looks at the origins of this essay, the circumstances in which it was written, the structure of the treatise, and the extent of its spread. Based on the most popular maxims of European philosophical thought, from classical antiquity to a collection of Latin aphorisms compiled by André de Resende, the work, included in the official compendia, was later purged from them by the Manchu officials. The article retells a little hoax perpetrated by Ricci to ensure Dell’Amicizia was presented in the best possible light. The author argues that, by choosing a neutral subject rooted in cultural basics, Ricci was able to appeal directly to a common denominator, one both humane and intellectual, and in doing so not only demonstrated his right to interact with the Chinese cultural elite as a literary peer, but also showed that representatives of both civilizations had much more in common than previously thought.
Oriental Courier
At the end of the Tang Empire (618–907), the universally recognized “golden age” of imperial Chin... more At the end of the Tang Empire (618–907), the universally recognized “golden age” of imperial China, the country entered a long period of socio-political and ethnic turmoil. The broader set of problems associated with the An Lushan uprising (755–763) is widely known — this civilizational catastrophe marked a turning point in the development of the dynasty and, by impacting all aspects of a powerful empire, caused the sun to start setting on Tang China. Still, many episodes remain relatively unexplored, among them the crises that befell Arab-Persian communities in southern China, which fell victim to the echoes of the An Lushan and Huang Chao uprisings (878–884), which also aimed to put an end to the Tang Dynasty. In layman’s Asian studies and public consciousness, the tragedies that occurred in Yangzhou and Guangzhou a little more than a century apart and took the form of largescale massacres of foreign merchants of Arab and Persian descent are often taken out of context and extrapol...
Восточный курьер, 2022
кандидат исторических наук, доцент Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (РГГУ)... more кандидат исторических наук, доцент Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (РГГУ), старший научный сотрудник Института востоковедения РАН,
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost, 2020
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost, 2020
Вторая конференция ИВВИ: «Раздвигая границы ойкумены» будет работать в формате флагманских круглы... more Вторая конференция ИВВИ: «Раздвигая границы ойкумены» будет работать в формате флагманских круглых столов и объединенных с ними тематикой секций. ИВВИ 2023 года, как и прежде, объединит специалистов из музеев, располагающих коллекциями искусства Азии и Африки, исследователей из академических институтов, из научных и образовательных учреждений, занимающихся различными темами и периодами в истории искусства Востока.
Oriental Courier, 2019
The article looks at a small group of scrolls signed by Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione) from ... more The article looks at a small group of scrolls signed by Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione) from the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art (hereafter SMOA). The author tries to clarify the reasons for the time-honoured yet mistaken attribution of one such scroll to Castiglione and traces the influence and transformation of the style, motifs, and specific characteristics of his paintings against the SMOA scrolls, which date from the end of the 19th to the middle of 20th cc.
Oriental Courier, 2019
The Oriental Vernissage opens with a coverage of an exhibition dedicated to a unique item that is... more The Oriental Vernissage opens with a coverage of an exhibition dedicated to a unique item that is interestingly relevant to several research directions reflected in this pilot edition of the OC. Jérôme Nadal's illustrated Gospel, the rare extant copy of which in Russia is kept in the collection of the Central Andrei Rublev Museum in Moscow, was used by Jesuit missionaries to preach Christianity in China, India and Mexico; and in Russia, his engravings gave rise to a whole array of artistic compositions later found in Russian icon painting in 17th and 18th centuries. In addition to giving the visitors an opportunity to see a very rare book (see Photo 2 (a, b, c)), the exhibition also gave a very telling example of how the visual language of Counter-Reformation Europe was translatedboth literally and figuratively-into the languages of the East.
Oriental Courier
This paper is an attempt to present a new general overview of the famous voyages of the Chinese M... more This paper is an attempt to present a new general overview of the famous voyages of the Chinese Ming-era admiral of the Zheng He (1371–1433) both based on the main Chinese sources (Ming Shi, Taizong Shilu) and using the latest research materials. The author focuses in her study on several key questions that continue to occupy the academic community as well as the general public interested in the history of China and international relations. Among them is the question of the main goal of the seven unprecedented overseas expeditions, which break out from the generally recognized Chinese empires’ foreign policy paradigm, the problem of the recently discovered falsifications of the Zheng He fleet’s achievements, the question of the reason for the abrupt end of the unprecedented navigational activity of the Ming Dynasty, and some others. Based on a wide range of studies, the author concludes that the sea “power projection”, initiated by the Yongle Emperor (the patron of the Great Navigat...
Oriental Courier
This first part of the interview with a well-known humanitarian, historian, orientalist, Indologi... more This first part of the interview with a well-known humanitarian, historian, orientalist, Indologist and theorist professor Leonid Borisovich Alaev is timed to coincide with his anniversary. The conversation touches on the main problems of Leonid B. Alaev’s research — questions of the history and theory of the community and primitive communal society, the Marxist approach to the humanities and modern search for patterns of historical development. Interviewers are interested in the history of Leonid B. Alaev’s family, his life path before entering Moscow State University and his assessment of the formation and development of Indology as a specialty of larger Oriental studies.
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost
The article seeks to further research the method of adaptation used by ‘imported’ schools of thou... more The article seeks to further research the method of adaptation used by ‘imported’ schools of thought to adjust to Chinese ethical, political, philosophical and religious teachings and practices. The author does so by comparing two epigraphic monuments: A lost inscription by the secular Buddhist enthusiast Wang Jin (5th century) from the Chinese Buddhist temple Toutuo (Dhuta) and the well-known inscription on the so-called “Nestorian monument” from Xi’an (Chang’an) of the Tang Dynasty, which is more than three centuries younger than the first inscription. The author shows that the compiler of the latter (and later) inscription, a Syrian Christian named Adam (Jing-jing), was guided by the structure, style and logic of the first (Buddhist) document when composing his history of the spread of Syriac Nestorianism in Tang China, prefacing the historical part of his work with a general theological preamble and flirting with a priori archaic literary formulas that quote an obsolete literary...
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Second half of the 19th century was characterized by a complex and contradictory situation within... more Second half of the 19th century was characterized by a complex and contradictory situation within the states related to Central Asia; it was a period of very sharp political clashes between several interested countries on its territory. The Dungan and Uighur uprisings in Dzungaria and East Turkestan (1864–1877) and the subsequent unification of most of Xinjiang under the auspices of the Yettishaar state (1863–1875) could not leave the powers adjacent to the region indifferent observers of events. Xinjiang has become a place of undisguised confrontation between Russia, England (from the borders of British India), China and the Muslim rebels themselves. The interests of China and Russia in Xinjiang intertwined in the 1860s and 1880s into the Gordian knot, which, fortunately, was peacefully untied and not cut in 1881. The Period from the mid-1860s to the early 1880s was crucial for the named countries in their determination of their policy towards each other and towards the states and ...
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Review of esteemed Salvador Muñoz-Viñas seminal book on modern theory of conservation (in Russian)
Rope Dancer and other works by Russian artist Solomatkin, according to E. Nesterova--Review of a ... more Rope Dancer and other works by Russian artist Solomatkin, according to E. Nesterova--Review of a Monograph
Art in the East and East in Arts International Conference-3 (2024) First Call for Papers
Qing China Obtains Xinjiang: «The New Border» and Violence PHd., PHd, Senior researcher, Institu... more Qing China Obtains Xinjiang: «The New Border» and Violence
PHd., PHd, Senior researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
The article describes some of the circumstances and consequences of the Xinjiang re-conquest by Chinese army commander Zuo Zongtang in the 60-70-s of the 19th c. After long governmental discussion, following a series of liberating uprisings in Dzungaria and Kashgaria, Zuo led and conducted the famous Western crusade—Xizheng, becoming both the executioner of the Uighurs and Dungans and hero of the Qing Empire. The first act of this drama was followed by an unusual outcome, when Russia and Qing China found enough wisdom to stop on the brink of devastating war over Ili Region, thus putting an end to the violence in Xinjiang.
Key Words: Chinese History, Xinjiang, Uyghur Studies, International Relations in Central Asia, Qing Empire, Chinese Foreign Policy
Italian painter Lang Shining, or Giuseppe Castiglione at the Court of the Son of Heaven. Monograp... more Italian painter Lang Shining, or Giuseppe Castiglione at the Court of the Son of Heaven. Monograph on Castiglione, focusing on his portrait painting and perspective interpretation in China
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS), State Museum of Orien... more Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS), State Museum of Oriental Art (SMO) and Faculty of Oriental Studies, State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN)
invite you to participate in the First International Academic Conference
The conference aims to provide a platform for art critics, academics, Orientalists and culture scholars as well as for researchers focusing on Asian and African art-related subjects.
2nd Call for papers for the Art in the East and East in Arts: Beauty and Usus. Deadline for the a... more 2nd Call for papers for the Art in the East and East in Arts: Beauty and Usus.
Deadline for the abstracts: 30.06.2024
Online participation is OK